Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, April 23, 1903, Image 5

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Had Turned Blue —
Limbs Bloated.
Lay in a Stupor From
Heart Disease.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Cured Me.
The nails turning blue is a sign of defective
circulation as is the bloating of the arms and
Other common symptoms of heart dis
ease are shortness of breath from slight ex
ertion, pain in or near heart, smothering
spells, palpitation or fluttering, weak, tired
and hungry spells, dreaming and nightmare,
sudden starting in sleep. In severe cases the
brain, stomach, lungs, etc., may become so
disordered as to mislead the physicians as to
the nature of the disease. If you suffer from
any or all of these symptoms your heart is
diseased and treatment should not be post
poned a single day. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
is guaranteed to help you as it has helped
thousands of others.
"1 owe my life to Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
After four doctors met in consultation on my
ease, their verdict was that I had suffered
from heart disease so long that they could do
nothing for me and I would surely die. My
brother said, 'While there is life there is
hope, we will try Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure.'
\Yli~a I began taking it my nails had turned
blue and my arms and legs were bloated to
twice their natural size, and I lay in a stupor
most of the time. After the first few doses
the dizziness went away and after three bot
tles I was able to go around the house and
do my work. Uotli my family and my nuise
think I would have been in my grave had it
not been for Dr. Miles' Heart Cure."— MßS.
koiitiKT MOKRIS, Sackets Harbor, N. Y.
All druggists sell and guarantee first bottle
])r. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Tlie Soil of tk* Mind.
Tlio laws of growth and development
require tlie constant stirring of the soil
of the mind, and today there is no or
ganization capable of doing so much
for the future of the state through its
members as the grange.—Maine Farm
er. ________
The resources of the national grange
amount to $04,928.50, quite a respecta
ble sum.
Last year 250 new granges wer< or
ganized. Michigan led with ninety.
For liver trouble and constipation
There's nothing better in creation
Than little early riser*, the famous little
pills, tliev always eflect a cure and save
doctors hills. Little early risers are diff
erent from all other pills. They do not
weaken the system hut act as a tonic to
the tissues by arousing the secretions and
restoring the liver to the full performance
of its functions naturally.
Follow Where Clirlst Leads.
If we go astray. It shall not be for
lack of a bath, but for not following
where Christ leads. We are simply to
go forward to Christlikeness.—Kev.
Mr. Helms, Methodist, Worcester,
Good For Children.
The pleasant to take and harmless t hie
Minute Cough Cure gives immediate re
lief in all eases of cough,, croup and la
gripp because it dots not pass immediate
ly into the stomach, but takes etfect
at the seat of the trouble. It draws out
the iriflumation . heals and soothes and
cures permanently by enabling the lungs
to contribute pure life-giving and life-sus
taining oxygen to the blood and tissues.
A Continual "Warfare.
The conflict of the world spirit and
Go<l Is analogous to the continual war
fare waged between the flesh and the
spirit in the person of every member
of the human race.—Rev. F. W. Norris.
Episcopalian, Brooklyn.
Due Notice is Served.
Due notice is hereby served on ilie pub
lic generally that Dewitts Witch Hazel
Salve is the only salve on the market that
is made from the pure, unadulterated
Witch Hazel. Dewitts Witch Hazel
Salve lias cured thousands of cases of
piles that would not yield to any other
treatment, and this fact has brought out
many worthless counterfeits. Those per
sons who get the genuine Dewitts Witch
Hazel Salve are never disappointed be
cause it cures.
Religion Enriches Lift.
Religion satisfies because It enriches
life. It opens the way into a new kind
of joy. It brings into play a new
ra...;0 of activity.. Thus Jesus said
that he came that we might have life
and that we might have it more abun
dantly. He came to widen out the cir
cle of human appreciation. The pur
pose of religion thus considered is akin
with the purpose of all progress. It is
to teach new truth, to awaken new
aspiration, to develop new possibilities,
to round out more fully the natural life
of man.—Rev. George ilodges, Pitts
burs. ; m
A Bwoet Breath.
is a never failing sign of a healihy
stomach. When the brentli is bad the
stomach is out of order. There is no
remedy in the world equal to Kodol Dys
pepsia cure for curing indigestion, dys
pepsia and all stomach disorders. Mrs.
