Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, June 08, 1899, Image 4

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    Republican News Item.
TiIUKSDAY. .H'Ni: 8, IK9<».
The News Item Fights Fair.
;i*iit>lisliod Every J)'ridny Morning.
By The Sullivan Publishing Co.
At tho County Seat of Sullivan
Knti'ivil at i lie' Post Office at [Laporte,*ae
second class mail matter.
SußSCKiri'iON —$1.25 per annum. Il
paii! in advance $1.0(1. Sample copies
Iree. All communications uliould he ad
(lrawtd n>
Laporte Pa.,
Soinu useful facts its to Ilio rxtent
to wliieli foreign wines lind it (market
In the I'ulted States are pet forth b.v
' lie New York Sun of February, 17. 1»
is shown that "German Rvlues lo the
amount of LL'SO,OOO nations in tasks
ami Jtxj.OCH) dozen bottles nri* Imported
into the I'nlted States (Midi year td
the value of about $1,500,000. These
importations liave not tluetuated much
in aiiioiiut in reeent years', fhougli, fol
lowing the eommereial depression of
IMK'i, foreign wines, like other articles
of luxury, differed l'rom a restricted
American market. Germany now
stands second on Jho list of Kuropean
nations exporting ,wines* to Jlio t'nlted
States, Trance bdng the lirst and
Hungary the thief competitor »>f Get
man.v. from Spain, Italy, and I'ortu
gal some wines are imported, but tho
< liief source of. American .supply is
franco for led wines and Germany,
tor white wines of the better quality,
particularly the Whiue and .Moselle
\\ iues.
"The most expensive brands of Ger
niau wines stilt retain their popularity
in the tidied States, but by decrees
the ehcaper wines liave been replaced
11> domestic white wines. Ohio makes
.a i year :.\OOO,OOO gallons of wine.
ad .Missouri 1,500,000. tlie demand
tor these wiues living chletly in those
large cities of the middle West which
have a large German population, par
tieularl,\ St. Louis, Toledo, Cleveland,
i tueinnali. Tort Wayne and Mitwau
Wocent reports from Germany
•ike it probable that there will he a
ei line in the importations this year,
the Whine wine yield being last year
one of the poorest, as to quality and
quantity, of recent years, because of
nfa s orahle wea I her.
Vinerlcan wine producers liml no
lvason for doubting their ability to
compete, under fair terms, with their
Herman trade rivals. Tliey have the
benefit of Tariff on foreign wines, the
beneiit arising from the cost of trans
portation and from the fluctuations of
foreign markets, which, in conse
queiice of the partial failure of the
Gorman clop last year, have consider
al'ly raised the prices for German
wines .while there has been no corrc
spoudiug advance in the cost of Anier
lean light wines. The I'ulted States
is certain to become less dependent on
German wine Importations."
With these conclusions of the Sun
the American Kconomist is in heart*
accord. It is a matter for general con
gratulation that the demand for i lie
honest and wholesome wines of our
iwu country shows a steady iticn asc.
li in I that the more generally our o
pie gain in knowledge as to the 5,,-rl
ing excellence of domestic grape pro
lucts the less dependent we I tec >no
upon importations of foreign wiin • !
is going to be a work of time aud pa
tieuce to bring the American people
to a realization of the fact that ;<H . ii.•
nood wines are not poured from bot
ties bearing foreign labels but in nine
they will learn it. The marked en
largenient of the use and consnmpiloii
it' high-class American wines shows
hat the light of truth is spreading
Nothing is more certain than that
tlio people have had euough of IVmo-
I'utic Tariff rPforn: to last then for
more than a generation While there
t leuibranee of the panic y -ars from
ijej.'i to INSI7 lasts none but theorists
ai J others who have nothing to lose
will consent to further tucd'Uing with
1111 Protective Tariff policy. Tew otL
irs will care for more experiments
with silver. Good gold money has lie
come plenty enough since its standard
was established audit is rapidly !>e
lomiug plentier. The gold mines of
the world are now turning out more
\a I ti» each year than uiinc< oi both
gold and silver produced together
seven years ago. There output is in
vvaslng. Tvoii the advocates of ti at
money can now get as much gold as
they will work for.—Tacoina Ledger
lie robber Tariff is still* bowling
along, increasing wages of working
m> u and committing other highly rep
rehensible acts against the peace and
0 •nity of the Democratic party. Kan
■-.!> Tity Journal
If we had been as content to allow
'oieiguers to furnish us with our man
ifaciures as we have been content to
lermlt them to furnish us with <i;ins
ivitli which to do our foreign • rr ig
sit uot a foregone conclusion . • wc
diould have been far behind oitr i . >
•ut manufacturing and Industrial de
velopment? Who can llien s■ •. i ,
.vliat extent the lack of our own ps
.villi which to do our own carry it:.- lias
ieh.l back our greater national do\c|op
ueiitV Schenectady (X. "t'u -n "
The bounty bill should nor . \
>ver a longer period than live years
'roiit the dale of registration, and ~
1 safeguard, il should lie stipulated
hat as soon as a trust or a eombimi
ion of the shipping interests shall be
•ffected. the individuals or corpora
ions Joining shall be immediately de
jrived of the benefit of the bounty
Jvtroit (Mick.) "Tribune."
