Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, July 20, 1905, Image 4

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    |CI Cut off that cough with
mJi» bronchitis and consumption.
The world's Standard Throat and Lung
Get it of your druggist and keep it always ready in the house.
JUOge Steward's Popularity.
"Governor Pennypacker's appoint
ment of Judge John Stewart, of Frank
lin county, to the vacancy on the state
supreme bench gave ur.lvorsal satis
faction to all who have the best inter
ests of the commonwealth at heart,"
declares the editor of the Meadvllfa
(Pa.) Gazette. "Judge Stewart is with
out doubt one of the very best lawyers
in the state. For 17 years he has filled
the office of president judge of Frank
lin county, and his decisions have be?n
reversed by the supreme court a fewer
number of times than those of any
other common pleas Judge in the state,
lie Is a veteran of the civil war, where
he served in the I2(ith regiment, P. V.
I. He stands for all that is best in Re
publicanism, and will receive the full
pnrtv vote should he be nominated for
the l'ull term, as he undoubtedly will
A Strong Ticket.
"The Republican state ticket Is a
thoroughly good one from top to bot
tom. and should receive a hearty in
dorsement at the polls,'" says the edi
or ot' the Warren (Pa.) Mail. "Every
man on it is well qualified for the po
sition he seeks, and every Republican
tshould give him loyal, earnest sup
No Catme For lli Nil If reom ell t.
A Pittsburg 'paper says there is no
disagreement between Judge Parker
nn<l Mr. Bryan as to the policy of the
party. Inasmuch as there seems to be
no policy to disagree about, perhaps the
Pittsburg editor is right.—Denver Re
The Twentieth Annual Reunion at
Hartford n SneceMNful One.
There are 120 active subordinate
granges in the state of Connecticut and
ten Pomonas, the aggregate member
ship being about 0,000. The invested
funds of the state grange now amount
to $10,420. A resolution that called out
considerable discussion was on the
question of gambling and liquor sell
ing at the fairs. The committee on
legislation reported favorably on the
bill providing that It shall be the duty
of the stale police to visit the agricul
tural f::irs and make arrests for liquor
selling and gambling where such Is
found. The resolution was adopted.
The grange favors the passage of the
pure food bill now before congress and
favors the appropriation of s.">oo for a
circulating library of agricultural aiul
horticultural books. P. B. Sibley of
Danielsonville was re-elected a member
of the executive committee for three
Injury to the grange in the future, if
it ever comes, will come from mistakes
upon the inslae and not from opposition
upon the outside.
o ii eriff's salb.
liy virtue of a writ of vendition exponas
issued out o( the Court ol Common Pleas
01 Sullivan County, and to me directed
and delivered, there will be exposed to
public sale at the Court House in Laporte
I'ji . on
i'l« 1 DAY, Al'<i I'sT 11, 1905,
at 1 I o'clock a. in, the following real
<-taie v z;
All that piece or parcel of land situated
i . the'owhsliip ol Fox, County ol Sulli
\ in and State ol Pennsylvania, bounded
and diTCiibed as follows, viz Ite«rinnin<r
m a pu t and stone in the center ol the
North Mreet road, ami in the West line
•>: the haniel I'.roadhead warrant, thence
North three degrees I'.nst, along said
I'iroadheail line nine!)-six and three lourth
perches to a post; thence North eiglitv
■••M il decrees West, along lands ol H.
I'. ii- thirty-nine and three tourtli perches
' l ' ■ i pnsi: thence South three degrees West
In lands ol Daniel Morgan one hundred
and six and one hall perches to center ol
North Street road, and thence North
seveniy eight degrees east along said road
I'iriv an.l one-halt perches to the place ol
beginning. Containing twenty five acres
-iriut measure he the same more or less
being pari ol a tract ol land in warrant
name ol Andrew Tvholet.
\bout titled! acres improved and hav
ing thereon a frame dwelling house one
an I a hull story high, a log bam, a good
apple orchard and a spring ol living
Seized, taken in Execution an I to he
-old as the property ol Phoebe Leonard
:il the suit ol l>awd Bailey (use).
