Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, August 01, 1901, Image 5

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    Republican News Item.
,THURSDAY, APfi. j, 1901.
THE"" P arv
GREAT American
•— — Exposition.
May to
November, 1 y u 1 •
Make arrangements now
for your Summer Vacation,
and join one of the Special
Low Rate personally con
ducted excursions
via the
Lehigh Valley R.R.
The Pioneer Niagara Falls Ex
cursion Route.
County Seat Indices.
—Maj. Isaac Bruner of Muncy, is
rusticating in town.
-Sheriff Osier was transacting
l.usiness in Williamsport Tuesday.
—Atty. S. B. Karns and family of
Beaton, visited friends in town last
\\ eek.
—The Laporte Summer Normal
School closes u very successful term
this week.
—A large attendance greatly en
joyed the social dance given in the
Mokoma Pavilion on Tuesday eve
—.Mrs. E. B. Powell and little son
Warrensvilie, visited with La
porte friends the early part of this
—Stewart Chase of Sinnainahoning
1 a., was shaking hands with old
lime friends in town several days
last week.
—.Miss Mollie Keeler of New
York, who has been spending sev
eral week at her father's home at
this place, left on Wednesday for
Buffalo, to visit the Pan American.
—Misses Maine Harris, of Wilkes
Bnrre, Elsie Lawrence of Dushore,
ami Dollie Sturdevant of Lopez, are
guests of Misses Grrce and Eva Law
—The Seventh Annual Conven
tion of the P. <). S. of A. of Sullivan
County, will be held at Nordmont,
Pa., August ;t, BIOL Rev. D. E.
Itupley, National Chaplain, will be
t here.
—John Kirk, who was placed in
the county jail several weeks ago
for refusing to pay $1.20 tax, and
who was recently captured by Miss
Jna Osier while trying to escape from
jail, has now been discharged, hav
ing had his tax paid by some friend
who wanted his service painting a
house near Est el la.
A Ministerial Association was or
ganized in Laporte, last Friday.
Officers elected were, Pres. Rev. J.
T. Bradford; Sec'y. Rev. Otho
Brant, 1). I>. Treasurer, S. B. Bid
lack. Tlie meetings are to be held
weekly on Monday at 2. p. in.
—The entertainment given in the
Baptist church Tuesday evening by
Miss Jennie Laura Keefe, soprano,
and Miss Ada Amelia Chase, reader,
was greatly enjoyed by a well plead
ed audience. Both ladies showed
marked ability in their line of art
and measured fully up to the ex
pectation of their hearers. Laporte
would gladly welcome this musical
and literary treat at any future date.
—At the home of Mr. W. J. Law
rence, Monday evening was given a
delightful lawn social by the Misses
to their many friends and
associates of Laporte. Large lights,
flowers and evergreen decorations
added beauty and art to the green
lawn, which was graced with wick
er chairs and seats. Although oblig
ed to resort to the parlor# of the
house tai-ause of the storm, yet no
pleasure was lost, for humorous
games, guessing contests, jokes, mu
sic and songs kept a continual and
hearty laughter, known only to a
jolly concourse of young people,
reigning throughout the evening.
Ice cream, cake and other delicacies
were served. Near the close of the
entertainment, the subject of an or
ganization of a Literary Society, for
for the young people, of Laporte, 1
was very profitably and encourage
ingly discussed. Each of the thirty
one young ladles and gentlemen,
as they departed for their homes,
heartily expressed their appreciation
and gratitude for the excellent time
and high order of entertainment
given them.
—The Laporte Lumber Company
operating at Jakersville in the man
ufacture of turned articles has dis
solved partnership and John J.Web
ster has purchased the interests of
Messrs R. J. Yothers, ll.N.Nell'and
Austin Rainey, and enters into par
tenership with M. A. Rosencrants
of the former company. The busi
ness will be conducted under the
same name of the old company.
