Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, March 09, 1905, Image 4

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OF SULi Tv J-N CODi ( R TI."S YEAR 1604.
Exiiendiiurea of Sullivan ( onnty tor itic year UHH.
AuMWlng and KogiktcritiK ..» 1171 97 ( v: ». M (►.
Auditing fu'tli. Hoc onlors A . JO On , r% Cotmm- i..m i> '-'in.
Agricultural Sttfseiv IUUUO , ~,'it,,, .»•„ ~
Books ami Sttitiouery «»°> v» Mil few
Court crier ...leu |.,, lt t, v H n.l <i.i kuf ».,un> -_-i
County Auditor »vmu>utlai> Uill . •
«»u»t> Bridge* lOW "J (Wage ami iol. yr*iu> 0'
i ount> i out. • . -Mi fui,i| ( . Huildini; mid Cirniiii<l.« t,u c
county Comtui>sioner \oiikin .. ." n p r intin K and A.lverticii.if r.TT .
w? I".is; Kefuiuliii# Account
i k f'> r , v2? r I 1 "'" 1 Vievvii... anil T«|i. Ilin-0... . l;
i omroissionei* Ally. h. J. Mullen IW> u> slieri, Cliiitns I ».
i onimisnionei>' Clerk. K. L. Sweeney ... •"■O.i uo sheriff's costs fitfc'. " •
(:omnionwcattthV Costa 7M 40 soldlei-s is.", iV
1 onsUilili'S Returns Li, II stutc association of Co. Cuminissioners > in
< ourt Heixirter -5.S un Traverse ami I'etit Juror* 18W 7>
county Institute liM S* Tl|wtav<s fu («•
! l l'CtionS". I:;, , 'j| ]HUT(M iihhL (111 fir>t Itl llumV IH2U 11
j-reight and bxprciw 4:i In .. .. s ,. WI „t aia
!• uel and 1.1E1it5.... ..J ..(l stale tax oil indebtedness j;;i ..7
I unst Mre Detective Jl I'u
Kire Wardens :tl ir
ilrjnd Jurors 012 "I
! iif|Uestn 11 IK. Tritiil H i4| <si*> Us
Insane Asylums w " "" ,M - 1 "
Interert- 11:U 1 :
Fitianoial Condition of Sullivan County for the Official Year Kmling December 81, liKM.
Ant. of ( onuty Orders outstanding 011 ... Amt. due County from colleetors for
.lull. itHd..^........................ .... ...... itiMii/i the year 19W and previous years ST6I i>.!
Amounti of Interest bearing Judgments ' Amt.due from ex-Siierilt Tripp.jurv fee -M tn>
outstanding .la 1. J, IW> MMO 00 Amt. duo from Sheriff Swaiit .iurv fees 12 no
A mount due state tax on loaus 2SI .... a mt. due Co, note of I*. Murphy 1
Amount duo (ouuty rreas 1528 t*. .. .. John .Stevens 57 oo
11V . ... From surcharges of 1897 as follows;
19858 lit 11. o. Huffimtst 5 IK>
Due from surcharges of '99 against <'o
Commissioners jointly 7 oo
Amt due from County note Lydia Cat low 34 17
do do Hurry Cadow 31 2s
do do F. C. Hchanbacher 52 21
do do Verona Buguo 35 *j«i
do do Daniel Sut>er 10 45
Amt. due from ColJey twp.iioor district 67 (hi
do Fox twp do yi 5o
do Lui>ortc Bom. Poor Dis. 2">
do Cherry two. do 73 15
Liabilities in excess of Resouices 13570 07
' . 19858 -»*.>
In account with the County of Sullivan for the year liHH. (officially ending Dee. 31. 1901.
Amount received from Collectors for 04' By amt. due Co. Treusurcr. last audit 3391 >
und for previous years, during 1904 tW By amount of interest paid on first series
Amount recelve«i from Col lectors of 'O4 of bonds I.'VJO 0"
Mate tax. #57 41: County tax, 9330 37: •' Second series 212
l>«igtax. 5:17 tW 10731 11 By Treasurer's commission on same 45
Amount of County tax received from " " redemption
rnseateil Lands iluring 1904 .M47.:W money paid out during 1904; fr.3:i.19
Less advance charged 1903 4000.00 1147 33 Trcas. commission on same.. 7 CM'
Toamt. reed, on state tax from interest By amount of County Orders redeemed
U'aring ordei*s 37 1> by county Treasurer during 1904.. 17748 91
To amt. received from Sheriff Cotton By anU of Co. Treas. Coin, on same 582 47
fury fees 4 00 By amt paid on temporary loan 5000 0»*
To unit reed from Com'th |iortioii of lire •• commission on same 150 h>
claims 190; »00 00 state lax on loans 231 57 ,
To flint % state Personal Tax 1 ;, - s :; l By amt paid Comth state personal tax 9*6 "•i
Keeeived Jolm Cogsdill, fine «• ou Commissi<ni paid by state
Ket'und from Laporte Boro poor Dist for 03 91 J - Int. bearing order Milton Heibcr 127 n> i
do po do "01 91 ' • judgment. Philip
do Hillsgrovc do t.'3 48 25 orders. J. 11. Farrell 25951
do Fox twp do 'O:? 9125 do John M. Krrge 200 47
Heed C. I). Voorhes automobile license 3 00 do Mrs. K.K.Wrede 303 1*
R. Kessler .lr. do do 3 mi ,lo John w ilartzig 52 89
Temporary loan 5000 On do Philip Karge «'»ol _<
Amount received from CJounty's propor- judgment Henry'Karge 118 22
tion of license money, for the year ' (»8:1 B.' order L. B. speaker 209 57
Heed from J. H. Bohn tine 3 00 Trea> commission on same 01 01
John Brey. for plank 8 00
State personal tax 732 37 31845 42
•• K. L. Sweeney toilet paper.. ">o
• K. J. Mullen Bal. on Com. sale 78 oo
State refund of tire claims 30 9s
Refund of costs. Stanlev :'t «h»
Advance taxes by C.P.L. for 1901 4000 0o
To amount due County Treasurer 4855 53
31845 I
In account with the Collectors of County Tax for the year 1901
BOROIOHB AND Amt. Ann. Lands Kxon's. Rebate Collect Due .
