Reiiei From Headache and Neuralgia In a Few Minutes After Taking Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills. Chronic Case Cured. "I cannot speak to highly of your remedies ami I will always tell my friend- how much they have done for my husband and myself fur sudden attacks of headaches, neuralgia and rheumatic pains. There is nothing equal to Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They , ( ie simply splendid and give relief in fifteen ui twenty minutes. 1 used to be subject to attacks of headache, which had become chronic, and 1 took a course of Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills in connection with the Ami-Pain Pills. The result is I now have \ r v little trouble in that way. My husband has also taken these remedies and praises them very highly. We always have some of both kinds of pills in the house, and do not feel lhat we could get along without them. — MKS. KATE K. JOHNSON, McClellandsville, Delaware. I'here are many reasons why you should la'.e Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, but the best reason is that they will give you almost instant rrl'fl from headache or other pain. Incuses of chronic headache, when the sufferer knows an attack is coming on, a Pain Pill will usu ally prevent it entirely. In cases of extreme nervous exhaustion, when the brain is too tired and the body too nervous to rest, an Ant;-Pain Pill will sooth the nerves so that sle. y may come. They never fail, yet con tain 110 opiates and are non-laxative. All druggists sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They are non-laxative; con -1 nn 110 opiates, never sold in bulk, 25 doses, _ 5 cents. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. \\ A"Ni'KD— I-'AITHKCL PKHSON 10 cull on retail trade and agents for man ulneiuring house having well established business: local territory, straight salary paid weekly and expense money ail \ .1 need; ptevious experience unnecessary: position permanent; business successful. Knclose sell-addressed envelope. Superin t"niient Travelers, (505 Motion Bldg., Chicago, TO CURti A COL.D IN ONE DAY, lake Laxative Bromo Quine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box, 25c. To Cnro ConaUpation Foravwr* 'l' I .v ('ascuiets Cumiy Cathartic. lUc or r « C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund nioncv ( •' 'N I►KN - Kl» I: l\!'< »i;T oft !:«• n -n6994 ( . - . ii«>nds to secure circulation n,OOO 00 1M 'iniurn on U. 8. Bonds 2,40000 Furniture 1,000 0(' Sto< k securities 2ft,o2T> 0 luirfroni Banks Approved reserve Agt ll r >,192 4- sjM»c!e and Legal Tender Notes 24,621 2: Redemption fund l r . S. Treasury 25,000 0" 3 41T,70S 3- LIABILITIES. Capital * S 50,000 00 si and Undivided Profits 24,995 42: circulation 50.000 00 j |« '.-its 202,706 90 i dens unpaid 400 8 :»5:»,222 5:5' stMo of Pennsylvania, County of Sullivan ss: J. M. I). Swarte, Cashier of the above named bank, .do solemnly swear -hat the übovestatf ii.cutis true to the* best of my knowledge and be )i«-f. M. L). SWAKTS, Cashier. Suliscribed and sworn to before me this j:M day of Nov. 1903. ALBERT F. HEEBS Notary Public, orrect— Attest: A.WALSH. ) .INO. D. REESER >Directors E.G. SYLVARA I Cbtppewa Xtme IRtltts* Lime furnished .n car load lots, delivered at Right Prices. Your orders solicited. Kilns near Hughesville Penn'a. M. E. Reeder, nynuitTcrey PA. tvrv.s, and V-M.-irt/i - ■!r vi ,11 J'.it '' . bu'-ines3condut-ted tor MOCERATT Fees. j J OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U . S. PATr.VT OFFICE? y ( ,ij vecan secure patent in less lime .uaa tho_*- j < remote from Washington. . i S Send model, drawing or photo., with desenp-j We advise, if patentable or not, tree ofi ♦ I,rVff. Our tec not due till patent is secured. i »• „ a.MPWLET " How to Obtain Patents, with? Ji to( same in'the U. b. and (oreiya countries J •' tit free.' Address, t C.A.SNOW&CO. \ OVf. iHTtNT OFFICE, WSSHIHGTOH, D. C. 5 A FREE game inside each package of Lion Coffee \ 60 different gAmes. ——V OU-Ufl.rm I LV t_ lIIUIILV. Tliey- Are but Few u« Compared With Former Dayit. Twenty-five or thirty years ago co operative grange stores were much more common tbau tliey are today. 