Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, April 20, 1899, Image 5

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    Republican News Item.
# not abound to any'great extent J
Win Sullivan County, t
S So that there #
£ is But Little l
t Scepticism £
k about the Value of £
t irtcm/ t
0 As a Profitable $
\ flDe&Uim.
# #
JRead it, Your neighbor does.*
112 Subscribe, Don't borrow. #
County Seat Indices.
112j lean house; bedbugs on deck,
carets at the bat.
—Miss Mamie Fries is on the sick
list again.
—-Joseph Pardoe of Forksvill. was
in town Wednesday.
—Milo Tripp of Canton, called on
A. K. Tripp Tuesday evening.
—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogers are
visiting friends in Forksville.
—Miss May Donovan was -hop
ping in Hughesville Tuesday.
—Mrs. E. S. Chase of Eagles Mere,
is spending a few days in town.
—A heavy body of ice still con
ceals the water of Lake Mokotna.
—F. W. (lallagher is laying new
board walks about his hotel property.
—N. C. Maben had official busi
ness in the Western end of the county
—The County < 'onmiissioners were
transacting business at their office on
—Prof. F. W. Meylert made a
business trip to Williamsport on
—Miss Anna Hazen of Sonestown,
is the guest of Miss Anna Shoemaker
this week.
—A little child of Mr. and Mrs.
Mark O'Rourke has been quite ill
since Sunday.
—Jas. Miller and family spent
several days of last week with friends
at Hughesville.
—Paddy Waldron has moved his
family from Muncy Valley to
Laporte Tanner.
—The young people of town en
joyed a social dance at Hotel Maine
Thursday night.
—Miss Katie Beahen returned
home last week from her visit with
friends in Monroeton.
—Mrs. E. E. Wrede has added a
new porch to her house vhieh im-j
proves it very much.
—Miss Winnie Keeler gave a verv
pleasant birthday party to her many
friends last Wednesday evening.
—Dr. Chas. Wackenhuth attended
the banquet of the Lycoming Medi
cal Society on Friday night last.
—John Girton of Muncy Valley,
is in town applying paint and paper
to residences in an artful manner.
—Mrs. Chas. Wackenhuth and son
Charles, railed on Konestown friends
Thursday last.
—E. V. Ingham and Chris I'eale,
of Eagles Mere, were business men
in town Saturday.
—F. G. Eauer of Dubois, made his
friends at this place highly pleased
by a visit over Sunday.
—Theo. Heess and F. W. Met arty
of Piatt, executed a good job in re
pairing the county windwill, this
—Rev. Powell left for Northum
berland on Monday, and will have
his wife taken to the Williamsport
hospital for treatment.
—Lawyer Crawford of liughes
ville, was tempting the speckhni
beauties in this vicinity on Tuesday;
same old story, the largest ones got
—Williani Meylert Esq. is very
seriously ill at his home in this place.
He has been in jioor health all win
ter. Mr. Meylert is one of the
pioneers of this county and his many
friends will earnestly hope for his
—We have had fairly good sugar)
' weather most of the time this season 1
and the farmers have made quite a
! quantity of the maple sweet. Tlie
j warm weather thus far lias not en
tirely reduced the volume of snow
1 in the sugar orchards, which affords
them a long season.
; —Frantz Bienlich and son-in-law
j Herman Biddle, of Estella, were on
busines at the county seat, one day
last week. .Mr. Bienlich will live a
retired life while Mr.Biddle conducts
the business 011 his splendid farm.
—The adage thai three moves
equals a tire by no means exhausts
the love of moving when spring ar
rives as was proven last week when
John Minnier moved from the CJreen j
house one day and back to the same |
the following morning.
—Mrs. M. C. Lauer and family de- 1
sire to express through the columns
of the NEWS ITEM their sincere 1
thanks to all who assisted in saving 1
their property at the time of the de
struction of the Mountain House by '
fire. They also wish to express
their grateful appreciation for the
many evidences of sympathy and
good will so generally shown them
since the disaster.
—Judge Line of Bern ice, l>. J>. <L !
