Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, November 03, 1898, Image 7

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Subject: "Across tlie Continent"—Spiritual
Thoughts Suggested While Viewing
Scenes of Majesty and Grandeur
Wrought by the liand of God.
TEXTS: "Rtreams in the desert." —Isaiah
xxxv., 6. "He toucheth the hills and they
smoke."—Psalms civ., 32.
Mv first text means irrigation. It mean 3
the waters of the Himalaya, or tho Fyre"
noes, or the Sierra Nevadas poured through
canals and aqueducts for the fertilization
of the valleys. It means the process by
which the last mile of American barrenness
will be made an apple orchard, or an orange
grove, or a wheat Held, or a cotton planta
tion, or a vineyard—"streams in the desert."
My second text moans a volcano like Vesu
vius or Cotopaxi, or it means the geysers
of Yellowstone Park or of California. You
see a hill calm and still, and for ages im
movable, but the Lord out of the heavens
puts His linger on the top of it, and from it
rise thick and impressive vapors: "He
toucheth the hills and they smoke!"
Although my journey across the conti
nent this summer was for the eighth time,
more and more am I impressed with the
divine hand In its construction, and with
Its greatness and grandeur, and more and
more am I thrilled with the fact that it is
all to be irrigated, glorified and Edenized.
What a change from the time when Daniel
Webster on yonder Captoline Hill said to
tho American Senate in regard to the centre
of this continent, and to the regions on the
Pacific Coast: "What do you want with
this vast, worthless ;area, this region ot
savages nnd wild beasts, of deserts and
cactus, of shifting sands and prairio dogs?
To what use could we ever put these great
deserts or these great mountains, impene
trable and covered with eternal snow?
What can we ever hope to do with the
Western coast, rock-bound, cheerless nnd
uninviting, and not n harbor on it? I will
never vote one cent from tho public treasury
to place the Pacific coast one inch nearer
lloston than it now is." What a mistake
tho great statesman mado when he said
that! All who have crossed the continent
realizo that the Statos on the Pacille Ocoan
will have quite as grand opportunities ns
the States on the Atlantic, and all this
realm from sea to sea to bo the Lord's cul
tivated possession.
Do you know what, In some respects, is
tho most remarkable thing between the
Atlantic and Pacific? It is the figure of
a cross on a mouutaia in Colorado. It is
called tho "Mount of the Holy Cross."
A horizontal crevice filled with perpetual
snow, and a perpendicular crevice filled
witli snow, but both the horizontal line
anil the perpendicular line so marked, so
bold, so slgnificent, so unmistakable, that
all who pass in the daytime within many
miles are compelled to see it. There are
some figures, some contours, some moun
tain appearunces that you gradually make
out aftor your attention is called to them.
So a man's faco on therseksin the White
Mountains. So a maiden's form cut in
Ihe granite of the Adlrondacks. So a city
In the moving clouds. Yet you have to
look under the pointing of your friend or
guide for some timo before you can see
the similarity. But tho first instant you
glance at this side of tho mountain in
Colorado, you cry out: "Across! A
cross!" Do you say that this geological in
scription just happens so? No! That cross
on the Colorado mountain is not a human
device, or an accident of nature, or the
freak of an earthquake. Tho hand of God
cut it there and set it up for tho nation
to look at. Whether set up in rock be
fore tho cross of wood was set up on the
bluff back of Jerusalem, or set up at some
time since that assassination, I believe
the' Creator meant it to suggest the most
notable event in all the history of this
planet, and Ho hung it there over tho
lieirt of this continent to indicate that
tho only liopo for this nation is in the
Cross on which our Immanuul died. The
clouds wcro vocal nt our Saviour's birth,
tho rocks rent at His martyrdom, why not
the walls of Colorado bear the record of
tho Crucifixion?
