Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, June 15, 1899, Image 5

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    Republican News Item.
THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1899.
J scepticism. Ignorance does J
# not abound to any'great extent J
# in Sullivan County, 112
# #
# So that there #
£ is But Little $
j| Scepticism £
j about the Value of £
bc lßewß J
j ITtem 5
1 As a Profitable +
# <
JBbvevtislnQ #
\ fltebfum. J
* #
# Read it, Your neighbor does.f
Don't borrow. #
County Seat Indices.
Prof. Meylert, Inul business in
Willianisport on Saturday.
—Mrs.A. J. Bradley was slioppi
in Hughsville on Thursday.
-Simon From berg of Mildred, was
a tmsiness man in town Monday.
—Hon. Thos. J. Ingliam, left for
Philadelphia Monday afternoon.
-Butcher Kraus and son Henry,
spent Thursday in Willianisport.
Hon. T. J. Ingham, was a husi
ness caller in Sonestown on Friday.
—Joseph Traugli of Nordmont,
transacted business in town Saturday.
-Mrs. M. Donovan spent Wed
nesday with friends at Muncy Valley
Judge Dunham, held court in
Bloomsburg the early part of this
—Sheriff Osier and 11. T. Downs,
were in Hughsville several hours on
Mr-. A. F. Tripp, and daughter
151 la are visiting friends in Canton
(his week.
—Silas Henry of Eagles Mere, was
shaking hands with friends in town
lasl Saturday.
—Lumberman F. \V. I'eale of
Isagle Mere, was a business man in
town Saturday.
-Clinton Lloyd, Esij. of Muncy,
was a business caller in the county
scat Thursday.
Dr. Wackenhuth, attended the
meeting of the Lycoming Medical
Society held at Willianisport on
—F. 11. Darby of Piatt, was tran
sacting business at the county offices
on Monday.
Prof. Schomo and son Latimer,
returned Saturday from a weeks so
journ in Athens Pa.
—Miss Mable Spencer returned
on Monday from her much enjoyed
trip to New York city and West Or
ange X. J.
—Some of our local sports had
such implicit faith in "Fit/." that
they lost several dollars after Gallag
lier had received the news over the
—Engine 700 of the Lehigh Valley
is pulling the passenger train on the
W.ifc N. 11. The company having
found it necessary to send one of
their engines to the shops at Kenovo
for repairs.
James Dinkey, who is employ
ed in the Stockdale tannery, has
moved his family there.
—Proth'y. Lawrence ami sheriff
< isler were doing business in Dushore
on Tuesday.
—Miss Emma Hitter and brother,
Herald, spent Thursday of last week
in Willianisport.
—The Borough is laying a neA'
board side walk along the park on
both Main and Muncy streets.
Preaching in M. 15. church at s
p.m. Sunday School at 10 a. in.
Epwortli league at 7 p.m.
—Frank otterbein left on Saturday
for Boston, where lie spend a few
day revolving around the Hub.
—Atty. 11. T. Downs and Sheriff
Osier were business men in llughes
ville on Monday.
—Joseph Pardoe and Tlios. Mc.-
Carty of Elkland transacted business
at Atty. Downs' office on Monday.
—Mr. ami Mrs. Moses Miller of
Hingdale, suffer the loss of their
■twelve month child on Monday.
' —Dr. Wackenhuth was called to
Hingdale Saturday to dress a wound
' Thos. E. Kcrnan inflicted on his foot
| with an axe.
I —Commencement exercises of the
! Lopez High Sch.ool oceured Wed
! nesda.v evening. We will give a full
j account next week.
County Treas. Ransom Thrasher
took to himself a life partner on
Tuesday, and joined in happy wed
lock with Miss Celinda Yonkin, of
Dushore. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. Klingler. Congrat
—The following party of gentle
men from Willianisport arrived in
town on wheels Saturday afternoon
and were entertained royally on
wine and cigars at Gallagher's Hotel
returning on Sunday by way of
Eagles Mere: W. W. Painter, Geo.
E.Graff, 11. 11. Thorn, J. F. Eder,
Ilobt. A. Hansel, J. W. Bowman
and Frank B. Otto.
—To think that a Democratic State
Convention could be held withouj
Sullivan County being represented
would be downright treason, and
likewise F. M. Crossley, Atty. 15. J.
