Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, May 31, 1906, Image 3

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    "' ' !
IMTAIi - - $50,000 !
Does a General Banking Business.
S 1). STF.KKiEKK, H. 11. SWAHTB.
President. Cashier
i )llice, poruei-jol Main and Muncy Sts.
Having opened an office at 132S Arch
St.. Philadelphia, I shall still continue to the several Courts of Sullivan
(Aiuntv..- When not in my office personally
a compel slit person will he t'ound in
charge thereof. Boiul.s of various kinds
office in Keeler's Block.
LAPOUTE, Sullivan County, PA.
t,,'(fnl business attended to
in tliis an.l adjoining oocntiM
uppich m ooobty BtiiLDina
ItKAR notirr nOUBK.
I>U BHOKB. p *
Graduate University oi Pennsylvania.
At Lopez, Pa., Wednesday and Thursday
each week.
P. W. G AIjIjAGHEB, Prop.
Newly erected. Opposite Court
House square. Steam heat, hath rooms,
hot and cold water, residing and pool
room,and harber shop; also, good stabling
and livery,
%tme Iktlns*
Lime furnished in car
load lots, delivered at
Right Prices.
Your orders solicited.
Kilns near Hughesville
M. E. Reeder,
For a well Kept
Stock of
For pries that are
For curteous treatment
Absolutely Pure
(County Scat \
Local and Personal Events!
I Tersely Told. /
K. M. Dunham, of Say re spent
Sunday with his family, here.
Master Rex Eddy is visiting his
brother Fred at Wilkes-Barre.
Mr. John Lawrence of Muncy is
the guest of his daughter, Mrs. A.
J. Bradley on Muncy St.
Mrs. J. V. Fiukle was a Dusliere
visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Thersia Fries is on the sick
Misses Agnes and Dora Upinann
have gone to Eagles Mere to spend
the summer.
Mr. Kli Boston of Sonestown, was
a pleasant caller at the Item ofliee
Invitations are out announcing the
marriage (if Miss Celia MagargK' of
Sonestown, to Kllery Swank oi Mun
cy Valley, on June 14.
Mr. Lyman Jackson of Hillsgrove
is visiting his nephew, Charles Jack
son at this place.
Misses Dolly and Freda Crossley
visited friends at Sonestown Wednes
Miss Lena Fleshut and brother
of Kingston, are the guests of their
sister. Mrs. F. M. Crossley.
Mrs. H. W. Osier of Bern ice,
visited Mrs. F. M. Crossley Thurs
A social will be held at the home
of Mrs. Joseph Mclntire, on Fri
day evening June Ist, under au
spices of Epworth League f'.r ben
efit of hymnal fund.
Services at the Methodist church
next Sunday will be as follows:
Sunday School 10 A. M.; Preach
ing 11 A. M.: Epworth League
7:.'{o I\ M. Subject of Service
'•My Relation to My Brother."
Dr. C. S. Means, C. T. Kirby and
Chris Ohenauer of Towanda; Dr.
Bownc Jarvisof Mt. Vernon, N V.;
Percy L. Lang and Dr. Tucker, of
Waverly, are camping in Sullivan
county and iishing for trout. A
party who started from Towanda
Tuesday afternoon to spend three
or four days at Lincoln Falls, en
the same errand are Herbert S.
Putman. D. T. Evans, W. M.Che
ney and Ray Cheney. —Reporter
An aged man hy the name of
Birdsall has disappeared from his
home at La<iuinaud his relatives are
greatly alarmed over his absent e.
Mr. Birdsall is s.'i years of age. On
May 12, he walked out into the
woods and since that time nothing
has been heard of him.
Later. Mr. Birdall was found
dead in the woods near Laquin.
Wednesday morning.
The State Department of Agricul
ture vtstcrday made public the dates
for fifty one county and local agricul
tural fairs to b«' held throughout the
State of Pennsylvania during the
coming summer season. According
to statistic* kept by the department
then' has been a distinct increase in
the attendance at these fairs during
r»-rciit years. For instance iu the at
tendance last year ttT'i. 100 or -i»2,7ii:5
| less than the preec«-dmg year. S«v
retary Critchticld regards the agri
cultural fair as a benctirial institution
for the farmer and the department
promises to lend all the aid possible
iu counteracting the tendaiicy toward
de<-rea-4'd intcrist. Although the
attelldalKH' fell otf last year the total
of premiums is on the increase
Premiums |ailil in were >1 It!,-
while those offered for the
coming season are $ll!),lt»ii, an iu
crease of si sti.
