OQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOg I TYPICAL SCENES AT 112 | THE DEPARTMENT J I OF AGRICULTURE 1 O STUDYING SAHPLE SOILS. § 000000000009000000G0000300 The Department of Agriculture in Washington has been wise in retain ing during several successive admin istrations its able Chief of the Division of Chemistry. The result has been, declares the Scientific American, from which this article is taken, that dur ing the years cf his tenure of office, Dr. Harvey W.Wiley has been able to plan and complete several valuable series of experiments. None of these, perhaps, has occupied his closer in terest and attention more than those which have had for their object the study of the growth of various plants under similar conditions but with vary ing soils. In fact, the investigation may be designated as a studyof typical soils, and is perhaps the first attempt ever made in this country to study any number of soils under like conditions. In a way the work is an extension of that most excellent series of studies that have been carried on at the cele brated Experiment Station in Rotliam- Kted, England, under the directiou of Sir John Henry Gilbert and Sir John Bennett Lawes, who for more than half a century have had charge of the scientific work in that place. Typical soils from between thirty and forty places scattered throughout the United States were procured through the agencies of the Depart ment of Agriculture, and a direct com parison was instituted with samples of soils of known constituents obtained from Rothamsted. A plot of ground in the rear of the main building of the Agricultural De partment at Washington was set aside for these experiments, which were be gun in 1892, and a small green-house ID VEGETATION POT CONTAINING GROWING OATS. erected in which the plants are kept during the night and in rainy weather, but at other times they are rolled out into the air. This is easily accom plished, as the pots are all on trucks which may be moved at will along the tracks, as shown in the illustrations. For a portion of the season oats and beans were grown in duplicate samples of typical soils. After the crops from these plants had been harvested, the THE DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. C.-THE VEGETA TION HOUSE AND CARS OF THE DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY FOB THE STUDY OF SOILS. soil in the pots was again prepared for planting, and a crop of buckwheat grown. By this means two crops are secured during each season, so that the value of the experiment is largely increased, in consequence of duplicat ing the data obtained. Very careful attention is naturally given to the water supplied k to the pots, and formerly at proper intervals a known amount of distilled water was added to the soil by means of glass measuring vessels, bnt as the work has progressed, these have been dis cardad and a number of tin vessels, each holding two pounds of distilled water, have been substituted. As the amount of water added to every pot must be known (so that the conditions may be identical), this improved meth od makes it possible to add one por tion of water to eacb of the pots in the course of two hours. This is ac complished by inserting the tin fun nels containing water in the funnel holder on the side of the pot, as shown in the illustration. Next perhaps in importance to the DR. H. W. WILEY WEIGHING VEGETATION POTS. addition of water to the soil is the de termination of the amount of moisture contained in the pot at any given period. For a long time this factor was determined chiefly by an inspec tion of the surface, with an occasional weighiug of the pot. This method, while capable of yielding excellent re sults when under the immediate su pervision of an expert, was frequently interrupted, owing to the absence of Dr. Wiley, who was liable to be called elsewhere by other duties. Accord ingly, it was deemed advantageous to have a more rigid control of the quan tity of moisture present. Conse quently, weekly weighings of the pots are now made, so that the quantity of moisture which has been evaporated during the seven days may be directly determined. Knowing the quantity necessary to produce complete satura tion of the soil, a simple calculation will show the quantity to be added in order that the amount of moisture in the soil shall be between sixty and seventy per cent, of the total quantity necessary for its complete saturation. For a time the weighing of each in dividual pot not only consumed a large amount of time, but also proved a very arduous undertaking for the at tendant in charge of the pots. Ac cordingly, the method of weighing was improved by an ingenious me chanical device which renders it pos sible for one person, without assist ance and without undue physical ex