Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, December 15, 1898, Image 8

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    Notwithstanding the added burdens
rendered necessary ! y tlie war, our
rk"'-ple rejoice in :i very satisfactory
; = steadily Inerea 'ug degree of pros
;> "ity, evidenced by C> largest volume
<•! business ever re riled.
A review of ti' eolation of the
TVited States to of -r powers, always
in ; ropriate, is tL.i year of primary
my last annua' m.-ssage very full
sideratlon was :ri. -u m the ques
' icii of the duty i ' tlie <iovernuient
i r the United State inward Spain and
I'.ie Cuban insurri -lion as being by
! r the most liupor.ant problem with
<■ -slch we have been called uj)on 10
i'lio war continu <1 on the old foot
in.without compiehensive plan, de
veloping only the :-ime spasmodic cn
i > niters, barren if strategic result,
112: :if had marked the course of the
i lier ten years ;• hellion as well as
'j • present insurri 'ion from its start.
No alternative sir ■ physical exhaus
tion of either < -oi. ' atant and there
withal the praetica rain of the island
toy in sight, but how far distant no
one could venture t conjecture.
At this juncture, 'in the 1 r»th of Feb
ruary last, occurred the destruction of
tie- battle ship M: ue while rightfully
lying In the liar! " of Havana on a
mission of intern; i\al courtesy and
good, will—a catas;i"'phe the suspicions
i attire anil horroi < 112 which stirred the
nation's heart proi' mdly. The finding
of tlie Naval l'.oi of Inquiry estab
lished that the origin of the explosion
> s external a-• ;bma:ine mine and
eJy halted, tliro. i la<-': of positive
tr stimony, to ti:: t-e respousibiliiv of
ii: authorship
A'l ;h'eso thirds c-n-rled conviction to
the inost thoughtful. even before the
'tilling of the itav..! < »nt. that a cris
is in our relations ish Spain and to
ward, Cuba - anil.
Nor'was the app ' hension of coming
strife confined to our own country.
It was felt by the continental powers,
which, on April <">. through their Am
bassadors and Ei oys. addressed to
' Executive an xpressmn of hope
fsat humanity and moderation might
iiark the course i this Government
ml people, and 112 t further nrgotia
tViis would hnd to an agreement
nhtch. while s-ei.r g the maintenance
.•■f peace, would ; iVord all necessary
1 :iranters for th • re-establishment of
il< r in Cuba.
in responding to 'hat representation,
i said I shared th - hope the Envoys
had expressed tlm : peace might be
■ served In a mam r to terminate the
iiroulc conditltion of disturbance In
I again review- d the alternative
• nurses of action v-hicli had been pro
sed, concluding that the only one
mpatible with our lirm-set histor
il traditions, was intervention as ;>
e.utral to stop the war and check the
:'opt-less sacrifice ilife, even thougn
:hat resort involved hostile constraint
mm both the partic s to the contest, as
. il to enforce a trace as to guide the
eiitual setth ment.
fhe grounds j-.,-»ifying that step
- re the interests of humanity; tin
V.ity to protect the life and property
- our citizens in Cuba; the right t.i
'u-ck injury to ear commerce and
eople through the devastation of the
-latrfd, and. most i uportant, the need
i removing :it oi e and forever the
instant menace a. d the burdens en
ailed upon our by the
ecrtainities and perils of the situ
•ion caused by tin- unendurable clis
arbance In Cnua. i said:
That the long ti-il has proved that
he object for which Spain has waged
i." war c;umot be attained. The tiro
insurrection n. :y flame or may
older, smolder with varying sea
:-.s, but it lias not been and it is plain
I :ii it can' not 1- v extinguished by
resent methods, 'i he only hope of re
and repose fro..; a condition which
:in no longer be endured is the en
nrced paeiiicatloe. of Cuba. In tha
ame of humanit-' in the name oil
■\ ilization. in l>e..r.lf of endanger, il
nierican interest.' which gave us th"
ulit and the dut.\ to speak ar.d to
set, the war in Cm must stop.