Mary S. Crick, of White Plains, Kv.,
writes, "I have been a dyspeptic for
years—tried all kinds of remedies lint
continued to grow worse. By the use" of
Kodal 1 I H'gan to improve at once,
after taking a few bottles am fully restor
ed in weight, health and strength and can
eat whatever I like. Kodol digests what
you eat and makes (lie stomach sweet.
f'oii't Tnlmrro Spit and A stoke Your IJffc Away,
To ijuit tobacco easily anil forever, lie ma*
netie. lull of life, liervo unil vigor, take No To
Hii the wonder-worker, that makes weali men
strong. Ail druggists, .10c or tl. Cure guaran
teed lJooklet and sample free. Address
Hteiiiug Remedy Co, Chicago -or New York
jommissioners' Sale of Seated
and Unseated Lands. :
Pursuant to the provisions of the Act
of Assembly in such case made and pro- |
tided, tlie Commissioners of Sullivan
County will oiler for sale the following j
tracts and parts of tracts ol seated st d
unseated lands at public vendue or outcry ;
at the Court House in Laporte, Pa., on
TUESDAY JUNK 2d, A. 1). I'.loß, j
commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. ol said j
day. The sale will be adjourned from
day lo day until all the tr.icis or parts
ol tracts so advertised are disposed of.
110 Aeres Brosehart, Frederick
Ho " Hiieneer, Walter
77 " Mtddendorf, Frank
50 " Dutiham, Lot
50 " Kerkaudall, Frank
r.l " Sullivan, ,iaines
{SO " Morse, William
25 " Mahel, James
Houses A lots Steafather, Lucas
fit Acres Shaw, David
75 " Parsons, Edward
50 " Deealli, Frank and Tobias
tl7(L'udivided %) Alexander, McMullen
■_>r, " Griffin, Mary
75 •' Strawbridge James
jufi " Woodslde, John Jr
Ilon-e and Lot Temple, llenry
6 Aeres Steiubaek, Leroy
101 •' si(T.'ndivided %) Buulty, Paul
■_>l " Samuel and Wesley Hess
00 " Hess, Samuel and Wesley.
10 " Maier, George
87 " Fullerton, Riekard
35 " Horton, Nathaniel
250 " Cook, Stephen
til " Bachus, Philip
170 '• (irafT. John
50 '• Collins. Thomas
rudivided}£ of lit) acres. North, Richard
Undivided of 150 acres, Levi, Daniel
House and 4 Lots, shop and lots, Ballard, J.W
100 Aeres Dougherty, John
1 Lot Bartch, O. W.
1 Lot and 10 A. Councilman, Sylvester
100 Acres Winders, Mrs. Burton
100 •' MeCarty, Brothers
Undivided % of 41S acres, Peter, Benson
G. W. Biooiit ) Commissioners,
Attest: E. L, SWEENEY, clerk.
Commissioners' oflice, Laporte Pa., April 20, 190;!.
romai SUVIUKK nanus.
Public sentiment is developing In fa
vor of postal savings banks and as the
advantages of the system become bet
ter understood there will be still fur
ther tendency toward their establish
ment. When wo make it possible for
tlie country boy or girl togo to the
nearest postoflice and deposit however
small a sum of money and receive a
bankbook guaranteed by the United
States government, we have not only
Instilled habits of economy that will
result in similar action by all the boys
and girls associating together, but we
have planted in the breasts of the ris
ing generation seeds of patriotism and
loyalty to country that will thrive and
bear fruit In the future. There are
many reasons why tlie grange advo
cates the establishment of postal sav
ings banks, but one of the chief of
these is the habit of thrift and econ
omy promoted and the love of country
developed that could be done so ef
fectively In no other way.—N. J. Bach
eider, National Lecturer.
Strengthen Weak Point*.
"A chain is no stronger than Its
weakest link." It is where we are
weak that our enemies always attack
us. Individually we must fortify our
characters against the attack of every
thing unworthy of our best selves. As
an order we must fortify such places
In our organization as offer any in
ducement to an attack by an enemy.
Where do those who wish to use our
Order for selfish ends usually try to
approach usV Let us study the ques
tion and be on our guard.
Uranice Neoda and Glvea Help.
