Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, November 20, 1902, Image 4

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To Be Released
From Life.
Almost Insane From
Dr. Miles' Nervine My
Do you enjoy life, or do you sleep so poorly
that you are more tired when you get up
than when you goto bed ? Is your appetite
failinL', are you getting thin; does your head
ache,back ache, eyes tire easily ? These are
symptoms of a nervous disorder, which
should be promptly treated or fainting spells,
mental and physical nervousness, morbid
fears and loss of control will lead to insanity
or mental irresponsibility. Strengthen the
nerves with Dr. Miles' Nervine. It quickly
supplies nerve-force and vitality to the weak
ened system, bringing sleep, appetite and
"1 was almost insane with nervous trouble.
Could not eat or sleep. Could see no pleas
ure in life; indeed, life was a burden to me,
and I even prayed God to release me from
it. Three doctors did all they could for me,
all to no purpose. I was in despair of ever
getting better when 1 saw the advertisement
of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. I got a
bottle, commenced taking it and wrote you for
ail vice. I followed it carefully, taking your
Nervine, Restorative Tonic, and Nerve and
l.ivsr Pills. Those remedies were my sal
vation. It is some months since I stopped
taking the Tonic but I keep the Nervine in
the house all the time, as it is a friend that I
do not feel safe w thout. If any sufferer
snould doubt the truth of this statement, let
tiiem write to me and I will do my best to
drive all doubt from their mind.' —MßS.
Mabei. Redden, La Jose, I'a.
All druggists sell and guarantee first bot
tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Di. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Ccini Gleaned From tile Teaching*
of All Denominations.
Did you nnd I ever benefit humanity
very much without a self denial, with
out a giving somewhat of ourselves In
their behalf?— Rev. Andrew Hageman,
Dutch Reformed, New York.
CreedN anil Conlomlona.
Creeds and confessions have their
place, but when that day shall come
for the final accounting neither creed
nor confession will save. Rev. Dr.
Clampett, Episcopalian, San Francisco.
There is no cough medicine so popular
as Foley's Honey ami Tar. It contains no
opiates or poisons and never fails to cure.
Physicians Prescribe it.
Many liroad minded physicians prescribe
Foley*B llonay and Tar, as they have nev
er found so safe and reliable a remedy for
tliront and lung troubles as this great
For sale by C. D. Voorbees, Sonestown,
and .lames McFarlane,porte. Pa.
Enlargement of Man.
Ours Is an age of thought, and
thought means the enlargement of
men. It has been so in all creation.
This earth was not made in a moment.
The story of our old planet Is In its
growth.—Rev. Dr. Prince, Methodist,
Carlisle, Pa.
Anxious Morhers.
Some of the most anxious hours of a
mother's lile are those when the little
ones of the household have the croup.
There is no other medicine so effective in
this terrible malady as Foley's Honey and
Tar. It is a household favorite for throat
and lung troubles, and as it contains no
opiates or other poisons it can be safely
For'sale by'C. I). Voorbees, Sonestow n;
Jsmes McFarlane, Laporte.
Something to Do.
The desire of the true heart and
thoughtful mind is, "Give me some
thing to do; give me some part In the
world's work; give uie a mission."—
Rev. Dr. P.lsbee. Unlversalist. Boston.
Cured of Piles After 40 Years.
Mr. C. Ilaney, of Geneva, Ohio, had
the piles for forty years. Doctors and
dollars could do him no lasting good. De-
Witt's Witch Ilazel Salve cured him per
manently.' Invaluable for cuts, burns,
bruises, sprains, lacerations, eczema, tet
ter, salt rheum, and all other skin diseases
Look tor the name DeWitt on the pack
age—all others are cheap, worthless
It'you are billious and seekin advisers,
Take DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
.lust before going to bed,
Vou will find on the morrow,
Von are rid of your sorrow—
That's all; just enough said.
These famous pills do not gripe, but
move the bowels gently and easily,cleans
ing the liver. Tlieir tonic effect gives
strength to the glands, preventing a re
turn of the disorder.
Education Without Religion.
Experience teaches that you can have
educated villains; that education with
out sanctities of religion or restraints
of morality increases the power for
evil. Rev. Dr. Dana, Presbyterian,
A Policeman's Testimony.