In view of this, the Congress wat
skeel to authorize and empower the
President to take measures to secure
i full termination- of hostilities be
tween Spain and :e people of Cuba
The response of uie Congress, after
nine days of earn deliberation, dur
eg which the alum t unanimous s mi
ment of your body was developed o I
•very point save a to the exptdiency
jf coupling the pr« seel action with :•
formal recognition ..r the Republic of
Cuba' as the true ail lawful govern
ment of that is ad-a proposition
A'hicli failed of aiU tion—theCongrcs3,
after conference < the 19th day of
April, by a vote of-! 2 to 35 in the Sen
ate and 811 to 5 in the House of Rep
resentatives, pas , the memorabl i
loin! resolution, de. taring*
'first. That the -ople of the tsl:-.nit
of Cuba are. and . right ought to be.
free r :vl hri i»« tide 112
Second.- That. is the duty of thu
United Slav sto d. ami. and the no.-
ernmeni of the s aitcd States does
hereby demand, 112. 1 the government
.if Spain at 6uc-r>. v...hquish its authori
ty and Koverhniei.: in the Island of.
Cuba and wlthdrav "its land and naval
forces from Cuba s. d Cuban waters.
Third. That the President of thu
United States, be, and he hereby is,
directed and cinpi wered to use tint
entire land and n.ival forces of tin
United States, am', to call Into the
actual service of th United States, the
militia of tlie sev ral states, to stic:i
extent as may be necessary to carry
these resolutions It/o effect.
Eourtli. That the United Statei
hereby disclaims any disposition or
Inti lit ion to exerci- sovereignty, juris
diction or control over said island,
except for the relocation thereof,
and asserts its d termination when
that is accomplish! d to leave the gov
ernment and control of the island t*
Its people.
This resolution was approved by the
Executive- on the next day. April 20.
A copy was at once communicated k»
the Spanish Minister at this capital,
who forthwith announced that his con
tinuance In Washington had thereby
become Impossible and asked for hi*
passports, which were given him. Hii
thereupon withdrew from Washington,
leavln? tli« protection of Spanish In
tertsta in the United States to thi
French AnthassniV.r and tlie Austro
llut:garian Minlstii.
Simultaneously with this communi
cation to the Spanish Minister here.
Cen. Woodford, the American Minister
at Madrid, was telegraphed confirma
tion of the text of the joint resolution
and directed to communicate it to the
Covernment of Spnin with the formal
demand that it at once relinquish its
authority and government in the Island
of Cuba and withdraw its forces there
from coupling this demand with the
announcement of the intentions of tliii
Government as to the future of the
Island, in conformity with the fourtli
clause of the resolution, and giving
Spain until noon of April 2.'» to reply.
That demand, although as above
s' own, officially made known to tin
Spanish Envoy here, was not delivered
at Madrid. After the instruction reach
ed Gen. Woodford cm the morning ofl
April 21. but before he could present
it.the Spanish Minister of Stale noti
fied him that upon the President's api
proval of the joint resolution the Ma
drid Government regarding the act as
"equivelant to an evident declaration
of war," had ordered its Minister • n
Washington to withdraw, thereby
breaking off diplomatic relations be
tween the two countries and ceasin-i
all official communication between
their respective representatives. Gen.
Woodford thereupon demanded his
passports and quitted Madrid the same
Spain having thus denied the demand
of the United states and initiated that
complete form of rupture of relations
which attends a slate of war, the ex
ecutive powers authorized by the res
olution were at once used by me to
meet the enlarged contingency of act
ual war between sovi reign states.
On April 22 I proclaimed a blockade
of Hi • north const of Cuba, including
peris on said coast between Cardenas
and I'nliia Honda, and the port oJ
C'ienft i -c-s en tlie . ill coast of Cuba
ai don the 2:S I eail' il for volunteer!
to execute the purpose of the resolu
tion. By my mess ifje of April 25 the
Congress was informed of the situa
tion. and 1 recommended formal de
claration of war between the Lniteil
States and Spain. The Congress ac
cordingly voted on the same day the
act approved April 2.". Ivas.1 v as. declaring
the existence of such war from and
including the 21st day of April, ai d re
i nacted the provision of the resolution
of April 20 directing tile President to
use all the armed force of the nation
to carry that act into effect.
Our Country thus, after an interval
of half a century of peac • with all
nations, found itself engaged in dead
ly conflict with a foreign enemy
Every nerve was strained to meet tin
emergency. The r< spouse to the initial
call for 125.000 volunteers was instant
nml complete, as was also the result
of the second call of May 25 for "5.000
additional voiui teers. anil the ranks
of the regular army were increased to
the limits provided by the act of April
20.1 SOS.
The story of this successful cam
paign is told in the report of the
Secretary of War, which will be laid
before you. The individual valor of
officers "and soldiers was never morn
strikingly shown than in the several
engagi incuts leading to the suri'endex
of Santiago, while the prompt move
ments and successive victories won
instant and universal applause. To
those who gained this complete tri
umph. which established the ascend
anc.v of the United States upon land,
ns the light off Santiago had fixed out
supremacy on the seas, the earnest
and lasting gratitude of the nation is
unsparingly due. Nor should we alono
remembi r the gallantry of the living.
