Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, January 22, 1903, Image 4

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Shattered My Nerv
ous System.
Stomach Deranged,
Liver Dormant.
Dr. Miles* Nervine Cured
Me Completely.
A slight cold in the winter with fever, head
ache, backache; when the nose runs and the
eves water and a soreness seems to permeate
the marrow of the bones; this is tne begin
ning of Grip's deadly grasp. The danger
follows in the shattered nervous system and
the derangement of the heart or the digestive
organs as in the following case:
"The last week in January I contracted
T.aGrippe and was confined to my bed for
five weeks. My nervous system was com
pletely shattered, stomach badly deranged
and liver in an almost dormant condition.
1 took treatment daily from my family phy
sician, but could get no relief. My condition
continued to grow worse and as I had often
heard of Dr. Miles' medicines I decided to
try them. X purchased a bottle of Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine and Nerve and Liver
l'ills. When I began taking the medicine I
had no appetite, couldnt sleep and was
scarcely able to get around. My weight at
this time was one hundred and twenty-four
pounds. At the end of the second week I
was a changed man, my appetite was beyond
control, my sleep was refreshing, my strength
renewed and my weight was one hundred
and forty-two pounds. I never felt better in
mv life than I do at this writing. I take
great pleasure in recommending Dr. Miles'
Kemeaies to the afflicted. If anyone doubts
the above statement I am ready to confirm
it."—D. C. WALKER, U. S. Treasury Dep't.,
Washington, D. C.
All druggists sell and guarantee first bot
tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Gems Gleaned From the Teaching*
of All Denominations.
The only hope to be saved from ever
lasting suffering Is to accept the of
fered mercy of God In this life and re
pent of all sin.—Rev. Dr. Holderby,
Presbyterian, Atlanta, Ga.
Chrlat Relieves All Burdens.
there Is not a galling of the yoke or
a pressure of the burden but can be
relieved by a consistent application of
the teaching of Christ.—Rev. F, E.
Hopkins, Congregationallst, Chicago.
The crowned heads of every nation,
The rich men, poor men and misers
All join in paying tribute to
DcWitt's Little Early Risers.
11. Williams,.' San Antonio, Texas, writes:
Little Early Riser Pills are the best I
ever used in my family. I unhesitatingly
recommend tliem to everybody. They
cure Constipation,P>illiousneßß, Sick head
ache, Torpid' Liver, .laundiee, malaria
and all other liver troubles.
It la Free Trade.
Tariff reform In operation is free
trade in operation. Free trade is a
great producer of rest for the working
man in America. At the same time it
makes hard work for the European
workingman who is compelled to pro
duce for our markets. Asbury Park
(X. J.) Journal.
A Scientific Discovery.
Kodol does for the stomach that which
it in unable to do for itself, even when
hut slightly disordered or over-loaded.
Kodol supplies the natural juices of di
gestion and does the work of the stom
ach, relaxing the nervous tension, while
the inflamed musclee of that organ are
allowed to rest and heal. Kodol digests
what you eat and enables the stomach
and digestive organs to transform all food
into rich, red|blood.
SomethliiK to Do.
The dealre of the true heart and
thoughtful mind is, "Give ma some
thing to do; give sse some part ia the
world's work; five mo a mission."—
Rev. Dr. _Bl«bee. Universalis. Boaton.
Unconscious from Croup.
Ihiring a sudden and terrible attack ot
crup our little girl was unconscious from
strangulation, savs A. L. Spafford, post
master, Chester, Mich., and a dose of One
Minute Cough Cure was administered and
repeated often. It reduced the swelling
and information, cut the mucus and short
ly the child was resting easy and speedily
recovered. It cures Cough's, Colds, La-
Grippe, and all Throat and Lung trouble.
One Minute Cough Cure lingers in the
throat and chest and enables the lungs to
contribute pure, health-giving oxygen to
the blood.
Falth'a Satisfying: Baala.