Sumo I'foplt May Nutaly Kat Corlitlii Komi
Wlllch Would It* I'nUon to Oilier*.
Tho constitutional differences and
peculiarities svliich exist among Indi
viduals (should always be carefully
Wfttchetl and considered. One person
cau handle poison ivy with impunity
While another is poisoned If only In
the .vicinity of the vine and without
contact. ,Some members of a family
residing In a malarial district will
Buffer regularly with chills and fever,
while other members will not be at
all affected.
Food that is actually poisonous to
some persons, will not HO act on oth
ers. One person may eat all kinds
of greeu fruit and vegetables with Im
punity, .while another person could
do no only at the risk of life. Cer
tain kinds of tish are actually pois
onous to Home people and perfectly
wholesome to other*.
It is litis peculiar condition of the
system which constitutes the danger
point in the Individual case and
should be prndentlK observed by each
one for himself, intestinal derange
ments frequently arise from and arc
aggravated by certain kinds of food.
Thus a person affected with kidney
or liver trouble should not eat very
white bread since the extreme white
ness is often produced by the use of
alum with an inferior article of flour,
and as alum is known to be pois
onous in its effectj un a sound con
stitution. this is why alum baking
powder is never used by people of
judgment and discivtlon.
More of earthly happiness depends
upon what we eat than many people
realize and it is for this reason that
the different states arc one by one
passing pure food laws.
•InurnalUm by Weight.
There are more fanny things going
on in this big world than ever its
people dreamed of.l > 111 somehow
they never .get into books. Now. for
instance, in Australia, a country that
follows American customs very close
ly, the people have a ureal desire for
American tiewspapi'.'s. F.vcry steamer
that arrives from iliis country brings
its full quota of American journals,
which are immedi.itely put on sale.
One day I was i-i Adelaide, South
Australia, and I w i t into a store to
buy the Kumla.\ cdi<ion of a New York
paper. The dealer took one. placed it
on the scales, whh.h he scanned very
carefully and then said is pence Kit!
'That costs about one eighth asinuch
in New York," I said.
"t'awn't 'dp ill.-.i." answered the
dealer. "These 'or- papers is mas
sive. They contain lois of good paper,
and we got to sell in In weight."
"Have you any cheaper'.'" 1 asked.
"Yes," he said again. "I've got some
cheaper: this one i» only It id: li weighs
much lew. it has no pictures. you see,"
and lie picked up a Chicago journal of
a mill week date.
"lint 1 want a Sew York Sunday
newspaper." 1 pi rsistcd.
"Well, those w ill cost you front lSd
to "t)d i:'ii to In ceittsi each, according
lo weight, but t can —ll you a Kansas
City Sunday paper for lid il'_' cents)
if you must have » cheap Sunday
Then 1 found that the dealer would
sell separate sections of a Sunday
edition it' the customer didn't want
the whole, and while I wa~ in the store
three men came in and bought differ
out parts of a journal, paying as much
as four cents a section. Of course,
when the "want ad." pari was put on
tin 1 scales and -old to the fourth cus
lomer he didn't know how interesting
New York news was until he got home.
( :ire of tlit* 1 Y«*lhhlm'4.
