vcpubt'can News llcm CHAS. LOREN WING, Editor. THURSDAY, N< »V. 14, 1901. p "FIRST OF ALL—THE NEWS." The News Item Fights Fair P IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER Published Every Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. A.t the County Seat of Sullivan County. liAPOHTE. PA. Entered at the Post Office at Laporte, as second-class mail matter. Admiral Caillard Will Re-Embark Ma rines at Mitylene and Return to Greek Waters— Diplomatic Rela tions Resumed. Paris, Nov. 11.—The French foreign office has announced that the Sultan has signed an irade for the execution of his engagements with the French government, and that the Franco -1 urkish dispute is now at an end. , t Tewfik Pasha, Ottoman minister of foreign affairs, wrote a letter to M. l'p.pst, councillor of the French em bassy in Constantinople, notifying him of the signing of the irade, which, while settling the original French demands, accepts the fresh demands as set forth in a dispatch from Constantinople on Friday, together with an additional clause by which the Sultan pledges himself to consider as authorized in full right the foundations, extensions, construction and repairs of the schools and religious establishments which France may desire to carry out if the I'orte is advised of her intentions, and makes no objection within five months. Franca has thus received full satis faction, and M. Delcasse, on the re ceipt of M. Uabst's dispatch yesterday morning telegraphed him to inform Tewfik Pasha that diplomatic relations h id been resumed, and that M. Bapst should consider himself as regularly charged with the affairs of the em bassy. Instructions were also sent to Ad miral Caillard at Mitylene to re-em bark the marines and to return to Creek waters, which is understood to mean the vicinity of the island ol Syra. Admiral Caillard will remain in the Levant some time longer. M. Constans, the French ambassador, will return to Constantinople very shortly. The additional clause was conceded at the request of France in oilier to prevent future difficulties, such as Turkish provincial author! ties have often raised, either on their own initiative or in consequence of in stigation by the Porte. MINERS' STRIKE AVERTED The Temple Iron Company Reinstated Black-Listed Men. Scranton, Pa., Nov. 11. —The com munity is greatly relieved by the ac tion of the Temple iron company ID reinstating the alleged black-listed men and thereby averting a strike of its -5,000 employes. What prompted the company to change its posltioj cannot be ascertained, as none of the officials will discuss the matter. Presi dent Nlcholls, of the Mine Workers, expressed the opinion yesterday that the Temple company made the con cession at the instance of the other big companies, who feared the possi bility of a general strike being precipi tated. To Make Farmers of Indiana. Washington, Nov. 11. —Governor Murphy, of Arizona, advocates the sale and settlement of the large In dian reservations within the territory, wilh the possible exception of the Navajo reservation in northwestern Arizona, and the government con struction of reservoirs for water stor age for irrigation in suitable localities, with canals leading to lands allotted the Indians. The governor says the latter action, in which Indian labor could be largely utilized, would help to make farmers of the Indians, and that further maintenance of the tribal relations as now conducted and the retention of reservation agencies around which the Indians cluster and live in idleness on government rations most seriously retard the civilization of the Indians. New Jersey Congress of Mothers. Trenton, N. J., Nov. 11. —The first annual meeting of the New Jersey Congress of Mothers closed here on Saturday. The session was held in the auditorium of the State School. Resolutions were adopted favoring tna establishment of local mothers' clubs and agitating the establishment of juvenile courts for the separate trials of children. These officers were elected: President, Edwin V. Grice, Uiverton; vice presidents, Mrs. E. M. Thatcher, Florence, and Mrs. Harry Lambert. Salem; recording secretary, Mrs. Harris G. Phillips, Plainfield; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Alex ander Marcy, Riverton; treasurer Mrs. A. O. Dayton, Camden; auditor, Mrs. Lida Griscom, Woodbury. Dying of Hiccoughs. Mt. Holly, N. J., Nov. 11.