Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, November 17, 1898, Image 6

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    The Companion for the Rest of 18BM«
The principal attractions offered by TUB
YOUTH'S COMPANION for the remaining weeks
of 1898 provide a foretaste ot the good things
to follow in the new volume tor 1899. To the
first issue in November Frank R. Stockton
will contribute a humorous sketch, entitled
"Some ot My Dogs," and in the issue for the
week ot November 10th will appear Rudyard
Kipling's thrilling story of the heroism of
soldiers in the ranks, 'The Burning ot the
Sarah Sands." In the seven issues to follow
there will be contributions by Lord Dufferin,
William D. Howells, J. E. Chamberlin, the
American war correspondent, Mary E. Wil
kins, Hon. Thomas B. Reed, the Marqnis ot
Lome, Mme. Lillian Nordica and I. ZangwllL
Those who subscribe now for the 1899 volume
will receive every November and December
issue ot THE COMPANION trom the time of
subscription to the end ot the year tree, the
Companion Calendar tor 1(199 free, and then
the entire*; isuesot THK COMPANION to Jan
uary 1. HMO. Au illustrated announcement ot
the 1899 volume and sample copies will be sent
tree to any one addressing TRIE YOUTH'S
The Emperor of China has to fast sixty
/our days in each year for the sake of re
How's This?
\Yc offer One Hundsed Dollar* Reward for
any ca-e of Catarrh that cannot ba cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cute.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We. the undersigned, have known F.J. Che
ney lor the la-t 15 years, and believe him per
fectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to oarry out any obliga
tion m-ide by their firm.
WEST & TKUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
Oh o.
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, net
.tog directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of tin- system. Prior, 75c. per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Mexico has had flfty-flve Presidents
since 1821. Of these, sixteen have died
violent deaths.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Toar IJfe Awiy.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netio. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To
Bao.Che wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 50a or fl. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Addresi
Sterling Kemedr Co., Chicago or New York
A nutmeg tree of the largest size wil
produce no more than five pounds of nu'
I.fine's Family medicine.
Moves the bowels each day, In order td
be healthy this is necessary. Aots gently
on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick head
ache. Price 25 and 500.
Protestants In Franee number rather
less thnn two per cent, of the population.
Five Cents.
Everybody knows that Dobbins' Electric
Soap is tho best In the worl'd, and for 33 years
it has sold at tho highest price. Its price is
now 5 cents, same as common brown soap.
Bars full size and quality.Order of grocer. Advi
In the Klondike region eggs are quoted
at $1 apiece.
Dr. Seth Arnold's Cough Killer knocks
CoId?.— JOHN DARGANELL, 444 Fargo Ave..
Buffalo, N. Y.. Aug. IT. 1898. 25c. a bottla.
It rains tliree days out of Ave in Glas
gow, Scotland.
From the Wa>
Bring tho germs of malaria, fevers and
other diseases, which may prove contagious
in their own families. Hood's Sarsaparllla
Is a special boon to soldiers, because It
eradicates nil disease germs, builds up the
debilitated system and brings back health
Every returned soldier and every friend
and relative of soldiers should take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
America's Greatest Medicine. 91; six for $5.
Hoort's PIHs cure sick headache. 35c.
Nelson Day In London,
Nelson stock is high in England
just now, and this year the celebra
tion on Nelson day, Ootober 21, was
more elaborate than ever. The
Nelson column in Trafalgar Square
was spirally entwined with a con
tinuous laurel band, which for the
first time reached the very top of
the shaft, while at the base there
was a varied display of shields, de
vices, wreaths and other floral tri
Motor Cam.
Notwithstanding that the motor car.
industry is undoubtedly better de
veloped and more active abroad than
in the United States, yet some of the
American companies are reported to
have recently booked considerable
numbers of orders in Paris and Lon
don, and one Chicago firm has an
nounced its intention of opening
branch offices in these two cities.
From Mrs. Rank to Mrs. Pinkham
The following letter to Mrs. Pink«
ham from Mrs. M. RANK, No. 2,35<
East Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia,
Pa., is a remarkable statement of re*
lief from utter discouragement. She
" I never can find words with which
to thank you for what Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has done
ior me.
