Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, May 08, 1902, Image 1

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    Republican News Item.
Published Every Thursday.
Volume I.
MA/orththe Price 7 J
r It wears and gives pleasure for years an&
Valways worth the price paid for it." Our many S
r years of business at the same stand with the same 112
I principles of keeping nothing but reliable jeweleiyV
(* is a testimonial of what our goods stand for. }
> We intend that this store shall be lirst in yourC
thoughts when that buying reliable jewelery ques- J
\ tion come up. Our prices have reached the bottom C
i scale, they can nowhere be made lower for the s
j same grade of goods. \
Always Ready for Repairwork. ?
s Nothing but the best in repair work leaves our j
\ hands. To get values come here after them. V
r Very respectfullv,
PA. the jeweler. C,
Special Low Prices Now Prevail
Wire fencing for farm, garden, lawn and poultry
netting. Lawn mowers, wheel barrows, tin ware,
woodenware, garden and farm tools, dairy supplies
washing machines, wringers etc. of the latest in
ventions. Paints, oils and varnishes. Mill sup
plies and tools of all descriptions.
Bicycle fires. Lamps, Brakes and Sundries.
Sporting goods, fishing tackle, guns, revolvers and
equipments. Uoofing, spouting, plumbing, piping
and fittings. Bicycle repairing and general job work.
Samuel a.
The Shopbell Dry Good Co.,
313 Pine Street,
\V* have made our suit ■!ejcirlnn-nt the fashion center by our line disphiv >
the newest styles and latest ideas in exclusive costumes, Tailor inndi*. Suits.* '•>«!-
Skirts and Waists ttiado from the very latest and choicest fabric*.
W/f 't \YT * i This waist department, ist growing more popiibe
w flltC WaiStS <,ver . v day. There is good reason for it, as \vi
have a very largo variety ol fine white l.nwi.
waists trimmed with single or cluster tucks all over embroidery, laces etc.
ranging in prices from 7">c to 5:'..7.j.
IVT 112 1 * Mir wash goods department oilers toduv » si<.,-'
V. TQOCi S complete as to warrant the inspection of i UTI
buyer coming t.> the city. We know it will i>e to
vour interest to see our assortment of I >i 111 it i< ~ Batistes, 1 totted Swiss min!it>«.
I.awns, eel. in plain colors, fancy stripes ami Foulard designs, madia-,
zephyr gingham-, -ilk stripe ginghams, last black mercerized Egyptian lawn-
That offers unlimited choice from a variety ol fine sheer and attractive tie
signs for liradiiating dresses or waists. I lain white Swisses, at lf> to -It■
Persian Lawns at 2">c, i!sc, ami 45c. French Lawns at 50c, 09, 7and 'Mi-',
French Organdies at . r >oc. and 75c 2yd wide, hotted Swisses at i'tii, up to
French Nainsook ">oc to 09c. Plain nnd doited silk mulls, inncy'open nor l ,
lace stripes for shirt waists at 15c to 45<" inerceri/.ed madras in fancy si ripe'
and figures at ISc fo4se. Fancy ehecks an.l plaids lor waists or apron- 7e, l*c
The Shopbell Dry Good Co.
Williamsport, Pa.
LAl'Oltll I'ENNA.. THURSDAY. MAY V liil'l 1 .
r rm IMTV Columns ol Interesting
VAJVIi 11L ▼▼ J Iteros Gathered by Ovr :
Happenings of \
Interest to Readers ManyTowa
-IHI |V i-r " •
.Mrs. It. IS. 11 unsinger, <if litis |
place, 11ic<I tut Thursday cveiung last
j after a long illness. The deceased
I was about !U) years of ago, and leaves j
ja husband and several small eliil-j
, dron. The remains w ere interred j
in St. Basil,s cemetery,
j "Mir former townsmen, K. A.
Strung, of Wyalusing, wtts calling'j
oti friends in town a few day- ago.
Mr-. A. A. Wall man "112 Lathi- 1
; burg, spent Sunday with her brof her !
1 ('. M. Williams.
' Mr. ami Mrs. David Cook are tile'
I prond parents of a bouncing- hoy j
j about two week- old.
j Harvey I loovcr has resigned bis
j position with HolcomhiV Latter, to
| accept a posit ion its clerk in <;• 11. I
! llonnettcrS store.
I M. It. Black of Fork-vide, camli- !
dale for county superintendent, was
in town Saturday, making bis la-t
rounds before the election, which I
will he over before this reaebe- ifs !
Chits. I!. Arey of ('nmmi-key, i
started un Montlav morning for
\lohnsonbtirg. Llk county, where he 1
I has secured a lucrative position.
| The foliage i- becoming unite
thick and sonic of the fruit trees are
' in bloom.
