Republican News Item CHAS. LGREN WlNtf, Editor. THURSDAY, DEC. 26, 1901. "FIRST OF_ALL— THE NEWS." The News Item Fights Fair IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER Published Every Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Boat of Sullivan County. IiAPOHTE, FA. Entered at the Post Office at Laporte, as second-class mail matter. Wilkesbarre, Pa.. Dec. 19.— The declaration of Congressman Henry W. !'aimer, of this city, in behalf of Col onel Watres for governor is the po- V: ical event of the week in north (•astern Pennsylvania. Congressman )'o has bad much to do public affairs. Congressman Pal - value of executive ex upon It to e of Colonel dlere I hava i former tot- wr-. AH lieutenant governor of the elate, state senator and commander of the Thirteenth reglmrnt, not to spealt of the other important positions he has filled with credit, Colonel Watres is admirably "equipped in this respect for the office of governor, and ; would inspire confidence throughout the commonwealth His thorough legal training leaves nothing to be desired on the score of his entire fitness for the Important office of chief magis trate of the commonwealth. Nothing is more certain that the statement of Congressman Palmer that "existing conditions in the poli tics of Pennsylvania make It neces , sary for the Republicans to nominate a candidate whose public record will be accepted by the people of the state as an evidence of what he may do should he be placed in control of the executive department." The passage of the notorious "ripper" bill in the late legislature, and the profligate character of the entire session, which welcomed all manner of corrupt and Iniquitous schemes, from the "ripper" to the "trolley grab," and acted upon them with alacrity, while measures devised for the public good were neglected or Ignored, show the im portance of having an executive whose unshaken integrity, as proved by his record, could be relied upon to halt dishonesty at the state capital. With Governor Watres In the ex ecutive chair the interests of the state would be safeguarded, and the people might rest assured that no crooked project would meet with his approval. There is a pronounced feeling through out the state to the effect that any body who had aught to do with shap ing the work of the legislature of 1901 need not expect to return to Harris burg, and party managers will prove short-sighted if they fail to recognize this fact. Not only this, but the men and influences by which that legisla ture was controlled are discredited, and It will be the height of folly if they or any of them are put forward for promotion in a popular election. A REPRESENTATIVE CANDIDATE. Republicans everywhere are anxious for party success, but they demand candidates who will command support on their merits. Above all, there Is an earnest demand for a representa tive candidate tor governor, one who will not imperil the chances of all the other party candidates. If an un desirable factional or machine man is put forward for governor next year he will influence the result in every district and every county in the state. As already stated, this will affect congressmen, legislators and United States senator. It will do more than this. It will place in jeopardy the election of Republican county com mlssloners, district attorneys, treas urers and other county officers. For this reason there is a substantial de mand In every county in the state in favor of such a candidate* as Colonel Watres, whose party regularity is un challenged. and whose public record Is untarnished. That he would unite the party in next year's fight is as cer tain as that he would lead it to vic tory. SENATOR CAMERON'3 FRIENDS. I have a'ready mentioned, in this correspondence, the friendship exist ing between ex-Senator Cameron and Colonel Watres. It in Interesting, in view of the frequency with which the name of Mr. Cameron has been men tioned for governor. That veteran ot Republican veterans, Hon. Thomas V. Cooper, of Delaware county, who L widely known as editor, statesman and stalwart, has kept the Cameron flag flying for some time with unfal tering devotion, and is, I understand, still ready to do battle for his old time chief, provided the latter say-: the word. This week another inter esting phase of the Cameron candidacy was presented in the statement made on the subject by Congressman George F. Iluff, of Grconsburg. Mr Hull is quoted as saying "I am to.