Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, March 26, 1903, Image 3

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CAPITAL - - $60,000.
Does a General Banking Business.
President. Cashier
Office in Keeler's Block.
LAPOKTE, Sullivan County, PA.
Rush J. Thomson, Albert F. Heess,
1871. 1902.
Long Distance Telephone.
January 1, 190 H.
J m J. & F. H. INGHAM,
Legal business attended to
in this and adjoining counties
omoa m codhtt bdildibb
0, J. D.D.S.
Graduate Univeraity of Pennsylvania.
At Lopez, Pa., Wednesday and Thursday
each week.
LAPOR'i'B - A.
This largo and wAi nppointed house is
the most popular hostelry in this seotion
Newly erected. Ojiposite Court
House square. Steain heat, bath rooms,
hot and cold water, reading and pool
room,and barbershop; stabling
and livery,
■ Justice-of-the Peace.
Office in room over store, LAPORTE, PA.
Special attention given to collections.
All matters left to the care of this office
will be promptly attended to.
M. Brink's
New Albany, Pa.
Glutten feed per 100 lbs 1.40
Old process Linseed Oil 1.55
Cotton seed meal 1.60
140 lbs low grade flower 2.00
Same per ton 26 00
200 " coarse brans; 2.20
100 lb corn oats and barley chop 1.25
140 lb Red Dog flour 1.90
100 lb yellow corn meal 1.05
100 lb corn or cracked corn 1.05
1 00 lb damaged wheat 100
100 lbs wheet screenings 1.00
100 meat meal 2-75
100 lbs crushed oyster shells 50
Schumacher's best flour 1.151
"Our Own" a blended flour 1.05
The best bargain in Bradford or
Sullivan counties, per sack 1.00
140 lbs. common fine salt .60
Same per 280 lb 1.20
100 lbs lump rocksait 75
60 lbs graw rocksait 35
Veal calves and dressed poultry
wanted every Wednesdays forenoon.
A Housewife's
Buy your goods of us
and get a set of this
Hand Painted
China Free!
is offered to depositors ot Pittsburg Trust
Company by combined capital, surplus
and profits of 6,000,000. Pays 4 per cent
on Savings Denosittt, subject to withdraw*
al of SIOO witnout notice, and 2 per cent
on Checking Accounts. Interest com
pounded semi-annually. Deposits 10.-
000,000. Do all jr®nt banking by wad.
friend for two hiua i year calendar free*
323 Fourth jtfkusfc'Ba.
112 County Seat
Local and Personal Events
C Tersely Told.
Jos. Gansel of Hillsgrove visited
his parents here over Sunday.
Hon. M. J. Phillips of North
Mountain visitedXaporte on Wed
E. V. Ingham of Eagles Mere is
recovering from a severe attack of
gripp which confined him to his
room last week.
F. W. Ga'lagher, Thos. E. Ken
nedy and F. M. Crossley journeyed
to Williamsport on Wednesday to
witness the boxing exhibition by
Fitzsimmons and Jeffries.
Atty. W. P. Shoemaker is attend
ing the Masonic lodge dedication
exercises at Williamsport this week.
Laporte is represented at the M.
E. Conference now in session at Al
toona, by Rev. S. B. Bidlack and
Miss Myrtle Bryan.
James H. Gansel has secured the
contract for erecting the abutments
for the iron bridge near Hillsgrove,
which will be constructed by the
state. Mr. Gansel will commence
work the first of April.
Joseph Sunlen, a foreigner em
ployed by the Union Tanning Co.,
was taken from here to the Will
iamsport Hospital on Monday, suff
ering with inflamation of the bowels.
He died the day after arriving at
the Hospital.
Mrs. Esther M. Gregory, daught
er of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brewster,
has entered the nurses training
school of the Garfield Memorial Hos
pital, at Washington, D. C., where
she will take a three year's course
in professional nursing.
The notorious Mr. Rathbone and
some of his friends among the Dem
ocratic editors have construed the
silver service presented to general
Leonard Wood by the fashionable
tennis club of Havana, as a bribe
presented by a gamblers association.
Michael McNellon Jr. left last
week for Williamsport where he
will assist his father in sprinkling
streets this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cowell of Ber
nice, and Mrs. Alice Cowell of South
Branch spent a. few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Cowell.
It is estimated that, with no legal
obstacles, it will be at least a year
and a half before actual work can be
gin on the Panama canal.
A Chicago man has gone to court
for an injunction to keep his wife
from pulling his whiskers. Men of
that kind have a remedy in their
own hands, and that is better than
whiskers in their wives' hands.
It is, to shave.
Mr. Ernest Frycklund a former
pastor of the M. E. Church at this
place, and who was for the past two
years engaged in the mercantile bus
iness in Patton, Pa., has accepted an
appointment as pastor of a church in
the Pittsburg conference and resum
ed his ministerial duties again.