Several of the Ditshore friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kcstcrof Forks
• township, enjoyed a candy parly at
j their home last Friday evening,
i "A grandjeap year ball is to be
! given by the merry maidens of l>u- '
shore on Wednesday evening, May
' 14th. We are informed lliaf several '
hundred invitations have been »\tll
t at t.
.J. N. .Matt.-c\vs one of the repre-]
scntative-of th. Prudential Life In
-uranee < 0., at lln • place, ha- been
promoted to the position of as-i.-tant
; superintendent at the branch oilice
jof the company td Llmira. While
we regret that Mr. Matthew- and
' family tire to leave our midst, it is
with pleasure that we chronicle his
' promotion.
I Misses Mary Mcllcnry of this
' place and Olive Brewer of Lopez,
■ have accepted lucrative positions in
' the staple works at Williamsport • i
We learn through the city papers
that President 800.-velt litis made
| the nomination of John Scher, ,lr
! for postmaster at- Dtishore for tinotli
!er four years. As Mr, Scher'- pres
' ent coniini—ion expires on .May 11, i
| the nomination will no doubt {
! confirmed by the Senate in a few
; days. Seller's re-appointment meets I
t with univeisal approval from the
j patrons of Ilice.
I (ieo. t'oolbaugh, who has been em
ployed in.l. I>. lteeser'sstore for the
past two or three years, has resigned
: his position to take charge of the
drapery department and do the dec
orating in a large-tore at Berwick,
Pit. There is a good salary attached
to this position and those who have
inspected tieorge's b ntliwork in Mr
| Hccser's store, will agree that he
! will be able to hold th*' place down.
A small child of .Mr. and Mrs. B.
IA. Tuttlf, of Austin, Potte.i county,
| formerly of this place, wa- brought
! here for burial on Thursday evening.
I Mrs. ('. 1". Molynenv, who lia
j been in poor health for a long time,
. is now confined to her bed.
1 Mrs. P. W. liotlii is vi-iting her j
i sister at Itichlandtown, Bucks cotm
' ty, Pa.
I >ora < ampbelle of Nonlmont, \ i--
ited her parents at this place Sat
urday and Sunday.
Win. liotiovan entertained his
father, Sunday.
Mrs. .las. Bttssler of 11 ughc-ville,
vi-ited her parent Mr. ami Mi-. ■
(tei>. Simmons, la-t week.
(ieo. I >tinley of Kagle- Mere, wa-'
noticed in town Saturday.
Rev S. B. Bidlack of Laporte, I
I tilled Ha- pulpit at the M L. Clitih
| last Sunday. A large ,'o i
| thoroughly enjoyed bis seine n
I which wa- an unusually good one.
i Ibe valient men of the M. K.
! ehiirch are taking legal proce«.-iliiigs
jto remove tbo chicken-ieop .■ n<t
; chick cry which was recently built
j upon the church's back yard by its
j enterprising next door neighbor,
i who some lime ago attached a femi
' ami pig pen to the building,
j Marry Horn of Norduiont, was in
| town Sunday.
i Mr.-. <II. Warren will s () on start
! for Philadelphia, where she w ill
! place her Wynn, in the care ot
1 all eye specialist.
Andrew Ldgar visited Nnrdmont,
| last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tapper of Wiliiam
! spurt are installed in the house of
l»r. J. 11. ltotluock to care for him,
| and are giving excellent satisfaction.
| M. J. Phillips and children of
, Hemlock Grove, drove to town Sun
j .Miss Mice Pennington of Xord
inont, was entertained by Mr-. John
fotiverse, Sunday.
'Wallace Little of Lcgles Mere was
ill town Saturday .
Miss Blanche Snyder of Petins
daie, visitt-d friends about town re
11. ('. Boatman is no longer clerk
ing for A. T. Armstrong, but lia
gotte to Kagh s Mere to work at hi
carpenter trtule.
.Mrs. T. S. Simmons and her moth
er, Mrs. Bcnnet of Muncy \ alley,
were guests of the former's -on at
this place, Thursday.
Ivoy Lddy w ho has been seri. i:.<ly
ill with spinal menigitip, is now on
the rofwl to recovery, under the care
of 1 if. Voorhecs.
Born, to Mr. and Mr- (I'. Boat
man, a daughter, on April
( 11. Warren returueil Saturday
evening from a week's trip through
out the county.
Andrew Ldgar, assisted by Ld.
Boatman, i- doing -om e remodeling
inside his house.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drake spent
several days out of tow n last week.
W. A. Mcsseismith is now'driving
team for L. Dyer.
Win. Shutt'er, who lias been on the
sick list, i< now at work again.
Squire Schouck of Iticketts, was a
business caller in town last Friday.
Mr. Murray of Scran ton, spent
Sunday in tow n.
