■ lltsiT NATIONAL BANK OK UUSHORE.PEXNA. PTTAJLI - - $50,000 T'PRPLUS - - SIO,OOO ] >oes a Genera) Banking Business. S. 1). STKRIGEKK. M. D. bWAKTB. President. Cashier £ j. RRADLLY, Attorney at-Tjaw. < Mice, corner 4 ot Main and Muncv Sis. LAPOITTK, I'A. Having opened an office at 1328 Arch St.. Philadelphia. I shall .-till continue to practice in the several Courts of Sullivan Comity.* When not in tny otlice personally a competent person will he found in charge thereof. BONDS of various kinds furnished. pRANCIS W. MEYLERT, Attorney-at-Xiaw. ttice in Keeler's Block. LAPORTF, Sullivan County, PA. J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTOI'N P.YS-AT-LAW, Legal business attondoil to in iiiiH anil adjoining eotuitioe _A PORTE, PA jT .1. MULLEN, Attorn ey-at-LOW. LAPORTK, PA. C'KICK IS COUNTY RKA.P FOHTLT OOUBK. i ~H. CRONIN, V - ATTORNRR-AT I,AW NOTAUY PUBI.IO. 'IFFICB 05 MA IV P A 1» -JIIOKW* () J. MOLYNEAUX, D.D.S. Graduate University of Pennsylvania. MiW ALBANY, I'A. At Lopez. Wednesday and Thursday each week. LA PORTE HOTEL. F. W, GALIiAGHEK, frop. X,AV!V erected. * lepos te . Cutiri 111IIMC square. Steam heat, hath rooms, hot and cnl.L water, READING AND cool , roOll),find I■.I.'• •*■ R H.■ (•' • I• >'•• '• * 11 ''l- I Mini livery. __ j , OMl|:n'< I II HEl'Ok'i «t theeo'ltiiuouollaie ' First National Bank at Onshore. in the State I of Peunsytvnniu at close of t'U»lne*s J>OT. nun , K "' lUXH RC'KS. r'.'s"it,'lilt-. 1. 1 .' s. t-n'iv riieuiaiion ".'/(Koo i Premium on I • s. Bonds -• > Stoek I- urintuiv —— . - . i Due from Bank- and app ovetl !><•>. \j-i- ' Redemption fund I' a Tmumrer V!. : Special unit l-egul 'lender notes .ti.tui Total -IHi.iWl:> 1.1 A1'.11.1 TINS. •, i . $.)0.0»iO 00 ' apitnl tturplusnnd undivided prolil* 1.M»(SI I < in-ulation . ; L»i\ I'LCMU utij»;II«: /J _ T , l)ipo>il> • ••• -•'•* '' i Total SII«,:iW j State of lViiusvivanln < minty of Sullivan I M l>. H\\urt> : *-1 i i«• r m' tin* .iU>v iwunr»i : I ai'ik d<> Mili'innlv swear I hat thealmve■ .-liitement j is tiue to the Ivst of my knowledge and ne.net. M. 1). -W AIITS. Cashier. | Sul'sc: it.i I ati l -worn I»*■ u,r>• lar tlijs -1-t , • lav of Vnp, P.HJ.V . ..\LBEKT K., UhK-s. | Mv commission expires Feliy 01). >utui\i -in. , Corn-el Attest: !(i. SYLVAKTA. ) l\o. li 14 EEs EH, Direetors i sVMfKI, COI.K. I For a we!i Kept Up-to-date Stock of General Merchandfcj Far pries that are Right o For curteous treatment goto Buschhausen' \TTSROF H£'ALiH * o i. .] mmm MS HO ztioSmUTi 'County Seat l I j Local and Personal Events , t Tersely Told. j ! Mi -s Miiinit' IJuck lias returned ! to DIP li n't' wlicro SIIH litis taken fi ; position in tltesilk mill. Mr. Charles < 'olemun unci fninily i have moved l(- Lebitnon, where Mr. j Coleman has secured empleyinent. Mrs. K. K. \Vrede is visiting her ' flaufrhtf r Mrs. James Strehl of l>u-| j shore. Misses Dolly and l-'retht Crossley have goiie to 1 inshore where they j will have employment in the silk mill. They will he much missed by their many friends in this place. The theory that Mrs. Whitmire S was murdered by a woman is prob ■ ably false, but it is as good as many joth rs that have been advanced, and iif the Sullivan county authorities ! were to o<> to work on it, what a relief it would be. Williamsport \ News. j lSloomsburtf is actively making plans to tlirow oil' its autitjuated form of township government and take unto itself a borough charter, j Singular that a town like Blootris burg with its manufacturies and al- Iso tiie seat of a Sltit<• Normal School, [ should never have had any other | than township government. Mr. Will MaliaiTey. son of Ex ; Sliet'ilT iilalialYev. who has been j employed at the I>erniee mines. \\;t- struck by the ears on Tuesday, and was so seriously injured that :he was taken to the Say re liospit ial the same evening. Miss Lilly Met'arty of Forks I township, is in an eye hospital in Philadelphia, where she had sev , era I üb-.ce.