REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM. CHADLtS L WING, Editor. Published Kvory Thursday Afternoon | tfy The Sullivan Publishing Co. At ths County Meat of Sullivan County. T.APOHTK. PA. W C. MASON, I'rcslJon. THUS. .1. INCH A.M. SiT'y A Trc»«. Katered at the Poet titiuM. at Lftpocti, as second-class mail matter. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For (iovernor KI'WIN S. S'LTAKT, of Philadelphia. I I'or Lieutenant tiovornor. I(< HSKIiT S. MTRPJI V.of I 'anibria. Kor Auditor tlenernl, ROKKWT K. V(>l' N(i, ol Tiojra. Secretary of Internal Aflairs, 11 KN I? Y lit 'I T CK, of Leliation. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. State Senator. * II A Rli Y S. *sl KY KR, of Williamsport. Member <>! Assembly, .It HIX S\VAKl> WARUri!TON, of Overton. For tjoroner, I. H. D.WIK, ol I orksville. .1 m-v I "omiiiii-sioner, i; 111 I|{( I F W.I.AW KKN,>i l.\,Straw bridge HA DTIMES ALWAYS FOLLOW REPEAL OF PROTECTIVE LAWS. \h Measure Euaoli'd by I'rotoetton jvj N Has Hver I allctl to IlriiiK Geii- Pro.MiMM'ity— HcvinUm of the Work of Diimlfy Would Bi» Folly. | The history of American industry anil tar. )' lc\w will show five tiling < ■ ■ y: First.—.\ i f'il t riff bHI was »\'cf frame.: or ud except under ' .■ stress <• eriiy. i'ourth.—Xo li'.aterial amendment of a l ; iff law reducing duties that did no 1 Impair tos usefulness and was not the beginning of its destruction. 1 ii'th.—Xo successful tauiff law was e • : rst «t tacked in the open on prin < .i. 'i lie assault heeu maun in i > outset by a clamor for revision, the sawctity of any law, ctetng c-ondifi«iis, joined,in at once Wy an t.'iHc 'w traders amd wniwffa'wv.H I viio i fHHAtwI pr.iWetioh fer *«' i i-.'rd ' .ould deny it to woo!. c»:tl, ea-.. ' j-nd aided by aim whose auriK-ticas in j their own party have been dlsappoint i ■!. A successful tariff is a lntge eonibfc'c and t.) the uninstrurted economist in'.i lieial- unnatural. Hut it is a combine i embracing the whole nation again IJuropo and for the btMicfit of HH our p opie, especially of the farmers and wage earners. To effect this combinu the greatest riiflic:rlties must be encountered and overcame. \ue rican industries are almost in conceivably interwoven and inlevrie pendout. Every one must buy raw ma terial of many kinds. Wool is ww ma t;-.-lal to Die cloth maker. I to the ■ (It rand so on through the whole ;■ in iif.the tins of thousands of in i >. wool >« the finished prod i: u oi'» th 1 far. :er, >-:eei of the steel i Xova Scotia has great bed.* of 1... tin.felons eonl, said 1o be owned !:. ' laiei pirt by a syndicate of Cleveland free racer*. New tilt " factories won! : like free ' Now lvng'ond cut ( lers ant free steel. The f;t<-M): yn vn |j e ■>. more absiruse Imv.s of trade, think the j , duty on coal, steel, etc.. is pair! by ' them. They do not sfcoo to consider. v.'l:«i the" price would he sh.Hild the < tirton of the United Stat •« s»'.p jdy be cut off by free trade ill coal. ' i The shoe and harue-s mnker. Imping' for cheaper leather, witpis free hide . ii Aunual Statement of Davidsor. Township. <*witein«*ni i f f th« ro« »i ( s at, • liHif - l»avi«i.