"1 he dead claim our tears, and ous
losses by battle and disease must cloud
my exultation at the result and teach
us'o weigh the awful cost of war, how
ever rightful the cause or signal thu
It is fitting that I should bear tes
timony to the patriotism and devo
tion of the large portion of our army
which, although eaj r to be ordere d to
the pest of greatest exposure, fortm
nately was not required outside of tin
United States. They did their wlioll
duty, and. like their comrades at the
front have earned the gratitude of thu
In like manner the officers and nice
of the army and navy who remained in
their departments and stations faith
fully performing most important duties
connected with the war, and whose
requests for assignments in the field
nnel at sea I was compelled to refuse
because their services were indispen
sible here, are entitled to the highest
commendation. It is my regret that
there see ins te> be no provision for their
suitable recognition.
In this connection it is a pleasntvi
for me to mention in teims of cor
dial appreciation the timely and use
ful work of the American Red Cross,
both In relief measures preparatory to
the campaigns, in sanitary assistance*
at several of the camps cd' assem
blage, and. later, under the able and
experienced leadership of the president
of tb society. Miss Clara Barton, on
the fields of battle and in the hospitals
nt the front in Cuba. Working in con
junction with the Governmental au
thorities and under their sanction ami
approval, and with the enthusiastnt
r-o-operation of many patriotic women
nnel societies In the various States, tlio
Red Cross has fully maintained it:«
already high reputation for intense s
earnestness ar.el ability to exerclst
the noble purposes of its Internatie mil
organization, thus justifying the con
fidence and support which it has re
ceived at the hands of the American
people. To the members and officer*
sf this society and all who aided them
In their philanthropic work, the sin
?e-re and lasting gratitude of the sol
Jlers and the public is due and freely
In tracing these events we are con
stantly reminded of our obligations to
the Divine Master for his watchful
;-are over us and his safe guidance
for which the nation makes reverent
acknowledgment and offers humble
prayers for the continuance of Ills
I do not discuss at this time thu
government or the future of the new
nosessions which m ill come to us as
lie result of the war with Spain. Such
Jiscusslon will be appropriate after
the treaty of peace shall be ratified
In the meantime, and until the Con
gress has legislated otherwise, it will
be my duty to continue the military
governments which have existed since
' iur occupation, and give to the people
security in life and property and en
couragement under a just and bene
ficent rule.
As soon as we are in possession ol
Cuba and have pacified the Island i'
will be necessary to give aid and di
rection to its people to form a gov
eminent for themselves. This shouh'i
be undertaken at the earliest moment
consistent with safety and assured sue
«•( ss. It is important that our re
lations with this people shall be of the
most friendly character and our com
mercial relations close and reciprocali
It should be our duty to assist in every
proper way to build up the waste
places of the Island, encourage the
Industry of the people, and assist them
to form a government which shall
be free and independent, thus r '.ilizlng
the best aspirations of the Cubau
people. Spanish rule must be replaced
by a just, benevolent and humane gov
ernment. created by the people of Cu
ba. capable of performing all internal
obligations, anil which shall encourngu
thrift, industry and prosperity and
promote peace and good will among all
of the inhabitants, whatever may have
been their relations in the past. Nei
ther revenge nor passion should have a
place in the new Govern;u"ir. Until
there is complete tranquillity in the
island and a stable Government in
augurated, military occupaUou will be
On the 10th of September. 185)7. a
conflict took place nt Lattimer. Pa.,
between a body of striking miners and
the Sheriff of Luzerne County and his
deputies, in which twenty two miners
were killed and twelve or the wounded
were Austrian and Hungarian sub
jects-. This deplorable event naturally
aroused the solicitude of tie' Austin
Hungarian Government, which, on tho
assumption that the killing and wound
ll ••• involved the unjustifiable misuse of
authority, claimed reparation for tho
sulT. rers. Apart from the searching
investigation and p. reniptory action of
the authorities of Pennsylvania, tho
Federal cutive took appropriate
stops to 1 aril the merits of the urgent
complaint of a friendly power. The
Sheriff and his deputies, having been
indicted for murder, were tried and
acquitted niter protraetfd proceedings
and the hearing of hundreds of wit
nesses. on the ground that the killing
was in the line of their official duty to
uphold l.i iv and pn serve public order
in the State. A representative of the
Department of Justice attended the
trial and reported its course fully.
