I From Chicago, every day, March I to May i 5, 1005, to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Sacramento and m ny other points in California. Tickets good in tourist sleeping ca . Rate for double berth, Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sant: Barbara, Sacramento and many other points in California, $7. Throu - h train service irom ! Union Passenger Station, Chicago, via the i I CSiSsaas, Milwaukee ISi Paul ! Union PaelfUs—Southern Pacific Line i i' If you are thinking of such a trip, this is your opportunity to make I it at least expense. Handsome book descriptive of California sent for six cents' postage. Ei | F. A. MILLER, W. S. HOWELL, General Passenger Agent, or, General Eastern Agent, 1245 Railway Exchange, 381 Broauway, CHICAGO. NEW YORK CITY. j l j I Nam« ft Complete information will be pent free on receipt of Street Address , fj this coupon with blank lines tilled. Coupon should [' 1 e mailed to-day. City State R Probable Destination j - FREE! ~ K •? mm fri 4* M v/ k ~ nine. different lan. ' '• >V GUAGES. Contains Correct | Calendars for all li&ftitucien, 1; Ecl?s»se, and Weather ! p IWMEHSk (33ja??> Al23f Tabl*s. Aitronomicil data, •V •; ' - •. • ' • - • .... F.St a«a othe, v j V!'. ■/-' I • M I- • « y# Holidays,graphic Moonlight . / * * --H '<» v JffcVßU Digrams atari choice illua- ■ * *aMi. ::. -J ,it y c * .1. r,: ua»v>. Y»- or will sur lily to you jet: li.'. .» u • '..1! - - ..j l>U. *. £>o.\ HiiiLAOcLI'IUA, will it t*j >t#u Make Money I In California If you are industrious and capable you can make money there. The big ranches js j r are breaking up into small farms that need more workers to care for the increased n. j product. The towns and cities are prosperous because t.'ie country is prosperous. B There are great valleys cf the richest soil in America waiting for you. If you jjj 'i , have a little capital you can own cne of these small farms yourself, or you can 3 rent one on shares and pay for it out of the product i1 a few years. We will I 112. ; send you descriptive boc.dets and folders giving full information about the money- S j making opportunities far every member of the family. You v/ant to see what the country is really like; you can go there, work a few months, enjoy the delightful climate, the flowers, fruit and scenery, and earn < enough to pay your expenses both tjays by taking advantage of the Bargain Rates 1 Every Day March 1 to May 15 ■; j |j From From Chicago GMUf St. Louis 1 For one-way colonist ticket;. Correspondingly reduced rater, from almost any point East. The trip is easily and comfortably made via the Rock Islur.d. Two routes—one through New Mexico, the olher through Colorado. Through tourist cars hours quicker than any oilier line. Double daily tourist service vin El Paso ■ tri-wee!ily via Colorado. Dining-car service and free reclining chair cars, both routes. The Rock Island has representatives throughout the United States; they are travel experts and c=n »av3 you money. You can have their assistance in arranging the California trip for the asking. 1-* j Consult your home ticket ag".nt or write to the undersigned for our California book and complete | felder "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeper." Remember the Rock Island runs more tourist cars to California than any other jf*♦ 1■ 1 ■ nut.:, Many cf them are of the lateut pattern, with wide windows and lavatory and '. I toilat roomi. for both men and women, unuAually larr: 2 and complete in their appointment*. :j jj 112 « j*/ 'j ||| || Cut out this advertisement, fill in spaces below, and mail to Imj JOHN SEBASTIAN. •■ i • , j Paiscnjcr Traffic Managfi , Rock Island Syitom, « j M'Ma'S T AVi t!J 3 I «gk\ CHICAGO. Plea»c tend me rate* of fare to California and time tablet al*o your illustrated IS-'Xw J California book, and full information about your new service. \ \V- A 1 expect to leave for California about a " d WOU ' d Uk ° iaformtttion ,IbOU, MHIili — • | "" City Su»« «HDmrunnuaKm ami « a m ■> inMiininT—i ru—w lll r» r ran-mrm-n umi mi Let an EXPERT BUGGY MAKER Give you some |MQf|W I7APT^ Mr. F. L. Shaw, manager JjL Jj, *2 &■> Mad* JE& JL 3u 23> of' our vehicle interests, bought two buggies from the same house the other day. One cost $ 18.00 more than the other. Then he took the buggies all apart to see just why one was higher priced than the other. Here is what he found out : Both buggies had exactly the same seat and back, same size body, same wheels, shafts and everything else, except that the higher