Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, October 27, 1898, Image 1
Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume 3. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING -s^Company, Chas. F. Billamboz. AgentS. D. H. liorah, « • SONESTOWN I>A FIRST NATIONAL BANK or IH'SHORE, I'KN'NA. CAPITAL - " *IOOOO HURPIiUS - " SIO.OUU. Does a General Hanking Business. H.W.JENNINGS, M. D.SWAUTS. j President. CMhler. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RES lAI HAN 1, ! IJAPORTE, PA. F. W. GALLAGHER, I'rop. Warm meals and lunclics at all hours. Oysters and game in season. Bgwgplled Wltheboi^u^^^ LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. ; Connected with the Commercial j Hotel. First-class Horses and j (Jarriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN, Prop- HOTEL MAINE THOS. W. BEAIIEN. Prop. LAPORTE, PA. Tiud new hotel lias lieen rcu*e»itlyoiH'iioU. lit'ly furnished tlu-oughout and wiU " , ~uhli.-. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAI'OKTE PA. This large and well appointed house is j the most popular hostelry in this section J HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, SHUNK. PA. \V. K. POUTER, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. DUSIIORE, PA. One.of the largest and best equipped hotels in this section of the state. Table of the best. Rules 1 dollar per (lay. Large stubles. Professional Cards. J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTOKNF.YS-AT-I.AW, Legal business attended to in this an<l adjoining counties LAPORTE, PAI j 112 J. MULLEN, Attomey-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA. Office iu court House Building. yyM P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law. Ollice in County Building. LAPORTK, PA. Collections, conveyancing: the settlement of estates and other legal business win ucem j prompt attention. J I BRADLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICK IN COUNTY BUILDING NBAR COURT IIOUSK. LAPORTE, l' A Monday ofTeach week at Forksville. EUery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORNBRS«AT«LAW, OFFICES 711-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. lX! So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United* States Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts ol the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORNRY-AT^LAW: OFFICE IN PUBLIC BUILDING COURT IIOUSK BQUARK. LAPORTE, PA J # H. CRONIN, ATTORN J6Y* AT -LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC. OVVICI OH HATH STREET. DllsnOßE, PA BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP .lust opened at the Laporte Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Cure Constipation Fornvrr. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money Edacst« Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 85c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. 112 (gleaning House <> C Yes, we have been cleaninghouse, and find that 2 S we are overstocked with L 1 LACE PINS, SHIRT WAIST V C EAR RINGS, SETS, / J CUFF BUTTONS, ETC., ETC. \ N 11/ i: IIAVE filled one show case willi them and will close lliein out S r tit one-liall' or less than tlie regular prices for cash. II you are in need <>l anything in the assortment it will |>ny you to look them o\or. We also hnve n lot ol'second hand watches ill, 'it we will sell ehcti|i 112 i RETTENBURY, 5 r DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. ✓ Coles... * GENERAL fiardwarc— riWAPß K PALNTS. OILS, VARNISHES and GLASS. SPECIAL inducements given on CTOVES and RANGES and all kinds of HEATING STOVES for Wood or Coal, suitable for parlors, halls, churches, school houses, camps, etc. Attention to a line of Cheap air-tight wood heaters from S.'t.OO to SlO.Oo. Also a line of coal heaters from 82.50 up to 835.00. My Special Bargain Sale is open on a line of heaters slighih damaged by water. Good as new, but they must be sold CHKAP If in need of a cheap heater, call early. My "Dockash" Ranges are without a question the finest in the market, made up of the best material and designed to be a handsome Range. Furnaces always the best on the market. In fact we are ready to heat the universe either in hot water, steam or air. Try us. we guarantee satisfaction. STOY REPAIRS AND REPAIRING. PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING A N I) SI I'l'Ll KS. MILL SUPPLIES. so(es Hardware DUSHORE, PA. THIS SPACE RERERVED FOR n. A.Rogers & son., -—FORKSVI M.K. PA. ~nc I• " , "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1898. Zig-Zags in Politics President Hoyt of the Cnioii Tan nrng Compnny made it his business to visit Laporte on Friday, and was observed in earnest consultation with the tannery officials, but the subject under discussion was said to be one not relating to politics. Vote for .J. L. Christian, be is an honest man far beyond reproach and will be the first to aid "honest gov ernment." It is not a party battle,but a natfon jin peril. MeKinley must have a full j house of Representatives and Sena | tors. It is neither pelf nor place that we j crave. We must aid the