Only where the light of revelation
shines and the teachings of that reve
lation ore accepted does faith find a
satisfying basis or hope rise Into assur
ance.— Bey. Dr. Chivers, Baptist, Brook
-1 vn ___
One Hundred Dollars a Box.
is the value 11. A. Tisdale, Suinmerton,
S. ( '., places on DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. lie says:"l had the piles for 20
years. I tride many doctors and medi
cines, but all failed except DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve. It cured me." It is a
combination of the healing properties of
Witch Hazel with antiseptics and emol
lients; relieves and permcntly cures blind
bleeding, itching piles, sores, cuts, bruises
eczema, salt rheum and all skin diseases.
History Reveal* Itaelf.
In every republic that ever existed It
was the aim of the rich to crush the
middle class and make an aristocracy
of wealth to enslave the lower classes
of humanity. Water, food and fuel
belong to the people, and the men that
rob them of either are traitors to hu
manity.—Bev. P. K. Kain, Reformed,
i i tuid Zi.tGr ppe.
.. ■.! ij.• i» I- \ ■ \ K : > i- H. .
and iar. iteluae substitutes.
The prevention of consumption is en
tirely a question of commencing the prop
er treatment in time. Nothing is so well
adapted to ward off fatal lung troubles as
Foley's Honey and Tar.
For'sale by,*'. D. Voorhees,Sonestown;
McFarlane, Laporte^
Teat of Experience.
The only way to test the power of
Christ to forgive sins or the efficacy of
prayer is to comply with the conditions
which God has laid down and put them
to the test of experience. Whether
faith in Christ can give strength in
trial, Impart patience in suffering, fill
the soul with peace, can only be settled
by each one for himself. —Rev. Dr. Mc-
Cullagh, Presbyterian, Worcester, Mass.
Children Poisoned.
Many children are ]>oisoned and made
nervous and weak, if not killed outright,
by mothers giving them cough syrups con
taining opiates. Foley's Ilonev and Far
is a safe and certain remedy for coughs,
croup and lung.troubles, and is the only
prominent cough medicine that contains
no opiates or other poisons.
The many friends of G. H. Ilausan,
Engineer, L. E. A W. U. R., at present
living in Lima, O. will he pleased to know
of his recovery from threatened kidney
disease. He writes: "1 was cured by us
ing Foley's Kidney Cure, which I recom
mend to all, especially trainmen who are
usually similarly afllcted."
For sale by C. D. Voorhees, Sonestown
and James McFarlane, Laporte.
Nearness of God and Sinn.
Of all creeds that have been founded
Since the beginning of the world the
Christian religion is the only one that
overcomes the sense of distance be
tween God and man.—Rev. Dr. Brady,
Episcopalian, Philadelphia.
Unstable Christianity.
A Christianity which Is not rooted is
always unstable; a Christian love that
has not penetrated Into the depths Is
not a love of a permanent or enduring
character. It is more like a bubble. —
Rev. Dr. MacLaurin, Reformed, Itoeh
eater. N. Y.
A Life at Stake.
If you but knew the splendid merit of
Foley's Honey aud Tar you would never
be without it. A dose or two will prevent
an attack of pneumonia or la grippe. It
may save your life.
For sale by C. I). Voorhees, Sonestown,
and James McFarlane,porte. Pa.
"Whatsoever Ve Do."
Whatsoever! Draw this word as a cir
cumference around all the activities of
your life and see how much it means.
It is all inclusive. Everything—busi
ness, politics, society, religion—must
bo brought under the high rule of
pleasing the Lord rather than men.—
Rev. L. E. Sellers, Christian, Terre
Haute, Ind.
A neglected cough or cold may lead to
serious bronchical or lung troubles. Dont
take chances when Foley's Honey and
'Far affords perfect security from serious
eflects of a cold.
For sale by C. I>. Voorhees, Sonestown;
•lamesMcFarlane, Laporte.
Active and Devoted.
Christ was an example of religious
devotion. We find blm going to the
temple. He was also an example of
religious activity. We find him doing
good. Some people are devoted Chris
tians, but they are not active. Others
are active, but not devoted. Christ
was both active and devoted.—Rev.
Dr. Meeley, Methodist, Brooklvn.