TOWNSHIPS. COLLECTORS. charg'd Paid in Retur'd Al'wed AP wed Com. FNOMCOL l»al nee
Cherrv Thos. Doyle 2120 95 ltifiO 00 80 82 33 52 H56 61 2426 95
Collev ( has. Everett... 1132 11 1120 00 37 89 :i'» 74 48 14::2 11
Dushorc I H Farrell . 1318 90 1217 30 12 75 6:; 95 24 «H) 1318 90
Davidson C. W. Bpeary 1891 «•" 902 57 47 '»0 18 41 626 12 1594 60
l .tuU- Mere W. 1. Taylor. .. 12 199 1091 57 00 22 X\ 57 5s 1231 99
Kikland Harry A. lice».. 1150 *»9 7-v» 10 •'»."» ' I s 9i'« 286 17 ll5t» 59
I trk>ville Boro. B. W. Jaweett 231 >1
Fox Jesse B. Porter.. 597 28 22i. 19 11 91 ti 8s 352 (Kj 597 2S
Hillsgrovc James butter. 7ti3 01 5.55 u| 29 21 17 16 161 00 7i»t 01
Lajiortc Boro AE. Fripp . t»l »39 39:5 >1 21 Ul7 lss 33' t»ls
Laix>rteTwp \Vm. Kcrnan. ... » 472 15 295 us 12 93 10 22 153 32 J 472 1 •
Shrewsbury Wm. Rine 509 50 322 7.6 11 52 10 13 164 79 509 50
Totals 13134 40 9:136 97 12 75 45671 228 31 3369 66 13434 40
In account with the Colleetors of State Tax for the year 19uj.
KOKniGHS AND Amt. Aim. \ oilec > liehate hxon - Due .. ,
TOWNSHII'S. COLLECTOIIB. chain d paid in. Com. APwe«i Al'wed from ooi Hal nee
« herrv Thos. Doyle 173 08 L'h) 00 i «'•: 788 10 57 173 its
• ollev Cha>. Evcritt 11 10 ") 00 "J l ,7 11 91 44 40
Diishine I 11. Farrell 251 1». 231 22 7.1 12 7'» 251 ]t
Davidson C. W. Spcarv 12 oi 31 40 96 1 6"» sO3 42 oi
Eagles Mere lrvan Taylor 16 >'*> 15 36 17 83 pi 6i.
Flkland Harrv A. Heess 88 73 sj 12 2 70 :: 91 s« 73
Forksvilie ti. W Faweett 7» «•"» 71 1 » 2 29 3 90 *2 29 78 0
Forks E. J. Baiii 10l 1 : 8'» 1» 2 (►."» I c»9 191 101 4
Fox J B. Porter 9 16 0 si ;'l 37 2 01 9 40.
HilNgrove James Dutter 103. «>l 9 1 96 2 93 5 15 103 01
111 porte Boro A.E.Tripp 40 «»s 21 «>. c»7 lls 23 17 40 6s
l.ajiorteTwp Win. Kcrnan.. 22 18 21 52 «iO. 113 # 1 13 22 Is
Shrewsbury Wm. Rine «• 15 •» tst 23 19 0 4
Total 98' .36 857 41 26 56 45 15 57 24 986 36
In account with the Col eel tors of Dog Tax, for the year 1904.
lioHol'OHS AND . Ann. Ami. Exoiie- Rebate Coliec's Due
rownshlPs. COLLECTORS. charg'tl i'aid in rations. AP wed Com. FROM oot HaPnc«
( hern Township Thos. Doyle 253 00 200 00 10 52 617 36 31 253
culley •* Charles Everett 150 00 50 Oo 2 0»3 155 95 82 150
Dushore Borough J, H. Farrell... 11 00 3,7 79 205 118 11
Davidson Township... C. W. Speary 135 00 32 12 168 99 100 21 135
Fagles Mere iivan Taylor 25 00 23 01 12 . 71 .... 25
Kikland " ... Harry A. Heess 140 <X» 72 00 378 1 jk) 62 32 110
Forksville Borough B. \ . Faweett 13 00 0 CO 3,1 Is C, 51
Forks Township E. J. -Ba 1 1.16 W» 48 41 2 "»4 ]4s 6J 57 116
Fox " Jesse B Porter 55 00 16 59 s7 49 37 05 55
llillsgrove Twp James Dutter 5s GO 21 89 131 70 31 01 \s
La porte Borough A.E.Tripp 3.5 00 11 06 no 34 23 00 35
La jiorte Township Wm. Kernan 35 00 873 46 27 25 54 36
Shrewsbury Twp Wm. Rine 30 00 700 26 22 22 52 30 !
