Republican News Item. ! ,THURSDAY, JAN. 10 1902. ice from Lake Mokoma. —Mr. Joe Gansel and family mov ed from the Laporte Tannery to Hillsgrove, last week. —Rev. Skellington of Proctor, is assisting Rev. S. B. Bidlack in his revival work at this place. —Mr. Ray Kessler of Nordmont, was transacting business with his lawyer, A. J. Bradley, in town on Saturday. —Mr. and Mrs. F. M, Crossley drove to Benton, last Sunday and are visiting friends at that place and Rloomsburg, this week. —lt is rumored that T. J. Iveeler may sell his stock of merchandise and rent his store building to C. B. Jennings of Estella. —Merchant A. P. Weiland of Nordmont, made this office a pleas ant call Saturday while in town looking up new customers to deal in the product of his grist mill. —There seems to be great activity in the telephone business in different parts of the United States. Tele phone lines are being run from town to town by the way of the leading farmers along the route who are be coming subscribers. It will not be long now before the farmers will begin to have office hours. —Revenue amounting to $15,605- 45 was derived, from mail at the Dead Letter Office during the past year. Of this amount $3,285,.26 was realized from the sale held Decem ber, 1001, of parcels, which could not be restored to owners, and the bal ance, or $12,320.19, was actually received through the mails in cash. —Hon. Galusha Grow, of Penn sylvania, a member of the present House of Representatives, was in Congress before many of his col leagues were born. He took his seat on the first day of Dec. 1851. Among his colleagues then were Henry Clay, John A. Logan, Thad deus Stevens, lloscoe Conkling and others long since passed away. —Miss Alice Roosvelt will go through the ceremony of breaking a bottle of wine over the prow of the < ierman Emperor's American-built yacht. A little rehearsal with bot tled water will enable her to do it correctly. The Kaiser, however, missed it when he failed to select Mrs. Nation, by the way, why not spill lager beer instead of cham pagne, Hoeh der Kaiser. —The citizens of a certain town in Michigan, have established a pre cedent which may be widely copied. Incensed at the charges of their phy sicians, they contracted with one physician to care for the health of the town at a stipulated salary of SI,BOO per annum, agreeing to pay a stipulated line where the doctor found he had been called unneces sarily. —lt is said that the old time tra dition that women must wait for a marriage proposal is to be relegated to the attic. A western movement by a St. Louis clergyman favors pro prosal by women. Many women support themselves and a husband, and if a women is able to support a i husband she should certainly have something to say, in fact everything to say, in the selection of one. —There are a score of men in America whose fortunes exceed those of monarchs of one hundred years ago. But instead of using their vast wealth in selfish pleas ure and extravagent pagentry, many of them are using it for the pro motion of industries through which thousands live with comforts un known to kings of the past century, while a few, of whom Mr. Carnegie is most conspicuious, are lavishing millions for the public benefit. Muncy Valley. —Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher, Jan. 8, a daughter. By the efforts of pupils and teach ers, a library of 125 books, all choice literature for the pupils, suitable to their ages, has been secured. Miss Blanche Miller has been elected librarian by the Literary Society, and good works of a cir culating library is under way. A "Peanut Social" was held at the parsonage on Saturday evening. Large crowds were present from Sonestown, Picture Rocks and Hem locks. A very enjoyable time was spent and al>out S2O cleared. Thanks is due to the Ladies' Aid. 8000 bushels lime at Reeder's Lime House, one and one half miles below Laporte. Prothonotary Tlios. E. Kennedy Gives a Dinner to County Officials. Tlios! E. Kennedy gave an ele gantly appointed dinner at the La porte Hotel, Tuesday night, as a farewell courtesy to the Hoard of Commissioners he so ahly served as clerk, and to the the County Audi tors, who highly praised his official record. The guests in addition to the Commissioners and Auditors were Win. Kennedy, John Flynn, Atty. E. J. Mullen, Frank Lusch, Sheriff Cott, Ed. Flynn, Michael Flynn, H. L. White, W. B. Ititter, Ed. Sweeney, A. 11. Buschausen, Harry /ax and N. C. Mahen. A