'l'llen tlie profits on groceries and pro i visions Were larger than I hey are now. i and as these profits declined, parth-u 1 lariy on staple articles of trade, the grunge stores began to decrease in numbers, as most of them were estab- I lisiied with small capital. Today those j stores are very few. but some of them are doing good business because well managed. The Central New York Pomona Ex- ; jhange at Syracuse and others at Her- ■ Idmer, Little Falls and other places are among the number. The Grangers' Exchange at Herkimer was organized twelve years ago with a capital stock , jf $4,000. A portion of the net pro ceeds has been used each year to in crease the stock of goods, and at the same time a dividend of not less than (i per cent has been declared. At the annual meeting in January last a divi dend of 25 per cent was set aside. The sales last year amounted to more than SOO,OOO. It does a strictly cash busi ness, but sells goods to everybody at a uniform price. The Grange's Mercan tile association of I.ittle Falls recently declared a dividend of 25 per cent on last year's business. These are excep tional. The average co-operative grange i store is not a very profitable enterprise in these latter days. Notice of Sitting of Board of Revision of Taxes, Notice is hereby given that pursuant to ! the provisions of the Act of Assembly ap proved Julv 27, KS42, I*. L. 445. and the , several supplements thereto and other Acts of Assembly relating to the same subject, the County Commissioners have j organized themselves into a Hoard of He vision, and having been duly sworn ac- i cording to law, and having examined the < returns of the assessors of the several , Townships and Boroughs of Sullivan Co L'cnnsylvnnia, ol the triennial assessments In' the year 1004, now on file in the ollire ol the County Commissioners ol said county, publish the following statement showing the aggregate value and assess ments made by each assessor in the County, upon property taxable by I law tor County purposes, and also the aggregate valuation and assessment ol property taxable for State pur poses, and also the whole amount of taxes assessed on each Township and Horough in the County, for County and State pur poses, as follows: Valuation for County Amount of and State Purposes. Tax, Name of District County State. Conn- State ty tax JTa* ; cheri-v Township ?Jt152409..W 2411.4 a 209. til Col lev £>0.335 ill 01 54 2a(JB 35 3fi 41 l)avici-oli " 347,091 10510 00 3476 91 42 01 Onshore Horough 121.121 73041 70 121121 29157 Klkluinl 117,335 12750 00 1173 :S5 5112 Katies Mere. Boro. 113.142 4104 Of. ll:;i 42 Hi !>'• 112 orks Township... 195,683 26257 84 1950 83 105 i 3 l*iix do 71,110 2371 00 711 10 '.MS Korksvifle 80r0... 20,911 13509 98 209 41 54 04! Ilillsgrove Twp... 100,510 21227 00 100510 90 911 ' l.aporte Twp 109,973 . r A44 50 1099 73 22 18 i ! UilKirte Horn 5»,912 4512 00 599 42 18 17 J Shrewsbury 137,799 1611 SO 1377 99 645 | . Total assessed value ol property for 1 County purposes, $1,857,024.00. Total assessed value ol property for | .State purposes, $240,671.03. Total County tax, at 10 mills on the dollar, valuation, #18,570.24, Total State tax, £952.70 And we hereby give notice that we will receive communications, written or oral, trom any taxable inhabitant of the county relative to the valuation so made by the ! said assessors, until Monday, the 29th ■ , day of February, 1904; at which time we < will proceed to revise, raise anil equalize) said assessments by raising the valuation 'il itiiy property which we believe to have I been reduced too low. and by reducing lie valuation of any property which we | believe lo have been valued too high, and I will continue such revision from day to day n II iiI complete, according to the Aet j > | of Assembly. TETKR .1. VoiiKin, | [| THOMASGAHAII, H.of'll. G. \V. BlC.gkk, ) Attest: K. !,. SwEKnev, Clerk. I ""> 99 m The Best place to buy goods | Is otten nskeJ by the pru ! ! pent housewife Money s iving nd/ant«ig. , sj ; i ire :i!wa\ s be st\ r Jie for ! t.ose no time in making a: horough examination of the J New Line of Merchandise Now on ?? ? ? STEP IN AND ASK | ABOUT THEM. All answered at Vernon Hull's Large Store. Bfcliaerora* fto. Foley's Money and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. rt: • ' • I "n '1 pi liars. iind ;it tlioir fair and encampment rhls se:iKon there was a large exhibit in all departments. The large auditorium was tilled in the afternoon to listen to addresses and music and in the evening to enjoy a varied programme of enter tainments. music, singing, drills, reci tations, plays, etc., furnished by the members of the granges near by and their families. MAGAZINE CLUBBING OFFERS FOR. THE SEASON OF 1902-03 fME management of this paper la pleased to announce that it has arranged a series of * combination offers, including a large number of the leading periodicals of the day, that will afford its friends tneir choice of newspapers and at THE BEST COMBINATION PRICES THAT CAN POSSIBLY BE MADE TIUS SEASON. Thenrlces named are forone year's subscriptions, and in each instance inolndo this paper paid in advance for ono year. Subscriptions 111. bo new or renewal except for papersi fol lowed by "n" which means now only. Periodicals may bo scut to different addresses. Cash must Invariably accompany each order. CLASS A. $4 00 Art Amateur \ This Paper and 4 00American Field I Auy 4 00 Atlantic M'thly 112 4 00ForestfcStr'm{n I Two 7.5« 400 Harper's Mag. J Thrae 10-30 CLASS B. WOO The Horseman 1 This Paper and 2 50 Lippincott's I , Mag. 112 An> 500 Kunkel's Musi- } One - $3 cal Review , 112 " Z, 300 Town and \ Two Country ] Three - S7 CLASS C. $2 00 Book Lover \ This Paper and 2 00 Critio / Any 200 Great Round I World ) One • S2.GO 200 Popular Mo- 1 Two • 4.2S chanics 1 ~ 200 Toilettes / Thr ' e "• 7 " This Paper With one A and one B $6 50 and one C 5 75 and one D 525 and one E 4 75 With and Band one () 4 50 and one 1) 4 -It and one E 4 00 With one C aud one D 850 and one E 325 With one D and one E 2 75 SUCCESS And Tills Paper $1.50 *« * CLASS A. This Paper With / $1 „o Frank I.esl'o's SUCCESS i Jo^ar b Montnl y and any / Mngazino Oie << 52,00 i 100 llonse / keeping Two 2.50 I l3° aDd Xa " CLASS B. ItJ 50 Review of Re views 3On World's Work 3 00Country I.ifi -8 no Current Litul'.l tu re 3 00 New England 400 M "\ rt ' n °lnter ZOOThefndepend ent. 2 50 Lippincott's Magazine This Paper with SUCCESS and anv ono magazine of Class A with any one of Class ii —publishers' cost from to $7 fm FVw the lowest combinatUmnUes on any Dommtla or Fowiyn Perhd'ml tnMMcd mention tliix payer and aMre»n The Progress Ajcnt:u% U', to me directed, for holding the severa courts in the Borough of Laporte. 011 Monday the 122 day of Feb. 1904. at 2 o'clock p. m. 1 Therefore.notice is hereby given to the Coroner I Justice* of the Peace and Constables within the 1 1 county, th&tthpy be then and there in their prop- 1 ier person at 2 o'clock p. m.of said day, with their ; rolls, records, inquisitions examinations and | o: her rememberances to those things to which tl.eir offices appertain to be done. And to those who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute I against prisoners who are or shall be in the jail of I the said county of Sullivan, are hereby notified to i be then and there to prosecute against them as , will be just. •J. G. COTT, Sheriff. ! 1 Sheriff's Office. Laporte. Pa.. Jan 12. Iqo4. { - —— *— 7 . BBp When your lung's are sore r.nd inflamed from couching-, p | 1 is the time when the g'erms of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY pi and CONSUMPTIOW a st °PS the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con- pi. \\\\W ? r\ tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the \ \\\m/ js JtyjT lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that foa * sjn' retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND ■- j 1 'Fj ""*> TAR is a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and | |g|!| Said Ha Kad — A Cure^ SOLD urn RECOHHEHPED BY Laporte, Dr. Voorhees Sonestown, Pa. predentin's; .Toslntn \V. Miles fort next vacancy from that state in the senate. At thN rule fiora'.an v.