.1. X. Patterson, night policeman ot
Nashua, la., writes, "Last winter I had a
bad cold on my lungs and tried at least
ball'dozen advertised cough medicines
aii I hail treatment Irom two physicians
without getting any benefit. A friend
recommended Foley's Honey ami Tar and
t wo-.ibirds ol a bottle cured me. 1 consider
it the greatest cough and lung medicine
in the world."
Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs and
odds: reliable, tried and tested, safe and
Foley's Honey and Tar alwas stops the
cough ami heals the lungs. Refuse substi
For sale by C. D. Voorbees, Sonestown
and James McFarlane, Laporte.
One Minute Cough Cure.
Is the only harmless cough cure that
gives quick relief. Cures Coughs, Colds,
Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough,
Pneumonia, Asthma, Lagrippe and all
Throat, Chest and Lung troubb-s. 1 got
soaked by rain, says Gertrude E. Fenner,
Muncie, Ind., and contracted a severe
cold and cough. I failed rapidly; lost 48
pounds. My druggist recommended One
Minute Cough Cure. The first bottle
brought relief, several cured me. 1 am
back to my old weight, 14S lbs. One
Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlein, re
lieves the cough at once, draws out in
tlamation, cures croup. An ideal remedy
for children.
Seeking nnd Searching.
The spirit of Christ is a spirit of
seeking und searching. It is a spirit
that cannot rest uutil success bus
crowned its efforts. Ask yourself, is
that the spirit of mo? Vet we call our
selves Christ's disciples. If people have
lost their habit of going to church,
what does it mean? It means that
they are suffering from a diminution of
spiritual Interest. Rev. Dr. Alsop,
Episcopalian, Brooklyn.
He Could Hardly Get Up,
P.H.Duffy of Ashley, 111., writes, "This
is to certify "that I have taken two bottles
of Foley's Kidney Cure and it has helped
me more than any other medicine. I tried
many advertised renie lies, but none ot
them gave me any relief. My druggist
recommended Foley's Kidney Cure ami it
has cured me. Before commencing its
use 1 was in such a shape that 1 could
hardly get up when once down."
W. A. Herren of Finch. Ark., writes,
"I wish to re|>ort that Foley's Kidney
Cure has cured a terrible case of kidney
and bladder trouble that two doctors bad
given up.''
For sale by C, 1). Voorbees, Sonestown;
James McFarlane, Laporte.
The Present Doty.
Our duty to put oa the harness was
never so great as today, that we may
plant the religion of love on the basis
of the higher philosophy of observa
tion and experience, the basis upon
which must rest all permanent and all
future forces of society. It is the form
of religion which harmonizes best with
the advancing civilization of this coun
try. It Is the true republicanism of
Christianity, recommending to all na
tions liberty, justice and love.—Rev.
Dr. Harris, Universalist, Worcester,
A Thanksgiving Dinner.
Heavy eating is usually the first cause
ot indigestion. Repeated attacks inflame
the mucous membranes lining the stom
ach, producing a swelling uf'ter eating,
heartburn, headache, sour risings and
finally catarrh of the stomach. Kodol
relieves the inflammation, protects the
nerves and cures the catarrah. Kodol
cures indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach
troubles by cleansing and sweetening the
glands of the stomach.
The School of Suffering.
Suffering is a great school. We learn
our best lessons in this school of suf
fering. We learn, for instance, to love
truth and to know it by suffering from
errors. We learn to love righteousness
as we suffer from sin. But the greatest
lesson we learn from our experience In
life is the great central lesson of obe
dience. Do you know that it Is the
hardest thing in the world for you and
me to become obedient as we pass
through the school of suffering? I
have learned obedience by the things
I have suffered. Not only do we learn
the lesson of obedience in the school of
experience and suffering, but we really
develop and consolidate our character.
—Rev. Dr. MacLaurin, Rochester,
N. Y.
Chri»t All Sufficient.
"Ye are complete in him." In Jesus
you have power. In him you are ac
cepted, in him dwells all the power
that you need, and he puts the whole
of It at your disposal. Yesterday, to
day and tomorrow. What about that
yesterday of mine? The blood of Jesus
Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from
all sin, blots out that which is past.
That Is where faith must come In.
