•uKucAtf ARWS m IIAHLCS L r^f Pmbllahed Every Thuriday Alfcernoon By Tbe Sullivan Publishing Co. At tbe County Seat of Sullivan County. LAfOBTE, PA. W MASON, Prertdcii. THOS. J. INGHAM, Sw'y & TicivS. Entered at the Post Office at Lapocte, second-class mail matter. THE GOVERNING POWER. Should lie Ksrrrlard by the People, Not n Few Individuals. Justice Potter of the supreme court of Pennsylvania objects to tlie Gar field plan for tlie control of Interstate trusts on the ground that it would tend to give the national government "des potic" power. The Inter Ocean holds no brief for Mr. Garlieltl. There may bo a better way than this. But be that as it may, the Inter Ocean cannot but recognize the fallacy of Justice Potter's argu ment. The "despotic" power to which Jus tice Potter objects exists already in, for instance, the railway business. There It is in the hands of a few men, who rapidly are becoming fewer. Tlie American people have this "des potic" power over them, their Indus tries and their trade now. The ques tion at issue Is not whether this power sliis 11 exist. It does exist. The ques- | tion is, Who shall exercise it? Shall it be.l. l'ierpont Morgan. James J. Ilill, E. 11. Ilarriinan, John D. j Koc!:efeller anil George J. Gould? ur shall it be the government of the ; whole American people? T; e men who now hold this power have no direct responsibility to tlie na tion. If they abuse their power, there i is no speedy and sure way of restrain j ing them. They cannot be tried and I found wanting before tlie people and then be dismissed.at the polls. If the government of the whole poo- j pie held this power it would be sub- ! joct to check, restraint, change and correction of any abuse at every na tion.ll election. This power cannot be destroyed with out tearing down the whole' fabric of j modern industry and commerce and re- > building it from the foundations. This power must continue to exist. Whore shall it be lodged? lu the j hands of a few men, practically free , from responsibility for abuses, or in the hands of the government of the whole j people? Who shall be the "despots?"—Chica j go Inter Ocean. PENNSYLVANIA GRANGERS. Over »S,OOO Sew Memlier* Added t« the Roll the Pad Year. The Pennsylvania state grange met this year at Erie, W. F. Ilill of Mont A Mo, worthy master, presiding. Sec- j retary Ailman reported 6,204 new names added to the rolls during the past year. This does not Include those reinstated. There arc now 54C granges in tlie state as against 501 for last j year. The receipts for the last year were $11,440.80. The sixth degree was conferred on a class of -15. Tlie elec- | tion of officers occurred, and W. F. Hill was chosen master for tlie tenth your. Evidently Pennsylvania believes in keeping good men In office, for they have re-elected their overseer for the j seventh year; lecturer, seventh year; treasurer, fourteenth year; secretary, eleventh year; gatekeeper, seventeenth year, and assistant steward, seventh year. The legislative committee made one of the most important reports ever submitted to the state grange. The Hon. William T. McCreary was at the head of the committee. The report favored legislation allowing trolley companies to carry freight; a tax of I mill on corporate and personal prop erty for road purposes, to be distribut ed according to public road mileage; favored laws whereby license taxes under both county and municipal laws be paid to the counties in which such taxes are collected; favored the Initia tive and referendum, parcels posts and postal savings banks. It also favored increasing the public school appropria tion to $200,000, the amount appropri ated at the last session being SIOO,OOO. »w York a* a Knetor. Some of our Democratic contempo raries appear to think It fatal to the Hearst boom