ertion in the way of lifting the pots, to weigLi the entire lot of 176 in about four hours. This is shown in one of the accompanying illustrations, which is also of special interest as showing Dr. Wiley himself in the act of writing down the weights. The single-column illustration shows the screen or hood that has been de vised for the purpose of protecting the plants from the action of the wind and from the attacks of birds. The laboratory work includes deter minations of the total amount of dry matter produced in each pot, together with the amounts of nitrogen, phos- phoric acid, and potash removed from the soil by each crop. The data from seven seasons is now at hand, and the preparation of a preliminary report is under way. It will contain state ments in regard to the composition of the soils, their physical character, their water-holding capacity, their contents of humus, and the percentage of nitro gen, phosphoric acid, and potash con tained therein, both as regards total content and in respect of the quanti ties removed by different solvents. This report will be illustrated, not only by analytical tables, but also graphically in such a way as to show in the most evident manner the rela tion whioh exists between the physical composition of the soil, its contents of moisture, and the quantity of dry or ganic matter produced. This is but one of several investiga tions now being conducted under the direction of the Chief of the Chemical Division of the Department of Agri culture. The great value to the farmer is obvious, for as a result of this investigation a chemical analysis of a given soil will at once determine what plant foods may be deficient iu it for the production of a given crop and at the same time it will show the farmer how to supply these deficien cies when practicable by the judicious application of fertilizers or by a suit able rotation of crops. Thus in the end it will demonstrate what crops grown on a given soil will yield the greatest amount of profit to the farmer. The slow and even tedious work necessary for the satisfactory comple tion of investigations carried on in the scientific bureaus of our Government is not always appreciated by the gen eral public, but when the results that are Insure to ensue are so far-reach ing in effects as those of the investiga tion which has just been so briefly out lined, then, indeed, does the wisdom of the work become clearly manifest. Went to Jail For a Dog. Mark A. Diamond, who died at the Charity Hospital here recently, had become locally famous on account of his love for his dog. Three times Diamond had been to jail to save the dog's life, and the dog survives his master. It was not a dog with a pedigree upon which Diamond lavished his affection, but a plain everyday cur with a bad temper. This bad temper caused all the trouble. The dog bit a child about a year ago and Diamond was arrested oil the charge of keeping a vicious canine. Recorder Finuegau gave him the al ternative of killing the brute or going to jail. Diamond went to jail. The same thing happened over again when Diamond had served out his first sentence. The second term having expired, he was again with his dog, which cele brated his release by biting a young man ten days ago. Diamond's health was poor aud the case against him was continued two or three times, the ac cused saying he would suffer impris onment again rather than have his pet put to-death. On his way from the Court House several days ago he fell unconscious in the street and was taken to the Charity Hospital, where death came this morning. The case has aroused much sympathy.—New Orleans Dispatch to Baltimore Sun. Glove-Making Animals. Among the more popular materials used in modern glove-making are kid, lamb, buck, doe and dog skins. The kids are specially reared for the use of their hides. They are all kept in pens, and thus are prevented from in juring their skins against hedges, pal ings or rocks. They are fed only with milk, so as to preserve the quality of the hide, which becomes very deli cate, and, naturally, more valuable. At one time Senator Mackay, of Ne vada, conceived the idea of buying up all the goats in the world, so as to ob tain a monopoly of kid leather, but the scheme did not flourish. Following closely upon this was a plan projected by several French capitalists to catch all the rats in Chicago and establish a preserve whioh would supply the French glove-makers with ratskins to be converted into "kid" gloves.— Woman's Home Companion. Man's Ingratitude to HI. Horse. Spokane, the horse that beat Proc tor Knott in one of the finest Derbys that was ever run, winning his owner $30,000 and the fleeting but bright re nown of the turf, has been brought back to the scene of his former tri umphs and sold at auotion for a paltry $l7O. Once a horse that kings would have been proud to own, now he stands the chance of becoming a miser able hack in a road-wagon. The in gratitude that men who own race horses show to the animals whioh served them so well is an old story.