In Btd for week withJLaGrirpe.
We have received the following letter
from Mr. Ray Kemp, of Angola, Ind. 1, 1
was in bed tour weeks with la grippe and
I tried many remedies and spent consid
erable for treatment with physicians, but 1
I received no reliel unti Jjl tried Foley's
Honey and Tar. Two small bottlex ot
this medicine cured'me and I now use it
exclusively in tnyjlamily." Take no sub
Favora and Obligations.
There are no favors In God's world
but Involve also greater obligations.
Each privilege we enjoy means anoth
er duty. Every power we obtain Im
poses upon us some new responsibility.
There is no such thing as equality in
life. Nature did not fashion all flow
era and trees alike. Its beauty consists
In Its variety of form and color, in Its
contrasts of high and low, of strong
and feeble. Neither are all men mold
ed alike physically or Intellectually;
otherwise human existence would bo
bereft of all charm, of all ambition.—
Rev. Kaufman Kohler, Hebrew, New
The Spirit's Whisperings.
The most decisive witness of the
Holy Spirit's coming are often whis
perings Instead of shoutings In our
ears. The world around ns Is filled
with evidence. The word of God steals
upon us like a thief in the night. We
ought to be concerned about the repeat
ed daily coming of Christ.—Rev. F. J.
McConnell, Methodist, Cambridge,
Mu sa.
fluon Coffee!
I 4 is 16 ouncM of pure 11
I I coffee to the pound. I \
I I Coated Coffee* are I 1
I I only about 14 ounces I 1
I lof coffee end two / 1
/ I ounces of eggs, I I
fj I glue, etc., of no I 1
fL, 'I value to you, but LUI
/Mil money in the pocket JlftjSi
of the roaster.
Free Trade SelflMlinesN.
Even the free traders concede that '
the country is much more prosperous
under a high tariff than it was under
the Wilson bill, that the farmers and
wago workers are better off and that
American export trade has made giant
Notwithstanding a high tariff has
benefited both capital and labor there
are some who want to see it reduced.
This may seem unaccountable with the
great majority of the people, but it is
selfish interest. Some thrive when the
condition of the public health is bad;
some make their largest winnings
when doubt and uncertainty depress
business and hard times lead to failure.
The free traders largely belong to
tliiß class, but those who import for
eign goods and help to take bread from
the American workingmen are also In
favor of free trade. The latter move
ment is therefore a combination of the
few against the interests of the coun
try in general.—Philadelphia Item.
Several Jolts.
There is a tariff on steel, and there Is
the steel trust.
The tariff, it is said, is the mother of
hbggggggaj mi ngse—gßgaa—
! " "NEW RIVAL'*
Give these shells a thorough trial, and you will find them to be as
nearly perfect as experience, ingenuity, brains and equipment can
make them. They are made with the Winchester patent corrugated
head, which has made Winchester "Leader" and "Repeater"
Smokeless Powder Shells so popular and satisfactory. Winchester
Factory-Loaded " New Rival " Shells are thoroughly waterproof,
and are loaded by exact machinery with the standard brands of
powder, shot and wadding whith makes them uniform and reliablo.
Shoot Tbem and You'll Shoot Well
THE management of this paper Is pleased to announce that it has arranged a series Of
* combination offers, including a largo number of the leading periodicals of the day, that
will afford its friends their choice of newspapers and magazines at
The prices named aro forono year's subscriptions, and in each instance Include this 'paper
paid in advance for one year. Subscriptions may bo new or ronewal except for papers fol
lowed by "n" which means new only. Periodicals may be sent to different addresses. Cash
must invariably accompany each order.