M. installed the following officers of
Laporte Lodge I. O. O. F. last Satur
day evening: N. <F.W. Meylert;
V.G., John Meliren; Sec., W. C.
Mason; Treas., K. A. Conklin; Rep.
to<i. 1,., Silas Henry. ('has. L.
Wing was introduced into the mys
teries of the third degree of this or
der on the same evening.
—Some miserable sneak thief ,
succeeded in appropriating to him- j
self two large hams last Thursday
night by breaking a window pain in (
Mrs. Lauer's store ami reached the (
meat that lay on the >helf nearby. (
Another attempt at robbery was
made on Tuesday morning by lilting (
a key to the door, but the robbers
were frightened away by Miss (
Ada Meylert who lives on the sec
ond floor, and hearing a noise went (
to one of the windows and gave an j,
alarm which arroused Thos. Beahen |
and his guest Michael Sweeny who j
arose and started in pursuit of the r
two marauders who took flight up
King street and made good their es- .
cape. I ( this kind of business con- (
ti lines, death i- most sure to accom
pany some of these robberies, and it
At tlio time robbers were trying
to force an enterance in Lau<>r's store
at an early hour Tuesday morning,
tlie Jolly Twelve Club was in session
at Gallagher's lunch room. The ex
citement <tf the hour destroyed their
joyous propensities and in their
homeward (light showed valor equal
to that of Fallstatfin going to war.
Frank "knew his onion" and seeur-1
ed Gallagher's shot gun while John i
accompanied one of lii.s frightened}
friends home and there provided!
himself with a harrowed tire-arm to
elevate his courage while making his
uncomfortable journey to the Second
ward. The club meeting has ad
journed until some indefinite time.
E. F. Tubacli is slowly recovering '
from a severe attack of rheumatism. [
Editor Streby is excavating for his •
new house.
A prize tight between Travis of j
Lopez and Maeisee which was to i
have taken place here today has been j
unavoidably postponed.
A. Obcrt is making some extensive |
improvements around bis newly ac- j
quired property.
Guy Kolder has opened a confec-j
tionery and cigar store in Meogan'sj
restaurant. Icecream will be serv-1
ed in its season.
Mrs. 15. W.Jackson is critically 111. j
; Her dissolution i 1 - expected at any
Dr. Randall has concluded to com-j
pete for the championship in trout i
'fishing (the honor now rests with
Mike Connor) and has provided him- j
self with a great long-legged pair of
laced boots. You will hear of him i
Mr. Amos Gov is visiting friends
Bev. Mr. Bonner of Beading, will
occupy the pulpit in the Reformed
church next Sunday evening.
TheG.A. It.have made arrange
ments to hold Memorial services on
(Memorial i>ay. W. 11. Mill Esq.
will deliver the address.
Stockholders' Notice.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Sullivan Publishing
Company will be held at the office of
i the Secretary in Eaporte on Monday
the Ist day of May, 1899, at 2 o'clock
p. m. A full attendance is solicited.
Welda Sadler of Hillsgrove, was a
brief caller in town Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Converse of
KUenton were calling on friend* in
town Sunday.
Miss Loe {Fanning has returned
from a long visit with Mrs. Charley
Clark at Hillsgrove.
Mrs. Mortimer Williams of Aub
urn, X. Y., was called to this place
again last week by the serious illness
of her mother Mrs. Daniel Morgan.
Mamie the youngest daughter of
Sylvester Brown, is very sick with
scarlet fever, also Mamie the second
daughter of T. G. McKay.
The funeral of Mrs. Martha Case
man of Piatt, who died April 13, at
the advanced age of 95 years, was
held at the church in this place Sun
day last. Despite the inclement
weather a large concourse of friends
gathered to pay their last respects to
one who has long been with us. and
who was a good neighbor and a
christian woman. Rev. Fraiser of
Millview conducted the services as
sisted by Rev. Kllngler of Dushore. j
Born, April 10, a son to Mr. and j
Mr*. A. I). Dickerson. Mrs. Dicker-j
son at this writing is inn veay eriti- j
cal condition and small hopes are en- j
tertained of her recovery.
