Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, March 12, 1903, Image 2

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Published EveryJThursday Afternoon
By The Sullivan Publishing Co.
At the County Seat of Bull! van County.
Entered at the Post Ullice at Laporte, as
second-class mail matter.
rrhe Maine Mate Grantee Report* Mi*
000 Members of the Order.
At the recent annual session of the
Maine state grange the worthy master,
Hon. Obndiah Gardner, said tjiat 1902
had been the most prosperous year for
the ordei In that state of any in its his
tory. About thirty-five new granges
tvere organized, with a total of 5,312
new members, the total state member
ship being 34,100, second only to New
York. Nearly 200 subordinate granges
own their own halls. Twenty-eight
granges have a membership exceeding
200 each, the largest one being 597.
Resolutions were adopted reaffirming
faith iu the principles of prohibition,
pi ilging to work for reconstruction of
divorce laws and for extension of rural
free delivery, recommending that the
next legislature shall grant the right of
municipal suffrage to all taxpaying wo
men of the state. ?, ,
Winaton Churchill, Granger.
The Worcester (Mass.) Telegram re
marks that Winston Churchill of Cor
nish, N. H., uud elsewhere, is to be a
colonel on the staff of Governor N. J.
Baehelder of New Hampshire, the
granger governor. Winston will be
Joining the grange next and lecturing
on the respective merits of the turnip
and the wild boar In a fenced game
preserve. He has shot the boar for a
Christmas dinner, and he may have
raised a turnip to eat with the lean
but luscious hog of the forest, but he
has not proclaimed his success in the
turnip patch. He will have to prove
that before he can Join the grange un
less his membership in the New HamfV
shire house of representatives and on
the gold braid staff of the governor
gives him a special license. Literary
fame is a wonderful fertilizer in the
politics of the farther north than Mas
Death of Katlonnl Secretary Trlmhle.
John Trimble, the veteran secretary
of the national grange, died in Wash
ington Dec. 30. He was one of the
founders of the Order of Patrons of
Husbandry thirty-five years ago, and
he lived to see the Order a strong and
flourishing organization. For many
years Mr. Trimble had been the efficient
secretary of the national grange, and
at its recent session at Lansing, Mich.,
be was present, enjoying usual health,
but on his return to his home in Wash
ington he was taken ill, and his ad
vanced years made recovery doubtful
from the first. The national grange
has lost a most efficient and devoted of
ficer and the Order throughout the Un
• ion ono of Its most exemplary members
and assiduous workers.
Hon the Farmer la ■•netted.
The grange Is a benefit to the farner
because it gives him a respect for his
calling and an encouragement to mako
something of himself; because it helps
to train his mind and thoughts to use
fulness; Instills a patriotism and en
genders a spirit of fraternity which is
the greatest sweetener of human toll.
It furnishes a medium through which
his desire for the good of himself ami
others can materialize; it directs his
efforts to greater usefulness. The
grange benefits the farmer Just in pro
portion as he strives through the grange
to benefit his associates. When the in
dividual member ceases to ask of the
grange, "What Is thero in it for ineV"
but asks rather, "What can I put into
it?" then shall the greatest usefulness
of the grange be realized.—W. N. Giles,
Secretary New York Stat® Grange.
What JimH G. Blaine Said.
James G. Blaine once said: "The
farmers of the republic will control its
destiny. Against the storms of popu
lar fury, against frenzied madness that
seeks collision with established order,
against the spirit of anarchy that
Would sweep away the landmarks and
safeguards of Christian society and re
publican government, the farmers of
the United States will stand as a shield
and bulwark, themselves the willing
ftub.jeets of law." To strengthen this
bulwark is the work of the grange, if
the quoted remarks are true, then the
work of the grange appeals to the pa
triotism of all.
Colonel Hezoklah Bowen died recent
ly at Medina, N. Y. He was general
superintendent of the New York state
fair for a quarter century. He served
In the civil war and was brevet lieuten
ant colonel.
Twenty-six states of the Union were
represented at the late meeting of the
national grange at Lansing, Mich.
Religion ContctKloua.
