Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, September 20, 1900, Image 5

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    Republican News Item.
.THURSDAY, SEP. 20, 1900.
J Ignorance i> the mother of J
J scepticism. Ignorance does J
? not abound to any great extent J
V in Sullivan County. J
# So that there £
0 is But Little S
5 Scepticism
112 about the Value of
?Gbe -flews i
| Item i
1 As a Profitable ?
£ Hbvertising I
| flDebtuin.
5 *
112 Read it, Your neighbor does.#
rSubscribe, Don't borrow. #
County Seat Indices.
—The attendance at court this
week is very small.
Miss Eliza Shaut is on a visit with
friends in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Joe Cooper was a business man in
Hugliesville, on Saturday.
—Miss Etta Chase, of Sinnama
-1 toning, is visiting her brother, (ieo.
—Take a day oft" and enjoy your
self with your friends at the Forks
ville Fair.
—Miss llosa Uptnan left here last
week for Philadelphia, where she
will spend the winter.
—Mrs. Alfred Jordan and little
daughter, of Colesport, Pa.,are visit
ing friends in town, this week.
—Miss Winnie Keeler will soon
leave for Bingliamton, N. V. where
she will attend school this winter.
—Miss Hannah McCart.v has re
turned to Williamsport, after a few
weeks visit with her parents at this
—A. E. Campbell the enterprising
merchant atShunk, is in New York
this week buying goods. Look over
his new adv. next week.
—Mrs. Ida Parr and Wesley Tem
ple were tried in court and convicted
of adultery. Sentence has not yet
been imposed.
The Thorp hoys were arraigned be
fore court this week on a charge of
larceny. Willard plead guilty of the
crime while Ernest was tried and
—The personal attacks made upon
the Republican candidates by the
Herald and the dignified silence
which the News Item maintains,are
happily injuring Democratic pros
pects more and more every day.
—On motion of T. J. & F. H. Ing
ham attorneys for the petitioners
the application for the division of
the Borough of Laporte was dismiss
ed lor want of sufficient notice.
FOUND: A pair of plated gold rim
glasses in case, between Sonestown
and Laporte. < )wner can have same
by calling at this office.
—The newspapers printed by Chi
namen in Canton have been sup
pressed because they lied. If only
we had a vicory in Sullivan county,
wouldn't there be a sudden halt on
one of Dushore's papers.
The, Sullivan County Agricultural
Society holds its fair at Forksville,
October 1 and 5. Every effort is
made to keep the fair free from the
abuses that have grown up and crept
into other agricultural organizations,
and the Forksville Fair is each year
a truly agricultural fair. The ex
hibits of cattle, sheep and swine can
not be excelled in quality anywhere
in the middle states, and the fruits
and vegetables will truly surprise
you. It will be well worth your
while to take a couple of days off
and drive over and see how the
farmers amid the "wilds of Sullivan"
make their lands produce, and their
manner of conducting a country fair.
Administrator's Notice.
hellers of Administration having been
granted to the undersigned upoa the es
tate ol' William Wilson Sr., late of David
son Township Sullivan County, Pa., deed.
All persons indebted to said estate are re
quired to make immediate payment; and
all persons having claims against said
estate are required to present same duly
authenticated for settlement to
.IOIINO. WILSON, Administrator.
Souestowu, Pa., Sept. 1", 1900.
Mr.and Mrs.Chas. Starr have been
entertaining guests from Lairdsville.
On Friday evening the young peo
ple will meet and organize a singing
class, which will be under di
rectorship of Prof. Sturdevant.
Mrs. Jessie Moran and sister, Miss
Clara Taylor were callers in town
on Monday.
Mrs. William Van Huskirk and
daughter were callers on Mrs. E. J.
Lockwood last week.
The temperance lecture on Thurs
day evening was well attended.
Miss Lottie Wilson has returned
to her home at Newberry, after a
visit to friends here, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kapler were
in Williamsport on Thursday and
Friday, visiting relatives and taking
in sights at the Fair.
Dr. J. 11. Roth rock was the guset
of his brother, in Williamsport on
(illdewells school opened on Mon
day morning with an attendance of
twenty-two pupils.
M. P. tiavitt, Congressman Polk's
secretary, made a flying visit to his
home on Thursday.
Miss Ida Anderson of Chumouni,
was the guest of Miss Mary Kairman
on Sunday.
