Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, April 27, 1899, Image 5

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    Republican News Item. I
—_———————— — 1
j Ignorance is the mother of J
T scepticism. Ignorance does \
not abound to any great extent J
112 in Sullivan County, T
2 5o that there #
£ is But Little $
\ Scepticism £
J about the Value of J|
\zb c iKlewer \
: ITtcm |
£ As a Profitable $ '
Jabverttstng *
j flfoebtum. J
J Read it.Your neighbor docs. J
#Subscribe, Don't borrow. #
County Seal Indices.
Farm work is being rushed.
—J. A. Conner and family went to 1
Tivoli on Thursday.
—Dr. Wackenhuth had a profes
sional call in Dushore Sunday.
—F. M. Crossley was down to |
Muncy Valley on Monday.
—B. F. Crossley of Dushore, was j
the guest of his parents on Sunday. \
—Mrs. Clara Starr of Sonestown, j
spent a few hours in town on Friday, i
—Dist. Atty. A. J. Bradley was)
on business at Sonestown Saturday. '■
—Little Harry Schrader is on t lie j
sick list.
—Miss Anna Kennedy visited at
this place over Sunday.
—J. W. Flynn and family were!
in Dushore on Friday.
—Mrs. A. F.. Tripp was shopping I
in Dushore on Wednesday.
—Mrs. John McErn is confined to j
her room with rheumatism.
—The water in the streams chills j
the disposition of the trout to bite.
—Prof. F. W. Meylert made a bus- j
iness trip to Williamsport on Satur-1
—Clayton Dunham of Eagles Mere, i
was a Sunday caller on friends in ;
—Atty. A. Walsh of Dushore, was
transacting business in town Tucs-1
—Street Commissioner John I las
sen has the stone crusher in opera-j
John Finity left Monday.morning i
for Michigan, where he will work in i
a tannery.
—Samuel Cole's workmen placed i
a new pump in the courthouse well!
last week.
—Lumberman Charles Sones, ofj
Williamsport, was a caller in town
on Friday.
—Mrs. Jas. Bussler of llughesville j
spent Saturday with friends in the i
county seat.
—E. J. Messenger of Susquehanna |
county, was a caller on friends at
this place last week.
—Maynard J. Phillips of Muncy
Valley, was a business caller in the
county seat on Monday.
—A. T. Armstrong of Sonestow n,
had business transactions at the
county capitol on Friday.
—Dr. Wackenhuth and family
drove to Jamison City on Thursday,
returning on Friday forenoon.
—W. J. Cotter of Muncy, spent
Thursday in town in the interests
of the Prudential Insurance Co.
—Jacob Perr, the popula.i clothier
of Hughesvill, accompanied by his
wife, drove to this place on Friday.
—Joe Cooper the ever-up-to-date
clothier, has had his store building
painted which adds greatly to its
—Prof. L. L. Ford is having the
interior of his school building re
modeled and putin shape to meet
greater demands for the coming sea
—Joe Cooper had a three day's
scrap with stomach trouble last week.
But he still lives to tell the tale of
his woes, which were many.
—Mrs. E. 11. Powell, after an ab
sence of nearly four months with
poor health at the home of her par
ents in Lewisburg, returned to this
place on Saturday.
—C. 11. Stock of Sonestown, was a
business man in town Wednesday.
—Services in the M. K. church:
Sunday School, 2:80 p. m.; lip worth
League, 7:00 p.m.; preaching at S.
—Mark O'Bourke lias given up
tanning life and has moved his fam
ily in part of A. Buschhnusen's resi
—Pres. Elder llev. .1. H. Black,
will preach in the M. K. church Sun
day evening, followed l>y the sacra
ment of the Lord's Supper.
—Miss Jennie Miller of Forksville
will be at this place on May "> and 0,
with a new supply of millinery goods
and trimmings of the latest style.
—P. Burns, Julia Burns, Nellie
Crowley and Lizzie Driscoll of Ber
nice, were registered at the Laporto
Hotel on Tuesday.
—Mrs. W. K. Miller of Forksville
was in town on Tuesday. She was
accompanied home by Miss May
Funston who will assist her daughter
in the millinery business.
—Over fifty neighboring friends
of Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Schrader gath
ered at their home on Wednesday
evening of last week and enjoyed a
social dance, of which all report a
good time.