— Louisville Courier- Journal. A TREADMILL DOC. One That Burn a Printing Prtu In a Wisconsin Establishment. A dog which runs a press is a curi osity in Plymouth, Wis., and is prob ably the only animal in the world do ing this kind of service. "Gyp," as the dog is known, is owned by the Plymouth Review Company, and not only runs off the edition of the paper once a week, but is also employed to run a large job press. The clog is an English mastiff, weighing 150 pounds, and formerly belonged to a showman who became stranded there and left the animal at one of the hotels. The proprietors of ttie Review secured him, and his tricks of operating a wheel were de veloped. A wocilen feet in di ameter and four feet wide, was con structed and balanced on a shaft on the end of which was placed a pully to drive a main shaft. This shaft was connected with a nine-column power press, capable of carrying the forms of a six-column quarto paper. In the wheel Gyp was placed and in a short time taught to tread. Though usually tractable, there are two things which throw the dog into a rage. The first is to have any one turn the wheel, which Gyp has come to look upon as his own, and second the sight of a particular cat. The latter fact is taken advantage of when the dog does not tread fast enough. A glimpse of the cat is sufficient to increase the speed of the wheel, and if the cat is THIS DOG PRINTS A NEWSPAPER. not taken away after a time the dog would work himself into such a pas sion that the press would be toru to pieces by the speed. Gyp has been doing the work for two yi-ars, never missing a day, and seems to enjoy the work, frequently getting into the wheel in the middle of the night and running half an hour or more just to "warm up," as it were. When com manded, the dog will start up or stop like a horse. This Tree Is I.earnliiK the Alphabet. There is a curious oak tree on tho New Jersey bank of the Hudson River whose gnarled, misshapen branches clearly form nine letters of the alphabet. It is known throughout, iis neighborhood as the alphabet tree. It stands a few feet back from the water's edge nearly opposite 1551 h street, New York City. In the summer its rugged irregular branches are cov ered with thick foliage which complete ly hides the letters traced by the branches, but when tho leaves disap pear its curious orthography is out lined clearly against the sky. The alphabet tree stands upon his toric ground. At the tiiue of the Revo lution this spot was several times visited by Washington and was once the camp of the colonial army. oJ 112 11 / THE ALPHABET TREE. One of the most remarkable of the limb formations near the top of the tree form the letter "R," clearly marked out by half a dozen oddly crooked branches, and below it a per fect "H" Las been formed in the same way. A little lower down there is a perfect "X,"and near it a well-defined capi tal "N." The lower branches are decorated with an "E," a trifle mis shapen, an "L"and a "Z." A cur ious curved fork at the end of a short, straight limb make a monster "U," and there are in all three "Y's" on the tree and a creditable capital "P." In addition to thwe are a number of other letters not so clearly formed which many persons have discovered. In 1800 New York City got its water out of wells. |FOR FARM AND GARDEN^ Diffefttorn for Piff Food. An agricultural paper suggests the following as aids to digestion for the pig pen: First: A mixture of six pounds of salt to a bushel of wood ashes. Second: to six bushels of charcoal oroken fine add six pounds of salt, ane bushel wheat shorts and 1 1-4 pounds of copperas dissolved iu a pail of water. Third: One bushel of wood ashes, four pounds of charcoal, six pounds of salt and 1 1-4 pounds of copperas dis solved in a pail of water. One or the other of these should be Kept in an open box—but protected from the weather—in every pig pen and where the animals may help them selves.