Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, November 16, 1905, Image 3

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VTT t\lj - - $50.000 1 - - |
Does a General Banking Business.
President. Caslitei |
Attorney at-Law.
(Klice, coruer 4 of Main anil Miniev .'"'ls. ;
Having opem-d an office at 132S Arch
St., Philadelphia, I shall still continue to
practice in the several Courts of Sullivan
County.' When not in my oilier personally
a conipet.nt person will be found in
charge thereof, bonds of various kinds
Attorn-y iO-Ti!iw.
office in Keeler's Block.
LA POUT F, Sullivan County, PA.
Rush .1. Thomson, Albert F. Heess,
IST 1. '902.
UllSllollE, 1 K.N NA.
I,OII« Distance Telephone.
.1.-inttaiv I ■ 1 yOH. j
J j. & F. H. INGHAM,
A I TO: N !' V - AM AW,
I » usio« -a .lUon lt-i! to
in i'»is nii'i a ljoiuing counties
.A l>o MB, l> -'
r; j. MULLEN,
Attorney-flit -Law.
OPKIOKTJI • , t>U?ITV Btill.Hl.tU
KffA'rtM-'-T HOWBK.
ATI ollfl rIY V AT I.AW,
MOTA it 7 I'UBIj ' 0.
v ~J. MCj LYN EAU X, D. D .S.
Graduato Universal y of Pennsylvania.
At Lope P« . Wednesday and Thursday
ertch week.
F. W. GAIjXiAGHEE, i'rop.
Newly erected. «)}>poeite Court
Itousi square. Sieani heat, hath room"
Imt and col l water, reading and pool
r loin.nnd I .artier .-I ")■; »iso good Btnhlinp
and livery,
, o.sin-.Ni I I' all ''Ki . , Ui. condition .ii in<-
' Pirst National Bank ru>lioie. in U'*'
1,1 J'eims.vlvantii at el.w«- uf burinis- aitn
ISKSOI'IiIBS. ami .lis-«".mits.. *
t'. K. Bond* to wen re circulation
Premium on 1 -. Ilmul- . ,
-i ik —t-ciiritit*— .Ki.ooO"!'
h . • 1 ""o> 'toooo
Kurnlture ■••••
I n. It um Banks all.taiU'-ove'l tu-s. ARt.,lft»,«« l0
l'v.|.-iiii't "ii fiin.l P. -. In 'surer ,112 -
Speelafnml Legal "luiKter note*
Total ; llu.i-w IK.
S m'!SSi
.-,ii|.:us iin.l 1i.i.10 I'leil I'li'li-.s 'j 00000
i "
X)l\lden.l« iai|«l<t m
Total »410,i513 00
State..l Pemi.-vlvanta t'.mnt.v i.f Sullivan —■
I M l' .-wart- ra.-hier of tlie ulmvi-
huuk .lii solemnly sweai' that the aliove snit. meut
i-Inn totlietie-t of mv knowl.'li-'e an.l Ih-ii.-i-
M. 11. s\\ AItTS ("a-h.i r.
Snl.seiil.ed an.l sworn tn before me this■ : ; 1.-l
day of I'.hiT., ALBKItTK llhh«-,
Nlv eommissii.n. xpiie.- I'el.y -•. On. Notarj I in.lie.
Correct Attest:
INO. n UF.P.SICB. Ili lee tors :
For a well Kept
Stock of
Far pries that ar
For curteous treatrn nt
o- \
-A'.f' '.V ' VW n-r
Vhin »( i|» 'ii 'tiuf • tmci tin uii r s pMtetti
. ,J i lit* ii.rtUft, -is mjjen! 4t»tl iilir(|t>t«
.» h.t i« Holder on th«- market, nihl we
1 - M ttilr* nI" Jw rej»f*-Hrni«-l <»t iuon.y it
» Ttf ori*(mid, to ill {loitttk til
1 vltl N J "»•! V \ Our lUillhi }r.t ilo««
lii'ui iv ».ii»r
ttiHiK ft pah a c.i». rat a* i
| Covnty Seat
I Local and Personal Events
Tersely Told.
Rev. T. S. Ripple was a Onshore
visit r Wednesday.
Miss Edith Eddy of <rlcn Mawp,
spent a. few days with her parents
last week.
Mr. fJeorge Ingham of Sugar
Run. is visiting liis brother, lion.