With all th" facts in its possession,
this Government expects to reach a
harmonious understanding on the sub
ject with that of Austria-Hungary,
notwithstanding the renewed claim of
the latter, after the result of the trial,
for indemnity for its inj ired subjects.
I trust that Belgian restrictions on
United States originally adopted as a
day be relaxed as to their present
sanitary precaution, will nt an early
features of hardship and discrimina
tion, so ns to admit live cattle under
due regulation of their slaughter after
I am hop -fill. too. of favorable change
in the Belgian treatment of our pre
served and salted meats. The growth
of direct trade between the two coun
tries. net ninne for Rdsrian consump
tion and Belgian products, hut by way
of transit from and to other Conti
nental states, has been both encourag
ing and beneficial.
No effort will be snared to enlarge
its advantages by seeking the removal
of needless impediments and by ar
rangenieuts for Increased commercial
The Nicaragua Canal Commission,
under the chairmanship of Rear Ad
miral John C. Walker appointed July
21. IS!>7. under the authority of a pro
vision in the Sundry Civil act of June
4 of that year, has nearly completed
its labors, and the results of its ex
haustive inquiry into the proper route,
the feasibility and the cost of con
struction of nn Interocennlc canal by a
Nicaraguau route will be laid before
Nevertheless .It appears that the
Government of Nicaragua, ns one of
its last sovereign nets before merg
inc its powers in thos" of the newly
>rmo(l United States of Central Ameri
ca. hns granted nn optional concession
to anotln r association, to become ef
fective on tho expiration of the present
grant. It does not appear what sur
veys have been made or what route
Is proposed under the present conting
ent grant: so that an examination ot
the feasibility of its plans Is necessar
ily not embraced in the report of the
Canal Commission. All these circum
stances suggest the urgency of some
definite action by the Congress at this
session, if the labors of the past are
to be utilized and the linking of the
Atlantic and the Pacific oceans by a
practical waterway is to be realized.
That the construction of such a mari
time highway is now more than ever
indispensable io that Intimate and
ready Intercommunication between ou>'
eastern and westt rn seaboards de
manded by the annexation of the Ha
waiian Islands and the prospective ex
pansion of our influence and commerce
in the Pacific, and that our national
ever calls for its control by this Gov
ernment are propositions which, I
doubt not. the Congress will duly ap
preciate and wisely net upon.
The United States has not been an
indifferent spectator of the extraordin
ary events transpiring In the Chinese
empire, whereby portions of its mari
time provinces are passing under the
control of various European powers;
but tho prospect tliut the vnst com
merce which the energy of our citi
zens and the necessity of our staple
productions for Chintse uses hns built
up in those regions way not be pre
judiced through any exclusive treat
ment by the new occupants, has ob
viated the need of our country becom
ing an actor in the scene. Our position
among nations, having a large Pacific
eoasf. and a constantly expanding di
rect trade with the farther Orient
stives us the equitable claim to con
sideration and friendly treatment in
this regard, and it will be my aim to
subserve our large interests In that
quarter by all means appropriate to
the constant policy of our Government,
rhc territories of Kiao Choti. of Wel-
Wai and of Port Arthur and Tallen
wnn. leased to Germany. Great Brltian
irel Russia, respectively, for terms of
vears. will, it is announced, be open to
International commerce during such
■ lien occupation; and If no discrlminnl
ng treatment of American citizens and
their trade be found to exist, or be
aereafter developed, the desire of this
Government would appear to be real
There is now every prospect that the
participation of the United States in
he Universal Exposition to be lield iu
iris in 11K/0. will be on a scale eoni
ensurate with the advanced position
•id by our products and industries in
he world's chief marts.
The commercial arrangement made
with France on the 2Sth of May. under
Tariff act of IS&7, went into effect ou
the first day of June following. It has
relieved a portion of our export trade
front serious embarassment.
Further negotiations are now pend
ing under section 4 of fhe same act,
with a view to the increase of trado
between the two countries, to their
mutual advantage. Negotiations with
other governments, in part interrupted
by the war with Spain, are iu progress
under both sections of the tariff act.
I hope to be able to announce some oil
the results of these negotiations (lur
ing tin- present session of Congress.