-ol» Township lor ihi vui: »?. 1 UK! June liii \. I> i . \V. .-ijvnry. ColU-ct<»r Furidh f«*i I'>, • i • V .hilt of Sl I'll 11.1 4IK-C •I Mt I,(HI) .>1 111.,'- I • ! i-rtcil in.,l-,■ «!.,,> n*,,*. Kv'.al- ' ' jo a 0 : L »ic aii«»»i> ... .i . 'Mi 1 I I . i i«in riiii I'auii.v «lu! U T«»W| , »'- i » ll'4» 1041 •> \—• »IIIU l>f <\N . ;||\ 'l' • for yettt* nulli _ J title* I. W* *. \ - lit «.i (luiilU'Hiv I'l i:» I i iiu« *l.»v\ 11 - n ii < 4'ta t'UMi ttilhill tiO tltlVi. V4', #i,| t i: IM.II. inn , 4 • V •'* «'4 £ll. v» : - > I A»i |IM* <#' l» lli - ! || | • 4 «•* t ill lit t> >u Laporte Borough Audit siHtciiiciit of retvipis and exfHMiilitiiren oi Lsi |toru- Borough .School I»i--iiii'or year i-ntiiiiu' .111 no , A. It.'J'ri|»l>, Collfftdr > • ;tr ciulhlK Mine 1, | Aint. thic 1 :»>t nu«lil I 7i'» I reauii'T - rcccij'l (is_ 10 Halancc duo ill han Hni 1 f iliiplicatc sor> JI Hv Trnwii r"> , . W- j j Hcbatc i»ii "drt-.-... Tn-asurc!* recti) i ill > Con.missi« M 7 11 ; I l.aiul Returns : . » ! < Join minion 11l Kxoiieratioiis. V7 ( Treasurer's receipt 1 • 1 Balance; sj . NU-» 24 Stt.) 2 1 j UuiMiim Tax. I'M amount of duplicate IJUIM llv I n nsurer's receipt . . - *"■ « on 17 ttchate Tl.;l>Ul\t>* receipt • 1 Ctimmix-ion Tren-urers' receij»t HM By exouerulioii* Ltpnl (Jonuui»>ioii 011 laid i'*turii> Balance due Irom Coliector 12.J no 12.; !•' M. Crossley, Treasurer School i-'ii'i t. :oi \» •.» ending June l'.Kni. Heeeived from ,I.\V. Mynn Kx Trt - : ■ . A. K. Tripp, ( ollectoi (M - i State npi»roptia'tion.. 1 T..1. Keeler. collector ; ' • A. K Tripp, eollector i 1 T. .1. Ki-i-Ihi* •' .:l~i Hartford Insurance Co 1 • 1 Home !n>uranc« Co.. T. .1. Ke. lcr eolh-ctoi •• 11. HessTretih. LaiortcTwp. By salary -'» Fuel isj.;.)! I'uhlishiiiK audit and hills Institute Secretary sala 1 y I'lun- for school hou.-e I Auditing T. .I.and F. I*. Ingham, huildin; liens Wi i 1 ngassignment of lots 2 v Printing in etjuitv ca.-c 7 0" Jail it* r's salary I (:•» Sundries ;;s«i U 2 perei.nt (M>niuiission Balance iu bands of Tren>urer I'-M'.i l< Building I uiitl. IU ceiveil from T. .1. Keeler, C 01... 2f>'» i ; A. F. Tripp ;!"»(»S T.J. Keeler. 120 40 By hoi id No. 22 and interest Pui v. Bond cou|»ons >0 Commission Balance in hands of Treasurer 21U 4i> lo"» ss nv> Ss Musical Funil. Amount in haiiils of Treasurer 10S stuti'ineut of llcsourct-s and hia^ilitiioi 5.* |K»rte Borough School l>i>irict eliding June liMHI. SeluHi! Fund. Due from A. !•:. Tripp ( nllecter.. . T.J. Keeler Colhctor Ji'i-J Land return- 2 72 Balance iu hand.- of Treasurer. . 2 »1W Iti over liabilities . 2;.n , Building Fund. Hie l v •• n \ »" 'i pp « dtui. 1; Ir. O ttllu;. 1 <1 liAlaii' t' iu laii" u of Trea-21.' 1• * Liabilities in cxccm? ol resources 27 Outstjnulinu lK>nd> ' •»• ! , ... I i«M) un v •.» I u . -.1 ■ 1 ih \i . iif >f the I-.0-toum'- 112 j1 . ji- t< P. . « . M ry that we !.. i | • ...v • 1 .N :! ;. .t> of the MM ■ ...» j !• Hi ■ -. • r • r:i at : . . of the listal > • ; this uli di«> <1 June l'.UMi. I . 