2ss« This and / Ga
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250 Llpplncott's J A „V Three . A OO 200 Humorist
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800 Kunkel's Musi- O r»o - $3 .
cal Review i _ z, _
300 Town and \ Two - $5 CLASS E.
Country I Thre « -$7 isl 00 American Boy
iT (' A Paper and / ioq Bohemian
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This Paper This Paper This Paper
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and one 1) 4 25 and ono O 7 00 and one E 8 75
nnd one E 4 00 and one I) 850 With two E and one A 550
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And This Paper *1.50 $2 OO Cosmopolitan,
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One ' $2.00 ) 100 Good House- . ■ FOR
•r ■> ( 150 Wrfs" and \a LADIES' HOME JOURNAL
Two ' 2,50 00 turo SATURDAY EVENING POST
!|2 50 Review of Re- ADD
views _
, 300 World's Work One Dollar
3 00 Country Life
8 °° ° U ,r, r p o „ nt Litera - To Any Clubbing Price Given
300 New England
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4 00 Art Inter
200 The independ- $ 1,50 ,Current History
250 Llpplncott's Show's Magazine
Magazine 10.00 Sandow's Physical Culture C O
This Paper with SUCCESS and any one Course <J
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—publishers' cost from $5,110 to $7 for
For Ute lowest combination rateson an v Domestic or Foreign PcrtfUtcal published mention thit I
paper and address The Progress Ajciuu, Wayland, iV. Y. I
lut 11 uam.
The way to wipe out the trusts, It is
said. Is to wipe out the tariff.
There Is no tariff on petroleum, but
there is the Standard Oil trust.
This gives a Jolt to the theory.
There is 110 tariff on steel rails in
England. But the British steel rail in
dustries have formed a trust to regu
late the output and to control prices.
Still the only way to wipe out the
trusts, it Is said, is to wipe out tha
tariff.—Jersey City Journal.
Itnf Old Enemr.
The Democrats do not want trusts
attacked except by destroying protec
tion. There is method in this because
the Democracy is the same old protec
tlon tariff enamy as before.—Schenec
tady (N. Y.) Union.
Rlghtranauii Pars.
There is no greater folly conceivable
than that of imagining that untight*
eousness pays more than righteous
ness. The history of the world is
against It. Reason Is against It. It ia
the righteousness of the world that
makes unrighteousness of seeming ad
vantage.—Rev. Dr. Raymond, Presi
dent Union College, Schenectady, N. Y.
Mrtl •! Ik* WorlA. .
Tb« spirit of t£e world, whether In
employer or entployee, is every man
for himself. To become a millionaire
you mast devote your life to getting
and keeping other men's earnings, care
little for other maa'a wants, or suffer
ings and not mind that great wealth
Involves great poverty. lie v. C. B.
Burns, Presbyterian, Philadelphia.
Withholding God's Blessings.
Unfaithfulness to God Is Infinitely
more heinous than is unfaithfulness to
man or any set of men. No one Is
faithful to his fellow men until he Is
first faithful to his God. All the laws
of God are In the interest of humanity,
and be who fails to keep them Just to
that extent withholds the blessings of
God from bis fellows.—Rev. Dr. Alon
ao Monk, Methodist, Atlanta, Ga.
God's Pinal Word.
The performance of finality belong*
to the religion of Christ. That re
ligion Is God's final word to all people,
an offer of blessing to all souls, tha
good news of salvation even to the
latest age. The gospel of Jesus Christ
will continue to teach and bless hu
manity until the end of time. It can
never be Improved upon.—-Rev. Dr.
Swentzel, Episcopalian, Brooklyn.
God la HUM Ufa.
What Is the gospel? Almost any
child will answer at once, "It is the
good news." Whence came it? It
came out of the being of God, just aa
the earth and the stars and all law and
all truth came out of him. It came In
and through Jesus Christ. It is the
gospel of Jesua Christ, the Son of God.
It is the expression of God in human
life in God.—Rev. Dr. West, Congrega
tionalism Winona, Minn.
Nothing Succeeds So Like
Those who use Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve
Pills as a nerve and general tonic—as a
rebuilder—as a medicine to give renewed
strength—energy and vigor r"'ver fail to
sound their prasie to others.
Morras Connell of No. 042, 2nd St.
Williamsport, Pa., says:— " I had been
feeling a little run down and nervous foi
a long time. I did not rest very well and
, lacked my usual vigor and energy. I
got some of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills
and used them with good results. They
acted as a good tonic and after using them
1 rested better and felt better in every way.
