Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, August 10, 1905, Image 3

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■PTTAIi - - $50,000 , . • SIO,OOO
Does a General Banking Busincus.
's. 1). STKRIUKRK, M. li. SWARTS.
President. Cashier
Attorney at-Law.
t MUce, corner.of Main and Muney StH.
Having opened an otlice at 1328 Arch
St., Philadelphia, I shall still continue to
the several Courts of Sullivan
County.' When not in my office personally
a competent person will lie found in
charge thereof. Bonds of various kinds
.(lice in Koelii' H Block.
LAPOItTE, Sullivan County, PA.
Rush J. Thomson, Albert P, lleeHH,
1871. 1902.
Lone Uistance, Telephone.
January 1, 1903.
J. & F. H. INGHAM,
Legal business utten«le«l to
in this anil adjoining couutiea
_ A PORTE, l ' A
miTAiir rußLic.
Graduate Univernity'.of Pennsylvania.
At Lopez. Pa., Wednesday and I hursdav
each week.
Newly erected. Opposite Court
House square. Steam heat, hath rooms,
hot and cold water, reading and [tool
room,and barber shop; also good stabling
and livery,
M. Brink's
New Albany, Pa.
100 lbs. new corn meal, 1.25
" cracked corn, 1.25
" whole corn, 1-25
Same per ton 24.00
Corn,oats and barley chop 1 1•>
Same per ton 22 00
100 coarse bran, 1.10
Same per ton, 21.00
100 lbs low grade Hour 1.50
100 lbs Hour middlings 1.35
100 lbs new process Oil meal 1 •>;>
100 lbs oyster shells, '>o
Lump rock st'.lt
140 lbs coiun.on fine salt 50
280 lb barrel salt 1 20
Buckwheat grain wanted.
100 lbs Glutton feed, 1.30
Oats per bushel 45
f>o and 100 bushel lots, Oats, .40
Schumackers Patent 1 00
Best Spring Wheat 1.00
Our own, a blended Hour 1 40
Extra, a pastry Hour 1 30
Best Monroeton mills 1 45
Muney and KtunniefTield Hour 1 45
Veal calves and dressed poultry
wanted every Wednesday.
For a well Kept
Stock of
Far prices that are
For curteous treatment
|Co'*y Seat J
Local .Jd Personal Events J
I Tersely Told. /
Miss Celia Heim of Philadelphia
is visiting at the Rectory.
P. D. Miller of New York, was
shaking hands with old time friei ds
at Laporte last week.
Miss Nellie Snowdan of Hughes
ville, is the guest of her cousin,
Miss Mamie Buck.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D Finkle and
children, of Roselle 1 trk, N. J.
are visiting relatives at this place.
Miss Mary Collins of Dushore, is
visiting her griiudpnrents, Mr. anil
Mrs. M. McXellon.
A. J. Bradley has heen elected to
serve the unexpired term of "Will
iam Kennedy, on the Laporte
School Board.
There will he services both morn
ing and evening at the Episcopal
church next Sunday,
Mr. Louis Seltzer of Hartford,
Conn, and Miss Elizabeth Levine
of Shenandoah, spent a few days
of last week with the latter's sis
ter, Mrs. Ileynian Herr, atMnncy
Mr. and Mrs. Itaup and son, ami
Miss Ryan of Athens are guests at
the Mountain I louse.
Mrs. J. W. Murelle and daughter
Willa. of Athens, visited the form
er's mother Mrs. M. C. Latter, while
on their way to Kagles Mere.
Mrs. Fred Lauer of Muney is vis
iting Mrs. M. ('. I,atterand family.
Master John Lawrence of Muney
is visiting his stunt, Mrs. A. J. Brad
The Eagles Mere hall team will
cross hats with the Laporte team
next Tuesday, on the Laporte Ath
letic field. The game will com
mence at o'clock.
It is worth knowing for the fly days
that have now come that a few drops
of sassafras oil scattered about the
house will keep the flics away its if
by magic. This is said to he the se
cret of flylessncss of drug stores,
where the soda fountain would other
wise attract flies by the thousands.
Miss Myra Baumunk of Lake |
Hun, is at the Sayye Hospital where ;
she underwent on operation for
The next excursion to Harvey's)
Lake on August 17, will he a big j
one. it will start from William-j
sport and take passengers from all '
along the line of the \\\ «V N. B.
Mr. William Cott of Dushore, a
graduate of the Philadelphia College j
of Pharmacy, has opened a drug 1
store at Mildred. The store is said |
to he thoroughly up-to-date and will
lie a great convenience to residents j
of that place.
The wife of l)r. T. W. ltaperofj
Lairdsville, and their daughter, i
(irace, who were seriously injured !
in a runaway about two weeks ago,
are still con lined to their beds, Mrs.
ltaper lieing still paralysed from the i
hips down.
Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Ford returned ,
to their home in Philadelphia last ,
Friday, after spending a delightful
vacation with the former's brother
Prof. Ford, and his family at Moko- I
ma Place.