that there Is no Hearst ( sentiment In New York. Perhaps it (Is forp'tten that the last time Clove land ww nominated and elected the New York delegation was practically solid against liim. New York is a con siderable factor In the election, hilt It lias not -always br.id so much to do vltn the nomination. - Philadelphia Press. Obligation to the Home. While it is true that most persona do not goto church often enough, there are inauy who po to church too often. No 111:111 or woman lias a right to take , II class iu the Sunda.v school when a Sunday school cla»s is helm; neglected nt home. Any social or philanthropic orMiiixatloii which makes one want to t a way from home life or home du 1 ties i;- a detriment. no matter what else li may be doing lli i t'hnrles Stetelt. .j 11 «a t ktl I /111 iit JJT i U'-'i. D _ Alt' « y # «• # §| a T« i or® 1011*1 l|tt*l I*»II I «»r»« %• r. 8111l k |i|v your Health and SiRLNGin with 111l II J JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE; UILV Ur bi " m r;:S Tsssps^ K L. OZ,a STRENGTH-GIVER, CHILDREN yßT?aim^Jl.lM Onagifi, MYNE S TONIC VERMIFUGE, and MEfi. A S I>I'IIWM O .'iisiJ. uH.in. '•'.riii.. I:! it was a I.;:.4ines3 or; j ••It ia it I' - nesa or-.luizatlon," a granger replied. "In tlwt it innlcos it n business tii help tin l farmer to help himself iiml li!s family to tli«> very largest lilt' possible." Observe Neighbors' night occasional ly iu your grange. The visiting grange 'rmlsbe* the entertainment. A MATTER OF HEALTH l AbsoluW?^ MSM SUBSTITUTE Nt "TICK. In tlie matter of tlie petitton I In tlieCourt tor the appointment of a of Common j guardian for Thos. Mark ot | Pleas of Sul j Davidson, Twp,, Sullivan | livanCo.No ; County, Pa. I Feby.T 1905 > To the next of kin of Thomas Mark, Take Notice: That the Court ol Common Pleas of Sullivan County, has made an order fixing Wednesday, March 15, 1905. at the Court House in Laporte Pa., at 10 a. in., for the hearing on the application for an appointment of a guardian for above named Thomas Mark, upon tlie al legation that he was of such feeble mind that he was liable to become the victim ol designing persons, and t<» waste and dissipate his estate, at which time you may attend if yon think proper. FRANK \V. BI'CK, Sheriff. Sheriffs office, La porte, Pa., Feb. 21, 1905, Life Insurance A FEW OK THE MANY REASONS j WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE A POLICY WITH THE NEW YORK LIFE BKCAUSK—lncontestable from tlie date of issue. Because—absolutely without restrictions. Because —non forfeitable from date of issue. Be cause—cash loans are provided after second year on demand at 5 per cent interest without fee or other charge. Because—if death does not occur an accumulative policy is a highly profi table investment for the policy-holder who lives. Policies now maturing to living policy-holders prove this. In fact NEW YORK I.IFK policies do not leak. Health and Accident Insurance also written. A postal card will bring an agent to .you, or a person interview can be bad at tlie office Saturdays, regular office day. GEO. BROWN, Agent. LOPEZ, PA. office in J)r, Chrictian P»l'd. U )Tw I The Best place to buy goods Is otten asked by the pru ; pent housewife. Money saving advantages! arealvvays being searched tor Lose no time in making a j thorough examina'ion of the! New Line of Now on • **** ********* ** ** * {EXHIBITION i Hflf I'W jf W » .T> ♦ «»-»»» T" TT- T 7T. fr- T ?????? ? ? ? STEP IN AND ASK ABOUT THEM. All answered at Vernon Hull's I Large Store. BHlaerove, Pa. John D. Reeser's Pig Store, Park Elcck, Fcstcre, Fern'a ~~ GREAT BARGAINS. Have been placed upon the counter and now is a rare opportunity for you to select from goods that have solo for 25c. yd. now on the counter for 9c. Come in and ste for yourself. Other bargains after you have seen the goods to attract your attention. Cali your attention once again t< Wall Paper, as it is sold 'or just one half of former price Have bargains for you in almost everything. Come in and see what we are offering to you. for such small stsi m \john D. Reeser's Big Store> Bank block I | *1 v •' v * ~ r •*" "AT .J Cultivate the Habit of buying reputable goods from a reputable concern. We aie ag nts for W. I .