Chas. Bryan of Forksville was do
ing business at the county seat on
Wednesday. Owing to the damage
done to his farm by log driving he
has found it necessary to sell his per
sonal property and cease farming.
He will engage in selling a new pat
ent sprayer among the farming dis
ricts of Sullivan and Bradford coun
A change in the W. A N. B. time
table took effect on Monday which
makes the north bound train No.
525 one hour later than formerly,
and now arrives at Laporte from
Halls at 9:27 a. m. This gives the
patrons along the line as far as La
porte the daily morning papers. The
R. P. O. clerk makes his transfer
to the South bound train at the La
porte Station.
The Rev. J. T. Bradford of the
Baptist church of Barnesboro, Pa.,
and a former pastor of the Laporte
Baptist church, is in very poor
health, suffering with brights disease.
Constant and watchful care is given
him continually. He has resigned
his pastorate and is not expected to
live long. His many friends of La
porte and Eagles Mere will be pain
ed to receive so sorrowful news. He
has their greatest sympathy as also
his family.
Carter Harrison is running for re
election as Mayor of Chicago on a
platform which provides for munic
ipal ownership of traction, tele
phone, gas and electric light plants.
Were there not so many objections
to Mr. Harrison personally, the re
sult might be taken as an indication
of the sentiment of the second largest
city in the Union on this most im
portant question.
The electrical roads of the country
have a nominal capital of $1,600,000,-
000, employ three hundred thousand
persons who are paid $250,000,000 a
year and run sixty thousand cars
over twenty thousand miles of track.
Ten miles of electrical track are
building to one of steam.
Rev. S. B. Bidlack who is attend
ing the M. E. conference, writes :
"Our conference convenes away out
here in the great Allegheny Moun
tain metropolis—Altoona. The Bth
Ave. Methodists have erected a large
church cathedral costing $66,000
which has been equipped for our
daily sessions of this years confer
ence. There are in my course of
theological studies thirty young
men now present taking examina
tions. We hope to finish them to
morrow. Our conference will last a
few weeks.
Our continuance in adding facili
ties to the News Item equipment
rankles most deeply in the breast of
the Review man. Newell is alarm
ed at our "abnormal growth of facil
ities" and advises them cut off for the
good of our health. The upshot of
the whole matter is that our compet
itors are beginning to realize the
fact that the News Item office is the
most complete and modernly equip
ped in the county and our superior
work and low prices prove the be
neficent results of our investments,
and the Review's continuance in
advertising these facts but recalls
the proverb of the bird that makes
its own nest disreputable. As the
Review phrazes It, our brain is a
"negative quantity." Very likely.
That is a substance not required in
the newspaper business, which ac
counts for Newell following the
occupation. Many columns of the
Review, however, have been wasted
in a vain effort to establish a belief
among Newell's reader that he is a
very eligible quantity in a class
which is hard up for eligible quan
tities. His mental excellences would
be more quickly recognized by the
infrequency of his public utterances
in relation to other people's affairs
and his own expanded virtues.
It seems to be pretty well settled
that the new railroad from William
sport to Binghamton will be via
New Albany and not through Du
shore. It it said that Dushore is to
be left by the way side on account of
the high price for the right of way
throung that town. We believe that
to build by the New Albany way
will be a mistake for the company
and for Dushore. If the owners of
property want more for the right of
way than the railroad feels that it
can pay, we suggest it would be ad
visable for town itself to raise
the money. As the price of real es
tate will be enhanced the property
owners no doubt will be reasonable
in their demands. Dushore is the
chief business town of our county.
A very large freight business would
be done there, and it is clearly the
interest of the railroad company to
reach that point. On the other hand
the new road would give the Du
shore merchants a competing line
and greatly increase their facilities.
Taxing coal is only another way
of making poor people poorer. It
would be better to reduce the num- j
ber of office holders and the salaries
of those now in office. This rage for '
taxation and thirst for a new lot of
officials is a bad sign and no credit
to the State or nation.
For sale or exchange.—A reliable
100 egg Incubator and a out-door
brooder same make. Price for both,
sls; cost $35 two years ago.
Ricketts, Pa.
For sale.—one good road horse,
harness and light spring wagon.
For further particulars, inquire of
J. M. ZANER, Laporte, Pa.
For Sale. —One new carrage, 1
second hand lumber wagon, one
bay horde 7 years old. Will be
Bold very reasonable.
W. L. IIcFKMAJf, Hillegrove.
BOYS AND GIRLS By devoting a
few moments of your spare time each
day to our business, you can earn
your choice of the following prem
iums: Watches, rings, necklaces,
catching gloves, air rifles, pen knives
roller skates, dolls and many useful
and handsome presents.
