Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, May 18, 1905, Image 3

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VTTAJj - " #50.000
Hoes a General Banking Business.
Cresiiteut. Castiier
Attorney at-Ijaw.
Ollire. Main and Muticv Sts.
I.A l'< MM K, I'A.
flavins: opened iin ofliee at 132s Arcli
St.. I "li i laiK-i pit in, I shall slill continue'to
i lactii'i 1 in tin' several Courts of Sullivan
('.miitv.r When not in myoHioe personally
;t eompet .nt person will lie (omul in
<• ii;iI'tri thereof. Bonds of various kinds
Hire in K eeler's I'look.
LAPOIITE, Sullivan County, J'A.
Hush .1. Thomson, Albert F. Ileess,
IST 1.1 •.>«)-'-
I.on<r I 'i. tance Telephone.
January I. 1903.
J J. & F. H. INGHAM,
L-.'p.vl t.usinenß attended to
in till, and adjoining counties
OPKICK is eoi'BTV nini.niNU
v» •
MOTAUY F4J Bli 10.
Graduate University'/"! Pennsylvania.
Al l.opez, I'a., Wednesday and Thursday
each week.
\V, O-AIiIjAGIIEK, Prop.
Newlv erected. Opposite Court
House .pillre. Steam heal, hath rooms,
hot and cold water, reading and pool
room,and harber shop; also _'.»> d stal.liup
and livery,
M. Brink
New Albany, Pa.
100 lbs. new corn meal, 1.20
oiiu ked corn, 1-0
" whole corn, L2O
Same per ton 00
Corn,oats and barley chop 1 l->
Same per ton 00
100 coarse bran, bin
Same per ton, -' (i"
100 lbs low grade Hour bf>o
100 lbs flour middlings 1
100 lbs new process Oil meal 1 '»•>
100 lbs oyster shells. • r >"
Lump rock srJt '•*
14i) lbs coiiiu.on line salt 50
list) lb barrel salt I
Buckwheat grain wan led.
100 lbs Glutton feed. l.iH)
(> tls per bushel 4.!
f)0 and 100 bushel lots. ()ats. .10
Bchumackers Patent 1 <»•>
Rest Spring Y\ heat I
Our own, a blended llour I ; >0
Extra, a pastry flour I 30
Best Mouroetou mills 1 ->0
Jluncv and Humnn'i'liehT flonr I •">•*>
Veal calves and dressed poultry
wanted every \\ ednesday.
A Housewife s
Buy your goods of us
..nd get ;i set of this
Hand Painted
China Free!
j 11
County Seat
Local and Persona! Events
Tersely Told. J
F.I I cry Ingham was a Towanda ;
visitor Tuesday.
Miss Eliza Shaut returned home
Saturday evening from a lengthy
visit in Towantla and Wysox.
Aliss Lula MeCarty, <>f Fhlred-s |
vllle, has gone to spend the sum-j
nicr with relatives in lowa.
Air. Frank Ingham and family !
were 1 inshore visitors Saturday.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Charles bail
er of I inshore, on Tuesday a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Me Henry of
Benton were calling on La Porte!
friends Monday and Tuesday.
I larrishurg's carpenters, including
a few who work upon the new capi
tol, have struck for higher pay and a
Saturday half-holiday.
The San Jose scale has destroyed a
peach orchard of more than .">OO trees
on the farm of Jesse Naylor, in Salis
bury township Bucks county.
Mrs. It. A. C'onklin has so faiJJ.c
covered from' her illness that she
was able to he taken to the home of
her neice, Mrs. William Lowe, near
Sonestown, on Saturday wherr it is
hoped she will improve more rapid
Contractor James 11. Hansel has
•secured the contract for laying the
foundation for the new coal breaker
and also for several houses at the
new mines near Bernice.
The seven' thunder storm Wed
! nesilay evening prevented many
from coming out to hear the excell
ent enlcrt diiinent given by Carl V
I)rake of Willlanisport.
John Bedford of (iverton, was op
erated on for appendicitis at the
Say re Hospital Tuesday morning.
A little -on of Lewis Keeler of Sones
town, died last Friday. The child
was C overing from an attack of
measles w hen lie took a severe cold
which resulted in death. The fun
eral was held at tliet place Sunday.
Miss Dolly Crossley and brothers
Ben of Onshore and tiuy and F.I lory
of this place went to Philadelphia
last Friday where Miss Dolly will
remain for the summer, her broth
ers returnijig after-a week's visit.
