Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, March 03, 1904, Image 1

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    Republican News Item.
VOL. VIII. NO. 4-2.
c' This is the Place <
c| To Buy Your Jewelery.s
Nothing in Town to Compare With p
S the Quality that We are Giving /
/ Villi for the Low Price Asked. J
v Oualitv and moderate prices makes a force that
> irre ■■•istibly draws inlo our store the best patronage c
I of this section. Many years here in business, always J
s with a full line ot goods above suspicion; chosen C
" with a care and judgment commensurate with its i
S desirability and adaptability to retine taste, makes i
{ our store a sate place to invest. C
s* Repair work done on short notice and guaran- Q
\ teed, by skilled workmen. Your orders appreciated. \
No Place Like this Place
For Reliable
House Furnishing Goods, Tools of Every
Description, Guns and Ammunition.
Bargains that bring the buyer back.
Come and test the truth of our talk.
A lot of second hand stoves and ranges for sale cheap.
Wo can-sell you in stoves anything from a fine Jewel Base
Burner to a low priced but satisfactory cook stove.
Hot Air, Steam and Hoi Water Heating and
General Repairing, Roofing and Spouting.
5 sf oic. B usfi ore, Pa.
The Shopbell Dry Good Co.,
313 Pine Street,
New Spring Dress .Goods.
We are making our initial showirg of the Season's
newest Spring Dress Fabrics-all the favorite Suitings wil
be on the counters in about every color that can be wanted
These are Fancy Scotch Mixed Suitings. Plain Colored Cheviots,
Broadcloths. Venetians. Granite Clotli and other weaves, all service
aide fabrics, yet inexpensive, as von will see.
I'lcniv of styles on vi-w now Soft Clinging Chiffon Voiles.French
Voiles. Siik and Wool Crepe, Fine Uatisle, etc.. are among the chosen
fabrics for Spring (Jowns. Come and see them. Sight seeing, you
know, cost- nothing and there's the chance of picking up jnst what you
Form any pari of your l>ress Goods thought it will be economy for
you to make it thorough investigation ol our new Spring collection,
which embraces all the newest ideas in vogue for the coming season.
Ready to look at the new Spring Silks ? They are rerdy to le
seen. The prettiest weaves front both loreign and American looms.
Thev are plain Taffetas and Wash Silks, fancy Woven Novelty Silks,
including of course the new Foulards in a variety of designs at popular
lii all tin-wanted styles ami weaves. Special <|nalities of 27-inch
Black l'eau de Hoic at xse, *I.OO and *1.25. Nlack Taffetas in all
widths from 111-inch to one yard wide, at 55c to si. 75.
Ihe new Spring stock ol Wash Fabrics is ready I"i° you, We have
been collecting them for some time. W'e firmly believe that we have
the most varied and best assortment of Wash Fabrics we have shown.
Needless to say that the prices are right. *
Subscribe for the News Item
February Court Notes.
Anthony Ones, charge, perjury;
verdict, guilty. Sentence panned to
next term of court.
(Jeorge P. Sul>er vs The Penn'a
Beneficial Association <>l - William
sport. Verdict in favor of plaintiff'.
In re: road leading from White
property to Mountain road. \V. I'.
Marion, Win. Persnn and W.J. Lou
appointed viewers.
Kmina L. Camp vs Geo. P.. Camp,
Subpoena awarded in divorce.
Appointments made for South Ln
porte Borough, H. A. Conklin, bur
gess; S. Mead, collector of taxes;
Jacob Gries, constable.
Petition to erect a soldiers' monu
ment at Laporte; not. approve.l by
grand jury.
Emma K. Heeinaii vs Robert P.
I Iceman; in divorce. Alias subpoena
Frank Lowrey vs Anna Lowrey;
rule granted to show cause why ali
mony should not be paid.
Caroline C. linker vs .lames 11.
P.aker; divorce decreed.
In re: County bridge over Klk
creek in Klk land; order continued
until next term.
.1 11. l'.ohn appointed commission
er to take testimony in cases of D.H.
(iould vs L.11.< iould; Austin lirown
vs Cora Brown.
Comth. vs Win. Saam; recognancf
In re: estate of Lucas Steafather
W. 11 Hill ap|K)inted auditor todis
tribute funds.