All we ask yon to do is to sell 18
of our handsome pins and collar but
tons at ioc each. Send the money
si.Bo within 2 weeks and we send you
the premium post paid.
No money needed, we trust you.
Write at once. Hundreds of beys
and girls are earning our premiums
every week. Address
2048 N. 29 Street.
Premium Dept' Philadelphia.
F. J. KII.I.OOKK, Mgr.
Mercantial Appraismernt.
To vendere of domestic and foreign merchan
dise etc. in Sullivan county Pa. will take notice
that they are appraised and classed by the under
signed Appraiser of Mercantile and other Licen
ses for the year 1902 as follows, to wit:
Aswood, David Cherry Mercantile.
Connor. P do do
Conner, J. J - do do
Daley, John do do
From berg, S do do
Gross, John do do
Hefferan, Mrs. P do do
Hunsinger, P. W do do
Hyman, N do do
Hope, C. P do do
Jaruaon, C. £ do do
Luksick, John do do
McUee, Patrick do do
Murphy, J. P do do
Meyers, Frank do do
Schaod, H. J do do
Sick, Charles do do
Schaud, John C do do
Sick, Joseph do do
Sick, John do do
Sick, Wendall do do
Seltzer, George do do
Vogel, Julius do do
Yonkin, 1.8 do do
Yonkin, Joseph do do
Castle, H, J Col ley do
Dyer, Albert do do
Dlefenbach, G do do
Klnkelstein, D. J do do
Frutchy, R. G do , do
Gleason, F do do
Gorge, J. P do do
Hunsinger, C. F do do
Jennings Bros do do
Jackson, Julia do do
Johnson, C do do
Johnson, W. L- ».... do do
Kellogg, H. M do do
Landback, G. S do do
Lopez Drug Co do do
McGee, J. P do do
McKibbins, H do do
Steafather, W. E do do
Yonkin, J do do
Armstrong, A. T Davidson do
Buck, J. W do do
Herr.Hayman do do
Hoffman, W. L do do
Kile, Parvin do do
Lillle, G, W do do
Lorah, Mm. D. H do do
Loral), D. H do do
Magargel, Frank do do
Magargle, James- do do
Meyers, G. W do do
Miller, C. A do do
Palmatler, Dennis do do
Swank, Ellis do do
Starr, C'has do do
Taylor & Bros- do do
Voorhees, C. D - do do
Webb, E. E do do
Atlantic Refining C 0... Dushore do
Bahr, C. A do do
Babcock, C. A do do
Barth Si Kestcr do do
Cummuskey, M do do
Cunningham, James.. do do
Collins, Mrs. E. E. do do
Connor, Mrs. J do do
Croll, Chas do do
Crimmins, J. H do do
Carroll, D. E do do
Carroll, John W do do
Cole, Samuel do do
Dienenbaeh, W H do do
Dcegan, Geo. T do do
Daley, Patrick do do
Finan, Mary C do do
Farrell, F, H do do
Hoffman F do do
Hoffa, Chas. W do do
Holcomb St Lauer do do
Honnetter G. H do do
Harrington, J. S do do
Holla,. J S. Si Co do do
Kast Wm do do
Kraus, Wm, H do do
Kline, Bernard do do
Kennedy, J. P do do
Lilley Si Haverly do do
Leverton, Morris do do
Molyneaux, C.E do do
Mosier, Willis do do
Oneil, Wm t.. do do
Ortllb, J,N do do
Obert, H. X do do
Pealer, Chas. E do do
Rouse, Anthony do do
Reeser, J. D do do
Rettenbury, J. V do do
Svlvara, E. G do do
Williams, C do do
Yonkin, J. H do do
Brink, M Eagles Mere do
Burcliard, Ford.... uo do
Kehrer D do do
LUson, Mr*. Richrd do do
Little, C. A, do
Laird, W do do
Taylor, Irvln do do
Vanßuskirk, W do do
Warner, Wm. Y do do
Hartung, August Elklaud Twp do
Hart, William do do
Jennings, Ellsworth do do
Kline, J do do
McCarty, D. F do .. do
Norton, H. Si Bon do do
Plotts, Charley do do
Snyder, J. L. do do
Norton Si Hottenstein, Forks Twp do
Fawcett B. W Forksvillc do
Lancuster, B do do
Rogers. M. A. St Son do do
Snyder, Geo. W do do
Smith, Emma W do do
Scanlin. P. M do do
Campbell, A. E Fox Twp do
Fanning, W. H do do
Coseman, C do do
Kilmer, Mrs.Mellnda do do
Williams,O.J....- do do
Williams, Wm,L do do
Joseph Helsman -Hillsgrove do
Hull, Vernon do do
Hoffman, W. L do do
Meßride, S. A do do
Wieland Si Kessler Laporte Twp do
Petcrman, Phil do do
Buschhausen A.H Laporte Boro do
Gallagher, F. W... do do
Gumble, L. R do —. do
Keeler, T. J do do
Lauer, Mrs. M. C. do do
McFarlane, Jas... do do
Mark, David do do
Perr. Jacob do do
Temple, David do do
W. Y. Warner, Two Bowling Alley.EaglesMere.
And that an appeal will be held in the office of
Ihe County Treasurer in Laporte, Pa., on the 28th
dav of March 1903, at lOo'clock a.m. when and
where you may attend if you think proper.