Religion is contagious. Therefore
walk as a child of light. Like the fir#
on the ground thnt creeps from one In
flammable particle to another or In the
woods from bush to bush and tree to
tree, so the truth spreads from heart to
heart. The mother'B piety often afreets
the child. The son becomes a Christian
partly because the father Is one. The
sister's unselfish, consistent life leads
the brother nearer to Christ. The holy
fire, thought by the worshipers to be
from God himself, at the church of the
holy sepulcher at Jerusalem goes when
handed out from person to person,
from taper to taper, till the whole area
Is a sea of dame, and the galleries, too,
are lit up with the sacred blaze. Thus
should the fire of eternal life spread
from man toman, from heart to heart,
till all men shall truly know the Lord.
—Rev. T. 11. Acheson, Presbyterian,
Tried but Could Not
R.elieve Me
Of Headache, Dizzi
ness, Twitching.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Did
Relieve and Cure.
"The doctor tried hut couldn't relieve me"
is a phrase commonly mot with in the letters
we receive from grateful patients. The
reason is piain, The doctor tries to cure the
symptom and neglects the disease. In all
cases of chronic headache, nervousness,
weakness, general debility, dizzy spells, loss
of appetite inabi.ity to sleep, lack of energy,
loss of flesh, lack of interest, morbid tend
encies, hysteria, the disease is a nervous dis
order and some means must lie taken to
strengthen and restore the nervous system.
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is performing
wonders every day and will cure you as it
lias ftiousanils of others. Kead how quickly
it acted in the following case:
"A few years ago I was greatly troubled
with nervousness and indigestion. While at
work a dizzy spell would come over me and
I would be forced to stop and rest. I suffered
terribly from headaches and my nervousness
was so marked as to cause almost constant
twitching of the muscles. My doctor tried
but could not relieve me. I finally began
the use of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine
and continued until I have used four bottles,
although 1 have not had a dizzy spell since
taking the first dose. lam very thankful foi
what your medicine has done for me and
shall take pleasure in recommending it
whenever I can." —Frank P. Bentlky,Mid
diebury, Vt.
All druggists sell and guarantee first bot
tle l)r. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervous and 1 leart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
It is our business
It is our business to save
our customers as muchgas
possible on
Harnesses, Robes,
Blankets, Whips,
Platform Wagons,
Call and examine my stock
and see what you can save
on a pair of Blankets.
You can also get your
horses shod while you get
your grist ground at the mill.
Soecial * Special
Prices. Prices.
Busy Days at
The Mid-Season Sale of
of seasonable goods is at
tracting many well pleased
buyers. More people than
ever are realizing and appre
ciating the efforts of this
store to give the people good
qualities at reasonable prices.
NEW Goods on
?????? ? ? ?
All answered at
Vernon Hull's
Large Store.
ohn D. Reeser's Big Store j Bank Block, Dushore, Pa. John D. Reeser's Big Store Bank Block, Dushore, Pa
QD Nev Shoes, Nev Shoes. (3D
Fine line of new shoes have just been received and are the very best made and a comfort to the wearer.
When in needot good shoes give us a trial and be convinced that they are just what you want.
Lace Curtains, have a very pretty line of curtains in white, cream and ecru, and pretty patterns, very durable
\lso oilcloths and paper curtains; we have just what you want. Come in and look our stock over betore buying
Fine line of Pro-Brussels Cnrpet, just what one wants for the spring. Also Ingrains and Rag Carpets, Mat
tings and Oilcloths.
Corsets, Corsets, have a good line of them in different brands, in short front and military style.
New line of suit cases, telescopes and satchels.
® ® 3^irfs.
! A big cut in Ladies' Skirts —now is the time to buy them as they have all been reduced to get ready for the
lew Spring Goods. Complete line in
Dry Goods, Millinery, Boots and Shoes, Curtains and Grocerie,
Wall Paper, Rugs Crockery Etc. at
' ' ' ■ - - - - _ _ _ ~
c John D. Reeser's Big Store.
-11 r». DTXSHOBE •
Honey and Tar
I To Cure a Cold m One Day 112
I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets I 1 the most healing calve In the world.
I Seven MUHon boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature, box. 25c. J Foley's Kidney Cure
—w makes kidneys and bladder right.
