vWv. JP'TK *•" > <>*'' Nervous Trouble and Dyspepsia. No Sleep for WeeKs Because of Pain. Dr. Miles' Nervine Gave Back My Health. Dyspepsia nearly always arises from a de (angement of the nerves. When the stomach is net well the entire system sutlers. Con stipation, bai breath, Sour stomach, frequent headaches, biliousness, etc., will lead to ter r.ble consequences if not treated in time. Dr. Miles' Nervine is a specific for nervous dyspepsia ami all nervous diseases. "My health was miserable for >ears, due to severe nervous trouble and dyspepsia. 1 had not been able to sleep for weeks at a time without l>eing awakened with pains in i«v chest and stomach. Mv limbs felt tired, 1 was unable to do my house work without feeling completely worn out. The doctors failed to relieve nie, and alter taking an end less amount of the r medicines 1 began tak ing Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and Ntrve and Liver l'ills. I obtained relief from the first bottle ol Nervine, was able to sleep better than I had in years. My stom ach l>egan to gain strength and I felt better in inacv ways. 1 have taken twelve bottles of Nervine and Nerve and Liver l'ills in the pa»t three years but have not taken any of late as I have not felt the need of it. I go about my work an entirely different woman and have recommended them to ever so many people. lam a great believer in Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Fills, I have them on hand all the time. 1 feel very crateful for the Dr. Miles Remedies." - MRS. 112. \Y. WHIT MAN, Mechanic Falls, Me. All druggists'sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Addresa Dr. Milei Medical Co, Elkhart, lnd. PAmBANF)S GAS or GASOLINE ENGINES. There are .many Gas and Gasoline Engines and ONE "FAIRBANKS" Some resemble it in construction, others in name BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE FAIRBANKS ENGINE. ( ( } Engines that excell in quality and moderate in cost Vertical from one to ten horse power. Horizontal thret horse power up- THE FAIRBANKS COMPANY, 701 Arch St., Philadelphia CHARLES L. WING, Agent, Laporte. SMTalks On Advertising By Charks Austin Bsfes. No. 25. I talked the other day with a man who had failed in the drug business. He said that ho didn't believe that advertising a drug store paid, and that it was so different from other businesses that advertising could not possibly help it. He said that his store had been an exceptionally good one ; that the location was very fair, and that the stock was above reproach, but there were two other ru S stores nearby which had been there for some time before he came. • i I!■ i— — 1 The people round about were ac -1 if quainted with them, and to some y2[ ■|| they were just a little bit more con- Jjl II ' / 1% veniently situated than the new | AK® iff oSx \ // ™ try advertising. That is the way he jjElr fJ /A -J ■ ' knows that it does not pay. lie said: tH"'' IwH ICA V "People do not realize that there is a Mm ill i 'ljl\ _V~ difference in drugs—that the parc m HL goric they get in one drug store is IM' IGRNIIIJ'\WNRU „ better than that which they get ia another." Advertising would have saved < ' that man's business. By advertising " he would have introduced hlmself to the people, and they would have be come acquainted with him and his store in that way. By advertising he could tell them that there were different grades of paregoric, and that he kept the best grade; tut ho didn't try it, aad so he knows positively that advertising doesn't pay. Maybe he would have had to advertise three or six months, or possibly for a year, before he would have found that he was gaining actual profit on his advertising expenditure. Advertising a new business is, to a certain extent, like advertising in the dull season. It is the after-effect that must be looked at and not the imme diate returns. Even if a new man were to Bieet his prospective customers person ally, it would be some time before he do not consume very many pages of his order book. In the mean time he is get- I MtfcStl' ffjgjr ting acquainted—advertising. He is let- jEWI ting people know who he is and what he VlW'—- is doing, aad what he wants. If he is ). \ \Jj pleasant and courteous and persistent, he *; " // Do aot expect an ad to do more thaa Charlm Amttm Bmtm, Ntm Kri v **** r~; j"• fc ».»