Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, May 17, 1900, Image 5

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    Republican News Item.
,'THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1900.
£ ignorance is the mother of J
J scepticism. Ignorance does J
r not abound to any great extent J j
in Sullivan County. J I
£ 5o that there # J
£ is But Little £ !
J Scepticism
£ about the Value of IKieWS
j ITtem {
* As a Profitable #
jHbvevtising 5
j iDebtum. J
5 1
#Read it, Your neighbor does. J
Don't borrow. <|
County Seat Indices.
—Now side walks are being placed
in many parts of the town.
—Tlios. E. Beahen and family
have moved to l'hillipsburg, Pa.
—Miss Ina Osier is assisting be
hind Uncle Sam's postottice cases at
—Mrs. John Andrews of Nord
niont is visiting at the home of Mrs. (
T. J. Keeler.
—Atty. E. J. Mullen was in To
wanda the early part of the week on
legal business.
—Wm. J. Lawrence and A.Walsh
purchased the Hotel Maine property
at Sheriff sale last week.
—Among the improved conditions *
of the W. & N. Is. is a new passen
ger coach putin service last week.
—The Senate shows no haste in .
taking up the resolution for the 1
selection of its members by popular
—Joe Cooper, the clothier, lias
cleaned up his back yard along the
side of the printing office. This is
—Win. English of Wellsboro,l)ep.
Factory Inspector, was in town on
Tuesday attending to the duties of
his office. j
—Wm. Fraley, who has been en-
gaged at carpentering in Irvonia Pa. ,
for the past winter, returned home ,
on Tuesday.
—Mrs. Wm. (iansel, of Muncy
Valley died of consumption on Sat- i
urday. Funeral service was held on
Monday. Interment in Sonostown
—Laura Pardoe, daughter of John ]
Pardoe, of Forksyille, died on Tues
day evening, at the age of about 19
—We are informed that the Luke 1
Mokonia railroad station will be 1
removed to Pensdale in the near
future, and also the llingdale station '
to I'ernice road.
—Having suffered several attacks
of appendicitis in the past year, and
finding no other relief, Mrs. ('lias,
ii. Wing went to Williamsport on
Tuesday to arrange for having an
operation performed.
—The Thornedale tannery which
has not been in operation for several
years, and fourteen vacant houses in
that vicinit were all destroyed by
tiro one day last week. Forest tires (
in that section caused the conflagra
tion. No one was living about the
place at the time the lire added the
last touch of destruction and put the
town out of entire existanco.
The city papers for the past week
have been tilled with sensational
court news of the trial in Philadel
phia of Mrs. Heading of William
sport who claims that a Mrs. Gaz
zain lias stolen her husband's affec
tion and wanted #IOO,OOO for the
theft. The jury returned a verdict
of $25,000 in favor of plaintiff, but
Mrs. Gazzani, the divorced wife of
Ex-Senator Gazzani, says she will
not pay #25,000 or i'sc, so the case
will go a little higher.
—Landlord F. W. Gallagher was
busy Monday sodding bis flower bed
between the hotel porch and the
side walk, where he contemplated
growing pansies this summer. Great
quantities of Government seeds was
I lately seen carried from the postottice
\by friends of Cong. Sec'y Morgan P.
■Gavitt, and by the great diplay of i
horticultural growth in Gallagher's 1
pansy bed those seeds must have
been misappropriated.
—All the Republican state plat
forms yet made point to the pros
perity of the country of the country
with more or less manifestations of
pride. The Democratic platforms
studiously avoids this subject.
—Some weeks ago it was predict -
led that the people would approve
jtlie Porto Riean act when they saw
j how it worked. The time lias come
and the prophecy has been fulfilled.
| Porti Itican trade is reviving and
the suffering there is almost a
| thing of the past, llad the Demo
crats had their way, the situation
j would still be uncertain or the poo-
I pie would be going down into their
poverty stricken purses to pay the
I internal revenue ta. es.