Bay Kessler, Jr. of Towanda, of
the Beescr, Kessler, W'ieland Co-,
and his In-other Charles Kessler were
in town yesterday. Charles Kessler
spent some time in looking over the
ground and viewing the facilities for
a plant for the manufacture of miss
ion furniture. His decision is not
known, but it is very probable that
he will estadlish a factory in Say re.
Valley Record.
Mrs. Mercy F.lla Boak, wife of .las.
K. Boak, who had been an invalid
since March I I, 1 S»<at which time
she was stricken by paralysis, died
at her home at 1.:J0 Wednesday of
last week at llugliesville, aged ">7
years. Deceased had been entirely
helpless lor over three years, during
the time everything was done to
make life pleasant by a devoted hus
band and children.
A runaway accident occnred to a
party of young people at this place
Tuesday afternoon which resulted in
unite serious injuries to Miss F.mnia
< iallagher.
Robert Mason with his father's
team hitched to a lumber wagon was
mi his way to the station for a load
of freight. He was accompanied by-
Misses F.miiia. (iallagher, Onie Ma
son, Maine Buck and Eugene Mc-
Nellan. At the foot of Ingham Hill
the clevis on one of the single-trees
became detached causing the horses
to run. By some accident Air. Mas
on dropped one of the reins and the
team ran uncontrolled to the foot of
the hill opposite Airs. E. E. Wrede's
residence, here one of the horses fell
and the wagon overturned throwing
the, occupants in the ditch. All'
were more or less bruised, but the
injuries to Miss < iallagher were very
pa in fill.
I A country editor worth robbing
! seems to be regarded by the fratern-
I ity as a man of mark. The Mount
Cannel Item has this to say of one
lof these rare mortals: "Editor Joe
j Leslier, of the Selinsgrove Times,
jat one fell s voop rose to fame and
j distinction. One day last week he
| was robbed, and the thcif secured
from Joe's person a $l">o gold watch
and a pair of gold nose-glasses. Air.
I Leslier is possibly the only editor ill
America who possessed a $l5O gold
I watch."--Wyorniug Democrat.
! Wanted —8 or 10 masons nt,'
j address, .1. 11. (iaiiscl, Lal'orlc, I 'a'.
\V a NTl". i> at'orto A reliable
j woman or girl capable anil willing,
to tlo general housework, for eight:
j or ten weeks, beginning the last week
l in June. Wages $3.00 per week, ad- 1
dress Mrs. 1,. 1,. Kurd, I(17 I'enn St., j
Sta. Pi, Philadelphia, i'a.
The signing of Ihe child labor law
jby Governor I'enn.ypaeker will re-
I snll in between three and four thou*- I
land boys, now at work in anthracite ;
j mint's and breakers, being taken
| from work and sent to school. The,
j bill forbids the employment of hoys
! less than II! years old in Hit' mine*,'
| while II is the minimun legal age |
j for outside employees. The present j
! age limits are thus increased l\vo j
Struck by the evening iiloonishurg |
and Sullivan Northbound passenger j
| train a short distance below IJenton i
at about 7 2") o,clock Sunday even-1
i ing, Warren Alberlson, aged twenty
live years, a teamster at K House's
J saw mill, IJenton, was instantly kill
led. Albertson, was hard of hearing
I anil ditl not hear the warning blast
J of the whistle. 2 t
i W. Sones' lumber railroad'
1 which will be known as the Susipie-1
liauna and Kaglcs .Mm . 'is being ex- j
! tended to 11 iilsgiove J unct ion i in t he j
; SuM|iiehauna and New N ork rail- j
I road about ten miles from Ralston, j
It is expected that the new line will
|he in operation between 11i llsgrove j
Junction and Kaglcs Mere by June 1.
| The road is twenty miles in length. ;
j This summer a combination coach
! will bo carried on the freight trains, i
; Kventuullv the road will do a rcgu
lar passenger business, and I(>.»,< oUl, j
; iiuo feet of timber will reach a mark-j
'et oil this line and over the Sus<|iie- |
' hanna and New York. Mr. Sones j
j intends to build a big saw niiil at the
; llillsgrove J unction.
11. M.Scltoeh, of Danville, mem-|
j her of the Board of Trustrees for the
I Danville Insane Hospital, recently
j received a telegram from Hep-j
i resentative H. S. Aiiimernian. of|
! Montour, who is in 1 larrisliurg, stat-j
• i tig tli it he liospital Appropriation;
hill had been signed by the <lover-1
nor, although cut down siio,noo. I'lie
i amount the 1 lospital receives is $21).",, ;
! tint), which is practically all that was j
lever asked for, with the exception of.
| the female infirmary.