- -es renmvetl from one j of her eye-. | The Commissioners of Lycoming 'county have refused to pay liounties |on wild animals which has caused st> ntui'li dissittisfiictioti that they have asked their solicitor for a writ ten opinion tin the matter, and his | opinion is that they shall not pay | bounty on any animals with the ex ception of wolves and wildcats. l-"\-Judge Dunham of this place ;\viil soon move from here to Say re, where he expects to open a law ol'- | lice. Judge Dunham has resided in this place since his boyhood and I has always been one of the town's most esteemed and substantial cit izens. Kvery one in Laporte will i have cause to regret his departure ' from here, but till will join in wishing him success in his new home. I lie County Vtnlitors completed their work inspecting the various accounts of ollicers on Saturday of last week, which was one wfcek earlier than the time consumed bv the former auditors. I'his made it saving to the county of S<»o. A young man named Clinton (it iiige, who was arrested at Laqtiin on I iuir.->dity of last week and was being taken to Williamsport for a! In litiu', escaped at the railroad .-.iiuiuii tit Halls from the [officer; who hail him in charge. iSeorge! iiad •tcctiinptinied his official escort j :t 11'1111 l« or other social funetions. There are in I'ennsylva 'ii i m >r< tti ii To out Mis iii-. Since colonial days many of the lodges ; have used stimulants at banquets | and oiler social functions. Agricultural Meeting. Tl Sullivan County Agricultural S'M |. ty will tiold their annual ne-ei ; llig for the t tcetjoo ol olfieer- etc. ill the High - In Ml| i itilding at Fork* vilh- on Saturday, I ebrnary loth.! iMM . ut 111 oViock a m. A lull lllli lldallft' is requested. t ly Itiril. I'rtsl Ntwtdl St-crelary. I'residenl I Death o! Harold P. WhitbecK. Harold P. Wliittn'ck, formerly of this place, died in the hospital at Hlkin, W. Va., from injuries received on a sawmill at Durbin, where he had been employed for about one year, A board was ac cidentia let fall onto an edger saw by a fellow workman, and was thrown violently through tin* mill, striking Mr. Whitheck in the >- doman. lie was taken to his home and given medical attention until Saturday when if was found necessary to perform an operation. He was taken to the hospital at Elkin. and underwent an opera-1 tion in the afternoon, but died the following day at noon. His remains were prepared for | burial, and on Monday Mrs. Whit-j beck started with tin' body of her ' husband for this place, arriving j Tuesday evening. Mr. Whitheck was married toi Miss Jennie Minnier in the year HIO3. He was aged 2S years and 8 months. The funeral services were luid at the M. E. church Thursday al: 10 o'clock a., in. Most people will lie surprised In learn that the price of heel" li'uli-.