Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume 4. Professional Cards. J # J. & F. H. INGHAM, attorhkys-at-law, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counties _APORTE, PAI £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-L«w. LAPORTK, l'A. Office over T. J. Ivceler's store. J H. CRONIN, ATTORNET'AT -LAW, NOTARY rnBLIC. OFFICE OR MAI* RTRBBT. DUSIIORE, PA P. SHOEMAKER, Attomey-at Law. Office iu County Building. LAPORTK, PA. Collections, conveyancing: tl»' settlement of estates and other legal business win receive prompt attention. J j7 BRADLEY, ATTORHBT-AT-I.AW, officb ik coumty builmno NEAR COURT UOUHK. LAPORTE, l'A Ellery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Nowitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORN KTS-A'-LA W, OFFICES7I4-17 FRANKLIN 11U1LD1NO. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, lliivhu: retired from the office of United states Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the l'nited States courts, and all the courts or the City and County of Philadelphia, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUSIIORE, PKNNA. CAPITAL - - $50,000. SURPLUS • - SIO,OOO. Does a General Hanking Business. B.W.JENNINGS, M. D. SWARTS. President. Cashier. HOTEL MAINE THOS.JW.BEAHEN, Prop. LAPORTE, PA. Thta new hotel has been recently opened, newly furnished throughout and willtbe run for the siiecinl aooomodation of the traveling j>Ul»lh\ The stocked bar injthecounty. Kates are low. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. DUSIIORE, PA. One of the largest and best equipped hotels in this section of the state. Table of the best. lUtes 1.00 dollar per day. Large stnbles. BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laporte Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. This large and well appointed house is the most popular hostelry in this section CONDENSKD REPORT of the condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Dushore, l'a., At oloso of business, Sept. 7,18119. Resources: Loans and Discounts JllS.'JOl 01 I'. S. Bonds to Secure Circulation l'.!.f>()o 00 Premium on United States Bonds 1,00000 Stock Securities 1f>,150 00 Furniture 1.200 00 Due from Hanks Approved reserve Agt 102,132 37 Redemption Fund 0, S. Treasurer .W2 50 Specie and Legal Tender Notes 'J0,177 sk $ :!83,'J»3 40 LIABILITIES. capital 112 r.o,oouuo Surplu sand Undivided Profits I 1.71H W circulation 11 ,i'>o 00 Dividens Unpaid 1 .">OO 00 Derwsits 207,248 82 112 283,203 Hi State of Pennsylvania, County of Sullivan ss: I, M. D. Swarts, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the l>est of my knowledge ami be lief. M. 1). SWARTS. Cashier. Suliscrit)ed and sworn to before me this 11th day of Sept 1899. JOHN 11. CRONIN, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: ALPHONSI'S WALSII, ) p. CONNOU. yDirectors FISHER WKLLKS. j Everybody Says So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constiparion and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold aud guaranteed to cure by all druggists. I I rii i| aviTo PATENT Good Idias 1,11 1, II *M may be secured by |i 11 III*I || I our aid. Address, 111 klJli ■ ■ THE PATENT RECORD. Baltimore, Md. tiubacrlptlons to The Patent Record *I.OO per annum. To Care Conntl|mMun Fowvrr, Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic, luc or 2»c If C. U. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Kdacate Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 28c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. (Oc.ll. All druggists. iWe have been < (gleaning House V For some time, but we are through at last. j are all fixed up in apple pie order for the 112 ? Crabe < \ c with the largest and best stock of goods { have ever had. x i Somethingfor Everybody, mn f JWe think wo can please (lie most critical buyer in Sullivan^ \ RETTEN BURY, \ C DUSHORE, PA THE JEWELER. C01e5...««. * ERAL lZriy ww L>H A R D W A R E PAINTS, OILS, VARNSHES and GLASS. SPECIAL inducements given on QTOVES and RANGES and all kinds of HEATING STOVES for Wood or Coal, suitable for parlors, halls, churches, school houses, camps, etc.. Attention to a line of Cheap air-tight wood heaters from 53.00 to ? 