B^ 5 xv rvv x A1 ;i ? | How Pennsylvania Coal | I Miners Work and Live. I I U5 WJI-/f//-A/'//*//*/f'//'//*/#*yf«ff*/r-y>'rJ'//-/y-/r//'^!//'//V/'/^'//-/T'//*//-//gfl ¥OST people going for the first time into the region of the great anthracite mines would at once put the mine workers and their families In a class apart from the ordinary human beings, writes Paul Latzlce, in the De troit Free Tress. The newspaper ac counts have paved the way for this, and the appearance of the men and boys in their working outfit clinches the impression. No other body of laborers in the world carry such strong external evidences of their vo cation. From the top of their heads, where their mining lamps flare from Ihe peaks of their queer shaped caps, to their feet, shod with great, grimy, thick-soled, clamping boots, the mine workers bear the obtrusive stamp of their trade. They look uncanny, fierce. Take the most mild mannered and in offensive little man that lives, clothe him in the miners' regalia, let him hammer for eight or ten hours under ground, and he will come up a fear some object. The most courageous woman from the outside world would run from such a man at the least demonstration. Should she unexpect edly meet him at dark on a lonel.v road, having never seen a miner before, she would probably have an attack of hysteria. The faces of the men are hard and seamed and sallow, and, thick with coal dust, they are almost less than human to the unaccustomed gaze. Their eyes are outlined with crows' feet, no matter how young they may be, and they have a peculiar squinting look, due to their constant working in the half gloom of the coal tunnels. It is recorded of some of the mules that pull coal cars in the mines, that, hav ing worked for years under ground without once coming up, they have gone instantly blind, on being exposed to the daylight. In a measure it is so with the men r.nd boys who spend their working hours day after day underground. The daylight gives them an uncomfortable sensation, and they acquire the habit of screwing up their eyes that finally affects all the muscles of the face. It is owing to these strongly marked peculiarities that the mine workers are put down at first by uewspaper correspondents and writers in the dis trict as something apart. Even the trained observer requires some time to accustom himself to their striking appearance and to realize that after all these men are like other men, and that their women, though they have absorbed many of the characteristics of the men, are like other women. It is not until he has spent a little time among the miners that he comes to re gard them as ordinary workmen. On a Sunday or holiday r I'nlon inns* mci-i ins*. If tin' ralncra ami nniir talmrera were eugiiijeil 'ii work of nn ordinary char acter, no out* would thluk of iintting them down as being underpaid as a class. Compared with other forms of work, mining, even in its highest form, is little more than unskilled labor, and the scale of prices may seem high. But in determining the earnings of miners as compared with the earnings of other laborers, a num ber of things are to be taken into con sideration. The character of their work is extra hazardous. Every time a man goes down the shaft he puts himself at the mercy of all sorts of dangers over which he has no control. Gas explosions, a "squeeze," the fall ing of a mass of coal, and a dozen other things menace his life every 1110- t'YVTHER/' TYpIcAL • Hol"\E T-oF • A y Pennsylvania rMNEiv - ment that he is underground. And so shrewdly have the operators managed that the financial penalty for an ac cident never falls on them. In almost any other pursuit in which an em ploye is killed his family has a chance of claiming damages. In the coal mines no one ever dreams of putting in such a claim as a legal right. Many diligent inquiries I made to find a case where a coal operator had been mulcted in damages, for injury and loss of life, but none could be found. A TYPICAL BREAKER IN THE COAL MIN ING REGIONS. There was a hazy story that an un known operator had once paid the family of an unknown driver boy, who was killed, 975. But this case could not be traced within the time at th° ordinary man's disposal. Most of too operators make some sort of repara tion by furnishing special employment about the works to the men crippled in their employ, and where the father is killed a place is generally found for the boys if there are any in the family. But such a tiling as a cash settlement is never dreamed of. The little chance that the miners; had in this direction was skillfully taken from them by a piece of legis lation that was passed, "in the inter est of miners" and that was hailed with joy by the men at that time. This was the creation of county ex amining boards, to insure miners' licenses. Without such license no man can mine coal. The men foolish ly thought that this would protect them from unskilled competition, and especially from the competition of the foreigners that were pouring Into the region. They soon found, however, that the protection