I supposed in my boyhood, from its size
DU the map, that California was a few
yards across, a ridge of land on which
one must walk cautiously lest he hit his
head against the Sierra Nevada on one side,
or slip off intc the Pacific waters on the
other—Californin, the thin slice of land, as
I supposed it to be in my boyhood, I have
found to be larger than all the States of
New England and all New York State and
nil Pennsylvania added together; and if
you add them together their square miles
fall far short of California. And then all
those new-born States of the Union, North
and South Dakota, Washington, Montana,
Idaho and Wyoming. Each State an em
pire in size.
"But," says one, "in calculating the im
mensity of our continental acreage you
must remember that vast reaches of our
public domain are uncultivated heaps of
dry sand, and the 'Bad Lands' of Montana
and the Great American Desert." I am
glad you mentioned that. Within twenty
five years there will not be between the
Atlantic and Pacific coasts a hundred miles
of land not reclaimed either by farmers'
plough or minors' crowbar. By irrigation,
the waters of the rivers and the showers of
heaven, in what are called the rainy sea-
Bon, will be gathered Into groat reservoirs,
and through aqueducts let down where and
when the people want them. Utah is an
object lesson. Some parts of that Terri
tory which were so barren that a spear of
grass could not have been raised there in a
hundred years, are now rich as Lancaster
County farms of Pennsylvania, or West
chester farms of New York, or Somerset
County farms of New Jersey. Experiments
have proved that ten acres of ground irri
gated from waters gathered in great hydro
logical basins will produce as much as fifty
acres from the downpour of rain as soon in
our regions. We have our freshets and our
droughts, but in those lands which aro to
foe scientifically irrigated there will be
neither freshets nor droughts. As you take
a pitcher and get it full of wator, and then
set it on a table and take a drink out of it
when you aro thirsty and never think of
drinking a pitehrrful all at once, so Mon
tana, and Wyoming and Idaho will catch
the rains of their rainy season and take up
all the waters of their rivers in great
pitchers of reservoirs, and refresh their
land whenever they will.
But the most wonderful part of this Amer
ican continont is the Yellowstone Park. My
two visit there made upon me an impres
sion that will last forever. Go in by the
Moneida route as we did this summer and
save 250 miles of railroading, your stage
coach taking you through a day of scenery
as captivating and sublime as the Yellow-
Btone Park itself. After all poetry has ex
hausted itself concerning Yellowstone Park,
and all the Morans and Bierstadts and the
other enchanting artists have completed
tholr canvas, there will be other relations
to make, and other stories of its beauty and
wrath, splendor and agony, to be recited.
The Yellowstone Park is the geologist's
paradise. By cheapening or travel may it
become the nation's playground! In some
portions of it there seems to be the anarchy
of the elements. Fire and water, and the
vapor born of that marriage. tarrißc. Gey
ser cones or hills of crystal that have been
over Ave thousand years growing! In
places the earth, throbbing, sobbing,groan
ing, quaking with aqueous paroxysm. At
the expiration of every sixty-five minutes
one of the geysers tossing its boiling water
185 feet in the air and then descending into
swinging rainbows. "He toucheth the
hills and they smoke." Caverns of pictured
walls large enough for the sepulchre of
the human lace. Formations of stone in
shape and color of calla lily, ot heliotrope,
of rose, of cowslip, of sunflower and of
gladiolus. Sulphur and arsenic and oxide
of iron, with their delicate pencils, turning
the hills Into a Luxemburg, oj a Vatican
picture-nailery. The go-ealled Thanatopsla
Geyser, exquisite as the Bryant poem tt wai
named after, and Evangeline Geyser, love
ly as the Longfellow heroine It oommemo*
But after you nave wandered along the
geyserite enohantment for days, and begin
to feel that there can be nothing more ol
interest to see, you suddenly come upon
the perorutionof all majesty and grandeur,
the Grand Canon. It is here that It seems
to me—and I speak it with reverence—Je
hovah seems to have surpassed Himself. It
seems a great gulch let down Into the
eternities. Masonry by an omnipotent
trowel. Yellowf You never saw yellow
unless you saw it there. Red! You never
saw red unless you saw it there. Violetl
You never saw violet unless you saw it
there. Triumphant banners of color. In a
cathedral of basalt, Sunrise ana Sunset
married by tho setting of rainbow ring.