T. .1. Ingham.
Treasurer elect rat-pel was a
county seat visitor Tuesday,
Miss Charlotte Miller of New
York city is spending a few days
with her father who will accom
pany her to the city the latter part
of the week.
Francis 11. Bardwell of (}rover,
and Miss .Jennie Reed of Kldreds
ville. were united in marriage on
Wednesday afternoon, by 'Squire
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Funston
have gone to lJridg'villc, Del.,
where they will spend the winter
\vilh their daughter. Mrs. 11. Mc
! i vaner
Look out for the sewing machine
man who come-* t" the house and
claims that lie hns l>ei u sent thereto
repair the machine, lie is a fakir
an I w ill try to get big money out of
his victim*.
(b'orgc Kcster lias moved his saw
mill from Rock Run, in Forks Twp.
to Soncstowii, where he has a job of
rawing a two veur's stock. Mr.
Ki --it r ai-n nio\ 1 <1 hi- family Ironi
1 'am phi-11.-'. i.!<• Soil! -town.
The people of Northumberland
| county an agitating the <|ucstinn of
making alterations anil building an
addition t<> their courthouse which
was built forty venr- ago, and when
that county had only about one hail
of its present pojiulation.
I'he city hunter- wiil make an ef
fort t<i have the tresspass law repeal
e.l or ame:i i'd at the next session of
the slate legislature. It protects the
land owners now and they want it so
lixed that the game will be saved
for them but tne farm r have no
protection for hi- crops or land.
I'he old law w.l- very -satisfactory to
that class of sp irtsmen.
There are times when divorce
seems justifiable. We think the
Philadelphia man who recently
swore that his wife 111 ide him sleep
in tin'barn while the coachman slept
in the house, had a case; and we are
not -ure that the lowa woman who
says her husb mil hasn't bathed in 22
years and l»o<ists of it is also warran
ted in entering legai protest. It i
hard to b -Mere -u :i marriages
A large lto.-lcster lamp exploded
in the millinery e> dilishment of
Mrs Daisy llartrauft at Canton,
Wedne-Miy 'vening of last week,
flic entire top of the lamp was
blown off'and the oil and burning
wick falling on the table and floor
Two l tdic- sU M ecib'il in keeping the
tl.tines under control until help
it is with the deepest regret that
we announce the death of Alexandi r
Spence, the youngest -011 of Mr. and
Mrs. James Spence, who has been a
I -u tie re r with rheumatism for the last
i -ix mouths four weeks ago he
| was sent to the \Villiam--port llos
| pital for treatment, and seemed to
Ibe improving nicely. His parents
I anil friend- were expecting him
home, cured of his affliction, in a
short time, and Ills death came as a
j severe shock to all.
Treasurer elect Farrell «,i- -link
ing hands with the boys at this place
«'utility < 'hairuian Shoemaki r v
•ailing on the Itepublican leader- at
i bis place Friday.
Mr-. John Sick is vi-iiiui; fiicml
in New York City.
Mr-. Friiiiiburg who ha- l»i 11 vi
iling tilends in V w York, retunieil
home Friday.
John l\ Murphy i- -till 011 lh"
-Ick 11-t and i- impr<.\i ly slowly.
Mi • l.i/./.ie liri-c-ll oi > ivre, 1
vl»iting her parents 'n re
Mr. mi I \|i's. IMniei !* t'oa 1 r
who have •». en visiting the 1 >r..t 1
parent- it tlii- plat*', have rein: 1 d
lo tie ir home in I'hlliitli-lphii.
Mi-. Itobrt \|c( iee of Say l'e, \ |-i
her parents here last S ihiril »
Mr- .lame- # '.>tiin-r- vl-lbnl s,-r 11
toll II ifliil- I It-1 rtl Ik
The following is the programo- r
the Inter. Co. Inst, of the W. C. T.
U. t > bp held at lj\st Forks, Friday
afternoon and evening, November
17, l!M).j.
1 i Music bv congregation.
< >!»•!, ing Devotions, Mrs. A. \ otigh.
Rpiiofits of \V. C. T. C. liturature
in the Home, Mrs. Emma Rryan.
Quiz on State Report, Mrs. Anna
F. Nye.
S. T. Public Schools, Mr.<.
May Fawcatt.
Music by congregation.
The Mornian Menace, Mrs. A. V.
Drill on Local Work and Consti
tution, Mrs. C. L. Hotlirock.
Question Box.
National \V. C. T. I'. Plan-:
a, Willard Memorial, b, lied
Letter days, Mrs. Huttic Collins; c,
\V. 1". C. T. in Washington, Mrs.