Total 1086 00 537 63 58 2d 16 22 503 89 1086 00
in account with the several Townships and Boroughs for Road Funds for taxes received on
Unseated Lands for the year 1901.
noßocoHS AND Amount Due'l wp.;Tot'l reed Due Trc-. Paid by Trcas. Due Due
TOWNSHIPS. ree'd 'O4 last audit last audt. Co.Treas. Com. IVps. Trcas.
( herrv 177 42 67 37 544 79 518 90 15 56 10 33
1 ollev 1292 07 II 83 1333 90 1100 00 33 00 200 90 !!!"!"!
Dushore Boro :: 34 3 34
Davidson 1972 63 21 70 1997 33 1800 00 51 00 143 33 !
liiUfles Mere 15 29 i 5 29 15 00 15 "jo
Kikland 107 37 108 40 215 77 150 00 4 50 61 27
Forks 1791 s2 137 05 1931 87 1600 0e 48 00 283 S7
Fox ... 099 15 842 J 007 57 950 00 28 50 29 07
llillsgrove 745 63 34s 749 11 700 00 21 IK) 2s 11 !!!!!!!!!
Lai>orteßoro 43 70 89 44 6"> 25 00 75 is «K)
La|*orte Twp 1872 91 170 71 2013 6. 1843 .«. ,5 3.0 144 t»9 !!!!!"."
Shrewsbury *37 45 1 »7 839 02 700 00 21 00 118 02
Total 10146 55 579 71 10726 29 1*4112 26 282 00 1 012 13 16
In account with the several Townshii>s a»id Boroughs for School and Building Funds, for
taxes received for Unseated Lands, for the year 1904.
BoßoroHS AND Amt reed Due Twp Due Trcs Total Pd out hy (0. Trcas Due Due
IOWNSHIPS in 1904 last aud't last and t RecM- Ticasurer Com. Twp. Treasur'r
« berry 3.73 21 33, 37 406 til 100 00 9 00 97 «'i
« ollev 1515 48 76 00 1.V32 It 1,90(10 41 70 100 11
Dushore Boro.. . 2 17 2 17 2 17
Davidson 138.5 34 92 09 1177 13 1400 00 42 ihi 35 1;
l .u'les Mere Boro. 0 12 0 12 1. 12
Elkland 8i 62 1 95 8.5 57 IK) 00 I so 23 77
Forks 581 OI 105 5s r,90 22 500 00 15 (X) 175 22
Fox 315 68 11 92 3.27 60 250 00 7 \) 70 10
llillsi ove 548 27 51 93 t.-Ri 20
I a|<orte Twp 02101 ... II 17 r.13 II .580 00 17 10 10 04
.•shreWhbury 550 si 59 77 497 03. 176 50 11 30 0 23
eotw 5.3 ;{s 1 31 70 9 1 6378 «.X» »iill "»0 168 :>5 599 05
In account with the several townshi|ieiand boroughs for taxes received from unseated lands
for Poor Funds during the year 1901.
n» cons AND Amt reed Due T res. DueTwp. To* a I Paid out Co. Tre's. Due Due
r .wNSHips. in 1901. last aud't last aud't Ree'd ' byTres Com. Twj*.. Treasur'r
c 1 <1 ry Twp l's 21 1 i . l:io 07 120 00 300 047
Co!!«-> 203 37 '29 11 2312 51 100 00 3,00 129 51
Dimh re Boro *>o »o
Daviilson Two 705 08 56 99 762 07 600 00 Is 00 114 07
Kuk-b-s Mere Boro
Klk.' iud 16 81 5 59 224 40 22 10
hoiks Twp. . ..
Fox 195 'IS 8 .55 203 63 lso 00 5 40 18 23
llillsgrove 7 'i 57 (Vs «vi 92 00 1 6> 7 24
J.aiiorte Boro 10 70 ol 10 69 10 69
Shrewsbury I«7 »K) 9 99 . 377 01 361 «il 10 94 1 13
Total 1614 02 10 00 169 7s 1803. *0 lt'JO 9| 12 62 310 24
j Htau-ments showing amounts of State, County and Dog Taxesdue from the various Collectors
for the year 1901 an< for previous years.