There will U*a meeting of the]
Republican Standing t 'ominittee of
Sullivan county, on June 0, at I
o'clock in the Court Mouse at La-,
parte, I'll,, for the purpose of li\-:
1 tug dates fur piimarie- and Hcpub
lican conventions and such other
' i>nsiues-> a» way comic U-fore the
said coiiliuit tee.
Wot, I' Hhoeiitaker,
< 'liairiiian,
V. II I Utfliam, See v.
t tie \'i li r.iw> ol |..i|»ilte and
vicinity uive their hwrlMl thanks
to ibe cboir Sunday
st'h.ittU and the |>ulili< in general,
vtluiwi kindly nwetiil in our M
iie>ri il "s» r%li e-. and 111 d- corat Hirf
»ur dejturti-d inwrmltV ltt.i\c»,
| Win. \\ Meeretiiry.
Memorial Day was fittingly ob-1
served at Laporte, as usual. There J
bein<r no <«. A. It. Post here, the old j
soldiers have organize*! themselves]
into "Veterans Association" and;
this organization takes charge ofj
the memorial service each year.
On Sunday, the annual memorial,
sermon was given by l)r. D. K. S.
Perry, rector of the Fpiscopul church.
The church was beautifully ilecora
t*nl with the national colors and with
tioral emblems and appropriate mu
sic was rendered by the choir.
Dr. Perry's theme was The Christ- J
ian Warfare, and his sermon was
highly interesting and profitable.
His illustrations were taken from
scenes and incidents peculiar to the
lives and duties of soldiers and he
showed that the qualities that goto
make a good soldier are also charac
teristics of the Christian's life.
The Memorial Day services Wed
nesday were held in the Court
House, court having adjourned for
the day at noon, in order that the
court room might be used for the oc
casion. A well arranged program of
music and other exercises had been
arranged and by two o'clock the
court room was well filled with peo
ple. The address of the day was de
livered by Dr. Perry, and was both
scholarly and eloquent, lie showed
how great have been the achieve
ments of the American soldiery in
the history of the nation and for
what great principles they have eon
tended. Ho dwelt upon their valor
and heroism and the great sacrifices
and hardships they have endured.
He urged that u|»on this day we
think of the beneficent results of
their loyalty and service and of the
blessings we enjoy, as a nation and
as individuals, by reason of their
achievements upon the fields of bat
At the conclusion of the address,
headed by the drum corps and vete
rans, the line of march was taken up
to Mountain Ash cemetery, where
the graves of the soldiers were deco
rated. The tioral offerings were pro
Why not so drastic as some of the
radicals desired, the railway rate bill
as it parsed the Senate undoubtedly
marks a decided step in the direction
of governmental suppression of dis
crimination in freight prices,
Senator Tillman's frank ac
knowledgement that there would be
been no rate bill at all but lor Presi
dent Itoosevelt, is the most eth-ctive
answer to the complaints of his fel
low-radicals that the provisions of the
amended measure do not entirely
meet their views. The President
has acted 011 the well tried theory that
half a loaf of bread is better than
none, and the rate bill, as it now goes
to a conference committee for ap
proval by the House, represents
probably the best that could be got
ten from existing conditions.
In brief the amended measure pro
vides as follows:
That the Interstate Commerce
Commission shall investigate charges
of unjust and unreasonable rates of
common carriers.
If discrimination* are found, the
commission is empowered to fix a
just and reasonable maxiuiu rate.
< inlers of the commission go into
effect within thirty days and con
tinue in force for two y»»ars, unless
set aside by the commission of a
The penalty for disobedience of*
the order- of the commission is a
line of m daily.
I'tiited States circuit courts shall 1
have jurisdiction over suit- to annul
acts of the commission, the granting
of interlocutory decrees without hear
ings and making appeals dirert to
the Supreme 1 'ourt.
oil pipe lines and sleeping ear
com panics are declared common cai
Hie commission ha- access to tin
accounts of tin- compaiii) - iitlectcd.
Itoit't move Into a house that has
Ihs'u previously occupied until you
have had every room thoroughly
disiulcctfd " Chat is the timely
word of itdm tuition Health Com
missiiuier Samuel iiixon givt«« on'.