Last Sunday was the last night of
the Sunday train. The usual crowd
assembled to bid it farewell.
Miss Carrie Bigger of Muncy Val
ley, called on friends here, Saturday.
Miss Jennie Taylor ami sister Mrs
Stella Maguiness of Williamsport
visited relatives here last week.
September 11, the county commis
sioners met at the South street coun
ty bridge to let the Job of repairing
it. It was decided to build new
stone hutments and putin now rods.
The bids began at SSOO but finally
closed at $225, Mr Perry Fanning
being the winner over the last bid
of $250. It is neecessary for the one
who does the give security,!
and this Mr. Fanning declines to do;
so it is probablejthat the work will
be done by the commissioners.
Mr. ('live Bohn of Dushorc, who'
has been visiting relatives here, re
turned home last Friday.
The heavy winds of Wednesday
night and Thursdayjlid much (lam
age to fruit. Fires broke out and
being fanned by the strong winds
did much damage to our meadows
and endangered buildings in some
The beginning of the South school
was put oft'two weeks at the teach
er's'request. Mr. Beers opened
school at that building last Monday
Sept. 17th.
On Thursday morning on arriv !
ing at his school-house, Mr. Salis-!
bury was surprised to see bis flag
pole blown down. A new.polo will
be raised this week.
John Kilmer and son, have start
ed their saw mill again, after a shut
down of some weeks.
A Sunday School picnic held at
the East school-house was largely
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby given that an applica
tion will be made to the Governor of the
State of Pennsylvania on Friday, the 12th
dav of October lyoo, bv C. WILLIAM
LY and W. E. CRAWFORD, under the
act of Assembly of the Commonwealth ot'
Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to provide
lor the incorporation ami regulation of
certain corporations" approved April 29,
1874, and the supplements thereto tor the
charter of an intended corporation to be
called "Eagles Mere Water Company;''
the character and object whereof, is, the
supply of water to the public ot the 15oro.
of Eagles Mere in the (,'ounty of Sullivan,
State of Pennsylvania and to such persons,
partnerships and corporations residing
therein, or adjacent thereto, an may desire
the saine, and for these purposes to have,
possess and enjoy, all the rights, benefits
and privileges of the said act of Assembly
and its supplements.
W. E. CRAWFORD, Solicitor.
Sept. 18, UIOO.
What do you think of a mammoth 480
page catalogue, size It) by 14 inches
which contains over lO.tXM) illustrations
and quotes wholesale prices to consumers
on over 150,000 articles, saving our read
ers from 2"i to 75 percent on everything
they buy? Such a hook is issued by
Julius Hines t V Son, Baltimore, and we
call our readers attention to their an
nouncement on another page of I he paper.
The aim of everyone to-day is to save as
much money as |>ossihle. to get as much
as possible lor their money, and with this
end in view, one cannot do honor than
to semi lor this- mammoth hook which
enables them to buy direct troui the mill
at first cost, with only a HIIIHII prollt add
ed. Julius Ilines A' Son sell goods to
day in every State, Territory and village
in the United States, besides doing one of
the largest export btuineaH with Foreign
Countries of any tlriu in the I'nited
Stale*. tiet acquainted with them.
Notable Bvcnti of the Week Briefly
And Tersely Told.
It snowed nil Sunday afternoon at
Neguunee, Wis.
(leneral Wood has cabled that the Cu
buu elections passed off satisfactorily.
Prince Albert of Saxony has been kill
ed in a carriage accident near Dresden.
Prince Chine has requested the state
department to instruct Minister Confer
to open peace negotiations.
The census bureau has announced the
population of Elizabeth, X. J., us 5-,»
1.10. uu increase of 38.04 per cent.
The German emperor has cabled to the
president an expression of his sympa
thy with the misfortune of I Jul vest on.
A loaded truck from Wauamaker's
New York store plunged from a Pultun
ferryboat. Horses and driver were
John Netzel of New York city has
been arrested ou his mother's charge of
theft. She says a clairvoyant told her
he was guilty.
Two Italians who were arrested in
Mount Vernon, N. Y„ for chopping wood
on Sunday have been lined $5 each. Ac
tion by the magistrate was based on an
old blue law.
Monday, Sept. 17.