" Some years ago I had womb trouble
and doctored for a long time, not see
ing any improvement. At times I
would feel well enough, and other
times was miserable. So it went on
until last October, I felt something
terrible creeping over me, I knew not
what, but kept getting worse. I can
hardly explain my feelings at that
time. I was so depressed in spirits
that I did not wish to live, although I
had everything to live for. Had hys
teria, was very nervous; could not
sleep and was not safe to be left
*' Indeed, I thought I would lose my
mind. No one knows what I endured.
" 1 continued this way until the last
of February, when I saw in a paper a
testimonial of a lady whose case was
similar to mine, and who had been
cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound. I determined to try it,
and felt better after the first dose. I
continued taking it, and to-day am a
well woman, and can say from my
heart, ' Thank God for such a medi
cine.'" v.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all suffering
women to write to her at Lynn, Mass.,
for advice. All such letters are sees
and answered bv women onlv.
"O, Mary dear, O, Mary sweetl
Down at your little fairy feet—
May, lassie, do not scornful start—
I lay my fortunes and my heart.
"If you will be my own, own
A dream of ease will be your life,
And all that love and gold can do,
O, Mjary dear, I'll do for you."
"I scorn your'heart, I scorn your gold,
I have a sweetheart brave and bold,
One of a battleship's brave orew,
My sailor sweetheart tried and true,
"He has no gold but strong and leal.
He fearless guards his country's weal,
And as he loves bis country so.
He'll love his own, own wife,l know."
— M. PHELPS DAWSON, in New York Sun.
p A Tragedy of Santiago. 0
After the first day's fighting at San
tiago two men, lying side by side, tried
raivly to sleep. The nightmare of the
itrdggle left its impress on them. A
twitching of the lips or a nervous
a limb showed the after-ef
fects of the strain. They were volun
teers, wfc.3 had picked each other out
or the staunch,all-trusting friendship
that comes to men who are to
langer and hardship.
The heat of war sends all the small
inventions of life up into thin smoke.
Where death and blood surround on
every side and the hum of bullets and
(he shriek of shells whisper a warning
that the next togo may be one's self,
khe man is reduced to elementary prin
jiples. David cleaves to Jonathan
with his whole soul and asks no rea
lOU why.
So it was with these two. Their
learts spoke directly to each other.
The black Cuban night formed a
dtting surrounding for confidence. A
man liked to reach out a hand and
find that a friend was near. It was
IO dark; so empty of God and hope;
luch a fitting prelude to the frowning
At last the younger broke the
lilence: "By gosh, Billy, you showed
ap well today," said he. "You went
up that hill like a man who wasn't
ifraid to live or die. I tell you I was
proud of you."
"Shucks!" answered the other;
"you did the same."
"Yes—l know,but my reason wasn't
juite the same, I'm afraid. To tell
you the plain truth, old man, I only
came upon this business to get my
name up. I wouldn't give you three
:ents a hundred for Cnbans, let alone
my life. I wanted," he went on in a
ihamefaced way, "to have the girls
point me out when I get home—you
know: 'Ain't he a hero?' and that
kind of thing. 'Tain't very noble, is
it? I don't suppose you'll think much
»112 me after that; but,somehow, I felt
{ had to tell it."
The elder man smiled into the dark
less —au exceeding bitter aud mirth
less smile.
"What do you suppose I came down
lere for?" he asked.
"I don't supppose anything about
it—l know," answered the other
itoutlv. "Haven't I been with you
•very day since you fished me out of
khe turf? And you've never kicked or
grumbled, no matter what came up.
i'ou're here because you believe in it,
ind you needn't say anything different
lust to comfort me."
"Listen," said the other, laying a
aaud on his arm and bringing his
mouth close to the lad's ear. "I'm
going to tell you something, Kid—
lomething I certainly never expected
to tell anybody. But I may get it
tomorrow, and I feel that I must
ipeak. Don't say a word until I've,
finished, aud then see if you want to
take my hand.
"My boy, I came down here to kill
» ma» in our regiment."
He felt the start tho other gave, but
went on without a change of voice.