Wm, Walace and Martin Walacr
convicted at last term; sentenced tr
penitentiary for 15 months and 1'
months respectively.
W. H. 1). Green, died at his hom(
KU7 Fairmont Ave., Philadelphia
of pneumonia, February loth, 1904,
in his 07th year of age.
Mr. Green was the youngest son ol
the late John S. and KlizahethGreen
and was born in Cherry township,
on his father's farm, January 30
ls>7. lie was married in 1860 p
Mary A. Walker, to whom foui
children were born, two of whon
died in early life, and two of whore
survive him. Me inlisted in Co. K
141 Keg. I'. V. August 18'62,
and was taken prisoner by Mosby'<
men, and served '-'i months of hi?
three years in the Beltel prison, sutl'
ering great hardship, and for a long
time was mourned for as dead bj
his friends.
After his discharge in 1805 he en
gaged in business for himself ii
Laporte, but later moved to Bradford
county. He eventually left then
and settled in the city of his antes
He deeends from a family o
soldiers, being a great grandson o
( apt. John Green and C'apt. Jamei
Craig, who rendered valuable nava
service during the Revolutionary
and a son of John S. Green wlu
served in the war of 1811!.
lie leaves a widow and two child
ren, Frank I>. and Mrs. Hiram Bosh
nell, and two sisters and a brother
Mrs. Virginia Brewster of Washing
ton, Mrs. B. F. Hill of Philadelphia
and Walker K. (ireen of New York
Mr. Green was a kind and indul
gent father and husband, a goot
neighbor and will be missed by ;
large circle of friends.
The petition of the newly organic
ed O'Boyle A Foy Anthracite Coa
Co. for a lateral railroad in the Be
nice coal field was held before Hon
Frank W.Wheaton, Judge of Lu/.eri
county, at Laporte on Thursday
The Petitioners were represented b;
Messrs S. T. McCormick and E.J
Mullen; while Thomson A lleess ap
pea red for the State Line A Sullivni
Bail road Co.
A (Hinil iMinr K»r tlie llfmuorary.
Mr. Bryan remarks "I'lovelaiMi'i
fr!«>ndi». by supporting the ltepiiblioiU
party, give smiic emphasis to points oi
similarity rather titan to points of ilit
ferenoe." By way of nn Issue in 15HJ
the Democrats might try to be us nun
like Republicans as possible. Thm
course would be within one step of good
politics. St. l.oula Globe-Democrat.
Hark Fr*n» Ihf T#«».
The cry for the rejeal of o«r pr<»
tective tariff laws ta a wall from tlx
flead -Moravian Fall# (N. C.)
Happenings ol ££2E2r*
Interesttoßeaders MM| r Towns -
Frank Shatt'i r ami wile spent Sun
day at Laporte.
Mrs. C. S. Sick ami Mr-.. A. Pom- ;
seyofChorrv Milis, art visiting at;
Mark Smiths.
Peter F. Sweeney «»f Vtingdale- is I
moving into tin* Lawrence house.
A. L. Dyer was in Wiikesbarre
this week.
Miss Maggie Walsh was unable to
teach last week; her sister 'l'resf-a
was substitute.
The Stone Quarry in or near Lo
pez is a sure thing.
Mr. Benjamin Doll died at his
home in this place Tuesday forenoon
after a very short illness of pneumo
nia. lie leaves a wife and one
small child to mourn his death.
Mr. Kd. Johnson who has been in j
the employ of Jennings Bros, fori
many years, is going to Laijuin to
work for the iVnn'a. Lumber Co.,
running a log engine.
Mrs. John Conk is on the sick list.
George Garey is getting better.
Francis Finan is again on (he
streets of Lope/.. Glad to see j oti
again Francis.
George Miller of Rieketts, made
Lopez friend~ a call Saturday and
Silas Burton and James Golden of
this place while out rabbit hunting
Monday encountered a black bear,
and although their only weapons
were twenty-shilling shot guns, they
stood their ground bravely and de
cided to try their luck. Silas fired
with Xo. (j shot and it was death to
the bear which weighed 200 pounds.
Mr. Michael Hoodaek and family
who have been working for Jennings
Bros, for the last thirteen years, on
Sunday bade farewell to all their
friends and on Monday left here to
return to their home in the old
James Golden made a business
trip to Lopez Monday.
Mrs. M. Gilfoyle who has been ill
is able to do her work again.