wrfm&im. | I .MimiW.' j ) »*«• ' l,,als -
CuKlmrc Boro.!.. .... b. B.'R|lto«r«r-....| kh M l 7 |"«~ ' aV" ' 67 7it I
Knrlu Ut-nrj Klehlin j jj-j 7 50 9 1
L»avldsoi) Jiiincs Moran iwia WW uu \ too w,
InishoreKorotiKh... Frauk Buck js 11 14 JO :17 :i:
Kukli-8 Mere Boro.. M. K, Brink 4130 :t »0 4, r i 40
fox A. l>. l>U'kei>ou :i.-| ;r. 1
Uillsßi-oveTwp IUUH'S Ouiter 4"' 00 4-"> («I
K>x bnui Leonard 19yl ij 4; u 17
llillsgrovi' Twp Jauie> Duttpr 4.-, ou 4". 00
Colley Jamt'ii P. <ior«K 1 17 ;l 4 9)5 '27 UV
Kork>villv John Pardot . 3_> yj ,jm
Davidson W. l.aivitnson 2» 4.» -JK 4n
Forks J.R. Molyneux 17 til j 12 no :;o
HUlsgrove jamrs Duttfr 4:1 «:( ,_>(i IX :(o i,-.' 41
l.aiMirtv Boro K. A. Coll kiln 25 62 3 53 1<! sti 4:! 01
(Jhorry Thos, Dnylt- 190" S4M 77 GO M 102 74 '.72 0-",
Colloy Chan. Everett 21 «7 7 29 2>i ir.
Duvklwui 'C. W. Bpea..v 8178 70 70 1 1
Klkianil Harvey A. Hes* 78 1k 2 >« n Ml <1092
Forksville B. W. Fawrett, ~ 3» 22 j :i Si 1 87 0.
Fnrks Edward J. Buhl .. 21 «7 4 07 20 .">1 i 17 0-
Fox Twp j Sam Leonard H4 11 22 M : 100 C:
lllllßfcrove- MJames Dutter .. lu» 7S .1 47 35 00 215 2'
Cherry |Thoe,. Doyle lny4 656 61 10 f>7 :«!:il : 7u; 4'.'
Colloy •• Chas Everett ~ 2»x 4(t 1191 95K! :<IO 2.
Davidson Twp C. W. «i>eary .■ 626 12 8 0:i 100 21 7:14
EiikU's Mere- I Irviti Taylor | •• 57 W 57 ■>
Elk land iTwp llarry A. Hei-ss •• '2BO 17 02 32 848 4"
Forksville Boro B. W. Fawcett ' ! M 75 *2'29 0 51 "kV.I7
Forks " K'J.Bahl I •> 429 91 4 93 03 57 • 4"K 12
Fox Jesse B.i Porter 352 00 2 01 37 05 391 0'»
Ilillsgrove James Dntter 101 00 31 01 192 01
Lu|iort<' Boro A. E.Tripp 1m 33 21 17 23 00 23) 5n
| Luporte Tw p Win. Kernan j 153 32 •11:'. 25 M 177 7
I . Shrewsbury j:\Vui.Klne I 104 79 22 52 187:11
Totals I 4639 20 171 08 951 34 5"0I 02
In account with rarious Collectors o( pevious years for tax ucrount- paid up and settled
during the year 1901.
BOKOCUH.S AM, For Due Co.|Hd Tres Lands ,Exon's Collec's Hue
TOWNSHIPS roi.LKirroßs. Year last and In 1901 Rctur'djAr wed Coin, c, unity
Eaglet Mere [M. E. Brink 1599 55 401 10 00 45 40 '6640
Fox laniard l'.H'l 47 35 31 12 47 47
Dushorc lioro JohnH. Faireli... 1902 21 751 20 15 100 7,
Forks I obi. Molyneux of> 11 38 10 30 49 08 in
Fox Sam r.eimarti , 200 21' 19011 10 10 30021
La i Kir to Bui,] H. A. conk tin 4* "I 5 u. 430l ism
cherry Tlios. Doyle 190: MM 90 , R >oo no 30 28 170 41 26 81 572 00 I9M 90
Collcy Chas. Everett.: ] 177 s7:
- 411 27! 210 00 39 '25 30 47 166 55 411 27
Dushore .lonh II Farrell 1 40 39 V59 00 15 20
Kugles Mere Irvln Tavlor M', 81 ,>O4 3 50 2 25 3 05' 00 m
Elk land Ilan y A Hess 5C.1 18, 109 89 837 90 92, 509 1*
Forksville 80r0... B. \V. Fawcett *0 Mi 1000 I 70 2 II 37 05 80*0
Forks E. .I.Unlit 453 051 8:15 72 1110 10 03 06 14 ; 45305
Fox Sam Leonard 321 Oil lfifi to 24 59 10 30 870 10*i 02 321 01
Ilillsgrove Inmes Duller 378 88 100(10; 10 17 48 10 215 20 37383
1 Luimrte Boro \ E. Tripp 232 49 178 00 81 iW 18 82 3 98: 232 49
l.njione Twp v\ 111. Keruau I I*4 80: 155 13' 15<IS 990 409 Ix 4 so
Slircwsblirj Win. Rine ' 89 25 79 Mi 027 332 89 2.1
Total 4729 58 2020 00 179 14 4IS HI 7o 10 1404 014729 .w
111 account with the County, and the several Boroughs and Townships, for their and each of
their pro|N)rtion of License Money, under the Act of June 9, 1891, for the year 1301.
Total I'roiKirt'n Hro|«n Treas Paid to Due to
j lioßorons AND Ami. of to lion to B. Comm. Paid to Boroughs Bonis.
TOW NSHIPS. L. money County and Twp. at 3 ■ the ami and Biilimlv.
