Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, April 19, 1900, Image 5

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    Republican News Item.
,THURSDAY, Am. 19, 1900.
\ Ignorance Is the mother of >
T scepticism. Ignorance does \
V not abound to any great extent J
# in Sullivan County, 112
$ So that there £
£ is But Little 2
5 Scepticism .
J about the Value of
tZbc IRe\V6 i
{ ITtem |
112 As a Profitable 112
jßbverttsing *
t flDebtuin. J
# Read it, Your neighbor does. #
£ Subscribe, Don't borrow. J
County Seat Indices.
—Farmers are busy these warm
spring days.
—Editor Newell was in town on
Monday taking notes.
—Emma Gallagher is slowly re
covering from an attack of appendi
—Will the Dewey campaign com
mittee have a Board of Lady Man
—lreland shouldn't permit Eng
land to pull the shamrock over her
—Mrs. Walter Spencer is visiting
her daughter Miss Jennette at Pic
ture Bocks.
—Miss Ambrewster of New Jer
sey, spent Sunday at the Lauer
—J. W. Ingham, of Sugar Bun, is
the guest of his brother Judge lug- 1
ham this week.
—W. E. Porter and wife of Canton
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Tripp over Sunday.
—J. W. Flynn and wife were
Easter shopping in Williamsport
last Saturday.
—Max Frankel has accepted the
position of bar tender at the Com
mercial Hotel on Main street.
—Admiral Dewey suspects that
he has already talked too much.
This is the beginning of political—
and any other sort of wisdom.
—Prof. O. L. Davis, of Franklin
dale,Fa., was in town Saturday night
receiving a cordial greeting from his
many friends.
—Joseph Sick of Cherry Mills and
.1. W. McCarty of Lopez were pleas
ant callers and cheerful paying sub
scribers to the NEWS ITEM Monday.
—All the British generals in South
Africa seem pretty well satisfied
with their locations. At least they
manifest no desire for a spring mov
—Mr. Philip Karge is dangerous
ly ill at his home in Laporte town
ship. At times he has been very
low during the past week.
—Morgan Gavitt has moved his
family to Sonestown where they will
reside during bis appointed term as
secretary of Congressman Polk in
—Our friend and good paying sub
scriber Henry llufl'master made this
office a call on Monday, in company
with 8.C.1t. Kschinka who enlisted
in our army of readers.
—The fishing season opened on
the Kith, owing to the fact that the
1 ">th came on Sunday. Nevertheless
some of the too ardent disciples of
Izaak Walton baited hooks and cast
lines on the good day.
—Glorious weather on Easter was
greatly appreciated by the inhabi
tants ot this cold section. The sun
was undimmed, the air balmy and
all nature seemed to rejoice and put
on new life.
—Mr. Shopbell, of the firm of
Shopbell, Gamble «Sr Co., William
sport, died in Baltimore on Friday,
lie was a man of high standing in |
business and religious circles of his j
—Lumberman M. E. Beeder finds
pleasure in dairying and was up in
New York state again last week buy
ing more head of high blooded stock.
Butter of his manufacture is of the
choice quality and meets ready sale.
[ —Now the yellow journals are
after Funston for meting out swift
nnd deserved punishment to a couple
of murderers whom he captured.
Some people imagine that war can
be carried on without bloodshed.
—The Porto liican bill does not
go into effect until May 1, but its
beneficial results will be evident at
once. The men who have been
holding back their sugar and other
property from export will now
abandon the hope of free trade and
will get ready to ship them. This
will make work and restore pros
—Otto P. Behr of Lopez and
Miss Edith Ileacock of Dushore
were married on March 28. Mr.
Bohr is one of the best known and
most highly respected young men
of Sullivan county. The NEWS
ITEM extends congratulations to
the happy couple.
—Secretary Gage has notified
Congress that the revenues for the
next fiscal year will be some S7O,
000,000 in excess of the expenditures
unless some abnormal expenses be
incured. If possible, some action
will be taken to reduce taxation,
but if this has to be postponed to
next session, the country will at
least have the consolation of k now
ing that a surplus is better than a
deficit with an issue of bonds to
save the Treasury from disaster.
—The Ganuski family at the Tan
nery who have been a town charge
on this Borough for some time past,
moved to Scranton last week where
several of the well grown children
have found employment. Their
worthy example might well be fol
lowed by other charges who are idle
and apparently haye more than some
self respecting citizens who support
themselves and pay outlandish taxes
to the poor fund.