sumptuous dinner was served which was in keeping with the rep utation of the Laporte Hotel. (Jen eral enjoyment ran high throughout the evening. A jolly German quar tette, comprising Messrs. Caseman, Bauniaunk, Buschausen and Mahen, contributed largely towards the amusements of the evening. in strumental music hy Mr. Caseman was also much enjoyed. All pres ent pronounced the dinner a decided success. County Auditors Adjusting: Grievances. Ex-County Commissioners S. S. Rogers, Henry llufl'master and Phil ip Secules were summoned and ap peared before County Auditors A. I'. Starr, Christian Caseman and James Sweeney, on Tuesday, to appear in defense of the surcharges made against them four years ago which had not yet been settled as they claimed injustice done them. Four years ago the commissioners refused to allow the auditors a clerk, and charged them with the amount paid for such service, although it had been the custom for many years to be assisted in this manner. No tice was not served them to this effect until the service came to be paid. At the next annual audit the commissioners found themselves sur charged to the amount of $l5O and they were not called in for a hearing in their own defence. It appeared to our present auditors after care fully examining the accounts, that both misunderstanding and actions of spite underlay the principle causes for the surcharges, and acted wisely and justly in cancelling the most of them. There was but one item of #52 jointly surcharged to the commissioners that was left to stand and be collected. This was for an amount paid to the commissioner's clerk as compensation for extra work, which was thought by the auditors, belonged to the service for which a salary was paid. The indi vidual account of Mr. Secules for ex penses to the Commissioners State Convention, remained to be paid. Clerical compensation was allowed the auditors as they had not been properly informed that the service would not be paid, as had long been the custom. One of the auditors having paid his portion of the sur charge, it was ordered that he be refunded the amount. The muddle is now judiciously equalized and should be settled with out further trouble. Deaths of the Past Week. The spirit of Mrs. Ann Bradley, widow of Patrick Bradley, who died about twenty years ago, took its tlight on Sunday, Jan. 12, at the home of her son, John Bradley, in Davidson township. Paralysis wis the cause of death at an advanced age. Deceased was a most devout christian woman, and was loved anil esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances throughout the county, having resided near her son's home, where she died, for many fyears. She is survived by four sons. The funeral services were heldon Wednesday. Interment was made at Dushore. Mrs. Meyers, widow of the late Jacob Meyers and mother of Associ ate Judge Meyers, died Monday, Jan. 13, at her home at North Moun tain, at the age of 76 years. Deceas ed was born and grew to woman hood in Germany, where she mar ried and where her two eldest chil dren were born. With lier husband and children she came to this coun try and settled in Lancaster county, Pa. For the past forty-two years she has been a resident of North Mountain. She was the mother of fifteen children, of whom thirteen survive. Funeral was held on Thursday. Interment was made in the cemetery at Strawbridge. 3000 bushels of lime at lieeder's Lime House, one and one half mile below Laporte. —WIIITEC)LA the greatest shoe, slipper, belt, glove and clothing cleaner on earth. Sold only at La -1 Porte Clothing Store. Harry JSax. Jury Ominissioners Then. H. Flm | Ire draped and remain so for a period of thirty days. That these resolu tions be spread on the minutes of our lodge and a copy be sent to his widow and friends. Wm. Brombeck, Wm.N. Harrison, John A. Speaker, Com. Two Free Ucholarshipx for Sullivan Co- The Carnegie College of Rogers, Ohio, will give free tuition to two students from Sullivan county. One scholarship good for a course at the College, and one scholarship good for a course by correspondence. Normal, Academic and Business courses are taught. Special attention ,to teaching by mail. Students are given an opportunity to earn part of their expenses while in College, Applicants should address CARNEGIE COLLEGE, Rogers,O. LADIES: There is nothing e ju.u . to this Home Treatment Oran re Lily , and Herbald Tonic for female com plaints of every nature. W" would ! suggest