—ln the speech of Hon. lltifus K.
j Polk, before the Mouse, he denion
! >trated the fact that !ie can talk good
plain business sense, and is more of
an American than a partisan clog
to the wheels of industry. I lis keen
business insight sees that a wonder
ful dovelopoiiient in commercial
persuits are taking place and that
it is necessary for America to reach
out for new markets for her products,
and that America should build the
Nicaragua canal and put herself in
the best possible possition to take
her share of the growing commerce
of the Western countries and the Far
East, lie is confident that America
is capable Of making a success of so
great an undertaking, and he is
right, providing MoKinley is at the
—Wm. Mock of the firm of Flock
Brewing Co. of Williamsport, and
Horace Sherman of same place, were
in town last week enjoying an envi
able time as guests of landlord F. W.
Gallagher. The object of their so
journ was to penetrate the wilds of
Sullivan and fish for the gamiest of
trout and enjoy the hospitality of
the Lapoj-te Hotel, which is grow
ing very popular with city sports
men, where their frequent visits are
incidents that tends fo disturb the
delicious calm of their existance.
The well entertained guests of the
Laporte Hotel speak highly of our
leading hostelry and the large trade
it commands is evidence of the prop
er manner in which it is conducted.
Lewis M. Bartli, who lias been
seriously ill and confined to the
house for more than a week, is slow
ly improving.
Henry E. Obert lias added the
roller process for grinding wheat to
his new grist mill and now lias the
same in good running order. As
this mill is fitted throughout with
the most improved machinery it is
the best grist mill in this section
and should be well patronized.
The class of 1900 of the 1/ushore
High School have issued very pretty
invitations to the Commencement
Exercises to lie held in the Opera
House on Wednesday evening, May
2:>d. A class of seven have com
pleted the course this year.
Mrs. J. Is. Newell and Mrs. Wm.
Dittrich, of Towanda, and 15. S.
Thomson, of Luzerne, Pa., were in
town on Friday to attend the funeral
of James Thomson.
Mr. John Itenjamin has just open
ed a new dental office on the second
floor of the Opera House block.
The new dwelling house which
Carr 11. Jones is erecting on the site
of the one destroyed by fire is well
advanced toward completion.
Arthur Hermann, who has been
attending the Medieo-t'herivigical
College in Philadelphia, is spending
the vacation with liis parents at this
Grunge Notes.
Oil Tuesday evening May N, the
[Grangers met at the usual hour.
There being no degrees to confer,the
evening was very profitably and
pleasantly spent in carrying out .a
part of a program previously prepar
ed by the worthy Lecturer. The
question, should the farmer own a
bicycle, was discussed at length, also
the question, is there any difference
in planting garden seeds in the reg
ular signs of the moon, was discuss
ed with diverse opinions. The
Grange took an action on pure butter
protective association for enforcing
the laws in regard to okoniargorine,
passing a resolution for the removal
of Levi Wells, Dairy and Food Com.
E. (!. Rogers, I'. Bird and J. J.
I Toevan were appointed committee
and drafted the following resolution:
Resolved, that we believe Levi
Wells and all his assistants incompe
tent and negligent and we request
their removal from office at once.
A program was prepared for the
next session consisting of songs,
i select reading, declamations and
' questions for discussion, also a news
| paper edited by Ernest Kay.
; Death of 'Squire Thomson.
James Thomson died at his home
in Dushore, Pa., on Wednesday
morning, May !», at the age of so
Mr. Thomson was born at Xantj
! coke, Pa., March lil, IS-Nh l.'ntil
! the year 1850 his life was spent in
the Wyoming Valley, at which time
became to Sullivan county and pur
chased a farm in Cherry township
about 1.1 mile from Dushore. lie
remained on his farm for twelve
years since which time he has lived
jin the By rough of Dushore. He has
served as Justice of the Peace almost
I continously since IS7O.
lie was married December 2.1,
| is 47, to Flizabeth Chapman Jackson,
! who survives him, together with
two children; Bush J. Thomson,
Attorney, of Dushore, and .Mrs.Mary
15. Strong of Wyalusing, Pa. The
deceased had been a loyal member
of the Methodist Fpiscopa! church
for many years.