I I! VN K W. RUCK. Sherill.
dierill soDice, Laporte, Pa., .lull In. llßl.'i,
Auditor's Notice.
Ik I lie matter ol the estate ol Jonathan
Lewis, deceased, late of llillsgrove Twp.,
Siillimn county, Pa. In the < irplians'
Co irl of Sullii an eoimly, No 7, Septeiu
!<er lerui I'.Hl.'i.
I he undersigned, and auditor appointed
In i, I C«urt to distribute the funds in
tilt- hands ol Ihe AdiuinisirHl >r, gnes
notice, that lie will attend to the duties ol
iii- i|i|sMuiiin-iit on Friday \ugu»t 11,
UNI.I. Ht Hi o»KM|, H. 11l , Jit lit* ollice 111
the |ioroii|h ol Ibwhorr, w hen and where
ill p.r-ons interested in said estate or
haiiug a claim on said luiul inn.l present
tin »aiu»- or tie lore*er debarred irom
making claim to am pan thereol
M.l'l|t»N>r> \VAL>II \m Utor,
•I >tlv H, hai i.
IIN lll.N'i I'.l i KKI'IIUI olli.i i't imii 11 li ill 111 It. I
Hirst Nutiniiiil Hunk lit IMi>li n-. in the Sin 1 ,
of Pennsylvania at close of : u.-liuMuv mm.
Loans and dUenunts S'/Ol ..Vill V ;
112. S llnmls in secure circulation O.mKi "•
Premium on P. S. Bonds J.iiimi.
stock securities fiO.woi-i'
Furniture ,9001"
Hue from Banks and iipp-ovcil Kcs. Act. 17
Ueileinntlon fund t', s. Treasurer 'J,.iiioi<
Special and Legal Tender notes 21.7701 I
Total {:>!)",'. Iso i - i
I.IA 111 J.ITI KS,
' 'ajiltal. «;,o.oon i ■ .
Surplus anil uudivideil pmtlt> 2j,:lt'i
rlrculatlnn 4.s,iia>' ■ ;
IMvideniis unpaid .; i
I ie|Kisil> 277,r5M *J"» 1
Total J:i l .)7,!l80 es |
Slate of Pennsylvania County of Sullivan ss.
I, >l. I>. Snarls cashier oi' the above inline 1
bank do solemnly swear that the above statetnei t
is true to the best of mv knowledge anil lielief.
M. I>. SWA UTS. Cashier.
Siitisctibed and sivorn to before me this lid |
day of Jtilili, liHfi. ALBKUT 1". HKKSS,
My commission expires FebviiT.'o.'i. Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
J Ml. li. KfiKs KR, Directors. 1
Administratrix Notice.
In re estate of Mary A. I'hi'lips, late!
of Davidson Tivp.„ Sullivan county, Pa,
Notice is hereby given that letters ol j
administration upon the estate of said
decedent have been granted to the under
signed. All persons indebted to said es
tate are requested to make payment; and
those having claims or demands against 1
the same will make them known without '
Sonestown, I'a. 1
A. J. HItADLKY, Atty.
May, ill, I Oo.".
of Kansas City,
is a Legal Reserve Company
pernting under the strict
Insurance laws of Missouri.
They insure .ill kinds (112
Policies and a ten payment
Pond as an invt s. incut.
Eastern Mana
gers, 900 - 901
Land Title Bld'g.
Absolutely Pure
LaPorte Township Audit.
Wm. Kirnnn i»t nssount wtli l4>i|mrit'Tnwiis)ii|>
•is Collict<»r «>i Ivoml Tax for the ywir eiirihiir
.luih'Tl, luo*>.
\uit. of ihiplicnto, special ;>r| 04
extra 2 50 41)
\nit. collei te«l in 60 days :wr. f»i
■ Kehate on sunn 'JI it.