"I'd been watching my chance for a
month, when I heard that he enlisted,
*nd I joined. Now, the first time he
Mts near me and nobody's looking,
I'm going to shoot him through the
fceart —right—through—his— dirty
"Good God!" said the other.
''lt's the truth, "continued the elder
Q the same quiet voice.
"I picked the scoundrel out of the
rutter and tried to make a man out of
Mm—took him right into my home,
»nd that was the worst dav's job I ever
lid, for it didn't stay my home long.
My wife—my wife—well, I had no
irife after that. I don't know what to
think. She seemed a good girl—as
Irue a wife as a man ever had before
—for years—but—well, Kid, the rea
;on I charged up the hill today was to
>how myself that I wouldn't bo afraid
to meet him face to face. I'd have
killed him openly before, but that
would have brought the whole story,
out, and the bums on the corner at
tome could laugh and joke about—
ibout my wife."
The silence fell black around them.
It last the younger spoke.
"I'm only a kid, Bill, and I don't
|uite understand these things. I
don't know anything about them, but
Ido know that you're a square man.
[t seems awful to me. But there's
my hand just the same."
The other groped for it and
iqneezed it heartily. A tingling came
to his eyes. The boy's sympathy was
very sweet to his sore heart.
"I have always been a square man,
and this job goes against me," he
went on."I wish there was some
other way out of it."
"Oh, Lord, so do II" groaned the
boy. "Ain't there anything, Bill?"
"Nothing, I suppose if we both
get back it will be the same old misery
all over again. I suppose if I could
talk about it to—to -my wife—per
haps it might make some difference—
hat I can't speak. The words stick in
ny throat."
"Perhaps he'll get killed?"
"Not on your life. His sort never
dob No—no—there's nothing for it
but for me to take the law in my own
hands. Good nigbt, Kid, I'm going
to sleep."
The next day Bill was struok on the
head by a piece of shell in the early
part of the engagement.
A man, who had hitherto kept care
fully out of sight, ran forward, and,
picked him up, started for the rear,
carrying his insensible body.
The Kid, who was leaning against
the tree bandaging his shattered left
arm, looked up as they passed him.
"Why, it's Bill," he cried. "Say,
pardner, where's he hit? Is it bad?"
"In the head—don't know,"
answered the stranger.
"Poor old Bill!" snid the boy, with
quivering lips. "Oh, ain't this war a
horrible business? I don't want any
more of their fighting!"
He lis a stood the pain of his own
wound without a whimper, but the
sight of his friend's bloody face was
too much for overwrought nerves. He
broke down and sobbed like a child.
"Brace up. Kid; perhaps it ain't as
bad as it looks," said the stranger.
"Oh, that's all right for you to say,"
answered the boy. "What is it to
you? But he was my pardner, and I
care something about it."
The arms of the stranger gripped
bis burden convulsively. He turned
a savage face upon the boy.
"Shut up, you fool!" he said; then
added in a different voice: "Give me
a, lift with your good arm, will you; I
feel kinder sick."
The Kid took his friend's feet under
his arm, while the stranger supported
the shoulders.
So they staggered on until they
came to the field hospital.
There they laid the wounded man
down with all possible tenderness.
The Kid went to hasten a surgeon.
As Bill touched the earth his eyes
opened, vacantly nt first, but with
gradually increasing intelligence, fury
gathering in ;them the while, until
they bent upon the stranger with ab
solute ferocity.
The other gazed steadily at him.
"You here,you black-hearted dog!"
at last said Bill, between his teeth.
"If I could raise a hand I'd kill you!"
"Will you listen to me a minute?"
answered' the other. "I only ask you
for a little time, and every word shall
be God's truth."
A weakness swept across the
wounded man. Life lost its intensity. ]
He nodded wearily.
"Well, Bill," said the stranger, in
a halting, abrupt fashion, "I was a
bad lot—there ain't any doubt of it,
and that my feelings toward Sally
were wrong I ain't going to deny, but
don't be too hard on the girl. It was
all my fault. I led her along so quiet
and easy that she didn't suspect me.
That she didn't understand right away
is true, too; but,Bill,we're all human,
and yon know I hail the trick of pleas
ing women. As God is my witness,
Bill, it didn't go as far as you think.