Mr. Fred Allen is on the sick list.
K. Alphonsis Donegon visited Lo
pe/. friends over Sunday.
Mr. J. lvester of Wilmot visited
his daughters, Mrs. James Bates
and Ida Knifien, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. William MeGee of
this place has returned home from
Mr..lamas Collins.of this place is
at Dushore. attending the mission.
Miss Lizzie Seanlin.of Dushore is
visting her sister Mrs,.lames W aples
of this place.
Mr.and Mrs. JoeLaug.ivisting at
Cherry Flats.
Mrs.Janies Thayer, is visiting her
mother Mrs. loin Collins ot Salter
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mnrry. was
Onshore visitor last Faiday.
Mr. James Waples. of this place
was in Dushore last Tuesday.
Mr. John Cook of Forks Twp. is
visiting friends at this place
Mr. William Hunsinger, of East
Forks, was a tins place
a-t Friday.
The mines have not been running
steady for the past two weeks.
Miss Mary Foley and many others
from here attended mission at l>u
shore Wednesday and Thursday of
last week.
Mr'. James Welsh of i orey Hun
transacts! business at this place last
! Thursday.
i Mr. itichanl Collins of Forks
| township, is visiting friends her<'.
! Those from Lope/, who attended
I the box social were Misses Kate
I Welsh, Nellie Smith. Jennie Con-
I uqct, Mr. Will Welsh and Francis
Mr. Jim Lavelle met with a ser
\ouwaeeident while working in the
mil** last week by being caught
by a piece of falling rock, breaking
his leg anil mashing his knee. Tie
was taken to the Say re Hospital.
Mr. Pat Donohoe, our school
teacher, gave a l.ox parly at the
school house on Thursday evening
for the purpose of raising fumls to
apply 011 a new school library.
The youngest daughter of Rich
ard Riddle of shunk, died Thursday
last of meinhraneous croup, and was
buried here Saturday.
W. 1/. Hoffman transacted busi
ness at Muncy \'alley last week.
.James Shaver is taking in the
sights of Ralston this week.
John Darby and wife transacted
business at Korksville Saturday.
Frank May visited at Kstella Sat
urday last.
Kdward Flynn was « Laporle vis
itor last week.
It is stated that Mr. (Jessner of
Ralston, will keep hooks for the
Tanning Co. in the near future, Mr.
White having resigned.
Dr. \V . Itei'dy of 1 highe-viile was
in town several days last week.
Win. Cristman, who froze his feet
fOine time ago ami was sent to the
Williumsport Hospital, i- reported
as better.
Ira M. Shaver, who claims to be
the only man in seven states that
can cut and make a tine job of it,
says "According to the goose-bone
the cold weather will last until John
Green winks at his first speckled
beauty next April."
The ]. (). (). F. Lodge of this place
gave an excellent supper at 'Squire
Speakers' Saturday evening,
j Scott Collins of Forksville was in
i town Saturdav last.
Mrs. H. Parker is quite ill; also
j Dr. Voorhees and Mrs. Ed House
j knecht are oh the sick list,
j Howard I less is acting as station
j muster at Nordmont, in the absence
Of Mr, Arnold, who was called to
| Picture Rocks, l.y the accident of
| his father.
Mrs. Andrew Edgar was at Xord
i mont Tuesday to see her lather, Mr.
|T. S. Laird who was seriously injur
ed while returning home from court
! last week.
j Miss Maine Ryan of Maplcton is
visiting at 11. !' Halls, and other
friends here.
F. K. .Ma 1 litll't'y of llillsgrove,
spenl several days here this week.
Mr-, Andrew Fdgar spent Thurs- j
day and Friday at Hughesville. j
Mr-. H s Starr, Mrs. tJeorge |
Simmons and Mrs. Lizzie Simmons
visited at 11 ughesville last Friday.
Mi-s Met a, and Master John Brink
of Kagles Mere, spent Saturday and
Sunday with their grand parents, .1.
V liaxen and wife. <
Freeman Vandermark moved to
Nordmont last week and is now
working*iu theaeid factory.
Mrs. ('. Steek went to Hughesville
Tuesday to vi—it her parents, I'eter j
A. (i.Mencer spent Sunday at
Jersey Shore.with his father
Miss Aggie Laird visited her
grand parents,T. S. Laird and wife
at Nordmont Sunday,
j The Laies Aid of the M # K. church
| held a social last week at the home
j of Mrs. V. T. Armstrong.that was
a success in every way 820 cleared.