* oininissiou :? per runt 1J 23
[ r.»Uected 011 face duplicate 14s 2.,
Commission on same 7 41
■ A int. collected A jiercont added 5j :tt;
Kxoncrations 10
Land returns ::j
, < omuti.-sion on returns 171
i Balance uncollected 121 u"»
MX) :>:{ HOO ,v»
1 Hv receipts tileil i.7f.»;_»
; iiy rebate 2i 41;
commission 12 '2:\
! " 7 11
; Exonerations r> 10
Land returns :?4 :i'»
: commission on returns 171
Balance in Collector's hands... 41
800 53
School Account.
j Amount of duplicate ii7i» 1"»
I By exonerations n 00
j By Land ri»tnrn> 12 1 •
j Commissif 11 4 11 returns t.i
; Amt. collected ill (today* -.NX)l»;«
i By rebate 4 11
c«•llect»)r« i coniinis.sion soil
! Collected on face duplicate «n •.'!
Commission on same tin
j Collected ft per cent added 17 .j
•»7«. i;» i.»
Wm. J. Lowe Treiisnici. in account wfh La
IMirte School District f»»r n- ending June .'1 I
; Kee 1. t'r m -::iit- :i| propria: <»n 00
Bal 'ill li.uui hi- audi 7«i :f»
Kei'i\' l from eolh-cto •• »s l
I Keceivt d fron 1 ounty ! icas.. (D
, For !"••'■! and r« ;
Teach"!war - I»(M
\ Paid teachers atti i.diiie Inst 1:; 7;, j
For text v, "7
i For supplies .v. "s ;
1 Fuel ai d euii tiiiv» i cie- «i, |»
I Treas irer's erimni>si«.ii ::in<,
1 Salary of jn on
■ Printing mid audi'«>|»< fees..,. 7 112» I
j I'upiU. I ->rk- t< wnship :;i ;o
Knterii g tax lien 10«0
| ruition of pupil> 1 aportc Boto 1 :,«j i„, |
I>o7 75 1774 78
I Ca-'i on hand ::j 97
I Ann. due in ni Cm>. :*» U0
! W«- '1 ui nucitors and clerk do
' her«' r.-rtisy i!nu ihe i'oi j»o:ng atateineiit is
tru- i'id c »rr« et in the Lot 01 our knowledge an-l
1: 112. I I:TI:K>. HK*KY KARUK.
i Attot: KBNKST 11. Auditors,
i K. !■:. BUT.-Fni:i» cluk.
Lapone Borough Audit.
.Statement of receipts and expenditures of La
jmrte Borough M!HMII district for wur ending
A K. Tripp, c .li. « tor. in account with I.aimrti
Hon ami 1 tor year PjOl. School Tax
Balance due last audit 14 JO
B> Treasuier's receipt 1 j 20
HuiMing Tax. due last audit «; |«.
By Treasurer s receipt ~ j, ;
School Tax. \ ear ending June P.KV>.
, 10 amount ot Implicate MIS is
jK*r cent additional \ «;s
I By ahateinent 5 per ct. 011 ,'nil si'» V»h m
i Treasurer's receipt -,'j- s ,
: -i |H»r cent collection 1,; ( y.
fiea urer's receipt 1 M""
') i>er cent collection j ( ",
I Land returns :ift
i Balance due 84 ~r.
810 10 siu 1(.
Building Tax.
To amount ofduplidate 421 :;o
> per cent additional " so
By ahatement i i»«*i cent on 79 11 » |
Ticasuivr's receipt 2"o*>'. I
|»er cent collection ... " s"»i '
11 re*surer'g receipt ,a w S 1
| r, percent collection ' : Vl
1 Laud returns 1,,
I Balance due. |
| % 425 16 425 10
j John W. Flynn Treasurer for year endinL' June
j 1 '>*»•»• School Fund.
And. reed. A. K. Tripp, Coi. 1901 11 20
190 ft 0U» >0
State appropriation tu.v.
1 reas Laito te Twp l."» 9 00
Sullivan coutv 9991
Amt,due Treasurer last audit 10302
1 By orders redeemed 1100 7:1
! 2 per cent coinmission 22 lit
j Amt. due from Treasurer yjj
132.» ST» 1:: 2"» s-'.
Musical Fund
lo amt* due last audit ins s:t
By amt. in hands of Treasurer iy> m:
Building Fund,
j Amt. reed. A. K. Tripp Col. IHol 0 If.