Then, and when she understood fully,
she wouldn't let me so much as touch ,
her hand. Still she felt, poor little
soul, that she was to blame in the ,
matter, and she worked and talked
to me, to show what an awful thing ;
we'd done. She brought up how good
you'd beeu to both of us, until I saw
—I saw.
"Then I enlisted right away—that's
the reason I came down here —to see
if I couldn't get out of it all in a
decent sort of a way, for I am sick of I
myself—dead sick. And, Bill, I'll i
never go back—l feel it in my bones
—but even if I should I couldn't
trouble you any more,for the girl gave
it up of her owu free will, which aiu't
a little thing on this earth, whore .
none of us are angels. I might change
again—l know it—l never was either ;
good or bad long at a time—but ttally
is a different kind. You'll never have
cause to doubt her again,that's sure." ;
The wounded man looked at him
with sad eyes.
"You always were a liar," he said,
"That's so, that's so," asserted the
other, eagerly. "But not this time, j
Bill. I wish I could tell with my ;
dying breath; then you couldn't help !
but believe me."
The words bad hardly left his
mouth wheu there was a ripping sound
in the bush, instantly followed by a
sharp "thwuck!" A piece of cloth
leaped from the stranger's breast. A
fountain of blood spurted after it.
His eyes were tilled with wonder.
He stood erect—so—for a fraction of
time, then the muscles gave way and
he came crashing to the earth. A t
second later he raised himself upon
his elbow, struggling with the hurry
and confusion of his mind. He fixed
his dimming eyes upou his enemy,
"I'm gone, Bill—all true—so help
me—God! Forgive"
And he was dead.
Bill covered his eyes with his hands.
The vengeunce which we gloat over
looks horrible wheu worked by other
hands. The bitterness left his soul
and a great pity took its place.
"Oh, Lord !" he prayed, "send me
back to my little girl!"— Criterion.
Trumpeters to Royalty.
Mr. Thomas John Harper, who died
in England recentlj', in his 82ud year,
was sergeant trumpeter to the Queen,
and was for nearly half a century
trumpeter to the lord mayor, while at
the opoia, the great musical festivals
and at the best concerts he was ac
knowledged to be the greatest of liv
ing trumpeters. His even still more
celebrated father, Thomas Harper,
the elder, blew the trumpet at the
coronation of George IV, so that par
ent and son, down to the practical re
tirement of Thomas Harper, the
younger, in 1885, performed the prin
cipal trumpet work at almost all the
important performances in England
duriug the greater part of the present
Sentenced, but ltope Broke, and Son.
fence Wai Commuted.
After being tried for the assassin*-
| tion of Will Buckley in Madison
county, Mississippi, for which crime
he was convicted and an attempt at a
legal execution made, failing because
the rope broke, and after having his
senteuce commuted by Governor Mc-
Lauriii to life imprisonment in the
penitentiary, Will Purvis, the notori
ous Whitecapper, stands a good chanoe
to be pardoned.
The governor received a remarkable
letter, signed by the three brothers
and a brother-in-law of Will Buckley,
the murdered man, stating that they
believed a mistake had been made,
and that an innocent man was suffer
ing the penalty of another's crime.
These relatives have ever since the
assassination, been bitter against Pur
vis and have resisted every attempt
to have him pardoned. The letter in
question is signed by A. L.l uckley,
J. C)>. Buckley, F. M. Buckley and H.
C. Turuage. It recites the fact that
the continued confinement of Will
Purvis in the peuitentiary will have a
tendency to shield the real murderer
of their brother.
One brother, Jim Buckley, was with
Will when the latter was killed, and
testified on the trial that he saw Will
Purvis unbreeching his gun right
after ihe fatal shot was fired. This,
with some corroboratory evidence, was
the meat of the prosecution's case and
the evidence upon which Purvis was
sentenced to hang. During the last
session of the legislature a petition
was circulated and largely sigoed ask
ing that Purvis be pardoned. In ad
dition the people of Marion county
have all along doubted his guilt.
The story of Purvis' alleged crime
and the subsequent proceedings have
already been published. Will Buck
ley was alleged to have belonged to a
a gang of Whitecappers in Marion
county. It was said he was threatened
with death in case he revealed any
thing to the grand jury. He was as
sassinated while returning from court.