—New York Weekly Witness. Manuring Fruit Trees in Winter. Manures applied to trees when their buds are dormant, as in winter, are sure to largely increase wood growth the followingyear, especially on young, rigorous trees. Even when examina tion of the buds shows that the tree will blossom freely next spring, it is not safe to apply now much rich manure, as it will make so much sap that the blossom will be drowned out and not set its fruit. This is often the reason why fruit fails to set where there are plenty of blossoms. Only old trees zan be thus mauured with certainty that the manure will help the fruit yield. And even when manuring old orees, potash and phosphate in avail able form are better than stable man ure or other fertilizers rich in nitro gen. ll#*ifers Going Dry Too Loin;. If there is any carelessness in milk ing it is apt to occur when heifers are milked afte'r their first calf. Their teats are small, auil it is slow, hard work to draw the last drops from the adder, as should always be done. Besides, the heifer that calved last spring probably gives only a small mess at the best, and there is great temptation to dry her off, as the milk she gives scarcely pays the troublo of milking. Rut that is not the main point. Keeping the heifer up to her usual flow of milk is all important for her own future value as a cow. When a heifer is allowed togo dry two, three or four months,the cow is after wards extremely liable to stop further milk production at about the same time. The (iHiine of Mottled Hotter. The prime cause of mottles is the ase of too cold water in washing the butter and the manner in which it is introduced into the churn. By using too cold water the outside of tho but ter granules becomes crusted or hard ened like the shell of an egg, while the inside is soft. Now, when this mass is worked together these little shells remain iu the same condition, and no amount of working or temper ing salt, or even distribution of salt when added, will change the condi tions. They do not work up, conse quently do not take salt, hence the line, threadlike streaks iu the butter. The manner in which the water is Introduced into the churn is respon «ible for the large mottles or seeming tumps of white butter throughout the mass. In the majority of creameries throughout the country the water is pumped directly int#the churn,either through a hose or a pipe. Now, when the water strikes the butter these granules become hard and solid as in the tirst case, ouly that these hard granules are not broken down at all, and the large mottles are tho result. Tho wash water should be tempered to within two or three degrees of the churn temperature. Keepinc l'nths Open. One of tho most important winter works on the farm is to open the paths after each snowfall. Where the path lies across places that usually drift full of snow much of the work of keeping the path open may be avoided by removing tho obstruction to the wind which causes the drift. Most generally a drifting snow remains Beveral days, so that the path will drift full every even though no fresh snow has fallen. Iu opening roads a team of steady, stout oxen hitched to a sleigh, or sometimes to a stone sled, will make a broad path bet ter than horses could do it. We have often seen, when a boy, most of the cattle in the neighborhood brought out to follow after an ox team and sled. By the time those had been driven twice over the road, it was con sidered safe for sleigh vehicles drawn by horses. A flock of sheep driven after all else will compact the snow best of all. But if snow drifts into the tracks thus made, it will often be piled nearly as high as the loose snow on either side. It may be all right so long as the cold weather lasts, but let a thaw come,and this solid snow must be abandoned, and a new track made in the loose snow on one side of what has been used during the winter. Utilizing Farm Manures It is generally understood that all fertilizing eloments must dissolve be fore they become plant food. Hence the more thoroughly decomposed they become iu the compost heap, the more quickly raius and dews will dissolve them after they are applied to the soil. My plan of caring for farm manures is to make three bins by placing posts eight feet apart and sid ing up with boards. The size of these bins will be determined by the amount of waste to be converted into fertilizer. Board up the first and second bins three fert high. The third bin I make larger than tho others, as it must hold the entire output of compo.it until it is distributed. To provent waste of the liquid manures by leaching, spread a thick layer of dry muck, peat or marsh sod over the bottom of the bins. This will act as nn absorbent. If this is too much trouble putin a layer of coarsa grass or straw instead. Bin No. lls to receive all fresh manures, night slops from the house, ashes, droppings from poultry houses and pig peus, old shoes, bones and trash of all kinds. Make bin No. 1 a general dumping ground for everything that can possibly be utilized, such as dish water and wash water, unless you have hogs and prefer to give this last to them. Kee that the stable manure and rubbish are thoroughly mixed in bin No. 1. By thus incorporating all the trash with the stable manure you prevent its heating too rapidly, or burning. Sprinkle lime, or better, sulphate of potash over all. This will hasten de composition. Keep all the