-A new million dollar ship yard
on the Delewar means that we -hall
presently have several more merch
ant vessels Hying the American Hag
and carrying bananas to the hungry
Cubans and Manila rope to the busy
—Begarding the capture of fifteen
of Dewey's men by the Filipinos, an
exchange says,"lt wl'l not be well
for the captors if these American
sailormen are tortured or butchered."
But what concerns us most deeply is
that it will not be well for the cap
tured sailormen either.
Fine Musical and Dramatic Event.
At St. Francis Hall, Mildred, on
May it, 10 and 12, there is to be giv
en a grand musical and dramatic en
tertainment which in novelty of form
and high quality of personel will
excel I anything an audience in
that place has ever heard. For
the benefit of the St. Francis church,
the management with a carefully
selected cast of splendid singers and
players who have developed a satis
factory standard of proficiency, add
ed with the no little amount of at
tention being directed to the details
of the presentation of a play which
is in itself more difficult than is
usually undertaken by amatures,
it will doubtless prove a most success
ful production. All lovers of cultur
ed entertainment should avail them
selves of this splendid oportunity.
At a regular nieetingofSonestown
Lodge, No. 221, !.•>.<>. F., on Apr.
S, 1809, the following preamble and
resolutions were unanimously adopt
Whekkas, it hath pleased the
Supreme Architect of the universe
to remove from our midst our late
brother, W. 11. Magargel, who died
April I, I*o9, and
Wukkkas, the intimate relation
held by our late brother with the
members of this lodge, render it
proper that the memory of our late
brother he ever fresh in our minds,
therefore be it
A 'ma/rut, that this lodge tender its
heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved
family and relatives of the deceased
brother in this their sad affliction.
/i'lsa/iiil, that our charter be drap
ed in mourning for a period of six
months and that the members wear
the usual badge of mourning for:! 0
Jtcxo/rril, that these resolutions be
entered on our minutes and a copy
given to the family of the deceased
brother, and that they be published.
J.Fhank II a/.i:x, John W.Bivk,
MavnakdJ. Phillips, Com.
I itl'l-'-11-r
Newark, X..1.. April A special
meeting of the • 'oiitinenial Tobacco
Company was liciti in lite otllce of.l.
Itaynnl Kirk pa I rick. the local agent.
Harris I. Druiutuond. Vice-1 'resilient,
presided. Tin* meet in;: was cjilled for
the purpose of voting on a proposition
to increase tin l capital stock ol'
iioo.immi for the purpose of purchasing
the plant of I.iggch »V Meyers, of St.
Louis, and other plants, the uantes of
which were withheld. Fifty eight mil
lions of the si\t\ millions of stock was
represented and voted in favor of the
! i-oiii in*»i»l V»*n in 1" i'if ii 4 \|«»ury < awe
Philadelphia. April "J2. Chief of the
Secret Service Wllkie and Federal
Histrict Attorney Iteek are working
oil the counterfeiters' ease. The pris
oners are being put through the sweat
ing process in the hope of extorting
something regarding bigger men sup
posed to be Ik of the s'trmitlc
scliet *<'l'her. an rumors of the ar
rests of tic u wc'l known in tie liuan
clal world nut the S.H m » bills Into vir
News Notes From Every Part of
. the Gvilized World.
-Newgate, Loudon's famous prison,
will lie torn down.
Treasury experts predict a famine in
paper currency by fall.
Russia's efforts to float a big loan in
Paris are said to be futile.
A repetition of the 1881 floods along
tlie .Missouri River is feared.
(Jen. William K. Shatter lias left
Sycamore, 111., for San Francisco.
Cubans in Santiago are said to be
again face to face with real starva
11 is denied at Berlin that: Germany
IIMS purchased one of the Caroline Isl
French workmeu want the twelve
hour law repealed, so they can work
A national tcgtiuiou.v for Black
burne, the noted English chess player,
lias been started.
Cecil Rhodes is defeated, the Dutch
controlling the Oapc Colony Parlia
ment by six votes.
Fire wrecked T ltd wig's four-cent
si ore and damaged the Fashion and
Williams blocks at Scranton. The loss
will reach islso,oo*.
An insurance agent in New York
has received a check for $283,«25,
the largest single payment on a life in
surance policy ever made.
Lady Roberts Austen, President of
the Parish Council of Surra.v, is the
tirsi Kngllsli woman to be elected 10
preside over a public body.
