SPVBLIQUf NEWS ITEM. CHAttLE& L WING, Editor. Published Every Thursday Afternoon By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Seat of Bulli van County. IiAPOHTE, PA. \Y, c. MASON, Presldcn. E. M. DUNHAM Treas TJIOS.INGHAM, Secretary. Entered at the Post Office at Laporte, as second-class mail matter. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Auditor General, William P. Snyder, of Chester. For State Treasurer: William L. Mathues, of Delaware. For Superior Court Judges: Thomas A. Morrison, of McKean, John J. Henderson, of Crawford. REPUBUCArciNTY TICKET. For District Attorney: WM. P. SHOEMAKER. For Jury Commissioner: FRED. W. PEALE. For Coroner: J. A. CAMPBELL. Democratic Hopeleaaneu. The mysterious popularity of Judge Parker of this state as a prospective presidential candidate Is the visible emblem of Democratic hopelessness and dissension. An empty honor is to be bestowed on a barren record, if not an empty name. We have called him the Democratic John Doe, and the phrase Is good enough. How much the party fears even to take up its old shlboleth, free trade, is evidenced by the Chicago speech of the astute Ed ward M. Shepard. He decries "a gen eral revision of the tariff," admits "the widespread popular belief in protec tion" and would conflne the Democrat ic attack to"the few schedules in which, through such practical monopo •y, vast fortunes have been made."— New York Mail and Express. NO LIFE, NO AMBITION, NO ENERGY. These are common expressions now a and the finger post that point with unfailing accuracy to a nervous system robbed of its vitality by over-exertion, overstrain or excess of some kind. That .tnyone should allow this condition togo "ii to complete mental physical or sexual juin as it surely must if neglected, is a positive crime when the cure is at hand in I)r. A. W. Chase's Nerve Tills—a medicine designed expressly for this con dition—a medicine that cures to stay cured by resupplying the very essential of life—Nerve Force. Mrs. W. C. Masteller of 220 E. sth St., Bloomsburg, Pa., says: — 'I was feeling very nervous and very much run down last winter when I saw . A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills recom mended for such a condition. I got a box and tried them. They have done me a world of good, toned up and strengthened iny system generally, made my nerves *trc>"£, and steady and give me a feeling o'" hie and vigor. The medicine is a good invicorator and rebuilder and I can rec on in end it highly to anyone needing a l:r: pr erve and general tonic." 50c a box ut dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co . Buffalo. N. Y. Sec that portrate and signature ol A. W. Chase M. D. are sg. every package. BOYS AND GIRLS By devoting a few moments of your spare time each day to our business, you can earn your choice of the following: prem iums: Watches, rings, necklaces, catching gloves, air rifles, pen knives roller skates, dolls and many useful and handsome presents. All we ask yon to do is to sell 18 of our handsome pins and collar but tons at ioc each. Send the money St. So within 2 weeks and we send j-ou the premium post paid. No money needed, we trust you. Write at onCe. Hundreds of boys and girls are earning our premiums every week. Address EUREKA SPECIALTY CO., 2048 N. 29 Street. Premium Dept' Philadelphia. F. J. KIIXGORE, Mgr " V There's Ample Security for every dollar you deposit with this Company. A capital and surplus of $450,000.00 guarantee the safety of your savings. We pay 3 per cent, interest and you can begin] with any sum from $1 up. Postal card brings handsome free booklet telling how to Bank by Mail. UiCKAWANNA COMPANY 404 Lackawanna Avenue SCRANTON, PA. A Hint to Others. Last year the Michigan state grange i offered a handsome bookcase to each ! grange in the state initiating twenty or more new members during the second | quarter, 150 granges winning desks | and about 5,000 recruits being secured. It is announced that the next session of the national grange will be held in Rochester, N. Y., in November of this year. New York state granges will send large delegations, and Pennsyl vania and Michigan will have largo representations. Michigan's state grange secretary re ported at the annual meeting 579 work ing granges with 30,000 members. Ovei fifty new granges have been organized since. Franklin and North Brookfleld (Mass.] granges were both officered throughotl' by women last year. CONDENSED REPORT ot the condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Dusliore, l'a. At close of business, June !> RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts £2(iO,!H7 77 (". S. Bonds to secure circulation 5,000 00 Premium on I'. S. Bonds :!,400 00 Furniture 1,000 00 Due from Banks Approved reserve Apt t:!.7!>S 17 Specie and Legal Tender Notes 21 29 Redemption fund U. S. Treasury £>,ooo 00 8 383,222 53 LIABILITIES. Capital 8 50.000 00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 21,502 36 Circulation Is 900 00 Deposits 259.816 17 Dlvidens unpaid 400 9 8-53,222 53 State of Pennsylvania, County of Sullivan ss: I, M. D. Swarts, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly sweat -hat the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. M. D. SWARTS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12tli day of June 1003. J. H. THAYER, Notary Public. Correct—Attest! A.WALSH. ) JNO. D. REESER > Directors. W. C. ROGERS 1 Bargains It is our business It is our business to save our customers as much as possible on Harnesses, Robes, Blankets, Whips, Platform Wagons, BUGGIES AND ROAD WAGONS. Call and examine my stock and see what you can save on a pair of Blankets. You can also get your horses shod while you get your grist ground at the mill. W. E. MILLER, FORKSVILLE, PA. • A question for your Comfort, A consideration for your Cash. Our prices will help you to economize; come and see for yourself—figure the advan tage. Prices that help you to help yourself. SUMMER GOODS ON |gXoßlTfoN| ?????? ? ? ? STEP IN AND ASK ABOUT THEM. All answered at Vernon Hull's Large Store. WMWDGv+t Fa. Gbippewa Xime IRtlns. Lime furnished .n car load lots, delivered at Right Prices. Your orders solicited. Kilns near Hughesville Penn'a. M. E. Reeder, HUGHESVILLE, PA, ohn D. Reeser's Big Store Bank Block, Dushore, Pa.John D. Reeser's Big Store | Bank Block, Dushore, Pa ® SHIRTnAI3TS. ® i The finest assortment you would wish to see are now on display from 50c to 2.50 in all colors and all sizes, , plain and fancy. In Lawns, colored Madras, Ginghams. Black Goods, a choice line of Black Voiles, Etamines, Mo- j\ Muslins in Bleached and Unbleached 5-6-7-8-9-10 c yard wide hairs, Albatross and Brilliantine, all new summer weaves. Jx | at >d best material. Muslin underwear the largest, best selected Wash goods, have the best assortment of new wash fabrics at™ stock, best values and lowest prices in gowns, chemise, drawers a mere fraction of their worth and the richest choosings of the ■ and shirts. Beautiful line of corset covers have been received, season are in every bargain we tell of. India Linons 10-12A-15- I and are from 15c to 1.00. 20-25 c a yard. Batiste Zephyr Ginghams, real barbains for you \ MILLINERY, Every woman should and most women will bring their heads to us to adorn with our marvelous creations and fine values. Prices are cut away down as it is getting late in the season. When in need of Headgear give us a call as we will be pleased to see you. New line of Trunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes, and Satchels. If you are going on a vacation it is just what you want. Have them in all prices and cheap. New line of Crockery just been received. Curtains, complete line in them in white and ecrue 75c to 3.00 a pair. New line of Dry Goods, Milliner, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Wall Paper, Curtains, Crockery, Groceries, Umbrellas, SuitCases, Trunks, Telescopes, Valises and Satchels, Etc. When in town please call at c John D. Reeser's Big r», - j ■ r Wz;« Iw a™ OH. > tOLtlillorn^JM 1 o Lure a Cold In One Day b | y°g*p *" Va* l*v"e" Take Laxative Bromo Quinine 1 ablets. On ©Very I "the most healing valve in the world. Seven Million boxes sold in past 1 2 months. This signature, box. 25c. J fOLEBHONEMUR - —l^—i————l^—l—l^^—Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia ~W~17~~7~ let flies infest your house when you can \\ / r\\T get a good screen door, a yellow pine ilil lj Vl frame with springs attached for 1.25. Adjustable Screen Windows 25c each; 2. 