The llev. Ansou Phelps Ktukes. the
.vouiig millionaire curate of St. Paul's
Protestant Episcopal church in New Ha
ven, preached his lirst sermon yesterday.
More than *OO Buyers have been k|lled
by the Fourteenth United States infantry
in an engagement at Mntow. on the road
to Peking. No American casualties have
been reported.
.Tuda Fleazc, an artist's model of un
usual beauty, committed suicide at her
home iu New York city by taking mor
phine. Although but 16 years old, she
had been married more than n year.
The heads of many of the United
States marines killed in battle iu China
have been found iu possession of cap
tured Chinese. The Celestials had con
cealed the ghastly trophies in sacks.
•lohn B. Randolph, a friend of the late
Collis P. Huntington anil acknowledged
one of the foremost art critics in the
country, died iu the.l. Hood Wright hos
pital in New York city yesterday morn
Saturday. Sept. 15.
A partial list of -.701 dead has been
published in Houston.
Fitchburg railroad stockholders at Bos
ton ratified the lease to the Boston and
Uallway companies entering (Sulveston
arranged to build a temporary bridge for
joint use.
Galveston relief funds reaching Gov
ernor Sayers of Texas have amounted to
President Kruger has removed to the
home of the district governor of Louren
eo V.arques.
i avis defeated By era and Livingston
beai Armstrong in the golf semifinals at
Tuxedo Park.
Lord Roberts issued a proclamation to
the Boers, pointing out the futility of
further resistance.
A second revolution has been reported
as likely iu Colombia, over imprisonment
of former president.
It is said in Philadelphia that the short
coal supply in Europe would cause the
strike to be felt there.
Mrs. Breitkopf of New York city de
clares her sou was killed by roughs to
whom he refused to pay a weekly tribute
of $4.
Friday. Sept. 14.
President and Mrs. McKinley have left
Somerset, Pa., for Canton.
Two telegraph wires have reached t!al
vestou and are now working all right.
The steamer City of Seattle lias
brought 5050.000 iu gold from Skuguay
to Scuttle.
Total subscriptions iu New York for
the Galveston sufferers amount to more
than $90,000.
Two captaius of New l'ork tirebouts
have been given gold watches for heroism
iu the Hoboken Bre.
Large sinus are beiag oficred uti the
New York Stock Exchange to bet 011 Mc-
Kinley at odds of to I.
Joseph Thielinurny. aged:{, was fatally
shot by his brother, aged 7. while play
ing soldier al Perth Amboy.
The Japanese in Peking have arrested
the assassin of Baron von Kettcler. He
declared the Chinese government ordered
the murder.
Minister Conger has reported that Kev.
Cortland Yau Rensselaer Hodge and
wife, missionaries at Pao-Ting-Pu. have
been killed.
Thursday. Sept. 13.
Drunken negroes are causing a reign of
(error at Huron, lnd.
President ICruger of the Trausvual lias
arrived at Loureueo Marques.
The plague has increased in India. Over
1,000 deaths were reported last week.
A tower of the Pan-American exposi
tion at Buffalo has been blown down.
Clara Burtou of the lteil Cross society
will leave Washington for Oalvestou.
An allied force left Ticn-tsin Sept. S to
disperaw a threatening body of Boxers at
Sheug-fjae-Bieii and Tilie.
A Swiss has been arrested at San Se
bastian with papers revealing uuarchist
plot to assassiuute a European monarch.
The Kusso-Chincse bank at Peking has
coutiacated 5,000,000 taels of Chineae
money as part of the indemnity to be paid
Russia by China.
Wednesday, Sept. 12.
Throngs of guests have reached Somer
set. Pa., where the president's niece will
be married.
Advices from Peking stale that per
fect hurmouy prevails among the inter
nal innul forces.
It has been reported through Japanese
sources that (be Russians hare captured
the empress dowager.
A dispatch from ltouie says the Ital
ian cabinet has decided to iuitiute imme
diately peace negotiations with China.
The National Ited Cross society lias
pened headquarters in New York city
aud will receive contributions for the
Oalve-lon sufferers.
The French cabinet, haviug doue the
emergency work for which it was cre
ated, was thnught iu Paris to lie plan
ning wholesale resignations.
I.auatlc Barned to llealK.
wooden tenement building owned aud
occupied by Mrs. Benjamin Cross caught
lire here uiui was Inn ued to the ground.