John Swingle of this place was;
married April 11, at Canton, Pa., to
Miss Rosa Fit-/.water of Beech flats.
Mr. and Mrs. Swingle, after a brief
serenade by the calithumpian band
of Shunk, are at h«me to their
friends at Iheir pleasant home on
North streel.
Malford Williams, who has been j
very ill for some time, is reported!
better at this writing.
Mrs. Rosette Morgan returned
from El mint Friday after spending
some time with her daughter in that
J. 11. Campbell Sundayed with
friends at Canton.
A. IS. Kilmer made a business)
trip to Tlillsgrove Saturday.
Washington Camp No. l'.< >.S.'
of A. of this place are contemplating I
an oyster supper in the near future, j
Mrs. Frank Pitcher of Elmira,and \
Mrs. Mark Shoemaker of Windfall, j
were called here last week to attend j
the funeral of their grandmother,
Mrs. Martha Caseman, also Jacob
Casemanand family of C!rover, and
Jacob Kohn of Dushore.
Mrs. Clarence Watts and daughter
of Fast Canton, returned to their
home Sunday after a two weeks vis
it with her parent- Mr. and Mrs.
Lorenzo Brown.
Watson Hosier <if this place and
Mis- Nora Phelps of Mainshurg,who
were married some time ago, have
commenced house keeping on th d
Hosier farm on North street.
Itichard Biddle is very low at the
present writing.
Wm. <'oiiver- formerly of this
place, now of Fllenton, was a pleas
ant caller on I. <>. O. F. Saturday I
C. I>. McCilvary enjoys! a trip to
Forksville Sunday.
Miss Maude Harrison, who has j
been visiting her parents in town
during the past three week, returned !
to Williamsport Saturday.
Rev. F. F. Spoonor will hold a
series of revival meeting- at Fribley
Lycoming Co., this week.
R. K. Green moved his barber shop j
from his residence to his building on
Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were called
to < 'berry Mills Thursday last by the
serious illnes- of Mrs. Jackson's
Rev. P. K. Spooner ha- organiz-1
etl a singing school to be held on I
Tuesday evenings, as long a- interest j
is manifested by the scholars.
Four Polanders employed in the j
tannery yard quit Saturday. They
are to tie succeeded by Americans, j
Mrs, J. H. Hoffman, Mrs. J. J.j
| Sadler and Mr>. Chas. Darby are all 1
| on the sick list.
- -
The E. >l. R. R. Co. is making!
I some improvements around the de- j
: pot . Uncle Benny Welsh has an eye
to the beautiful as well as the useful.
I>. H. liorah has the foundation
j about completed for his new hulld
i iug.
J. VY. Buck is repairing his house
| and fences.
Chas. llazen will soon put a new
| roof on his barn.
The farmers around here are busy
now with their spring work.
Ellis Swank is preparing to make
some repairs and alterations in his
We have a new l>arber shop in
JohnO. Wilson i- repairing roads
around town.
H. P. Hall will soon be Justice of
the Peace.
Bernice Echoes,
Asocial dance was held in the K.
of L. hall Thursday by some of the
boys. A good sized crown was pres
ent. Messrs. J. Hibhard, J. Mur
phy and F. Murphy furnished the
i music.
The boys met in the K. of L. hall
Saturday evening and organized a
base ball club for the coming season.
The boys have secured a couple of
new players from Long Valley, and
will no doubt have a line team.
Miss Margaret Connor, one of Du
shore's enterprising young ladies,has
a tine line of millinery goods at the
residence of Mrs. H. W. Taylor on
Friday and Saturday, and was well
While some of our sharp shooters
were shooting at the target one eve
ning a bullet missed the target and
tore a. hole in the pants leg of Pat
rick Hannon while he was passing
along the L. V. track.
C. E. Jackson the well known
landlord of Hotel Jackson, left on
Monday for a weeks visit in Phila.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murphy is
rejoicing over the arrival of a boy,
number one.