Gothic arches, Corinthian capitals, and
Egyptian basilicas built before human
architecture was born. Huge fortiflaatlon*
of granite constructed before war forged
its llrst cannon. Gibraltars and Sebasto
pols that never can be taken. Thrones on
which no one but the King of heaven and
earth ever sat. Fount of waters at which
the hills are baptized, while the giant cliffs
stand around as sponsors. For thousands
of years before that scene was unveiled to
human sight, the elements were busy, and
the geysers were hewing away with thoir
hot chisel, and glaciers wore pounding with
their cold hammers, and hurricanes were
cleaving with their lightning strokes, and
hailstones giving the finishing touches, and
after ail these forces of nature had done
their best, in our century the curtain
dropped, and the world had a new and di
vinely Inspired revelation, the Old Testa
ment written on papyrus, the New Testa
ment written on parchment, and this last
Testament written on the rocks.
Standing there in the Grand Canon of
the Yellowstone Park for the mo3t part we
held our peace, but after awhilo it Hashed
upon me with such power I could not help
but say to my comrades: "What a hall this
would be for the last Judgment!" See that
mighty cascade with tho rainbows at the
foot of It? Those waters congealed and
trunsfixed with the ugitatlons of that day,
what a place they would make for the shin
ing feet ot a Judge of quick and deadl
And those rainbows look now like the
crowns to be cast at His feet. At the bot
tom of this great canon is a floor on which
the nations of the earth might stand, and
all up nnd down these galleries of rock the
nations of heaven might sit. And what
reverberation of archangels' trumpet there
would be through all these gorges and
from these caverns and over all these
heights. Why should not tho greatest of
all the days the world shall ever see close
amid the grandest scenery Omnipotence
ever built?
I have said these things about the mag
nitude of the continent, and given you a
few specimens of some of Its wonders, to
let vou know the comprehensiveness of
Christ's dominion when He takes posses
sion of this continent. Besides that, the
salvation of this continent means the sal
vation of Asia, for we are only thirty-six
miles from Asia at the northwest. Only
Behring Strait separates us from Asia, and
these will be spanned by a great bridge.
The thirty-six miles of water between these
two continents are not all deep sea, but
have three islands, and there are also
shoals which will allow piers of bridges,
and for the most of the way the water is
only about twenty fathoms deep.
The Amerlco-Aslatio bridge which will
yet span those straits will make America,
Asia, Europe and Africa one continent.
So, you see, America ovangolized, Asia
will be evangelized. Europo taking Asia
from one side and America taking it from
the other side. Your children will cross
that bridge. America and Asia and Eu
rope all one, what subtraction from the
pangs of seasickness! and the prophecies
in Revelation will be fulfilled, "there shall
Lie no more sea." But do I moan literally
that this American continent is going to
be all gospelized.? I do. Christopher Co
lumbus, when ho went ashore from the
Santa Maria, and his second brother
Alonzo, when ho went ashore from the
rinta, and his third brother Vincent, when
ho went ashore from the Nina, took pos
session of this country in the name of the
Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost.
Satan has no more right to this country
than I have to your pocket-book. To hoar
him talk on the roof of the temple, where
ho proposed to give Christ the kingdoms
of this world and the glory of them, you
might suppose that Satan was a great cap
italist or that he was loaded up with real
estate, when tho old miscreant never
owned an acre or an inch of ground on
this planet. For that reason I protest
against something I heard nnd saw this
summer and other summers in Montana
and Oregon and Wyoming and Idaho and
Colorado and California. They have given
devilistic names to many places In the
West and Northwest.