-J have steadily advanced in price his congrega tion in this place last Sunday evm- I ing, stating that thirty-seven por-ons j had professed conversion at hi- re-I vival services at Kagles .Mere. Mis! remarkable work at this place and ! Nordniont continues to advance in j greater proportions as larger fields I and opportunities open to him. I With all due respect to former pas- I tors on ihis charge, none have reap-) ed the good results achieved by Mr. ! Ripple. Not only is he greatly in- j creasing the membership of his | church, but never has such Christian j spirit, harmony and g< o 1 will among ! members been -liown as is now [ manifested. If ever man was called to preach the gospel it was Mr. Ripple, us nature fitted him for tbis ! work. lie preaches -jood doctrine, 1 and his power for righteousness: reaches such volume and force that no intelligent mind can long ignore) his logic. Linking this with the ! happy faculty to impart the inspired ! knowledge to his eon verted followers ; of Christ, they enter upon their new , life with supreme confidence in its destination. May his u-efulness ever j continue. I'rof. 1.. L. Ford makes his ilesin s ; known by a letter published else where in these columns. It is to he hoped that Mr. Ford may g«-t the; united support of all citizens in the | village, as his efforts and labor are I notaloueofa financial benefit, but equally worthy for the intellectual ; and social lite for the tew remaining j citizens of the fast depopulating! tow n. There is nothing more valu-j able to build up a place or business than advertising. l!ut as adwrti- ; ing is, to say the least, expensive, , judgement must he used in making the expenditures judiciously, and in a way to get valuable returns, other wise money i- wasted. Mr. Fords'- methods in advertising as well a iu other pursuits have been found 1 very practical, therefore, there i prohahly no one better prepared by experience than Mr. Ford to prop erly handle the advertising end of this proposition, lb' has already spent much of Ids time atid consid erable money in trying to make Liiporte more than it i- today, and we think that every minded citizen in the place should give him their hearty support at this time, mill when that [i» done, the town count il should call a "-pecilll i<>n" at which to act upon -nine ••reform mea-ures," the very tir»t of which should lie to provide ftir a place for til* towll cattle to pa-till' otherw i»e than upon the -ticei- of the village. Advertising; may do lion h toward brinu'iliu |" Ople In re. I lit it i- up to private individual- mid town council to keep them here, and thi-> call only be «|otie Ily maklnu i uiiited eitorl to U-.illlily the ti WIl. i The financial condition of S.tS!'- van county December 31. JSiof>, ?;«j gathered from the Auditors' report! ; recently tiled is as follows: Liabilities. Comity orders otiUtniulitig bearing interes ai <> per cpnt I 1,166 50 •Itiill'iiietits •' " 6,940 (iO Bomls lieiirinjr int. at -4 porct. 33,U01) o'/ ilo f> '■ 5,00000 fri l ere.-1 bearing < 1 el■ t §56,106 00 Anil, ilne to retiring Treas. I.L'IT -i 'l'ntal liabilities SaT.-i-Ii T.'i Resources. Amount ilne from Collectors 4.