Mullin, F.W. Gallagher and Thos.
15. Kennedy, boarded the morning
train Tuesday and departed for llar
risburg. There are those in town of
that faith to-day who ought to be
clipping coupons from numerous
bonds,as a reward for past devotion
to duty on these State Convention
days—and Crossley is surly among
"In the beginning, < Sod created the
heavens and the earth." Then he
made the editors, the liberal adver
tiser,and prompt paying subscribers,
and it was good. The next day a
blizzard set in and he created the
man who doesn't believe in advertis
ing, and another who didn't trade
with his home paper. Then he jest
ed. The devil then got into the
moulding room and created the fel
low who takes a paper for years and
fails to pay for it. The devil then
rested, but the editor hasn't had any
rest since.
Henry Watson Meets Instant Death.
AVhile at work in the Bern ice coal
mines Saturday morning at about
10:40 H.E.Watson's life was instant
ly crushed out of him by the roof of
the chamber falling upon him. His
helper, Michael (}uinn, who was
close to him, was more fortunate and
escaped with injuries which he will
recover from.
Mr. Watson was about l'» years of
age and well known in this coi nty.
He leaves a wife and one daughter
to mourn bis loss.
Thirty Years in Olltce.
But Columbia Democrats have not
yet had enough of Krickbaum. The
result of the Democratic primaries
held in Columbia county on Satur
day has caused many politicians of
that faith to wear a disgruntled ex
pression. That wing of the party
which is opposed to Win. Krickbaum
resorted to every method which
their ingenuity could suggest to de
feat him for County Commissioner,
but in spite of their efforts the "Old
Man"ran ahead in nearly every dis
trict. Kditor Krickbaum has been
in public office for the past thirty
years, and notwithstanding the fact
that his candidacy has always met
with resentment by the opposing
wing, he has never been defeated.
Twenty-live Per Cent liaise in Wages.
Detroit, June 11. The tinal con
ference between the representatives
of iron and steel manufacturers and
the Iron and Steel Wage Committee
was completed last night. The net
result is a general raise of twenty
live per cent, for some 10,000 men
lemplovcd in I be iron and steel indus-
Bummer -Normal School.
The new Summer Normal School
I circular will be ready for distribution
j next week. Supt. Meylcrt is busy
I arranging the program. Among the
' instructors are Dr. A. T. Smith, the
i new principal of the Mansfield Nor
mal School, Dr. Perrine of Biickuell
I'niversity, ex-superintendent M.K.
Black,and Dr. C. It. Albert of the
Bloomshnrg Normal School. The
session opens July In, and promises
j to be very successful.
$500.00 More in PrizeH.
Another great offer which is open
ito all boys and girls. The great suc
cess of the tirst series of prize pict
ures has caused the publishers of the
great Philadelphia "Sunday Press"
to announce another competion in
! which prizes worth $.">oo.oo" will be
given to the successful hoys and girls.
There are over Kin prizes, and any
boy or girl can compete. The con
test will begin next Sunday. June
is. Everybody should get the 4'Sun
day Press" of that date.
Commencement at Duihore.
The graduating exercises of the
Dushore High School were held in
Garey's Hall last Tnursda.v evening
! and were attended by u crowded
house. The hall was tastefully dec
orated for the occasion. The stage
was made attractive by beautiful
floral decorations and the class mot
to, "This ends our first lesson," was
handsomely worked in a floral design
and placed above the stage.
The class of '99 consisted of the
following young ladies and gentle
men: Hattie Scouten, Marcella Far
reil, Walter Hunsinger, Florence
Whalen, Emma Whitebread, Harry
Carpenter. Their orations and es
says were well rendered and showed
careful preparation. The diplomas
were presented by C. T. Lawrence,
Esq., president of the board, who
warmly congratulated the class up
on their successful completion of the
course of study.
Following the exercises a banquet
was held at the Obert House which
was largely attended by the friends
of the graduating class.
Mr. A. 10. Campbell, spent part of
last week in Williamsport.
Mrs. Ora Kilmer has u new organ.
Mr.and .Mrs. J. 11. Campbell visit
ed friends in New Albany last week.
Dana W. Battin made a flying trip
to Dushoroon his wheel last Tuesday.
C. C. Makilister left for his work
on Monday, success to him.
