Republican News Item. THURSDAY, XOV.IO, 1899. County Seat Indices. and glances at the times. Ignorance is the mother of \ scepticism. Ignorance does J V not abound to any'great extent J 0 in Sullivan County. 9 4 So that there # £ is But Little £ £ Scepticism £ J about the Value of \Zhc fl.\c\V6 \ ITtem As a Profitable jHovectising * j flDebium. * # Read it, Your neighbor does. * # Subscribe, Don't borrow. j| —W.C. Mason is in Punxsutanney I'a., fin business, this week. —Judge himl 3lrs. Dunham visited Towandu friends over Sunday. When at Dushore, don't miss seeing Holcomb «V Lauer's Christmas gords. -Judge and .Mrs. T. .J. Ingham spent Sunday with Eagles Mere friends. -(). W. La Hue and wife, of Fleni ington, N. J. are spending a week in town. —Mrs. M. Donovan of Laportc, spent Tuesday witii her son William at I lughesville. —Mrs. 11. li. Uarrows is selecting a line of carpets and rugs for Hol comb & Lauer, while in the city. -Two young girls of Luzerne lioro, have been arrested on the charge of obtaining posession of, and opening a letter addressed to another girl. They are under S.IOO bail each to stand trial in United States Court. —Vice President llobart, is re ported as improving from what was thought to be bis last illness. He is again able to take nourishment and sleeps naturaly, which is very encourageing to bis friends. The Vice President's family now have hopes of his recovery. —The prosperous workingnien of the country evidently remembered on the last election day the failure of an experiment in change of adminis tration in 1892, and this accounts for the unexpectly large Republican vote in the great manufacturing sections where protection lias brought prosperity to every line of industrial enterprise. —Hunting season now being in order we probably will soon hear of some one being shot by being mis saken for game, accidents of this na ture seem to be growing more num erous each year, and it will be well for those who enjoy the sport of hunting, to look before they shoot, as the life of one human being is of greater value than all the game in existence. —-<'. W. lieergeist, of Philadel phia, who spent a pleasant summer at this place three years ago, i- the guest of Mrs. M. Lauer for a few weeks. Mr. (ieorge Fiester assumed charge of the hotel at Nordmont on Monday, (ieorge is a genial fellow and will make an excellent landlord for that locality. The entertainment in the Bap tist church on Tuesday night was a social and financial success, and re tlects much creid to those who took part and contributed to its success. —Fame is not lasting. Last week Dewey got married and the papers all gave him a small bust picture while the bride gut a full portrait figure. Who's hero how. -We suppose a great deal depends on whether Mrs. (!eo. Dewey would like to be the lady of the White House. Still, we think (ieorge possesses some veto power, even if he is not President of the States, and only vice admiral at home. War is getting to be a kind of a lark. Here are the savage Moors providing their captives with foot balls and allowing tlieni to play on their race course. And neutral coun trses taking subscriptions to furnish them with ice cream and beer. Shank. Turkeys arc fattening in this vic inity. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Campelle w ere I on a visit to friends al Jackson Summit, Tioga county, part of Inst week. Miss Katie Brown anil brother, Frank liave retnrued to their home .11 Dry Brlcge, \'a. after spending a year with relatives in this place. <). J. Williams has erected a line new barn on his premises. Win. Shoemaker and son I'aynej with Mr. Cowen from Towanda, ami ' [»artses from Tray, I'a. are hunting tear 011 Frozen Hun near Ellenton. j L. J. Campbell has moved into; lis large, line hwelling on the corner j >f South and t'enter streets, which I ic has recently erected. j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Watts and •liild, of Ka*t Canton, I'a. are visit ag the hitter's parents, Mr. and -Mrs j Lorenzo Brown, 011 Water street. M. E. Williams is very ill at this; vriting, from the effects of a felon >ll his hand. Richard Swengle has a large ami commodious house in course of erec ;ion 011 Water street, and when completed will make a very pretty liome for the aged couple. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Campbell are in Williamsport this week. W. 11. Fanning has made ex ten-i -ive improviuents to his building | used as a store and Post < >ftice, and 1 now lias a line dwelling. Born, <)ct. !!0, a son to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McKinster. Miss Maud Brencliley is keeping house for her brother Frank, who has a log job on Bern ice Ridge. .Miss Anna I'orter, who recently went to Binghaniton is at present visiting relatives in Brooklyn, N. V. F. E. Spooner and wife, of Hills grove, were visiting at Z. F. Kil mers the past week. J. L. Urenchley is making many | repairs to his home 011 Center street and in time will make it a handsome residence. Jim is a hustler. Lewis Dickerson's new home is Hearing completion, and will be ready for occupancy by Thanks giving. Arch Morgan and (ieorge Battin j i»f this place, who some time ago j went to Potter county, are now in j West Virginia in the 1 umber woods, j Miss Nan Kilmer has returned from a visit with friends at <{rover, j Pa. A. E. Campbell is grading the yard at his dwelling house and othewise improving it. lie is also opening up a street through his lot to intersect with Kilmer Avenue. Bones town. W. 1!. Uazzen was in llughsville 011 Saturday. Mrs. Eon Converse visited friends at Nordmont last week. Mrs. (ieo. Simmons and daughter in- law Mrs. R. W. Simmons, spent Thursday in llughsville. A. T. Armstrong transacted busi ness in Ilughcsville and Opps last week. Mr. and Mrs. 15. (i. Welch ars lo cated 111 town for the winter after being at Eagle Mere since June. ({eo. I tanley of Eagles Mere, is again carrying mails between this place and Eagles Mere. The question "resolved that trusts have benefited the laboring man" was discussed at the Literary, last Friday evening. Miss Nora Crist of Chamouiii, vis ited her parents at this place on Sun day. Clias. Billanihoz and family have moved to Picture Rocks. J. 11. Buck ami family are moving to Strawbride. Plenty of hunters around here! now. Mr. Roberts, Secretary and Treas urer of the American Manufactuser Association, is here enjoying a hunt with Mcssers Lock wood Bros. Lots of lumber coming down the E. M. li. li. now. B. home in Williamsport, November, 11, of heart failure. De ceased and Ids wife celebrated their golden wedding but a few weeks ago. Mr. Mctiinncs was apparently in robust health, and his death was a severe blow to his legion of friends. He was at one time Fditor of the Gazette A- Bulletin,published at Will iamsport, be was also the author of a history of Lyeomidg county, which is considered a valuable work. liernice Echoes. I A series of revival meetings are > peing held by the Fnited Fvangcl | <'hurch in the I. <>.<>. F. Hall. Ilov. Voting of Lopez, officiating. Invitations tire out for the, marri age of Miss Clara May Watson to Lee Johnson, which w ill take place Wednesday, Nov. 22, at the Pres byterian ('hurch. A number of amaturesare rehear— ! ins a comedy drama, called "Nan the Mascot". The play will be giv jen some time this month :iu.1. Average behavior 75. i First grade: Anna Stackhousc 7!>, j Herman Stackhousc, 75; Stunicy May, 0H; Law rence May, *2; Howard ! Bradley, 70; Ollie Morris, 70; Tlios. Wilson, 75; Lulu Bradecy,s2; Nellie Bradley, 7s; Charlie Anders, s|; John Morris, 70. i Second grade: Blanche Stackhousc i 7s; ('arris Sbeary, 0s; Hobert Brad ! ley, 73; Jennie Bradley, 70; Lizzie Hicliard, si; Ernest Morris, si; Clara Bradley, 75. j Third grade: Anna Speary, s2. | Mabel Speary, SI; Sadie Crist, so; j Howard Stackhousc, 70; Charles i Bradley, 70. Those missing no days jan Mable and Carrie Speary, ller j man, Blanche and Anna Stackhousc, ! Charlie Andres. Myrtle Fdgar, Teaelic. A Model Hotel. Many handsome hotels have beton I erected in this section of the st:ite of late, but there are few which eoni -1 pare favorably with the new house !at this place. Architecturally the | building is wholly dissimilar to any other in the county. The chief merit of the hotel is, however, in its i interior construction as there appears on every hand unmistakable eviden ce of a studious attention to comfort and convenience in all the arrangc i mcnts. Fitted out as it is with steam heat, hot and cold water, bath rooms, pool room, barber shop, it pleasant office supplied with a large ; book case tilled with select literature and a clerk who takes pleasure in his work, all in all makes it