The Philadelphia Inquirer of Mon
day published a two column cut of
Miss Ina Osier showing her in ' .ie
act of holding a fugitave priso .er
captive on top of a fence wl re
she caught John Kirk, who "s
--caped from the jail several d ys
ago while plumbers were at work on
the jail and neglected to give it pr..per
care when going out. Miss Osier
seeing the prisoner running from the
jail started in pursuit, caught a firm
hold on him and clung on like a
porous plaster until assistance arriv
ed. Miss Osier is now figuring quite
conspicuously in the press for her
bravery and prints her statement of
the incident as follows:
"I reached the fence just in time
to catch hold of his leg as he was
about to drop down on the opposite
side, and 1 hung onto that leg like
grim death. I knew if my bold
loosenened lie would escape. I was
a little frightened when he threaten
ed to kill me, but I was determined
to hold onto him until help came,
lie reached down several times and
struck me in the face and threatened
to kill me if I did not let go, but I
held fast until assistance came."
Two young ladies who are attend
ing the Summer School were doom
ed to remain in the town of Laporte
over Sunday. <>n Saturday after
noon they saw their landlord start
out equipped with fish pole and
basket and without waiting for an
invitation Misses May and Bessie
took the opportunity togo fishing
and started for the scene of encounter.
They cast their line and sat by the
water's edge waiting long and
patiently. At last a bite came ; it
was a bass and it was pulled out in
triumph. By and by there was a
pull on the other ladies' line, she
hauled it up, and horror of horrors,
there was a cat fish. Then a lively
scene took place. Both were afraid
to take it from the hook. At length
the last mentioned lady summoned
courage, wrapped .her hand iu the
folds of her skirt and removed Mr.
Cat Fish. After debating long and
earnestly on what to do with it they
finally made a basket of a hanker
chief and entombed the future break
fast therein. After eating heartily
of it they were unable to get to school
early Monday morning. * *
R. S. Starr is home from Will
iamsport Commercial College.
Miss Lottie Wilson of William
sport, is standing her vacation with
Miss Ada Hall.
Walter liazen, who is employed
at the Crestmont Jnn, at Eagles
mere, spent Saturday night in town.
Misses Mable Deemer and I'earl
Weill, of William.-poi'l, are s {.tiling
in town.
The festival held on Saturday
evening was very successful, over
s">o being cleared. A large number
of people from various places were
present, and a general go,>d tint • en
St. John Protestant Episcopal
Church, ninth Sunday after Trinity.
The Rev. Otho Brant, 1), I). Rector,
will preach at II a. m. Morning
Prayer and sermon, subject, "Right
thinking and doing." There will be
celebration of the Holy Comuimu
nion. At 7:.'io p. in. Evening Pray
er and sermon, subject, "The Pow
erful Christian." Interesting mu
sic by the choir. All are most cor
dially invited to participate ill the
above services.
Bucknkll Univkksitv, John
Howard Harris, President.
College, leading to degrees in Arts,
Philosophy and Science.
Academy, a preparatory school for
young men and boys.
Institute, a boarding school for
young women.
School of Music, with graduating
Art Studio, well equipped,
For catalogue, address the Regis
trar, WM. c, GBETZI NOKlt,
Lewisburg, Pa.
For sale, acres of hardwood
timbered laud joining Laporte Boro,
on the Eagles Mere road. Also
house and lot in the Boro of Ia»-
1 porte, known as the John Green
shop, on easy terms. Apply to Mrs.
J. T. Brewster, Laporte, Fa.
Republican County Committee Name
Monday, August 10, for Convention
Pursuant to a call of the County
Chairman the Republican County
Corimitteemen met at the Court
House in Laporte on Monday and
transacted the usual routine of busi
ness brought before them.
Owing to official engagement, Co.
Chairman F. P. Vincent was not
present to call the meeting to order,
whereupon John C. Schand was
selected to preside over the meeting
and W. C. Mason to fill the seat of
recording secretary. A roll call of
the committee showed the following
Bernice—John Schaad.
Cherry—B.C. B. Kishinka.
Colley—O. 0. Barns.
Dushore—ll. N. Osier.
Davidson —D. H. Lorah.
Elkland—O. H. McCarty.
Forks—E. It. Warburton.
Fox—S. U. Morgan.
Forksville—John Itandall
Laporte Boro.—W. C. Mason.
Laporte Twp.—Bay Kessler.
Lopez—Wm. J. McCartney.
Shrewsbury—B. W. Bennett.
After roll call the members at once
began the selection of responsible
men to serve as a vigilance commit
tee in their respective districts.
Bernice. —Thos.Schell,Wm. Brown
and Archibald Hay.
Cherry.—Cuy Baker, Henry Huff
master, Levi B. Yonkin.
Colley.—Beubin Hunsinger, J. T.
Forbs, C. H. Barns.