Mr. Allen of Canton' was stopping
with \V. E. Parter last.
Mrs. Biddle and daughter Esther,
visited friends in Canton over Sun
A social dance was given on Wed
nesday nt the home of Mr. Bowers of
Elk land, iu honor of the marriage of
his daughter Hose to Mr. William
Mrs. Kiddle visited at the home of
Mrs. Addie Battenon Friday.
Mrs. Fdwin Fanning passed peace
fuly away at the home of her daught
er Mrs. Martha Letts, June 2nd,aged
7i» years. Deceased had been an in
valid for some time and was calmly
waiting for the Masters call.
Mrs. Arthur Drickenson is so far
recovered from her dangerous illness
to be able to visit her mother on
During the storm that passed here
on Monday,ten head of cattle belong
ing to a party in Williamsport and
being in charge of Zack Kilmer,were
killed by lightning while standing
under a tree that was struck.
Miss Ida Anderson is recovering
from an attack of diphtheria.
Halph Magargle and diet. Steek,
have gone to West Vcrginia.
Mrs. Lee Ciavitt is visiting at the
home of her brother- in- law J. W.
Christopher Swank is the guest of
his son ex-sheriff Swank, our popular
Walter Lorah,a student at (ianoga
Institute, visited his parents at this
place over Sunday.
Miss Lela Buck spent Saturday at
Strawbridge, with her grandmother.
Childrens' Day in M. K. church
will be held next Sunday evening.
FOK SAI.K: —A first class organ.
Wil lie sold cheap. Inquire at this
WHII; lo l.iitei'.Ala .lor M hfvlfr.
.1 t>i>l in. Mo., June 12. The cil.v of
Joplin ami the ex-Confederates of
South Missouri have joiued in :iu in
vitation to 4 !t j ii. Joe Wheeler to visit
Joplin anil oilier cities of the sine-min
injr district. As a guest of Joplin lien.
Wheeler will lie allowed to tlx I lie lime
of his visil and will gel a rousing re
ception if lie accepts the invitation.
I a|*t HIII II LI RV MPIKIN llnntl.
Washington. June 12.—A cable de
spatch was received at the Navy De
partment from ('apt. Barker, in com
mand of the naval forces at Manila,
announcing the sudden death of ('apt.
Henry Nichols, the commander of the
monitor Manadnock. from sunstroke.
4■ Irl >«
Vincennea. I nil.. June 12. As Miss
I.i///.ie Kluck was returning home alone
she met a .voting man. who grabbed her
purse and started to run. She gave
chase, caught him. recovered her JlOC
ketbook and theu gave him a sound
thrashing. He begged for m»rcy.
lln nk iif Unci mul (ialil.
London. June 12.—1t Is understood
the lSanlt of Knglttiid lias bought $2.-
.'■ iu American eagles t« str< •ugth
en its reserve, to which end most of
the gold now on its way will be de
< Sltlp Hooker Orion.
Washington, June 12. —(Jen. Oreel.v
lias received a despatch from .Major
Maxticld announcing the arrival of the
cable ship Hooker at Ceylon, with all
mi Mard In good health.
National Treasury *lntem#nt.
Washington, June 12. —The Treasury
statement shows: Available balance.
it2Tl.Sfit.4ft2: gold reserve. $233,116,-
AUDITOR'S NOTICK.—The undersigned and
" auditor ap|a>inted by the Court of Common
Fleas of Sullivan county to make report, and to
dispose of the exceptions tiled to the return of the
Sheriff of the mile, and distribution of the fund
realized by sale of the property ol William, Sarah
and M. W. Keener, at the suit of Edward Engle
inonaud F. H. Behr, Kxr's., of C. W. Engleman,
deed., tothe use of Lillie Moser, will attend to the
duties of his appointment at the Court Mouse (In
the court room) in Lainrte, Pa., on Friday the
30th day of June next at » o'clock a. m., wheh
aud where all parties Interested are requetted to
present their claims before the undersigned, or
be forever debarred from coming in on said fund.
\VM. P. SHOEMAKER,Auditor.
May 31st 18W.
Administratrix Notice.
Estate of Clinton E. Idiwrenoe, late of Colley
township, Sullivan county, deceased.