•received ! 1-sshares 1-oshares per cent. County. Twps. Twjis
Cherry Township 000 co 120 00 480 00 is on 11010 405 00
Colley 600 00 120 00 480 (10 18 00 116 40 405 00
Dushore Borough 1050 00 210 00 810 00 31 50 203 70 811811
Davidson Twp 450 00 90 00 300 00 13 50 87 30 349 20 .....
Eagles Merc 80r0.... 150 00 30 00 120 00 4 50 29 10 110 40
Ferksville 150 00 30 00 120 00 4 50 29 10 110 10
Ilillsgrove Twp 75 00 15 00 00 00 2 25 11 55 58 20
Laporte Boro 300 00 60 00 240 00 9 00 58 20 '232 80
Luporte Twp 75 00 15 (10 00 00 2 25 14 55 58 20
ShreWshur} 75 00 15 00 00 00 2 25 14 55 58 20
3525 00 705 00 2820 00 105 75 083 85 2785 10
in account with the various townships for Road. School and Poor Funds, at the end of the
official year, 1901, to wit: January 3 1903.
nocoHS AND ToW.NSHII'S. Due Due Due Due Due Due
Treasurer, township Treasurer, township Treasurer, township
Cherrv Tow nship 19 33 97 01 6 17
Colley do -*OO 90 10(1 11 129 51
Dushore Borough 3 34 2 17 5c
Davidson Township 113 33 85 43 111 07
Eikland do 6 12
Eegles Mere Borough 10 01 27 23 77 22 1(1
Forksville Boruogh
Forks Township 288 87 175 22
Fox do 29 07 7o lo 1* 23
Ilillsgrove Township 28 11 2 80 7 21
La|>orte Borough 18 90 3 12 10 09
Laporte Township '4l 99 10 01
Shrewsbury do 11 s ,r -' 023 1 l;:
Road Fund due Twp 1012 13
School 11 " st»i> 05
Poor " " 310 24
sl9Bl 42
Less due Treas. Road 8 10
•' Poor 10
Net Amt Due Townships by Treasurer 198120
In account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the year 1901.
By cost of postage 12 40
To Amount of Retailer's License for the By costs of advertising 89 01
year 1904 $974 JO By StateTreasurer's Receipt 81 1 55
Wholesale 4 60 By Treasurer's OommlMiok, 4.s 05
By Exonerations 17 59
978 00 97* Op
To Amt. of Wholesale Liquor License SOOO 00 By state Treasurer's Receipts $570 ('
By Treasurer's Commission... ' 30 00
SOOO 00 $ 000 ON
To State's proportion of Retail Liquor By State Treasurer's Receipts 112.3 25
License 1175 ... By County Treasurer's commission ",1 75
To amount overpaid State Treasurer
1175 00 1173 00
To Amount of Brewers and Distiller's By State Treasurer's Receipts 5,15 0(
License SIOO 00 By Treasurer's Commission 5 00
________________________sl«J_oo SIOO 00
1 o State porportion of Hunters License 500 By State Trea4. receipt and commission... son
To Ami. assessed for the year 190.3 $ 80 00 By State Treasurers receipts 76 On
By Treasurer's commission 4 On
S 80 00 $ so 00
The County Coinmissisoers In account with the County of Sullivan, for the year 1904:
To Amount of Orders Outstanding 011 By Amt of County Orders redeemed by-
January 5, 1905 12880 50 County Treasurer during ISIO4 17748 91
To Amount of County Orders Issued By Interest bearing orders redeemed 1720 00
during 1904 17748 91 Aint of Orders outstanding at the end of
the official year 1903, to wit: Jan.2 1905 11100 50
30685 41 30635 11
By Amt. of Redemption Monev paid out
To amt of redemption money in hands of by County Treasurer, during 1901 23:'. 2:'.
County Treasurer, show 11 by last audit 1419 18 Bv amt of redemption money in hands
To amount received during 1901 129 36 of Ex Treas. Frank Luscli (>47 68
By Balance in hands of Countv Treas
-1578 84 urer 1345 m
1 ,"i7 H 8-1
To Amt. of Judgment 73*20 49 By Amt. of Judgment paid :180 49
still due «s»10 00 7:»20 in
Commonwealth Costs Paid by County [
during the year a.
Adam Rice, larceny 9 75 j
JosiuD Hembury. selling liquor without
lisenee 44 51 ,
8. Hun*itiger. stealing 47 52
A. Osis. perjury 40 17
Geo. Yanuey, arson i«>3 77
B. Blivoski. ae*ault and battery 15 00
Lizzie Reeder, adultery 2tt 57
John Murray. stealing*. 4 V»
K. Moraingstar, thrown 29 21
E. E. Tinklepaugh, murrler 159 :<6
s.Munalias, threat* 4XOB
Martha («ranger. assault and battery 24 04
Mrs Izmistiatti •• * Ift 00
(i.stetts •• 37 21
Frank Yannev, murder 137 6ft
754 40
Newsltetn '224 00
sulll van Ga/ett 190 25
Sullivan Herald 242 2T»
Sullivan Review 14 to
Williams|iort Sun. Joo Trea.-. deed* 6 75
677 36
i G£o. W. BIGGER •
' iliiyf services as Commissioner not 50
1 Mileage 91 71 :«*> 21 i
SI <lays service as Commissioner _".i I 00
Mileage ill (is ;!.\s os !