I9a» :i;lsii
, " Treas. Sullivan countv 2180
Balance due J. »\. Flynn Treas 47 ::u
By amt. due •• la.-t audit 1»1 k-'
l«. bond coupon redeemed 4000
Ordei> rtMleemed 'l'»o~ 1
2 |H*r cent commission " r»7i
413 20 413 20 1
Statement 112 r»>oun e> and liabilities of La-I
| h)|te Borough SehiKil llistrict.
School Fund.
Due from A. F. Tripp \illector 81 7i.
I Land returns :t".» '
; \lllt due from J W.Fh uu, Tres 9:; [l7
j < »nlcr> 172 38
. Kesources over liabilities 4167 I
214 u > 211 05 i
Building Fund,
• Dial J. \\ Flynn I rca> . 17 ;u
1 »lutstandiiiK lioud" I (Km no
j Due i'n»in A. F. Tripp Collect* 1 II 21
Land iciurns j»»
, Liabilities over resources... 987 07 1
1017 40 1017 10
Keeapitulation »»f K.\| euditures.
Teachers <.HU 00
Janitor IUUU
Secretary 2»00
Institute 17 .Ml
Atloriiev I'ce.o 10 00
«, imi
Pul-li>hiliK audit 000
lu.*iiraiiec 42 00
I lit «.*!'« st on liollds 10 (HI
rrca.-. 11 an mission 27 s|
Filing Tax Lieu * II &'•
Coal, iNmk> etc 39ft Ott
__ I
159 02
We, |be uildt Auditor-, of tile ItoCotitfh I
«.l LajH.rte snlli\m <onnty. Pa do herrh) ecrti I
i> that \tr in* tin purktmiict of an Act id A»»cui
11 > and caivfully examined the aceouuU of the
-- verul otlii«Collector and Treasurer of the
j 1 "ul Near l9oi and found the Mime correct a» »
( *>howu and M t forth lu reinU fore
NN itiic»» our hamtM au*l seals tln<i dav. I
June 5, link..
.1 II i. VW.L »
J. U Cl'LVltlt i Auditor*
► ■MI til I W A *°oi%mio HT * 1
► N »flcw la " I«iv»-ativv \4v " || Bffßi ■ i
» iiooW "How biohiani Talents" | HEilb 1
* 1 haryts m>>iU*r<iu No fur till patent U »is ur« d j
[ Letter* Ntrietly eontUU ntial Addr««w. 1
JiUiUEMi. Patent iimye. WibhinfUn, 6 C J
IIMH Urn HUlnri»«
f*r IIUMMI I'dUmr.'all ki<lu«y ill*
**••••!» AUU t(«-lutHitlV 4 HI, 4««.uf N V
A Personal Letter from
When looking for a now factory su- r P ric ®d buggy. Imagine what they
permtendent two years ago. I visited I ▼ ■ | w . ll l/l\\/ said! There was no mistake at all.
the three great vehicle centers of the JL. jL JL • ▼▼ The facts are (and I will stake
Central West; talked to and investi- . my reputation upon it) that we
gated the records of thirty men, are jjiviug our customers)
many of them having charge of some of ing more in wages. This means we have fitron);cr and more durable
the largest factories in the country. 1 a higher class of mechanics. The result vehicles, better made in every
found my man. I know that we is better quality of work. Wav, easier riilin.r n...rr. «tvl.
have one of the very best ve- We had over 60,000 orders in this de- trimmer!
hide factory superintendents partment last year. Very busy now, but a „dalt..<r P tW»fn ni ® F
in America. He has had twenty we have a lot of good, experienced men 1
years'experience in buggy building. All to help. People are realizing that this is 7?® qualities for the money Ej
that time he has been accustomed to the place to buy vehicles. than any other buggy concern R
in the world.