Letters of Administration upon the alxive nam
ed estate having been granted to the undersigned
all persons having claims against the same will
present them for payment, duly authenticated;
all those indebted thereto will please make im
mediate payment to
Lopez, Pa., March 27,1899.
gHEBIFF'B BALE—]iy virtue ol sun
dry writs of Fieri Facias issued out of
tlie Court of Common Pleas ol Sullivan
county, and tome directed and delivered,
there will be exposed to public sale at the
Court House, in Laporte, Pa., on
FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1899,
at tea o'clock a. in., (lie followiug describ
ed property, viz:
Ijot No. 1.
All that certain lot piece or parcel of
land lying and bein«t in the Township of
Colley, County of Sullivan and State of
Penna., and bounded and deacribed as
follows: Beginning at a corner in the
road leading from liushore to the Set
tlement, thence by said road, south 48 de
grees east, 11J perehes to a corner in said
road; thence by lauds of John Obert,
north 47 degrees easi, 14 perches to a cor
ner; thence north 55} degrees cast, 14 per
ches; thence north 751 degree.-*, nine aud
two tenth perches to a corner in the road
leading to Colley; thence by the said road
north 4 degrees east, 21 porches to a cor
ner by said road; thence by lands known
as the Francis Obert place, south de
gree." east, 22 perches to a corner; thence
south 4J degrees west, 100 perches to cor
ner on line of land of the estate ol Peter
Parr; thence by the same,north 85ij° we®
39 perches lo a birch corner; thence south
4} degrees west 24 perches to a corner;
thence south stiJ degrees east 31 perches
to a corner; thence south 33} degrees west,
35 perches to a corner in north line ol
"Joseph Tatein" warrant; thence by said
line, north 56} degrees west, 102 perches
to a post corner; thence by lands of John
Obert, north 4{ degrees east, 40 perches
to a post and stone corner; thence south,
56} degrees east 4f> perches to a stone cor
ner; thence south, 85i} degrees east, 8 per
ches; and thence north 11} degrees east
121 perches to the place of beginning.
Containing 84 acres ami 20 perches of
land, be the same more or less, and being
all improved and under a good state ot
cultivation, well watered, ami having
thereon erected a .large frame dwelling
house, lvalue barn aud all other necesnarv
outhuildings, with large apple orchard,
and other Iruit Irees growing thereon.
Lot Xo.
Also another lot. pieceor parcel ol land
situated in the Township, t'ouutv and
State aforesaid, and bounded as follows :
Beginning at a stone corner in the road;
thence south 87 degrees east, llti perches
to a post and stone corner; thence by other
lands of which this is a part, south de
grees west SO perches to an old beech
stump corner; thence on the warrant line
of the "Thomas Sparhawk, north 87 de
grees west, 118 perches to a post corner
in the aforesaid road: thence by said road,
and en line of lauds lately deeded to (Jot
leib Kinneman, north 7 degrees east, 08
perches to a corner in said road; and
thence north 5 degrees west 12 perches to
the place of beginning. Containing 57
acres strict measure, be the same more or
less, and being all improved and under a
good state of cultivation, well watered,
good Irame house, large frame barn, and
other buildings, with a line orchard grow
ing thereon.
Lot No.
Also another lot ol laud in said Towu
ship, bounded and described as lollows:
Beginning at a post corner in the road
known as the "Colley Hoad,'' thence by
the said road south 4 degrees west 21 per
t-lies to a corner in the road; thence bv
lands conveyed to Henry Obert, south
T.">} degrees west nine and two-tenth per
ches; thence south 55} degrees west 14
perches; thence south 47 degrees west 14
perches to a corner in the road leading
from I inshore to Lee Settlement; thence
by said road, north 48 degrees west, eleven
and eight-tenths perches lo a corner in
said road; thence continuing bv said
Henry Obert lot, south 11} degrees west,
121 perches to a stone corner: thence north
85; degrees west, 40 perches to a )>ost;
thence by other lands of John Obert,north
4 [ dearees east, 137 perches to a corner;
tlienc* south, 853 degrees east, 90 jierches
to the place ol beginniug. Containing 40}
acres more or less, and being all improv
ed and under a good state of cultivation,
well watered, with fruit trees ol all kinds,
and large frame house ami frame barn,
ami other buildings thereon.
Lot .\'n. J,.