1. ••ih i. ; \k i- , n: --. K.:K FXNvi>v niuoiv I. I SMYTH, I Liapoi'te i'owufc!ii|i Antiit. M ill. Keinan in aei-ount with Laporte I > .-hip ..> • >lkM-u»rof Koad rax. lor tin* vear end iiiji juiiv' -aii, IVM.«I». sj.t t ; roa«l tax duplicati Uxira road tax .; ... ;te 2»ii l Ainouni colh etc n ■ da> *. 4ti> (15 Uehat> on sanu 2. u7 Commit.ion 1 . 1 Colleet. I Oil fat .1a j i cate. 11 !. •» Colic, tors cominission • ul in .M'» per cent a«ided 1 Ex«u:eiai-.oud Laud IVI 11 ns .. 31 41 keoaltft 2107 ( oth et«»i> Ci -miiu. * irtiiiii —:• #ll oil return-... 1 X, B.oauce due township 2J?W» HOI 7'. s. • o ; 1 .... Amoi:. ; of 'Mplic.n- 072 11 (..1 -ti.i •.. . ».i or. R.i • . * Land return- 1. 1 It*. ■ i u-a ■ .. .. iicatc . ii) j ... a n ,t added 11' j Exonerations i j -"•72 11 1 ! . ; Treasurer • l~> "vi , , Rett - 18 • h e1... c 1 , , '*■ Kxonerat .oi.- I'l v. «i.a -eh.M.l 'P . .Mm I. i! 1 e appr .p:: liol: . . Pal. 01. 'a.. " .out last .-lateliieiit :*2 .»7 liec. ; t c'iUeetor "»U. »i other SOUK e- ;i n0 "» .«l furnishing h >II-< .- " 2! • C .a- II Wlfff* ....... 1. - - -alio o •tHTetary'.... 1 . 1 ..! ..! . 2' o I IH ».t am' !' ier -t I*ll,l .. p.- j MM If. p .»*. ; « I '.»2 ... l - *ll M»u t .- 241 :'l *.t I. u . - ,i\ and it or# and . lcrkdoln e ! and c<> e.i« ; 1 onr unowj«MC « »«.J . ! «»R|» ' ~< I- j HI X i;\ U Ala.F. I WANTED Local Agent to represent a well-known and substantial Life Insurance Company, with Guaranteed Dividend policy. Liberal contract and renewals to the right man. Addreaa li. 11. I*a>ne, Mgr. 1400 kr»»lt»nr HulltllM htlifcuri, »'• 112 John D. Reeser's Big Store, Bank Block, Dushore, Pern'a """•ir- i""ii -T ————— rimi ~r run ■ea— ir mmi to— r-r ■i r n inm umiiii i» fTri'"rr~-'ni-- ' ~ msmafla AM •< mac****- J CA3H STORE. - VWIIITi: CANVAS OXRHMXS OSc ami 111 (TR.OfiF'R.TVR Bm:. piiir. ri.ii, ir,w canvas ii.MonN en Hammocks a summer necessity, from qSc up. °- 1700 and 80c according to (is*. : Oak Leal Soap 8 bar* for 25c. Douu In "WKI.S Iron, An .o 1.25 each. T*l,l. lnd, » ,0r Dr«SeS 10- I2 ! r IZ'. Z ll.iiieiiN, ten ,lilleiviit patterns to select 2 : >C Cadi nillTlbcT is D 'CIK it". *oat, lite cake. ■KDi prion range from 25c to 1.25 tier s - | v,,r ' 1 ; - GORILLA, shoes for men. They are brutally strong Granulated sogar 5c a t . iOAI/.K I. inle I'nderwcar liir hot weather ( )nlv "s' is '1 mil' \ lied Alaska Samion 2 cans lor 25c. vests from 9c to. 25c pants 25 and 50c. ' ' 1 L \- u/iinv / . .New i r 25c, pi it., i n i mi. ~ in atiiKi WAlb Ib" Our snowing would do credit to jjnoii* Hie ami L'Oc ih. " a town five tunes the size. Prices from 98c to 389 4 ,;,r I John D. Reeser's BJg | '' ' * - ' : - 3dxtsh:OE.EJ . irrrrm--"ii-Trr -rr WWWMMMMI MirnmgtmasW MBdMMMMWBMni ■ .11 m . hi. n . •Hi 1 iHfci iMWiii HIIWULII 11. LL 0, X * Cultivate'-the Habit of buying - refutable good Irom a reputabe concern Ve are agents for W. L DOUGLASS SHOES fro j.^c to 5.00 p. -Wr< >d School Shoes rli wJifllJji JJrorboys has no equal. '' x 'J&r Fracys Shoes for' XT farmes are. we find, s -<«uJC always satisfactory. A GOOD ASSORTMENT \f\ «i CNILDRENS' and 1 LADIES' Heavy Shoe jj P ' o Fine Goods at correct I ~rtei i ".