Mr. Cross, who was insane, wa» taken
froiu the building two or 'hree times
nfter the Hre started, but he returned
each time audi« supposed to have per
ished. lie wus more than 70 years of
age. The old man lisd been caught try
ilig to set the piace ou Are, The loss Is
about fty.SQV.
Our presses have completed printing OU#
Catalogue No. 99, of everything to Jwr
KAT, USE AND VV EAR. Kmch copy
costs SI.OO to print and 25 cents to jHHf'
mail. As an evidence of interest,
send 10 cents in stamps to help j^URm
pay postage, and you inay deduct
these 10 cents from your first
order of sl. It required 47 car- JHHp'
loads of paper for this won- Tl»#wi
derful catalogue, which con- i/iini.
tains 180 pages, size JSkWM yoJi can
inches, equivalent to over
1000 pages of the ordinary tfiPVt.?!
catalogue. We save you AtW&V
25 per cent, to 75 per /JJJSyjr". n . OQ * .
cent, on everything /yjNESv' e"?eptfnK l!S'
se»son"!i( tIL vMr*mSsßf comotives and
W/SS'jmwt jrzfs
than It'- MAjrfrF office, for a hotel, for use
' ' Jm£/jSw on a farm, in a bam, or for
il«l.r /Hi/ every known purpose, can
dealer. be found in this catalogue.
This book contains over
WJ 13,000 lllu*trations and quotes
prices on over 160,000 ulffcr
jHOW ent articles.
JBW lithofraphed Ra * 'and
Drapery OaUlecne, and our Clotbiar
fjjr Catalogue with large (ample* at
yWMP taehed, are also Free. Sspreaaac* paid
on Clothinff; Freight paid on Carpet..
HV./rA dooi shall we send t Address this way i
Department 909, BALTIMORE. MD.
Proposing an amendment to tli<- Const it 111 ion of
the Common wealth.
Suction 1. Beit resolved by the Senate and
House of Representatives of Hie Commonwealth
in General Assembly met, That the following
is proposed its amendments to the Constitution
of the Commonwealth 01 Pennsylvania, in
accordance with the provisions of the eighteenth
article thereof:
Amendment One to Article Eight, Section
A<ld at the end of the lirsi paragraph of said
section, after the words "shall lie entitled to vote
at all elections," the words "subject however
to such laws requiring and regulating the regis
tration of electors as the General Assembly may
enact," so that the said section shall r'ead as
Section 1. Qualifications of Electors. Every
mule citizen twenty-one years of age jHjssessing
the following qualifications, shall Be entitled
to vote at all elections, subject however to
such laws requiring and regulating the registra
tion of electors as the General Assembly may
He shall have been a citizen of the United
States at least one mouth.
lie shall have resided in the State one year
(or if. having previously been a qualified
elector or native bom citizen of the State,
he shall have removed therefrom and returned,
within six months, Immediately preceeding the
He shall have resided in the election district
where he shall oiler to vote at least two months
Immediately preceeding the election.
If twenty-two years of age and upwards, he
shall have paid within two years a State or
county tax, which shall have I>een assessed at
least two month.- and paid at least one month
before the election.
Amendment Eleven to Article Eight. Section
Strike out from said section the word* "but
no elector shall l>e deprived of the privilege of
voting by reason of his name not being regis
tered." and add to said section the following
words, "but laws regulating and requiring the
registration of electors may lie enacted to anplj
to cities only, provided that such laws lie uniform
for cities of the same class," so slrnt the said
section shall read as follows :
Section 7. Uniformity of Election Laws.—
All laws regulating the holding of elections by
the citizens or for the registration of electors
shall be uniform throughout the state, but laws,
regulating and requiring the registration of elec
tors may lie enucted to apply to cities only, pro
vided that such laws foe uniform for cities «.f the
same class.
A true copy of the Joint Resolution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Proio-ing an amendment to the Constitution
of the Commonwealth.
Section 1. Belt resolved by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. That
the following is proposed as an amendment to
the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania in accordance with the provisions
of the "Eighteenth article thereof.
strike out section four of article eight, and in
sert in place thereof, as follows :
Section I. All elections by the citizens shall
be by ballot or by such other method as may be
prescribed by law : Proviedcd, That secrecy in
voting be preserved.