to all our lady readers who 1 suffer and wish to know the trutr ' and avoid expense, to send to MRS. . MAMXDA KU.MKK Shunk, Pa., for a free sample with all particulars. Your Money Back! If Chin* Closet Is not is describe J j§§ * ftf 12.75 Freight lf 'in 'hiylnj' " PrepMd «i- ,lw mal ' er - Our Furniture Department contains thotismul* of «lni!l«r Kirpaiiis. Our Mammoth 4MO-paj» I.tells all aU>ut furniture, also about everything to liat. Use ami Wear; contains over 13.000 Illustrations Ami quotes wholesale prices to consumers on over 150.000 different articles. It costs ii t ft n—s •rit to yen for roc., which toe. you deduct front you r first,■ rder o/ St uo. Free Lithographed Catalogue shows "Famous Merry land" Carpets, Rugs, V. ill Paper, Draperies, M idlines. Wankrrs. C -mforts, Framed Pictures Mid specialties in Upholstered Furniture in their real cilors. Carpets sewed free, lining furnished without charge, ana freight Paid all the ahorr anything r We sell absolutely everything. Which l">ok do you wantT Address this way : JULIUS HINE3 & SON, Baltimore. Hd. Dept. Counterfeiting on a Farm in Cherry. On Jan. 14, Deputy United States Marshall Lapp, of Harrisburg, as sisted by Detective Guy C. Holland of Towanda, and constable F. W. Buck of Dushore, arrested Will iam Reader, a farmer of Colley Township, charged with counterfeit ing money. Spurious 5 and 10 cent pieces have been passed in that lo cality for some time. Several weeks ago Constable lluck became satisfied that Header was the man and pro cured the services of William Kraus, a butcher, who visited Reader and received some of the bad money in a deal. The officers found nine 5-cent and ten 10-cent pieces on his person, which were clearly counterfeit. They searched the premises but did not succeed in finding the dies from which the pieces were cast, but found a gasolne lamp and melting pot. Reader's housekeeper, Emma Yanney, was arrested with him and the pair were taken to Towanda, where they will have a hearing be fore United States Commissioner Mix. QOURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, BOX. E. M. DUNHAM, President Judge, Honorable# John S. Line and Jacob Meyer Associate Judges of|the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'Court and Com mon Pleas (or the County of Sullivan, have issued their precept, bearing date the 13 day of Dec. 1901. to me directed, for holding the severa courts in the Borough of Laporte, ou Monday the 24th day of Jan. at' 2 o'clock p. m. Therefore,notice is hereby given to the Coroner Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their prop er person at 'Z o'clock p. in.of said day, »ith their rolls, records, inquisitions examinations and other rememlierauces to those things to which their offices appertain to be done. And to those who are lioundby their recognizance to prosecute against prisoners who are or shall be in the jail of the said county of Sullivan, are hereby notified to be then and there to prosecute against them as will be just. J. G. COTT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Laporte, Pa.. Jan. l.'i.bjW, February Trial List. Return day, Monday February 24tli at o'clock p. ni. W. L. Woodrut VPSW. \V. Jackson et el. Xo. 62, Sept. term, 1900. Ejectment. Plea, not guilty. Mullen' | Walsh. 2 S. llofla «te Co. vs \V. Woodruf, Jackson Executor and Blanch Winifred Stimlevaot Executrix of Bernice W. Jackson, deceased. No. 67, Sept. term, I'JOO Assumpsit. I'lea, non assumpsit, payment set off etc. Cronin. | Maxwell.Mullen and Walsh. 3 Kiilcr Errison Engine Co. a corpor ation vs llenrv Brown owner or repuded owner and W. McConnell contractor. No. 4o May term, 1901. Mechanic's lien. I'lea, non assumpsit etc. Mullen. | Fredericks and Inghams. 4 Wider Errison Engine Co. a corpora tion vs Curille C. Brown and Mary l>. Brown owners or reputed owners and W. McConnell contractor. Xo. 41, May term, 1901. Mechanics lien. I'lea, nuntqitam indehtatum etc. Mullen. | Munson. 5 Wm. M, Kobbins vs Howard Lyons Xo. 1, September term, 1901. Defend ants appeal. I'lea, non assumpsit, pay ment set oil etc. Bradley. | Mullen. 6 W. W. .lacknon et el vs Walter B. Gunton. Xo. 51, September term, 1901, Trespass. I'lea, not guilty. MnlleiuV Walsh. | Mercur | Thomson. 