As soon as you get In Yellowstone Park
or California you have pointod out to you
places cursed with such names as "Tho
Devil's Blide," "T! ' Devil's Kitchen,"
"The Devil's Thumb," "The Devil's Pul
pit," "Tho Devil's Mush-Pot," "The
Devil's Tea-Kettle," "The Devil's Saw-
Mill," "Tho Devil's Machine-Shop," "The
Devil's Gate," and so on. Now it is very
much needed that geological surveyor or
Congressional Committee or group of dis
tinguished guests go through Montana
and Wyoming and California and Colorado
and give other names to these places. Ail
these regions belong to the Lord, and to a
Christian nation; and away with such
Plutonic nomenclature! But how is this con
tinent to bo gospelized? The pulpit and a
Christian printing-press harnessed to
gether will be the mightiest team for the
flrst plough. Not by tho power of cold,
formalistic theology; not by ecclesiastical
technicalities. lam sick of thorn, nnd the
world is sick of them. But it will be done
by the warm-hearted, sympathetic presen
tation of the fact that Christ is ready to
pardon all our sins, and heal all our
wounds, and save us both for this world
and tho next. Let your religion of glaciers
crack off and fall into the Gulf Stream and
get melted. Take all your creeds of all
denominations and drop out of them all
human phraseology and put In only scrip
tural phraseology, and you will see how
quick the people will jump after them.
On the Columbia River we saw the sal
mon jump clear out of the water in differ
ent places, I suppose for the purposo of
getting the insects. And if when we want
to flsh for men and wo only have the
right kind of bait, they will spring out
above the flood of their sins and sorrows
to reach it. The Young Men's Christian
Associations of America will also do part
of the work. They are going to take tho
young men of this nation for God. These
institutions seem in better favor with God
and man than ever before. Business men
and capitalists are awaking to the fact
that they can do nothing better in the way
of living benellcence or In last will and
testament than to do what Mr. Marnuand
did for Brooklyn when he mnde tho Young
Men's Christian palace possible. These
institutions will get our young men all
over the land into a stampede for
heaven. Thus we will all in some way
help on the work, you with your ten
talents, I with Ave, somebody else with
three. It is estimated that to Irrigate the
arid and desert lauds of Ameri«a as they
ought to bo irrigated, it will cost about
one hundred million dollars to gather the
waters into reservoirs. As muoh contri
bution and effort as that would irrigate
with Gospel influences ail the waste places
of this continent. Let us by prayer and
contribution and right living all help to flit
tho reservoirs. You will carry a bucket,
and vou a cup. and even » thimbleful
would help. And after a while God will
send the floods of mercy so gathered,
pouring down over all the land, and some
of us on earth and some of us In heaven
will sing with Isaiah, "In the wilderness
waters have broken out, and streams in
the desert,"and with David, "Thera Is a
river the streams whareof shall make glad
the sight of God." Oh, All up the reser
voirs! America for Godl
In Unsealed Proposal—Life Insurance
Companies Cannot Be Fooled Into Ac
cepting Walklne Beer Barrels as
Healtliy Risks—Their High Death Rate
D ear Uncle Sammy—Now that Spain
Has marched away saluting,
And you have proved that you can shoot
And hit what you are shooting,
Pleuso look around the corners here—
See cruelties protected
By you, the willing victims slain
And sufl'rlng ones neglected.
'TIs ceaseless, sad, inhuman war,
So bitter, black, accursed!
A fatal, foul delirium,
Unheard, unhoaled, unmercled.
The Cubans cried to God and fought;
The men that Rum is slaying
Are far below the lighting mark,
Are left no wish for prnying.
These foes you haven't dared to whip
You fear to hit the Rummies—
There's where the U. S. A. is weak,
And all your gunners dummies.
A great usurping body, these,
Of foreign name and habit;
Why should you run before their guns
As timid as a rabbit?
O, Yankee grit and Yankee dash,
A hero-led commotion
Can knock the Liquor Demon out
And drown him in the ocean!
Dear Uncle Sam, your bruwny arm—
God's great demand to sway it—
Can sweep this horror from the land.
The Traffic seize and slay it.
Then, why not order, Uncle Sara,
Your battleships and cruisers
With tested guns and bravest men,
To crush these proud abusers?
You hold the sword of God; to Him
The enemy surrenders;
ne claims the nation, heel and keel,
As Temperance Defenders.
—Jessie MacGregor Shaw, in Temperance
Beer as a Bev<ra(to.