10.00. Also ;t line of coal heaters from $2.50 up to 835.00. My Special Bargain Sale is open on a line of heaters slightly damaged by water. Good as new, but they must be sold CHEAP If in need of a cheap heater, call early. My "Dockash" Ranges are without a question the finest in the market, made up of the best material and designed to be a handsome Range. Furnaces always the best on the market. In fact we are ready to heat the universe either in hot water, steam or air. Try us, we guarantee satisfaction. STOY REPAIRS AND REPAIRING. PLUMPING, STEAM FITTING AND SUPPLIES. MILL SUPPLIES. Soles Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. We are Doing a Humming Business in an 6 an 6 IRang: STOVE PIPE COAL HODS LISTEN: Our stove were all bought before January is, hence we are now selling at what they would cost ns to replace. RED CROSS line is the very best to buy. Stove repairs for any make of stove furnished if you send us maker's name and number of stove. You Will Not Forget Our Carpet Line Shade Line Chair Line Dish Line Bed Line When cleaning house: any of them will be need ed to replace old ones. Churns in live differen makes. Jeremiah K^elly, HUGHESVILLE. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE: IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1899. PRESIDENT M'KINI.E'Y^ "I am glad to participate with the families, friends and fellow citizens ot the Tenth Pennsylvania volunteers in this glad reunion. You have earned the plaudits not alone of the people of Pennsylvania, but ot the whole nation. You made secure and permanent the victory of Dewey. You added new glory to the American arms. Every one of the noble men, of the regulars or volunteers, soldiers or seamen, who thus signally served their country in its extremity (remained in the service after the expiration of their period of their enlistment) deserves the special recognition of congress, and it will be to me an unfeigned pleasure to recom mend for each man a special medal of honor. The government to which you gave your love and loyalty welcomes you to your homos. With no blot or stain upon your record, the story of your unselfish service to country and to civilization will be to the men who take your places at the front and on the firing line, and to future genera tions, an example of patriotism and an Inspiration to duty."—President Mc- Kinley to Lieut. Col. Barnett and his comrades of the Tenth Pennsylvania volunteers, at Pittsburg. ITlll! LIE Stalwart Republican Editors in the Pennsylvania Campaign, HOT SHOT FOR THE ENEMY. They Lead the Advance For the Battle of the Ballots on Tuesday, November 7. The control of the»Democratic party, in the national and state organizations, says the Citizen Press, of Franklin, Pa., is in the hands of the disreputable and anarchistic element, which is placing the honest, intelligent and patriotic Democrats in a false position, so long as they silently permit their names to be used as the supports of the plaforms erected and the policy expressed by the Altgelds, Bryans and other "states men" who assume to speak for the par ty. However, one by one of the here tofore prominent Democrats are plac ing themselves on record as opposed to the copperheadism which is manifest ed by the rabid leaders of the party and will emphasize their protests by voting the Republican ticket in No vember, hoping by such action to rele gate to the rear the wild evo repudia tlonists now in control, and thereby save the party organization for the future. This course seems to be the only one open for them to pursue at this time and maintain their self re spect. Ex-Governor Pattison. of this state, is the latest to repudiate the policy lai'l down for the government of the party by Altgeld and Bryan, points out that patriotism is higher than party. "My duty as an American citizen," says he. "commands my support of the country's president at this juncture. When the president said in his Pittsburg speech that the Philippines were just as much American soil as were Texas and Alaska he spoke the truth. The islands are ours by title of treaty, and we have no title to Louisiana or Alaska except that confirmed by treaty. As they are ours, we are bound to see them paci fied, to set up law and order in their midst." This is the solemn fact, and people who throw obstacles In the way of the pacification of the Philippines are aid ing and abetting the rebellion, and those Democrats who are of the same opinion should show their patriotism by voting the Republican ticket this fall. It is the only way to male them selves effective. Votes count. A UEPI'BLICAN YEAR. "This ought to be an easy year for Republican success. It does not re quire oral or written argument to in duce men to vote the Republican ticket." says the Everett (Pa.) Press. "Argument and appeals fall on listless ears in the faee of well known facts. When free traders cry out that the tariff robs you, the laborer answers with a shrug. 