Miss Lillian Mae Miller, a gradu
ate of elocution from Dickenson
Seminary, will give an entertain
ment in the M. 10. Church Friday
evening. Miss Miller conies highly
Harry Lane, a fifteen year old
boy of Jamison City, hail the first
three fingers of his right hand bad
ly injured by a Hying axe that slip
ped fjom the hands of his father who
was felling trees, a few days ago.
The axe missed hitting him in the
side by the margin of an inch. The
boy went with his father into the
woods to cut down some trees and
was standing by looking on when
I the accident occured. His father
was chopping at a thick tree and
had raised the implement and was
swinging it when it slipped from
his hands and went Hying at teriftic
speed in the direction that the boy
was standing. The axe came blade
tirst and struck his hand. The first
finger was severed ami the other
two were so badly injured that it is
feared amputation may be necessary.
F(>' «I. —A pocketbook. Owner
e." l\e same by calling at this «f
--flo And proving property.
Preaching services at the M. E.
Church next Sunday evening at 7
o'clock followed by Eph worth
Lea true.
Emerson Woodward of Muncy,
was painfully injured while tishing
at Eagles Mere. lie was sitting on
some logs which projected over the
water when they gave away throw
ing him into the water and piling; up
on him. He managed to get out
from under them and got out of the
water, but had his left hip and knee
badly injured.
Deposits in New York savings
bunks increased $K;1,000,000 during
the past twelve months, the largest
previous increase having been #71,-
(111(1,000, in 189!). Of the whole in
crease $.12,000,000 occured in the past
six months, showing how exception
ally prosperous the current year has
been thus far. Nearly one-half of
the increase in deposits was the in
terest credited The number of open
accounts is a little more and a halt
millions. The Massachusetts savings
batiks have also issued a very favor
able statement of their operations for
the past year, l>ut in that state also a
very large part in the increase ot
money due the depositors is the in
terest credited to them. Even in the
most prosperous seasons the actual
amount of money added by the av
erage depositor to his savings hank
account is small. But small savings
and interest that accumulates day by
day hive in ten years added enoi;
inously to the resources of the people
of small means.
The crop report for July shows an
increase of 2,0(1(1,(1(10 in corn acreage
bringing the total acreage at this date
up to Hl,ill I,IMHI. This, with the ex
ception of 101M, says the Chicago In
ter Ocean, is the largest acreage on
record. I'nder usual conditions it
means a yield of 2,.100,000,000 hush
els, and a value to the farmers of
With a larger acreage the condition
of the growing corn in Illinois is 0
per cent, better than at this date in
1001, 2 per cent, better in lowa, 20
percent, better in Kansas, 17 per
cent, better in Missouri.
In Nebraska, Indiana and Ohio the
condition is nut quite so good as last
year but in the country as a whole the
condition is better by one per cent,
than in 1001, and by s percent, than
in 190.1. 111 other words, conditions
in {be corn belt are favorable to as
heavy a yield as in 1002, when the
The lawn fete at the Rectory hist
Tuesday evening proved one of the
most pleasant affairs of the season,
and was enjoyed by an immense
throng. The grounds were beauti
fully decorated with streamers of
bunting from which were suspended
rows of Japencse lanterns, brilliant
ly illuminating the grounds and
presenting a very pretty picture.
The prize box table in charge of Mrs.
K. Kappleye anil Mrs. K. P. Ing
ham, seemed the greatest attraction
to the visitors and the boxes were
all sold at an early hour, as was also
the large amount of candy in charge
of Miss Jessie Wrede. Delightful
music was furnished by Mrs. E. M.
i Dunham, Miss Olive Harrows and
ltev. K. A. llcini. Three coaches
j filled with guests from Hotel Eagles
] Mere, drove over and were among
! the happiest in the throng.
X. Schafl'er, Superintendent of
Public instruction at Ilarrisburg, is
sending out the warrants for the
State appropriations to the various
school treasurers. The special ap
propriation which was received by
all the school distri»t(s of the State for
the past three years, which was
granted by a special act of the Leg
islature of 1002 for a period of three
years, expired with last year, conse
quently all districts are just short
that much. The regular appropri
ation this year is about the sume in
all cases as last year.
JOHN I low Ait 1 > HAKIMS, President.
I College: Courses in Arts, Philoso
! phy, Science, Chemistry, Biology,
i Civil and Electrical Engineering,
with shop work. Department for
j Women, comprising College, Insti
tute, Art and Music courses. School
! of Music open to both sexes. Acad
; for young men and hoys.
For catalogue etc. address the
j Registrar, Win. C. Oretzinger,
Lewisburg, Pa.
Foley's Honey and Tar
Mires colds, prevents pneumonia.
j gll 111! I KK'S NALK.