—Adam Gibson, aged 75 years, residing at ilucto, a colored settlement near Mt. Holly, is dying from hiccoughs, with which he has been afflicted for several days. Mr. Gibson is a local Methodist preacher. Three years ago he lost Ills wife, who was burned by a flra which started in their home. Forest Fire Near York. York, Pa., Nov. 11. —A big forest flre is raging along the river hills of York county, near Accomac. The flames broke out on Friday night from some unknown cause, and as everything in dry as tinder they soon were beyond control, and spread rapidly along tho high hills and the ravines. IN RE; linfrHe of Polly C. Stemback ■ it? iVvitison Township, ~ uiliva County, Pennsylvania, deceased. To Addie E. Bushuell, Alice G. Noble and Alva G. Noble her husband, I/, L. St'einhack, Irene ilazzen, Nellie G. Rob bins and Taylor Robbins her husband. Belle llouseknecht and Frank lfduse knecht her husband, and Lafayette 1). Steinback, heirs of said Polly C.Steinback and all others iuterestid, take notice: That the Orphans' Court of Sullivan County has granted a rule upon said par ties in interest to come into open court on the 9th day of December next, at 3 o'clock p. m. that being the first day of December term of court, to accept or re fuse to take the property described in the writ of partition awarded ill this case at the appraised value put upon it by the jury of inquest; and also to show cause why the real estate should not be sold in case said parties or any of them should neglect or refuse to take the same at the valuation thereof, which is $92!).00. When and where you may attend if von think proper. H. W. OSLER, Sheriff. Sheriffs office, Laporte, Pa., Oct. 28,1901. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas ofSullivan County, and to me directed and delivered, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Laporte I'a., on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER IG, 1901, at one o'clock p.m., the following describ ed property, viz:' Lot JVo. 1. All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the Township of Fox, County of Sullivan and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a post in the centre of the road at the South West corner ol Marshall Ramsey's land; thence Hast forty-one and one-half rods to a post in the line of W. J. Randall's land; thence South along said Randall's land fifty'six rods to a post; thence West forty rods to a post, the South East corner of land be longing to Louise Warren; thence North along the public road fifty-six rods to a post, the place of beginning; containing fifteen acres, be the same more or less, and being a part ol the Jonathan Pen rose warrant. Having erected thereon a small bank barn and an orchard of fruit trees. All improved except about five acres. Lot No. 2. All that certain lot, piece or parcel of and lying and being in the Township of Fox, County of Sullivan and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a sugar maple and cornerofthe Penrose warrants,thence North eighty six perches to a post; thence South eighty degrees West by lands of John Fuller thirty ami one-half perches to a maple; thence South six degrees East twenty six and three-fourths perches to the center of Rock Run road: thence -South fifty degrees West along said road lortv perches to a post; thence North eighty-seven degrees West forty-one per ches to a stone comer; thence South eighty seven degrees West twenty-six and one-half perches to a post in North line Andrew Ilody warrant; thence South eighty-seven degrees East ninety-three perches to the place of beginning; con taining thirty acres be the same more or less. Having erected thereon one small iranie bam and log stable, other outbuild ings and carriage shed, well of water, orchard of fruit trees. All improved ex cept about five acres. Seized, taken into execution and to he sold as the property of Louisa Warren at the suit of Frank B. Warren vs Loui Warren and Frank B. Wanen (use) Geo. E. Walker. H. W. OSLEIi, Sheriff. A. J. BRAUI.KY, Atty. Sheriffs office, Laporte, Pa., Oct. 21,1901. Sheriff's £ale. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common I'leas of Sullivan County, and to me directed anil delivered, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Laporte I'a., on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following describ ed property, viz. Ml that certain lot piece or parcel ol land situated in the Township of Cherry, County ofSullivan and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a corner, the same being the South West corner of lands of Tlios. Fin nell; thence North thirty-four ami one fourth degrees East l'orty-four perches along landsof John Utz to a cornerjthence North fitty-five and three-fourth degrees West eighteen perches along lands of said Utz to a corner; thence North about thirty lour and one-fourth degrees East five and six-tenths perches along lands of Drugan to a corner: thence South thirty-three and one-half degrees East three and three tenths perches along lands of William Kinsley to a corner; thence north sixty six degrees East eighteen and six tenths perches along lands ol William Kinsley to a corner; thence South eighty-eight de grees East, eight and eight-tenths perches along lands of the said Kinsley's; thence South sixty-four degrees East thirsy-two and six tenths perches along said Kins ley's lands to a cornrs; thenceS.72 degrees East twenty-fous perches along said Kin sley's lands to a corner; thence South seve.ity-oiie degrees East forty-tour and six-tenths perches along lands of said Kinsley to a cornei; thence South thirty lour and one fourth degrees West seventy four perches along lands of said Kinsley and John G. Holmes to a corner; thence North fifty-five and three-fourths degrees West ninety perches, nlong lands of I hos. Fit 111 el I to a corner; thence South thirty lour and one-fourth degrees seventeen perches along lands of said Finnell to a corner; thence North fifty-five ami three fourths degrees West ten perches along said Finneli's land to a corner, the place of beginning; containing forty-three acres and forty-eight perches of land he the same more or less. And being all im proved and under a good state of cultiva tion. well watered and having thereon erected a large frame house, frame barn, with large apple orchard and other fruit trees growing thereon. Seized, taken into execution ami to be sold as the property of Elmer L.and Ar mintie E. Weaver at the suit of Ernestina Seeman. H. W. OSLER.Sheriff WAI.SH, Attorney. Sheriffs office, Laporte, IV. Oct. 22, 'Ol. DO YOU SHOOT? If you do you should send your name and address on a postal card for • WINCHESTER TGUN CATALOGUE. IT'S FREE. 1 It illustrates and describes all the different Winchester Rifles, Shotguns and ; Ammunition, and contains much valuable information. Send at once to the Winchester Repeating Arms Co., Mew Haven, Conn. WHEN YOU GO iflk • ' HUNTING FOR J BARGAINS W THIS IS THE jfff PLACE TO COME The Bargain Season in our Store is Open form Jan'y Ist to Dec. 31. Our line of Rockers £an not be excelled; they are stylish, durable and cheap. The greatest line of Sewing Machines ever in this county. We carry the following makes "'Standard," "Holcomb & Lauer," "Demorest," "Manhatten" and "Seamstress." HOLCOMBE & LAUER, SAXE BLOCKS. LaPorte Clothing Store. Men's Youths' and Child ren's FALL CLOTHING. This department not yet weeks old is conducted on trade winning principles and success is assured. Cor rect clotsing. Polite attention. Money back if you want it, certenly, but we are sure the clothing will be better for you, every time, For instance, Men's $6 suits for $3, $8 suits for $5 $lO suits for 7.50 and so on will be found reductions. Youths' and Boys' Suits at Very Low Prices. Splendid values in Women's New Fall Suits, Skirts and Waists. Some early fall display of dress and walking skirts is attracting wide attention. A LARGE VARIETY OF SHOES 35 per cent cheaper than any other store. Ladies Coats and Capes All grades and prices. Special bargains. HARRY ZAX. Trial List. December Term. Return day, Monday Dec. 9.1901 at 2 p.m. | George M. Thrasher vs .lolm Biddlr and Wm. Weaver. 1. No. 158, Miiv term, 1890. Ejectment, plea "not guilty." | Cronin. Lizzie Drabant vs 11. W. Osier. 2. No. 4.'). September term, 1899. Trespass, plea, ''not guilty." Mullen. | Inphams The Lyon Lumber Co. vs !.. T. Heichart. 3. No. 32, September term, 1900. Feigned Issue, plea, "payment." Mullen. | Bradley. W. I. Woodruff vs W. W. .Ifu-knon. 4. No. G2, Sepiemher term, 1900. Kjectment, plea, "not guilty.'' Mullen. | Walsh. Rider Ericsson Engine Co. a corporation vs Henry Brown owner or reputed owner and \Y. McG'onnell contractor. 5. No. 40, May term. 1901. Mechanic* Lien, plea, "non assumpsit." Mullen. | Frederickslngliams Rider Kricsson Engine Co a corporation, vsCarrile C. Brown and Mary I). Brown owners and W. Mct 'onnell, contractor. 