Clinton Lloyd Passes Away.
Clinton Lloyd, the oldest member
of the Lycoming county bar, and a
man well known in this county,died
at his home in Muncy, Thursday
morning. A few days previous he
was taken ill with heart trouble, the
attack proving fatal.
Mr. Lloyd would soon have ended
his fiftieth year as a member of the
Lycoming county bar. lie is sur
vived by a wife, three sons and one
daughter. The hotly was taken to
Williamsport for burial.
Met Death Between the Bumpers.
William Bridge, an employee of
the W. A N. 15., met a horrible death
Monday in the company's yard at
1 iughesvilie, by being caught by
the bumpers and suddenly crushed
to death. The train had been cut
and it was while he attempted togo
between the cars that he was caught
as they came together. The cars
then separated and Bridge fell to the
rails where a portion of the t.iain
passed over his legs. lie was a
married man about forty-five years
and leaves a wife and five or six
Will Decorate Soldier Graves.
Memorial Day Exercises will lie
held at Sonestown on May :»0, sit 9
a. in., and at Laporte in the after
noon «tt li p. ni. The flower com
wittee at Sonestown are Miss Mae
Simmons, Mrs. Frank Magargel,
Mrs. Klla May Sheets, Mrs. 1». F.
Magargel, Mrs. B. W. Simmons.
At Laporte, Mrs. A. J. Bradley, Miss
Alma Lauer, Miss May Mason, Mrs.
George Chase, Mrs. L. It. (ilimbic.
Snow, fell in Manchester, N. I£., the
thermometer registering 23 degrees i
above zero. Snow also fell in Port
Jervis, N. Y„ to a depth of a half an
Sir Thomas Lipton has reconsidered
his determination to again challenge
for the America's Cup.
The late John Ruskin, who at one
time was worth % 1,000,000, left an
estate valued at $50,000.
A vein of gold ore fifty feet wide,
was located at the mines of the I'orti
land Gold Mining Company, in Coloii
One of the Boer prisoners at St,
Helena, was shot by a sentry whiW
trying to escape.
A subscription has been started i i
Moccow to purchase a large piece if
plate to be sent to Gen. Cronje.
Colonial Secretary Chamberlain, i|
a speech at Birmingham, defended ill
British war policy and said that tlu
Boer republic must be made part <|
the British Empire.
The Transvaal Government has in
sued a notice that the underground
mining rights on the Rand will be soli
at public auction in the church square
at Pretoria, on June 26.
The Custom House at Lorenzo Mar
ques is congested with imports await
ing the decision of the Lisbon Govern
ment regarding articles that are con
traband of war.
Seven tribes, representing 110,001
men, have joined the revolt of tht
Ashantis against British authority ii
the African Gold Coast Colony.
The Turkish Government has de
elded to introduce octroi duties at Gal
lipoli, despite the protest made by tin
foreign embassies.
Tax riots in Spain are increasing ii
violence, particularly in Barcelom
and Valencia, where a number of pel
sons have been killed and wounded.
American troops occupied the pre
vince of Masbate. after shelling am
capturing the town of Palanos.
—Thf Ladies' Aid of the M. E.
church will sell ice cream Saturday
night every two weeke, ta-yinnintf
May l'-\ at the residence <>l" Mrs. ('
K. Grimm.
Public Notice.
Notice is hereby {riven ilml my wile,
Mary K. I.isson left lav bed ami board on
May 10, H»00, without just cause or prov
ieation. All persons are hereby notified
not to harbor her or lo trust her on mv
account, as I. will not |>ay debts ol her
C. It. LI.SSON, Katies Mere. I'a.
Straw hats for stile tit J.W. Hack's
store, Sonestown.