—The Lake Mokonia Land Co.
have advertised the lake and sur
rounding land in their possession at
public sale on May 2. It is rumored
that a syndicate composed of pro
fessional medical men are contem
plating the purchase of this property
and develope it into a large sanitor
ium. Dr. Heberton of Hughesville
who has a cottage near the lake and
enjoyes the climate there with in
vited guests whenever his business
permits, is loud in his praise of the
lake and the climate which he has
found to be highly invigorating and
of the kind most desirable for an in
valid or over-worked person in re
cupiating. If the above mentioned
syndicate should make the purchase
it is an assured fact that Lake Mo
konia will have her natural resources
—The audience that heard Web
ster Davis lecture on the Boers in
Washington last Sunday night was
not composed of anti-administration
men who took up the cause of the
Boers only in order to attack the
President. On the contrary, it hiss
ed down all anti-administration
remarks and applauded only the
parts of the speeches that dealt with
the Boer question alone. Jn other
words, it was a republican audience
and it showed plainly that the
Democrats have no monopoly of
sympathy with the Boers in their
struggle for independence, even
though they do not see what the
United States can do about it.
Jurors Drawn tor May Term ol'Court.
William 1.. Carrington, Mathew
J* Burns, George W. Lawrenson,
Robert Ilosengrant, Lawrence La
velle, Edward J. Flynn, Herman
Behr, J. Beese Kilgore, Corneleus
J. Harrington, Joseph Bichliu,
(Jeorge 1 lart/.ig, William L. Jen
nings, Guy Baker, Bert Ha/./.en,
Henry C. Boatman, Andrew Edgar,
John Litzleman, Thomas 11. Galag
her, Frank Campbell, John Yonkin,
Walter Lawrenson, Thomas L. Bed
ford, John Botsford, Asa (J. Little,
W. Lincolji Sheets, Oscar (). Barnes,
John Bradley, Enos McGee, Jacob
L. Snyder, William Boyles, Grant
Little, John A. Speaker, Harry
Kellar, (Jeorge Suber, Abraham
L. Kilmer, James Spence, Jr.
(«H AN I).
Albert Glide well, James Sweeney,
j Gabriel Bowman, C. Murry Toyer,
| Roland Martin, McClellan Phillips,
j Henry I'richard, Thomas S. Tom
j kins, Frank Shoemaker, Burton K.
! Luther, Bernard E. Bohn, Peter M.
Whitacre, William Snyder, Charles
M. Barth, William A. Leonard,
Benjamin B. King, Levi Huff
master, Valentine Robe, W. Kerr
Holmes, Henry E. Fawcet, Asa
Fawcet, John Miller, Saddler S.
Bogers, Daniel S, Philips.
A Large and Harmonious Gathering of
Party Representative!.
Monday's Republican county con
vention held at the Court ] louse was
perfectly harmonious throughout
and its work was performed with
promptness aud dispatch. The at
tendance of delegates was almost
complete and the voting at the pri
maries in many districts was large,
which goes to prove the. great inter
est taken in party affairs in the
The convention was called to'order
by County Chairman F. I'. Vincent,
at 2 p.m. John W. Rogers Esq., of
Forksville was elected to preside
over the convention. M. C. Mereur
of Eldredsville, and Dan Schonover
of Berniee were chosen vice-presi
dents. The secretaries were F. 11.
Ingliam, Vernon Hull and J. J.
Voting was all done by acclama
tion, there being no contesting for
honors. Chairman Vincent was the
unanimous choice for re-election by
virtue of the excellent manner he
conducts the duties of his office.
The convention acted wisely in their
choice of Walter L. Hoffman as del
egate to state convention, and R. 11.
Guy as alternate. Congressional
conferees are Robert Kschinka,
and Ulysses Bird who have the
power to choose their alternates.
The county delegates who so ably
took part in this convention and up
on whom will rest the grave respon
sibility of naming a county ticket
that is able to win at the polls and
one that will net cause dissension
within the rank and file of the party
are as follows:
Bernice.—lt. IT. Guv, D. Schono
ver, Win. Brown, Joel Saxon.
Cherry.—Lawrence La voile, It. C.
It. Kscliinka, Jos. Sick, If. <). Iluff
Davidson. —L. M. Kins, 1). 11.
Dushore.—H. N. Osier, l)r. P. CJ.
Diddle, 1). E. Mingos, James Cook.
Eagles Mere.—C. F. Cheney Clar
ence E. Dunham.
Fox.—ll. S. Fanning, S. l\ Mor
gan, Sam Leonard, A. B. Kilmer.
Fork-iville.—W. E. Miller, J. W.
llillsgrove.—A. A. Ludy, S. E.
Harrison, W. Saddler, Vernon
Laporte.—F. 11. Ingham, Win.
Lai>orte Twp.—ltay Kesler Jr.,
Wm. llotsford.
Lopez.—W. J. MeCarty, J. 1).
Cooper, Win. Snyder, V. D. Bur
gess, A. L. Parish, Thosllungsinger.