inviting to | a stranger and a credit not only to the county seat but to the county as .it whole. Mr. F. W. (lalhigber,w lio litis the cheerful and well-nourished aspect which should belong to those who administer the good of hostelrics opened the doors of this excellent hotel on Monday. That he i- again a full Hedged landlord i reasons for his many friends to re joice. It is a stilllcient guarantee that all who patronize hi- tables and j bar will find the good things set be fore tlieni in quality and quantity i all that can be desired, with this, as •la mutter of course, will go polite at tention and courteous treatment to i all his guests. ! CHRISTMAS SHOPPINd BY MAIL. We have made preparations Ukl for taking care of the wants of our t wo million customers) who lire in every portion ol our 304 page Catalogue la I IbSssESSspgk full of suggestions about i everything to Eat, Wear and |S23aO Use, anil offera particular Bookcases, Bicycles, lirass Goods, Cabinets, Candies; China Closets, Cigars, Clocks, Guarantied Watches Couches, Commodes, Desks. 69c. to $75 00. Draperies, Fancy Cnai rs. Fancy Tables, Fountain Pens, Gold Pencils.Groceries.Uand- WCBW kerchiefs. Jewelry, Mufflers, nß9n Lamps, Musical Instruments, Neckties, Ornaments, Pocket , Knives, Pictures, Bookers, I itAS- —J» Shoes, Silverware, Sterling silver Novelties, Stools, yyjjpalt Tables, Watches, etc. * I ■ Hi Our Lithographed Catalogue 111 shows Carpets, Rugs, Portieres, " IK. Art Squares and Lace Curtains in their real colors. Carpets Oak or Mahogany tewed free, lining furnished Deth, $3.95. free* and freightprepaid. Our fifade-to-Order Clothinif Catalogue with samples of clotn attached offers Suits and Ovei - MJIf J coats from $5 95 to S£O.OU. Bx pressage paid on clothing evtry iPlnilDl where. IVe alto issue a specw IL Catalogue of Pianos, Orgatis, , Wl * W Swing Machines and Bicycles. We will make your Christ- I mas buying more satisfactory than it has ever been betore. J-H. A Son Flour, Which Catalogue do you fl»» Barrel, $3.50. want? Address this way: JULIUS HINES & SON. BALTIMORE, IID. Dept. «J0». —Rev. .1. T. Bradford will |mwh in the ISnptist church Sunday eve ning Nov., 1 !>. All are cordially in vited. Mr. Bradford lias accepted a call from the church to heconie its pastor and will move here this week. The rule to show cause why a new trial should not be granted in the case of Ellery I'. Ingham and Har vey K. Newett, was argued in the l T nited States District Court on Mon day. Twenty reasons for a new trial were assigned and the printed argu ment of A. S. L. Shields, attorney for defendants,contained sixty print ed pages, with citations of hundreds jof authorities. The.oral arguments took the entire clay. The reasons given and authorities cited show clearly that great injustice hits been done to the defendants. The court took the papers and holds the case for consideration. Services in M. E. Church for Nov. lit, are as follows; S. S. sit 10 a. m. Kpworth League, tt:.'H). Preaching at t. The Sullivan County \V. ('. T. C. will hold a meeting at the Klkland ! Church on Tuesday Novcinher 21. | Afternoon session begins at two o'clock, evening .session sit 7 p. m. j Kev. Dickerson will deliver the ad dress in the evening. Mrs. ('. F. Nye, Pre-. Mrs. Mary F. Snyder, Cor. See. j QI I FBI FF'S SALE. | By virtue ol a writ ol Fieri Facias i.-su I otl out ol the Court of Common Picas of I Sullivan County, and to me directed and I delivered, there will be exposed to public sale at Hotel Corroll, l>usiiore I'a., on SATFUDAY. HRCEMBKR 0, 189'J, lit I o'clock p. in., the following describ ed property, viz: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situated in the Township ol' I'ollev. County of •Sullivan and State ol' l'ennn.. described as follows : Beginning at a corner ol' John \\*. Mar tin's lot on line ol Christian Moshier's lot thence along said Moshiers land north 45:f decrees east, 100 and 0-1(1 perches to a post: tlicnce by the same north 4"> degrees i west 25 jierchcs to a post; thence by the I said Moshier north Ili degrees east 22 per ches to a post in the public highway; j thence bv the said road south 75] degrees east 17 perches to a post: thence by the Santoe lot south 78 degrees east ;i and 5-10 fierches to a post; thence h\ unsold lands sotnli 14 degrees west 2-10 perches to a post corner in warrant line:theneo