The lowest bidder will get the Job of
preaching u> Georgia convicts.
The Building Trades' strike at Ho
boken has been won by the men.
.lames P. Tulllaferro has been elected
lulled States Senator from Florida.
Former I'opresantatlve S. G. llii
born. id California, died In Washing
The Silver Republican organization
will be maintained for next year's
Itostand. author of "Cyrano de Ber
gerae," in not insane, as has been re
Active Held operations against the
Filipinos will be stopped during the
rainy season.
President Iglesias. of Cosla Rica,
Is now in New York on Ids way home
from Kurope.
The steamer Manhattan for New
York carries the United States tor
pedo boat Soniers as freight.
There is reason to believe that con
siderable counterfeit gold coin Is in
circulation in San Francisco.
Chicagoitns are alarmed at a report
that gypsies are to hold a na
tional meeting there in May .
Brock way's friends on the CI mini
(N. V.'i Reformatory Hoard of Mana
gers have been retired by Roosevelt.
.lack Wallace, a negro at Tupelo,
Miss., is one hundred aud ten years
old and the faiher of forty-eight chil
The farm on which Abraham Lin
coln was born, near Hodgenvllle, Ky..
lias been sold lo David Grear, of New
York, li is probable the farm will be
convened into a park.
The building: and contracting linn
of Marvin A. ltrown. of Chicago, has
besrnii suit for s.">0,000 damagesagaiust
the Chicago Master Steam titter's As
sociation and numerous officers aud
members of that body for alleged
A meeting «ill soou be held at
Atlantic City, at which one of tlie
largest combines known will be
formed in the drug trade It will be
composed of New York, Baltimore.
Detroit. Philadelphia and Indianapolis
Ten thousand camel loads of figs are
expected lhis season.
New IJochelle's (X. T.i first city elec
tion was carried by ihe Democrats.
.1 oh II ltarreii. ex-l'uited States Min
ister to Siatn. has arrived in London.
Mayor .loiies lias asked the Alder
men to aid hint in making Toledo a
model city.
Col. W . -I. Bryan spoke Wednesday
night ill New York oil tlie subject of
Charges against Kev. J. N. Thotnpen.
ol Ramsey ~N. .I..have been dismissed
after i church trial.
I'nderlaker Thomas Browu. of
New York, is dead. In Ills life lie bur
ied nearly .SO.OOO persons.
The tannery and yards of the I'uited
Stales Leather Company at Lincoln.
Me.. Mere burned. Loss, Sl.Vl.OOo: In
Col. D. P. Liver more, the oldest
telegtaplie- in tlie country died at
Hallowell. Me. He was ninety-four
years old.
The Musicians' Protective Assocla
tiou. a labor union organization. has
decided to boycott the coming saenger
test In Cincinnati.
The I'uited States transport Warren
did not sail for Manila Wednesday be
cause of the l,:i(Ki troops detailed togo
on her only 1,000 had arrived.
F. .1. Baldwin, tlie well-known .mil
lionaire and horseman, has mortgaged
part of Ids magnificent estates, Bancho
La l'tiuta and lJancho Clengo O'Paso
de la Tie (a. to secure a loan of s4f>o.-
000 advanced by the German Savaings
and Loan Society of San Francisco.
The pledged estate comprises UO.tKX)
acres, and said to b worth $3.000.000.
The New York Journal offers to sub
scribe for ten per c-eat. of the munici
pal bonds to be Issued for an under
ground railway, and to float the re
ninlnder i.<-l.">.ooo.noni by popular sub
script ion.
I lie root lias been taken off of fa
mous Faueiiil If all. in Bostdn. The
historic building is being taade as neai
fireproof as possible by the substitu
tion oi steel aud concrete for wood in
itv ami partitions. The roof ha>
been removed and a new one of steel
\\ ill be placed in is stead.
William llayes. of Peters'aorg. lud.
died, leaving n large estate. Ilia will
provided that uis body be placed in «
vault I'M- two years after his death
Then ihere was lo be a celebration
with diiiiciug, brass bands, etc., and «
grand feast. The time is up, and
people took part in the merrymaking.