We are surprised to noto that some of
the foreign iusurnnco journals have been
copying the absurd conclusions of one J.
Thorannn,in a pamphlet recently published
In New York, to show by statistical llgures
that "beer is the healthiest drink known."
That writer declares, as tho result of his
investigations, that tho "risks incurred in,
insuring the lives of habitual beer drink
ers are less by forty per cent, than the or
dinary risks of such transactions." Tho
mann simply proves what ho did not start
out to prove, that the robust men em
ployed in tho breweries, who drink from
forty to fifty glasses of beer dally, remain
in robust health for some years by virtue
of their large amount of vitnl force and
tenacity; not by virtue of beer, but in spite
of it.
Wo have closely watched the heavy beer
drinkers in this community with reference
to their mortality ratio for moro than
twenty years, and our observations show
that out of every hundred who saturate
■ themselves in this immoderate way not
more than five pass tho age of llfty-three.
Those that escape Bright's disease or
unvmic poisoning become victims of cir
rhosis or fatty degeneration or erysipelas
or apoplexy. One or other of these fatal
diseases invariably gives the finishing
touch to the "splendid physique" about
which Tbomann rants long, before the pe
riod of natural expectation. If beer
drinkers chooso to swill their favorite
beverage, that is one thing: but If they are
led by Thomann's lying statistics into the
belief that beer will prolong their lives, or
that life compnnles can be foolod into the
acceptance of walking beer barrels as
healthy risks, that is quite another.—Balti
more Underwriter.
A Temperance Victory.
Lady Elizabeth Biddulph, who was in
Cniro when the British forces left for the
campaign up tho Nile, stated, at the annual
meeting of the London Society for the
Study of Inebriety, that the glorious vic
tory won by tho troops was won by temper
ance men. When the soldiers were leaving
Cairo for camp a whisper went round
among the wives and other friends of the
military men to the effect ttiat Sir Herbert
Kitchener hud sont back all the beer that
had been ordered to the front with the sol
diers, and on making inquiries Lady Eliza
beth ascertained that, as far as possible,
all Intoxicants were to bo excluded during
the campaign, in a conversation she had
with Lord Cromer on the subject, his lord
ship saiil that if beer was allowed In the
camp he was afraid there might not be as
much work .done as without its presence,
and when Lady Elizabeth asked: "But what
about the Nile water?" the reply was: "We
have Pasteur filters in tho camp, and
plenty of good tea and coffee, which you
will find our troops ablo to light on."
When a Greek merchant was detected
smuggling spirits into the camp, the Sirdar
at once called the men together, and In
their presence poured the liquor on tho
sands. "And," said Lady Elizabeth, "a
great temperance as well as a great and
brilliant military victory was the result of
tho fight at Atbara."—St. Johns Sun.
A Freebooter.
He is abroad in the land, moro treacher-
JUS than the Spaniard, more bloodthirsty
than the Turk, and more destructive than
war, famine and pestilence combined.
He has many names.
Some call him Bacchus, the rosy god.
The black fiend of despair is a Utter name.
Some style him Gambrlnus.
He bloats his victims into a false sem
blance of health, yet just as surely leads
them to death. The demon of strong drink
loves to array himself in the garb of fashion
and respectability, to throw around him
self the mantle of governmental license;
yet ho is a "devil" still, and yearly holds
to the lips of nearly a hundred thousand
victims the cup of "a shameful death and
consigns them to the drunkard's doom.
He has destroyed thousands of families,
swallowed up princely estates and revels in
beggary and crime.
shall he not be outlawod?—Mrs. E. J
A Just Rebuke.
Judge Gordon, of Philadelphia, tAught a
law-defying jury of that city a severe les
son the other day for rendering a verdict
of "not guilty" in the case of a man
charged with selling liquor unlawfully in
the face of evidence which the judge said
'•proved most conclusively the man's
guilt." Their verdict, he added, was an
"undermining of the law and encourage
ment to lawlessness and disorder," and to
prevent that corrupt jury from doing any
more harm he dismissed them from an>
further attendance at this term of court.