<•' Vi/ 4' - v J/ O wkf CliwCJfcLo J* ic hollow and your if 112 iip-i white ? j J ™ „ Is your appetite > P oor >our c •8I& gesiion weak? Is jj 4J your flesh soft jj ■ and have you lost J* . in weight? j* These are symptoms oft A\ anemia or poor blood. ;5 They are just as frequent :j| jjj in the summer as in the jjj jj': winter. And you can be << cured at one time just as *5: well as another. o to grange headquar ters at Chautauqua. N. V. Three juvenile granges have been or ganised in Pennsylvania the past year. Children of members of the Order be tween the ages of eight and fourteen are eligible. Special ritualistic work adapted to children is used. Over the Left. When Mr. Bryan advises Peiuocr.its to vote the Parker Davis ticket be is ; believed to slyi.v wink tbe otl;er rye.— Tacoma I.edger. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMED. Established in 1841, for over sixty years it was the PV \r) NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, known and real in • W K every State in the Union. i~\ /p n w On November T. 1001. it waa changed to the vipvmPD NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER Ill—l iDL.rv a high class, uptodate, illustrated agricultural weekly, -v p for tne farmer «tnd hi* family— 111 | ~ a year, but you can buy it for less. How ? ■ 'l " By subscribing through your own favorite hom« nswe F \DWPD\ paper, the REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM. \ J o Both Papers one year tor only 51.25. P"/\/\ \ j Send your order and money to the News Item. Sample copy free. Send your address to NEW-YOBY TRIBUNE FAPMER.Ncw-Y.rK i Wo promptly obtain U. H. ami Foreign tou J model, sketch or pl.uto of invention tor x c tree report ou patentability. For free book { t tlcnv to SecureTO • [»C MftDlfC write l . # < [ j| Opposite U. S. Patent Office<| WAS HI NGTON D. C ; J BANNER SALVE the most healing p»lve in the world. iTrrTfTTVT O PATENT Good lfle " I , I I I, II may be secured by II IIIV IM I our aid. Address, lUkMIHI ihepmen ß T .S.V Subscriptions *o The I »V#Hs Uncord •l.ooper annum* FOLEYSHONHMAR Cures Colds; Prevents Pneumoala Cbippewa Xime IRtlns. Lime furnished «n car load lots, delivered at Right Prices. Your orders solicited. Kilns near Hughesvillo Penn'a. i M. E. Reeder, J EH SO frequently settle on the lungs and result in Pneumonia or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing j J 13 away or take something that only half cures it, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble. La I Cures Coughs and Colds quickly and prevents __ Pneumonia and Consumption | igji 3 I I I JR sizßL CONSUMPTION THREATENED HAD BRONCHITIS FOR TWENTY YEARS KHJ. J IFA C. Unger, 211 Maple St., Champaign, 111., writes: AND THOUGHT HE WAS INCURABLE ■! , I was troubled with a hacking couch for a year and ■ . I thought I had consumption. I tried a great many Henry Livingstone, Babylon, N. Y., writes: "I EW fill »|. JJk jfjil ■'l !■ remedies and I was under the care of physicians for ha d been a sufferer with Bronchitis for twenty years K! several months. I used one bottle of FOLEY'S and tried a great many with poor results until I used By HONEY AND TAR. It cured me, and I have not FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR which cured me of to, been troubled since." rny Bronchitis which I supposed was incurable." B | GREATEST THROAT and LUNG REMEDY g p THREE SIZES, 25c, 50c and SI.OO Refuse Substitutes |j MMMMJMMMMM*: SOLD AND RECQMMENDED BY I'III I WIHII IIIWHIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIII nut JAMES MCFARI.ANE Laporte v Dr. Voorhees Soneatown, Pa. k W'ii ii ±*4 An almost, infallible remedy for dis eases of the Throat, and Ltfngs, _ . . known (8b used tho .world ever for j EXPECTORANT U£fe,.. ..J VTTLFS RTIUKKII For T\TO. Carl Schu'z may have been right about there being two lioosevelts i:i the field. There were certainly votes enough for two of them.