priced one had 14-oz. cloth trimmings instead ofKeratol, found in the cheaper ; a leather boot, instead of rubber ; a better axle, and the finish on the woodwork was slightly better, but not very much. Read the difference and learn how easily price can be raised without changing the grade, in a buggy. SIDE BY SIDE: Difference in Cost $3.80. Difference in Price to You SIB.OO. —— ——— 7 What do they give for the 112 \ 112 \ SIB.OO difference in price? I i l ' i ' erence I •/ V'* i;^ 3 ■' c th;.r. the t.fe v Now, either the factory I On their Cheap On the Best They Make and selling these bug —— - pies to the house Mr. Shaw I Seat and back (see illustrations). Same. liody 2ti inches wid» 54 inches Ion?. Same. boui'ht from, was fooling the I Malleable sth wheel without anti-rattlfT. Same. Malleable head block (considered poor). Same. house, or the house was fool— Malleable Bailey Loop (cheapest made). Same. Common reaches. Same. ing vou. 11l either case, voil I fcteel sockets. Same. ' I Hickory an.l elm wlieels (low L'raJe). Same. were paving SIB.OO for I Common axle. 1-onc distance. Wheels painted by dippinir. Same. e make our own buggies. . ~_l We are the only general merchandising concern in the world that does. 112 f"| j.i ; i The prices to you on our different buggies are ba.-cd on the jta* jj -5 manufacturing costs. J i \ S.jj \ j We make the same small percentage of pro lit ' - y * The difference in our buggies is not ir.ere!\ in the j<9> - - ~ ■ - ''WKxr 8 It you are a judge of bugev values wc ask vou to compare our , , ■ • , USED ON ALL OUR WORK, vehicles with any make you know of, price tor price. | If you are not an expert judge of buggy values, vou arc »a:l- to order 112 rom us, for we give honest value for g every dollar you spend. And we guarantor you sati?taction. The thousands who have purchased vehicles oi" us write us of their perfect satisfacton and of £IO.OO to jjo.oo 8 WHAT OTHERS SAY I saved on eai h one. - I "I feel 1 cannot say crouch for Ward Our New \ fhi.le C::ralo';ue tells the truth without exaggeration. It I buggies, but nine speaks (or itself." . ' . . . A. L. Taviair, Albion, in. d ribes in detail just the tig \uu want. Sate rig, safe price, safe house j "The timber in your work stood our moan- , . 1 i- i - 1"! i> tain roads well. Uaed it 4 years." to deal with. !. you tl vehicle catalogue, tree. Remember, Cashier bank CoiiTmbus! Mont. Mr. I'. L. Shaw, a:t expert vehicle man, looks alter your interest. "My $46 90 job is far ahead of the 560 to 570 A r * baggie* sold here." J NO. T. Carter. Montgomery Ward Sc Co., M^t;3uf" h " Chicago Foley's Honey .mi Tar Sj ys P . • - 19c.«50. itac C.fall.drußKistsrefundluouev vures c(-lds, prevents pneumonia. The grsatssi aid ts DSGES 7SON | 9 ft $ }"■ V-.. r I ? <&£) os&bf f&i-s, -JtvM '>. • • • ; i Do you want to live where the climate n mild the year round where labor is never oppressed by stress of weather, and where animal vitality is never lost by mere conflict with cold? Do you want to live in a region where the resources are more ; varied than in any other equal area in the world, where the division of great ranches affords a fine opportunity to get .a small farm that will assure you a competence? Do you want to live where, with a minimum of labor, you can grow profitable crops cf grapes and small fruit, oranges, lemons, olives, prunes and almonds, alfalfa and grain, where crops are sure, business is good,and capital easily finds profitable investment? Then goto California, where both health and opportunity await your coming. In@ vfiiCiyyj union raciTiG anis | ti'i V 112, :? W ri n T! r&iiifl h'l L; ÜBI Iks w is the most direct route to the Pacific Coa: and there are two fast through trains daily via this line, over the famous double-track railway between Chicago and the Missouri River. O -w:.y Colonist tickets are on sale daily. March i to May 15, at the rate of $33.00 from Chicago, with corre « an ~j» spondingly low rates frorn Jill points, give you an unusual chance to make the trip. These tickets are good on daily and personally conducted excursions, on which a double berth in a Pullman tourist sleeping car from Chlca; o costs only 57.00. Round-trip tickets are always on sale from all points at reduced rates via the Chicago ® Norilt-Wf Southern Pacific Ballwajfs. W. 13. K.\iSK. '. . r. T. ?■ C. .i N.-W. (:>■., Chicarro, 111. Pie:: c r.'a 1 112 to my addre-s Californiu bu. t. let JI maps and full FILL IN THIS COUPON partic-1.-.J «»»riiia t afc: aoJ tra.a uerviwc. AND MAIL IT TO-DAY. -