- Don Cameron. I do not know that he will run. but if he can be induced t > be a candidate I will support him ' "Do you care to say in what respec the candidacy of Cameron would ap peal to you?" was asked. "lie is a Republican," promptly re plied Congressman Huff, one the people of the state know and in whoni they repose the fullest confidence. Cameron is a man of distinctive type, of affairs, of unquestioned honor whose integrity has never been ques tioned. He would not be a party to the disgraceful chicanery, the thor oughly detestable methods which in the past few years have disrupted the Republican party and scandalized it In the eyes of the people of the com monwealth. Such a man must be nominated if the next governor of Pennsylvania Is to be a Republican, and what I have said of Cameron s , eligibility holds equally good as to Mr. Watres." The opinions of Congressman Pal mer and Congressman Huff, rep. e senting as they do northeastern and western Pennsylvania, are significant, i They show that Republican sentiment is strongly In favor of a representative candidate for governor, a man lll;(» ( Colonel Watres, whose nomination I : would insure success for the party in : the state and in every county and 1 J district thereof. S'l itEPHON. DO YOU SHOOT? If you do you should send your name and address on a postal card for a WINCHESTER GUN CATALOGUE. IT'S FREE. It illustrates and describes all the different Winchester Rifles, Shotguns and Ammunition, and contains much valuable information. Send at once to the | Winchester Repeating Arms Co.. New Haven, Conn. XHIfIS is onl\? coming, but we are here with the greatest line of Kmas goods ever seen in this section of the country. We give prompt and careful attention to mail or ders: r-o if you can't come, write us about what you want a::d we will do the rest. "We say little but mean much," when we say that we keep everything in the House Furnishing line at prices that Mean Much to You. HOLCOMBE & LAUER, Undertaking," ®UBbOVC, *B. SAXE BLOCKS. LaPorte Clothing Store. Men's Youths' and Child ren's FALL CLOTHING. Christmas Goods! Selling at Moderate Prices. Our Great SHOE Bargain Sale is now in Progress. Youths' and Boys' Suits at Very Low Prices. Ladies Coats and Capes All grades and prices. Special bargains. HARRY ZAX. NEW EDITION RH new pLATES THROUGHOUT BUM Now 25,000 NEW WORDS 9 Phrases, Etc. |KjlQ| Rich Bindings 2364 Pages «# 5000 Illustrations [||^| Prepared under the supervision ofW. T. Harris, Ph.D., LL.D., United States lull Commissioner of Education, assisted by alarge corps ofcompetent specialists, Ha' The International was Jirst issued in iSqo , succeeding the Unabridged." HarflH The New Edition of International was issued in Oct ., IQOO. Get latest andbest. MPJJ V / Also Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with Scottish Glossary, etc. " First class in quality, second class io size." is? —->• HAj DEPENDED LARGELY CN THF. GILLOTT MANUFACTURE. The most advanced ideas car not 1 e successful unless they be assisted l>y proper instruments. Mr. C,iK tv the first to devise pi ns to meet the requirements of vertical writers, ami lie nov 1: si new series, making in all, SIX PENS FOR VERTICAL WRITINC. 104S, VEiiTiCULAR. 1066, OFFICIAL. ~ . » * L m n 'e U ' 104 U. VtiK t (GRAPH. 1086, RECISTRY. 'UOS•'".'ITIOTIS\ JOSEPHGIILCTTS^^V 3 Muuistiiipt ) -*• AiiSWIUmNi 1017, fc».'JLTISCR!PT. 1C67, ARROWHEAD. For S!.ANT WRITINO use- 404. 604 E. I- , 303, 603 E. P., 601 E. F. Ihe QTTAI.ITY :itid MOST IIUKAHI.K, therefore I, HAST KXI'I'.NSIVU. 91 JOHN CTRECT, JOSEPH CILCOTT & SONS, New YORK. NCMRV HOK. SOU AGKNT- Deafaess Cannot be Ccr.4 Foley'S by local application**, a?s they cannot refieh the 1 *j J t« JJ • diseased portion of the ear. There id only one HialrM KfOOtyS and DlaOuCf flgfllt* way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitu- I)l,n't Tulmceo Spit ni«l Smoke lour lite A\\H y. tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in- , , flamed condition of the mucous lining of the "° o u, t tobacco easily and forever, be niaj? Eustachian Tube. When tais tube getHlinflaraed lull of life, nerve tim? • ik'or, take No-To ▼on have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear- Bac, the wonuer- worker, that luaUes weak men i ing, and when it is entirely cloaca Deafness i3.,tron;.r. All di ugcints, Goc or Co, Chieayo ci Isew \ ork. I nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Je nothing but an inflamed condition ot' Ooirt Tolwcco Spit and Sn»«ke Your Mfc Awny. tt w™vsa l One 8 Hundred Dollars for any "" s > ily '"-ro ; case of i>eufiiess (caused by catarrh) th:;t can- u • ,u,,of Jlfo. n«'» vc mid r, t. ,I «• l not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, fcieud for H • • the wonder worker. that makes weak men oircuiars, lre«. str nu. Ail druggists, f»oe or Ji. Curefruaran- I F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. teed Booklet and sample free. Address tiw T)ru<*pist*« 75c. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago New York. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Williamsport & North Branch Railroad TXIMIDH TABLE. In effect Monday. June IT, 1901. Read down Read up P. M. AXIA.M.P>II'MP MA.M. A XI STATIONS. 135 AXI A XI. !• XI IXIP XI PM lO lO -I) 520 420 2 12' 12 sfi 710 Halls 9 .V. 1145 400 446 flt)2:t f.V2.i f42;t 215 1 100 171.*. I'eiinsdnle ... 050 .1 40 857:f4 4] ; 1032 530 4322 24 110 7 551, llllfcließVille... yll lj 30 34K4 32 10 40 543 4 10 230 808 Picture Kneks.. OK3 11 U2 337 422 f1044 I*4 44 S 01! ...Lyons Xlilis... fHBO fit l» 333 1 15 >lo4l'. 1 111 2 3ti 808 ....t'liamiiuni ... 028 111*. 331 411 1053 1532 42 814 ...Olcn Xlinvr... 922 11 (-0 3254 03 1101 ?501 ; 8 22..Straw).ridRf.... {VIS 1101 13 15 355 111 00j !, ...Beeehtilen 10 09 flO 57 350 I II 10 510 2 541 830 ..XluiiryYullev. 9 oti 10 M 3 18 355 ' 11 10 5163 00 8 35 1 ... Souestown ... 900 10 47 3123 49 I . ! 115 31 Nordinont... 10 2*. 332 a S' 11 15 48 Mokoiua flO 07 112 >• >• "5 =i 11 ™ p SO Lai«>rte 1001 3 09: - 3 § s 12 07: f»>o/ I Riupdale 1949 , 254 = e ai I S. 12 10 ft! 10 . ..Berniee Kotid.. I*9 10 245 -7 ; .? |P. M.IPM: P.M.I A.M. PX > i 1 • ! .. i : , i STAGE LIN'KS Philadelphia i& Reading, Lehigh Valley Stage leaves Ilugheevill oflice lor «'"1 New York Central mileage will he Lairdsville, Mengwe and Philipsdaledaily aoce P te(l onl .v lor through passengers trav- Wilson, Benver Lake and I'rihley on eling from Halls lo SatterHeld or Satter- Tuesdav, Thursday and Saturday at 11.150 lo llalls. Stage leaves (Jlen Rlawr lor Hillsgrove Ihe genera' oUlees of the company are and Forksvil'. at 11 02 a. m. located at Hugheeville. Pa. Stage lea' es Muney Valley for Unity- li. HAKVEY WELCH, ville. North Mountain and Lungerville s d TO\vv«Kvi/'livi? t M»r H i l } K ' 1 i vill M, , * a daild at 1119 a. in. SKND ' (,P "' MRr " ""shesville.Pa. RE YOU GGiNG TO BUILD a Nfxy l NF iA I «Iw 112 J ili uuj iLj OR LAY ?' r "v. r 11.00 L,-: IN THE OLD ONE? If so, it u il' p:v v you to get some of our Darft W,eC'b vioorlUG Kiln dried, mntchetl si.K-s ir. i 1 !o!iu\v backed and bored, MAP] K ?>•••: 'U a'.CH. It will out wesr 112 .> '-...1;, y fiuo's rind is much smoother, nicei'ir.ti • Also all sizes in hemlock limber, si.ling, ceiling, lath etc. ' Soft Shoes for nard service. They fit, THAT'S IT. $3.00 Shoes for 2.75; $2.75 Shoes for 2,50 XLhc I tlch Bizv Sboc Store Sells Shoes that are desirable, healthful and fashionable. J. S. HARRINGTON. OPERA HO'Goi. BXjOCIEC, t VAlsnoiiFu PA. Cbippewa Ximc Utflne. i Lime furnished in car load lots, delivered at Right Prices. Your orders solicited. Kilns near Hughesville Penn'a. M. E. Reeder, LAPORTE, PA Anyone sending n Mcotoh and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention *8 probably patentable. Coniinunlea* I Hons strictly confidential. HuncJbookon I'ateuts ; sent tree, oldest aironcy for securing patents. Patents taken through Muntt & Co. receive special notice, without ctmruo, in the Scientific American. !! A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of anv pclontltic Journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, fl. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 3e,Broadway New York Btauch Office. 626 If BU, Wn*t)iiwtuu, li. C. LIME At the OLD OPP KILNS Located near Hughesville. This is the purest lime on I the ridge. We wili compete with any dealer on car load lots delivered on the W. &N. B. R. R. with our own cars, giving purchaser ample time to unload. All correspondency will , receive prompt attention. Address, A. T. ARMSTRONG, . SONESTOWN, PA. PAINT «r t 'o s the PAINT your house, barn and roofs. Prices are reasonable. Quality guaranteed. Write for prices and sam ple cards. United States Paint Co., WILLIAMSPORT, PA.