The death of Associate Judge
I Wert/., of Mitiiin eounty, will open'
lone of the hottest tights ever waged j
; between the liquor and temperance I
I elements in that county with I'resi-
J dent Judge Woods i temperance ail-j
! voeate, and perhaps a congenial as-|
I sociate, soon to be appointed. The j
I two associate judges recently over-!
I ruled Judge Woods in nine of the j
j fourteen eases and granted the lieen- i
sis, and the temperance people are
' trying to obtain control of the court
' by electing one of their advocates.
A foreigner who is unable to speak ,
! English was taken to the William-1
! sport Hospital Wednesday evening'
S from near llillsgrove, where he was |
employed in the Woods. Tuesday j
! evening he lighted a lire with thej
i intention of preparing his supper, j
! when an explosion took place, tear-1
• ing his right hand to shreds, and
: which wsis amputated at the hospit ;
!al. It was thought that some ex-j
[ plosive became mixed with the fuel j
j which he used to kindle the lire. j
Baza ak
For the benefit of the Episcopation
I Sunday School, on E. I'. Ingham's j
porch, Friday afternoon, May tilth.
lat two o'clock. Am. Auk Inviiiu
Eunice 1 ngham
Cornelia Eckerson.
Helen Ciir[«nter.
Donald Ingham.
Tl»»' Trudeniark.
Arueriraii owners ui* tnultfuwu'ks have
i a right to complain of their unjust
;! treatment In Cuba, whore the old Span- j
I*l isli law on the subject still prevails,
i Any one who first registers a traile
niark there K''ts the benefit of It, and
j there is no benetlt unless registered.
; Cubans of an unscrupulous character
. j register well known American trade
1 marks as their own ami thus set the
i benefit of them. That is wrong, and
our government should enter a protest
. against its continuance.—Philadelphia
• Press.
A 1.1 in- »<> Follow.
' If President Uoosev.'lt can persuade
1 ' the party whose head he is to follow
1 the line he la\ .< down, the race problem,
; freed from s«vtioiial or political com
\ plications. can be hrought to a satis
factory settlement far sooner than we
i I had hoped for aud with far less l.ic-
I tioli New Orleans Times Uemoerut.
I T -
of Kansas City,
is a ! eg il Rest rve Company
aerating under the strict
Insurance laws of Missouri
Tliev i isure all kinds
j Policies and a ten payment
! bond a>i an investment.
Eastern Mana
gers, 900 - 901
Land Title Bld'g.
j Qorui I'UOCLAM.VriON.
\Vixkhkaß, Hon. < Hav K. '1 t:i:i:v I'lvsidMit
Juritfr. lloimrnHrs John l>. lU'isor ;in»i JuiMi!'
j M> y» r. AShoriate Jurtp<.» ofjtlio ( ourt.- of ()\cr and
|Ti Tinnier iiinl <ifiKTal Jaul iK'livt ix, QurtrU'i
i Sfssioiis of the I'l'itci', Ori'han.-" I'tiuri ami Coin
j mon I'lt'iis foi the County of Sullivan, haw Kmuhl
j tUeirprccept, bearing dace tin clay <•!
! to mi* dirvcU'il, for holding the scvor.?
I courts in the Borough of Ln|*>rU\ on Monday tin
-112 day May of at 2 o'clock p. m.
Tncrcforiv notice i> hereby given t<» the Coroner.
.lu>tices of the Peace and < uim.iMos within the
I eounty, thatth<*y he then ai -i iheie in their pro|»-
|er person at'J o'clock p. in.of said day. with their
I rolls, reeords, inquisitions examinations and
I other rcmemberum es t«> those things to which
their offices appfitain to he done. And to those
who are bound by their recognizance to pn»»*<*ute
' against prisoners who are or shall he in the jail of
! thesaid eountv of Sullivan, are hereby notified to
Ibe thin and there to prosecute against them as
; will be ju>t.
FRANK \N. HI « K. Sheriff.
| Sheriff's ( Ml ice, La]»orte. l'a...lnn. IT, bjfu
Foil Sai.k. Lijtlit drivintr tenin,
j coining four. <l. S Kntiv,
l.apurto, l'a.
Insolvency Notice.
In the matter of 1 lit' petition ot
Ilupli'r. an insolvent..
I To tin l creditors ot said petitioner
Notice is herein <r \ t .|, that (ieoi'fje
! Iloptei. ot lXividson Townslii|i. Sullivan
t'onnty, l'a., lias tiled in the < 'ourt ol
I Common 1 'leas ol Sullivan County, a
: [letition }.rayintr lor the henelit tlie in
I solvent laws ol this commonwealth, and
j tor a discharge tliereiinder, atrl that n
j liearinj; upon said petition will take place
at the Court House in LapmU' Pa., on
Monday. May L'"J, 19U"), at - o'elei k p. in.
nKouiii: iiori-Ki;.