The ancients made a art of the cul
tivation of the eyelashes, li was rec
ognized that, besides adding to the
expression of the eyes, the lashes pre
served tlietn from the dust. cold, wind
itid too glaring light, all of which
tend to irritate and often inflame the
eye. It is therefore not a vanity tu
endeavor to obtain them and then pre
serve tlietn front faling out.
A little pure seline applied to the
eyelashes every night wil aid their
growth and strengthen tlietn.
Itibai'i'o riant H"» i V loral Kiulilvui.
"There is one flower." says a writer
in a London paper, "which has ap
parently been overlooked by Ameri
cans in their search for a suitable
floral emblem, which 1 think is worthy
of tlicir attention. I refer to that of
the tobacvo plant inicotianai in its
many varieties. It is handsome: the
plant is. I believe, indigenous to Ameri
ca, and its importance as the solace
of the human race is indisputable.
t'oal \ K. >IHII.
An interesting calculation has been
natle. which >lio\\ s that a pound of
good coal equals the work of one man
for one day One square mile of a
-cam of coal only 4 feet deep would
exceed the work of 1.000.000 men for
•Jo years.
Growth of Shrubs.
It is perfectly amazing to notice
iiircfully how tuueh an ordinary shrub
will grow in a single summer. A silver
lir - 1 j fee. high was lately carefully
measured. It had put forth ."iN.j new
shoots, varying from >j an inch to fi
inches each.
I >a tiger out.
Doctor- I hope your litjsband fol
lowed my prescription
Mrs. Chubbs No. indeed: IT lie had
lie would have broken his neck.
Doctor Broken his neck'.*
Mrs. Cliubbs Yes. lie threw it out
;>f the fourth story window
A C*entle lit;iitlu<l«r.
Father nailing from the head of the
-lairs at I"i» .v. M.i Canute!
t-'annic Yes. papa: wuat is It?
Father I wish you would ask that
young man where lie would like to
■ ave his trunk put when ir cornea,
sleeps Mow. *
A servant girl in a Uirmlngham fani- j
!v was ta»en to task ID;- oversleeping
"Well, lue'atu." <lic said. "I sleep
ery slow, and so it takes uie a lohg
vhlle to get one night's rest."
♦ an It in ere >ha«ls.
Cashmere shawls are made of the
luilr of a diminutive gout fountl In!
Little Thibet.
H Kureka Harness OH 1* the best '
■I preservative of new leather
■I anil i lie beat renovator of old
leather. It oils, soften*, black-
eai and protect*. Use
I Eureka |
■ Harness Oil |
on your best harness, your old bar-
U**MM , anil your carriage top, and I hey
will not only look better but wear
longer. Hold everywhere in cans- all
sizes from half pints to Ave gullons. TT
Flour Fed ami liiwies
I.">} pounds ol f>n re I.a ril lor SI.OO
Baking molasses. «"i to ."»«U-.
8 pounds Rolled Oats for 2~>c.
7 pounds of Corn Siarrli (or '_'."ic.
7 pounds of Laundry Standi fur "_!.~>c
2 )>ou IKIS uf Kio t'ollee for Li.'ic.
8 liars ol l.enox Soap for 2.V.
No. I mackerel per polllnl >c.
Host Sugar Coated Hani* (a 1 If per 11..
Flour L'.i pound >ack I.V
Buck wheat Flour 100 pounds,
Yellow Corn per ItMt pound* '.Hlc.
Corn Meal or <'racked Corn '.Hie.
Corn, »>ats and Barlcv < 'lio|> «. U k-.
Wheal I'mn 200 pounds sl.'ili.
Klour middlings, 140 ]>t>nn«l sack y I .-In
Kine middlings 200 pounds jd.liO.
Flour per sack SI.OO.
Winierjlioller per sack sl.(Hi
Good Flour Wc.
live I'lonr L'.i |Hiunds, .'IOC.
(iialiani Flour 12.1 pounds ;:oc.
Common Fine Salt per barrel ¥1.20.
Williainsport & Xortb Branch R.K
In Effect Tuesday Sept, lU, 189 H.
Northward. stout hwurd.
pin. a. 111. u,in. pin
» . 10 J;: Malls l .» 4"» I |
112 >:u»fio2s ivunsdale 941 it;'
•to lu4i> lltighoviUc '.i '.Jit!