■ Famous Maryland
m. Men's Clothing
BUd« to Order. Sipreiiif» Prepaid
' The styllsh lclnd or Suits, Over
and Trousers, made by best
city mere hant made
' our workrooms at
what you have to pay at retail. Our
Men's Clothing Catalogue,
large cloth samples attached,
shows the latest styles and con
ccits, and is profusely illustrated
with the latest fashions that will
be worn by the best dressed
jfcim this season. Wc ship you our
m&jp Clothing C.0.D., and we guar*
antee each garment to fit you,
so that you run absolutely no risk :
think of the large saving you effect
and the stylish garments we send you! •
>Ve publish n 16-color
book,which j|f|^
their exact colors and r|
•lesigns, so that by look- MTJS) ■■■ lTriT'C Iff
Ing at these color plates
you can tell exactly how V ■
the fabric itself appears, fc<P ,
and buying from us you gfl 3^
buy at mill prices, and save from 40 to 60 per cent.
▲ll Carpets sewed free, lining furnished without j
charge, and freight prepaid
Both catalogues are free. Which ilo joil urant!
Address this way;
AJLIUS HINES ft SON, Dept.9o9, Baltimore, Md.
CONDENSED REPORT ol the condition of thr
FIRST NATIONAL HANK ol llushorc, l'a.. |
At closaof business, Dec.lß9Sl. i
Loans and Discounts s](*),97oftS
11. S. Bonds to Secure circulation ij.Mh) ik)
I'reinium on I'nitcd States Bonds 1,00000
Stock Securities lo.l'iO 00
Furniture l.'joooo
Duefrom Bunks Approved reserve Agt SG,7'JO :;i
Redemption Fund I', S. Treasurer i«2 SO
S|n'Cle and Lf'ioit Tender Notes 15.853 19
5 3000511, 118
Capital .. v ..j so.oooco
Surplusand Undivided Profits Hi.SiH'il I
Circulation io,7'>oooi
Dlvidens Unpaid 7'2 oo I
Deposits 222,50(i 74 I
$ :ioo,oo'J 9S !
State of Pennsylvania, County of Sullivan s>:
1, M. 1). 8 warts, Cashier of the above named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and be
M. D. SWARTS, Cashier. I
Subscribed and sworn to before ine this Ed •
day of May WOo.
JOHN 11. CRONIN, Notary l'ublic.
E.G. BYLVARIA. Directors
Fresh lake herring and white lisli
just received at J. \V. Buck's store.
Finest Hantablara Cali. prunes sc. j
Fancy evaporated apples, 9c per H>.
Fancy evaporated peaches, lie H>.
At A. Buschhausen's.
A nice fresh lot of oranges, lemons ;
and hannanas at J. W. Buck's.
Fou SALE:—Two lots in Laporte j
Borough, with barn and fruit trees (
thereon. A very desirable location |
for a dwelling, overlooking Lake)
Mokoma. Lots situated on Muney
street. Terms reasonable. Address!
MRS. JI. H. Rise, Dushore.
if its Dold's its the best. Wej
handle Dold's smoked meats exclu-!
sively ?it A. Buschhausen's.
FouSalk.—A Saw Mill in first j
class condition. Capacity, 10,(100 to i
50,000 feet per day, in hemlock. Can ,
be seen in operation until June Ist, j
1900. Practically new. For further 1
particulars, address
CIIAS. \Y. Bl:ki>i:u A- Co.
Ow. Laporte, Pa.
Mr. James McFarlane is agent for j
the Celebrated Pitkin Paint and
Specialties. This is the oldest mix
ed paint manufactory in America !
and their goods are guaranteed not
to chalk, crack or peel oil' when j
properly applied and to last longer
than any mixture of Trust Lead and
Judge, llonorables John s. Line ami Conrad
Krails,Associate Judges of the < ourts of Oyer ami
Terminer ami (ienerut Jail Delivery, Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'Court and Com
liion Pleas for the ( ounty of Sullivan, have issued
theirpreceiit, bearing ilate the !» day id Mar.
IH'S.I, to nie directed, for holding the several
courts in the Borough of Lftporte, on Monday the
isth tlav of Mav I'.HW, ato'clock i>. in.
'i'hcrcfore.uotico is hereby given to the coroner.
