Htcrp(l»( ■ Pew Dllfrilttd P»ll« k«Uh Ajnean tk* Xuin •* tt» Repaltllean Voter# There l» *• nor. (Special Correspondence.) Harrisburg, Sept. 18.—Binca4hn Ma yans for members of the legislature began there haa been nothing Which has directed attention tnorfl to tbe folly of the fusion advocatesUM tbe result of the primary electtons 1" Philadelphia. Republicans have been iaipreeM# with the idea that there hi twOvOna thing to do and that to to yots 111 " straight Republican ticket. JTaAe otherwise is to help the DlßoeflHt p politicians who are working to Sl«>t Democrats to congress and to carry what would ordinarily be Republican legislative districts. Tbe Martin men In PtilttOalflhia and the Fllnn supporters to PKt&tmrg mar have their own inter to oarv* tmt they do not represent tm RepntjUoan ism. The mora Republteens consider the matter of fusion tha leea ther " n dott ing Bryan president. Its re-enaeUMflA in the Kansas City platform dlSgotted thousands of Democrats ia Ohio. "The Democratic pasty stands a# a party of oppeslttoa to alt that baa gMfei | this country great and gtorfoas. ThVre CONWtMW * MOHtMM. Is nothing in Ha whole Mbtasy tfeatit is not ashamed of suiM|R. its persistent adherence to the petiey si expansion, and now the party Is t&- lng to blot out that Mttie glory." BRTAN A POOH BAH. "General, what do you think ef Mr. Bryan in the light of a man who ds cries bosses as applied te others, aijtf emphasize* his own dominance in aft party at stated intervals?" "Mr. Bryan," answered Gen. Orosve nor, "is not a boss. He ts a despot. He Is a Pooh Bah. He is a high eMk aloruss. The sultan of Tnskay is a mild mannered constitutional governor compared with Bryan. It would be flattery to call hhn a bees; he is a esar, a tyrant. He has no appreciation far anybody but himself; would net give a eent fer the judgment of a whole national convention; rather have Up own judgment than the Judgment ef his satire party. "The sentiment of the people ef say state favors constitutional aad wise expansion. Mr views coincide with those of my constituents. The general i question is not involved In the present issue. We did not seek for expansion; it rnme to us without our agency, and it Is not a question now ef Uriansmg what la eayt so nuvh as it is «»e off charge of duty ha torn present COMPLETE ROUT OF INSURGENTS Remit of Philadelphia Republi can Primaries Has Far Reaching Effect. STALWARTS WON EVERYWHERE. The Popular V<>»* In Many 4'aaea E*- Th«< l'oll<>n(N:l Al.O ■•IUOtCTfOMsj Ntwi . riiorij/.Mtn Hi ?. - '*'fcNT| Get your Watermelons and Bananas at Busch hausen's. Special bargains in hats at J.W.Buck's Hold's canned meats are unsurpassed lor flavor and are all Government insoect ed, for sale at Buschhausen's. Some scythes and snaths and scvthe stones anil grain cradles at.l. W. Bucks. You cannot find a liner lied Alaska Salmon no matter what the price you pay Iscts a can at Buschhausen's. Lake herring and white fish at J. \V Buck's. Mr. Juntos MeFarlane is agent for the Celebrated l'itkin Paint and Specialties. This is the oldest mix ed paint manufactory in America and their goods are guaranteed not to chalk, crack or peel off when properly applied and to last longer than any mixture of Trust Lead and Oil. _____ T .J. KEELEK. ' • J ustioe-of-the Peace. Otllcciii rooin over store, LAI'OKTK, l'A. Special attention given to collections. All matters left to the care ot this oflice will lie promptly attended to. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. DUSIIORE, l'A. One of the largest and best equipped hotels in this section of the state. Table of the best. Rhtes 1.00 dollar per day. Large stables. (JLYSSES BIRD Land Surveyor Engineer and Conveyancer. Relocating old lines and coiners, ami draw ing ma|w aspuclulty. Will usually lie found ul lioineoii Mimiluy*. Charges reasonable. Estella, Sullivan Co., Pa. COMMERCIAL HOUSE." THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAI'OKTK PA. This large and well appointed boas* is the most popular hostelry in this section LA PORTE HOTEL. P. W. O ALL AG H EH, Prop. Newly erected. Opposite Court Ilonse square. Steam heat, hath rooms, hot and cold water, reading and pool room,and harlier'shop; also'good stahling and livery, P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney-at-Law. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing: the settlement of estates mid other legal will receive prompt attention. H J. BRADLEY, ATTORRBT-AT-LAW, orrica im codbty building KHAR COURT BODIB. LAPORTE, PA FIRST, NATIONAL BANK OF DUBHORE, PKNNA. CAPITAL - - $60,000. SURPLUS - - 9X0.000. DoesJaJGeneral Banking Business. B.W.|J ENNINQB, M. D. BWART9. President. Ctshler J7J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTORRRYH-AT-LAW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counties _APORTE, PA. £ J. MULLEN, Attorn ey-at-Law. LAPORTK, PA. Office over T. J. Keeler'sjstore. J. H. CRONIN, NOTARY PUBLIC. orrica o* mai* strbrt. DIIHHORK, PA