Mr. Morgan w ho i- a-sociatcd with
Mr. Murray in the Northern An
thracite < 'otil < '<>. is sick at his home
Hermann Sehritmin -pent two days
in Wilkes Barre transactin bti-itie-s
Mrs. W'.tj. Pealer of Wilkes Barre,
is vi-iting her dattghlei', Mrs. Kill
A young daughter of Marvin Pot
ter i- reported quite sick.
Miss ('ustenbaniler of Williamsport
is visiting the family of Mr. Tims.
Lindy, the hustling foreman of the
1 lendock Mill.
Mrs. A. L. Dyer is visiting rela
tives at Iticketts.
(Jrin Frunfelkcr has accepted a
position with Jennings Bros, in
Miss Htn-k of Philadelphia, is the
guest of Miss F.ditli Learn.
Beed Frutehey has opened a new
meat market in the MeFarlane block.
Wellington < 'onrtid i- quite proud
of the fine young boy who "came to
stay " some days ago.
Miss < iertrude Kverett has enroll
ed as a student at the Lock Haven
State Normal School after teaching
a very successful term of school at
Thomas Itun.
Thos. Beab r is now clerking for
j D.J. Kinkelstein, our energetic cloth
ing merchant.
Mrs. M. L. Peah r is vi-'iling bet
pa rents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilcox,
j Oscar < iross's little boy had his
I face cut badly this week.
Frank B. Camp, formerly assistant
telegraph operator her**, has accepted
it Mattering position on the Long' Is
land it. It.
Mrs. t'has. Arey returned recently
from a visit to Iter parent- in Wil
Mrs. Tlenverly is spending ;1 few
days in I inshore.
Milton Potter visited hi- parent
la-! Sunday.
Miss Cora Pealer is vi-Hing her
sister at Peckville.
W. L. Steafather has added very
much to the appearance of hi- huiltl
iiijr- by a very tasteful coat of paint.
If. W. McKibhin- has planted
- some trees and arranged new flower
bed-. Henry never -pares any ef
fort which will add to the beauty
and convenience of bis hotel.
Jas. P. Mcliee, the "i>opultu pro
prietor of Dote) Lope/, has contribu
ted largely to our convenience by
placinga new walk in front of the
John 1L Vonkin i-confined to his
room with an attack of rheumatism.
Messrs. Thomas and Neal of St.* ran-
I ton are prospecting for coal in this
i vicinity.
The statement of the Finances of
I the Poor Fund certainly rellectsgreat
i taetlit ujKtti our efficient * Ker-cers of
the Poor, Messrs. W. J. McCartney
I and J. (). Ynught. By an ecoi)omi
! cal policy they have placed I he dis
j trict out of debt, anfl it is said the
] tax levy will he lower next year than
! it has been in many ytars.
; There wire no-ervices in the I .
1 K. church last Sttnthty. The pastor
| Hev, 1 lower was called home, his
I mother being critically ill. Mr.
: llnwer, although with us hut a short
time has become dcs» r\ idly popular,
i and all unite in trusting that hi-
I mother may recover.
i'ev. Smith the new M. P. pastor
• hit- made many friends. With two i
efficient pastors our churches are i
well e lyippetl for a successful year's
| work.
J Mcs-rs. J. p. Oorgg and Jo-.
Weaver are lut-y repiiiring the roads
which ar<* somewhat rough because
of the spring floods.
| Jas. Beatty, the genial barn bos- of
| South Brook, wa- s> i-n in town thi-i
' week.
j A. L. Dyer has given another ev-j
I ideuce of "up-to-datetlness." He!
is now constructing a new slaughter \
house on the farm oft ieo. Salisbury.
The house is to be equipped with ,
convenience, and being\>ut of town j
shows the builder's desire to con-id- 1
or the interest of hi- patrons.
] Mi.-- 11 race Lawrence's summer j
1 school is being well patronized. I
; Miss Law rcnce is a most sticct s.-ful !
' teacher and in every wav worthy ol j
! tin* praises bestowed upon her be- j
I call-e of her excelh lit W'ofl{.
The iit x\ breaker is now running '
j i'ull time, and the N. A. Coal Co. i- ;
. low shipjiing coal- of a very line
! quality over the W. A N. B. It. It. <
During the month of. April, Jen
nings i; o. -hipped car loads of
i lumber from Lope/. This does not
. in'clude many car- of wood and -aw
jtlti-l. which would raise the munbei
! oil tin* pill- side of ;>oo. The noll
-1 resident may be enabled to form
j sonic idea of the industry of thi— 1
\ progressive firm, if In* considers ear
j fully the real meaning of three bun- ■
drtd citt's from one mill in one;
j month.