The grange Is in need of tlie help
which the best and strongest men in
every community can give it; but, on
the other hand, tlie best and strongest
men In every community are in far
greater need of the grange. Much ns
the grange needs good men in it, the
need of the farmer for the grange and
the help it can give him through its or
ganization is immeasurably greater.
New York state leads in grange mem
bership with 70,000
When Veat 1M Oat of Politics.
Mr. Vest of Missouri, who has Just
retired from the United States senate,
admits that the country is enjoying un
precedented prosperity and that he
sees no sign of its cessation. Mr. Vest
is a Democrat of Democrats and has
done his full share in opposing Itepub
llcan policies which make for prosperi
ty. Hut now that he Is out of politics
and public life he is frank enough to
admit tlie truth.—Troy Times.
Nothing Succeeds So Like
Those who use Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve-
Pills as a nerve and general tonic—as a
rebuilder—as a medicine to give renewed
strengtji—energy and vigor ruer tail to
sound their prasie to others.
Morras Connell of No. 942, 2nd St.
Williamsport, Pa., says:—" I had been
feeling a little run down and nervous foi
along time. I did not rest very well and
lucked my usual vigor and energy. I
got some of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills
and used them with good results. They
acted as a good tonic and after using them
1 rested belter and felt better in eve.-y way.
I can recommend them highly."
I>r. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are sold
at 50c. a box at dealers or Dr. A.W.Chase
Medicine Co., lUiflalo, N. Y. See thafr
portrait and signature of A. W. Chase,
M- I>. are on every package.
THE management of this paper Is pleased to announce that It has arranged * series; of
4 combination offers, including ala tie number of the leading periodicals of the day, that
will afford ite friends their choice of newspapers and magazines at
Theprlces named are forono year's subscriptions, and In each instance Include this paper
paid in ad vunoe for one year. Subscriptions may be new or renewal except for papers rol
lowed by "n" which means new only. Periodicals may be sent to different addresses. Cash
must invariably accompany each order.
HSS Art Amateur This Paper and / IS 00 Breeder'* Ga
-4 00 American Field i Any This Paper add -
4 00Atlantic M'thly 112 Any I tleman"^
400 Forest *Str'm(n 4 Threw lO 10 I 150 Current History
400 Harper's Mag. J Tfere® 10.50 $2 OO I and Modem Oul.
CLASSB - Two . SOO 1 1 MEtadeU
til 00 The Horseman I This Paner and / 200 Expansion
250 Llppincott's I . Throa , Ann I 200 Humorist
Mac ( An y inree » \ i aoLittle Chronicle
800 Kunkel's Musi- } One » #3 ——————
cai Review ( _ mm ~r . ~
800 Town and \ Two " CLASS K,
Country ) Three - ® 7 „ / fOO American Boy
This Paper and / ioo Bohemian
C LASS G. Any I i 00Boston Cooking
$2 00 Book Lover \ This Paper and „ j School Magazine
200 Critic I Any One • fI.SO ( 1 °°. Campbell's 11-200
200 Great Bound ( y ~ ) luetrated Journal
World ) One • Two » 2.00 / | »Household
200 chTni.» r Me " \ Tu "' ' 425 Three . 2.5 O ( ! 11! Reckon (n)
gOO Toilettes J Three . S.7S \ 100 What To Eat
This Paper This Paper This Paper
With one A and one Bso 50 With two A and one Bs9 75 With two C and one Ds9 25
and one O 575 and on« C 000 and one E 4 75
and one D 525 and one D 850 With two D and one A 625
and one E 4 75 and one E 825 and one B 525
With and Band one C 4 50 With two Band one A tt 50 and one O 475
and one D 4 25 and one G 700 and one E 375
and one E 4 00 and one D 650 With two E and one A 5 50
With one C and one D 3 50 and one E 000 and one B 4 50
and one B 8 25 With two O and one A 7 50 and one O 3 75
With one D and one E 275 and one B 650 and one D 3 25
Anil This l'aper 51.50
This Paper With / $1 oo Frank Leslie's
SUCCESS I Popular Monthly
11 00 Everybody's
and any ) Magazine
One <- $2,00 ) 10° (i "" d House
/ keeping
Two * 2.50 I ISO and Na-
Ita 50 Review of Re
300 World's Work
3 (X) Country Life
8 1)0 Current Litera
300 Now England
-2 00 The^ndepend
-2 50 ent Lipnincotfs
This Paper with SUCCESS and any one
maxazine of Class A with any ono of Class B
—publishers' cost from $5.00 to S 7 for S3.SO.
f\>r tlte lowest combination rates onanyDomextlc or Foreign Periodical pulilinhcil mention thi*
paper and address The Progreu Agency, Way land, N. ¥.