• I <>!■ n Ktrrttt Tulle*
London, April 2-4.—Mr. John Barrett,
formerly United States Minister to
Slaiu. who has recently returued from
Maniln. emphasizes the most iinpor
• .-* i* * '•••"nil i•• ih" l"'"i'v>lnc siliiiirton.
tlie greatest responsibility for he pro
longation of hostilities will
those who encourage the insurgi&Jß
to believe that if they hold out long
enough public sentiment in America
will change, the present policg be
abandoned and the islands wll secure
complete Independence. Mr. Bacrett
ascertained In Hong Kong a month
ago that the Insurgent Junta there
had the most complete information
from day today of the drift of Ameri
can opinion. Their sole encourage*
uieut is the belief that the opinion
within a year will favor the abandon
ment of the present policy, and for
this and no other reason the insur
gents will try to keep up their resist
ance as long as possible. If this sup
port is withdrawn no attempt will be
made to resume hostilities after the
rainy season, nor would there have
been any resistance if the Spaniards
and others hadn't created the belief
among the natives that the Americans
were the worst oppressors in the uni
Mr. Barrett had rather a good opin
ion of Aguinaldo. lie said he opposed
resistance until compelled to act by
the young Filipinos who are officers of
the army. All the older leaders like
wise opposed the lighting.
Many Killed in Train %Vr«ck
Chatanooga, Tenn.. April 2o. —A
freight train wreck occurred near
Sloan's Valley, the Cincinnati
Southern liailroad. Many persons are
reported to have been kllcd. The body
•>f an unknown man has already been
recovered. Conductor .1. E. i'epper
nnil ISrakemaii Jennings, of Somerset,
l\y.. are missing, aud are lielieved to
be dead. There were several tramps
on the train, all of whom lost their
lives. The train was running at :t
high rate of speed when a car broke
•Inwii at the end of high bridge known
as MeKee's.
Will lam* lor Vl««-Prenldout?
Boston. April 22.—-Friends of George
Fred Williams say that he has been
offered a Vice-Presidential nomination
by no less a person than William Jen
nings Bryan, and that he is now con
sidering ii. They believe that he will
•rive his consent. The offer Is said to
have been innde to Mr. Williams while
lie was in New York at the big Chl
eaco platform dinner, when O. H. I*.
Belmont and Judge Tarvin, the Ken
tucky Circuit Judge, who himself has
aspirations, were present at a confer
Sheriff's Sale.
l'y virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Sullivan county, anil to me directed
and delivered, there will lie exposed to
public sale at the Court House, in I.n
portc. Sullivan county, I'a.. on
FRIDAY, MAY 12. I*oo.
at in o'clock, a.m.. the following property
All that certain lot, piece or parcel of
land lying and being in '.lie Township oi
Cherry, County of Sullivan and State ot
Pennsylvania, and bounded on the north
bv lands ot William Murray: on the cast
by land of William Murray, and land be
longing to the estateof Daniel Senulon, deed
on the south by landsof Anthony Midden
dorf, and on the west by lands ol James
McKernan and William Wlialen. < 'on
taining seventy-eight acres aud eighty
perches of laud be the same more orles:-;
being all improved and under a good
state of cultivation, well watered, and
having thereon erected 'i large tranie
house, large frame bank barn and the
usual outbuildings, with a large apple
orchard and numerous other fruit trees
growing thereon.
Seized, taken into execution and to be
sold as the property of William <»'lsrien
at the suit of Bryan Dennett (use.]
11. W, OSLF.R, Sherii!'.
WALSH, Atty.
Sheriff's office,l.aporte, Pa.. April 17, 'O9.
Sheriff's Sale
l',v virtue ot a writ of I.eviraFacias issu
ed out of the Court of Common Pleas ol
| Sullivan County, and to me directed and
delivered, there will be exposed to public
sale al the Court House, in l.aporte. Pa.,
FRIDAY, APlilL 2S, 1800,
at 10 o'clock a.m.. the following described
property, vy.:
All that lot, piece or parcel ol land
Iving and being in the Township of Colley,
County of Sullivan and State of Pennsyl
vania,* bounded and described as follows;
viz: beginning at a corner (rocks) being
the north-cast corner of John Clark war
rant, thence along north line of Calvin
Chaddock warrant south cightv-eight (88)
degrees east, fitty-seven perches to stones
corner, north-east ot llenrv Diefl'enbach's
lot: thence along his line south two de
grees west one hundred and thirty perches
to stones corner: thence north eighty-eight
degrees west fifty-seven perches to warrant
line of John Clark and Calvin Chaddock:
thence along line ol Calvin JChaddock
south two degrees west, seventy-lour| per
ches to the south-west corner of the same;
thence north eighty-eight degrees west
one hundred seventy-nine perches ton
corner to be made: thence north two de
green east,one hundred twent-four perches
to the south-west corner of lot of estate ol
William Miller, deed.; thence along south
line of said lot south eighty-eight degree*
east one hundred six perches to south-east
corner of same; thence along east line ol
I said Miller lot. north two degrees east
I eighty perches to stones in warrant line:
i thence along north line ot .lobn Clark
| warrant south cightv-eight degrees east
' seventv-tbree jierches to the place of be
ginning. Containing two hundred and
twenty-one acres be the same more or less.