You must rest on that. Take God at
his word about it and trust him. What
about my acceptance? When my life
is abandoned to Christ, he takes me,
and I become a part of himself, and
all the wealth of his righteousness and
all the beauty of his character belong
to me In him, and in him God accepts
me. We are accepted in the beloved
And what nbout tomorrow? Christ
stands in front of you and me, and he
says, "Lo, I am with you all the days!"
Found wanting! Here is completeness
In him—pardon for the past, acceptance
for the present and everything I need
for the future.—Rev. G. Campbell
Morgan, Evangelist, at Moody Insti
tute, Chicago.
CONDENSED REPORT ot the condition of the
FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Dusliore, I'a.,
At close of business, Kept. 15 1902
Loans and Discounts $221,602 26
(I. S. Bonds to secure circulation 5,000 00
Premium on U. S. Bonds ;i,400 00
Stock Securities 15.000 00
Furniture 1,375 00
Due from Banks Approved reserve Agt 37,439 2K
Specie and Legal Tender Notes 28,232 Ol
Redemption fund V. S. Treasury 25,000 00
t 354,54S 5H
Capital i 50,000 00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 21,93X19
Circulation 45.750 00
Deposits 233,856 39
Dividcns unpaid 400
t 354,548 58
State of Pennsylvania, County of Sullivan ss:
I, M. I). Swarts, Cashier of the above -named
bank, do solemnly swea: that the above state
ment Is true to the best of my knowledge and be
M. I). SWARTB, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworu to before me this 19tli
day of Supt 1902.
JOHN H. CRONIN, Notary' Public.
My commission expires February 27, 190b.
JNO. D. KEESKR 1 Directors.
The grwtMt aid to DIGESTION.
The first step Is tariff tinkering, next Is free trade— after that oomea
Botli I'rse l|ion Republicans I'mrttT
crliiK Adherence to the Protection
Policy nnil No Chanlng Off Alter
Tariff Tinkering Scheme*.
In the proceedings of two Important
Republican gatherings on the 3d of Oc
tober 110 evidence Is to be found of in
satiate longing for tariff revision. At
Chicago the Xatlonul League of Repub
lican Clubs expressed its views in fortn
direct and easily understood as fol
"The unexampled prosperity that has
attended the full exercise of Republic
an tariff policy is obvious and com
mands unwavering adherence to that
policy as one of cardinal importance in
protecting American labor, maintain
in;; American Industries and sustain
ing American institutions."
Unwavering adherence to the protec
tion policy and no chasing off after
visionary schemes of tariff tinkering
wns also the keynote of the platform
adopted 011 the same day by the Massa
chusetts Republican state convention.
Efforts were made by a few revision
and reciprocity cranks to secure a dec
laration in favor of reciprocity wiili
Canada and an Immediate revision of
the Dingley tariff such as should pro
vide for free trade in coal, iron, steel
and hides. Senator Lodge was equal
to the occasion. In a powerful speech
he succeeded In making clear the fact
that the protective tariff Is not a thing
of shreds and patches, not a mere local
thing to be twisted and manipulated to
suit individuals in particular sections,
but a broad, general, national i>ollcy
which takes account of the greatest
possible good to the country as a
whole. In response to this well con
ceived appeal the convention by au
overwhelming majority voted down the
reciprocity and tariff ripping amend
ment and adopted as its tariff planks
the following:
"The Democratic plan of free trade
in all products made by a so called
trust ignores the economic fact that
the tariff has no connection with trusts
or with the size of corporations except
so far os it affects all productive indus
tries, great and small alike. It would
mean the greatest possible Injury to all
the competitors of the trusts and the
least possible injury to the trusts them
selves: it would mean incalculable
loss to all wage earners employed in
every Industry thus recklessly assailed;
It would mean the domination in our I
markets of foreign trusts, and It would
neither control nor regulate the great
corporations which are necessary to
modern business and which It is the
nurnose of* the Kemibllcnti n:irtv to
EURING our 30 years of cud Making, we have
discovered many things about ammunition that
no one could learn in any other way. Our
discoveries In this line, together with years of
experience manufacturing ammunition, enable ue
to embody many fine points In Winchester
Metallic Cartridges for rifles and revolvers which make them
superior in many ways to all other brands upon the market.