-186 00 ■in Clierry I'oor I'ist. 142 90 ilo I 'aniel Suber 122 Ml I ilo 11illsgrove Poor Diet til 2a do J'". C. sclianaliHclier 4S ai! do Philip Swisher 4'.l M'.i do Fred Rout Ice lit 04 j do Robert Swisher I'M Mti I do Yenna Bugno Ma '.Hi do b\dia t'ailow M4 47 i do Surcharges 1897 9 12 00 do from the Slate MI2 fll do Kx Sheritl'Trippjury lee 24 fill ) do •• Swank '* 12 t'O do John Stevens note a" 06 do P. Mnrphey note 2a 47 do llarrv ('adow note Ml 2s I - 6,01 S 02 Liabilities in excess of lesonrces s j I ,MOS 7.: The attention of the public is called the Mountain House now under new i management. Acomodations given Ito transient guests. Hoarding by day or week, (iood stable acom. j modal ions at reasonable prices, i Court ati ndants will be especially ! cared for. (•. S. Eddy. Prop. ! rvtniT t'KIii:LAMATtON. Vv WHKf.nAS. HON. ('IMS I. I r.KUV rnslilcin Judge. Honorable* John 1). Kecsei umi l:. < . 1.. Kskinko A&toc. Judges >fjthc < onrt# of Oyer and Terminer and (Jcncrul .1 . : 1 beliwi y, Quartet Sessions of tin IVacc, Orphans' Court and Coin mon lMeus for tlie ('ounty of Sullivan, nave issue: their precept, bearing date tlit II day oi !>«•» . JiKVi, to ine directed, for hokniur t!te seven* courts in the Borongli «»f Lajoiu\ on Monday tin | J'.l tiii\ 1VI» of l'.lOli, at J o'clock p. m. j Therefore,notice i> lu-rebvgiven to the* oroner. Justices of the Peace nnd ('ou«*taMc> within tin count). that they u- theu und there in their prop er |»er.-oii at J ;ii«l day. \\ ith thei; | rolls, records, inquisition?* examinations uno ! other remcmherance.- to tho*e thine- to whiel j their otViee-apiK'nain to Ik* done. .Mi l t«» t h. -t ; who ;ii" iNiunrf by tin ivrecognizance to prt»seeu,( i avail's I prisoners u ho ate or shali he in tin* jail c<»iiuty of Hullivan. arc hereby notified t< | l»e then and there t«> prosecute agaiu.-t tlniu a> ! will be just. HANK \V. 141 Civ. -MeiitT. I Sheriffs Office, Laporte, lU.Nov. 18, l#os. 011 Kit I KK'S SA LK. Hv virtueota wri'ot Alias Fi. Fa. issued tun of the Court ot Common Pleas o' I Sullivan County an.l to tne directed and j delivered, there will be exposed to puhlir j sale at the Forksville Hotel,in the Boro. lot Forksville Sullivan Comity, Pennsyl vania oil I FKII>A V. FKI'.ECAKV If.. H'lOti. !at 2 o'clock p. 111. the following property I tow it: All the tb'lowins pieces or parcels ot ! land -itualid in Forks and Kikland town-1 | ships ('ounty of Sullivan Mid Sinte ot ■ Peimsyivania, bouinled and described • follow.- xi liejiinniiig at i s'oneat side ; of l.oval Sock creek: ilit-nce North -i\iy ! One degrees West, one hundred and eighty ixvi 1 pen lies to a stake: thence by lamb ot ! | Allen Little, north txventy nine degrees ' 'east one hundred and 15fty three and a half pure lies to a slake: tiience by lands jot .lohn Brown, south sixty-one degrees ' e:ist two-hundred and tortv-two and a i half pnrchei to while maple; thence 1 south twentv-nine decrees xxest lorty four | perches: iheneesouth sixty degrees west j one hundred and ixventy-kmr perches to ! the place of beginning. Containing two ; I.ii s.lri'd ai res and live perches anil allow j anec. | Also adjoining the above described i land and used as a part ol the same tarni, I a parcel of land described as follows: Hounded by lands of John 11. Osier on theea-t. by lands (formerly) Isaac Rog | its or township line on t he north: by lands of Benjamin Little on die Wei; and by ;'and- ol M. A. Rogers on die south. | Containing fifty acres more or less. | Abuxe land- mere fully described in Deed Poll, .John Ctz High Sheritl. of Sullivan ; com.lx in Win. Peper, the party of the j lirst part or plaintiff in execution. Seized and ihkm in execution and to be sold s the prop'-rty oi Isaac Rogers and ' Alice M. lingers al the suit ol William : l'eper. FRANK W. IUTK, Sheritl. j Sheritl'- ofthc.Laporte,Pa. .1 an 13, 11)06. Cronin. Attorney. The (irei'iiing: Nursery ' oinouny, .Monroe, Mich., one of t!.c lending i nursery concerns _in the I'nited ! States, writes us that they want a i | good live atrent in tin- section to! solicit order* for their nur-ery stock. K.