Miss Meda Hall of Towanda, vis
ited at Mr. and Mrs. H. W.Taylor
last week.
Miss Eva Jlibbard after spending
some time at Wilkesbarre returned
home Saturday.
Mrs. Sarah Ballard of Dushore was
visiting friends here Thursday.
Tramps are already circulating.
There are a good many of them.
Mrs. James Brown died at her
home on Main street, Saturday mor
ning, April 15, after a few days ill
Muncy Valley.
Perry Hess is the proud father of
a new girl.
Mrs. C. M. Croll of Dushore, visit
ed with her parents at this place last
Dr. Laird of MUncy, had business
in town last week.
Thos. Simmons is erecting a new
barn on his premises.
Saturday was the day set aside for
trout tlshing by A. P. Starr and H.
Johnson which they appropriately
observed. A story is in order.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias I
issued out of the Court of Common Plea* 1 i
of Sullivan county, and to me directed j
and delivered, there will be exposed to |
public sale at the Court La- :
porte, Sullivan county, Pa., on
FRIDAY, MAY 12. 189 ft.
at 10 o'clock, a.m., the following property !
All thai certain lot, piece or parcel of
land lying and being in the Township ol
Cherry, County of Sullivan and Slate of
Pennsylvania, and bounded on the north
by lands of William Murray; on the east
by land of William Murray, and land be
longing to the estate of Daniel Scanlon; j
on the south by lauds of Anthony Midden
dorf, and on the west by lands ot James
McKernan and William Whalen. Con
taining seventy-eight acres and eighty
perches ol'land be the same more or less
and being all improved and under a good
state of cultivation, well watered, and
having thereon erected i large trame
house, large frame bank barn and the
usual outbuildings, with a large apple
orchard and numerous other fruit trees
growing thereon.
Seized, taken into execution and to be
sold as the property of William ' 15rien
at the suit of Bryan Bennett (use.]
H. W. OSLER, Sheriff.
WALSH, Atty.
Sheriffs otHce,l.aporte, l'a., April 17, '99.
Sheriff's Bale.
By virtue ol a writ of LeviraFacias issu
ed out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Sullivan County, and to me directed and
delivered, there will be exposed to public
sale at the Court House, in Laporte, Pa.,
at 10 o'clock a.m.. the following described
property, viz:
All that lot, piece or parcel ol land
lying and being in the Township of Colley,
County of Sullivan and State of Pennsyl
vania," bounded and described as follows; j
viz: Beginning at a corner (rocks) being
the north-cast corner of John Clark war
rant, thence along north line of Calvin
("haddock warrant south eighty-eight (8S)
cant, filty-seven perches to stones
corner, north-east of Ilenry Diefl'enbach's
lot; thence along his line south two de
grees west one hundred and thirty perches
to stones corner; thence north eighty-eight
degrees west fifty-seven perches to warrant
line of John Clark and Calvin Chaddock;
thence along line ot Calvin
south two degrees west, seventy-four| per
ches to the south west corner of the same;
thence north eighty-eight degrees west
one hundred seventy-nine perches to a
corner to be made; thence north two de
grees hundred twent-four perches
to the south-west corner of lot of estate of
William Miller, deed.; thence along south
line of said lot south eighty-eight degrees
I east one hundred six perches to south-east
I corner of same; thence along cast, line of
;ss Miller lot, north two degrees "ast
c ay perches to stones in warrant line:
| thence along north line of John Clark
i warrant south eighty-eight degrees east
! seventy-three perches to the place of be
i ginning. Containing two hundred and
' twenty-one acres be the same more or less.
! Having thereon erected a frame dwelling
j house, a large frame barn, and numerous
I other outbuildings; well watered, with a
j large orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized, taken into execution and to be
i sold as the property of William Reeser,
Sarah Reeser and M. W. Reeser at the
suit of Edward Engleman and F. A. Behr,
Kxecutors of C. W. Engleman deed, to
n.=e of Lillie Moeser
H. W. OSLER, Sherifl.
Sheriff's office,Laporte,Pa„ApTil 4. '99.