The Ilealth Commissioner Tills
is the time ol year W lieu 011 ill *M« s
v\ e sis' pi ojil ' movbig from 0111
home to another. Snap ami water
an sp'endid things, bat mil •rtuuali*
ly they wdl not kill germs of disease
that may •in He- new homo and
bring the lie ir»c to the door too sihin
after the looting van 11.1. driven
Away lh<* I iiMtiiiiwixiH'r geata
that i>ef< re iMi'upyint: a house iroiu
vkbi. li ui'iHn r family lota movid
1 away all the rooms be fumigate*
| with formaldehyde gas and he dt ,
j scribes in a circular issued by the;
j department an effective and econotn- j
ical method of generating this gas |
jby the addition of a forty per cent j
; solution of formaldehyde to crystals 1
l of cheao commercial potasiom pei -1
Salesmen wanted tosell and deliver
teas, »offces, baking powder and
grocrry specials. Horse and wagon
furnished. No better way to start
in business for yourself. Not
j necessary to invest any capital. Ad
dress The great Atlantic and Pacfij
Tea Co., 411 Lackawanna Ave.
cranton, Pa.
The Sullivan County Normal
School will he held in Dushore this
year. The School ill open Monday
June 2"), and will continue four weeks
Prospective students are requested to
read the following carefully.
The work will be based entirely
upon the Illinois Course of Study.
If you own a copy of the Course do
not fail to bring it with you.
Text books will be used to supple
ment the Course, hence uniformity
of text books is not important.
Hring your own books if you are
supplied. A limited number will be
supplied with books without charge
if carefully used.
The purpose of this School is to in
crease the efficiency of the teaching
force of our County and give students
an oppurtunity of reviewing their
studies. Inasmuch as the Illinois
Course of Study has been adopted
throughout the county it is of pre
eminent importance that the teachers
thoroughly familiarize themselves
with it. No matter what grade of
certificate the teacher may hold, lie
or she should not fail to make a care
ful, critical study of this Course,
which must be followed in the schools
The best teaching is that done by
those who are faithfully and intelli
gently following this Course of Stu
dy, and it is always the best teachers
who are in demand.
< >nly those who are willing to work
are desired as students. The work
will require lots of hard work and
idlers will be out of place.
Despite the additional burden
which it places upon him, the County
Superintendent, will supervise tht
work and assist in the effort to in
crease the teaching power of those
who are intrusted with the life
interests of the boys and girls of the
Kenieniber, this school is not con
ducted for profit. Kvery dollar re
ceived is expended for the expenses
of the school. After paying the in
structors a fair compensation for
their labor the rest is spent for aid
in carrying 011 the work. Cavin's
Orthography and Sniith'soutlines in
History have been purchased with
the balance left from last year and
will be furnished for use during the
school term.
Tuition: Four weeks, #•">; less than
four weeks, J1.50 per week.
Students desiring hoarding places
and citizens who desire boarders will
communicate with any member of
the faculty or with the Superintend
Silas 1). Molyneux
I). Merrit Flick
Thomas V. Kelly.
Joseph Sick,
Flour, Feed and Meal.
Cherry Mills, Pa.
Columhi 1 flour, $1 2s
I' oi lowanda i 15
B Hour 1.2*
Corn meal i.Hi
G 1 krd c"in 1 10
j 1 oru aril OIK chop, i.2<
v. .oo !sr ts per bus. 4*
fiu Uw heat o<
pric< s u uaui respect !
ml y >• 11 .fu I'.
\ « H% \ 1.1 Nil HuiaK "hrni
|.nu..»Tfc4l» lillM*!) »M*l»>.».ll
• U«l.' 1t..•«».■« ' Mlnuwt »•»"
I t|i>k uiictliii'iil fauinc«*xilllll lb.lf uatdb
li.ii.i 1 Hum I*■ t
Cash Department Store.
Goods rrriv : n'i daily 'OR every A Spring
lint OI Wall PAP; r. Bo>s' and Children's Cloth
irjjf; Hats and have arrived ariJ are ready for your
1 have the largest assoitment in every department, that
crm be found in ihe county. 1 meet all competition and go
them 5 per cent better. by giving you the "Cash Register"
ticket with every purchase. SI, OO in merchandise tor S2O
worth of ticket . WE always have son e Bargains in every
Department that you cannot get elsewhere.
Gme in and look us over.
Yours for business,
Pall soits
for Men, Boys and Children
are now here for inspection.
