Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume 6. {Worth the Pricel ) V YOUR SAVINGSAREWELL P WHEN YOU EUY RELIABLE JEWELERY. X Nit wears and gives pleasure for years and 112 always worth the price paid for it. Our many j vears of business at the same stand with the same * of keeping noth : ng but reliable jewelery / a testimonial of what our goods stand for. > We intend that this store shall be first in vourC 3 thoughts when that buying reliable jewelery ques- p tion come up. Our prices have reached the bottom V j scale, they can nowhere be made lower for the J C same grade of goods. 1 Always Ready for Repairwork. 3 P Nothing but the best in repair work leaves our \ hands. To get values come here after them. S Very respectfully, C \ RETTENBURY, < S DUSHORE, PA. T HE j DUSHORE, PA. Preparation for Winter should include a call here. If unt aces. Nothing like them for house warming. Is your spare room a winter terror ? Putin our new improved furnace and live in comfort. flMumbing. i Have it done now. This is the time for examine the plumbing. We'll make the best time and do the beet work for you. ■ IHavfcware. Special low prices prevail here. No danger of infer iority. Our hardware line is as good as can be made. Steam Fittings, Stoves and Ranges, Farm Tools, Etc. (Beneral Job TKAorh, Bicycle IRepairing. The Shopbell Dry Good Co., 313 Pine Street, WILLI AMS PORT, PA. MID-WINTER CLEARANCE SALE. This means a saving on a good many articles that you have either a present or future need for. SILKS. TAILOR-MADE SUITS. One lot of Fancy Silk (or Waists, in A few Ladies' Tailor Made Suits in stripes and corded effect, all pood colors, {rood colors with full flounced skirls and for 50c, the regular price has been 75c to neat .Jackets at one third and one half oil 'B7c. the regular price. One lot Fancy Waist Silk, large part FLANNEL WAISTS, ot them this season's stvlts, worth 00c to \n assorted lot of Ladies' French $1.25, sale price 75c. These are only a Flannel Waists all new this season, in few ol the silks reduced. navv, old rose, reseda, cardinal, etc. DRESS GOODS. Your choice at one halt the market price. 10 piec s all wool Plaids and Mixed WATST PT OTW^ Suitings for 25c, reduced from 50c. six J»l™ThTd fS'e Linen, 2 pieces 45-inch all wool (.rev Serge ~ and 2 pieces 50-.nch Suiting, have hen Or ,^ lot Fu „ |s| eacl ; ed All-Linen, good (OC now' 50c. . , p . patterns, 50c quality, tor this sale 40c. One lot of plain and mixed trench G4 . illC '| l Ta hle Linen,which Dress Goods in.brown, navy, greens, Hue we | l(lve co , lsill ered a bargain at 50c, greys and fancies. 42 to 48 inches wide. now 4;,,.. These have been 75c to #1.25 all go now 70-incii rnbleached. extra heavy, very &oc. neat patterns, our 00c quality for 5 c. FURS. 70-inch Half Bleached Damask, was A leading furrier has consigned to us 75c now 67c to be closed out, a large line of medium HOUSEHOLD LINEN. and fine Marten and Fox Neck Scarfs Men's Full Fleeced Shirts and Draw and Boas, which we can offer you at ers —large sizes only—the shirts are manufacturer's prices. W'e mention one double breasted, drawers re-en forced, were item—a Marten Scarf with a cluster ot sold as a leader tor 50c, now 39c to close 8 tails, for $8.50, worth at least one-half out. Large men come and see them. more than that. Fox Scarfs 44, 60 and UNDERWEAR 80 inches long. Fur Jackets to close out 1 |. t y,,, ■ ■ „ ..,,1 VI,;I t» n .< ~ . r.i\ 1 Jot ot Men s, liHuicH <111(1 ' t ilrct h at $12.50, worth S2O. IT , - , , • 1 . 1 ' Underwear 111 broken sizes, will be closed COATS. out at a great reduction, Ladies' and Children's Cloth Coats, < >ur entire stock ol Metis, Ladies' and Jackets, etc., will be closed out at a Children's All-Wool I nderwear 10 per great sacrifice. ce,lt l 'ie regular price. The Shopbell Dry Good Co. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY.' LAPORTE. PENNA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1902. FIKST NATIONAL BANK OF DUSHORE, PENNA. CAPITAL - - $50,000. SURPLUS - • 810.000. Does'a'General Banking Business. B.W.JENNINGS, M. D. SWAKTS. President. Casliier T J. & F. H. INGHAM, ' * ATTOHHKTX-AT-LAW, Legal business attsn