If you Appreciate
buying from a square, honorable house, which transacts business
on the square, don't forget when in need of
to patronize the originators of the small profit system and you
certainly wont regret taking advantage of a guide to upright
dealers. Mercury has taken a drop, consequently drop to this
pointer and don t buy an Overcoat, Suit, Shoes, Furnishing
goods. Ladieß' Cloaks, or anything in our large lines until vou
have first visited us.
Read the Following Low Prices
Here is a special offer in meu's blue or black overcoats at .>.OO
are worth every cent 8.00. Men's dress suits. line made,strict! v
all wool, at G.OO are worth 10.00. Men's black suits were sold
at 3.00, now 2.75. Youths' suits at 2.25. at e sold all over at
-1.00. Children's overcoats at 1.25 are special bargains. Chil
dren s suits, heavy weight, 1.00. Special offer in all wool heavy
top shirts at 50c. Heavy wool undershirts or drawers at 50c,
worth 1.00. Ladies' ribbed vests, extrv heavv. 20c
Shoes, Rubber Boots & Shoes.
Don't wait- prices cannot be lower. Many people think
if they wait until very late in the season they can buy at cost
Do you know when you get an article at cost ? If you do
w ill ask vou to come and see our low prices nuv. our re
ductions and you will be convinced that you can buy merchan
dise at our store 40 percent, cheaper than any other place. Come
and see the plain facts at our large store with small price*.
Good attendants and always glad to show vou uoods and
DA** The Reliable Dealer in Clothing
JilvUl' rCI Boots and Shoes.
Campbell, The J^RCHAig-,
iOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS will sell my slock of
Winter goods a greatly reduced prices to make room for my
priug and Summer stock.
Would Rather Get Cost out of Them
Than Summer Them Over.
It consists of Men s Youths'and Children's Suit- and Overcoat*. Horse
and bed blankets. Men's, Boy's and Children's Caps. Lumbermen's
-oi'ks, felt boots and overs. Outing and lumberman's flannels and all other
qoods too numerous to mention. Call and examiner why take vour money
out, of town when yon can buy cheaper at home.
REM KM HE I'! that I handle wiard plows and rakes, steel land rollers, wheel
barrows, and Bowker's Fertilizers. Prices are right on all goods.
Highest Market Price Paid for Butter and Eggs.
Don't Wait a Minute!
The Grandest Opportunity
to Save Money
ON MEN'S BOYS r* 112 ~ 4-1, •
and CHILDREN'S dOllling.
A positive clearing sale of well made, substantial, servise-giving
Clothing. The kind that i can fully guarantee. All togo for its
clearing sale. Cost pushed aside. I'rices cut to make immediate sale.
800 pairs of all worsted pants at half price. Too many overcoats, muel
sell at your own offer. .Suits at less than you would think of offering for
them. Underwear and Gents furnishings all nnist go.
J* W 0. A "R/OLL. Bio'ok. 0 *" 011 DUSHORK, P
LA PORTE Clothing Store.
Before we Receive Our Large Stock of
We will close out our WINTER GOODS AT WEAKLY HALF
PRICE, and a good many articles at less than Half Price.
Men's Overcoats, former price s'>.oo. now $2.75; men's black or over
coats, former price, S.OO and 9.00, now $4.50: men's overcoats, former price
12.00 and 13.00, now 6.sormen's storm coats, former price 7.50. now 3.75;
youth's storm coats, Ibrmer price 4.50, now 2.5<>. All heavy top shirt* and
under shins at exactly halt price: men's suits at 2.75, 3.50, 5.50, and 6.00 are
lower prices than you ever heard of before. Youth's tuits. 3 pieces, at 2.50
3.50. and 4.00 are great bargain*.
I AHIC'C PftATQ will he closed at much less than half price.
LAUIL O I O .Former price, 2.50, now 1.00.
Special Priees on BOOTS AND SHOES.
We must sell all our Winter goods this month to make
, room for our large Spring and Summer stock. It will pay you big
to make your purchasees now for future use.
JOE COOPER, The Clothier.