A true copy of the Joint Resolution.
W. W. (iitIEST,
Secretary of the Common wealth.
LOST — A yule lock key 011 the
street in town. If found, please
leave at the postolliee.
TEAMS WANTED.—To haul bark
from the Lavelle peeling along the
Loyal Sock above the iron bridge at
Jakersville, to Laporte tannery.
Will pay #1.7") per ton for bark haul
ed during the month of September.
Apply to F. 11. INGIIAM or L.
FOR Sale. —The building known
as John Green's shop on North Main
street, near the tannery, which can,
with a very little cost be made into a
dwelling of four rooms. Small con
sideration down and the balance in
monthly payments same as rent.
Also _•"> acres of wood land, antl one
spring wagon. Apply to
Mrs. J.T. Brewster, Laporte,l'a.
Foil Sam:.—Twenty large ewes
three and four years old, also twenty
lambs in good condition will be sold
reasonable. For particulars address
IJeiy. Tripp, Ellonton, Pa., or A. K.
Tripp, Laporte.
MoTICE is hereby given that my wife, Maria.
has left my lied and board without just
cause or provicatlon, and I hereby forbid all |>cr
son- to harlxir or to trust her on my account for I
will pay no debts contracted by her after this
ShiinW. Pa . AugustH«uo.
Tin 1 undersigned will run
his cider mill on Wednes
day, Thursday and Friday of
each week, beginning Sept.
1.:, and ending Nouember
if*. 1900.
Sonestown, Pa.
I have just returned from the city with magnificent new line of
Spring and Summer Dry Oooils, Notions anil Ladles Furnishing-
Everything of the Latest
Please call and examine, the price* aie right. Don't fail i<> look
over the Jlargain Counter, it will interest you.
I have just received a car of seels, consisting 01 Harden, Kediop, Orchard
Crass, Timothy and ('lover Seed, also near ofßowkers Fertilizer and the prices
are very low. When iu need of a plow I can supply you with the best made
"THE Will A l>." If you want anything in General Merchandise 1 can
supply you at ilie lowest ponsililt* price.
HIGHEST Market Price paid for Butter and Eggs.
Yours very respectfully A. E. CAMPBELL.
ftlbat $12.00 w j^ y
The above named price on several hundred
Very Swell, Very Pretty,
Ver i| Excel tent Suits.
I lie Uihnes are pure wool iu lancv patterned clothing as well asjplaiu
and blue; shapes of coats are singlc'or double breasted, and Itlie entire
appearance and serviceability of these suits are equal to any which you
may have made to measure al There is a reason why we -ell these
uiu at this low price, but it concerns von not, it has no bearing on quality
or p rice. There are rich pickings (or early comers. This i- an opor
tunily which should not be lost.
; J" "w cjlzroiljl-J. {?i o o i ck. Cnrroll D»kh«.nf., P
LAPORTE Clothing Store.
Clothing, Shoes and Gents' Fine Furnishing
Goods Etc., and a
Very Variety of the Finest
Ladies' Wear for Spring and Summer.
We are able to offer you u good many articles cheaper than the
cost ot making tlicm. Men's suits at ,"».00 up to 10,00; math* in
the latest styles. Youth's suits at f,.00 and s.oo are the finest
qualities, Children*' suits at l.i'f), 1..">0 and 2.0il Men's Hue shoes
f'»c, 1.2"), 1.50, up to 1.00. Ladeis' shoes »0c up to .'I.OO.
JOE COOPER, The Clothier.
CLOTHING! £!• !3after,
s—<*■ Of LAPORTE,
Desires lo call the attention of buyers of clothing to the fact that he represents
The American Woolen Mills Company, Chicago,
in this locality, the World's Largest Tailors, and that he has a lull line of
Fall and Winter Samples ol suits, pants and overcoats, in all styles and at price
that will defy competition. Also a lull line of ladies' and gentlemen's Water proot
f'oods. Call and examine his line ot goods and prices belore purchasing elsewhere
All orders tilled promptly. Perfect lit and satisfaction guaranteed.
< 'orrespondencv solicited throughout this section.
Wright &Haight,
Furniture t r , , ».
NKXT iMMtli To WAiioN Sliop, i{. OONKLIN. Mgr.
Ten Years Experience has taught I F PA
Us how to give the best value for runixOfiLLL, n.