Winchester cartridges in all calibers are accurate, sure-fire
and exact in size; being made and loaded In a modern
manner by skilled experts. If you want the beat
Established in 1841, for over sixty years it was the
POD NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, known and read in
' every State in the Union.
p=.\ /p=.p\W On November 7, 1901, it was changed to the
I 11—1 IDl—rv a high class, up to-date, illustrated agricultural weekly,
/-\r for tie farmer and his family—
fUF ,i year, but you can buy it for less. How?
' " ■l By subscribing through your own favorite horn* news-
I Hk/V M _k o Both Papers one year for only $125.
|~LY. Send your order and money to the News Item.
Sample copy free. Send your address to
bring within the power of wise laws.
"To the application of the policy of
protection ns embodied in the Dlngley
tariff nre due the high wages and con
stant employment of labor, and, In a
large measure, our phenomenal nation
al prosperity for the last Ave years.
This policy should be adhered to, but
changes which the world's progress
and the Interest of the American peo
ple may suggest should and will be
mude by the Republican party when
ever they are of sufficient importance
to Justify the check to business which
inevitably attends any revision of the
tariff. Such changes can only be made
successfully and with the least possi
ble injury to business by the Republi
can party and In accordance with the
principles of protection. They should
be undertaken only after thorough in
vestigation by congress or by a commis
sion of experts, as suggested by Presi
dent Roosevelt. Massachusetts has and
desires no unfair tariff advantages
over other states. Protection should be
national and uot sectional. Impartial
between Industries and those who are
engaged in them. The habit of charg
ing to the tariff whatever evils, real or
imagined, a (II let the country, has be
come an evil of Itself. It Imperils busi
ness, panders to Ignorance and preju
dice and tends to prevent that study of
the real causes of social and industrial
Ills which must precede their correc
tion. Protection Invites investigation
and the Republicans of Massachusett
challenge comparison between Its tuag'f
nltlccnt results from the beginning of
the government to the present time and
the disasters and failures which have
resulted from the opposite policy when
ever it has been put In practice."
in the clear cut and sharp pointed
statement that "the habit of charging
to the tariff whatever evils, real or Im
agined, alllict the country has become
an evil of Itself" is found an expres
sion of truth worthy of the highest ad
miration. It is precisely this truth
that needs to be kept In mind In these
times of "progressive" tendencies and
the evolution of the lowa idea—"pro
gressive" toward the fatal folly of
free trade, with the vicious and false
Idea that the tariff must be torn In
pieces In order that foreign competi
tion may be brought Into regulate do
mestic prices. The Massachusetts Idea
Is better—to touch the tariff only when
the proposed changes "are of sufficient
Importance to Justify the check to
business which Inevitably attends any
revision of the tariff." Of course
changes In the Dlngley tariff will at
Bome time be made, but not now. There
Is no change required now that Is so
urgent as to Justify the damage that
would come to all business, all Indus
try. In making this matter clear the
Massachusetts Republicans have earn
ed the thanks of every lover of his
country and Its prosperity,.
Religion Enriches Life.
Religion satisfies because it enriches
life. It opens the way into a new kind
of joy. It brings Into play a new
range of activity. Thus Jesus said
that he came that we might have life
and that we might have it more abun
dantly. He came to widen out the cir
cle of human appreciation. The pur
pose of religion thus considered is akin
with the purpose of all progress. It Is
to teach new truth, to awaken new
aspiration, to develop new possibilities,
to round out more fully the natural Ufa
of man.—Kev. George Hodges, Pitta
Work a Task. Nerves all gone
Generally Weak. Easily
Tired. Read the Following
Know the Remedy.
Mrs, A. Noble of No. 315, Catherine St
Bloomsburg, Pa., says."l had been
troubled a good deal with nervousness
and sleeplessness for a long time and fell
generally out of sorts. I got Bome of Di.
A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills and was great
ly benefited by their use. I rested so
much better and felt brighter andstronge:
My back has been much better, since. I
can recommend them highly." Dr.A.W.
Chrse's Nerve Pills are sold at 50c a box
at dealers or Dr. A. \\ r . Chase Medtcin*
Co., Buffalo, N.Y. See that portrait an '
signature of A. W. Chase, M, I). are on
every package.
Judge. Honorable* John D. Keeser and Jacoli
Meyer, Associate Judges of|the Courts of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Com
mon Pleas for the County of Sullivan, have Issued
their precept, bearing date the 20 day of Sept.