■ t* 10 ts Picture Rooks ... •• 2 • t i
112• •! flOA• Lyons M»!u ... CIJJ it e
i • »i fiO W «'ruunouni 990 11 0
IV.OJ II (»t . t.len Muwr 'MI : *.
tr. u til It .. >tm\vl»ridge. .. i'yu"> I.; i
6 !«'• fll IT Beech Glen (901 (B i
t» J0 II .'I Mum y Valley s > j
t'« J> 11 ;u» .. SoiicMown. > v.• ;• ;t
• ii t9 Nordmoui 8 > I i
701 1-Mis'orte >JI
7 «u Uil l.ul'ortc Tanuer\ . nIH tv>
(790f1280 Rlngdale., (806
7;t> l.M'i <atterfield 1
pm. p. in a m. p u
< oniHM-ii..! - with the I'hiladi'lpliia Heading
HI Hulls, jor all i<oints M>l 'th and Miuth. and TLI
Kull Krook aud Beech t'reek rutlroud.v At Salter
field for all point* on the I .chilli Valley rail mid
\t Sonestown with Kairle* Mere railroad,
•112 except Sunday. fftag statkiti*. Ifc
m»t Mop.
('requiem, lhighsville. I'a.
S l> TNW\>KNI>,
lien. Mgr. Hugh»\ille I'a
To Curo Count tfjiit ion I «»revt*r.
TaK«' « uscatcts I'umtv i'uthartic. Ilk* or-.n:.
If 112 C. full to cure, drutf^jsi N refund moiu \
Kverrbuily Says So.
Ctiscareto t amlv CAtbartic, tiic most won
derful medical discovery of the pica
ant ami rcfr-shtiur to the taste, ac: i,
and positively on kidney >. li\ er and ttmvf
cleansing the entire sUf.'in. dispel c«M
cure hcatiuehe. lever, liubltual i onstipa' t ••
and l>i ionsnesH. Please buy aint try a i) -\
of t'. (\ C To-dav; 10, »0 ceiiM. Sold :n»J
suarauteed to euro by all druhi^i^is.
and you euro its consequences. These are
aomeuf the consequences of constipation :
Biliousness, loss of appetite, pimples, sour
stomach, depression, coated tongue, night
mare, palpitation, cold feet, debility, diz
ziness. weakness, backache, vomiting,
jaundice, piles, pallor, stitch, irritability,
nervousness, headache, torpid liver, heart
burn, foul breath, sleeplessness, drowsi
ness, hot skin, cramps, throbbing head.
JOa 4m a Surm Cttrm
B B ' <m * Cwi,l/P«"OM
Dr. J. C. Ayer's Fills are a specific for
all diseases of the liver, stomach, aad
" I suffered frurn consti[iation which as
sumed such an obstinate furtu that 1 fear»d
it would cause a stoppage of the liu*eU.
After vainly trying various remedies, 1 be
gan to take Ayer's Pills. Two boxes effected
• complete cure."
D. BURKE, Saco, ile.
"For eight years I was atflioted with
constipation, which became so bad that the
doctors could do no more for tiie. Then I
begun to take Ayer's Pills, and soon the
bowels recovered their natural action."
WM. H. DELAI'CETT, Dorset, Out.
! Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- ,
i |eat business conducted for MooERATC Ftl,. i
! iOon Orricc iaOPPOSITE u. S. PATIKT Orrict |
, [and we can secure patent in less time than UMSC| ,
I [remote from Washington. ! i
II Scad model, drawing or photo., with desci£s»>< [
i tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free off
' charge. Our fee not due till patent ia secured. ]
! > A
«| sent free. Address* . >
*C. A. SNOW & CO.!
The Best Place in
Sull van County to
Buy Your
I k'cp tlic best line ol Hardware in the
Comfy at PRICES to suit VOII. I give you
belle' goods lor your money than you can
liny tlsewhere. I can tarnish handmade
tinware none lietler made in tlie I'. S.
at prices that will pleas you. Tliref
gradm. cheap, inetliuui ami the best al
way.* in stock t'rom wliicli to make votu
clinic. Hive me a trial on these goods.
A Car Load of Barb Wire
ami nails just received and will lie sold al
(iricef lower than can he bought al lilt
Ifyou are going lo paint your house 01
barn write me tor pricei* on paint.