Also another lot in said Township,
bounded as follows: Beginning at a cor
ner in the road on the line of lands ot
John Obert; thence by the same and lands
ofMathias Obert, south 4 degrees west,
170 perches to a post ami stone corner on
the "Joseph Tatem' - warrant line: thence
by the said line, north "<7 degrees west, 80
perches to a corner on Pigeon Creek;thence
up said Creek, north 40 degrees east, 20
perches; north 19 degrees east, 98 perches:
north 4 degrees east 24 perches: north 9
degrees west, 21 perches; and north 28
degrees east, 7 perches to the center ot
the bridge across said creek on the road
leading to the Lee Settlement; thence by
said road, south 42 degrees calt, 37 per
ches; and south 71 decrees east, U) per
dies to the place of beginning: Contain
ing 50 acres more or less, aud being part
ly improved, and the balance woodland.
Seized, taken into execution and to be
sold as the properly of John Obert at the
suit ot Lewis A Yose, and others.
11. W. OSLER, Sheriff. 3t Ckonin, Attys.
•Slieritt'soffice, Laporte Pa..June 5, 1899.
House and lot on Main street, in
Ija porte. This is one of the finest
residences at the county scat of Sul
livan county. Address,
A. E. Tkipi', Laporte, Pa.
Our Big Spring
Ladies' Capes, Skirts, Wrappers, Shirt Waists
and Gents' Furnishing Goods,
We have carefully gone through all the different Hues of
the leading manufacturers of reliable clothing aud have select
ed. what in our judgment, WJM ltest in each line.
Every dollars worth was bought on a cash basis, taking ad
vantage of every discount that is possible for any house to get.
We know of no one, no matter who or where located, has
1 Kinglit the same class of goods cheaper, and we are equally pos
itive that no one can, or will, sell them to you any lower.
Our stock of shoes this season is larger than ever, with bet
ter accomodation. We bought all our shoes for spring aud sum
mer direct from Boston and in very large quantities.
Do you know when you get an article at cost? If you do we
will ask you to come and see our low prices now. see our re
ductions aud you will be cop' inced that you can buy merchan
dise at our store 40 perce' cheaper than any other place. Come
and see the plain facts jur large store with small prices.
Good attendants aud always glad to show you goods and
I-.-L rj/\« The Reliable Dealer in Clothing
JaCOD rCI Boots and Shoes.
r»trinfipll Th© MERCHANT
FOlt THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS will sell my stock ot
Winter goods a greatly reduced prices to make room for my
pring and Summer stock.
Would Rather Get Cost out of Them
Than Summer Them Over.
It consists of Men's, Youths' and Children's Suits and t tvercoats. Horse
and lied blankets. Men's, llov's and Children's Caps. Lutnberiueu's
,-ocks, fell Loots aud overs. Outing and lumberman'.- flannels and all other
goods too numerous to mention. Call and examine; why take your money
out of town when you can buy cheaper at home.
RKMKMHKH ! that I handle wiard plows and rakes, steel land rollers, wheel
barrows, and Bowker's Fertilizers. Prices are right on all gooda.
Highest Market Price Paid for Butter and Eggs.
Don't Wait a Minute!
The Grandest Opportunity
to Save Money
and CHILDREN'S dOTning.
A positive clearing sale of well made, substantial, servise-giving
Clothing. The kind that I can fully guarantee. All togo for it«
clearing sale. Cost pushed aside. Prices cut to make immediate sale.
800 pairs of all worsted pants at half price. Too many overcoats, must
sell at your own offer. Suits at loss than you would think of offering for
them. Underwear and Gents furnishings all 111,1st go.
J- W CAROLL. 112& c * rron DDSHORE, P
LAPORTE Clothing Store.
Our Store Improved!
room and have received
our stock of
Ladies' Capes, Skirts, Wrappers,
Shirt Waists, Corsets, Etc.
I am prepared now lo show you a line in every department in the st6re. larger tliau
! Laporte ever had in its history, aud we are able to offer you goods
Cheaper Than You Ever Heard of Before.
i WK WILL PAY CAR FARE one way it' you purchase $5,00 worth oi'goo<i«.
We )>ay both ways it'a #IO.OO purchase is made. Take the advantage, this i* the
best chance you will ever have lor a tree trip.
.JOE COOPER, The Clothier.