1901, to me directed, for holding tne severa
courts in the Borough of Laporte. on Monday th<_
Bth day of Dec. IW2, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Therefore,notice is hereby given to the Coroner
Justices of the Peace and Constables within the
county, that they be then and there in their prop
er person at l! o'clock p. m.of said day, with their
rolls, records, inquisitions examinations and
other rememberances to those things to which
their offices api>ertain to be done. And to those
who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute
against prisoners who are or shall be in the jail ol
thesaid county of Sullivan, are hereby notified to
be then and there to prosecute against them at
will be just.
J. G. COTT, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Laporte, Pa., Oct. 52.1902,
Foley's Honey and Tar
tor children, sate, aure. No opiates.
Administrators Notice.
Estate of Harry Zax, late of the Boro.
of Laporte, County 01 Sullivan and State
of Pennsylvania, deceased.
Letters of Administration upon the
above named estate having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons bavin)!
claims against the same will present them
tor payment, duly authenticated; and
those indebted thereto, will please m tke
payment to
A. .1. BRADLEY, Administrator.
Aug 20,'02. At Laporte, Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of E.l.Bruudagc lateof Davidson
twp., deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters ot
administration upon the estate of said de
cedent have been granted to the under
signed. All jiersons indebted to said es
tate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims or de
mands against the same will make them
known without delav to
Administratrix, Nordmont, Pa.
MULLEN, Attorney, Laporte, Pa.
Notice to the Public.
The Forksville Grist Mill
is in good running order for
grinding WHEAT, BUCK
WHEAT and CHOP. With
thanks for your patronage
in the past,will try and please
you in the future,
Forksville, Pa.
Located near Hughesville.
This is the purest lime on
the ridge. We will compete
with any dealer on car load
lots delivered on the W. &N.
B. R. R. with our own cars,
giving purchaser ample time
to unload.
All correspondency will
receive prompt attention.
Xtme IRtlne.
Lime furnished in car
load lots, delivered at
Right Prices.
Your orders solicited.
Kilns near Hughesville
M. G. Reeder,
State Normal School
East Stroudsburg, Pa.
This POPULAR State Institution is
located in the most beautiful, picturesque
ami healthful part of the Slate. It is in
MOUNTAINo and within two miles of
the famous Delaware Water Gap resort.
Tuition Absolutely Free.
The total expenses for Boarding, Furn
ished rooms and all other expenses only
$3.50 per week. In addition to.the regu
lar Departments in the Normal proper,
we have a fine COLLEGE PREPARA
you one full year in your College Prepnra
lion. Departments of MUSIC, ELOCU
taught by Specialists.
A New Recitation Building.
is now in course of erection, which will
give a fine Laboratory and fourteen other
recitation rooms. A. Fine Gymnasium !
A Superior Faculty I Backward Pupils
For Catalogue and particulars address
The undersigned will
open his cider mill on
Thursday, Sept. 4th
and will run each Thursday
Friday and Saturday of each
week until November 14, 'O2.
3000 bushels of lime at Reeder's
Lime House, one and one half mile
below Laporte.
For Sale. One cook stove, burns
wood only. Very cheap for cash.
Mrs. C. E. Grimm.
To Let. —100 cords acid wood
and 100 m hardwood logs. Two
miles south of Laporte Boro.
A. E. Tripp, Laporte, Pa.
Foley's honey and Tar
heals lungs and stops the cough.
It is our business
It is our business to save
our customers as much as
possible on
Harnesses, Robes,
Blankets, Whips,
Platform Wagons,
Call and examine my stock
and see what you can save
on a pair of Blankets.
You can also get your
horses shod while you get
your grist ground at the mill.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.
Soecial Special
Prices. Prices.
Busy Days at
The Mid-Season sale of
of seasonable goods is at
tracting many well pleased
buyers. More people than
ever are realizing and appre
ciating the efforts of this
store to give the people good
qualities at reasonable prices.
NEW Goods on
?????? ? ? ?
AH answered at
Vernon Hull's
Large Store. *
BftUaerova. Pa.
BANNER salve.
Km moat healing mN In the world.
To Our* Conatlpatlon Tontm. ■ l s
Take Caicareta Candy Cathartic. 10c or ffie. , *
It O. O. O. fall to aur*, dnmgiata ralond mona%