With it they will have the church
wired for electric lights.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fullmer,
spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs
The 21-year-old .son of Daniel San
der-., whose home is near Forksville,
met with a sudden death while work
ing in the woods near his home last
week. He had cut a tree and when
it fell the butt struck against a fallen
tree causing it to swing around and
strike him in thestomach. He liv
ed about ten minutes after being
The Fire I'ompa/iy had a chance
to demonstrate the value of the new
lire extinguishers recently purchas
ed, at the lire which took place at
Hotel Allegheny. The company
was promptly on hand, and the ex
tinguisher worked to perfection
(iiicklv putting out a lire that prom
ised very serious damage.
Ueorge Montgomery was able to
?Xting lish the slight tire w ich
started in his residence on Eagles
Mere avenue without the aid ol' the
Fire Company. It was caused |.y
Hie "burning out'? of a chimney.
Since that sleighing trip to Mercer
Coalmines, the indications strongly
(ii int to the fact that soou some of
nir young business men will be tak
ng—-may we say "taking in'.'"—
itation Agent Saved His Life But Lost
Three Fingers.
J. C. Arnold, station master for the
kV. A- X, B. railroad at Picture
locks, narrowly escaped losing an
irm under the wheels of train No. 9
lear the Picture Hocks station Mon
lay. lie was standing along the
rack taking numbers on some freigl t
ar- when he slipped on the Ice and
ell across the track directly in front
if a passenger train which was coni
ng toward him. He struggled to
jet off the track and succeeded in
loing so, all but his one hand which
vas still holding to the rail when
he engine ran by him. Three tit -
jers were severed but otherwise he
vas uninjured.
lie is the father of H. A. Arnold,
lie station master at Nordmont.
Teachers' Local Institute.
The teachers of Shrewsbury, F.-ag
es Mere, Davidson and Laporte
ownship and borough, held their
ast local institute tor this season at
Jonestown, Saturday, February -7.
The institute was called to order
it 10:30 a. in. by Co. Supt. M. It.
Fllack. In the absence of the chair
nan and secretary, Prof. Morgnn
tavitt of Sonestown, was elected
Itairman, and i'. A. Brian, princi
pal of Eagles Mere Schools, secreta
•y, after which the following pro
gram was observed: Song, "Amer
ca" by institute. The forenoon ses
on was devoted to the i|uestlon box
ind different discussions which was
i'ery instructive as well as interest
The afternoon session was opened
>y singing "Twilight is Falling" by
nstitute. Miss Finan then read a
>aper 011 "The Value of an Kduca
:ion," which was very instructive
uul well gotten up. A discussion,
'Civil (iovominent in the Public
Schools," dismissed by Profs. Black,
Kernau, (Javitt and Brian. Paper,
"liiteraturej in the Public Schools,'"
iiy Harry Botsford. Paper, "Duties
ufa Teacher in the Schoolroom," It.
■v Starr. A talk on practical draw
ing in school, by Prof. Ivernan. Ad
ilrcss by Co. Supt. M. B. Black,
who gave a thorough discussion on
itur rural schools in reference to the
•cntrali/.atiou of schools. He ex
plained how Sullivan county could
improve its schools if centralized,
mid be able to pay still higher wag
es than the compulsory law requires
to its teachers, and -<uve money. He
asked the teachers to help agitate
the subject.
Several <jue-tions were left {from
the tjuestion box in the morning
which were discussal with interest.
Song by institute. Adjourned.
Miss Wardie Wilcox, who was
sick for several weeks is able to lie
up again.
Miss Agness Wort Mngton of near
Laporte, is visiting Miss Cordia
Hart of this place.
A party 01 young people gathered
at the home of William Hart, Fri
day evening where a pleasant time
was spent.
Born to Mr. and JMrs. Edward
Norton, Feb. 2s, a daughter.
Mr. Joseph Mclutire was home
Senator Gorman - * atwwtlon U*f he
Is still In tbe preaJdentW r*<* oee<l
cause no public anxiety. Tbe bee in
the bonnet very frequently produce*
tuck delusion#. Pltt»bw* Dtop^eb.