Negotiations to the same end with
Hi rniany have been set on foot. Mean
while ix» effort lias been relaxed to con
vince the Imperial Government of the
thoroughness of our inspection of pork
predicts for exportation, ard it is
trusted that the efficient administra
tion of tit's measure .">y the Depart
ment of Agriculture will be recogniz
ed as a guarantee of the lieaithfulness
of the food staples we send abroad to
countries where tlielr use is large and
Our relations with Great Britain
have continued on the most friendly
footing Assenting to our request, the
protection of Americans and their in
ter, st-i in Spanish jurisdiction wis as
sured by the diplomatic and tonsillar
representatives of Great Britain, win
fulfilled l ueif delicate and arduous
trust with tact and zeal, eliciting high
commendation. I may be allowed to
make tilting allusion to the instance of
Mr. Rnmstlcn. Her Majesty's Consul tit
Santiago tie Cuba, whose untimely
death after distinguished service and
untiring efforts during the siege of that
city was sincerely lamented.
It will give me special satisfaction
if I shall be authorized to communi
cate to you a favorable conclusion of
the penning negotiations with Great
Rritian in respect to the Dominion of
Panada. It is the earnest wish of this
Government to remove all sources of
discord and irritation in our relations
with the g Dominion. The
trade between the two countries is con
stantly increasing, and it is important
to both countries that all reasonable
facilities should be granted for Its de
v< '• pniert.
The Government of Greece strongly
urges the onerousness of the duty here
Imposed upon the currants of that
country, amounting to 100 per cent <ir
more of their market value. Tills fruit
Is stated to be exclusively a Greek pro
duct. not coming into competition with
nn.v domestic product. The question of
reciprocal commercial relations with
currants to the free list, is under con
Pending the consideration by the
Senate of the treaty signed .Tune 10.
1 <■:•>7 by the Plenipotentiaries of th-s
United States and of the Republic of
Hawaii providing for the annexation
of tlie islands, n joint resolution to ac
complish the same purpose by accept
ing the offered cession and incorporat
ing the ceded territory into the Union
was adopted by the Congress and ap
proved .luly 7. I<OS. 1 thereupon di.
reefed the United States ship Phila
delphia to convey Hear Admiral Miller
to Honolulu and intrusted to his hands
tlrs important legislative act. to be de
livered to the President of the Republic
of Hawaii, with whom the Admiral
and the United States Minister were
authorized to make appropriate ar
rangements for transferring the sover
eignty of the Islands to the United
State's. This was simply but Impres
sively accomplished on the 12th of
August last, by the delivery of a certi
fled copy of the resolution to President
Dole, who thereupon yielded up to the
representative of the Govt rnmcnt of
the United States the sovereignty and
public property of the Hawaii Islands.
Pursuant to the terms of the Joint
resolution, and in exercise of the au
thority thereby conferred upon me.
I directed that the civil, judicial and
military powers theretofore ex
ercised by the officers of the Republic
of Hawaii should continue to be ex
?reiscd by those officers until Congress
shall provide a government for the In
corporated territory, subject to my
power to remove such officers and to
(ill vacancies.
The President, of course, and troops
of the Republic there upon took th.i
lath of allegiencc to the United States,
thus providing for tne uninterrupted
n.exed territory until Congress shall
otherwise enact.
Following the further provisions of
the joint resolution. I appointed the
Hons. Shelby M. Cullom of Illinois,
John T. Morgan of Alabama, Robert
H. R. llitt of Illinois. Stanford B. Dole
if Hawaii and Walter F. Frear of
md recommend to Congress such legis
ation concerning the Hawaiian Islands
is they should d.eurnecessary or prop
er. The Commissioners having ful
filled the mission confided to them
their report will be laid before you at
in early day.
The question ht retofore pending be
tween Hawaii and Japan growing out
of the alleged mistreatment of Japan
ese Immigrants were, I am pleased to
say. adjusted before the act of trans
fer by the payment of a reasonable In-
Jemnity to the Government of Japan.
The important question of the claim
if Switzerland to the perpetual can
tonal allegiance of American citizens
jf Swiss origin has not made hopeful
progress toward a solution, and con
troversies in this regard still continue.
The newly accredited Envoy of tho
United States to the Ottoman Porte
carries instructions looking to the dis
posal of matters in controversy with
Turkey for a number of years. He is
especially cliarg* <1 to press for a just
settlement of our claims for Indemnity
by rtvson of the destruction of prop
erty of an American missionary resi
dent In that country during the Arm
»nian troubles of 1805, as well as for
lie recognition of o»der claims of equal
The experience of vhe last year
irought forcibly home to us a sensu
tf the burdens and the waste of war.