Sarah White.
L. T. L.and T. L. I'.. W..rk, Mrs.
Anna Potter.
Are patent medicines injurious?
Mrs. 11. 1,. Pardoe.
Music, selected. Devotions, Rev.
Fisk. Music, choir.
Recitation. Report of State Con
vention, Miss Sara iluckle, Co. Pres.
Recitation. Address: What Consti
tutes Christian Citizenship? Rev. 10.
A. I >od(l.
Offering. Music. ISenediction.
The title of champion bear hunter
of Lycoming county belongs to C.
W. Williamson, at least until the
man turns up who can slay more
lhan a trio of the nienibersof hruins
tribe in ju.-t about as many minutes
as there are bears in the round-up.
Mr. Williamson with his son, on
Saturday were hunting near Sallad
as burg when he came upon four
bears, a large one and three cubs,
(•lit he was equal to the emergency,
lie brought down the bear and two
of the cubs. The third cub escaped.
An old fashioned New England
supper will lie served by the Ladies'
Aid Society of the M. E. Church, at
the home of Mrs. Ida Mahalfy on
Friday evening, November 1".
Worth of your money guaranteed.
Supp'T m rved from -V:!n until 10
Fred and W. M. Shoe
maker, two well know game war
dens, of Bradford county, have been
arretted upon the alleged charge of
assault and battery on a Sa.vre man
The defendants furnished bail before
a justice of the peace at Towanda, to
appear at the next term of the i!rad
ford county court. it was a boy who wrote
iliis essay: " The mouth is the front
door of the face. Ii is the aperture |
to the cold storage of our anatomy,
it is the hot bed of toothache and the
bung hole of oratory. The mouth is
the crimson aisle of the river. It is
the fountain of patriotism, and the
tool chest for pie. Without the
mouth the politician would lie s. I
wanderer upon the lace of the earth,
and go down to a dishonered grave.
It is the grocers friend, the denti-t's
hope. It is the temptation lunch
counter when attached to a prettj
girl, and a tobacco tiend when at
tached to a man."
A horrible accident occnred in
the brewery of John C. Storkee,
near l'ort Allegheny' wednesdi y
of last week iu which a si n of the
brewer had hi- head I.l.>\\ n oil and
three other employes «>f the hrewer>
were knoeked unconscious and al
most drowned iu the escaping lx cr.
Youngstoeker was tapping a I> g
\ t. using coin pressed aii to force
! i l.e lit |u id into t lie kegs lie turn
led on the air without opening the
j spigot, the result being the exple
l sion.
In patsiianci o| tin Kesilutioii of
j till I!' .lid el Diieet I*l I the 1. (fries
Mere I il.ttU 111 pl.t P I ■ -I ill ' toliel Oth
I IVS. 1 iptcial etil'g (4 tin .'.nek
I holders of s.,iil iv•l jMiiation will 1 c
! held 1 i Tties la» tlx nineteenth da\
' it 111 illlle A. D., !•.»>>. .it one
. I clod r M at tin principal place
I a' InisiiK- s 1,1 ilu s lid cor|Kir itioii in
' ill Mi -rough .1 I.acUs Men. CotinU
•i Sullivan nd Si \ > ..I iVutisyh.ui a,
j for the | ui|M -e-f o taininjt tin eon.
j [*• »1 »tl hill It • I | *l*4 »|»4 .sol 11 14 IV iSl* ll) lis
I *1 to U. .m\ v tils th Inn
I'>V virtue of sundry writs of Levari
Facias Snr Tax Liens issued out ot the
I'ourt of Common f'leas ol Sullivan conn
iv. Pennsylvania, ami to me directed and
delivered, the following tracts of land will
lie exposed to public sale at the Court
Mouse in the borough of Laporte, Snlli
van ('ounty, Fa., on
Saturday, November 18, 19(>5,
commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., viz:
Lot So. 1. All that certain lot or
parcel of land situated in the Township
of Shrewsbury, County ot Sullivan and
State of Pennsylvania, described lis fol
Beginning at a corner in center of pub
lit: mad leading from Muncy ("reek to'
11 illsgrove; thence South four and one
hail degrees West thirty live and lour
tenths perches toa post on line oftireen's
laud; thence by the same South forty six
degrees Fast fitly lour perches to a post;
thence by the same North seventy two
d .grees Hast eighty two perches to a post;
I hence by the same South sixty four de
grees Fast thirty one perches to a post;
i hence by same South two degrees West
I'orl.y eight perches to a post; thence South
eighty fix degrees Fast fourteen and one
lentil perches lo a post on lineol land in
ihe warrantee name of Samuel (tryson;
ihence by the same four and one-hall de
grees East one hundred sixteen perches to
|n post: thence North eight)' si.\ degrees
West fortv seven anil two-tenths perches
to public road aforesaid: thence along the
same South lorty-four degrees West
fourteen and one-tenth perches to a corner
in center of said road; thence South sixty
live and three tomtits degrees West thirty
and two tenths perches to a corner in
f-aid road; thence along the same South
sixty five and one halt degrees West
thirty six perches to a corner; theice
South along the same eighty nine degrees
West ten perches toa corner on said road;
thence North fitly seven and one-fourth
degrees West thirty-five and one-hall per
chesto a corner in center of said road,
thence North sixty lour degrees West
twenty two and two tenths perches to the
place of beginning. Containing ft!iy
acres unimproved.