0. No. 41, May term, 1901. Mechanics Lien, plea, "nuimpuu indeb itatuin'- etc. Mullen. | Mtinson. Charles"*A. Jayne and Lliancy T Li Hey, lately doing business as Lillev A; .layne vs \\ .W.Jackson, executor and Blanch W. Sturdevant, executrix of Bernice W. .fackson, deceased. 7. No. 77, May term, 1901, Assumpsit, plea, "non assumpsit, pay me-t." etc. C'ronnin. I Walsh. W. .1. LAWRKNCK, I'rothy. Troths, oilice, l-aporte l'a.,* let. 26, 1901. Uuji t 'luliui'co sjutaml rtiiioau tour i<> j 4% 1 To quit tobn vo r\mU.v and forever, be mag : netic. lull of lnii, 1:1 5; id .igor, ta'.e NOTO I Bac, the wonder- worker, mat makes v talc meu | strong. All druggists, r> ft e or 91. Cure sninrnn 1 teed. Booklet and Rumple fr
e in the Jail of the said county of Sullivan, are hereby notified to be then and there to prosecute against them as will be lust. H. W. OPLER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Laporte, Pa.„ Oct. 21, 1901 Deafness Cannot be Cared by local application)!. as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one wav to cure Deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube getsllnflamed you have a Tumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless tho inflammation can be taken out and this tubo restored to its normal onndition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition oi the mncous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (eaused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. tat" Drnweists. 75e. Hall's Family Pills are the beat. Anyone fending n stretch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention *B probnlily patentable. Communlca , tlonsstrletly confidential. Handbook oil Patents ! cent free. Oldest ngency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive »pfdol notice, without charge, in the Scientific Jftncricati. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. J.areest cir filiation of any selentltlc Journal. Terms. 13 ■ year; four months, |L Sold by all newsdealer*. i MUNN &Co. 38,8r0 » o 3454 82 10 40 543 440 2 301 NO3 Picturt' liocks.. 953 11 22 387 422 flOll i4 44 I HOC. ...Lyons Mills..* f9 30 fl 1 Ih 3 38' 4 15 flO-M 446 230. HOB ....Chamouiii ... 1115,331 411 j 10 68 153 242 814 ...(ilen Mawr... 922 11 09 325 403 1101 (501 I 822 ..Struwhridgo.... Ml 3 11 01 .fS 15i 355 i I 'llO6 | ...BeechGlcn f9 09 flo 57 3 50. ! 11 10 510 251 8 30..MuncyValley. 900 10 54 318 355 ! 11 10 510 300 8 35 1 ... Sollestowil ... 900 10 47 3123 49 I 1 11111 531 Nordmont... 10 28; ,3 32 a £; 1148 15 48 Mokoma 110 07' 112 <2 >• ■a V 1-1 SO 550 LaiK.rte 10 M ,3 09 5 5 5 S: 12 07 Hio7 Hinsdale 112 949 251 c = ® j 55 12 1(1 f616 i ..Berniee Road.. 112 9 40, i2 45 5, % stage LINES Philadelphia & Reading, Leliigh Valley Stnge leaves Hughesvill r,ost office for and New York Central milea-e will he Lairdeville, Mengwe and Philipsdaledaily acce P tetl on 'y tor through passengers trav- VVilson, Heaver Lake and Fribley on eling from Halls to Satterlield or Satter- Tuesdav, Thursday and Saturday at 11.30 tle Jd to Halls. Stage leaves Glen Mawr tor Hillsgrove The general offices of the company are and Forkevil 1 .- ut 11 02 a. in. located at Hugheeville, Fa. Stage lea-, es Muncy Valley for Unity- »• HARVEY WELCH. ville, .North Mountain and Lungervifle h d TO«'KNF\n 'fv!^Miv I1 H?'h Vill 'ii P "i; daild at 11 19 a. m. TOWN SEND, Gen. M Mr„ K r„ Hngheavine.ra. RE V 0 TO EUILD A r*''"'" / r r '"vncn e Anc ( vi .-auoti OR I,AY HAW ILOORB IN THE OLD ONE? ! If so, it v. j',' p;y ye: to get forne of our IDarb Moc') ;fioorino Kiln dried, mntv.he..: si n ' - '■» Is. Hollow backed and bored, MAPLE A s 112 ; Lit. It will out weai r. o ■■ .m y v>is rr>v n th n soft wood flooring. A.i . i in by Jennings Eros., Lopez, Pa. Also all sizes in hemlock lumber, si ting, ceiling, lath etc. i r ; ■■ -fe!; U x Soft Shoes fc:* service. They fit, THAT'S IT. $3.00 Shoes ~;r 1" sl. 3 Shoes for 2.50 XLbe VS) f>l .it X'joc Store Sells Sl.o s :h t an c'.esirable, healtha i < >k t.-.s :ionab!e. J. 3. i A .[.'JIGTON. OFES V I LO CT3 ii BLOCK, j V 1 'I r ■ • / v J'• * j * A K , .. t.• i, Ij* iA. Luxuries on a price-leve] with necessities—over tho Le high Valley R. R. to the Pan- American Exposition. i Gbippcwa Xtmc Iftflne. Lime furnished in car load lots, delivered at Right Prices. Your orders solicited. Kilns near Hughesville, Penn'a. M. E. Reeder, LAPORTE, PA f3 Weeks For 25