)-!KST NATIONAL BANK ' OF DI'SHORE, PENS A. TTT A.T« - " 850.000 FUJIPJiUS - - 810.000 1 >oer« a General Banking Busiueen. r [). s'J'KUUiKKE. M. D. SWART 3. President. personally a eoiupet .nt person will Ik* found 1!| charge thereof. Bonds ot various kinds furnished. PR A NCI S W. MEYLERT, Attorner-at-Tiaw. tlieein Keelel'.- Block. LAPOItTK, Sullivan County, PA. TT. & F. H. I iNGHAVv, ? • ATT(« •'. I'm.• Wednesday and Thursday I'rtdi LAPORTE hotel. li\ w, CJ ALXiAQIIEH, Prop. N.-aIV Opposite (.'uiirt (louse • (|iiare. Steam heat, hath rooms, hot ami cold water, rending and pool : , . -i'-o t»nod ptaliliii'.' room,ami i >'i i -uiiji. *i a'i'l livery. undim »-.i» '■> ■ K'nv-?'"'--.' 1 "'':-' ..f M u"!n.' Nov. ' , t ».„ K,^. •• i •> »:>>!» *».: 1.,,... ft ml ilisc< >unt* j'. u, o I .s iMul.- l«> V • inv rirculati"!? ' i'Willi mil "i: I . >. 7,i.nt;uoi> Stock .-••runtu- uO ytirniiHu •. y .. ,i ,i p.."*- |{,.,l.mptiou mil-1 I . lti.i»»i> l . - » 1 ...,-:.ii iin.l Uval I •■ml. 1 • ■ -"■"■" • Total - 11 '■'■" l ■'••■' 1.1 \ 1.1 .. 1 I i .(1,|1,K) IH.I ..i.i ~i..ji» Dividend* Dt-ponilfc **' Total $11«.:®139 >iinh. I.l' Pcnii-vlvanla rminty V , \ ;,l 'ln'i"{«V 'V 0 '" it* Li u— l• i. 1,'■ ni.v km^luvatiiMH.^. u -f,^ ™ lly cotainltislniiexiilii'S Feby'i/.'OSi. SotarjlUibUe. "' m *"' UU 'S |: . SY I_ V A KI v | i\o. 1. ttKK-t K. l)irectiirv. wAMI'V.I. I For a well Kejjt Up-to-clate Stock of Merchandise Far pries that are Right o For curteous treatment goto Buschhausen' a ■:? "T V'-™'? ,?'■ ff* i- •? w ; .'i 112 fit* /15J' njjTM teWtU. " jb 112 "*'*f iL>* *h-.Aan iij fcvl AbscS'.r: Aj p**.** /| if* ■ ■' : f* >' r -""f ********** ■tf Xi "y» 'tJ J*> i—* ft » $ (County Scat 1 } Local and Personal Events I Tersely Told. Mr. James (iansel who is doing contmetiug at Berwick, is at home utl'ering witli :i severe cold, ivlitor Streby of the Sullivan (lazette was a Luportc visitor Mon day. Miss Jennet to Spencer of i'iclure Rocks -pent several days at Iter home in this place last week. Mr Aivin Kddy of Picture llocks, spent last Sunday in town. Mr. Kddy is assisting llcv. T. I '■ Hippie with revival services at Kaglcs Mere. Mrs. Louise narrows on Tluirs day morning started lor New N ork City where she and her daughter Miss Olive, will spend several months. Mrs. John Lovelace and two small children an* suffering with diphthe ria, and »t range to say the house has not yet hcen quarantined. Lewis Huumgartner, of Dushore has accepted a position as baggage master on the \Y. A: N. P>. railroad. W. K. Shoemaker, lish and [tame warden of i'radford county, has been hound over to court to answer for an as-ault and battery for shunting at a man who was llshing through the ice on a pond. A young man entered a business place the ot her day and meeting the proprietor -aid: "The old man toid me thi-morning that in* thought I could get a position in your store,'.' Looking him square in tli • face the hu.-iness man said: 'lt I had a thousand positions that 1 wanted lilted I wouldn't give one of them to a young man who speaks of his father as the 'old man." The Dubois Kxpress says: tJeorge M. < 'use, formerly general freight and pa.—enger agent <> I the William sport and N •rth Planch railroad, has been appointed chief clerk to lienor ul I'a.-s nge;- agent L-ipey of the 15. It.and A I', railroad, and has already taken it|• his duties. The trolley ordinance is held up in the Ilughesville borough council over disagreements upon the extent of liberty to be given the trolley people in laying and repaiiing trucks making culverts etc., and over the company's request lor exonoration from taxes for ten years. Arrangements for the execution of James Salerno, at William-port, on February S, are well under way, yet jn spite of tiii- the murderer hope- toe.-rape deatll. lie frequent ly »'.\ presses the belief that some thing will be done in his case before the time set for hanging. He dwells upon this hope notwithstanding he has been admonished to think of nothing but the future and t.iy to he prepared to die. Weather Prophet Kicks predicts that the weather during January will hi generally mild, but that a ntimhi rof severe snowstorm.- and bli.-./.arils will be -andwitched be tween the springlike periods. He -ay- the month will be noted for frequent thunder and heavy rains. An Kchiuboro (Krie county) man ha- purchased a row milker and is miikiug his cow- by Two cows are milked at a time, the I operator sitting between the cows ! and working the pump by treadles with his feet. The yield of milk is ' said to be greater than by hand milking. Mr. U. A. (,'onklin is touring the | county, taking orders for a book that deals with scientific farming and much other useful information. Last week lie canvassed Davidson j township and met with good sue | cess. >li-s Kli/abeth Kartell, daughter jof Prank 11. Farrell has taken her I place in the Treasurer's office as deputy for her father. She takes hold of the business vitli an aptitude which indicates that she is very competent for the position. •. Samuel <;>lt who lived anil praclici I his profusion at this place -nrne years ago died last Sunday -it T>- wanda, a the aye of s. - ! years The i>'W .Methodist Kpiseop-d I'hurch a Laipiin wasdedicateil last Sunday. A pi'tty