Suits in black cl.iv and unfinished worsteds and Thibets
Homespuns, French and Fnglish Fl. nnels, and Scotch
Boys and Childrens' Suits in all the new fabrics and
Prices as well as variety are extraordinary. All new
an \ up to date line of Gents Furnishings, Hats, Caps, etc.
Also the only piace in town where vou can get the
"Walk Over" SF)oe.
Hotel Carroll Block, DUSHORE, PA.
OD Isaporte Tannery. ®
Just received a special purchase of "Riches" Flannels,
Lumbermens' Shirts and Drawers, Men's, Ladies' and
Childr ns' Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery.
There's Lots Here to Show You
From the City.
Fresh stock of Diy Goods and Notions, Boys and
Men's Hats and Caps, lull line of Snagproof Shoes and
Rubbers, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Goodyear Rub
bers. Woodsmen and Boys Shoes to suit all.
Our Usual Quality of Groceries and Provisions
are Equal to the BEST.
jrHow to Get the Best Seeds*
UY them of Buckbee ! 2800 bushels to. the acre. Bmm thnt
That's the m.Uit way.—Reader. » e 'i ou *»0 *n aero. prise winning Carrots,
Because Buckbee ® Seeds are Cabbages, Cucumber#, Tomatoes. Corn. Bte.
mOSSmW alivav* "full of life." the *row- Are all these things worth a postal to year
!«*- principle, which makes all * • •
lb* difference between good weds aud bad. Ituckbre's Big Free Seed Book foe U
ioe worul °yer. , , , also remarkable because it contains —
Now Buckbee's Big Book eiplaiiis just wk, _ Th# fin .„ color of ttow , rt , | [uU
his seed* an.- he>»i. 1 .ku.
Thi. book is your .afe.t for buying over SU) illustration, of all kind.,
everything ill seed, and plants foi (aiui and varieties of Vegetable Seed..
And. —maik thi.,- it i. free foi the asking. ijw v"£'iits of F^wSaMk.
Let uie ..plain moid about it. -7Uova.ieti.-s of Flower Seed..
• • * - Over 2UU Hare Seed Bargains.
Well, Buckbee's Book, my Book, coutains Uit any wonder that 1 can honestly slain
12* pages of solid seed seuse. my New I'MJU Bouk is ths best sssd book s*«
It lays before you the cteaiu of what I have issued -
learned about flowers, fruit* and vegetables When it Contains of «tlao in
during my 34 years of succe»sful eai»eiieuce. other need books, and scores of spoctftl ftSt-
I tell you everything you want to know about U | C » found omh in ihe Buckboo Book'
thenr suhiert*. and itive you without one ixnuiy Send for it. then, aud »«4 whether I an right,
of cost to you valuable iuforiuauou it has takeu a penny postal briugs it to your door,
ute hall a life time to discover. • e e o
/w I desci ihe in detail all of the
/l\k many familiar and hundreds eonclusioii. I want yon to KAOV
/ ' \ of the laiu and curious about my ntauimoth naw seed houst, OS do*
jg . \ plants, flowers and vege- scribed ill the new bo«jk.
übles, and I show you It is the tuie»t and most couipMlt of 9M9 IS
aJKy*** \ not only l»ow to develop the world.
ri 1 the in niOki fully for yum And it is tilled from cellar to toof wiih the
\ euioynu'Ui, but also row famous Buckbee Seeds. -Umi seeds tkal VI
\ JHF to make thcui you full of life t' .
\ /y" ' iA prg pn*tiu. Duiing I'aiu I will distribute 1,(0.181 »*M-
I ukplain how you cau et* «»f uew and Valuable neveilf assil sateef
mvl illr tauu m••iu 11 1 u«> customed.
tabli's. Mangels thai * very one ordering will receive something.
16 pouuds \ « u Hill hud deialb of theMefers
A / % /l " 1 Will > u »ii down ri«ht nots, while mU
f V./ ,Js Thu htif 7t IU le. i# be foi e ytt, and write for it r
I 7 IJH PaJe Seed Wl..ibe. M... 01 WoiMB. Bo* •« QiiU
I ' (LV\M ,ia , a k e s «" F.IIM*!, Seed.iueo, elwe'K
I Jyj/S Hook 1* Kree. .r > ~ love Floweit, Viiuw. flax*.
J y* r ' ,tt '• S
a. w. Micum. »•»« n«.«ss aocaroae. u.