bins that contain anything covered with straw, earth or coarse grass to prevent the ammonia escaping. tork over (joutents of bin No. 1 a little every three or four days to thoroughly mix coarse with fine and in three or four days after bin No. 1 is full fork it all over into bin No. 2, then proceed to till bin No. 1 again. When bin No. 1 is full this time, empty bin No. 2 into bin No. 3, and repeat the process with bin No. 1. Every plant that grows in garden or Held Las a taste for food peculiar to itself. The old shoes, bones and even the dead cat thrown into bin No. 1 and mixed with the other com post will find its way into the little rootlets of some plant. While this method does not make a complete fertilizer for any special plaut, it makes a most excellent gen eral fertilizer. We are much too apt to think of worn out articles as dead or worthless Matter. An article serves a? long and well as it can in one farm and then disintegrates only to allow the individual particles to come to gether in some new and often higher form. —C. M. Drake iu New England Homestead. Unrierri raining Muck Swamp. There is a far better way to make use of u swamp of rich black muck than to draw it out, season it a year or two by exposure to freezing, and then spread it on uplands. No doubt there are places where this plan may pay, but it is not economy. The black muck is probably not nearly so rich in fertilizing material as is supposed, and so much handliug of it as is re quired to draw it iu its raw state, sea son it and then handle it again to ap ply it, very rarely pays. The better way is to make underdrains through the swamp, possibly if there is a great deal of water leading all these drains into an open ditch, which should have a growth of sod on its sides as early as possible. In two or three years frost • will penetrate to the depth of two feet or more in the pliable muck, and the surface if left bare through the winter can easily be cultivated until it is as mellow as an ash heap. Usually these muck swamps are underlaid with a clay subsoil. That is a good sign, for it means that less of the fertility has been washed away and lost. In all cases the drains should be put down deep enough to reach the cluv, and some gravel should bs put over the joiuts of the tile,so as to not only keep the clay from stop ping the water from entering.but also to prevent the tine bla-k mould from above from sifting into the tile. Sometimes when we get down to the clav springs of water will burst forth. Where R spring is found, much caro will be required in laying the tile, as there will be n great deal of sand brought up by the water, and this is likely to get into and choke the tile. The best way probably is to leave an opening here in the drain and make a small pond there with the spring of water iu the centre. It is slow, dirty work dredging out such a pond so as to have the water rise tip from a lower depth than the drain. It will require attention every year to keep this hole from tilling up. But such a spring once found will furnish water at any time through the open ditch into which the tile carries it. After the swamp is drained.it should be cultivated with ordinary farm crops, but reserved for those which require mucky soil to do their best. If grain is sown it will probably make a rank growth of straw, which, lacking mineral fertility, will not be able to sustain its own weight. The grain crop will probably rust, and both that and the straw will prove a failure. But 11 drained muck bed fertilized with pot nsh and phosphate makes a first rate place for celery, for cabbage and for corn. These can be better grown on the draiued muck bed than on uplands fertilized with the swamp muck spread over them. Almost all mucky soils aredeticieut in potash. They are the remains of vegetation that has very little mineral matter in it. A dressing of phospbato and potash applied to mucky soils makes them almost as rich as fermented cow manure. Iu time the muck bed will waste away bj exposure to the air,and for this reason it should every few years grow a crop of clover to renew the vegetable mat ter it has lost. It may seem needless where the soil is still black with the remains of old vegetation to plow under a clover growth, but the clovei is far more nitrogenous than any veg etable matter this soil ever produced before, and it also contains a greatei amount of mineral fertility. So there is probably uo way of makiug clovei produce a better effect thau by grow ing it on soil which is apparently al ready full of vegetable matter. —Amer- ican Cultivator. An "ice-creeper," for wearing oo the shoes in slippery street'- has been invented by a Missouri lady. It has email steel teeth to piert-o the ice as the wearer walks and cau be applied to the aole in 10 seconds.