Dushore.—James Cook, M. A.
Scureman, Chas. Molyneux.
Davidson. —Sam Eddy, Thos. S.
Simmons, L. M. King.
Eagles Mere.—Fred Peale, E. V.
Ingham, Sylvester Burkholder.
Elk land.—Albert Kay, Bert Lu
ther, Elsworth Jennings.
Forks.—Joseph Bin!, A.T.Wilcox,
Irvin Hottenstein.
Fox.—Samuel Leonard, C.ll.War
ren, A. B. Kilmer.
Forksville.—J. B. Fleming, Thos.
Gibbs, Frank Hannan.
Hillsgrove.—Ward Birdsail, C.W.
Saddler, M. W. Lewis.
Jamison City.—Geo. Lllley, F. F.
Hammond, G. W. Lucas.
Laporte Boro.—F. H. Ingham,
N. C. Maben, Max Fraukle.
Laporte Twp. —Ernest Botsford,
Joseph Pennington, Wm. Lowe.
Lopez.—Herman Schram, Joseph
Drake, Frank Wilcox.
Mt. Vernon.—Boyd Bennett, Geo.
Lawrenson, Thos. Edkin.
Bicketts.—Harry Bigger, John
Cornell, John Dyer, Sr.
Bingdale.—S. Mead, Geo. Lawren
son, Stephen Albro.
Shrewsbury.—J. W. Little, Xelso
Bennett, Daniel Little.
Friday, August 16, was designat
ed for the day on which to hold the
primary election. The delegates
elected will assemble at 2 o'clock p. the Court House at Liporte on
Monday, August 19, 1901, to name
a delegate to represent our county in
the State convention to be held in
Harrisburg on Wednesday, August
21, and also to name candidates for
Sheriff, Associate Judge and Proth
A motion was made by Mr.Kessler
of Nordmont, that a committee be
appoints to examine the rules of
the Bepublican organization and
make such revisions as seem neces
sary ami have the same presented
to the County Convention for further
action. The motion was carried ami
the committee appointed were Atty.
Will. .Shoemaker, Bay Kessler, Jr.,
and W, C, Mason.
The political situation was discuss
ed by several of the committeemen
and on iiiotlou the meeting adjourn
In lie: Kstate ot Polly C. Stein back
late of l>avidson Township, Sullivan Co.
Pa., deceased.
To Addie E. Itushnell, Mice o.Noble
anil Alva fi. Noble, her husband, L. L
Sleinback, Irene llaz/.en, Nellie 0. Rob
bin* and Taylor Uobins, her husband
Hell llouskuenht anil Frank lloiiseknech
her husband, and LaKavetle J). Steinhacl
heir* of said Polly (J. Steinbaok and al
others interested : Von are hereby notifl
ed that the Orphans' Court of Snllivai
County, Pa., has awarded an imjuebt t<
make partition and valuation of certaii
Heal Kstate of the said Polly C. Steinbacl
deceased, consisting of a lot of land am
dwelling house located thereon, in th
village ol Sonestown, Sullivan County,Pa
adjoining the Lorah Hotel,
And tliat said inquest will be held oi
the premises aforesaid on TUKS|).\Y th
10th dav of SEPTEMBER, 1901, at
o'clock a. in. when and where you ma;
attend il' von think proper.
11. W. OSLKR, Hherifl.
Sheriff's office, Laporte, Pa., .Inly 22, 'Ol
L- 71912, Issued by The Penn Mil
, fual Life Insurance Company, on th
life of John C. Bogart. The ftndti
will please return it to the undei
signal. Application lias been mad
for the issuing of a duplicate,
John C. Bocakt, Sonestowi
tntK.',, 24 inch..
$8.95, Freight prepaid, long, 18 inches deep.
Is lined with heavy
alnc, gnbanlzed iron shelves, and is insulated
with water proof fibre felting. Its retail valuaia
$10.00—17.05 saved in buying of the maker.
Our Furnltife Department contains thousand* of similar
bargains. Our Mammoth Catalogue of 480 pages, alze 14 s
iO'4 inches.tells all about Furniture alto about Every*
thing to Eat Ut>« and Wear— contains over 11,000 lllustra*
tions and qiotes wholesale prices to conaumeva on over
16(1,000 different articles. It costs us fl *4 mailed to you
for 10 ceuts, vhuh to cents you deduct Jrom your Jtrst
order o/p .CO.