Justices, of the Peace and Constables within the
county, that they lie then and there in their proi>-
er person at 2 o'clock ]>. m.of said day, with their
rolls, records, inquisitions examinations and
other renienilierances to those things to which
their offices appertain to lie done. And to those
who are hound by thcirrccogni/.anee topfosccute
against prisoners who are or shall be in the jail of
the said count v of Sullivan, are hereby notified to
in* then and there to prosecute against thein as
will be Jus l.
11. W. OSLKR, Sheriff.
herlU's Office, Laporte, l'a... Apr. H, lnuo.
Ift FOR THE til
| ShOe Ladles. I
$ ... WARRANTED. ... g
tTV $2.00
1 IJL *2.50 *
£ PER |
* Perfect Fitting, Best Wearing and
W SMost Kfliable Shoe sold. *
j m For seventeen years our product has beew a i|j»
: m Standard Shoe for Women, and is to-day con-
' fL ceded to be one of the most reliable and tnor-
2 oughly honest lines of Ladies' Footwear on
2? the American market. Sold through our au
thorized Agents. All styles, sizes and widths, w
• • iAf
Sold exclusively by
* Mrs. D. H. LORAH. *
J W. J, Creimton s uo. j;
% lyn^ ass uRPSffiISXs
t"£?jzvzs.?, VVrgßpr $
stamped on Sole. W?
r'amobell The MERCHANT,
I have just returned from the city with a magnificent new line of
Spring and Summer Dry Goods, Notions and Ladies Furnishing
Everything of the Latest
Please call ami examine, the prices are right. Don't fail to look
over the Bargain Counter, it will interest you.
I have just received a car ol' seeds, consisting ol Harden, Ked-top, Orchard
Orass, 1 iinolliy and Clover Seed, also a car of Liowkers Fertilizer and tlie prices
arc verv low, \\ hen in need of a plow I can supply you with the best made
' 11f. \ I>. Ii yon want anything in General Merchandise 1 can
supply you at the lowest possible price.
HIGHEST Market Price paid for Butter and Eggs.
Yours very reaped I.illy A E CAMPBELL.
What $12.00
The above named price tin several hundred
Very Swell, Very Pretty,
Excellent Suits.
The fabrics are pure wool in lancy patterned clothing as well asjplain
and blue; shapes of coats are singlejor double breasted, and |the entire
appearance and serviceability ol these suits are e<|iial to any which you
may have made to measure at s2">. There is u reason why we sell these
nits at this low price, but it concerns you not. it has no bearing on quality
or price. There are rich pickings (or early corners. This is an opor
lu nitv which should not be lost.
J* W CAROLL. Bi 0 o t o e k. Carro " DirsHOHK, Y
LAPORTE Clothing Store.
Clothing, Shoes and Gents' Fine Furnishing
Goods Etc., and a
Very Large Variety of the Finest
Ladies' Wear for Spring and Summer.
We are able to olfer you a goo<l many articles cheaper than the
cost of making them. Men's suits at .">.OO up to lu.oO; made in
the latest styles. Youth's suits at 2.">0, ">.OO anil S.OO are the finest
qualities. Children-' suits at 1.-'i, 1. 50 and 2.00 .Men's tine shoe,
'.•sc, 1.2">, 1.50, tip to 1.00. I.adeis' shoes 00c up to:1.00.
JOE COOPER, The Clothier.
CLOTHING! 5711 Rafter,
S 1 • l^— _/ Of LAPORTE,
Desires to call the attention ol' buyers of clothing to the fact that be represent#
The American Woolen Mills Company, Chicago,
in ibis locality, the World's I.unrest Tailors, and that be has a lull line of
Fall and Winter Samples ol suits, pants and overcoats, in all styles and at prices
thai w ill defy competition. Also a lull line of ladies' and gentlemen's Water proof
floods. . Call and examine bis line ol goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere
All orders tilled promptly. Perfect lit and satisfaction guaranteed.
Correspondency solicited throughout ibis section.
111,1 ss A. A. BAKER,
Wright & Haight,
laporte, pa.
NEXT IKiOR TO W.viON Slit>l*. 11. A. CONKIJX, Mgr.
Ten Years Experience lias taught FORKSVILLE. PA.
Us how to give the best value for