Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, August 13, 1903, Image 4

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To Be Released
From Life.
t -
Almost Insane From
Dr. Miles' Nervine My
Do you enjoy life, or do you sleep so poorly
that you are more tired when you get up
than when you goto bed ? Is your appetite
failing, are you getting thin; does your head
ache, Dack ache, eyes tire easily ? These are
symptoms of a nervous disorder, which
should be promptly treated or fainting spells,
mental and physical nervousness, morbid
fears and loss of control will lead to insanity
or mental irresponsibility. Strengthen the
nerves with Dr. Miles' Nervine. It quickly
supplies nerve-force and vitality to the weak
ened system, bringing sleep, appetite and
"I was almost insane with nervous trouble.
Could not eat or sleep. Could see no pleas
ure in life; indeed, life was a burden to me,
and I even prayed God to release me from
it. Three doctors did all they could for me,
all to no purpose. I was in despair of ever
getting better when I saw the advertisement
of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. I got a
bottle, commenced taking it and wrote you for
advice. I followed it carefully, taking your
Nervine, Restorative Tonic, and Nerve and
Liver Pills. Those remedies were my sal
vation. It is some months since I stopped
taking the Tonic but I keep the Nervine in
the house all the time, as it is a friend that I
do not feel safe without. If any sufferer
should doubt the truth of this statement, let
them write to me and I will do my best to
drive all doubt from their mind." — MRS.
AU druggists sell and guarantee first bot
tle Or. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Milei Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
The grange has the proud distinction
of securing more state and national
laws In the Interests of agriculture
than all other organizations combined.
New York state has been increasing
her grange membership very rapidly
since Jan. 1.
posed reciprocity treaty, and this no
doubt has had a strong Influence in
making the representatives of those
states assume the position they are
credited with holding. Even with their
help, however, there is great danger to
the sugar Industry, and Its friends
should be up and doing if they would
make their opposition to the treaty ef
fective.—Michigan Farmar.
Just About Bedtime
take a Little Early Riser—it will cure
constipation, billiousness and liver trouble
DnWitt's Little Early Risers are different
from, other pills. They do not gripe and
break down the mucous membranes of the
stomach, liver and bowels, but cures by
gently arousing the secretions and give
strength to these organs. Sold bv all
An Ideal Leader,
Gorman 1s an Ideal leader for the na
tional Democracy, provided the disci
ples of Jefferson are not particular as
to which direction they take.—Lowell
(Mass.) Mall.
A Surgical Operation
is always dangerous—do not submit to
the surgeon's knife until you have tried
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It will
cure when every thing else fails—it has
done this in thousands ot cases. Here is
one of them: I suflered from bleeding
and protruding piles for twenty years.
Was treated by different specialists and
used many remedies, but obtained no re
lief until I used DeWitt's Witch Hazle
ISalve. Two boxes of this salve cured
me eighteen months ago and I have not
had a touch of the piles since. ll. A.Tis
dale,Summerton, N. C. For Blind, Bleed
ing, Itching and Protruding Piles no
remedy equals DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. Sold by all Druggists.
land intends to make a tour of the
west, but It would not be worth his
while to come west of the Mississippi
river. He would, as the Democratic
candidate, come nearer carrying Mis
souri for Roosevelt than any other man
could possibly do.—Salt Lake Tribune.
The Foundation of Health.
Nourishment is the foundation ot health,
life-—strength. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is
the one great medicine that enables the
stomach and digestive organs to digest,
assimilate and transform all foods into
the kind of blood thai nourishes the ner
ves and feeds the tissues. Kodol lays
the foundation lor health. Nature does
the rest. Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all
disorders of the stomach and digestive
organs are cured by the use of Kodol.
Sold by all Druggists.
Rellffion Enriches Life.
Religion satisfies because It enriches
life. It opens the way Into a new kind
of joy. It tarings into play a new
ratine of activity. Thus Jesus said
that he came that we might hava life
end that we might have it more abun
dantly. He came to widen out the cir
cle of human appreciation. The pur
pose of religion thus considered Is akin
fwlth the purpose of all progress. It is
to teach new truth, to awaken new
aspiration, to develop new possibilities,
to round out more fully the natural Ufa
of man.—Rev. George Hodges, Pitta
Catarrh of the Stomach.