\ perience not ni ce.--:ir,\ The) j 'oiler yo'.il pay weekly, uiul furnish | j etui V:l ing' outtit free. We advise iinv man i>r woman ii.i our coullllllllity. w ho i- in a position tn take order* for the a'aive lioiim to write tliem for particulars Inline | diately. ( of Mn-.ii*. I'iirent,-ilesirimr their chililreii to j have llinrotigii in-triii i n io Music, j uiul well can il for, can Uiul no better \ phu e than tlie ('i)iii.tui Mi «u at |-rei'bui'ir. >ux ib r' ■ .iinty, I'a. Pup il* trout ten year* old old from tin lu'uiutier to the mlvanceil are ail , milted. I'erm* Ih'ulii NJny 7, .1«11n 12 und July 21 lor e.il.ihruie ail | dri s-. Henry It Mov"r, Hi at f..1. . .0 k |. I . I'.l >1 M I •>» ~ i i i* •«« i M/i, i.| bu »i4» i • . m;t ut . i »« ior, i N i * rr ■ .1 II -*M, •* v . I. ri*' .j tin' ii.i. l» J «.. . I ' l»l» ' A. E. CAMPBELL'S January Clearance Sale. Have just finished taking inventory and I find a lot of odd and ends that v>>u can buy at your own price. Come in and look over the Bargain Counter. This lot consists of Men's, Boys' and Childrens' Suits and Overcoats. Fancy Shirts, Children's Underware, Wall Paper, Men's, Ladies' and Child ren's Shoes, and a lot of goods too numerous to mention. This is an elegant chance to get a lot of good goods at one half their cost. Call and look them ovtr II they are not Bargains, don't buy. You g' t the Cash Register Tickets with every purchase. .«\ll g' ods sold for cash. A. E. CAMPBELL. SHUNK, PA. Pall Suits for Men, Boys and Children are now here for inspection. in black clay and unfinished worsteds and Ihibets Homespuns, biench and Fnglish Kbnnels, and Scotch Goods. Boys and Childrens' Suits in all the new fabrics and «nakt s. Prices as well as variety are extraordinary. All new .n t ; p to d it e line of Gents Furnishings, Hals, Caps, etc. \!>o tiiei.niy place in town wlure you can get the "Walk Over" 31)oe. J. W. CARROLL'S, Hotel Carroll Block, DUSHORE, PA. JACOB HERR 'Re-marking Sale, Going Out of Business All our Mens and Bo>s' Suits and Overcoats, Gents 1 urnishing Goods Htc., will be re marked from 20 to 30 per cent lower than actual cost of manufacture, regard less of price. I his sale will eclipse anything ever before it tempted by any clothing st »rein Sullivan county. S7OOO won hof goods must be sold bv April ist. I must leave this town by April All I ask is to come and see Jacob Herr's Remarking Sale, at LAPORTE, PA. One Hundred Hollars ($ioo) reward, if an> one sees me doing business :it Laporie after April Ist. All 1 ask is to come and see Jacob Herr's Re-marking Sale, LAPORTE, PA. GENERAL STORE laporte Tannery, gd FULL AND COMPLETE ST(>CK ALWAYS FOUND HERE. lust received a special purchase ot "Riches" Flannels, j Lumbermens' Sl;irts and Drawers, Men's, I adies' and Childr ns' Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery. There's Lots Here to Show You From the City. I icnli stock of Dt/ Goods and Notions, Boys and Men s H ils and Caps, full line ol Snagproof Shot's and vub(t-is. 1 ;idiei>. Gents and Children's Goodyear Rub •ui"s Woodsmen and Boys Shoes to suit all. Our Usual Quality of Groceries and Provisions are Equal to the BEST. JAMES McFARLANE.