\ nil line of garden tools and seeds on
hand. We can repair your tinware,puni|
etc. |>lI T up voiir cave trough and spoilt
ing. |iul on yourtiu and iron rooting, in
stall lor you Hot Air, lloi Water ami
Steam Heaters. Will give vou estimate)'
on ti c cost ol same 11' you I hink ot' buy
in:; a range call and look niv stock over,
I lure some ol the finest ranges made.
A complete slock of lini Id ing.l lardwan
and ron work lor wagons and
also on hand. My stock ol pumps COII
hints ot every thing from 1,2"> up. Ilouhlt
and -itlgle acting, lift and force pump>
for doep or shallow wells. For the bullet
makers I have butter ladles and bowls all
sizes and six different kinds ol churns.
Chicken wire 'J feet to li leel at
Fur garden seeds, maple sugar,
syrup* and molasses goto J. \V.
Buck, Sonestown.
For shovels, lint's, g'rul>-lioc>, picks
axes, manure forks, garden rakes,ek\
go In John W. Hack, Sonestown.
Straw berry and vanilla cretini at
Hitter's lee Cream I'arlor, l.aporte.
New b.t of 111it~1 ill-. ginghams. and
calicoes at .J. \\ . Huek's Sonestown.
G. A. Rogers
(Successor lo II.W. Fawcelt.)
Silverware, Etc
liicycle repairing. llicyele sundries.
Fishing tuckle. al lowest possibl
?V V V
• • • •
All answered al
New Stock of
Spring and
Vernon Hull,
Hillsgrove, Pa.
Nu-Tu-Hac fur fifty Ltrul*.
Cuaiameeil loiiacvo habit eure. makes weak
men -m iiK. oiuoU pure. OOc.ll All druggists.
Uenuty Is BUiud Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
iieauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, b>
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all irn
[unities from the bod v. liegiti to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
iijnl that sickly bilious complexion hy taking
L'.isi .oets, -beauty lor ten cents. All ding
us's satisfaction guaranteed, ItJc, 25c, 00c.
To Cure Count Iputlun Kama,
Tuk'! Caseaiecs t'amt.v Catliartic. tucort&c.
[f ittail lo cure, UrutfgtMK r* fund Diour)
NieTu-Btte for H.-iy Cents.
Huaranleed Loljaeco Ua:<it cure, maket* weak
Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY,
Have Bounded Into still Greater
You know we beat everybody on General Merchßn
dise, not alone on quality but in lowness of prices.
We intend to make this year a memorable one in
oui business and for this reason we have reduced
prices that \vil| make it profitable for you to do your
trading with us.
Our supply ol Winter Goods is extraordinary
I hree big stores sparkles with new styles and colorings of
Fashions' latest creation
General Mer handise.
Oui pi ices always touch the lowest ebb in General
Merchandise. Our stock is absolutely complete.
At prices all too small.
We keep in stock at our mills a
complete line of dressed lumber
in hemlock and hardwood.
Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber.
Hemlock Novelty or German Siding,
Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick,
Hemlock Flooring any width desired,
Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long,
Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch orJMaple,
The same woods in $-8 ceiling.
' a
i~ the woi iuii who must entertain
unexpected company—unless she
' ' s supplied witii canned and
bottled groceries. If her pantry
' shelves are nicely lineil with our
faniou brands of pickles, soups,
■*- ami crackers she is completely
ready for any emergency. What shall we send you to-day?
IA/U Vi? Because we carry the Largest and Best line in the county
TTII I|. Because we have only new and attractive patterns to show
" Because you will find no old goods on our shelves.
We have just opened anew line of Ginghams. Shirtings, muslins etc..
for the spring trade, which we would lie pleased to have you inspect.
E. G. Sylvara dushorrap.
Wright & Haight,
* urnitur %Vntert*fitn*.
Full aud complete seasoned stock always 011 hand.
A tine line of furniture etc. The most complete line of
Coffins and Casket to select from in Sullivan County.
The finest hearse in the county, with equipments to match.
Embalming a specialty. Funerals directed with
safety and dispatch.
Everything New and Seasonable FORKSVILLE, PA
Prices Invariably Lower. Try ua.