Republican News Item. VOL. X. NO 49. }This Is the Place C To Buy Your Jewelry S, x Nothing in Town to Compare With> 112 the Quality that We are Giving / / You for the Low Price Asked. S Q Qualitv and moderate prices makes a force that\ J) irrcsist bly draws into our store the best patronage r Cof ihis section. Many years here in business, always 1 N with a full fine < No Place Like this Place For Reliable STOVES and RANGES, COAL OIR/ WOOD HEATERS; ONE OF WINTER'S GREAT DELIGHTS. House furnishing Goods, Tools of Every Description, Guns and Ammunition. Bargains that bring the buyer back. Corne and test the truth of our talk. A lot of second hand stoves and ranges for sale cheap. We can sell you in stoves anything from a fine Jewel Ease Burner to a low priced but satisfactory cook stove. Hot Air, Steam and Hot Water Heating and General Repairing, Roofing and Spouting. The Shopbell Dry Good Co., 313 Pine Street, WILLIAM SPORT, PA. Fabrics for Easter Dresses Whatever fabric you may favor—all Wool. Silk and | Wool, or line Cotton, is here—so many weaves that wi j can't attempt to describe them Fine, all-wool batiste, either dark or Wo liave just opened a new lot ol the IH-W I'astel shades. Its a popular Serges with white ground ami black fabric lor dressing gowns. 'l'hey arc checks and broken plaids, for 50, 05, 75c and SI.OO 50 cents We show a handsome line of stylish and serviceable materials lor jacket Suits— 5b inch Gr< y Suiting (or SI.OO a Yard Silk Petticoats Tailored Suits \\ «• have received another lot ol those Whatever vonr reoiiirement »s 10 style, stylish Silk latleta Skirts, Thev come ... . . . in < 'ld Uose, Uesed-i, (irey. I'ink". Alice " l ° OS '- " "" loml BMlt or,lr^s - v Blue, (ireen. Light Blue, Cardinal, White >!ovvn our stock will meet it. Some hand and lliuck. They are only ;>.UO some Kn-1 r gowns are heiug shown now new Veilings New Dress Trimmings If vou want a ntyliah \ come and J see the new v ei lings'. We have plenty ol , )( a]| r , |l>p M .itsand waists the correct stvie- arid tliev dun t cost . 7 , . . MM .J, " * are here, HO many kinds and l «igns tlvat we can't mention tliem here. White Goods Knit Underwear !• or waists or ilresses we have a fine variety to choose from- hardly a kind Vou will be wanting lighter weight knit vou can think of i-n i here Iroiu the plain underwear soon. \\ e hav e now ready all law ii io the tine, ex.|iu*iie imported Swi-> the desirable kinils lor men, women and es Will you take a little time and look childref. Whether you buy the least ex lit th.'iu? pensiveior the very liner i,you are assured here that il will be rii'ht. Subscribe for the News Item LAPORTE, SULLIVAN COUNTY PA. THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1906. N ORDINANCE. 01! ANTING PERMISSION TO THE Si;LLIVAN COUNTY TELEPHoNK COMPANY, OF PENNSYLVANIA. TO CONSTRUCT, OPER A'l E AND MAINTAIN ITS LINE OF POLES, WIRES AND FIXTURES UPON, ALONG, UNDER AND OVER THE STREETS AND PUBLIC HIGHWAYS OF 'l'll E BOROUGH OF LAPORTE, SULLIVAN COUNTY, PENNSYL VAN lA. BE IT ENACTED AND OR DAINED by the Town Council of the Borouph of Laporte, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, and it is hereby enact ed and ordained by the authority of the same, that The Sullivan ('ounty 'Telephone Company, of Pennsylvania its successors or assigns, be and the same are hereby granted the right, privilege and authority to construct, operate and maintain its lines of poles, wires and fixtures upon, along, over and under ilie streets, alleys and public highways of the said Borough of Laporte, upon the following terms and conditions: Section i. All poles erected by the said company shall be located under the direction and. supervision of the Town Council, or a committee of the said Council, and shall not be so placed as to interfere with the ordin ary use of the said public highways, obstruct entrances to gateways, or driveways, imped or interfere with the flow of water in ditches or drains, or unduly interfere with any shade trees growing along the. said high ways. Section 2. Said Company sh il Ibe subject at any and all times to any and all genera! ordinances or sesolu tions now in force or that may here after be passed regulating the use of public highways or other public places in said borough. Section 3. Said Company shall hold said Borough free and harmless at any and all times from any and all damages caused-by the construction or negligent operation or maintenance of said lines in said Borough and shall at all times save, protect and keep said Borough harmless from any and all actions for damages for any acci dent to persons or property by ieason of the use-, occupation and enjoyment of said highways as aforesaid. Section 4. The permission hereby granted shall not be construed* as. precluding the "Borough of Laporte from granting similar permission and rights to any other person, firm or corporation. Section 5. In case the said Com pany shall fail to erect poles and con struct a working telephone line with in a period of one year from the date of the passage of this ordinance, all rights and privileges granted herein shall be declared forfeited And if the said Company shall fail to keep and maintain a proper telephone pay station or stations within the said Borough, for the use of the said telephone line by the public, then and in that case all privileges and rights herein gianted shall cease and deter mine and be declared forfeited, and the said poles, wire and fixtures may be removed by said Town Council, its agents or employees. Section 6. All expense of the pub lication of this ordinance, as required by law. shall I>epaid by The Sullivan County 'Telephone Company aforesaid, , its successors or assigns. Section 7, 'This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. I 'Tlie above ordinance was passed at la regular meeting of tlie 'Town Coun cil cf the Borough of Laporte, Penn sylvania. 