By virtue of writs of Vend Kx. is
; sued out of the Court of Common
I'leas of Sullivan County, and to me
j directed and delivered, there will he
exposed to public sale, at the Court
Mouse in Laporte, Sullivan County,
Pennsylvania, on
at 10 o'clock a. 111. the following de
scribed real estate viz:
The farm owned by Moses Lewis,
and 011 which he resides, in the town
ship of Ilillsgrove, County of Sulli
van and State of Pennsylvania, situ
ated on the North side of the Loyal
Sock creek adjoining the farm occu
pied 1)}- Cyrus Lewis and Robert Lew
is, and being the same land which
Jonathan Lewis deceased, in his last
will and testament, which is recorded |
in the Register's office at Laporte, in
Will book, No. 2, page S, devised to
Moses Lewis, as appears by the fol
lowing description contained in said
will, viz: First 1 give, devise and 1
bequeath to my two youngest sons,
Robert and Cyrus Lewis, the farm 011
which I now reside on the South side
of the creek: second, 1 give, devise
and bcqueatlNto my son, Moses Lew
is the farm 011 the North side of the
creek adjoining the above farm.
Said farm contains one hundred and
sixteen acres more or less, with
about one hundred acres thereof i 111
proved, with a good dwelling house
and large barn, and other out build,
ings, a good apple orchard and other
fruit trees thereon; it is also well
watered and in good condition.
Seized, taken in execution, and to
be sold as the property of Moses Lew
is, at the suit of Miriam Lewis.
F. W. lil'CK. Sheriff.
INGAMS, Attorneys.
Slit-riff's ofllce, Laporte, Aug. 10 1905.
In the matter of the application of
Frederick 1). Spencer for a divorce
from Mary M. Spencer his wife.
To Mary M. Spencer, you are here
by notified that an alias subpoena in
the above stated case having been re
turned that you could not be found
in this county, you are required to
appear 011 tile third Monday of Sep
tember, next, at a Court of Common
Pleas to be held at Laporte at - o'clock
p. 111. and make answer to the com
plaint made by your husband in the
above stated case.
FRANK W. IU C'K, Sheriff.
Sheriff's office, Laporte, Aug. 10,1905.
In the matter of the application of
M. Malinda Iluusinger for a divorce
from LOIOII A Iluusinger her Ims
To Loloji A. Iluusinger, you are
hereby notified that an alias subpoena
in the above stated case having been
returned that you could not be found
in this county, yon are required to
appear on the third Monday of Sep
tember, next, at a Court of Common
I'leas to be held at Laporte at "Jo 'clock
p. 111. and make answer to the com
plaint made by your wife in the above
stated case.
FRANK \V. BUCK, Sheriff.
Iu the matter of the application of
Klisha (ireenlaw for a divorce from
Ida H. (Ireenlaw his wife.
To Ida 11. (Ireenlaw, you are here
by notified that an alias subpoena in
the above stated case having been
returned that you could not be found
in this county, you are required to
appear on the third Monday of Sep
tember, next, at a Court of Common
Pleas to be held at Laporte at 2 o'clock
p. 111. and make answer fo the com
plaint made by your husband in the
above stated case.
FRANK W. IH'CK. Sheriff.
Sheriff's office. Laporte. Aug. 10,1905.
U )
The Best place
to buy goods
Is olten asked by the pru
pent housewife.
Money saving advantages
arealways being searched lor
Lose no time in making a
thorough examination of the
New Line of Merchandise
Now on
? J~*? ?? 777
Ail answered at
Vernon Hull's
Large Store.
To Cure Oonst-lpucton Forever.
TakeCascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c orCJSo
If O. C. C. tail to curt, uruufc*fcta refund money
Campbell "The Merchant"
New Spring and Summer Goods
in Every Department.
T s-} \p< 1 would be pleased to have you call ami look
/ J J over our New Dress Cjoods.— Percales Pongees.
Pawns, lite., for Shirtwaists and Suits. Also
Ladies' Furnishing Goods of every khul. Shoes and Oxford Ties, liotli
Blaek and Tan.
- ~ We are now showing the most up to date Clothing
V I C"~7 // I ..S "Hats, Caps, Shoes, Shirts and I'nderwear that
"ever came to town. Pliers Low. (Quality High.
It is a pleasure for us to show goods. Please call and we w ill
prove it to you. My goods are all marked with plain figures and as
low as the lowest.
FOR CASH.—Remember I give you from 5 to 10 per
cent discount on every dollars worth you buy.
Yours for Business,
Spring Suits
for Men, Boys and Children
are now here for inspection.
Suits in black clay and unfinished worsteds and"l hi.bets
Homespuns, French and English Flat els, and Scotch
Boys and Childrens' Suits in all the new fabrics and
Prices as well as variety are extraordinary. All new
an 1 up to date line of Gents Furnishings, Hats, Caps, etc.
Also the only place in'town where you can get the
"Walk Over" 3l)oe.
Hotel Carroll Block, DUSHORE, PA.
Closing Oat
The entire stock of the
Laporte Bargain House
consisting of
and Jewelry,
must be closed out this Summer as I am
going out of business.
In consequence of this I will sell at greatly reduced
prices. S6OOO worth of goods must be sold by Novem
-1 st. Come and avail yourselves ol this great opportun
ity as' this is the lirst sale of this kind in this vicinity and
may never occur again.
Clothing, Shoes and Ladies' Cloaks