VVe desire, in common with most civil
zed nations, to reduce to the lowest
losstble ptiint the damages sustained
n time of war by peaceable trade and
■ommeree. It Is tiue we may suffer in
si.cli cases less than other communities
but all nations are damaged more or
less b,v tii" state of uneasiness and ap
prehension into *• ideb an outbreak
n\ thro - t\ <• entire com
mercial >vorld. It vi i.'d lie our ob
ject. therefore, to . tinimiss: 1 , so far us
t ruci.icaiile, tills in ital le loss and dls
rii:uHv. This :>? s- tan probably
■ • Accomplish'-i !>y a.i internation
al v -eii i;uto iv t.. ;-d all piivate prop
erty at s a as exempt from capture or
destruction by the }«♦*•.»« of belligei
'»nt pov. t rs. The Unllt-d States Gov
eriinii tit has for ni-> .y years advocated
this humane and b ic-r./ .-i t principle,
and Is now Inn posi-ion to ri-coui
liKlid it to either p-itv. \vithotil til
; imputation of selis , • toiiv - ■ t'i ■■
; 112 suggest for • our cons'- 1 ratiov
that the Executive be cufhorixed ;«■
correspond with the Governments o.
the pricipal maraiiine powers with a
view of incorporating into the pernian
ent law of civilized nations the prinei
pie of the exemption of ;•>! privat
war. from capture or destruction b;
belligerent powers.
The provisions mad;* for strengthen
ing the resources of the Treasury ii
connection with the war have givei
Incrcast d confidt nee in the pitrpos • ai"
power of the Government to niaintai'
the present stanlard and have esta'i
lislied more firmly than ever the na
tional crtdit at home antl abroad.
Tin re can be no question that a'
ties time, and probably for some tim
in the future 100.000 men will Is
liont' too many to meet the ueetssiti •
of tlie situation. At a!I events, wlieti.
cr tiuit number shrill be required pel
miiiiently or not. the power siiould b
given to the Pn sideut to enlist tha
i force it in his diser. tion It should !i
necessary and the further discretion
should be given him to recruit t->
the army within the above limit fi i
tii" inhabitants of the Islands with i
government of which we arc cirirg 'd
It is my purpose to muster out tii .
fir.- volunteer eriuy as sum as <'ui
gress sliali provide for tl:e incrcu*- • ol
the regular establishment. This wil
only be an net of justice, and will b.
much appreciated by the brave met
who left tlieir homes and employments
to help the country in its emergency.
The following recommendations ol
the Secretary of the \«ivv relative tt
the increase of the navy have my ear
nest approval:
Three seagoing sheathed and copper
ed battle ships of about 13.500 tons dis
placement, carrying the heaviest ariuoi
and most power ft; I ordnance for ves
seis of their class and to have tin
radius of action. Estimated cost, ex
uiiior and armament.
(100,000 each.
lij -sn. atiied and copperetl armor
ed cruisers of about 12.000 tons trial
displacement, carrying the heaviest
armor and most powerful ordnanct
for vessels of their class, and to hav>
the highest practicable speed and great
radius of action; estimated cost, ex
elusive of armor and armament, *4.
000.000 each.
Three-sheathed and copper protected
cruisers of about 0.000 tons trial dis
placement: to have the highest prae
ticable speed and great radius of act
ion. and to carry the most powerful
( rdnance suitable for vessels of their
class. Estimated cost, exclusive of
armor and armament. $2,150,000 each
Six-sheatlied and coppered cruisers of
about 2.500 tons trial displacement, to
have the highest speed compatible with
good cruising qualities, great radius
of action and to carry the most power
ful ordnance suited to vessels of tlieir
class. Estimated cost, exclusive of
firmament. $1,141,800 each.
I Join with the Secretary of tin
Navy in recommending that the grad
of Admiral and Vice-Admiral be tem
poraril.v revived, to be tilled by officer*
who have specially distinguished theni
selves iu the war with Spain.
I earnestly urge upon Congress tin
Importance of early legislation provld
ing for the taking of the twelfth ecu
sus. This is necessary in view of th i
large amount of work which must Iv.i
performed in the preparation of th-.
schedules preparatory to the enumera
tlon of the population.