The Mew-York
Tri-WeeKly Tribune \J
published on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Is practically an
up to date daily for busy people. Each issue contains all important
news of the daily edition up to the hour of going to press. It is pro
fusely illustrated with elegant half-tone pictures, gives spicy political car
toons, comprehensive and reliabre market reports. It is a bright, attrac
tive, instructive, and a welcome guest in every home.
Regular Price 1.50 per Year.
You can secure it in connection with the lead
ing home newspaper, the NEWS ITEM for the
same price, $1.50, Strictly in advance.
Read and Become Enlightened.
U "New Rival" "Leader" "Repeated I
3 npaiF you are looking for reliable shotgun am- I
il h H munit > on ) kind that shoots where you H
9 RH point your gun, buy Winchester Factory H
H Loaded Shotgun Shells: "New Rival," loaded with I
|| Black powder; "Leader" and "Repeater," loaded ■
|m with Smokeless. Insist upon having Winchester I
|S Factory Loaded Shells, and accept no others. I
' 6KADtU^^6LNiP^ !
This is the fate of sufferers from Kidney trouble, as the disease is so insiduous that often people have
serious Kidney trouble without knowing the real cause of their illness, as, diseased kidneys allow the
impurities to stay in the system and attack the other Chloago Wmfnw Man Curat
organs. This accounts for the manv different . Fole y * Chicago, Gentlemen:—About« year ago my health began
, 112 T r-j r.. to rail, I lost flesh and. never felt well. The doctor thought I had stomach
Symptoms OI rvldney Disease. and liver trouble, but I became convinced that my kidneys were the cause
. . . . 112 . , , , ... of my ill health and commenced taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. It in-
YOU begin to teel better at once when taking creased my appetite and made me feel stronger, and the annoying symptoms
disappeared. I am now sound and well.-*- J. K. Horn, 1354 Diversey Blvd.,
FOLEY'S KinMPY HIIRF Chic »«o. June 11, 1902. Cured HI. Wife
■ ■ W IllUllla ■ VUnEs E. C.Watkina, sexton of the Methodist Church, Springfield, Pa., writes:
it, ~ 4-i*t« u j. • i. "My wife has been very bad with kidney trouble and tried several doctors
as it stimulates the heart, increases the circulation WITHOUT benefit. After taking one bottle of FOLEY*S KIDNEY CURE was
and invigorates the whole system. It strengthens the """* *" p". b< " ,1 "•"
Urinary organs and gives you new life and vigor. A. H. Davis, Mt. Sterling, la., writes: M I was troubled with kidney
Turn elwe - n ■ nn complaint for about two years, but a one-dollar bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY
TWO SIZES 50c and SI.OO CURE effected a permanent cure."
JfeQ Cosmopolitan,
-Woman's Horn*
And This Paper
One Dollar
To Any Clubbing Price Given
S 1.50 Current History
1.00 Sandow's Magazine
10.00 Sandow's Physical Culture C"J
Course , •Jr*J
And This Paper
There are many Gas and Gasoline Engines and ONE
Some resemble it in construction, others in name x
Engines that excel! in quality and moderate in cost.
Vertical from one to ten horse power. Horizontal three
horse power up-
701 Arch St., Philadelphia.
CHARLES L. WING, Agent, Laporte.
DeafMß taHl Ve Ctoei
tar local applications, aa fctr cannot reach tht
■Mwed portion of the ear. There ia only one
way to cure Deafness, and that ii by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness la caused by an in.
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
I Eustachian Tube. When thin tube getstfnflamed
1 yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
! ins, and when it ia entirely closed Deafneca ia
tha result, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tuba restored to its normal
> condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine caaea ont of ten are caused by catarrh,
which ia nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
We will giro One Hundred Dollar* for any
ease of Deafness (eansed by catarrh) that can
not be cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, tree.