—— —— Our vehicle business in t!)04
increased iJO per cent; other
(25 miles south of Chicago) ti.o ■ t i
under tlie paint. If you have not
received a copy ask for it. Order
making high grade work. That is our I know of factories who build practl-
class. I attend personally to the buying cally but one buggy, but have pos.-»ibly
of materials; am thoroughly conversant twenty different prices. To explain :
with every kind, size, the weight, grade, Here is their $35.00 buggy: their $40.00 qffF&Vx
strength, finish, price and general con- buggy has the same wheels, body, axles, Aj
struction of every piece of woodwork, gear, shafts, top, etc., as their $35.00 job, fg \
hardware, steel, leather, cloth, paint and with possibly 50 cents more in little im- V kJ}
varnish that goes into our work; have material things; and so forth all the way k
visited and examined the material, and along the line. We grade our work. We 1
have torn apart the finished work of six make the same small percentage of profit I
or eight of the largest factories; want toon a $50.00 job that we do on a $35.00. I ~
say that lam conlidcnt we are On high-priced work we are not only J
building a better buggy than giving better quality of material and
these factories ship to the better finish, but more improvements and J
dealer at one-tliird more than little equipments which you do not find
the price we ask you. A fact. on the cheaper rig. \ / - *Y' ;
Think it over. Recently a certain manufacturing con- v\ I if
Our pay roll, when compared with that . cern which builds work for a catalogue | /
of other factories, shows that we are pay- j house, ordered, through another party,
one of our low-priced bug- MR. F. L. SHAW
c»x our THII COUPON GJ E3 a nd had it shipped to
Mosriiomcn* WARD A Co.. Chicago. their factory for examina-
Gantlam«u--Pi«*»© "end »copy of your illustrated v<.bi(*lc tion _ They wanted to with this understanding ; That if upon
C at»li»vue to th« following addretw: , ' . . , r j .
know why people were receipt you are not satisfied, write us and |
buying Ward's vehicles. we will have the job returned, promptly
lU| " Upon receipt of the job it refund your money and pay the expense
had so many features of both ways.
POBTOTHOK. , _ the higher priced buggies. We shall be pleased at any time to have
such a fine finish, and was our customers visit our plant, and I, per-
R. F. D.ROOT* STATE so stylish and well pro- sonally, will be glad to answer any ques-
Writ® your name and addr«Mw on above lines, cut out the coupon and portioned in every way tions regarding our work, or to assist you
that they concluded we in any way possible in the selection of a
ri*« we man u fact urn at oarChir«*to Heights factory under th* manage- had made a mistake and job or to quote and purchase for you any
moat of Mr. t. L. Shaw. sent them our highest special vehicle that we may not catalogue.
F. L. SHAW, Gen'l Manatfer Vehicle Factory No- l
Montgomery Ward Co., Chicago
Michigan Avenue, Madison Washington Streets
Kfl UL We have new so equipped
9 abundant supply to meet the
JWSII great demand for cur hi^h
grade, low priced Rotary
the highest type sewing ma~
offered at any
stitch and dees everything any other sewing ma
chine will, and does it better and easier.
Shipped on 90 days Trial. Warranted for a
term of years.
We Are The First
to offer the people the new type Rotary Sewing
Machine at less than $65.00 to $75.00.
High prices must give way before us.
You Must Have
Our new, elaborate Sewing Machine Book
and Illustrated catalogue in two colors, about
40 pages. 11x14 In. The finest sewing
machine book ever published. Fully describes
the newest Rotary and ether standard machines
at prices never equaled. It i* free to you. Write
for It today. 1»
Montgomery Ward & Co.,
Michigan Ave., Madison and Washington Bta.
V_a_i CHICAGO mmmmmmmmmmmJ
The groataat aid to DIG£ST ION
E*« li fbis* Refrigerator 1J
imum lout um dcicriocd
B: Dr"H V c will tli'n vol! I 111, J
IB W |..' ,])•
E I R Krci~*it PftpaM
I [t | v ,m.I I
■t lj; 1 .4 H til In ik, lit t ' tlio I
• ijAA -""9M II Hi-i r it »*■ « »!«• ul I
-V J - '•«t •».. . ,«.» I
nf 112 - --.mJI ih. !. 50 i
1114 In* 'iu'l». I inrl.ts i
/■>« / i'lp.ii.f. IUHK, IIU I«s ii i (
U lined Htlh ii.Mvy |
• nr. pal i n d Iron MVM, and i i
with water pruuf lil»re (eltlnir It reta lv .tub I
UO |T.W 1 i.. buyUm ul I >u }
• Hii Km nit mi* lVi irtin » . i.tnln «t. 1, # liar'
•.t • ua • t»ui iltCal I. k ... ..i «# •'i-... u» ,
loC nit ht •. nl« all • .t I- ..k,,,, - • y
iMaf •" I- I -"• 1 VI «i •
IS.. I#.-. I.l| .t I - it ' M |
1,1 lll mhx.n J... .. -> «• ' '
Irtr laiah y» »h M «« ••»'ii«ril *4*V !