didn't protect. The county boards are paid a fee for each IICPIIMC tliey laauc. Naturally county politician* arc not going to work agaln»t tbejr own politic* I .lones is fifty-six years old, silver haired and beautiful. Her voice has been sweetly eloquent in behalf of the workers whose cause she has adopted, and her appeals have won unstinted sympathy for her simple, hard laboring friends. She lives at Wilkesbarre. . New >'urpory Cnroimel. If the invention shown in this illus. ' (ration does not serve to give the children many hours of thorough en joyment then we miss our guess. Al most every child is ready to ride on a merry-go-round as often as invited, and with this machine set up in'the nursery the invitation can be given • many times a day without squander ing a nickel. The inventor's intention fo have one of the older children pro rt-1 the carousel by means of pedals located as shown. The scats are ad justable,. in order that children of different ages may be accommodated, —....... >— ■ 1 ■■!■»■ I •'DOMESTIC" MERRY-00-norND. and the baskets were for the babies. ! The vertical post is pivoted in stand- j ards secured to the ceiling and floor, ' and the horizontal arms are rigidly : attached to this central post. The pedal shaft is connected to a shaft | parallel to the supporting arm by a j dm I n or cord running over the pulleys, i and power is thus transmitted from ! the pedals to the Inner enil of the shaft, 1 where a gear wheel meshes with a toothed disk attached to the standard, i the revolution of the shaft driving the j machine around. High I.lffhtft. Weak coffee often nerves a man ' sr.lliclently not to tip the waiter. other people's blunders either edu < .■! ic its or make UH more conceited. j < loot I luck is simply having the ( agility to get on a car that i* golug your way. The cheerful life is like all other ciitcrtulnnieiits; we have to seek -It | out and pay to get In. We like the people who don't put j mi too intii'li style and the people who I tloll't put on too little. When we try to blame other people , for our mistakes we UHtially get hold of the wrong person. I'lillte people are those who Helen to IIK \\ liili' we talk about something j they have »o earthly interest in. j It is well occasionally to put your* | - 'lf In the other man's place, even If ; .Villi feel yourself ttMi blu to lie a guwl 1 tit. fhl'-auo lb-cord. In tU* private schools of China a j leariisr Is |xtid ab tut ouu halfpenny a | day for each pupU. j SILK FROM THE SPIDER. A Beautiful Golden Threa.*> degrees may be right. In case of difficulty, in either direction, j water, cold or warmed, as the condi tion of the cream may need, may be added to the cream In the churn to re move the trouble. When the cream Is 1 too sour and is thick and adhesive, and foams in the churn, the addition of water is sufficient to obviate the impediment to the chruning, by thin ning the mass and reducing its vis cosity. The l>eptli to Plow. A man said to the writer the other day that farmers plow too deep. This ' was news to us. We have often said farmers plow too much, but we have the first man to find who plows too deep to suit us. It can be done, per haps. but very few, to our notion, plow too deep. This man contends that four inches is deep enough to plow in this country. He finds this about right 011 his farm. He may have the right idea so far as his farm is concerned, for he keeps 200 or more sheep on half 1 as many acres and feeds them all ■ his*farm produces anil some besides, i In this way the upper four inches of ! his soil are kept rich and productive. But if iie had no sheep and had only j a half dozen head of cattle, 30 to! 0 ; hogs and four horses and would rals;> grain and hay for sale he would, in a few years, go below the four inches j to find another farm to wear out. just 1 as the rest of us are doing. We are wearing out from six to eight Inches by turning one side of it up this year anil farming It and then next year turn up the other side and so on until a poor man owns his poor farm or a partnership is formed with the banker with the shctlfr acting as middleman In making the conveyance*.- -Farmer's 1 (iu hie. A lllnt to American AplnrltL. Beginners In beekeep'tig should re member that the modern hive with Its eight frame* is really but half a hive, and soun times not more than one quartcr. 