011 Monday, April 2. Iyo6. I Approved .April 2, 19(16. W. 11. RANDALL, Attest: Chief!' Burgess. ]•'. 11. INC. 11 AM, Secretary. | Administrators' Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have) | taken letters of Administration on the I estate ol Frederick Arthur Bennett, lute jot' Shrewsbury township deceased. All persons having claims against said de cedent will please present them duly authenticuidd tor payment, and all who know themselves to he indebted to him will please make payment to me. BOY DP. BENNE'T. T..I.\F li. Ingham.Atiys. Adinr. Administrators' Notice. Estate of Sarah \V hit mire, late of Dav idsnn 'Township. Sullivan eomitv, l'a. ,deed. 1 Notice is hereby given that letters ot administration c. t. a. ujion the estate of said decedent have been granted to ilie undersigned. All persons i ulehted to I said estate are ropiest d to make pay ] input: anil those 1u 1 \ intr claims or de | mauds against the same will make them j know without delay. JOHN W. PA XT* »N, Adininist rator, c. t. a. j Austin. I'n.. Jim.. "J'.i. 1906. S' liil your raw fur-, ami skins to l.iclitensteln liros., and get the very highest market prices for skins in your vicinity. A first shipment will • convince you. Write for our new price li-t„ LICIITEXSTKIN BIIOS. . lld KiverStreet, I'aterson, N. J. John Blair, one of the men who burglarized the postolfice at Now Albany Ma}' 11, 1901, and who was captured at Troy, is now awaiting , trial at Jackson, Mich., for fhc ] murder of .Sergeant Booth of the police department of that city. | The police there have written to this state for particulars of Blair's criminal career and say that while i there is no capital punishment in Michigan, Blair will probably be put away for life for his erin e. Blair was captured at Troy by a possfc in which Chief of Police Mil ler, Constable Guy C. Ilollon, Con- i stable J. I>. Waters and John Man- ! nix, all of Towanda, were the head i and all of whom risked their lives , to put the handcuffs on the desper ate man they had run to | Blair got "ive years in the Wegtern | penitentiary at Allegheny f<>4 his share in the New Albany job. At the completion of that Rentenqp he was tried at Altoona for burglariz ing a bank at Bellefonte but the man who gave the police thot tip went back on them and Blair was released. Before the Western pen senteobc Blair had served two other ternfe in jail. He was a bad man althmujli h« had a good education and served as a reporter and printer on ledo Blade. The arrest of theinehs!' who robbed the New Albany office was one of the most important criminal captures ever Bradford county and each of rae four Towanda men received a Ste ward from the government fbr their share in the dangerous under taking. On Blair were found "a syringe loaded with nitro-glyceriiie and over 200 cartridges. The Central Pennsylvania Lum ber Company, through its president C. S. Morton, and its secretary, R. G. Brownell, have pet.ioned the Bradford County court to annex about 27.'5 acres of their land in Ov erton township to the Carbon Run Independent school district for school purposes, the land to remain connected with Overton township for all other purposes. This is done to secure convenient school accommodations for a number of children of the tenants of the lum ber company win have togo live miles to school in Overton town ship school district while they would only have togo a half-mile to the Carbon Run school. Some Laf the burglar, and the "witches" sjiiil the guilty man was Heavy. Griver Kitfschner, while running 1 buz saw at the Muncy manufactur ing company's building department •ut all four tlYigers clear off his left hand. * Mr. Karschner had just accepted the position in the morning andJn rhe afternoon ■file accident happened. Dr. J. W. A1 >right gave him su rfci eal attention. The Karschner ramily seems to lit particularly unfortunate. More than 1 year ago one brother was killed at Lime Ridge, and tince that a brothei was killed in a fioiler explosion neat La porte. - .A - A large kettle ol boiling mapl« sap toppling over, erribly scaldet Ihe -ight year old daughter of Mr anil Mrs. James Forbes, of Jamiboi i:y, Monday morning, about 1( n'cl- >ck. '1 ne large pot containing sever# gallons of the sap was boiling on th< kitchen stove. The child WHS play ing about the room, and while 1 < one was lookinjfat her, cither triec to dip up some of the sap, or in soitn ither manner polled the liugh cald ren over, causi3g"the boiling fluid t< run over her entire side inflicting 1 mass of burns fr&n head to foot. I the greatest go in Chicago awaiting shipment. Th instrument will cost s'JftJO, an when half of this amount is raise by the church the remain ler will li forthcoming and the organ will ii ! sent toSayre.