Sold as the property of Mrs. Nora
j i ireen, owner or reputed owner.
Lot No. 1': All that certain lot or
j parcel of land situated in the township of
Laporte, Sullivan County. Pennsylvania,
described as follows:
lleginning at a corner of a lot contract
ed to be sold to Frederick Smith on the
South bank ot the Loyal Sock creek;
thence by the said South bank ot J.oval
sock North thirty four degrees Fast eigh
ty perches; thence North seventy-three
and one-hall degrees Fast forty live per
ches: thence South forty five degrees Fast
seventy perches; thence South twenty one
degrees Fast twent eight pesches: tiienc"
along unsold land ot the party of the first
! part South thirtv one degrees West seven*
tv nine perches: and thence along unsold
I land and land contracted to be sold to
Frederick Smith North fifty nine degrees
West one hundred '.wenty lour and five
tenths | crches to the place of beginning,
i 'oiitaining Seventy-five acres, about half
of « hich is improved, under a good state
of cultivation with barn and other small
buildings thereon erected, situated on the
public road from Laporte to 1 mshore, at
l.'mgdale. Pa.
Sold as the property of H. 11. lying,
owner or reputed owner.
Lot No. ;i: All those certain lot* lit-* J
uated in the borough of Laporte. Sullivan |
county. Pennsylvania, described as fol-!
Seven lots, bounded on North by lands
ol It. A. Conklin. on Fast by King street,
on South by South i-treet ami on West by j
Hecch street. ' 'omaining seven lots, im
Sold as the property of tieorge W. Mix,
owner or reputed owner.
Lot No. 4: All those certain lots sit
uated in the borough ot Laporte. Sul'ivan
county, Pennsylvania, described as lol
Two hits bounded on the West by
Muncy street, on the Fast by Court street
on the South by L. K. liutnble lot ami on
the North by I. A. -lonian lot. Contain
, iug two l"ts improved,
j Sold a- the property of Herman 11.
! King, ownet or leputd owner.
Lot No. "i. All that certain lot ot and
-iluated in Fo\ township, Sulli\all • 'oun
ty, Imi-ylvania, bounded a* follow-:
l.oiimied on the Fast liv land ol I IV«M*S I
llird. and I lie South by the -I hn P. Mr
• i tiiineft and on the Noith and
! West by lands late ol the I' iiioii la lining j
j t'oiup iiiv. ' 'oiitaining fifty acres more or j
| b-.-s, uiiimproved.
Id as the property of •>. Shavei.
! oyy net or reputed owner.
Lot No. ti: All that certain lot ritual '
,u in til-borough ot llagles MereSullivaii
I County Pennsylvania, boun.led and ile
! scrdietl as follows;
I Iteiug a lot on Last ,-i.le ot Laporte
Ayenue, bouuded on the North by loi ol
i tin l'own> estate, on the Fast by land*
li t the I'eale estate:ou the South by Hick
-iiii lo:. and on the \\ est by Lafiorte Aye.
[being tin ' 1111 House propirtv. Con
! fulling a lot out hllielrtil and tilt) feel
i trout. and having a small
; bui'ding erected thereon.
-old as tile ,i|opeily ot Ktla M. Smith
j oyvuiT or reputed owner.