Mt. Vernon. —
Jamison City.—
—Ringdale. -
Rlcketts. —Henry B. (iary, John
C. Cornell.
Shrewsbury.—Charles ltohers, <J.
Henry Little.
Resolutions were adopted endors
ing the Hon. Galusha A. Grow for
Congressman at large.
ItKsoi.vKi), That we deem it in
expedient to nominate the county
ticket at this time, and therefore
defer the nomination of Representa
tive, Associate Judge, District Atty.
Jury Commissioner ami Coroner to
an adjourned meeting of this con
vention to be held in the Court
House at Laporte, at a time to be
fixed by by the Chairman of tne
Republican Standing Committee.
Following are the names of the
standing committee.
Bernice.—John C. Schaad.
Cherry.—ltobt. C. It. Kshinka.
Colley.—O. <l. Barnes.
Dushore.—H. N. Osier.
Davidson.—D. 11. Lorah.
Elkland.—O. 11. MeCarty.
Forks.—E. R. Warburton.
Fox.—S. C. Morgan.
Forksville.—John Bandall.
llillsgrove.—l). (irafius.
Laporte Twp.—Bay lvestler.
Lopez.—Win. J. MeCarty.
Shrewsbury.—lt. W. Bennett.
Ringdale.—S. Mead.
Rickets.—F, C. Kuns.
Laporte.—W. C Mason.
Mt. Vernon.—Ceo. W. Lawrenson.
Jamison City. —Geo. W. LHley.
Eagles Mere. —E. V. Ingham.
Cncle Sum will accept the Del
agoa Bay award rather than give
arbitration a black eye by rejecting
it. Yet the affair furnishes only
one more proof that arbitration is
not practicable where continental
Europeans are the judges. These
will always disregard abstract jus
tice and strike an average between
rival claims.
Fleishmans vegtable compressed
yeast will be kept on hand at the
store of Mrs. M. C. Lauer.
S Famous Maryland
W Men's Clothing
M*d« to Orfltr. lipraMf* Pre Mid
mmtl timanatetd to
The stylish Suits* Over-
Coats and Trousers, tuade by bet
city merchant tailors, are made in
our workrooms at about
what you have to |>ay at retail. Our
Aim's Clothing Catalogue,
large cloth samples attached,
shows the latest styles and; con
celts, and Is profusely illustrated
with the fashions that
be worn by the best dressed
this season. We ship you our
Clothing C.0.D., and we guar
antee each garment to fit you,
so that you run absolutely no risk;
think of the large saving you effect
and the stylish garments we send you I
We publish a 1 (.color
lithographed l>ook,which /M/
shows Carpets, Ryes, /.mm tSmSWt,
Portieres, Lace Curtains WWW T Mjr MmWSmmXMk
and Bed Sets, Table and
Piano Covers, etc., in
their exact colors and - lei
designs, so that by look* Jfn
Ing at these color plates M
you can tell exactly how V
the fabric itself appears.
and buying from r 1 '
buy at millprices, antl save from 40 to 60 per cent.
All Carpet* tewed free, lining furnished without
charge, and freight prepaid
Both catalogues are free. Which do you wantf
Address this way:
JULIUS MINES a SON, Dept.9o9, Baltimore, Md.
WANTED —Some one to plant the
garden 011 the John Green lot, 011
share. Apply to Mr. Brewster 707
6th street, N. E. Washington, I). C
■ Jean Geautier, of Laporte twp.,
Sullivan county, Pa., is a pauper,
who is at present chargeable to the
Poor District of said Township, and
whereas the Overseers of the Poor of
said district have provided said pau
per with the necessary means of sub
sistence by furnishing him with
suitable and necessary wearing ap
paral together with boarding and
lodging, in the family of John Ros
encrants, in Laporte township; this
therefore is to notify all persons not
to give said Jean Geautier any credit
or to harbor him at the expense of
Laporte Township Poor District as
said Poor District will pay 110 bills
contracted by him.
(>verseers of the Poor of Laporte
Township, Sullivan Co. Pa.
April 3, 11 tOO.
Wall paper at popular prices at
J. W. Bucks, this week.
Where it is Not Necessary to Examine
A Laporte lady remarked, but
yesterday, that she thought Retten
burys the most reliable place to buy
from she ever knew, as it was not
necessary togo to the store antl ex
amine what you bought; simply send
your order and the amount you want
to pay, his judgment never fails in
sending what will please you, the
goods will be reliable and exactly
what he tells you. Twenty years
experience, as he says in his adver
tisement, has enabled Mr. Itetten
bury to make all repairs to watches
and clocks in a thorough workman
like manner to which the NEWS
ITEM and his many patrons can tes
tify. lie will tell you what the
cause or trouble is with your time
piece and the price at which it can
be properly repaired and regulated
so as to be reliable.' As every one
knows, a watch or clock that does
not keep correct time is 110 ornament
but a source of vexation. Many
people would be glatl to pay a few
dollars a year to have their time
pieces kept in order, but they don't
know that J. V. Rettenbury is a
competent horologist.