Trial liift, Mav Term 1005.
i Heturii I lav, Mav at oV oek e. m.
I „
No. I. Davidson Twp. School l>.s
lirictvstl. Wm. Moran. <feo. I' Taylor
and .lame- Moiau. Nn. (•;> i»eceml>ei'
! term IS'.'*. Trespass; I'iea. assump
j sit, pavment with leave etc and set ell.
; Walsh | Mullen
| 2 .lame.- .lonian is Howard I.yon,
business as the l v ■ nj No.4'J
i Feb. term I', MIL', helt. appeal. Flea, non
! assumpsit. I>r:;dley, | Mullen.
| ;! C. I'.lnier liijfjrer vs .lolin ii. Se.onten
| John Andrews and (ieorjie Andrews. No
■ •»•», Sept. t<-rni. I' 2, I ieetment. I'lea—
! not guilty. Mullen. | Piatt,
j 4 i ieo. K. I'rowti and J. ti. Co.t v-
Iliraiu W.i'.-ler,, I.M.i'-ei. Alhert Kaye
;< leo. Bown and C. M. lloyles No IS,
| September term lOO'i. Assuni|sit; plea
non-assumpsit no bleach and covenant.*
j performed.
j Mercnr and Walsh. | Mullen.
• .') Lawrence iVFinan \> Dies. Cadden
No. 4'J, Feb. term, 1903, Trespass.
I'lea, not j/liilty.
' C'ronin. ' Walsh.
Froth's office, Laporte. Pa . \pril 10.HlO.'i,
Titos. K. Ivensehv. Proth'y.
Administratrix Notice.
In re estate ol Asf Spearv. deed late ol'
Davidson Twp,
Notice is hereby given that letters ol
1 administration upon the estate of said
decedent have been granted to the under-
I signed. All persons indebted to said es
tate are requested to make payment; and
i those having claims or demands against
; ihe same will make them known without
i MA ItV SPKAItV, Adiurv.
! March G, I'.iOS. Nordmont. Fa.
j I:.. .1. Mi: ~kn, Am .
Campbell "The Merchant"
New Spring and Summer Goods
in Every Department.
| T > f-J J I would ho pleased to have you call and look
L,(3 Ci 1v '■ over our New Dress Goods, —Percales Pongees,
Lawns, Kfce., for Shirtwaists and Suits. Also
Ladies' Furnishing Goods of every kind. Shoes and Oxford Ties, both
Hlaek anil Tan.
y- -j- We are now showing the most up to date Clothing
Caps. Shoes, Shirts anil I lidei vvear that
* ever eaine to tow ii. Priors Low. Quality High.
It is a pleasure for us to show goods. Please call and we will
prove it 1o you. My goods are all marked with plain figures and as
low as the lowest.
FOR CASH.--Remember I you front 5 to 10 per
cent discount on every dollars wonh you buy.
Yours for Business,
Spring Suits
I for Men, FSoys and Children
.ire now here (or inspection.
Suits in bh'ick ckty nnd unfmished worsteds and 1 hibets
| Homespuns, French and Fngiish Flannels, and Scotch
j Goods.
Hoys and Childrens' Suits in all the new fabrics and
! makes.
Prices as,well asvnric t\ are extraordinary. All new
jan 1 up to date line of Gents Furnishings, Hats, Caps, etc.
Also the in'town wlure you can "vt the
"VValh Over" C3l>oe.
j Hotel Carroll Block, DUSHORE, PA.
For Spring aiul Similiter.
Like spring blossoms the new styles in wearing apparel
begins to unfold. The reaiits of my visit to the city
before purchasing an extensive stock is plainly manifest in
the new line ol goods just placed on our shelves.
A Grand Exhbition of Style
worth co ning miles to see. Notwithstanding the fact
that our styles are most exclusive and the materials the
finest, prices are distinctly moderate.
A Large Line of Jewelry
i Has been our ever increasing stock, -and it will
| pay you to examine this line nefore purchasing elsewhere
Clothing, Shoes and Ladies' Cloaks
baporte Tannery.®
lust received a special purchase of' Riches'' Flannels,
j Lumbermens' Shiits and Drawers, Men's, ladies' and I
Childrens' Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery.
There's Lots Here to Show You
From the City.
Fresh stock of Diy Goods and Notions, Boys and
; Men's Hats and Caps, full line of Snagproof Shoes and
Rubbers, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Goodyear Rub
bus Woodsmen and Boys Shoes to suit all.
Our Usual Quality of Groceries and Provisions
are Equal to the BEST.