The special attention of the Congress
is called to that part of the report ol
the Secretary of the Interior in rela
lion to the live civilized tribes. It Is
noteworthy that the general conditio;
of the Indians shows marked progress
But one outbreak of a serious char
ncter occurred nuring the year, am'
that among the Chippewa Indians o
Minnesota, which, happily, hus beei
In the year 1900 will occur the ecu
tennlal anniversary of the femndin;
if the city of Washington for the per
manent capital of the Government o
the United States by authority of a
tc of Congress, approved July 10 17!)''
In May, 1800. tho archives and genera
offices of the Federal Government wer .
removed to this place. On Novembci
117, ISOO, the National Congress me'
1 here for the first time, and assume)' 1
! exclusive control of the I\ d-.-ral dls
I trict and city. This interesting even
j issumes all the more significance whet
we recall the circumstances attend
| ng the choosing of the site, th • nun
'ing of the capital In honor of the Fa
tlier of His Country and the interest
taken by him In the adoption of plan
for its future development on a niai:
alficent scale.
These original plans have bee)
wrought out with a constant progress
and signal success even beyond any
thing their framers could have for"
seen. The people of th" country ar.
lustly proud of the distinctive beaut
ind government of the capital .anil (.
he rare Instruments of sci' nee and ed
•cation which here find their natural
A movement lately inaugurated by
the citizens to have the anniversary
•elebratetl with fitting ceremonies, in
•hiding perhaps the establishnn nt of
i handsome permanent memorial to
mark so historical an occasion, has
•net with general favor on the part of
he public.
1 reconnuerd to Congress the grant
ing of an appropriation for this pur
| rose and the appointment of a com
i "ittee from its respective bodies, it
! night also be advisable to authorizeth
| President to appoint a commission
"rom the country at large, which, act
ng with the Congressional and Dls
i rlct of Columbia Committees, can com
ilete the plans for an appropriate eel
The alien contract law is sliotvn by
' experience to need some amendment;
' i measure proving better ptotection for
seamen is propose''; the rightful ap
pllealion of the cig' t-hmir law 112• • i ,Ik»
beneiif of labor ai. or the principal
of arbitration are iggcsted Tor con
sideration. ami I c amend these aitb-
JeetK to tiie earefill attention of the
! The several depai icninl reports will
be laid before y >u. They give In
great detail the conduct of the affairs
of tii 1 Government during the past
yrar and discuss ni ny questions upon
wnleh tin- Congress may feel called
upon to net.
Executive Mansirrt,. Dec. 5, 1898.
Total For Hi* Fl War 1800 1 {>:><> I«
Flgm-eil at Morn Than A'> 03,000,0110.
Washington. P. C„ Pee. s.—The Sec
retary of the Trv sury to-day trans
mitted to Congres" the estimates of
appropriations reqt "red for the fiscal
y> ar ending June "0, l!) 00. Including
pi rnuinent annual annropriatlons. tlieso
."ftfreguie *503.0-13 378. against $802.-
875.513. the amoun* of the appropria
tions, including dt 'clenchs and mis
""l'aneous. tor the fscal year ISO!), and
*402.047.885. tiie amount of the esti
••vies for IS')!). Ti:? figures, compared
li those of a year ago, are as fol
. %\s: —
Es* "mates Estimates
'"ep's. fo l r oo. for It-rO.
otir e ;c, MPS S4.4''>". 6'!2
a v 22 112 2.1.1 2-"> 4SI
. • 1 7 7.''.2 D 087
trn I ' •..H2» I,B'|> *.'2B
I :rv it" II ill 21 0 42
- I M.ti- 2 20.'. . !).tV>9
i a iii'i.i is. ... 7 310 7.-7•"».<«17
ions 11. !!.83i) 141 2"7.750
ill; nc.lrs .',O 'I-7.1'80
•tal ft rv'ee.. . 42% 888 (i. 48.112
'•■ln UK.... 37,314.203 35,187,402
•in: n li' annual
:PI ufttprialiotis. 128,078.22 ft 117.836.220
Totals $593,048,578 >"402.047.885
""h > appropriations for the military
abHsbmert fcr 'be lineal year ISO!!
'."untcd to 8287,11.440, and for t'm
•'ill establishment $107,810 40.8. The
■lortanr items b. tiie estimate for
o. with the increase In each item
r the estimates Tor I®DO. are as fol
«'#: —Pay and traveling expenses.
"" 430,000. iricrea'■» 541.443.542: sub-'
tence. $17,082 -l"7, increase about
'*>ooo 000: regular* supplies quarter
aster's di pnrtnie-t. $14.000000. in
• ase $12,000.1)00: 'ncidental expenses
artermaster's de* rtment. $3.000 000.
crease $3.300 000; transportation anil
npl'es. *20.813 STS, Increase about
" 300 000: clothi' g and equinage.