along same north 78 degrees west II and 5-10 perches to a post corner of the said .1. \V. Martin's lot; thence bv the same north •'•7 degrees west 107 perches to the place of beginning; containing one hundred and I four 'teres and eleven perches, be the same ! more or less. Being nearly all cleared and having thereon erected a frame i house, frame barn and other outbuildings ! with orchard of fruit trees thereon. I Seized, taken into execution and to be j sold as the property of Joel F. Dibble at • the suit ot George llenning. H. W. OSLKh\ Sheriff. I Thomson Any. Sheriff's office,Laportc Pa., Nov. 14, lS'j'.i. i gl I FBI FF'S SALE. i Itv virtue ol a writ of Fieri Facias I issued out of the t'ourt of Common i'leas lof Sullivan County, and to me directed I and delivered, there will be exposed to public sale at Hotel Carroll. Pushore.l'a., { on SATFUDAY, DECEMBEK, 'J. Is9'.<. at II o'clock, a. in., the following describ ! Ed property, viz: All that lot, piece or parcel ot land tn J Cherry township. Sullivan county, Pa., j bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a corner of formerly John ; Laudhach lot in the road, thence north thirty-one degrees and twenty minutes east one hundred fifty-four perches more or less to a corner: thence south till v eight • degrees and forty minutes east ti.rn •me perches to h hemlock post corner: t!i•-• >-.• south thirty-one degrees and twenty mil! ilies west one hundred lilty four perches to a corner in the road and thene> ao'tli fil'tv eight degrees and forty itiiiuit< - west along the highway to the place ot begin ning: containing lorty acres be tl;e same ; more or less and hsijig the. (formerly) j William Eisner homestead, and being all cleared and under a cood state of cul tivation with an apple orchard and other fruit trees growing thereon and having ■ thereon erected a frame house, frame bam ; and other outbuildings. Seir.ed. taken into execution and to be sold as the property of .losiah II em burr j and John Scouten at the suit of L. S I ltnrcli it Co. H. W. ttLEB, Sheriff. i Thomson Ally. ■ Sheriff's Office,Laportc. I'a.. Nov. 11. '9#. R r amobeH The MERCHANT, lust arrived, a car load of STONEWARE con sisting of buter crocks preserve jars, jugs, and of all also i and j qt. fruit jars. Call on me when in need, for the prices are right, FALL and WIN arriving daily^Jv^=—— A new invoice of BOOTS,SHOES and CLOTHING has just arrived Will be pleased to have .von inspect them, w lion you want good {foods at a low prife. Highest Market Price Paid for Butter and Eggs.. Yours very respectful Iv. -A.- !E.'. OAMPBFLL. The above named price on several hundred Very Swell, Very Pretty, Verij Excellent ir.|■ in 1 to anv which you may have made lo measure at si>s. There is a reason win we s t .|| these suits at this low price, lmt it concerns you not. ii has no hearing on oualiiv or price. There are ricli pickings lor curly comers. This is an opor (unity which should not he loot. J~ "W OABOLL. gK. 0 """ 11 I' LAPORTE Clothing Store. Our New Fall and Winter Goods Consisting of everything you mant in £iotftiii3, Roots, Slioes, Ladies' Capes, Skirts, Wrappers, Shirt Waists. Corsets, Etc. We Can Save You From Two to Three Dollars 011 Each Suit. From -'»• to I.on on every pair of.slide.- ami from - Jo to lo cN. on every article you Imy of us. We sell out* {foods at very small profits. We have 110 extra expense ami are satisfied with the Small Profit System. JOE COOPER. The Clothier. CLOTHING! a.d-ftalier, V. Of LAPORTE. hesires lo call the attention of buyers of c!oi hing to the fact thai he represents Th American Woolen Mills Company, Chicago, in 1 his locality, the World's Largest Tailors, ami that he ha- a lull line of Pall and Winter Samples ol suits, pants and overcoats, in all styles and at prices that will ilcly competition. Also a lull line ol ladies and gentlemen's Water proof 1 ioods. • 'all and examine his line of goods :an! prices I'el ore purchasing elsewhere All orders tilled promptly. Perfect lit and satisfaction guaranteed. 1 'orrefrpondency solicited throughout this section. A """ L ~ A. A. BAKER, LAPORTE, PA. Wright & Haight, Furniture 4 b iiucrtcmiiiq, V tw ° * FINE . JL jg | | fc BRANCH CONNECTION AT LAPORTE, lE\A_ MAT 1-iiHK TO WAGON SHOP. ]» \ CONKLTN. Mgr. Everything New and Seasonable. FORKSViLLE, PA. Prices Invariably Lower. Try us. '