Mil" <-«»i"«« lliifii • i|iH»s H
Mil ' I
HytllhWi la l |»a**lM«Tr«l lnmllMn •• u.f i ,
I <ti . ' . 111.
»M» M.H I l'«l|» «i « All I MI. AIMM
If.. ratolMi f* • n.I . ••'. t \K-
Im «>•«». . im i'h ui nrim
ii.i nun luiun in i iv.
Ik.rtl -I i
• »" ' ' ' '
J. tlt > il. . .. * i, P t
r AIR B A Nls 5
K N G I N E S.
1 here are many Gas and Gasoline Engines and ONE
Some resemble it in construction, others in name
Engines that excell in quality and moderate in cost,
Vertical from one to ten horse power. Horizontal three
iiorse power up-
701 Arch St., Philadelphia.
CHARLES L. WING, Agent, Laporte.
Cures Colds; Prr.vcnts Pneumonia
Ximc Iktlns.
Lime furnished .n car
load lots, delivered at
Right Prices.
Your orders solicited.
Kilns near Hughesville
M. E. Reeder,
i i[. i» •immiriniutnl u»4*r .i t S |wt« «« 1
• ill i. (' t 11, in >1 Inn; i>l mil in. -I ilmatii#
it, in . • • n ih' in»rt'l, mi<l »«■ I
It It mrr-1 111 nM'IH \ l«- '
.11 I I M l I ill IBU I» ]
.. vt.i 11.1 | .ml s s mi. inllm |wrd<«.
Villi I Mm I . ViHlt «,liter »..ti'llril
till <« > I (NkOMi a <'.<• CilnMll. >*».
A Barrytown, N. Y., Man's Experi
ence with Cal-cura Solvent.
Dr. David Kennedy's Wonderful New Medicine
Cured Him Promptly. Your Money Back
II It Does Not Cure.
C<>tisti|>utiou li'.ulrt to Often it i*
tbo ciiuxe nf Hppi'ii.liiilH. Alwayn it I. ul*
to ilimgrrous t'lirouii' tlißeaao. It should
lint In* -
urily ri-lif \c-«l withdrtwtic juuy.itivis. 11. ro
is a in I'oint:
Mr. O. S. tMi'rliouilt, of lVirrvtown, N.
Y., wan ilintn--t«l with iinhtji -timj, iliiMuiu
coniti|uiiU)ii niul ki.lney trmt'lu fur fnur
y«ur*. Hi* tri««»l tiiuuy liu iliniu'* without
ri lief llii hi art) of t'al-<uru Solvent, l>r.
Ki iiut'ily'* utw aii-difiui., ui.| it utnl bey >ll
to improvo ru|iii||y. All of Ins olil com.
plnilltH hiivu disappeared and 111! iilli *
i vi rythiiii; to ('al-rui t Holvont.
If your <lriiK'k'i*t «1 >• » i t have ('ni-ruru
Solwiit, writu to tin* Cul.i- i■.» t'..iu|.;iny,
Holdout, N V.; Imt u»k your ilriingiht ilrsl.
ft (H) u U.tili . Only , I,', I/.,
(IHarmt. i V. ur duty . t Mill r> tiirrt
vour iimin y jf t'.il-i ur.i fuiU tu curt-, mul
llii' C.d-.sura Company will |>->> tltu ilrii H '-
|fi»t, lti ini'tnlii r, <'nl-i'iira Solvent run 4
of nil cu-H * of Klilut j , lilmlikr and
1.1 v ft dimirdura
r.ilurala luur llu**li With Ca>i>*r*l».
IStml Jf liillmrlif, mil miml iputluu Turin t r
UK.Jtu, tIC.CC faitt UcummUi* rvfuua iuuut.l