Barb and Smooth Twisted Wire
3.35 per 100 pounds,
<v ~~ r hd
G We buy for cash and sell goods only on a ps
£> cash basis, hence can save you money. j .«• JJ-
Poultry Netting all widths. -J p
" The very best recleaned Clover and Tim • p
Jothy seed. |
•r * Timothy recleaneds2.,5 j? tj)
Extra fancy timothy recleaned $2.6% B
Medium extra choice clover, 7.50. §
Salt 1.25 barrel. j g.
Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Chop all of our
§ own make, constantly on hand, and dealers in
H >: •
52 gram. jg»3.
| We do custom grinding Tuesday and Fri-Q
- day of each week. ,
t « I Wieland & Kesslcr, A Wieland t Kessler, J <
General Merchants, jlNordmont Steam Mills, *
Mh 1 i ; I c&
Barb and Smooth Twisted Wire
$3.25 per 100 ponnds.
Side Boards. Side Boards.
We have the]greatest line of Side Boards yon ever
had the pleasure of looking at, and the price will astonish
you. Come in and that the goods are
away up and the prices are away down.
Bedroom Suits.
No matter what kind of a suit you want, we can save
you money; we defy competition on the line we carry
either as to price or quality. We have every thing in Oak
Maple or Mahogany and sell them either in eight or four
pieces. Also a large line of odd and combination dressers.
HolcombeGf Lauer,
Furniture 5" Undertaking
g~ » 1 11 1 ——————— «————■————
On y 1.50; Clubbed with the News ltem.l year.
I The NEWS ITEM IS 75c a Year.
Only 50c I
If so, it will pay you to get some of our
(barTKHoob I
Kiln drfed, matched sides and ends, hollow backed
and bored, MAPLE and BEECH.
It will out-wear two ordinary floors and is very
much smoother, nicer and easier to put down than
soft wood flooring. All kinds kept in stock by
Jennings Brothers, Lopez, Penn ? a.
Hand Painted Chinaware.
Absolutely Free.
We will give with each purchase, coupons which entitles
the holder to a set of High Grade China Dishes, irrespec
tive of the extremely low prices prevailing here.
Oh! No Trouble at all to Show Goods. \
The Quality, pice and style of our spring and sum
mer SHOES which are marked down for closing out are
the main attractions. Call and see them.
Our Complete Line of Groceries.
Our new Grocery Department is growing popular.
You save yourself if you let us save your money. When
you think of true economy this is the place to come.
Williamsport & North Branch Railroad
In effect Monday. Nov. 17, 1902.
Read down Read up
I Flag stations where time Is marked "1" I
P. it. P.M P. MFM AH [a. M.|am| STATIONS. A m'aM AM A. M.jP M P M ! PM AM
10 15 12 50 520 420 j 10 22 7 10' Ha 115.... 655 9 50 11 85 ' 4 00' 450 9«
10 20 12 55 1525 1423 110 25 1713 Pennsdale... 6509 45 11 30 855 /4 45 1 9St
10 30 106 534432 910 10 84 722 , llughesville... 640936 10 55 11 20 845 435600 925
113 543 4399 20 10 42 729 Picture Rocks 826 1045 11 10 386 ,5 48 916
ft 17 14 48 17 83 ...Lyons Mi 115...! 11104 331 If 9 10
1119 4 45) 17 36 ....Chamouni ...... 11 01 828 ! '1907
I 26 4 52: 7 42; ...Glen Mawr... 10 54 8 22 |9Ol
II 84 15 00! f7 50 ..Strawbridge.... ...... 10 47 18 13 -....118 54
II 40 15 05, 17 55 ...Bet-chGlen 110 13 8 09 ...... IK 50
148 507 757 ..MuncyValley, j ............ 1040 307 -.... ......I 848
150 613! 808 ...Sonestown...! 1032 3 00 18 40
*. U. P. M. PH PM. AM A. M. AM.j jAM AM AM A. M.jP M^.MjP.MjP.M
A. M. p. M.
8 10 Sonestown 2 40
18 25 Geyelin Park 12 20
9 00 Eagles Mete 1 50
• 19 Loyalsock Jc. 1 00
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