7 W. W. Jackson et el vs Walter B Gunton. No. 52, Sept. tetm, 1901 Trcs pass. I'lea, not guilty. Mullen \ Walsh. | MercurAThomson THO3. E. KENXEDV. Froth. Froth's otlice, Laporte, Fa., Jan. 11, 1902. CONDKXsKD lIKPOKT of the condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Dushore, Pa., At close of business, Dec.lßl)9. REUOI'KCES: Loans and Discounts 5154.017 76 C. S. Boiiils to S»'cure Circulation 30,000 00 Stock Securities 17,91.i 90 Premium on U. S. Bonds 3.4H4 S7 Furniture 1,000 00 Due from Banks Approved reserve Agt 4tKWS.t 50 Kedeinptlon Fund U.S. Treasurer 'J.MioOO i Specie and Legal Tender Notes -0.J17 70 S 32H 506 LIABILITIES. Capital « .10,000 CO Surplus ami Undivided Profits 21,50! Circulation .'Hl.OOunn j Deiiosits 207.201 21 S 328,500 i state of Pennsylvania, County of Sullivan ss: i I, M. D. Swarls, Cashier of the nbon: named ; tiank. do solemnly swear that the aliovestalu ment is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. M. D. SWARTS, Cashier. Sul*cril>ed and sworn to before ine this lsih day of Dec. WOI. JOHN 11. CRONIN, Notary Public, 1 My commission expires February 27, HRk.. ; Correct—Attest: A.WALSH. ) K. G. SY LVARI A. )- Directors J NO. I). RFF.SER. ) Foley's Kidney Cure ' makes kidneys and bladder right. Why Not Trade Near Home ? A GREETING to our Friends and Customers. We are here to stay. We are here to make a success. We like the country and the people. AVe like our business and strive to increase it by all honorable means. , OUR CREED; The Best Goods and the Lowest Price. We believe in selling only such goods as give entire satisfaction. We believe what we say and say what we think. We want vou to believe what we say and that when we say it, IT'S S< i. We believe in giving One Dollar's worth for #I.OO. We are convinced that your interests and our own are closely allied. If we show you it is to your advantage to trade with us, you will give us your pat ronage. We trust that this appeal w ill tiring response and that busii ess "may open between us which may continue long, pleasantly and profitably. Careful Thinking Wise Decisions Prompt Acts Will Win Every Time. What we Claim. We claim that SI,OOO of your money w ill buy as many goods as #I,OOO of our com petitors. We carry a large, assorted stock of standard goods and sell lower than ever before. Our Stock Consists of (Beneral fllbercbanfcise OF ALL KINDS. A. E. CAMPBELL, Shunk, Pa. Ready for fall Men's, Boys and Childrens' Suits and Overcoats. DISTINCTIVE AND ORIGINAL SURPRISINGLY STYLISH. We are making a great showing of the "Vitals" Brand Clothing this season than ever before, because we find it gives far better wearing satisfaction than any other make. You can not afford to buy before inspecting our elegant line. We also carry the largest and most com plete line of Gents. Furnishings to be found in this part of the country. T. W. Carroll, DEALER IN Hats, Caps, Underwear, Sweaters, Gloves, MITTENS, TRUNKS and TRAVELING BAGS. DUSHORE, PA. To Gain "INDEPENDENCE" you must have "GOLD COIN." SECURE BOTH BY IJUYIXG STOCK IN The Copper Rock Gold Mining & Milling Co. now selling at 20 cents per share par value #I.OO nnd non-assessable. The price will shortly be advanced to 30 cents per share. The property is located 30 miles North West of Denver on the Colorado, North Western I{. li. comprising sixty (CO) acres in an established and paying mineral belt. Hail lioad at the property (giving cheap est and best transportation). Have abundance of water for all mining and milling purposes. Timber enough for the mine for many yeais to come. Shaft is now 250 leet deep and is being sunk lo 500 feet level as fast as possible and has been in Ore nearly the entire distance. The Drift already run have opened up gold bodies of both Milling and Smelting Ore, running in values from $4.'J9 to to *118.98 per tou in Hold, Silver and Copper. Send in your order now bclore stock advances, as right to raise prices without notice is reserved. GEO. F. HATHEWAY, WRITE FOB BOOKLET. » 153, Milk Street, BOSTON 1 Try The News Item Job Office Once. Fine I Printing "NEAT "~\V o KK ' \\ j ' pST ± 1 MODERN FACILITIK* M' C ill lit To Please. { PEOPLE'S NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER. rub I ta hed Mon- ] „F üb, i ~l * a °2 ' dnv, Wednesday Thur#d*f, #nd fcirtlf i ftna Friday, Is In re- | \| ril/ V?!" 1 NEW- IsKswaJtts NEW ."srsdis; of i&me, and cover- *2® highest class, ing news of the oth- ' or ▼til er three. It contains ODomini t%ll important for- all the moil Impor tik-n cable news v//\oi/ YORK YORK iW,Bi * BUNR of same date hour of golnf to also Domestic ami Foreign Correspon- ural of itence. Short Stories, hlgneat :