When the stomach is over loaded; when
food is .taken into il that fails to digest,
it decays and inflames the mucuos mem
brane, exposing the nerves, and causing
the glands to secrete mucin, instead ot
the natural juices of digestion. This is
called Catarrli of the iStonisch. For
years 112 tufl'ered with Catarrh of the Stom
ach, caused by indigestion. Dociors and
medicines failed to benefit nie until I used
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.—J. R. Kl,ea,Cop
pelL i'ex. Sold by all Druggists.
Conducted by J. W. D ARROW,
Press Correspondent yew York State
An Important I,ink In tlie ('liain Be
tween Subordinate and State.
TSpeclal Correspondence.]
The Pomona grange Is the county
grange; its Jurisdiction is the county.
Thus it becomes a link, and a very im
portant link, in the grange chain, be
tween the subordinate and the state
The Pomona, like the state grange,
has usually no fixed place of meeting.
Whether it shall have or not depends
wholly on conditions. There is one
advantage in the Pomona's alternating
its meetings with the subordinate
granges—it makes it possible to gain
a larger membership on the start. It
goes to certain members who might
not come to it if located at a dis
tance from them. The crucial point
Is to get them interested at the first;
then they will attend. Rut as a rule
there will be a larger attendance if the
Pomona be centrally and permanently
If the Pomona holds its meetings
alternately among the subordinate
granges the entertaining grange is ex
pected to furnish the hall and entertain
the visiting members. The matter of
entertainment is, however, sometimes a
bugbear to small granges. We know of
n county where the attendance on the
I'omona meeting was so large as to
make it almost wholly Impossible to
secure an invitation (!) for the follow
ing quarterly meeting. Visiting mem
bers could bring basket lunches, but
this, as a rule, is not altogether satis
factory. It is a fair proposition, how
ever, when the Pomona is held at a
fixed location, that all the subordinate
granges should contribute, pro rata, to
the expense of the hall and speakers,
and possibly to have a committee from
each grange to solicit refreshments and
to assist in serving the tables at the
dinner hour. No fixed rules can, how
ever, be laid down for the refreshment
The Pomona grange should hold at
least one business session in the fifth
degree and there should he one public
session. Much depends on the lecturer
for a successful Pomona. The pro
gramme requires careful preparation;
It is the vital point. Persons selected
to address the meeting should feel their
responsibility to be on hand promptly
and have something to say when they
get there. Written papers will serve
the purpose best, although a good off
hand speaker is usually more entertain
ing. But there are people who can
talk much and say little and sometimes
they are heard In grange meetings.
There should be plenty of music and
some recitations on every Pomona pro
gramme. However brilliant the papers
and addresses, there will be a heav
iness and a drag unless an occasional
souk or recitation is rendered to "en
liven the proceedings." Let there be
solos, quartets, duets and instrumen
tal music, too, where practicable. Give
music its proper place at all grange
meetings; it's a "good tiling to have in
the family" and in the grange.
The Pomona, or fifth, degree should
be conferred In full form at least once
a year; better twice. Let no pains be
spared in presenting the work in the
most effective manner. By all means
"stage" the degree if practicable. In
troduce pretty drills and marches ap
propriate to the work and confer the
degree without the manual. The added
effectiveness will more than pay for
the extra labor required. J. W. D.
Mr*. I). 1). Lord.
The popular and able lecturer of the
New York state grange is Mrs. B. B.
Lord of Sinclairvllle, N. Y. For many
years she has buen identified with the
work of the Order in the state, and
In every capacity has proved herself
MltS. B. B. LOUI).
[Lecturer New York state grange.]
an enthusiastic worker and a wise
counselor. She is one of the best
grange speakers on the platform today,
always interesting, always impressive.