Having thereon erected a frame dwelling
house, a large frame barn, and numerous
other outbuildings; well watered, with n
large orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized, taken into execution and to be
1 sold as the property ol William Iteeser,
Sarah Keener and M. W. Reeser at the
suit of I'M ward Kngleman and F. A. llehr,
Kxeeutors of C. W. Kngleman deed, ti
use ol I.illie Moeser
11. W. OSLER, Sherilt.
Sheriff's office, l.aporte. Pa..A pi il 4. '9O.
Our Big Spring
Ladies' Capes, Skirts, Wrappers, Shirt Waists
and Gents' Furnishing Goods,
We have carefully gone through all the different linos of
the leading manufacturers of reliable clothing aud liave seleet
• o<l, what in our judgment, was best in each line.
Every dollars worth was bought on a cash basis, taking ail
vantage of even discount that; is possible for any house to get.
We know of no one. no matter who or where located, has
bought the same class of goods cheaper, and we are equally pos
itive that no one can. or will, sell them to you any lower.
Our stock of shoes this season is larger than ever, with bet
ter accomodation. We bought all our shoes for spring and sum
mer direct from Boston and iu very large quantities.
I>o you know when you get an article at cost? If you do we
will ask you to come and see our low prices now . see our re
ductions and you will be convinced that you can buy merchan
dise at our store 40 percent, cheaper than any other place. Come
and see the plain facts at our large store with small prices.
Good attendants aml always glad to show you goods and
I -The Reliable Dealer in Clothing
Jacon Per Boots and Shoes.
p '
———■ 1 "■ 11 "
FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS will sell my stock of
Winter goods a greatly reduced prices to make room for my
priug and Summer stock.
Would Rather Get Cost out of Them
Than Summer Them Over.
It consists of Men's, Youths' ami Children's Suits ami ' nereoats. Horse
and bed blankets. Men's, Roy's and Children's Caps. Lumbermen's
socks, Celt boots and overs. ' Kiting aud lumberman's flannels and all other
goods too numerous to mention. < '*ll and examine: why lake your mone\
out of town when you can buy cheaper at home.
HI'.MKMHKI! ! I bat I handle wiard plows and rakes, slue I laiul roller.-, wheel
barrows, and Mowker's Fertilizers, Prices are right on all goods.
Highest Market Price Paid for Butter and Eggs.
Don't Wait a Minute!
The Grandest Opportunity
to Save Money
ON MEN'S BOYS /-» 1 2 ~
and CHILDREN'S L/lOining.
A positive clearing saie of well made, substantial, servise-giving
Clothing. The kind that I can fully guarantee. All to j?o for its
! clearing side. Cost pushed aside. Prices cut to make immediate sale.
! 8(H) pairs of all worsted pants at half price. Too many overcoats, must
sell at your otvn offer. Suits at less than you would think of offering for
(them. Cnderwcar and < ients furnishings all must go.
J* W CAE/OLL. Fl°o^. OMroll DUSHOBK, P
LA PORTE Clothing Store.
Our Store Improved!
! our stock of
Ladies' Capes, Skirts, Wrappers,
Shirt Waists, Corsets, Etc.
i 1 am prepared now to show von a line in even department in the store, larger than
I f,'i|>orte ever had in its history, and we are able tootler you goods
Cheaper Than You-Ever Heard of Before.
iVVK WILL PAY <'A If FA HI", one way i I you purchase so.OO worth oi goods,
iWe pay both ways if a SIO.OO purchase is made, l ake the advantage, this i# the
best ehatiee you will ever have lor a tree trip.
JOE COOPER, The Clothier.