75 per dozen. H 3 % We sell for cash only and de- 33 " <2 m 3 liver to you freight paid Sones m i! 1- town, Nordmont and Laporte. rHS 2 3d oS "Chippewa" Lime 91-2 C per o u The best coffee for the price that we rt W ,E "O oj know of. 1/5 o> 5 <-*-> to Lancaster and Amoskeag Ging- § hams 7c yard. £° " - oj 3 Oatmeal 71b for 25c. W J? Corn and Oats Chop 1.30 cwt. Ef o nT rj O IJ - Bran 200 lb sack 2.2r> "| or 5c per cwt. 5 (X J3 J3 Middlings " 235 advancedeliver'd r/3 r ~, T , ... .. „ i Muncy Valley La W s - 3 n r loUl' middhns 2 t)() 1 Porte, Sonestown C? 1 ®rv OJ w rand Ringdale, 5 n O £> » Send money order, register letter or a< n i-fi personal check. ' n> E£ Wieland & Kessler, General Merchants, PRO STEAM uKlb 1 MILL, HSTOS: IP.A.. Side Boards. Side Boards. We have the greatest line of Side Boards yon ever had the pleasure oflooking at, and the price will astonish you. Come in and be convinced that the goods are away up and the prices are away down. Bedroom Suits. No matter what kind of a|suit you want, we can save you money; we defy competition on the line we carry either as to price or quality. We have every thing in Oak Maple or Mahogany and sell them either in eight or four pieces. Also a large line of combination dressers. Holcombe cf Lacier, P ami tare Undertaking DUSHORE, PA. TELEPHONE. Incorporate Under Arizona Laws. Most liberal corporation laws in the United States., No franchise tax or exhorbitant fees. ' Private property exempt from corporate debt. Par of stock made any amount. No limit on capitalization. Stock made uon-assessible for any purpose. No amount of stock required to be subscribed. No state control. No state examination of books. Legislature cannot repeal your charter. Keep office anywhere. Do business anywhere. We attend to all business and pay all fees, and charge but a few dollars in any case. Write for booklet of information and corporation laws. Correspondence solicited. Agents wanted in every city in the United States. Liberal commissions. Send three stamps for booklet ol codified annotated corporation laws and other in formation. Address Arizona Corporation Guarantee Company, Moniuan Bldg. PHOENIX, Arizona. I A RE YOU GOING TO BUILD f* ANEW HOUSE I OR LAY NEW FLOORS IN TM€ OLD ONE'? If so, it will pay you tV> get some of our lOar*) Mood) Kiln drFed, matched fsides and ends, hollow backed and bored, MAPLE and BEECH. It will out-wearjtwo ordinary floors and is very much smoother, nicer and easier to put down than soft wood flooring. | All kinds kept in stock by Jennings Brothers, Lopez, Penn'a. ALSO ALL SIZES IN HEMLOCK (') WE HAVE IN STOCK NO. 1 AND 2 LUMBER, SIDING, PINE SHINGLES. CEILING, LATH, ETC. AT LOWEST PRICES. hrj Sund'y>f >- I . _ hH ec Ji jo Sd£2 Sfj» h2 *to3 Se SSI*" 5 m y a 3 5 Mil J • n T- » g!n»aai *e §" 03 " wmS? K: oio : oiiisfttorOvSo j HJ M 5--SS. !o > 2., -|-o C O 55 mi I j g£tS£SriS _te •»! SHo cm V.J oiejof | =.-■ -J - =r - o S ET " " «T~ 55 StT- 2 -i rc o«c «o B SebL ss su ... sses SS2_BBS! .SSISS ,a_ s s?H lib aCP : : T* : : * LJ -- b?L : : LLspSs J co^r , gsl t ; g §f S 5 S 1 " 1 * o 3 x ft = - |~| i ISfraißSssSglswU? 8 I S P q i"• • |»?5 FI"! ® « iPii i i i?i ti ;iFi is X r OO . CO -I~j 7 r > ' *«s3« -—a—3- > LJ ~n V. o «o «o tc t c S CD w ::::::: ►> -d co - 01 —• cr. - OOOOM* >. Pj -«!»-. JS5SS;:rSjpg a _ s j aggsssaaßefiasssssg a I 1 "" _ _ B cex«cc o o o a_ __ _BBeB6SSS2SB a * BEAUTIFULLY Absolutely jFree. We will give with each purchase, coupons which entitles the holder to a set of High Grade China Dishes, irrespec tive of the extremely low prices prevailing here. Oh! No Trouble at all to? Show Goods. * The Quality, p ice and ;style k ,of our spring and sum mer SHOES which are marked qown for closing out are the main attractions. Call them. Our Groceries. Our new Grocery 'Department is growing popular. You save yourself if you let us save* your money. When you think of true economy this is|the place to come. J. S. HARRINGTON, Dushore.Pa