Her ability along this line has been
recognized in her assignment, during
the winter, to address farmers' insti
tutes, and she never suffers in com
parison with the speakers of the
"sterner sex." Mrs. Lord was In
charge of the grange headquarters at
the Pan-American at Buffalo, and there
many Patrons had the pleasure of
meeting her. The marked success of
the venture—for such it was—was due
in great measure to her presence there
and to her careful and painstaking
oversight of all details. She was elect
ed worthy lecturer of the state grunge
in 1901 and is one of its most efflciemt
Of the Prtaolvle» and Purposes of
the UrnnKO.
yiie "ultimate object of this organi
zation Is for niutiml instruction and
protection," to lighten labor by diffus
ing a knowledge of its aims and pur
poses, to expand the mind by tracing
the beautiful laws that the great Cre
ator has established in the universe
and to enlarge our views of creative
wisdom and power. We are somewhat j
proud of our Order, says It. T. Wheel
oek in the National Stockman, and do!
not hesitate to commend it to our broth
er farmers for their careful and dili
gent study of its declared principles
and purposes, as something that does
concern them and ought to interest
them. The grange needs you, and, much j
more, you need its help and inspiration 1
in your social and business connections. 1
You need its moral, intellectual and
educational opportunities 11' you are to
keep step with progress oft lie day and j
do not wish to be left by the proces- ,
sion, plowed under, and become a back
number. It offers you the most avallu- 1
ble, the best known, noans of doing It. I
It is not without money or price—hu-1
manly speaking, 110 desirable thing is—
but its cost in money and time Is so dis
proportionate to the benefits conferred
that the ( cost seems to be of little mo-J
The grange is past the experimental
stage. It is an assured success. Its
influence is felt in our homes, 011 our
farms, in society, even reaching into
our legislative assemblies—local, state
and national. It stands upon its merits,
needs 110 bolstering up, asks only our
thoughtful, unbiased consideration, and
will return many times Its cost to
you In money, time and thought, pro
vided your mind and heart are open
to receive instruction and inspiration.
In faith, in hope and In charity we
present these lines to the farming
public, sincerely believing in the prin
ciples herein laid down as being in
accord with the Golden ltule and tend
ing to produce the greatest good to the
greatest number.
The l>ucnre of Service.
Togo beyond the letter of any obli
gation and serve another freely, gener
ously, to give time and energy more
than Is expected, more than may be
rightfully demanded, Is the surest way
to advancement. The essence of this
kind of service Is sacrifice.—Kev. Dr.
Raymond, Schenectady, N. Y.
9 "New Rival" "Leader" "Repeater" I
irnF you are looking for reliable shotgurt am- fl
9 HI munition, the kind that shoots where you fl
H ™ ™ point your gun, buy Winchester Factory H
9 Loaded Shotgun Shells: "New Rival," loaded with I
H Black powder; "Leader" and "Repeater," loaded fl
n with Smokeless. Insist upon having Winchester fl
|a Factory Loaded Shells, and accept no others. fl
SSO 000 BODINE, President.
W. C. FRONTZ, Cashier.
DeWitt Bodine, C. Wm, Woddrop, Peter Reeder,
Transacts a General
„ , . „ Jeremiah Kelley, "William Frontz, W. C. Frontz,
BanKinj Business. J
James K. Boak, John C. Laird, E.P. Breuholtz,
Accounts oi Inuivid
. 0 Peter Frontz. John P. Lake, Daniel H.Poust,
uals and Firms Solic-,
John Bull.
ied. |
This is the fate of sufferers from Kidney trouble, as the disease is so insiduous that often people have
serious Kidney trouble without knowing the real cause of their illness, as diseased kidneys allow the
impurities to stay in the system and attack the other Chioago Business Man Cured
organs. This accounts for the many different Foley & Co..Chicago, Gentlemen:—About a year agomy health began
° r J to fail, I lost flesh and never felt well. The doctor thought I had stomach
Symptoms Of Kidney Disease. and liver trouble, but I became convinced that my kidneys were the cause
__ . . _ , , . of my ill health and commenced taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. It in-
YOU begin to teel better at once when taking creased my appetite and made me feel stronger, and the annoying symptoms
disappeared. lam now sound and well.—J. K.Horn, 1354 Diversey Blvd.,
rni rye KHINFY PIIRF* Chicago. June 11,1902. CuPOd „is wife
I UUllb E. C. Watkins, sexton of the Methodist Church, Springfleld, Pa., writes:
.... , . ~ , , , . . . "My wife has been very bad with kidney trouble and tried several doctors
as it stimulates the heart, increases the circulation without benefit. After taking one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE waa
and invigorates the whole system. It strengthens the * nl *" " 6 °" 1 "'"
urinary organs and gives you new life and vigor. Ah., Ml St"° ng , 1.., writ": "i V.T ircMed wiih kidntr
__ . . . complaint for about two years, but a one-dollar bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY
TWO SIZES 50c and SI.OO CURE effected a permanent cure."