86 Jays service as Commissioner :iOl (X)
Mileage Mil 36214 I
. _ Trsverse Jurors.
February Term ami Sessions 21W -Jo
May •' •• «» 35
June term awl session (Special) 3>,i IJ
September " <i(M l«
December " ia> <• 1
Pai'l F. W. Gallagher, board for jurors
and Tliwtavet us to
Km 7111
Grand Jurors.
February Term US r.2 j
May Term ItW Mi,
September Term 163 as •
December Term u:
till' 04 '
W. ('. Pi-t'cr HIHI |{ INed. hljove ing siu w J - r >o
ti. C. I'oticr, Wfik « 11 fOuii In IISI (> (JU
Jacob tirles, cleaning I'rotlu office 1 M"
'«!>• • CutminKhinii Mipplit-* work on 11.
11, B. Smith Co. funnier lixcims 71
Kml mtt, work 1 00
r C. (iihlmny. «• leaninjx carjVt 2 lo
Jacob Giles, iixinjj and eU-itjiing utllee*... i'» l"i 1
Fred Cott. re pair on windmill 2
L. iv. '.tumble hardware 112 '1 !■'>
Jaeob (ir'es. cleniiiiiff oDices I ■*>
1,. 1. Sieanis A Hon, llnoleuin 5400
.!en yI >1 cua 11,12 <»ri lamen ta 1 trees 10 00.
Jas. Cunningham, lawn mower ace
(.'has, Lamton. r» j»u.'r <«n courthouse 7"»
F. I'. (Seifier, planting trees... *2OO
K. C. Potter repair 011 courthouse 27 0v
Jacob Ories, Cleaning ofllee 2*»
K. C. Potter binding liook 1 <>o
K, c. Potter , painting on court . . .. •'< «a»
Sain ode. heater, mints, oil etc 11.
K. C. Potter, painting 011 courthouse ... ."»HOO
Korr. apot Pennsylvania .t 1
Kline. ( o gla>- 7«M
Fred Fitz. for work 7
lucob (iries for cleaning otlice 1 >
H. B.Smith Co. fuinacs section* 7»'»s*.
A. 11. Hcilman jail cots etc 25 •£>
Jacob Grtu*. work on furnace :ioo
II B. Smith Co. balance 011 fixtures is
J. 11. Gansel. work on courthouse i >
Jas. Cunningham, hard ware, work 12 is
Jacob (Jtfes pumping water... •* IH«
Jacob Ories, denning offices 4 50
Win. Hykes, work on wind mill 300
T. c. Heess, material, work on windmill 14 72
K. C. Potter, \vo»icon public building f>o
T. J Kcelcr, merchandise 1 00
Jacob Grles. cleaning oil ices 4 *o
.la*. Cunningham, supplies work on heater 110"
•Clarence Cott cartage 0>«
Jacob Gries, cleaning offices 15»
G. W I'.iuircr, repairing Jail cell 2 r »«'
I. iiumble, material and Work 3 4"
V. 11. Busehhausen. supplies ::| is
el 4 W
(i. A Garev, building wall LOTH'Z bridge ii"» 00
J, C. ( aven. team hire to Forksville :i 7
I>. Palmatier, team hire to Hillsgrovc Moo
( ha. Nye. work 011 Forksville bridge b»s7
C. W. Sones lumber lf»ot»
John K. Koval. Daiighin Co. Courts cost
in rebuilding Klk creek bridge 2000
Adam Baumunk, remnving'plank for
Ilillsgrove biidge 4 00
Jennings Bros, dynamite 2 n:
Lee Masferson, suite inspector account
Klk creek bridge l:U 20
Henry Hill, sume 110 80
Hugh McCullough, same 100 o<
(). !•'. Thompson, State Engineer, same 217 bo
J. C. Pennington, viewer % I 2-
Valentine Kobe, viewer 592
W. c. Mason, surveyor O N
Frank crossley, horse hire 1 .*>•
C. W. Sones, lutnlter 11 1,.
N. C. Ma ben " M »l SamfMabafTrv i.iiload
ing >hingles ' 100
J. J. W ( 1 su-r, hauling shingles 1800
s. B Kiimcr, material and work on M!II
\ ie\\ bl idge :;5 95
«\V. Ames, lumber :< • W•
L. \\. Yonkin, shingling bridge :>». J;.
G<'» Kargc, work on bridge 1 in.