\ i'--. ... . BpO/>~ " A l t ? c^ToN- , Si' /."• • «" • .''l ASS. \ . - Clothing Made to Order Ml have the right appearance and guaranteed, otsd in both material and workmanship andjprice mte. We also manufacture Feed, the Flap Brand. It is not cheap, hut | Is correctly made. Ask your dealer for it or write us i'or j>riccs. I NORDMONT SUPPLY Co,! General Merchants, nord, 110 w About This 112 Our line of carpets this year is double what it was last year. In fact we have the largest and greatest line of Floor Coverings rver shown in this section of country. The line consists (if Biussels, Wiltons, Moikyietts, Velvets, I'ro-brussels, i all wool. Ingrains, C. C.. Ingrains, Union Ingrains, and Granite Ingrains Cordemon C arpets, and the new Mon tana Carpet. RUGS RU(«S !SUGS ( ur line o; rugs is ver\ strong this year, in lact v< u will be surprised when you come to look it ovtr to ti d such a variety of colors and sizes. Kugsnxia tcet ta e in price from to $28.00. We Have NOT Slighted the Matting Department. We hive ; I the 1 evv an ' c ' hey patterns in ah grades lr< m 12 1-2 cts. to 49c per >ard. iiolconibf (Yl.ducr, Purniture c r Unse. «raw«■kuMimv.x. Williamsport & North Branch Railroad TI 3S/LJ±i TABLE. In cflcct Monday. June 2", iy(H . Read down Read up King stations where time i> u.itrktd AMI'M P. M. I'M i' MAMA.M. AXI STATION'S. \MAM A. M M. |* jj ]• »t )•>! j-jt i S |» !S f Vf) ? S , {»:■?' A. ' Id ].-, , > :I,IV. .1 4 r . ~ . :7:7 1.-. : s.T ■'' - I I- 1 ■' |i; ' f."' ..( 1 liiri nni i. " i,k<- -vi '«» :-.T I r.i .'I r,r, 1; M »t >|»wr v. y I S'J ii-, If. ■'(>s 11 f.->o«6 057 00 m»> ..stniwi.l-'-'- " ' f.'- i; •i i- - r r>< 1. r, tot «: 112 .. 1,,, 1 I' 2«!607« 187 05..; 82n ..»lunr r.iit> 317 •' ® r J !(■ ■lt 8 1.. rwn ?10 ;i .x: 0 s 8«•'• .» gg j" 4 " jjj 4 ]'' ' ollt 1« 07 810 6 30;7 40 f.U :::::: ::::::::: fvi; *fi ?-■ •••■ fl,2 ° - • ; ....>nu ejd.... i '• A A. il. X A. X p M I'M I'M I'M AM AM AM I ! !M I'M r 20* :i 00 920 710 >oiK*St- ;i 915 • • ju •. 708»IS 10 0s 75s Kagl«> y. e 527 \ vp «> 019 .. Dush- .... -,o >.,, s - 1210 Wilkes aire 3 500 400 1229 10 00 ,7 80 WllliaiMH} » t " t * • 12 39 10 31 ; S. D. TOWNSEND, -j K. TOWNSEND, Gen. Manager,HughesPassenger Agent. jßeduction ."ale of | Great jyirgains for everyone. J. S. HARRINGTON, Dushore,Pa FIRST NATIONArBANiC HXJGHESVI.. .LS, CA SSO 00(1 UCK DeWITT BODINE. President. dEREMIAh KrLLY, Vice Pres. Surplus ami Net I'rutits, W C. FRONTZ, Cashier 50.000. DIRECTORS: Transacts a General , , ~ • . DeW itt Bodine, Jacob Per. Peter Rmler banking >il-.iiltss. Jeii.,»iali Kcliy. Win. Fnnitz, W. Front/. ; AfCMUltt Sun mm K. Bmlc, John r. Laird, Ljtbmm Nnw ' ikils mi,l l inns •' 11 1 »i»t •, < W. s n»>. Ih»i;i. i K.iNuot, solicited. ; U : ?tT£sT .1 jjS 'iOv : '.o.iifl L'j .Ut3 ShOTGU'J SHELLS/ B '■s 112 ] * j "New#?ii/tsf, " e ana "Repeater" ' 4 . * 4 10-tol upon iu% 1115 . »• l .tttUl «» v v .*• b«v I j ALL Oe*UEW» KI BF THEM. > " r | i-AiENTb h&] 1 12: ' '.. 1 ; ' PREE; r--.t. .I.V. ... ■ " ..»•>** 0c J