A cross "X" Marked at the Square at the Right of tha Name of each Candidate Inside the Line Inclosing the Column Indicates a Vote for Each Candidate Thus Marked If a cross "X" be Marked Within the Circle at the Head of the Column It will be Equivalent to a Mark Opposite Every Name in the Column. Those Who Do Not Desire to Vote a Straight Ticket Must Not Mark a Cross Within the Circle at the Head of the Column. ! FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET I FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET. ! j FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET | FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET J | FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET j FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET 1 112 The voter may insert in thel A A A "\ A A A column below, the name ofj fill II II II II aay person whose name IS| V V V 7 V.y v./ y y , WOT PRINTED on the ballotf (MARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE.: MARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE. jUARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE-! MARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE. IviARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE.' MARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE. MARK WITHIN TH E CIRCLE.' jfor whom he desires to vote, j REPUBLICAN. DEMOCRATIC. PROHIBITION. I PEOPLE'S. SOCIALIST LABOR. I LIBERTY. HONEST GOVERNMENT. I GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. _____ GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. William A. Stone. I A. Jenks. | Si!a« C. Swallow. *i la s C. Swallow. .1. Mahlon liarnes Silas C. Swallow. j Silas C. Swallow. j Lieutenant Governor. Lieutenant Governor. Lieutenant Governor. LI KI T. GOVERNOR. hi El I'. GOVERNOR. LIEI'T. GOVERNOR. Lieutenant Governor. J. P. S. Gobiii. | Win. H.Sowden. j"" Einmett D. Nichols. Justus Watkins. W. 11. Thomas Justus Watkins. j J Secretary of Internal Affairs. Secretary of Internal Affaire? Secretary of Internal Affairs. >ECY of INT. AFFAIRS. SECY of INT. AFFAIRS. SECY of INTERNAL AFFAIRS. Secretary of Internal Affairs. James W. Utt:i. j Patrick DeLaeey. j Storliup W. Dickson. David Loiran. | Henry Peter- A. P. Hutchinson. | j JUDGE of Superior Court. JUDGE of Superior Court. JUDGE of Superior Court. .11 IKJF. of Superior Court. JUDGE of Superior Court. JUUGE of Supreme Court. Win. W. Porter. Win. Trickett. Lewis J). \ ail. Win. Trickett. .1. Newton Huston. Win !• Porter. Cal\ in 11. Bower. Win. I riekett. .1. Newton Huston. Win. Trickett. CONGRESS-AT-LARGE. CONGRESS- AT-LARGE. CONGRESS- AT -LARGE. CONGRESS-AT-LARGE. CONGRESS-AT-LARGE CONGRESS-AT-LARGE. CONGRESS-AT-LARGE~~ Galuflia A. Grow. fere 11. Wheeler. George 11. Gailjer. Dennis E. Johnson. John I!. Root j J. Acker Guss. Samuel A. Davenport. Frank P lames. P. E. Sharpless. Jerry N. Weiler. Donald L Monro j Charles P. Shaw. CONGRESSMAN. CONGRESSMAN. I CONGRESSMAN. ~ CONGRESSMAN. Wni. H. Woodin. | Rnfus K. Polk. j M - Caldwell. j STATE SENATOR. STATE SENATOR. STATE SENATOR. STATE SENATOR. N. H. Culver. u J. Henry Cochran. Tj H. ('uuiiiiirig«. j / | r. | REPRESENTATIVE. REPRESENTATIVE. REPRESENTATIVE. REPRESENTATIVE. J. L. Christian. | Jacob A. Meyers. □ L D. J. Saddlemire. J j L— n PROTHONOTARY. PROTHONOTARY. PROTHONOTARY. PROTHONOTARY. Wiu. J. Lawrence. J Edward Francke. J H. L. Molyneux. | | SHERIFF. SHERIFF. SHERIFF. SHERIFF. H. W. Osier. James J. W;ilsh. T~i n r — n CORONER. CORONER CORONER. CORONER. C. F. Wackenhuth. J ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Whereat, by the laws of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania it shall be tlie duty of the Sheriff of every county at least ten days before any election to be held therein (except for township and borough officers) to give notice of the same by proclamations ]>o.«ted up in the most public places in every election dis trict and by advertisements in at lea.-t two newspapers if there be so many pub lished in the county representing sr. tarn* Election Proela /nation. practicable the political parties which at the proceeding election cast the largest and next largest number of votes and to enumerate the officers to be elected and give a list of all the nominations except for election officers and assessors to be voted for in said county so far as may be, in the form in which thev shall appear ii|>on the ballots and to designate the places a! which the election is to be held. Therefore, 1. Kllis Swank, High Sherif! of Sullivan county, do hereby make known anil proclaim to the qualified elec tors of Sullivan county that an election will be held in said county on Tuesday, i Election Vvoclauiation. November S, 1 SOS, at the several election districts in the county, to wit: j'erniee precinct, at the Knights of l.n lor hall in Beruice. Cherry township, at the new township house near Dushore. Coliey township, at the «,'olley House. Davidson township, at the public house <>l'Mrs. T. S. Magargel. Dushore borough, at tin- <'nrroll House in said hoiotigh. Klldami township, at the new election house at Kldrcdsville. Forks township, at the election iiouxe. Forksville borough, at the Forksville Meet ion Proclamation. House in said borough. Fox township, at the township house at Shunk. Hillsgrove township, at rooms in house of Mrs. Anna Sadler beneath the hall of 1. 0. (>. F. in said village. Jamison City precinct, at Kites Hotel. Laporte borough, at the ladie's waiting room in the Court House. I.aporte township, al the house of llenrv Kohcnsparger. Lopes precinct, nt public hall known as I.opez hall. Mt. Vernon precinct at the township house | Election Proclamation , j Kicketta precinct, at the school hou.-c near Ricketts. Ringdale precinct, at the Ringdalellotel. Shrewsbury township, :ii the Ragles Mere Hotel. At which time and place the qualified ••lectors will elect by ballot the following -tate and county officers, to wit: One per son tor Governor, one person for Lieut. Governor, one person for Secretary of In ternal Affairs, two f>erson.s for Judge of Superior Court, two persons for Congress at-Large, one person for Congressman, one person for State Senator, one person for Member of Assembly, one person fnr T'ro j Election Proclamation. j ihonotary, one person for Sheriff, or»s f-or .-on for Coroner. It is further directed that the election polls of the several districts shall be open ed at seven o'clock in the forenoon and continue open without interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. Notice is hereby given that every |>ersoti except Justice of the Peace who shall hold an office or appointment of profit or trust under the United States oi thi<- State or city or corj>orated district, wheth er a commissiomvl officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is or Election Proclamation . j -hall be employed under the Legislative Kxecutives or Judiciary Department ot this Statef or of the United States or of any city or of any incorporated district and also that every Member of Congress and of the State Legislature and of the -elect or common council of any city or commissioners of any incorporated dis trict, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or apjiointment of .judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth and that no inspector, judge or other officer of any such elections shall be eligi ble to be then voted for. The inspectors J El-ection Proclamation, :niil judges of the flections shail meet a" the respective places appointed for hold ing the election in the district to which they respectively belong, before seven o'clock in the morning and cash inn pec tor shall appoint one clerk who shall be a • I'talified voter of such district. ELLIS SWANK, High Sheriff. Sberirt'f office, Lnporte, Pn.. f»ct. 25,1898.