If 'Jewar, plank 4 on
I. K. iiird, platik and work 12 SO
W, S«H»es. lumber 12 00
iame> ( uuningham. nail> 1 42
James lumber lo 72
r find
John H«. m hire 4 00
Moutville lumber :;i s'»
J. J. Tc vaii, bridge refmir 2 ♦>
Lloyd Farrimau. l»rldge repair. .. l:*. JK
Kogcis Bros, lumber :.*» «»s
'i. W. Bigger,bridge material afni *ork 1"> 77
1002 09
Be mice 7S
1 n \ '1 w p 64 ~1
CnlU-y TWI» .. 14
Onshore lioro t'»s .14
D .«!-•.ii Tup 71 M
Lagles Mi re Bom • > 12
Klk land Twp 80
Forksville Boro .«•
Forkf Tw p Ki 10
Fox Tw p msl
Uiliagmve rwp 00 68
famlion city •
La Porte Boro .......... 55 72
La|>orteTwp (.MM,
Lope/. 1.7 Is
Mt Vernon 0;; ,\s
Rickett 71 32
Kingdale 71
Si utn Laporte
Shrew sbury Tw p... 01 (Hi
M.W. B- l-lord .ni\. ■ f>ing eleelioii and
serving certificate.* 4 00
c. P. Hunsinger, same
J. H. gpence,same
K. s. Fleming. >ame. 02
Philip Secules, >ame 5 2o
L. M Barth, election I moth.* 2o 00
B. L. Kly. »idvcrti>ing and otbi-r work 12 72
E. K. W-. b irton. earing for ballot U»x :» 00
P. P. Mai tin. Congressional return judge 27 :Jo
.1. (J Culver, judicial return judge :i 50
10. L. Sweeney, computing otticial vote 15o<»
Max Frank el. same 1 ">« M »
Jennings Bi>••>. c'"ction supplies 551
rhos. W. Gahan, delivering ballots s 00
1:577 21
Law rence Low ley. 10 <ia>.■> at I.THJ 21 o«.
( . P. Hunsingcr.... :k» >7
K. s Fanuing 4 08
-4 05
Hue from sun barges of iso~ as follows:
11. G. Ilutfmaster 5 00
Com, of 1809 jointly, orders drawn 7 00
12 00
Mrs. Geo. Pouiiley. burial of her husband r»5 00
T.J.lngham. Atty. burial of A. A. Baker ;{'« 00
Isaac shatter, tombstones for graves of
John T. Brewster and Win, May .lo 00
Milton Battiu burial of Christian Hin/.e H5 00
133 00
1N l*Q ESTS.
K.J. McHenry inquest 011 b< dies of (.. T.
Simmon-and ( has, hailing 5 s<»
mileage 1 tk»
K.J. Mclleiirv investigating easue of
death of Rose Cordorman 2 7.">
mileage 1 2o
11 oft
Dr. Win, 11. Randal), services at jail 17 '*>
Jacob Herr, clothing for prisoners 1 ' 1 .
Conveying prisoners to asylum :ioo.-
J.G.Colt.boarding etc 471 lo
*»;{•' 00
Thos. Gahan, team hire etc :V2 « K >
hushore Bo o. mom rout, telegrams 11
G.W.Bigg* r. team hire etc 11 "n
Sam Mcßride room rent I 00
Peter J. Vonkin, team hire etc i 7o
B. S. Bently, for taking apjH*al 12 o<
F. M. Crossley, conveying i'onrrs 400
Win, 11. Faries, transcribing testimony
to set otT from Boro. of Lajioite new
Boro, to IK' called south Lafnirtc 8S
E. L. Sweeney, boiird and expense of
trav cling attending
Forksville Boro. half expense of break
ing ice gorge
J. P. Metii e. hall rent during appeal ::
l>. Palmatier. team hire 1 -'»o
Co. Treas. for Co 111111'r> deeds 7<'» l;',
280 (>7
I i
I Thos. A. K« binson sup|>ort 01 \\. Thorpe 2«'. o2
Enstern Penitentiary supp»rt of Peter
Wilk« skey. John >imou, Barney sli
voski. and Lewis Wallace 176 1.4 j
i Warren As> lum. care Ilarvex McKa> '.»l hi !
I IHniville support of Michael
Zebroski. Herman (iaiioski. Jas shev
I tin. Frank Morniiigstar. I».K. I»<i\is >7;]«v>
; Commission in re lunacy, of Frank
1 Morulugstftr 0( ,
! Commission in re lunacy. J. -hevlin I, 4,,
' .' tlmilir K> linin« C,,. nil
F. M. Cr«issley. coal 4-
! Z
•2O 80 j
7. G. Cott, iherilis cost 72 !
Chem Ti vn>•i• i• '*"» "»♦>
cuie> <lo l : '» yj
hu.shoro 1 Urn < ugh '' ,IJ
I>;»vi«ls«*11 Township 1 '•>
IIIkIII IMI «ll) . ... >«• ■»«»
Katies M. iv lioinugh 27 HI
Forksvdle Borough. - •
Foi k> Township »'•- "»t»
Fox "1«» M ''l
HiNftgrfeve Cjß
La|>orie P.orough 1* 1 s
I Laj»orte l ownship " I
J Shrewsbury <lo '•« I:
Borrowed Money Statement.
, County orders at interest in favor of
John 11. I-anvil . . .~>uo 00
K. K. Wrii!
Ida ).. stiinuont. usoo (•«»
. Koht. summit s( • ;.o
I Mrs. Ei M ist?in* Seaman. <looo «io
i Kobeit Stormont .\i.UHI
) trances Hreiger •;
Ida L. Slormont j•). .<» DO
W. L. Stormont j,, M » <JO
I'li/ai" th ( . s|>k 11, i, ( )
Mrs. Mary C. Smith ; ){V ~( t
Mrs. I.lixal < tli Sick 4. p »n rn
K K. Urede
Pmeivil Wentzell : ;oo<'
Klrzal.-ctn c. sick IOQO 00
Marv h. iloitman ... (l()
Pat I>hlv. UK*) ( 0
Patrick llannoii j (lUl
Oners' Names h ~ ~ rz
£ j= ~ £ £
' k s RinelMild 5 «/, 27 00 no
F. s. Mcdiniock 9 2V. 1:1 ;>i jm ,
John.l Webster 1 2 :> Ki N ~
' < ieo. Kaiire ... 1 \ .; 7On it.