Judge, llonorables John S. Line und Conrad
Kruus.Assouiate Judges of the Court* of Oyer ami
Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court anil Com
mon Pleas for the County of Sullivan, have issued
their precept, bearing dale the >1 day of Mar.
IH9(>, to me directed, for holding the several
courts in the Borough of Laporte, ou Monday the
•28th day of May 1000, at 2 o'elork p. 111.
Therefore,notice is hereby given to the Coroner,
Justices of the Peace and Constables within the
county, that they lie then and there in their prop
er person at 2 o'clock p. in.of said day, with their
rolls, records, inquisitions examinations and
other rememberanees to those things to which
their otllces appertain to l>e done. And to those
who are liound by their recognizance to prosecute
against prisoners who are or shall be in the jail of
the said county of Sullivan, are hereby notified to
be then and there to prosecute against them as
will be just.
11. W. OSLEU, Sheriff.
herifTs Office, Lajxtrte, l'a.,, Apr. 14, IpOQ.
+ r\j FOR THC *
|£reighton 112
112 Shoe Ladies. «£
j ... WARRANTED. ... $
I!■ $2.00
1 IjL $2.50 s
* PAIR. £
£ Perfect Fitting, Best Wearing and JjJ
* SMost 'Reliable Shoe sold. *
ift For seventeen years our product has been a
m Standard Shoe for Women, and is to-day con-
m ceded to be one of the most reliable and thor-
JS ouffhly honest lines of Ladies' Footwear on W
2 the American market. Sold through our au- •
•T thorued Agents. All styles, sizes and widths. JJj
* #
SBold exclusively by j{j[
Mrs. D. H. LORAH, *
• MADS I* -JYC £
S w. 1. creisktos & to. S
; s
+ stamped oh Sole. %
r'amobell The MERCHANT,
I have Just returned from the city with a magnificent new line of
Spring anil Summer Dry (Joods, Notions and Ladies Furnishing
Everything of the Latest
Please call and examine, the prices are right. Don't fail to look
over the Bargain Counter, it will interest you.
I have just received a oar of seeds, consisting 01 Garden, Red-top, Orchard
Grass, Timothy and Clover Seed, also a car ofTJowkera Fertilizer and the prices
are very low. When in need of a plow I can supply you with the best made
"THE WIHAD." If you want anything in General Merchandise 1 can
supply you at I lie lowest possible price.
HIGHEST Market Price paid for Butter and Eggs.
Yours very respectfully A. E. CAMPBELL.
iUbat sl2.oo w^ y
The above named price on several hundred
Very Swell, Very Pretty,
Excellent Suits.
The fabrics are pure wool in fancy patterned clothing asjplain
and blue; shapes of coats are single'or double breasted, and |the entire
appearance and serviceability of these suits are ei|tial to any which yon
may have made to measure at $2."). There is a reason why we sell these
nits at this low price, but it concerns yon not, it has no bearing.oll <|nalit\
or price. There are rich picking* lor early comers. This an opor
tunitv which should not be h<st.
0" "W" CABOLL. Ss;l. OM °" DUSHOBK, P
LAPORTE Clothing Store.
Our New Fall and Winter
Consisting everything you mant in
Qlotfiifig, Roots, Sfioes,
Ladies' Capes, Skirts, Wrappers,
Shirt Waists, Corsets, Etc. ■
We Can Save You From Two to Three Dollars on Each Suit.
From 2">c to 1.0(1 011 every pair of shoes and from 20 to 40. eta.
011 every article you buy of us. We sell our goods at very small
profits. We have 110 extra expense and are satisfied with the
Small Profit
JOE COOPER, The Clothier.
CLOTHING ! <3-Rafter,
Desires to call the attention of buyers of clothing to the fact that he represents
The American Woolen Mills Company, Chicago,
in this locality, ihe World's Largest Tailors, ami that he has a full line of
Fall and Winter Samples of suits, pants and overcoats, in all styles and at prices
that will defy com petition. Also a lull line of ladies' and gentlemen's Water proof
GooJs. Call and examine his line ol goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere
All orders tilled promptly. Perfect fit and satisfaction guaranteed.
( 'orrespoudenev solicited throughout this section.
Wright & Haight,
furmture * . , . «,
naert afting,
Ten Years Experience has taught FORKSVII I F PA
Us how to give the best value for rUni\OVILLL, rn.