Lot No 7 Ml that certain lot .-itual
I t iii Ihe In i rough ol li. Mere, Su 111
I » i ountv. Pvniisrhat ia, bounded and
-I -••ribed as IOIIOWK
It -tiiitlt-tI MI the North by |>ick-on lot,
i oil llie Lii.-i b) 1.i11.1K 111 the I'eale I utale
■HI •!.i- nil by .lull ll v K irl* loi, and mi
\V i-i by l.uporlv \y«uiie. Coniinii
■ a !•*! one hiititlreil and It liv lie! Irolil,
1 in.pun ed
I a* the (ropcity ol .i,»epli \ .ill
ill' k .oyy Her or re| uud uu iter.
11,. era I 1011, of 111 lid I -II /.ed,
« it- ell II M I 111 I'll Mil l lo be ... .1 Ml the
*' ' -U'lllM!.. y |..r mi, I eon Ml »
. ->e»»r-.| j.-aiiiM .in,.- for the >.-ur
. I y|y W II I K. Mm rut,
II ■ ll'tt.l ~01 e. IV. IVI 2 ' in.
it\u moat healing aalwi In th« werltf.
Campbell "The Merchant"
Will begin Monday, Sept. 25, 190s, my whole SBOOO
stock will be sold regardless of cfcst. Terms strictly cash.
Only liave l lie spare to sive you prices on a lew items in eaeli department. Every
article in stock is marked down accordingly.
Come in and look lor the Red Mark l>r- I lot Mens' and Boysss worsted suits 3.7">
lection and Columbian Flower 1.25 sack, •• do #l2 wool suits 7.75
25 Hi. sack granulated sugar, 1.38 sack. do overalls 40c
511.. package Banner Oats I'.lc, 'i do 1.50, 2100, -.50 pints, 1.00
Best Baking Soda 4c Hi. 7 ll»s, 25c " Bovs' knee pants 20c.
Flying Kagle and Growler Smack tobacco 14 Mens' #4.00 fine boot*. 2.00
Mic lb. Star Soap. 7 cakes 25c; 30 cakes " do 2.50 heavy l*oot« 2.00
1.00. All 1.00 Patient Medicines 83c. fi.oo driving shoes .3.00
tialvanized Barb Wire 2.85 lid. 'i lj#dies'sl.2s black and tan oxford 9©
Painted i' 2.00 " do' 1.50 do 1.10
Sp—lo p and larger wire nails 2]c lb. i( do— 2.00 do 1.40
2.A0 r> 7c I'reus Prints sc, 6c yard Mene' Woonsocket rubber boots 3.25
1.00 Ladies' Percala and Flannelette No. 200 Wiard level land plow 750
Wrappers 7(ic. tl spools < 'oats Sjiool No. 306 :J swivel •• S.(K)
Cotton 25c■ 5c papers braes pins 3 lor 25c No. 140 :• do 10.00
I have some goods in every department that are a little shop worn that you cau
bnv at your own price, <'ome early while we have a large assortment for von to
pick from. Yours tor business,
Pall soits
for Men, Boys and Children
are now here for inspection.
Suits in black clay and unfinished worsteds and Thibets
Homespuns, French and Fnglish Flannels, and Scotch
Boys and Childrens' Suits in al' the new fabrics and
Prices as well as variety are extraordinary. All new
an 1 up to date line of Gents Furnishings, Hats, Caps, etc.
Also the only place in town where you can get the
"Walk Over" 3I)oe.
Hotel Carroll Block, DUSHORE, PA.
Positively Our Last Season
of Bargain giving at Laporte
Special bargains are offered to the public in Ov.r new
line ol Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits. In suits
you will find one of the greatest bargains >ou have ev#r
had. Children's Special Suits in all colors and Jl sizes.
The best, most complete and in every way the most
satisfactory stock of shoes ever shown lor Fall and winter
is here for you to examine. None but them. st reliable
makesh ;nd'e I.
If is your loss not to yotraelf ol this money
saving values we are off ring at il is Fall and W i ttr Opei g
Mock all new and pricesn away down.
Clothing, Shoes and Ladies' Cloaks
loaporte Tannery.
lust received a special purchase of "Riches'' Flannels,
I unibermens' Shiits and Drawers, Men's, I adies and
( hildr ns'Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery.
There's Lots Here to Show You
From the City.
Fresh stock of Diy CooJs and Notions, Bo>s ?
Men s Hats and Caps, lull line of Snagprool shoes
Rubbeis, ladies. Gents''and Children's Good Near I
hers Woodsmen and Boys Shoes to suit all.
Our Usual Quality of Groceries a id Provi?
are Equal to the BEST.