W. H. FANNING Mercantile Appraiser.
Take Laxative Brotno Quine Tablets. All
druggists reflind the money if it fails to
cure. E. W. Grow's signature is on each
box, 25c.
11 V
There's Ample
for every dollar you deposit
with this Company.
A capital and surplus of
$450,000.00 guarantee the
safety of your savings.
We pay 3 per cent, interest
and you can begin, with any
sum from $1 up.
Postal card brines handsome free booklet
telling how to Bank by Mail.
404 Lackawanna Avenue
Campbell "The Merchant"
; 7
Reduced Prices on Winter Good. It's economy
to buy here at this season.
We will sell you merchandise that will make it very
profitable for you to buy. Call and and examine goods
and compare prices and quality. We want you to come
and see how much we have that you want. A warm
bargain awaits you here.
Yours for Business,
sl4-00 CLOTHING and
Gents Furnishing Goods
For the purpose of remodeling my store and making
a general change in the business; 1 am compelled to
close out my entire stock of Clothing and Gents Furn
ishings by January Ist, 1903. In order to move this
large stock by that time, I have cut prices on every article
2<j to 7 £ per cent for the next 60 days. For Cash and
Cach only. Just a few of many bargains:
n l B , overooats > very swell makes $3 50 sl2. formerly $0 to S2O Bov's over
coats $1 i5 to 7 pO, formerlyo 00 to sll. Children's overcoats 100to$3 00
orinerly I<sto $5 00. Men's suits all the new makes and latest paterns $3 00 to
sls, formerly $5 to $lB. Boys' suits, [ong pants, $2 to $7 50 formerly 475 to sl3.
Boys two piece short pants $2 to $5, formerly 350 to $7. Boys' th'ree piece short
pants to formerly $3 7o to $7 50. Children's suits two and three piece, Sailor,
INortolk, schools and Junior soc to $3 50. formerly $2 to $5. Underwear, Overcoats
Moves, Mittens, Sweaters, Duck Coats, Rain Coats, etc. etc all cut occordin«lv lor
Cash at " •
Hotel Carroll Block, DUSHORE, PA.
New Things in Gents
Furnishing Goods.
This Spring we have a more complete line than ever
in gents furnishing goods. We always are on the lookout
tor our customers' weltare, both in service and stock.
(lit rca for Easter
The display is at -its best now. Satisfaction and style
goes with every suit. There is a wide range of cho ce in
our stock at prices that are very reasonable for the qualities.
Come and Take Advantage of First Choice.
Clothing, Shoes and Ladies' Cloaks
The New-York <
Tri-WeeKly Tribvnc \
published on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, is practically an
up to date daily for busy people. Each issue contains all important
news of the daily edition up to the hour of going to press. It is pro
fusely illustrated with elegant half-tone pictures, gives spicy political car
toons, comprehensive and reliabre market reports. It is a bright, attrac
tive, instructive, and a welcome guest in every home.
Regular Price 1.50 per Year.
You can secure it in connection with the lead
ing home newspaper, the NEWS ITEiVI for the
same price, $1.50, Strictly in advance.
Read and Become Enlightened.
\ __ . There aro many A
I (2mt jrSKj Enameli
/y Paint" .„<i "Porce-i
% i Xf lifl£> ' ' **ut they are deceptions. \
' i) IlllCf None ol them possess the •
' merits of these standard brands, and \
1 ) none others contain their ingredients. 112
( I I/7 They are not New or Untried. $
\ (/ 7 Plenty of Reference#. A
j * BR\ / / Seven HiKhest PrUes in as I*lany Years, r
1 ,i(V \ R] \ / I Porcelain Enamel Paint is used for the Glaz- A
\ '■ W \ / I ' n £ °* Walls an d Woodwork and Ceiling* »n par- T
j I m.i M \ / / lors, halls, kitchens and bathrooms. Always'call m
' mm W y / lor "RINALD BROS.' ENAHEL *
I > m I rftfTWt / ( and you'll NEVER BE DECEIVED. V
It (> ftKUm/ I se " Bessemer Paint " on tin roofs and iron \
i | ' / columns, fences, etc. Send for free FamphUt* w
my a^»troot* h PHILADELPHIA.^