'4.744.431. increas about sl3 ('>00.000;
rracks and nuatt»rß. $2.500 000. lu
•'ase $1.750 000: v dical and liosn't il
n-irtment. $2,200.'.* K). Increase $1,075,-
I); ordnance stop ard supplies. 81.-
5.000, increase $1,150,000; manufac
re of arms. 8800.000, increase $400.-
For tiie naval establishment these
-e the principal I'-'ins: —Pay of navy.
.3 220 440. increaft" about $4,500,000;
"crease of navy. $30,192,402, increase
bout $1,750,000: ordnance and ord
■*tu*e stores, $1,875,000. increase 8804.
); equipment of vessels. 82 225 480.
crease $741.82i : provisions. $3 000.000
■crease $1,505,000; construction and
nail*. $3,000,000. increase 8500.000; re
lirs to Constitution. $150,000.
Among the items under the head of
blie works are: I'ost office at Ruf
ilo. X. Y.. $231,000; Mint Building,
hiladelphla. SOOO,OOO.
Tiie most Important items submitted
v the lighthouse service are:—For
"lit ard for signal stations as fol
ws:—Near Black I,edge. New Loudon,
'onn.. $45,000: Hog Island Shoal. Nar
igansett Bay. R. 1., to rep'aee light
•ssels. $35,000: at Green's Ledge. Nor
"i'k. Conn.. SOO 000 at Peck Ledge. Nor
•i!k. Conn.. 810.000; on Chanman
bnai. St. Lawi re nee River. $25,000;
•nrovetnents at Tompkirsville. N. Y.
'11,000; lighthouse depot. Buffalo. $50,-
The following are the estimates for
•bile works under the Navy Popart
">nt:—lmorovpfnnnts at Portsmouth
'avy Yard. 8.300 at Boston Nav*
' ini 8307.000: at Brooklyn N-ivy V.-u*«l.
.12.002: at League Island Navy Yar.l.
"">5.707: at Washington Navy Yard.
•.'OS 000; at Norfolk Navy Yard, in
'eding concrete and granite dry doc';.
•..'.OOO 000: dredging at naval station,
:,»w London. Conn.. $25,001; imnrove
•>nts at Port R«val Naval Station.
145 000; at Key West Naval Station,
oiiuiirg purchase of additional land.
! 12.520; Impr'-i-'-nvnts at Mare Island
ivy Yard. $851.7"0; imnrovements at.
•ival Acadi my. 82120.000.
f'nder the War P?partment these es
tates are made;- Otm and mortar
'trrics. .>4.410 000; armament Tor for
•itions. $7 0711i:>8 The total a
int asked for fortifications a"d
her works of defence is sl2 1-.>l 44 •>.
t- the buildings ard cr'Minds at West
.ii t. there Is asked 8239.778. and for
i stf'-ction of buildings nt military
c(s. *1 000. 000.
The total amount asked for contlnu
z improven" ,- ts of rivers and liar
. rs. is $28,523 77S the largest items
'■■ leg:— Buffalo harbor, $485 4!»S; bai
lor of refuge. P( la ware Bay. $587 500;
rrovidence River and Narragansett
Bay. R. 1., $400,000; removing obstruc
tions in East River and Hell tJate. New-
York. SIOO 000; improving Harlem Rlv
*300.000; harbor rf r< fnge at Cape
Ann.. Ma 55...*250.000; harbor "112 refug ■
it Point .Tndith. It. 1., $lO )000; br-ak
waters at New Haven. Conn. 8T >0 000;
continuing Improv.-ment. N w York
harlwr. N. Y.. S3OO 000: Tonawandi
nivrr and Niagara ltivcr. N. Y . SIOO
WO: Ratltan Bay. N. J.. SIOO,OOO.
The Postmaster General estimat' i
che drflcency In the postal
lor 1900 at $4,205,888.
The estimate for army and ravy r>
••.lons Is $144 000 000; cost of n-nslMis
•ervice. $1 233 830: total. sl-15 233
fills Is nearly $4,000,000 liter ase from
he figures for tiie lust fiscal year.
Rat lonakes *n«l \Vlilt«* A h.
Rattlesnakes are said ti have a
uttural antipathy to the 1. ti s of tii ■
white ash. Some naturalists asst ut
that the rattlesnake placed in a circle
•omposed of half ash leaves and half
hot coals will cross the coals before
«e will rater the ash learea.