A few more judges like Judge Gordon
would go a great way in purging the jury
box of the corrupt allies of rum.
Echoes of tlie Crusade.
Six out of every 100 of the population ol
England are made paupers by drink.
Even for the sake of temporal prosperity
alone, no young man can afford to be a
frequenter of the saloons.
The cause of temperanoe has been tc
many famous Americans the inspiratior
that started them upon a public career.
The first speech that Abraham Linooln
ever made in public was a defence of total
abstinence before a Washington society.
The most lucrative employments are
those of the greatest responsibility, and
these are given generally to sober men, In
many cases to total abstainers exoluslvgiv.
The Capacity mt Pocket*.
Many stories have been told going
to show the marvelous storage capa-,
city of the average small boy's pockets,
but there happens to be in Washing
ington a grown man whose personal
cargo stowed away in his clothes can
easily break any record of the sort in
existence. He is a well-known citizen,
an electrician, and here is the bill of
lading, so to speak, which shows pre
cisely what he had in his pockets the
other day. The recoid was made as
the articles were brought forth:
Four turtle weights, 1 prescription,
100 lightning rod circulars, 1 pair
plain eye-glasses, 1 pair reading
glasses, 3 lead pencils, 1 fountain pen,
1 bottle tithia tablets, 2 bottles liquid
medioine, 1 paper calomel, 1 paper
Kochelle salts, 8 skeleton keys, 3
handkerchiefs, bunch of 6 keys, an
other bunch of 6 keys, 1 sample set of
lightning rods, 1 check book, 20 postal
cards, 5 envelopes, 5 envelopes
stamped, 12-cent and 1 special de
livery stamp, 1 steamboat ticket, 1
ferry ticket, I electric car ticket book,
1 pair gold eyeglasses, a pair blue
eyeglasses, a pair steel frame eye
glasses, 1 gold watch, 1 dozen 2-grain
quinine pills, 1 dozen 3-grain quinine
pills, G soda mint tablets, 6 bluemas
pills, 12 sugar-coated pills, 4 £-grain
morphine granules, 2 drachms kero
sene '"for bites," 6 street car tickets,
1 pocketbook for change, 1 pocket
knife, 15 blotters, I bank book, 5
blank notes, SIOOO worth of unpaid
notes, 50 papers in legal envelopes,
toothpicks, 0 shrubs, 1 comb, 1 box of
matches, 3 separate keys, 1 whistle, 1
bunch of rubber bands, J a dozen
pens, a box of troches, 1 music box
key, 2 iron safe keys, 1 roll of bank
notes, 1 flour tester, a will, 7 meal
tickets, 1 indelible pencil, 3 plats of
ground, 2 flat night keys, J ounce of
bi-sulpimle of mercury, 1 package of
pins, 1 silver indelible pencil, 1 box of
leads for same, 2 pocket ledgers, 1
pocket battery, 1 piece of wire, 1
piece of string, 1 dozen letter en
velopes, 1 package letter heads, 1
package billheads and a pair of pin
Now, who can equal that?—Wash
ington Star.
The Origin of tlie Cuban Flag.
Fidel G. Pierra, writting to Profes
sor C. B. Galbreath, of the Ohio State
Library, gives the following explana
tion of the origin of the Cuban flag:
j "The Cuban flag dates back to about
' 1850 or 1851, It has a Masonic ori
gin, and hence the triangle. The red
Held is the emblem of war. The pur
pose of the movement hero in the
United Statss was to conquer the isl
and. Southern people, fighting Ma
sons, were the leaders. The three
blue stripes represented the three de
partments into which the island was
then divided. The white stripes were
put, I believe, merely to divide the
blue. The intention of the Southern
people who were interested in the
scheme was to make three States out
of the island.
"The star which appears in the red
field has a more remote origin. It was
the lone star of Texas. In New Or
leans, at about 1850, there existed the
Association of the Lone Star. They
assisted Narciso Lopez with money
and in other ways when he invaded
Cuba in 1851, a?id he adopted the flag
of the association, I suppose, out of
"When Carlos Manuel de Cespedes
began the revolutionary movement of
18(58, he had another flag, but the peo
ple of Puerto Principe and Santa Clara
raised the present flag, which was
finally adopted as the Cuban national
flag when the first constituent assem
bly came together in 1869."—Cincin
nati Commercial Tribune.
llanl to Swear on New Warships.