1 >ui'litg winter the bees for warmth can gather together into the lower story, and the rest of the hive can be taken away, but as the family increases In the sprtug and begins to More up honey they must have more room or some of them must novo nwnjr or swurui. If we had but one good colony of bees we should want an empty hive and 11 bout *li suiplu* bote*, each provided with frame* ot j section* for comb lion*), We would try to use the surjiKi* ooxes so that not more than one swarm would issue, and we should expect In a pood season to have soir.e of the surplus boxes well tilled, and it might be that some would be tilled more than once if we gave them frames and sections provided with full sheets of foundation, and stimulated brood raising in the spring by a little judicious feeding. We would thus try to have strong colonies that bee-moths, ants and other insects or robber bees would not molest, as we would not leave any place where they could get into hive or super excepting the regular entrance which the bees would guard. Milk and Dlirnse Germ*. One class of bacteria producing hu man disease pass directly from sick cows into the milk. Tuberculosis is an example of this class, and a tubercu lous cow may, under certain circum stances, contaminate her milk with the tubercle bacillus; but this seldom oc curs unless the disease has attacked the udder, or unless It has reached its last stages. These bacilli may give rise to the disease in a human being if the milk is used. It may occasionally happen that scarlet fever and dlpth ; therla arise from milk contaminate d I with the germs of those diseases. In another class of diseases the perms find their way into the milk from some outside source. Typhoid fever is a most common example of this class. The germ grows vitli great readiness in milk, and if a few of them get into a milk supply, they may niul j tiply so rapidly as to distribute the | disease over a whole community and i produce an epidemic. The milk may i be contaminated by handling the mills I or milk cans by those who have come ! in contact with the disease. Impure ■ water is a more common source of eon j tamination. On milk farms where there has been a case of typhoid fever, boiled water only should be used for • rinsing the milk cans. In summer it sometimes happens : that bowel diseases are produced by abundance of bacteria in milk. The preventives are cleanliness and low temperature. Beyond much doubt a considerable part of the bowel diseases, especially of children, is directly trace able to milk coming from cows with inflamed or diseased udders. In general, if the dairyman wishes to avoid danger of distributing dis | ease in his milk he must adopt four rules: Never allow milk to enter the j milk supply if it comes from an animal suffering from any kind of a diseased udder; never allow any person having any contact with or recovering from typhoid fever, scarlet fever or dipth theria to have anything to do with the dairy; always insist upon cleanliness In dairy matters and the application of cold to the milk to prevent bacterial 1 growth: rinse the cans with water ; from reliable sources or with boiled water.—Professor W. 11. Conn, iu American Agriculturist IlnrvefttiiiK Sweet I'otntofl#, Where sweet potatoes are grown for stock, the Texas experiment statlou " suggests that cattle may be turned in 1 to eat tiie tops and vines and after wards hogs may lie allowed to harvest the tubers. In this way the entire crop will be utilized at the smallest cost. If the crop is to lie dug. it is impor tant to determine when the potato is ripe. If when the tuber is cut, the sliced surface partially heals and be comes dry the crop is ready to be har vested, but if the cut place turns greenish black the tuber is not mature. The crop should be harvested with a breaking plow, using a roller coulter to cut the vines. P.ruisi d tubers should | be used at once, as soft rot is very j liable to set in. Where the vines are ! to be stored for stock feed, tlie Ar kansas station recommends that they be put Into a silo, as they do not cure readily into hay. The preservation of sweet potatoes j has been studied by several of the | stations. Iu Georgia the potatoes were stored in a pit Nov. 23, and all but " per cent, were sound April I. The I sound potatoes were in excellent condl | tion, not sprouted, and when sampled on the table, of excellent quality. At ' the New York station tuli-rs packed In dry road dust and kept at a temperature of 00 degrees, continued tit for the table until after the middle of January. , At the South Carolina station experi ments were made iu keeping sweet p<>- tatocs packed with various materials in barrels. The materials used were ! sand, cottonseed, cotton hulls, dam aged lint cotton, wheat bran, news paper and hny. I>ry sand and cotton hulls gave the best results. Wrapping each potato in paper Induced rapid decay, but a double lining of paper next the barrel was fairly effective in keeping out cold and preventing rot. The keeping qualities of larjje and small tubers appeared about equal. The Texas station reports that good results have been obtained by letting 1 tubers remain In the ground until wanted. Throwing dirt over them with a turning plow will prevent freezing. If the potatoes are to be stored, they should l>e allowed to dry about two weeks and then carefully sorted. They should then be stored Iu dry road sand In a ventilated house. The sand should lie changed each year as It will become Infected with Mark rot. The sand proved a sufficient pro tection agrnlnst in'ee, and potatoes kept well by tills me >od evell when the winter temperature went down to within 7 decrees of zero. A Chinese plow is it light nffalr made ot a crooked stick, with a steel puint fastened to It.and la pulled by 1 a water buffalo.