The annual commencement exer
| cist sof the Lope/, High School will i
! be held in the L'. I*}. Church, Lope/,
Wi tlncsdity evening, May 21, PJUI'.
tin Sunday, May 18. at It):jo a. m.
1 Rev. llo.wer will pr«iich a sermon;
| before the class, and after the exer-j
t i-c- in tlie church on Wt'dnesday
j evening the annual banquet w ill be
■served. The members of the class!
j arc: Anna Myron, Lthel Fa cett, j
. t 'eciliii Fi tunburg, < 'alhitrfne I .undy,
i-:ii/,abeth Lundv and .Micliat I Itouse.
i '
Not Entitled to Fee.
The case of Dr. C. D. Hunt vs. the
county of Lycoming to recover si
for \V it lies* fee, came up pefore Al
(leruiaii Bat/lc, at Williamsport, on
Saturday, wlmquoted supreme court
! decisions n> -how that witnesses be
fore the coronor wen* not entitled to
' fees. The plaintiff was directed to
' pay the costs.
, M. tt. BLACK
School Directors Assemble in County Con
vention. Politicians Maniiest au
Interist in the Election.
Tlie triennial wmvention of the
'; school directors of Sullivan Count\
i was held it) tic courthouse on
I Tuesdaj and resulted in the elec
• (ion of Prof. M. H. Pdack of Forks
.' villi l , for 1 lie ensuing three years.
Snllivan county has thirteen
school districts and a iotal of 7s
dnectors. Karly I ucsda\ morn
in» the members of the various
school hoards began to arrive and
i when the time came for calling the
'j foment ion to older all hut live of
j the directors were present -Not
•! (lie director* i heniselves favor
ed the county scat with their pres
; ence hui a rather imposing arrav
of politicians appeared and while
politics is not supposed to enter in
to the election of a school official,
particularly where all the eandi
dales are reputed to he of the same
political faith,it must U* confessed,
to the discredit of certain political
.I leaders that the influence of a
| political machine was openly and
I notoriously invoked. for some
j reason, in favor of one of the ean
! didates. and he it said to the cred
| it of a majority of directors that in
(spite of all the improper influences
it hat were brought to hear upon
i them they manfully voted their
| eon\iclioi.s and refused to lend
j their aid to tin: eflort to inject
corrupting political methods into
tlu election.
; Promptly at 'J o'clock Supt. F.
\\ , Meyiert called the convention
! to order and declared nominations
: for presiding officer to be in order.
Mr. Fred Newell of I inshore. was
i unanimously elected and upon tak
! ing the chair thanked the conVeu
j tion for the honor. Waiter C.
j liofVman of llillsgrove. and fJco.T.
j I iceman of I inshore, were then clios
|en secretaries. Die organization
!of the convention thus completed
i the president announced that the
j lirst business \\ ould be to li\ the
| salary of the Superintendent for
the coming term. I'pon motion
jit was unanimously decided that
•the salary remain as at present,
i81 0 per year.
| The next in order was the nomi
j nation of candidates and the. fol
i low ing names were proposed: Prof.
M. It. Pluck. Prof, O, 11, Warren
land Prof. .) Reese Killgore. Kaeh
candidate was given au opportunitv
jto briefly address the convention,
i Prof, I3ack spoke of the importance
! of the work of the schools anil out
lined tin* plans he would pursue if
i elected. Prof. Warren spoke of his
evpe.i ncc in school work and his
jipiaiiiications for the office. Prof.
Kiligore made a ringing eduea
i tiona.' address ami concluded with
jan amu.-ing and pointed story that
! brought down the house.
The ballot was then taken with
the fobow in<; result:
Prof. Pdack. .'!il votes.
Prof. Warren. 2S votes.
Prof. Kiiigot'e, lo votes.
Xo candidate having received a
majority of the votes cast, another
ha not was ordered. At this junc
ture Prof, Kidgore addresed the
Chair and after warmly thanking
itlu* directors who had voted for
I him, withdrew his name. The re
sult of the second ballot was as
1 follows:
Prof. Black. .'lit votes.
Prof. Warren, .'it votes.
Prof . 11 lack having received a
! majority oft lie votes cast was de
i dared elected and upon motion the
convention adjourned.
A Birthday Luncheon.
Mrs. Samuel Fisher Colt of Lan-
I caster avenue gives a luncheon to
day of I L' cover- to celebrate the soth
birthday of her aunt, Mrs. Ann F.
Meyiert, of I.aporte, Pa., who is vis
; iting her. The Parlors will be deco
rated with Jacqueminot ro-es, aspar
agus vines and [minis, anil the lun
cheon table will be laid in pink and
white, with a large birthday cake
in the centre burning so pink can
db s, and vases of pink JLawton car
nations and maidenhair fern at the
ends. The name cards are in pink
and white.-—Buffalo Evening News.
Number I