Republican News Item. Published Every: Thursday. Volume 5. Twenty Years £ in Dushore. \ p The largest and best stock of goods p *4>l* BICYCLE MADE for jk/O CfISIV THE COLUMBIAT^ v Line of chain wheels always leads the race, from $25.00, $35.00, and $50.00. The Columbia Chainless 011 exhibition now with coaster brake. Call and see my line, if you contemplate sending for a wheel. I will give you as much for your money as you will get elsewhere. GENERAL LINE OF HARDWARE, MILL SUPPLIES. STOVES and RANGES, FURNACES. plumbin s ant * g enera l j°b work. Estimates given. Gores Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. furniture i"- and CARPETS/ T^led Will do well to see tj* Our White Enameled Beds $4.75, 5.25 and 8.76 HARDWOOD BEDS $2.75, 4.75 and 6,75. Chamber Suits S2O. to 25.00. Solid Golden Oak Double Cup boards 9.50. Extra High Back Kitchen Chairs $.95. High Back Dining Chairs, 8.50. Rockers, 1,50 to #8 Ingrain Carpets, 30, 35, 40c. Brussels Carpet 75 to 85c, Rag Carpets, 30c to 50c. Matting, 12 to 30c. Childs Cradles, 1.00 and 1.50. Cribs with springs, 2. 75 and 3.00 Cook Stoves anfc IRanges RED CROSS MAKE, B—2o Herald With high pipe shelf $2:1.00 B—2o Ditts $20.00 B—lß withreservolr, 8 —2O with reservoir, $1 ex tra, 8—23 Champion Cook Stove $28.00 8—25 Ditts, $25.00 Every Stove warranted to give satisfaction. Jeremiah Kelly, HUGHESVILLE, "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAME, PENNA, THCRSDAY, MAY 31, 1900. Democrats and Republicans! In fact it matters not with what political party you are affiliated, you should be a Protectionist in one re spect. That is to say you should protect yourselves against loss by the destruction of your property by fire; and what is still more essential, protect your families against the loss of their support by the death of the person who produces that support— the husband the father. This latter protection can be obtained practical ly without expense, since it is pos sible, and in fact compulsory,.for the life insurance company to safely in vest the funds paid into their hands, and, after a term of years, return same with profits to policy holders, if living, on demand. This matter should command your seri ous attention. Delay is dangerous and expensive. You will therefore do well to consult the agent in regard to the merits of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company of Phila delphia, which is justly reputed to be the most conservative and the most economical as well as the most liberal and equitable in its dealings with policy holders. It is no experiment or adventure but by all odds the safest and best investment you can make, besides furnishing protection to your family. The Penn Mutual is already over years old and has over 200,000,000 of insurance in force, several hun dred thousand dollars of which is in Sullivan county. You may obtain all desired infor mation by addressing M. A. Scukkman, Special Agent, Dushore, Pa. This strip is manufactured under a U. S. patent and is the neatest, strongest and most durable window shade holder on the market, and wc guarantee It to be as represented or money re funded. The price, Uzpress paid, to all points in Pa., Md.. Del., N.J. and N. Y., One Dollar per doz. other states $1.25. Your order solicited. JOHN A. PARSONS * CO. CatawllM, PS. T J. KKELEK. I • Justice-of-the Peace. Olllcein room over store, LAI'OKTK, PA. Special attention given to collections. All matters left to the care ol this office will he promptly attended to. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. DUSIIOKE, PA. One of the lurgest and beat equipped hotel? in this section of tho state. Tablo ol the host. Khtes 1.00 dollar per day. Large at.'tiles. [J LYSSES BIRD Land Surveyor Engineer and Conveyancer. Kclix'uting old lines and coiners, anil draw ing inn)*, a specialty. Will usually lie found at home on Monday*. Charges reasonable. Estella, Sullivan Co., Pa. LA PORTE HOTEL. P. W, GALLAGHER, Prop. Newly erected. Opposite Court house square. Steam heat, bath rooms, hot and cold water, reading and pool room,and barber shop; also.good stabling and livery, W M P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney-at Law, Office in County building. LAPORTK, l'A. Collections, conveyancing; tho settlement of estates and other legal .business will receive prompt attention. J. J. BRADLEY, ATTORMST-AT-LAW, orrica is cooarr bdildihs aSAR court rodii. LAPORTK, PA riHST NATIONAL BANK OF DL'SIIOKK, PKKNA. CAPITAL . - $50,000. SURPLUS . . SIO,OOO. Does'a General Hanking Business. B.W. JENNINGS, M. D. SWAKTS. President. Cashier j. J. & F, H. INGHAM, ATTOHREYB-AT-LAW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining cocntios -APORTE, p A _ £ J. MULLEN, Attornay-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA. Office over T. .1. Keelcr'sjstore. J # H. CRONIN, ATTOEHIYvAT -LAW, ROTARY PUBLIC, OryiCß OR MAIR BTRRRT. QPSUOKK, PA ni«iM Occupied by Hamilton's Force With Small Loss. BADEN-POWELL REPORTS The English are Kapldly Advancing On Pretoria—Doughty Defender of Mafeklng Wires the Commander In Chief— Krnger Say* the Boers Will Fight to the Finish. LondoA, May 28.—After lively light ing Lord Roberts' troops have captured Heilbron, the town to which the Free State Government was removed after the fall of Ivroonstadt, from which it is distant about fifty miles northwest. It was occupied by lan Hamilton's force, whose casualties on the march on the towu were seventy-five. Lord Roberts' headquarters with the maiu army have also advanced from Kroon (The Defender oru population. Supervisor Wilbur intends to keep the name and addresses of his enumerators secret until they have completed their work because of the efforts made to induce them to do can vassing work. Various business con cerns are willing to pay tlie Govern ment enumerators $4 a day to offer their wares in the homes they visit for Government purposes. Many ig norant people would feel compelled to purchase the goods, avoid impositions of this kind upon the pub lic the identity of the enumerators is kept secret. The House devoted the entire day to the Alaskan Civil Government Bill. Slow progress was made, only twenty four pages being disposed of. The Cabinet meeting to-day was de voted almost entirely to the consider ation of Porto llican appointments un der the new Government. A number of these appointments will be made very soon. Former Secretary of State John Sher man and Mrs. Sherman will leave Washington Friday in their private car for their home in Mnnsiield, 0., where they will spend the summer months. The President has nomiuated John C. Freeman, of Wisconsin, to be Con sul to Copenhagen. Denmark. The President aud members of the Cabinet made a trip down the Potomac this afternoon on the naval yacht Sylph as the guests of Secretary Long. They went as far as Indian Head and returned to the city about 9 o'clock. SPORTING NOTES. It is evident that .lames J. Corbett, who left Boston on Sunday for Pitts burg thinks very well of his late train er aud sparring partner, Gus Ruhlin, In fact Corbett believes that Ruhlin will beat Fitzslmuions on June 15. In discussing the coming battle he said: "When I made m.v match with Jeffries there were thousands of real wise peo ple who thought it was a joke. I got letters from people who told me in a friendly way that if I ever got In the ring with Jeffries he would knock me dead with a punch. Well. I fooled'em and that same wise bunch think that Ruhlin is goiug togo down with a punch from FiUi-lnniions are going to get fooled again. Now. just take a tip from someone who knows both of them, and have a little bet on Ruhlin. It will be one of the greatest, tough est tights that eve'- happened, and it will be Flt/.'s finish. There was no Atlantic l.eague game at Newark on Sunday, the local play ers refusing to play. The Athletics of Philadelphia wetv to have played there, but at the last minute the Jer sey City team was sent instead. The Newark players had not been paid for some time, and t!i»\v refused to play to-day unless some part of their sal aries were forthcoming. The players are without money, and those living elsewhere cannot eet out of towu. 1.25 Per.. Number 4 ■I ENll II Irish Invincibles Forbidden tc Land Here. THEY ARE EX-CONVICTS. "Skin the Goat" Fitzharris anil JtupU Mullet Held—lnquiry Board Vota \Va< Unanimous to Send Them Back CiMirr the Law Excluding: ex-Convlcti. New York, May 28.