P. J. CHENEY A 00., Toledo, O.
, HT Dmgrists. 76c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Trial List May Term 1003.
Return day, May 25. 1903, at 2 p,m.
Killer Ercission Engine Co. a corpora
tion vs Henry Brown owner or reputed
owner and VV. McConnell contractor.
1. No. 40 May term, 1901.
Mechanics l.ien. Plea, Non Assumpsit.
Mullen | Fredricks Si lnghams.
No. 2. 11. J. Shaylor vs C. M. Npeary.
No. 110 Sept. term, 1902. Plea—Non
assumsit with leave.
Walsh. Bradley.
Trial List Special Court of Common
Fleas. Bettrrn day, June 22, 1903, at
2 o'clock p. in,
W. W. Jackson vs Walter P>. Ciunton
1. No, 51, September tetm, 1901.
Trespass. Plea, not guilty.
Multen A Walsh. | Mercur A Thomson.
W. W. Jackson vs waiter B. (iuntou
2. No. i>2, September term, 1601.
Trespass. Plea, not guilty.
Mullen A Walsh. | Mercur A Thomson.
No. 3. I'nion Tanning Co. vs Isaacber
Bobbins, Zebulon S. Bobbins and Free
mati O. Bobbins Co., partners doing busi
ness under the tirm name or the Bobbins
Lumber *'o., < -has. Jackson, Elisha Jack
srn and Eugene Wood. No. 3 Sept, term,
1902. Tresspass. Pica—not guilty.
McCormick A Thomson.
lnghams A O*. Boyle.
No. 4. Ellis Swank and EminaHwank
vs the W. A N. 11. B. B. Co. lessees ol
the Eagles Mere B. B. Co. No. <S Sept.
term. 1902. Ejectment. Plea—not il
McCormick A Thomson.
lnghams St Mullen
No. 5. Union Tanning Co. vs Isaacber
Bobbins, Zebulon S, Bobbins and Free
man <>. Bobbins, tradihgand doing busi
ness as the Bobbins Lumber Co., YVm.
McCollough. W. F. VanSickler and
Frank Mcllenrv. No. 101 Sept. term.
1902. Plea—not guilty.
McCormick A Thomson.
lnghams St O'Boyles.
Prothonotary'e Office, Laporte, Pa.
April 12, 1903.
■akM Kidneys and Bladder RlgM
Tb. g «|. to DIGESTION.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned having been appointed
by the Court of Common Pleas of Sulli
van County, Auditor to pans upou excep
tions filed to the first and final account
ol H. P. Hall, Guardian of John ll.Roth
rock (now deceHfied), notice is hereby
given that he will attend to the duties of
his appointment in the Court Room at
Laporte, Pa , on.Friday, April 24, 1903,
at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all
parties interested may attend> if they think
Dushore,Pa..March 21, 1903. Auditor.
We desire to announce to the pub
lic that our coal mine near Bernice
is now open and we are prepared to
furnish mine run coal to the local
trade at very reasonable rates
This coal is free burning anhtra
cite of tine quality. We give a good
load at ton rates. A large supply
constantly on hand.
Randall & Meylert
$6,000,000 Security.
Capital, surplus and profits of this
amount secure the depositors of the Pitts
burg Trust Conijxmy, 3isir'Fourth - Ate.,
Pittsburg Pa. 4 per cent interest on sav
ings and 2 per cent, on checking accounts.
Bank by mail.
State Normal School
East Stroudsburg, Pa.
This POPULAR State* Institution is
located|in the most beautiful, picturesque
and healthful part of the State. It is in
MOUNTAINo and within two miles of
the famous Delaware Water Gap resort,
Tuition Absolutely Free.
The total Boarding, Furn
ished rooms and all other expenses only
$3.50 per week. In addition to the regu
lar Departments in| the Normal proper,
we have a fine COLLEGE PREPARA
you one full year in.'your College Prepara
tion. Departments"©!' MUSIC, ELOCU
taught by Specialists.
A New RecitationJßuilding.
is now in course Jof erection, which jwill
give a fine Laboratory and fourteen other
recitation rooms. A. Fine Gymnasium !
A Superior Faculty I Backward Pupils
For Catalogue andjparticulars address