An old jack tar had this to say re
cently about modern warships:
"Things are busted wide open.
How can a fellow swear on one of
these new-fangled boats? He'd sound
like a fool a sayin' of 'Shiver me tim
bers!' when there ain't a piece of tim
ber, nawthin' but iron from bow to
stern. A feller can't take a reef in
anything, he can't belay, there's no
belayin' pins, 'n he can't use any o'
them old words which hez made ther
navj. I suppose a feller will now hev
ter rawp, 'Unrivet me plates!' 'Douse
me searchlight!' 'Smash me fighting
top!' or 'Foul me screw?' or some
thin' o' that sort."—New York Sun.
When llaby Hat the Croup
Use Hoxsie's Croup Cure. It will not cause
nausea, and does not contain opium, 50
cents. A. P. Hoxsie, Buffalo, N. Y,
Berlin (Qermany) courts liavo decided
that a summer overcoat is a luxury.
Coughs I.cad to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at
Once. Goto your druggist to-day and get
a sample bottle free. Sold In 25 and 50
cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dan
A mule belonging to a potter In Kapur
tliala, Hindustan, recently gave birth to a
Educate Your Bowels With Cascnrets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
tOe, 25c. If C. C. C. fail. clruenrlKts refund money.
Battersea's (England) vestry has decided
to put up a refreshment booth in its ceme
Found immediate relief in bottle of Dr.
Seth Arnold's
A new kind of cloth is being made in
Lyons, France, from the down of hens,
ducks and geese.
No-To-Bac for Fifty Cent*.
Guaranteed tobacco babtt cure, makes weak
men strona. blood mire son. ft. All druggists.
In West Africa the natives hiss when they
are astonished.
The spasms of pain that rack the rheumatic
are relieved by Glenn's Sulphur Soap.
Hill's Hair& Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50c
Soldiers are despised in China. They be
long chiefly to the coolie classes.
Piso's Cure cured me of a Throat and Lung
trouble of three years' standing.—E. CADY
Huntington, Ind„ Nov. 12, 18W.
At the beginning of the seventeenth cen
tury Spain had 120,000 churches.
Hon. A. U. Wyman, Ex-Trearurer of the
United States and now President of the
Omaha Loan and Trust Co., one of the largest
negotiators of Western mortgages, writes:
"To Whom This Comes, Greeting: I take
pleasure in recommending the virtues of the
remedies prepared by the Dr. B. J. Kay Medi
cal Co. Having known of some remarkable
cures of Omaha people affected by the use
of Dr. Kay's Renovator and Dr. Kay'j Lung
Balm, I believe that these great remedies are
worthy of the confidence of the public.
Thousands of the most prominent people in
America know that the above are facts and
no remedies have affected so large a per
cent. of cures. Send for our large illustrated
book. It has great value but will be sent free.
Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs,
N. Y., and Omaha, Neb.
London has 13,564 policemen, or nineteen
to everyone of its 688 square miles.
Beauty la Blood deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. Mb
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-iay to
Danish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, —beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
During 1897 Denmark exported 145,290,-
000 pounds of butter.
DEAK EDITOR If you know of a solicitor
or canvasser in your city or elsewhere, espe
cially a man who has solicited for subscrip
tions, insurance, nursery stock, books or tail
oring, or a man who can sell goods, you will
confer a favor by tolling him to correspond
with us; or if you will insert thisnotlce in your
paper and such parties will cut this notice out
and mail to us, we may be able to furn sh
them a good position in their own and adjoin
ing counties. Address
In Africa wives are sometimes sold for
two packets of hairpins.
"Shooting and Fishing In the Sonth."
Tolls hunters where togo for deer, bear,
quail, snipe and duck shooting on the South
ern Railway. Just received and ready for
distribution. Copies mailed upon receipt of
2 cents to your address by addressing Alex.