Vraa 1.1 tli of raphe* Catalogue ihawi 44 FA MOM HIT.
LARD" Car pat*, Hugs, Drapcrlra, Wall Paper, Sewing
■sefclnea, Hlaihota, Comforts. Framed I'leterea, aad
Rpeelaltles lu VpliuUtcrrd Karaltare, In their real felera.
Carpets irwrd ,etm t Lining furnished without charge ail
free Catalogs* .112 | M 's lado-te-Order CUthlng— MM
Urge eloth aavplrs attached. WI PRRPAT IT TRIM
Free Drem <Uo* Catalogue contains samplee fram lMf
esnts to 112 l.iO. WR I'AY TUANHI'ORTATIOR. #
Why pay '«»Boricct fur tnythl.K 112 We ..II absolutely
everything. W hih book do you want? Address this wayi
JULIUS MINES* SON, Biltlmof, M4. Dg^.
Hitter's fee Cream Parlor open
for the sefflon, well prepared foi
public comforts in times of extreme
heat. S/iedal attention (riven to ten
parties tun I weddings. Hoft'nflgle'f
Ice Cream lias a distinct value and
is a dcliciois treat. Sold fresh from
the factory every Saturday evening
W.B. RITTER, Proprietor.
When tfe mercury goes up, go uj
too, to Fmston's ice cream parloi
forahifdsh of delicious coolness,
Sold byth? quart or dish at room!
in forner Motel Maine, (iood nieas.
ure Is a part of our religion unci
prom if service and courteousnest
are or side line specialties for whicl
we take no extra charges. Oper
ever;afternoon and evening with i
vnrity of flavored cream.
Mis Mutfly of Baltimore, whe
has iade a life study of music, i?
nowit the Mountain House, La
port Pa., and will be pleased t-:
conaunicate with any one who maj
desb instructions in Piano, Orgai
or liTmouy.
Aarge amount of hemlock and
rocloak bark is wanted. 1 n<111 ir«
of Nrtli American' Tannery, Lewis
tow. Pa,
Tit my Sullivan County friendi
whil'isil the Pan American shal
not e over charged for room rent
I hay ilecided to give them my as
sistai-e gratis, in securing for then
quarirfi at a reasonable price. Ad
vise if by letter the dateyou desire
a ro«i or rooms, that I may havi
amp lime to secure the same foi
you Enclose postage stamp.
Yours respectfully,
Ave. Buft'ala, N. V.
C(DEN'SED REPORT of the condition of the
IKST NATIONAL BANK of DiMbore. l'a.,
t close of business, Dec. 2, 1x99.
Loiaiiil Discounts |IhO.UHK Of
i:. fcmds to Secure Circulation 0(H) i*
StoSeeuritios H2IS o
I'num tilt U. S. Bonds j';ty i 'J
Kvture I.OOOU
Drum Hunks Approved reserve Agt 39 70!i .'>l
Rime Stam|>s 292 41
Ktiiptiou Kuml I'. S. Treasurer suit o(
B|u nuil Legal Tender Notes 20,9)14 7<
t *7, .124 S(
t 50.000 oil
.41 tw 10 000 01
li vided Proilts ,h 474 7."
(uli'VMi 12.500 oo
I"*'!* 1U9.509 MU
National Bank. t>,611 7S
ileus Unpaid liSOC
t -874 (X!
te of Pennsylvania, County of Sullivan ss:
M. I). Swarts, Cashier of the aliove named
k. do solemnly swear that the above state
lit is true to the best of my knowledge and be
lt M. D. SWARTS, Cashier,
ohscrilieil and sworn to before mo this '.tith
(of July 1901.
JOHN H. CRONIN, Notary Public,
commission expires February 27, 190b.