{jDOUGI SHOFS frorrij 2.5( School Shoes A «OOD ASSORTMENT CHI LDRENS' and Clothing Made to Order \ll have the right appearance and guaranteed to be right in both material and workmanship and price modest. Wo also manufacture Feed, the Flag Brawl. It is not cheap, l>ut good. Is correctly made. Ask your dealer for it or write us for prices, NORDMONT SUPPLY Co. General Merchants, mu1 D " IsTOXv WK AKh HHAt)QuAK I 1-.KS v fm For Lace and Ruffled CURTAINS .\s we buy our stock direct from 'l® the manufacturer. It will pay you to either come or send to us if you 88pr. are ill need of anything in this line. WR • \ as we can give you the l.endit of the largest stock in the County (o /j ful effects in Nuttinghain and paint Arabe, also in the rullled muslin II oicombe CrLauer, Porniture cx Undertaking DUSHORE, PA. TELEPHONE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ZEiUOZEIES^IILIIIjIE], CAl $5O «00° l ' DcW,TT BODINE, President. e , . JEREMIAH KELLY, Vice Pres. Surplus anu Net Prolits, W C. FRONTZ, Cashier. 50.000. . ~ , DIRECTORS: I ratracts ;i (icncral BailUillU Business DeWitt Hodine. JiU'ob Per, reter Reetler, Jeremiah Kelly, Win. Front/., W, C. Frttnt/. \ccuunls ot lildlVld- JttlnPH K , {(iak joi,,, c. Laird. K. P. Bteiihoh/. n;ils .'Hid I'irnis Peter I'i'ontz, C. \\. Sones, Itaniel li.l'onst, Solicited. I John Hull, The Shopbell Dry Good Co., 313 Pine Street, WILLIAM SPORT, PA. r i , New Dress Nam/ CiH-^ Goods. I>ew Ml Kb), The Newest Weaves. \'hi |] Itp repaid lor coining to pee our H.t IVS "\ OPC an'if.. collection o( new .*-j»ri n>r Dre."c wt if.e wa; ofclußiflrir* this rex • iP|.lny *.v 111 1.,. ! lie pre- • assortment. i(< re are new ,*pritijr «lk» vailing (ill :i'- lor s, i ami ti.e roniinjr for waists an,l & Noun- are plain, feasor- -plai'i enlor* ol sheer an.) crepy others figured". , vhite and all , brcolor, in ■I . . will leu.l, Int there are many mix- vogue. To in,a e lv mention th c kinds to i iln ii's, all new ami so varied and ' .ay nothing ak mt the varied,* ol each "lie wm t.nl to find the mate.'i I, design would make a," long list-so we - 'implvsav or color wanted. coii.e. see and.. compare. riew Laces and Dress Trimmings \\ evt Ntv« r had :t flore \ aried Colie ction to SI IOW Wash"Goods. White Qo « ,tls - Its very certain that white materials are 0 I"; o lure you can get lawns, t-'fiv swissrs, madras, incric.ized materials and " ,,ore °diers pick and cr«i, se- \ all the rest of tiie white cottons at suspris- Sl,re to And just what you wait f,, r vul . > -'> ptieis. own (ifj,- or lor'lhat of yo urc liMren's _ j Williamsport & North Branch P,ailn/; M !j; ?! ir :io -' 7'' if 1 eiiiiMtnle ... t, I.", T :ii. J- 7ftl •v, t <.O '• o in ~n 1 fti 4 ... .. tn in.,4 Mi-i Ilinliisiiii,. tldOT-l, '■>' *> 501 J ; ' 4tl lu« MK» I irti.iv Koek* * *6? jo t !.*» * * ■ ' ...i.jt.ll!, Milts... ' »4' ' ;• J6' J- ' ] ■}' ....«hamouni... ••• * A s J }!, -l } fS2s ..ytihwl.riiixe -■ V.ViV - Vi '- n- "" 1 -JJeeel.t.len ' ..J #VJ S' . J ■ s;)4 ..Muiu\vuiit> .. ;V.:i aw s n: ' s J- soiii.-u.wn . ao" -'ii i : ■ ,f s ' Nordiuont 1 a )C - ' 7 #i2 ui«rte v .... 7,- - klnrdale ' • -, o"V' ... 7n; r Ji' 1H27 ..Jieniii o Hond„ .. ... . - . ■ i p.m.ail am aVm. m37 :::::: Vw.. " ■e u 0o • ' , t M A.M. ' M I'M I'M o 4«"> SoueSu«wu * i' 4,'. Kagles Meri> 112 i' -' i # <# ■■■iHiihiire2 l,i "0 400 12 29 ib oo 7SO WtUiamrtiQ '** ' n<> m .t