Sam Parish 1 700 10 «■.,
Wm. stiiT 2 n 7 1111 )n , ,
It. S. Mai tin I len 7 m
11 -.J.he war I r. 1 0 «• e.i
' heun Molyneux 2 1;; ."»(.> ]n »
- Osear Mol> noux I."HI 7 ,\o
John ( ollins 1 .j <; r»o pi ;-o
W ilbur Me( lintock... I "0 i, ~n
t i hos. < iahan 2 j :;o fx». :t:i 00
(i. I>. ( rowlej 1 400 700
, 'i.C. Swank 2 1 7.0 p>
Lyman Baker 1 ' t; c.O 9
(ieo. Jackson .1 C» 00
{] Adeline M» ad 1;; 100 7
Wm. Herman 11 s tfj n
Jas. Murray 1 a H' 0 1; rn
Stewart lirown 11 H i; no it
„ ( las. Fogorty I 2 ;i Ir. 00 r.i
I I*. •' Keef I 1 7 (M; 111
: j Lit 1 1«- 11 s 50 II :o
\ W. H. Vonkin 2 { «.» (X> 12
I M.J. Phillips 1;; 7,0 10 ...
«iahricl Lit/elman 2 1?, 11 00 17
i, (iuinn 1 | i;; is ~, 21
17. 2s Idoo 2s'. 1.0 S7 I 00
, Wm. C». Johnston it Co
~ l!cnr\ Hall 1;.....
I, Kldgcwuv i''lb. Co 4 . .
.i 11. WrUrhuv Co
II. (i. IMiilliyis
"j ' 40t» os
' Henry Cutiiniiiigs, support Mrs. F. Mart 2«X) 00
Statenieiit showing jsinouritf* ol Sl«le T;i\
1 finJ Interest on In<icbte?hitss. paid l»v the
3 Coontv in IVHI4.
Anit. of interest paid on and
interest bearing orders 11 4 r.::
v Amt. Int. 011 first series of lioml* r j<-oi>
1: Amt. Int. 011 second do 212 >0
• Ami. s»tate tax 011 indebtcdm ss 2:»1 ."»7
1 ' 5898 70
1 • Statement sliowinsr the liomlcd Indelited
-11 netss of Sullivan County on ij, I{K)5
s Amt. of lionds oulstandiJi); I .-oaring Int.
at 4 per cent :r.< 00 00
2 Amt. of bonds outstanding at •'» 1 i*r et ... 00 00
1 j Statement showing the Actual Indclited
-1 j ness of Sullivan County, .Jan. », 1905.
..j Unnds outstanding ."So«u,'f>i
Liabilities in exci rs of rcsourees... b,
| Commonwealth of Pei nsyl winia
' | County «»i Sullivan, s.-.
Wo the undersigned Auditors of Sullivan
1 County do hereby certify that in } rsuaut to c •
j various duties imi-OMd upon us by the several
, Aets of (ieiieral A.->embly ::i.d the'supplement*
~ thereto we did meet «it the oiV;re <>i* tin County
:i Coiamissioncis in t!.e Co»<rt House in the ui 1
. of Laporte, 011 Monday tho 2thday of January,
j A. I)., lWi.'and did eomuieiiee to audit, i,-;
, and set tie the >»i!d vairous and several accounts
subject to our adjournments, c til this <late when
, we completed this our Annual bep.rt and
further eertil> that wo did audit and adjust ihe
said several accounts < .rrcetl> totlie best ■ four
knowledge, ability, information and belief as; !,.•
' same appears audited. adju*!rd. settU-d and fully
set forth and iti mi/.od in this i'«.re-oing repoi 1.
In testinionx whereof we lune In-reunio set our
hand and stal this 30th day 01 January l'.»o .
- (11. ("ASHMAN. < 0. Auditor
> In re Estate of John Brown, late ol the
~ } Township of Davidson, County <»i Sulli
van, deceased.
Letters testamentary <»n t he al»ovc estate
) having heen gr intod to the undersigned,
all persons indebted to the said estate are
• requested to make immediate payment
and those having claims against said es
1 tate to present them without dclav 'o
l\ J. Kccler, K\e< u or.
j F. W. Mcvlort, Attorney.
, Laportc. Pa.. January 30,1905«
, !
j Gbippewa
Xtme Ikilns.
Lime furnished .n car
load lots, delivered at
Right Prices.
Your orders solicited.
Kilns near Hughesville
M. E. Reeder,
tho most healing in the world.
1 We promptly obtain l\ sand Foreign
) Hen t model, skoten er 11« to oflnventn n
r fre-»report on patontabiliiy 1-or free book (
Opposite U. S. Patent UUicej
Ouru Oold«i Prevent* Pneumuola