K.H, SVLVARIA. Directors
Administrator's Notice.
h re: I',state of Snrali A Hess, lute of
porte Township, Sullivaii County, Pa.,
.etters of Administration on tlie abo\ e
ate having been granted lo the undir
ned, all persons indebted to the sail
ate are requested to make payment,
il thowe having claims -.jrainst said e--
e to present the same without delav lo
W. B. SNIDER, Adnir.
igust 1, 1901. I.tqiorte, Pa.
hereby given that an application will lie
de to his Kxcelleiiey, William A Stone tiov
or of the Commonwealth of Peimsylvaiila
Tuesday, the HOth day of July, 1901. s. (;
»yer, Charles L. Tracy, Henry l'orter, L. R
isl, K. B. Mi'Kce, S. Melius, li. XI. Clark
•rge T. Intiham. I'. M, Fell and William Max
11, under the Act of Assembly of the Comtiioii
»Uhof Pennsylvania entitled 'An Act to pro
e for the ineoi'iMiralion and regulation of eer
leor|>omtliius" approved Aprll29tli, IS7I. and
several supplements thereto, for the ehartei
in intended corinratioii, called "BRADFORD
trader and object of which is tlie erecting
itructliig, maintaining, purchasing, leasing
I u|>orulllig telephone and telegraph lines and
'iiangcs in and througlunit the Counties oi
id ford, Wyoming and Sullivan, and the other
era I Counties in the Slate of Pcnnsvlvanla
li the right lo make connections for the pur'
eof its business with other similar lines in
several counties of said State and nihil
tcs, and for Ihc transaction of »nv business in
ich the transmission of electricity over and
ninth wires or on hies may be applied for anv
ful purpose, and for these piir|m*cs to have,
soss mid epjoy all rights. lieiictits and priv
ies olthc said Act of Assembly, with ils sev
1 supplements. Said application is now
Red In the olliee of the Secretary of the Com
nweultli at llarrisburg. Pa., for public in
>' fist 1901. Solicitor.
| Campbell,
r "' ' v
To the Ladies: %~zz s^zzy'*-
Tho prices are right; cnl! and inspect goods, I know w« ran nio.c.
SL 1 " b ,°t n ,ity and I>rkc - Doa,t f-get Zt Zr cXZ
Shoe and Wall I aper Departments are full of new goods.
To the Gentlemen:
stcssks! ■- «» <*«
Curelw 6lnders . olxl tones.
luicku noweri, wloid Plows and Raises,
Per V ry7lurrir C s^!l rairo r' &U ° n ° wker ' s Fertilizers. A 16-tooth
iSMx*- 'k% »»>•«»■* 25
Tours for, A. E CAMPBEIjL.
tlwt Spring Cine
of ours is attracting wide
We are showing a wider range of excellent values in
popular prtcefc
Clothing Specialties
than you have ever seen before, including a com
plete assortment of
Men's Striped Worsted Suits,
Men's Blue Serge Suits,
A Big Line of Men's Furnishings.
Boys' Sailor, Vestee and Double Breasted Suits,
Boys' three piece Suits.
J\\T hrif4. A 11 Hotel Carroll Block, j
. VV Carroll, Dushore, Pa:
Wright & Haight,
furnftiire \ > + - />♦
-^budertalitiig #
TheLast Offices. The sad and solemn honr that comes to all man
kind. We have that experien in which enables us to perform such
offices in a way to win the gratitude of the bereaved.
Here s how we get your Twelve years experience
approval; T has taught us how to supply
We Give You Your Money's the best:
Worth. We Want to Prove to You
Our Leadership.
FORKSVILLE, Sullivan Co., PA.
- Puh 1i» hed Mon- - ' Published on
Wednesday Thursday, ami
MC\A/ and Friday, is in re- Mr* 11/ known for nearly
IN LW" Bitty a fine, fresh l\| 112. W sixth years in everv
"'"y—other- day ■'»-»» . part of the uiiit«-a
? ? ?• B'ving ~ ,le * States as H National
latest news On days Family New6i>aiter
of issue, and cover- „112 the highest class,
ing news of the oth- for farmers and vill
erthree. Itcoutains ngcrs. It contains
'«-T- all Important for- all the most impor-
V/Ar> 1/ eittn cable news i, An ./ taut general news
V same date hour of going to
also Domestic and press, an Agricult-
Foreign Corresppn- nral Department of
donee. Short stories, the highest order,
hlegaut half-tones, has entertaining
Illustrations, Hum- reading for every
oroui Items, Indus- member of the fam-
■ 111 iibbitui cultural Matt,™ whice are accepted
and Comprehensive as authority by far
and reliable Finan- mers and country
eial and market re- merehants, and is
ports. clean, up to date,
„ , , interesting and in
- Regular suhserip- structivc.
We furnish it with We furnish it with
for »2.00 per year. for $1.25 per year.
Send all orders to THE NEWS ITEM, Laporte.