Purvis was arrested and convicted on
the evidence recited above. He was
sentenced to be hanged, but the rope
broke, and he fell to the ground un
conscious. He was returned to the
jail, and his lawyers made the point
before the supreme court that he was
executed. The court held, however,
that he had to be dead before the sen
tence of the law had been carried out.
He afterward escaped, and was at
large when Governor McLaurin was
inaugurated. He offered to return to
custody if the governor would com
mute his sentence to life imprison
ment. He refused to negotiate with
him until ha had surrendered. Pur
vis then surrendered and was brought
by the governor's order, to the peni
tentiary for safe keeping. There his
sentence was commuted to life im
prisonment, and ever since he has been
serving the senteuce.
Attack* Women on the Cars.
The woman agent is ranging the
streets of the city in ferocious packs.
Driven by unusual hunger, or other
desperation, this species has become
unusually daring aud ferocjpus the
past season. It is not enough that
she and her kind have driven us daily
out of our happy homes onto the
back piazza. They now actually attack
us on the street cars. Instances of
this are becoming quite common. A
mild-mannered, elderly woman
boarded a car the other day with a
companion without noticing the sharp
featured woman behind. Scarcely bad
she gotten seated wheu the womau
behind her leaned over, and the fol
lowing interesting conversation took
"Madame," said the sharp-featured
one, "excuse me, but I see you wear
a switch."
"No, I do not," said the astonished
"Do you save your combings?" per
sisted her stronger sister.
She received no reply, but she did
not retire.
"Now, ladies," she continued, "I
can give you something in this line."
But the women in front had edged
over to the other end of the seat, and
were talking so earnestly on relatively
unimportant topics that she did no'
finish her address.
Another day, two pretty young
women were proceeding down street
on a car, when a pair of new shoes
appeared over the back of the seat
between them, dangling by theii
strings. "Excuse me, ladies," said
the voice, "but do you wear water
proof shoes." The discourse con
tinned on the merits of water-proof
shoes for the space of several blocks,
when the victims filially repulsed the
boarder by the most wanton use oi
feminine brutality and the force ol
superior numbers.—Springfield Re
Killed » I>eer With a Club.
Surveyor D. C. Wood of Herkimer,
N. Y., brought home the saddles and
hind quarters of a two-year-old doe
that he killed along the Mohawk and
and Malone railroad with a club. Mr.
Wood has been in the Adirondacks
surveying for Dr. Seward Webb, and
one day recently he started to walk
from Beaver river to Keepawn on the
Mohawk and Malone railroad track.
Near Brandreth station the road runs
through a swamp aud the embankment
is about ten feet high. Just as he
reached that point he happened to
look over one side of the track and
there, not ten feet away, was a deer
feeding in the underbrush, which
grew close to the track. He laid down
his instruments carefully, aud, taking
a step or two toward the deer, hit her
over the head with his surveyor's staff.
The blow felled the deer, and before
it recovered Mr. Wood jumped down
the embarkment and cut its throat
with a penknife.—New York Sun.
The common caterpillar has more
than two hundred muscles.
Some insects are in a state of ma
turity thirty minutes after birth.
At sea level an object one hundred
feet high is visible a little oveVi thir
teen miles. If five hundred feet high,
it is visible nearly thirty miles.
One of the most interesting features
of modern industrial chemistry is the
synthetic production of odorous sub
stances, closely related to the odors
of flowers, plants, and animal sub
The longest wave hitherto observed
;s said to have had a length of half a
mile, and to have spent itself in
twenty-three seconds. During storms
in the north Atlantic waves sometimes
sxtend to a length of 500 and 600 feet,
rod last from ten to eleven seconds.
A peculiar nervous disease, called
mali raali, is sometimes noticed,chiefly
iu old women, among natives of the
Philippine Islands. The victim, whose
symptoms may appear only on being
Bxcited.has an uncontrollable desire to
imitate the movements of some person
before hi in.
Some Comparison* Recently Made by
Expert* at the Springfield Arsenal.