S.Thweatt, Eastern Passenger Agent, South
ern Railway, 371 Broadway, New York.
There are over 6000 lighthouses erected
on the world's coast.
Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. $3 trl al bottle and treatise 112 ree
DR. R. 11. KLINE. Ltd., T)3l Arch St„Phlla„Pa.
Russian railroad trains have smoking
cars for ladies.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 100 or 230.
It C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money
Egypt's pyramids are to be lighted up
inside and out with electric lamps.
V Can be promptly cured without delay Jx
VT or trifling by the V
\ GOOD \
0 remedy for pain, Q
" I have been using CASCARETS and aa
a mild and effective laxative tbey are simply won
derful. My daughter and 1 were bothered with
sick stomach and our breath was very bad. After
taking a few doses of Cascarets we Lave Improved
wonderfully. Tbey are a great help In the family."
1137 Rlttenhouse St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
TRADE MAAN ntoiyiwro _
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
Good, Never blcken. Weaken, or Gripe, 10c. 26c, 60c.
«lerll»g Bi»)l| tonmr, Chkf. ■, Ktw Tflrh. 315
NO-TO.RAR Spld and guaranteed by all drug
n» 1 WOMU lilits to CfcKK Tobaoco Habit"
The Surgical Chair and its Tortures May be Avoided by Women Who
Heed Mrs. Pinkham's Advice.
Woman's modesty is natural; it is charming 1 .
To many women a full statement of their troubles-to a male physician is al«
most impossible. The whole truth may be told to Mrs. Pinkham because she
is a woman, and her advice is freely
offered to all women sufferers.
Mrs. O. E. LADD, of 19th and N "" T
for the good your remedies rßa
one box *
stomach, no appetite, could not /J l jff
sleep, and was very nervous. At 112 rit /
time of menstruation was inter- / J /
rible pain. Your medicine is > | 112
worth its weight in gold. I never J 112i if
can say enough in praise of it. I have / / /&S*%
recommended it to many friends. If only (jjT|y
all suffering women wbuld try it, there would be )
more happy homes and healthy women. I thank
you for the change your medicino has made in me.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Pinkham's advice, have
saved thousands of women from hospital operations.
* The lives of women are hard; whether at home with a ceaseless round of do
mestic duties or working at some regular employment, their daily tasks make
constant war on health. If all women understood themselves fully and knew
how exactly and soothingly Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound acts
oc Mie female organs, there would be less suffering.
Lyula E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; a Woman's Remedy for Woman'slUs
"A Handful of Dirt May Be a Houseful of Shame."
Keep Your House Clean With
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the'
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par- j
ties. The high standing of the CALI
FORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes i
the name of the Company a guaranty •
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far iu advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
. . . TRY . . .
The History cfJOHNSON'S
for Malaria, Chills and Fever, and Liver Com
plaints, is unparalleled in the annals of a medicine
est New Brighton, 8.1., Borough of Richmond, N-Y. J
''□"eyes.u'e 1 } Thompson's Eye Water
100,000 ACRES
and gold on long time and ea*y pay mriit*. a little
each year. Come and see us or write. THE TRU
MAN MOSS STATE BANK, Sanilac Center. Mich
Croswell, San line Co., .llioli.
I'rocured on cash, oreasy instalments. YOWLES H
BURNS, Patent Attorneys, US7 Broadway, N. Y.
" Quick relief and caret worst
cases. Send far book of taatimoniala and 10 day a*
treatment Free. Dr.H H CREEK'S BOBS. Atlaala, Pa;
VVWNTED—Case of bi health that R*i-l'-AVS
»» will not benefit. Send 5 cts. to Ripans Chemical
Co., New York, for 10 samples and luou testimonials.
The Best BOOK
uously illustratedi price $2», free to anybody sending
two annual subscriptions at .151 each tot lie Overland
Monthly, SAN FRANCISCO. Sample Overland, i*r #
Beet Cough Byrup. Tastes Good. Use lg
in time. Sold by druggists. m