—Washington Post. Fellovr Feellnc. Parker did not carry his own pre cinct ami therefore should have the sympathy of Bryau. who knows how that is himself.—Chicago News To npfnrtnri Kevialoti. VVe gat he- from the Democratic or gans that the Democratic zemstvos are going to demand the right to dictate tariff revision. New York Press. K nolo Joo'a »it Mine, P-'-'c Joe Cannon's next ramble will be !:i tbe direction of his old ottt (rations, to whiiHis ad«. - d a complete CATALOGUS OF Di.'Z;i.S£3, with directions how to treat Chf'Tn, given in plain. yv;4 ac>mh Is nfl!uaf;e. Yotir or DeaHcr will sup* ply it to you FREE. !i joii luit to jji it, j Card request tc brt. D. JAYNE & SON, PHILADELPHIA, will briug utu you Fh£E. An SB.OO Dictionary fOl" $2.00 AUAT The New Werner ;» Edition_of p^'"'., ~ -t~ , i| Webster's Dictionary. | v I Newly and maenifirentljr illustrated -XA' * t \ '•/*; r We offer you the best dictionary ever put 4' ' If oj/ on the market at a low price. This is an 'b'CilK' " • ••. • ' .] i>' • American Dictionary of the English l.an- i j'y ' , J \ guage, containing the wholo vocabulary ijilsn"*i|T* J Sv:, i fi O i ' of the tiret edition, the entire corrections '• J |'j, ; - !| and iiopniTemeuts of the second edition, t >-. 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THIS IS HOT THK CHEAP BOOK hut abeau'i fully printed edition on fine paperwith r „„ thousands of yaluable additions of aid to all students of modern science. It is a grnnd educator of the t... Bt >' K ' ,n keeping with its prcat value t the people. i r V' •• i.cr'c hM a ,°'m p/end in Tan Skeejp with a beautiful cover design and soli m the small pr.ee of $2.00, mskesiitho . ■ ererj>ubU»hed. For every day use fflcoThcwne, school ant > •< • . rsr> ,tlii* ihcuonary is ti neons led. W.rwarde Iby express upon receipt of o.ir special offer price, " ' : t •..ceo i ■ :1c cnl fi n-\er, . r 112 r , I .'°L a,^ e ?sVi S< ' r l y ,"i! m ,' ly m J :rn ''us at oor cxjtciisc and we will relundyo-ar money mti, full of i-.i, -e.-ve .m-.' :cor, lu •• -T.» V-ite is for our sjK'Cial illustrated Imok cjluloku I ou books. .... the i.r i Addres* all order* to THE WERNER COMPANY, and Manufacturers. % [Tho Werner Company iaii.,.dt ;h:y n Hub:..i—TTditor. * " * Susr'iog liemedy Co, C'.i'.eat'O c Xtw Vo-.U . * -fl l' :: it P 112 m M yr® ' ; ,} '' If you have sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, rons breath, dizziness, inactive liver, heartburn, 1 iJney trout hi . ' of appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, tl::'. dor or any symptoms and disorders which tell th» story cf tr.-.l bo-• . . : impaired digestive system, Laxilkola Will C(?ro Vo;i. It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver end k 'r.c-, -. • the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your bl< i.l c...,' j "on your feet" again. Your appetite will return, your bowcl-j :: ou' r ica.ly, your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your ski-, will c.. i freshen snc'. you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy. tU'-rs BcelriiiK tUo proper nediqinp to pivn their littl ■ O:K . f.,r CO ".i". i alio and similar trouble--. will 1 .id I«i\n!;ola ait i!. ,1 v.'r.l.i , r | i U.. |.n their howels regular without j.*ri[>in:.i Is u-i pi :n itl ~ . II mil! re, aids dii.'c.ition, relieves ristlessm j*. < lr;u it• tii 1t >' ."i .;■ !•• i aiiiu • refreshing, restful rlee;> and make ,;U !;IVI !1,! ••; ;.n,l . ,///. ■ it .<'! auk for it. Far Sale by bhv 1 "'V : *IV r Vii ' •■'.■! !ntT i '.t ""nVj.' ''. r 0 1 • pit W< will cspr« '