J auies MCFARLANE, Laporte, Dr. OH AS. D. VOORHEES, Sonestown, Pa.
t ,
Capital and Surplus, $450,000.00 T
It MaKes
No Difference
where you live, you can avail
yourself of the security and
profit an account in this Com
pany affords by doing your
banking by mail —
We pay 3 per cent, compound
interest on Savings.
Write for the booklet,
"Banking by Mail."
404 Lackawanna Avenue
One Minute Cough Cure does not pass Immedl
ttely Into the stomach, but lingers In the throat, chest
ind lungs, producing the following results:
(1) Relieves the cough.
(2) Makes the breathing easy.
(3) Cuts out the phlegm.
(4) Draws out the Inflammation.
(5) Kills the germs (microbes) of dlseiM.
(6) Strengthens the mucous membrane*.
(7) Clears the head.
(S) Relieves the feverish conditions.
«■•) Removes every cause of the cough «nd the
•train on the lungs.
(10) Enables the lungs to contribute pure life
giving and life-sustaining oxygen to the blood. Cures
Croup and all Cough, Lung and Bronchial Affections.
Prepared by K. O. D«WI iT * 00.. OHIOAQO
n«ti «»i*»i 11—« iWumi —lit in 1 innii
, A Short Talks on % I
No. 9.
People used to say:
" Oh, I never pay any attention to advertisements; they never tell the truth.''
Now It's different; people do read advertisements and they believe them.
Advertisers are becoming more careful and more scrupulously truthful every day.
I know a firm of advertising agents who also own a medicated soap. I said ;
" Is It really such a wonderful thing, and do you take the care you say you
do in making it ?"
to pushing
The best place to put .. AlsKtng
a poor article.**
an advertisement is in
the paper that enjoys the confidence of the community. I believe that the
standing of the paper reflects on the advertisements it carries. There is another
thought which never occurred to me, but which was conveyed in a remark recently
mado to me by Mr. M. M. Gillam, the advertising manager
at Wanamaker's. He said :
dTtorTal 5 ) " A sleepy paper gathers a sleepy constituency. An alert,
wideawake, progressive sheet gets readers who like that sort
of thing—or lifts them to its level."
Wideawake people aro the ones most influenced by advertising
—progressive people who are not afraid of a new thing or a new
idea; people who believe in the paper they read because they have
learned to rely on it.
Depead upon this. If the editorials carry weight, the ads. will
pay. Put your trust and your money in that sort of a paper.
Occasionally an advertisement will fall flat. The wise man
looks for the reason. Ho doesn't say blindly: "Advertising doesn't
pay." He looks at the condition of general trade, at the weather,
at the goods and the price and the way the ad. was worded.
This is certain: A readable ad. in a readable paper will be
CCT3 read. Probably not by all of the readers of the paper, but
by a sufficient number to make the ad. pay, if the goods are
(U rig* ll - No doubt about it whatever. It's as sure as sunshine.
A cloudy day comes sometimes, but it doesn't stay long.
the editorials carry
any -weight Copyright, Charles Austin Bates, Netv York.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.
No-To-Bac for FlPty Cents*
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 60c. ftl. All druggist*
Make* Kidney and Bladder Bight
There are many Gas and Gasoline Engines and ONE
Some resemble it in construction, others in name
Engines that excell in quality and moderate in cost.
Vertical from one to ten horse power. Horizontal three
horse power up-
701 Arch St., Philadelphia.
CHARLES L. WING, Agent, Laporte.
The greatest aid to DIGESTION-
Ooirt Tobacco S|iit and Su.okc Vour I.lle Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic. lull of life, nerve jnd vigor, take No-T»
13ac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong, rill druggists, 800 or 31. Curotfuaran
te"d Booklet and sample fiee. Address
Ster'ing Hemcdy Co . Chicago nr Nt.w York.