While no decision has yet been
made as to what shall be done with
the Spanish ]\lauser rifles which ar
rived in the United States arsenal re
cently, it is expected that, after hav
ing been cleaned and repaired, these
weapons will be sold to the public as
Officials at the arsenal state that
these Spanish guns, besides being in
every way inferior to the Krag-Jor
gensen riHes used by our regular
army, show rough and ignorant us
age at the hands of the Spanish sol
The main difference between the
Krag and the Mauser is that, while
both are bolt guns, the former has a
magazine which, tilled with tive car
tridges, can be cut off so as to make
the rifle practically a single shooter ;
the latter's magazine cannot be so cut
Dff. It is, therefore, really a repeat
ing rifle. Furthermore, in the Krag
the bolt is opened and closed by the
iction of cams—an application of
power similar to that used on chain
less bicycles—while with the Mauser
the man has to compress the main
spring by direct force.
It is probable that these Mausers
will be sold for not less than sls
apiece, so that for every one sold the
government will be a little more than
reimbursed for the manufacture of
>ne Krag-Jorgensen, which, as made
it the arsenal, cost 314.50.
Several Krags have arrived at the
irsenal for repairs after having been
ased by rough riders. They show
that they can staud very hard usage
without impairing their efficiency,
proving thereby the excellence of
their pattern, manufacture aud ma
terial. There are two which, after
having been carried through the surf,
filled with sand and wet with water,
rod having gone through all the fight
ing, were quite ready for use just as
they were when they arrived without
my cleaning or oiling. The butt of one
of these —carbine pattern —was split
and perforated by a Mauser bullet,
which most likely bored a hole also
through the arm of whatever Rough
Rider held the gun at the time.
One reason of the inferiority of the
Vlausers is that they are made by con
tract by a firm in Berlin, Germany,
while our guns are made at the
Springfield arsenal under the direct
supervision of ordnance officers. Our
guns are therefore exactly alike, one
to the other, while the material and
workmanship of the Spanish rifles
show many degrees of quality.
Springfield Union.
ltope* Woven by Spider*.
Spiders must now be counted among
the necessary helpmates of balloon
manufacturers. Many experiments
made with spiderweb as a substitute
for silk have proved the far reaching
possibilities of the new material. The
thread of the spider was found inval
aable in the production of so-called
reticles, crosses or nets of fine threads
placed in the focal plane of telescopes,
to determine the exact position of an
observed object. Some ten years ago
a French missionary started the sys
tematic rearing of two kinds of spiders
for their web.
Now the "Industrie Textile" an
jounces that a spider web factory is
In successful operation at Chalais-
Meudon, near Paris, where ropes are
made of spider web intended for bal
loons for the French military aeron
autic section. The spiders are arranged
in groups of twelve above a reel, upon
which the threads are wound. It is
by no means easy,workforthe spiders,
for they are not released until they
have furnished from thirty to forty
yards of thread each.
The web is washed and thus freed
of the outer reddish and sticky cover.
Eight of the washed threads are then
taken together, aud of this rather
strong yarn cords are woven, which
are stronger and much lighter than
cords of silk of the same thickness.
These spider web ropes are very
much more expensive than silk ones,
but it is hoped to reduce their cost
somewhat in the future.
Pointed Suggestion,
Study of local peculiarities is one ot
«he first conditions of trade success
It is said that Germau pins and need
les in China have completely displaced
those of better quality made in Eng
land, because the English persist in
putting theirs up in black paper, which
to the Chinese stands for ill luck,
while the Germans, anderstandinj>
this, pnt theirs np in red paper
which has a more obeerful omen
Boston Journal.
A Nation of Dyspeptic*.
From the Mountaineer, Walhalla, JV. Dakota,
The remorse of n guilty atomaoh Is what
a large majority of the peoole are suffering
with to-day. Dyspepsia Is a characteristic
American disease audit Is frequently stated
that "we are a nation of dyspeptics."
Improper food, hurried eating, mental
worry, exhaustion—any of these produoe a
lack of vitality in the system, by causing
the blood to lose its Ufe-sustalning ele
ments. The blood is the vital element in
our lives and should be oarefully nurtured.