'Well, under your free trade we had no work and nothing of which to be robbed. Now, under pro tection, work is plenty, wages are good.orat leastgood incomparison with Democratic times, and we have plenty to eat. clothes to wear, and can send our children to school.' The tramp days of Democratic ascendency are over. When they tell you that free silver will bring greater prosperity, the answer Is, well let well enough alone; you have fooled us already too often to our sorrow; we will want more than theories now to Induce us to leave the party under whoao sway we have re- BECRETARY OF STATIC HAY. "It is the duty of every Republican, no matter in what state he may live, togo to the polls next month and sup port the nominees of his party, and by so doing assist in bringing about a sweeping Republican triumph through out the country. Nothing could be more gratifying to the Republican na tional administration and nothing could give more encouragement to the president in carrying out the poli cies he has outlined. Enemies of the country and the political opponents of our party would rejoice over a fall ing off of the Republican vote this fall. No more patriotic duty can lie perform ed by Republican citizens than going to the polls and casting a straight Re publican ballot and by getting their neighbors to do likewise. Next year's presidential contest is already under way. Republicans should be 011 the alert." —Secretary of State Hay, in re cent interview. ceiven ana are enjoying the present good things. No Mr. Democracy for us." FARMERS AND THE TARIFF. "The American farmers should be pretty well satisfied with the new tariff law," remarks the Wilkesbarre Times. "Here is the official record of the exportation of leading farm pro ducts in the last year of the Dingley law, compared with those of the last year of the Wilson law: * Wilson Law. Dingley Law. Fiscal Fiscal Year 1597. Year IM>9. Breadstufl's u11... .M97.557.219 J273.999.699 Wheat 59,920.1TS 104.269,109 Flour 55.9H.247 7H.1W3.870 Coin, bushels 37»:.!»1U :W." 174.n59.094 Oats, bushels 35.096,730 30.309,680 Rye. bushels 5.r,80,271 10.140.576 Oatmeal, pounds.. 47.:!1(I.151 a8.042.ri05 Provisions 135.ii52.736 175.568,(!0i Live animals 13.568,461 37.880,916 Cotton, bales ti. 176,365 7.373.163 Cottonseed oil, gal. 27.198,882 .Mi,027.213 "And this is the sort of prosperity the Democrats condemned at their last county convention." DON'T FORGET THE DATE. Free trade and soup houses. Pro tection and prosperity. We had the first under Democratic rule and pros perity came with Republican success," says the Franklin (Pa.) Citizen-Press. "Vote to continue the latter party in power, on Tuesday, Nov. 7. Don't for get the date.' THE STATE ISSUES A Good Man to Administer the Office of State Treasurer. "Republicans are not afraid to take up the stute issues or to discuss the necessity for Governor Stone's action in cutting down the most liberal item in the budget so as to make expendi tures in income balance each other," says the Wilkesbarre Times. "We have already been too liberal at the expense of the state treasury, and if the action of the governor will draw attention to this subject he will have performed a public service. Money gotten by in direct taxation is apt to be lavishly spent, and we know something 01' this lavish expenditure by many of the school boards and townships in our own county. "Nor are we afraid to discuss the management of the treasurer's office. Under the new laws there Is no pos sibility of wrong doing, and themethod of depositor} - , together with the pay ment of interest to be turned into the treasury, makes everything so plain that only a reputable business man Is required for the position of cus todian. We have such a man in Lieu tenant Colonel Barnett. the Republican candidate, who besides possessing all qualifications named is all right on the protective system, an advocate of sound money and a supporter of the McKinley administration. This is the man for the times, and the people of Pennsylvania will undoubtedly say so on the 7th of November." Archbishop Ireland, of St. Paul, was shown much attention during his re cent