—James Filzhar ris, known as "Skin the Goat," ami Joseph Mullet, I lie Irish lnvincibles, who arrived on the I.ucania Saturday, were excluded l'rom the country by a special board of inquiry at the Barge Office to-day. Their exclusion is bas ed on the law which forbids the ad mission of any one adjudged guilty of a "felony, crime, infamous crime, or misdemeanor involving moral turpi tude." Karl Cadogau recently pardoned the two men, who had l>een seuteuced to life imprisonment for complicity iu the Phoenix Park murders in ISM Fitzharris, when asked by the board of what crime he had been convicted, replied: "Treason." He said he had been arrested about uine months after the Phoenix Park murders in company with twenty-one others. Five were hanged. He was sentenced to penal servitude for life. Fitzharris said he was offered ffiO.iMit) by the English government to turn in former. This he refused to do, and of his life sentence he had served about seventeen years. He admitted he was a ticket-ol'-ieave man. He had come here to reciiper ate, he said, and wished to stay about three mouths. Mullet, when taken before the board indignantly refused to answer any of the questions put to him. He naid lie was not being treated fairly by this government. After the decision, Fitzharris and Mullet were locked up in the exclusion pen. O'Ponovan Rossn soon appear ed and talked with the two ex-con victs for some time. Au appeal will probably he made to Commissioner- General Powderly at Washington. FOREIGN NEWS NOTEB. Manila. May 28.—The investigation of the charge against Brig.-Gen. Fun ston that he summarily executed two natives in the Province of Zaiulmles has resulted in a discontinuance of the proceedings. It was shown that 6en. Funstou caught the native in the very act of murdering bound Mac abeebe scouts, and his action, in view of this, was regarded as justifiable. Paris, May 28.—The Socialists cele brated the anniversary of the Coin mune yesterday with the usual pil grimage to Pere-la-Chaise Cemetery, against the walls of which the Com in\inards were shot. The procession was formed at a hall near the en trance, from which point, headed by the Socialist leaders, the demonstrat ors marched to the graves of the not able victims who were executed dur ing what the Socialists call "Bloody WMlt." London, May 28—The illness of Mrs. QJadstfae is now reported to be more 4fc|ri»us. Her strength is gradually rng, and the members of her fam hfcve been summoned to Hawar dn. Tasikoscli. May 28.—The Boers are trting a position at Klip River Drift, Ufcrlug left the Yaal. The command «bts have assembled to discuss the ad visability of continuing the struggle. The German torpedo flotilla is pro cessing slowly down the Rhine, and will arrive at Rotterdam on June I>. ■err Suedekum. Socialist, lias been el&ted to the Germnu Reichstag by a lafge majority. Herr Eugene Wolff, the explorer,ad- Tsdates the wholesale exporting of coolies from Kiasehau and Shantung Province. China, to the German col onies, especially those in Africa. The German rolling mills are pro jecting a syndicate. The wire nail Syndicate has raised prices ">o pfen DEATH RECORD. James Wilson Schoch. one of the proprietors of the Newark Sunday Call, is dead iu Newark from paraly sis. He was a native of Pennsylvania and was sixty-seven years old. In the early 'so's Mr. Schoch learned type setting iu the office of the Newark Eagle. With William A. Ute, * re porter ou the Journal, he purchased the Sunday Call iu 1873, and by hard work built it up to an influential and profitable journal. In 1890 both part ners retired from votive management, having amassed a lortune. Mrs. Davis, widow of, Jefferson Da vis, who has been ill for some days at the Hotel Gerard, New York, is still miter the physician's <*r#.