Restore It to its proper condition, dys
pepsia will vanish and good health follow.
For example, In the county of Pembina,
North Dakota, a few miles from Walhalla,
resides Mr. Earnest Snider; a man of sterl
ing Integrity, whose veraolty cannot be
doubted. He says:
The Doctors Disagreed.
"I became seriously ill three years ago.
The doctor gave me modloine for indiges
tion, but I continued to become worse. I
bad several physicians at intervals who
?ave me some relief, but the disease would
return with all its accustomed severity.
"I read In the newspapers articles re
garding the wonderful curative powers of
Or. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,
and finally concluded to try the pills. Five
months ago I bought six boxes. The first
box gave me much relief, und after using
tour boxes I was cured."
These pills are recognized everywhere as
i specific for diseases of the blood and
lerves. For paralysis, locomotor ataxia,
*nd other diseases long supposed incur
able, they have proved their efficacy in
thousands of cases.
Moscow's (Russia) orphan asylum is
:upported by a tax on playing cards.
Hon.'W. J. Connell, Ex-Congressman frorc
Nebraska, and at present Omaha's City At
torney, writes:
"To Whom This <omes, Greeting: I take
pleasure In recommending the virtues of the
remedies prepared by the Dr. B. J. Kay Medi
pal Co. Having known of some remarkable
cures of Omaha people affected by the use of
Dr. Kay's Renovator nnd Or. Kay's Lung
Halm, 1 believe that these great remedies are
worthy of the confidence of the public."
Thousands of the most prominent people Jn
America know that the above are facts and
no remedies have affected so law a percent
of cures. Send for our large illustrated book
It has great value but will be sent free. Or
H. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, N.
Y., and Omaha, Neb.
Paris, France, has a street without
name. It Is paved and lighted.
Beauty la Blood deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day tc
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, —beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
The Cuban Newspaper.
The Cuban newspaper is a mis
nomer. It is a paper, but the lack of
news is as conspicuous as it is inmost
of the country weeklies of the
"States." The make-up of the paper
is what we call in the North "black
smith work." The style of type and
the head lines are as ancient as the
history of Cuba, and the general ap
pearance of the paper is an offense to
good taste. The so-called news is as
unsatisfying as is the food known as
the Spanish bean; possessing bulk
without substance. For instance, Lit
Lucha will say in the notes regarding
the work of the American Commis
sion, "To-day Mr. delivered tc
General Blanco (or some one else) a
scaled paper of importance." This is
all. What the character of the com
munication was or any other informa
tion relating to it that would in anj
way make it an item of news is no!
given. The editorials sometimes pos
sess some pith and point, but the
news columns are a barren waste.
How much of this is due to the cen
sorship and how much to the lack of
energy and a "nose for news" can not
be said. .The resident laughs at the
paper from the "States," but it. will
be noticed that if he knows how tc
read he wants the said paper as soon
as he can get it, and, while he will
tell you he does not believe a word he
reads in it, he gets very angry when
the paper reports something some
official of the United States has said
derogatory to the Spanish character.
It is all a pack of lies, but he believes
it just the same, and he bases his
thought and action upon the contents
of the very journal he affects to de
spise.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Seneral Greene's Stars Ready For Him,
When General Greene reported his
arrival with his staff to General Cor
bin a very pleasant incident occurred.
He had learned of his promotion to be
a Major-General upon his arrival at
San Francisco, failing to receive the
cablegram sent him to Manila, but he
still wore the single star of the Briga
dier-General's rank. General Corbin,
however, furnished him with the twe
stars which marked his promotion,
and then the party went to the White
House, where they talked with the
President regarding the situation in
the Philippines. General Greene
would not, however, discuss these
matters for publication.—Washington
Safety Among: Indians.
The venerable Bishop Whipple, ol
Minnesota, who knows the Indians of
that State well, tells a story of how,
years ago, he was holding a religious
meeting near an Indian village oamp.
His baggage was scattered about the
lodge and when he was about togo
out he asked the chief if it were safe
to leave bis belongings there while
he went to the village to hold the ser
"Yes," answered the ohief, -without
a gleam of humor, "perfectly safe.
There is not a white man within a
hundred miles."—Springfield Repub