visit to Pennsylvania. This dis tinguished prelate is n staunch Repub lican. in an address which he made at the banquet of the Marquette club, of Chicago, given in honor of President McKinley on bis trip west, in respond ing to the toast "The American Repub lic," Archbishop Ireland, among other things, said: "The American republic is the best ftJrm of organized democracy revealed in humanity's history: as such she claims homage from her own citizens; as such she draws to herself the at tention of the world. "And surely there has been in Amer ica no lowering of the highest stand ard of patriotism. Where is the coun try at whose call for heroes citizens with such speed, with such forgetful- Bess of self and in such numbers rally 1.25 Per. Year. Number 2\ SECRETARY OF WAR ROOT. ''Republicanism this year means, as it has ever meant, loyalty to our coun try. belief in the inviolability of pub lic faith, an unfailing adherence to honest government and honest money, and an undying devotion to the honor and in' l4 'rit.v of the flag, wherever it floats,' cvrried by our soldiers or sail ors on land or sea This year all these qualities are accentuated in a marked degree, and the Republican who fails togo to the polls and cast a stalwart Republican ballot will ever regret ing failed to take advantage of one of the grandest opportunities of his life to show his devotion to and practical and timely allegiance to the part>, which means so much to the continue-'; welfare of our people. The greater the Republican vote this fall the greater will be tiie incentive to Republican leaders to prepare for the great nation al struggle next year."—Secretary of War Root, in a recent interview. AGDINAIDMAM Insurgents' Solicitude For Their Party Disgusts Loyal Penn sylvania Democrats. CREASY'S UNPOPULARITY. Official Election Returns Which Show That He Does Not Stand Well With His Neighbors. (Special Correspondence.) Harrisburg. Oct. 17. Make a note of the date—Election day, Tuesday, No vember, 7. All good Republicans will bear this in mind. This is going to be a great year In national politics. The result of the elections in the several states next month will be watched not only by the people of the I'nited States, bill by the nations of the world. The issue nf the foreign policy of the McKinlev administration is inseparably connected with thecanvass in every state in which there is to be an election, and the re turns will be watched and reviewed with particular reference to their bear ing upon the national administration. Nothing that has occured in politics since the last presidential election has created as much talk as the proclama tion of Aguinaldo to his followers, in which he said: "In America there is a great par ty that insists upon the govern ment recognizing Filipino inde pendence. We must show gratitude and maintain our position more resolutely than ever. We should pray to God that the great Demo cratic party may win the next pres idential election." This declaration from the ringleader of the insurgents has attracted wide spread attention, and Democrats who are loyal to their government are dis gusted with the position in which their leaders have placed them and their party. They will refuse to vote the Democratic ticket this fall. There is every reason why every Republican should goto the polls ou II STRAIGHTFORWARD PLATFORM. Will Administer the Office For the Ben efit of the Whole People. TO GUARD PUBLIC MONIES. Will Insist Upon Immediate Payment of Interest Upon Public Funds and Will Cash Warrants Promptly. (Special Correspondence.) Philadelphia, Oct. 17.—The tour of Colonel Harnett, the Republican nomi nee for state treasurer, has been a series of popular demonstrations of en thusiasm, and as he proceeds in his canvass the meetings get larger and the ovntions more enthusiastic. Many of the scenes witnessed in Roosevelt's whirlwind campaign for governor in the Empire state are being repeated here. The people, regardless of party, are turning out to receive the young soldier fresh from the Philippines, and all indications are that many of them will disregard politics when they vote next month and Democrats and Repub licans alike will honor him with then ballots. Colonel Harnett is not a spec tacular orator. He does not play to the galleries, but in a straightforward, matter of fact way he discusses the issues and tells the people just what he will do in the event of his election.