-ill ns-ver be president, i'liiiailclphia Inquirer Rename (!.<• VI t;sl«\ Now that William .Icmiiugs l.rymi has crossed the Atlantic ocean it v,:i! fte strictly proper to refer to that body of water as the "Itrvany deep."- North , Yakima (Wash.) Wasliingtotilan. CLASS D. (s.' (JO Breeder's Ga -1 .-0 '"country Gen tleman | 150 Current History . t-i m and Modern Cul nm ' v— OO . tur( , (n) r„, n . fnn / 1 Ktude (n) * I 2 (lit Expansion Thrao . A n,~> I 200 Humorist ''-roe . 4.UU \ l a) Little Chronicle CLASS E. _ , / $1 00 American Boy This Paper and I \ (io Bohemian Auv I 1(0 Boston Cooking V School Magazine Ono • Si 7 O 1 "0 Campbell's ll v \ lustrated Journal Two • 2.00 I 100 Household I 1 mi Pathfinder 'i hrea » 2.50 \ 100 Recreation (n) \ 100 What To Eat This Paper With two A anil one B $f 7"> ami ono C! 0 IK) nuiluuo 1) R ">0 an t ono E 825 With two E >iiiil one .V »50 ami ono C 7 00 au-J one 112) 0 50 nntl one E U U0 With two C ami one A 7 50 an.i ono Ii DM ■ iTTif"! Cosmopolitan, Woiann'-! Home Companion And Tliis Paper FOP LADIES' HOME JOURNAL SATURDAY EVENING POST MCCLURE'S MAGAZINE ADD One Dollar To Any Clubbing Price Given S I.'SO Corrcnt History 1.00 Shadow's Magazine 10.00 Sandow's Physical Culture C 7 Course And This Paper E. E. WEBB. Fine Groceries and Choice Confectionary. Muncy Valley, Pa, Here is found collected the best things for table use, whether canned, cooked cr , to be prepared for your meals Try what we offer and be i convinced that we keep the best- IgillllMHlMjfliHfil! Our fee returned it we fail. Auy one sending ; sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning ! the patentability of same. 44 How to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. ' Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS A CO. (Patent Attorneys.) Evans Building, WASHINGTON, C. C This Paper With two C aud ono D $5 25 and ono E 4 75 With two D and one A 025 and one B 5 25 and ono C 4 75 and ono K 3 75 With two E and ono A 5 50 and ono B 4 50 ami one O 3 75 and ono D 3 25 Short Talks on c Adverf i&in o J'K,ByXharlesAustin tin 22. When a contractor is in a hurry to drivo a long plank down the side < £ anew sewer he sets two men nt it. Each with a big maul hits it alter.) blows as often and as hard as he can. The strokes come as evenly as a pendulum pwwnwwrMv.vatxw One man and ono maul would drive the ' ( 1./ I\f V/ ' plank down, but it .would tako longer. J#■ V rrrs~.~ The bigger the maul the quicker and §£ easier he will do the work. Two men, pr a dozen, with tack-hammers would not get 2 r "' Cn in : f%\V' lll v (fiT ,\ \ p u ■; a 11 01 P-• 3 jJJ t0 t ' lis in 'y » J KjTO\»] V you're business, use two papers and make tho M iM'lh L advertising maul—the space—as big as possible. j| IV : P you haven't money enough to buy tv.- > bi.T & | !v!:i :|f '' N| mauls, only buy one, use only one paper—the best— Ess |',<4 "K auc * make the space big enough to be felt. lw You'll do more good with one tr.aul than with ijjfJßo ' • (' re® jltL halfadozen You'll get n.< ve boucfit IH ire , 18* from a regular advertisement, oi sufficient ,in W the best paper in .yU" "TA - \'j a pendulum swings" dozen smaller ads Sr \l in a weaker paper. / two, do you? You don't establish a branch 1 :: '£\ v ' j until you feci sure you are doing ill you \ ' J can in the main store. k Ww.' 11 :r. A T, , . , . T . , -- : / Be sure you are doing enough in the best jpV, .../. j paper before you think of adding auother. **Ycu den 'i believe in cutting your star* Copyright, Char In Austin Bat**, AVu/ York. m tmo t do you 112 '■ P AIR 57VN ¥, 5 GAS or GASOLINE K N Q I N E S. There are many Gas and Gasoline Engines and ONE "FAIRBANKS" • Some resemble it in construction, others in name BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE FAIRBANKS ENGINE. Engines that exccll in quality and moderate in cost. Verticil from one to ten horse power. Horizontal time horse i'ower up- THE FAIRBANKS COMPANY, 1701 Arch St., Philadelph . CHARLES L. WING, Agent, Laporte. Tri-Weekly Gazette and Bulletin and News Item, ONE WHOLE YEAR FOR 1.50.