wedding occurcd I tst Thnrsd.v at I'icture Itocks, wll • n Mi-s Ijla llessler of that place bo tanic te I•»'ideof .Mr. William Boat man, if 11 of Mr. .Jane- # ill and soon became too j II to k. His companions car-j ried Ito a livery stable about j ):.!n ,< k and two hours later he i was i. The coroner decided that ! in ii-t was not necessary. .la McM.ihon died Tuesday o.'irt at - o'clo/k, at the aye of ■; | ylind !' months. Mr. McMa-| ion horn in county Down, I'rej anile came to America in 1s !4 indeed as a s-hi[» carpenti rin i (he Knglaud states and in l-'lor idajl ' s ">l when ho purchased the now owned by his son, John Mcln. Mr. McM ilion was >|efotinty Commissioner in 1 until in ls7o, lie hud amiiuti latiisiderable property and was vejell esteemed by all. He sons John and Frank of CI! and one daughter, .Mrs. Stjs. Murphy of Albany towi sh'lie funeral xx iii he held Tliy. - " led to Wed—Girls 111 to 2. r >. I'firite to a farmer's son. and d# so bashful, for all letters wj strictly private forever. Mno object. My age is h 'IS inches, w eight. 1 . M. Breitinire. Muticy Valley, I'a. jreening Nursery Couioany, MMich., one of the leading n concerns in tin- Cnited Svrites us that they want a gr agent in this section to sjders for their nursery stock, ljice not necessary. They (ii■ I a certain amount for janitor and truant officer he was bidding for two offices or did he leave that for his friends to dolor him as Mr. Farrell states that Mr. Dowry might have on the School Hoard. Air. Farrell, how much trouble had the School Directors of [.'berry township to get a truant off icer last year or didn't they have uiy, of course it was an appoint ment f.om the hands of your Honor ible liody or do you want to make the taxpayers believe that you <1 i< 1 We will try to put your explanation >f the Legal < "ontract with the present janitor as long as they have to make his bin to suit the occasion. Mr. Farrell, do you not think it would be a good idea, the next time >"ou advertise for bids, to state that no bid would be considered from any >ne unless he might have friends on the Board oris known to the said Isody. We wonder how long a man lias to live in Cherry township be fore he is k nowu by the School Di rectors of Cherry township. If 25 years as a taxpayer and a voter is not sufficient evidence, a man should t! all times get credit for oiling the truth so we will have to do so with Mr. Farrell and we also think that friendship should cease when it doilies to letting of bids for any office. Mr. Farrell. take your correspond ence to task for asking the question, •'can anyone tell why we are going to have only six months school this term?" Now we cannot see w here there is anything wrong in asking the question but it may be that "our eyes are grow ing dim." There was no charge of graft or stealing made that 31 r. Farrell need to run before the public and cry out that we are iiccused of graft and stealing, but re lating the old saying, "paper will not refuse ink", his letter is very in teresting but he forgets that there is ill ways two sides to a question and no man can make a decision until be gets both sides of the question. Now Mr. Farrell, my valuation is |so and my school tax for the past three years have been as follows: 11102, $1.50; 190.J, $1.59 and 1994, .ss cut saws, sets, files, etc. especial 1\ lor wcodsmen. Oive luea chainsupply yonrneeds. At all times I have in C.roceries, Provisions, Notions, Hard\\:.ie Drugs and Medicines. A. E. CIMPBELL. SHUNK. PA. Pall Suits for Men, Boys and Children are now here for inspection. Suits in black clay and unfinished worsteds and 1 hihels Homespuns, French and Fnglish Fl.nnels. arid Scotch Goods. Iso>s and Children*' Suits in all the r.ew fabrics :md makes Prices as well as variety are extraordinary. All niw an i up to date line of Gents Furnishings, Hats, Caps, etc Also thecnty place in town where you can t the "Walk Over" Shoe. J. W. CARROLL'S, Hotel Carroll Block, DUSHORE PA ' ' ' JACOB HERR Ke-ina rk ing Sa !e, Going Out of Business All our Mens and Bo>s' Suits and Overcoats. Gents I urnishing Goods Ftc., will be re marked from 20 to 30 per cent lower than actual cost ol manufacture, regard less of price. 'I his sale will eclipse anything ever before attempted by any clothing st ue in Sullivan county. S7OOO worth of goods must be sold by April Ist. 1 must leave this town by April Ist. All I ask is to come and see Jacob Herr's Remarking Sale, at LAPCRTE, PA. Cne Hundred Dollars ($100) reward, if anyone sees me doing business at La port e after April Ist. All 1 ask is to come and see Jacob Herr's Re-marking Sale, LAPORTE, PA. GENERAL STORE ® Daporte Tannery. ® FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS FOUND HERE. Just received a special purchase of "Riches'' Flannels, Lumbermens' Shirts and Drawers, Men's, I adies' and CZhildr. ns' Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery. There's Lots Here to Show You From the City. Fresh stock of Diy Goods -and Notions, Boys and Men's Hats and Caps, full line of Snagproof Shoes and Rubbeis, Ladies', Gents and Children's Goodyear Rub ber.n Woodsmen and Boys Shoes to suit all. Our Usual Quality of Groceries and Provisions are Equal to the BEST. JAMES McFARLANF.