1 can recommend them highly."
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are sold
at 50c a l*>x at dealers or Dr. A.W.Chase
Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. See that
portrait and signature of A. W, Chase,
M- D. are on every package.
CONDENSED REPORT of the condition of th e
At close of business, Nov, 25 19q2
Loans and Discounts $224,386 36
U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 5,000 00
Premium on U. 8. Bonds 3,400 00
Stock Securities 15,000 00
Furniture 1,375 00
Due from Banks Approved reserve Afrt 42,619 67
Specie and Legal Tender Notes 17,238 55
Redemption fund U. 8. Treasury 25.000 00
t 356,516 58
Capital t 50,000 00
' Surplus and Undivided Profits 23,576 OS
Circulation 49 500 00
Deposits. 233,436 53
Dividens unpaid 400
t 356,516 58
1 State of Pennsylvania, County of Sullivan ss:
I, M. D. Swarts, Cashier of the aliove named
I bunk, do solemnly swear .hut the above state
! meut is true to the best of my knowledge and be
M. D. SWARTB, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ist
I day of Dec. 1902.
ALBERT F. HE ESS Notary PubUc.
1 Correct—Attest:
JNO. D. REEBER J-Directore.
Notice to the Public.
The Forksville Grist Mill
is in good running order for
grinding WHEAT, BUCK
WHEAT and CHOP. With
thanks for your patronage
in.the past,will try and please
you in the future,
Forksville, Pa.
Xtme ftilns*
Lime furnished in car
load lots, delivered at
Right Prices.
Your orders solicited.
Kilns near Hughesvilta
M. E. Reeder,
3 Par Cent, on Cheoking Accounts,
and 4 per cent, on Savings Deposits at
Pittsburg Trust Company Interest cena-
Aounded semi-annually. Capital, surplus
&nd profits exceeding $6,000,000, and de
posits over $10,000,000. Do all your
banking by mail. Send postal for two
.It undrek year calendar free. 323 -"Fourth
tesss ?« j
IN ■—t hilling Ml»i In W wori4
otate Noniidl oCiiuoi
East Stroudsburg, Pa.
I his POPULAR State institution U
located|in the niOHt beautiful. picturesque
and tienltJilul part ol the State. It ia in
MOUNTAINS and within two miles of
the i'anious Delaware Water Gap reaort.
Tuition Absolutely Free.
The total expenses for Boarding, Furn
ished rooms and all other expenses onlv
$3.50 per week. In addition tofthe regii
ar Departments in the Normal proper,
we have a fine COLLEGE PREPARA
you one full year in vourCollege Prepara
tion. Departments of MUSIC, ELOCU
taught by Specialists.
A New Recitation Building. '
is now in course of erection, which will
give a fine Laboratory and fourteen other
recitation rooms. A. Fine Gymnasium !
A Superior Faculty ! Backward Pupils
lor Catalogue and particulars address
Foley's Money and Tar
heals lungs and stops the cough.
It is our business
It is our business to save
our customers as much as
possible on
Harnesses, Robes,
Blankets, Whips,
Platform Wagons,
Call and examine my stock
and see what you can save
on a pair of Blankets.
You can also get your
horses shod while you get
your grist ground at the mill.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.
i Soecial Special
! Prices. Prices.
Busy Days at
I The Mid-Season sale of
1 of seasonable goods is at-
I tracting many well pleased
buyers. More people than
ever are realizing and appre
ciating the efforts of this
store to give the people good
qualities at reasonable prices.
NEW Goods on
?????? ? ? ?
ALi answered at
Vernon Hull's
Large Store.
Bipdva» ft.
To Oar* Const! patlon Forever.
Take Caaourets Candy Cathartic. 100 or CM.
(( C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money.
Bow An Tear KMuf. 112
Dr. Hobbt' Spsragas PlUscnr»*U kidney 111*. B*n»
tie free. Add. Bterung Hemodr Co.. Chlcaco or S.T
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what yon eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. Is
unequalled for the stomach. Child
ren with weak stomachs thrive on It.
First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary.
Cures all stomaoh troubles