President |in defending our national honor. Whore the American tlag has been raised it must there remain. Vote 1 for Wood in. I Always beware of those who run J and yell "thief,'when there are no i thieves." This fact has been proven. From this day until the polls close <on the first Tuesday in November every patriot without regard to party i who would safeguard the coinnion ! wealth should aid in forming a com mittee of safety and vote for l>r. .1.1.. < hristian. J.L. Christian i- a man of tirinncss and character. He is practical, pro ; gressive and sensible. He has a good name to maintain, and sufficient courage to grapple with wrong even when it is intrenched within his own < political household should such oc cur. Vote for him. Mullen and Gallagher's thrilling production of campaigning litis been on the stage just long enough to in sure it a fair trial, it has made a de cided hit in provoking little or no ; enthusiasm, and the popular response is disappointing. It was their in tention to mislead the people and make the campaign go with a rush. Voters were to have plenty of time for free excursions, excitement and ' applause, but no time for bought. Some of the more sanguine leaders are beginning to suspect that it will not work, that there is something ; wrong with the whole outfit and i that a profitable diverson can only he reached by nothing less than a change. There is not much discount on the statement that the rule of common sense applies in politics a> in every thing else. On one -id«* it is hurrah and on the other sj<|e dignity, honesty and proper conser vatism. There is danger in a change lof base before the war clouds have ' cleared away. Our accounts with | Spain are in a state of unsatisfactory or substantial settlement. It means peril if this Statedoes not do it- duty. It can be daughter in the National house while it is mistress in its own. A rebuke to Wood in and Christian here is a reflection upon the sublime administration of MeKinley in his war and financial problems he is so successfully working out. To rebuke these worthy candidates indicates :t want of confidence iu MeKinley and his advisors. This Democratic howl about "Quayism" i- a contention i calculated to have weight only in i disordered minds. Wood in and 'christian are the people's candidates and they are pledged to support the wishes of their constitutents mid to stand shoulder to shoulder iu the support of MeKinley. Our voters are called upon this i year to decide questions upon which j depends the honor of the Nation for jail time and the prosperity of the country for many years while de veloping its new possessions. No , body is better equipped than he should be to decide this question,and yet some are painfully deficient in the knowledge requisite to an in telligent decision. Many good honest men are suffering themselves to be misled by political healers cry ing "better government" and niitk ! ing allegations which they are un able to prove. Hence it should be the desire of every citizen to learn all he can bearing upon the real issues of the hour. He should have a mind hospitable to truth, and not assume that he knows all about the subject ; by hearing hot speeches and handling i Wanamaker and Swallow mud cakes. Campaign Stars That Illuminate. For Sheriff the Republicans have j a candidate in 11. \V. Osier who is going to win, and a better man never aspired to that responsible office. Mr. Osier is well known to the peo ple of the county. lie i> ;i gentle man of unimpeachable integrity and | sobriety, well versed in business I affairs, and one who could be depen ded onto administer the duties of High Sheriff with the strictest fidel ity, honor and sobriety. Air. < )sler is going to receive a handsome vote from his many friends on the other side and if every man on his side does his duty which he surely will, there will !><■ no mistaking the re sult. Win. J. Lawrence will succeed himself to the office of Prothonotarv. That i> what his supporters are say ing and most Democrats profess to believe the same thing. A man of tine character, a business man of the first ability,and the people w ill see to it that he is honored to the office which seeks his perfect and syste matic supervision. The people owe him gratitude for the able services rendered them by him while serv ing his first term, and they will re ward these services 011 Tuesday, No vember*. 11 is party w ill be agist ed by a large number of Democrats and good ones too. Vole for him. * , , * Dr. .1. L. Christian, for whom his friends are making a phenominal old-fashioned campaign, and who i makinga vigorous and able contest, wa> born in Columbia county in 1860, studied medicine and graduat ed from the Raltimorc College of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Modicn-Chirurgieal College in Phil adelphia. The Doctor is a hustler and has been an untiring worker in his profession from the time lie locat ed in 1 lillsgrove in isi»u, and shows the same amount of vim since em barking in the field of politics. Of comfortable mean- lie talv- an in terest in political matters as a citi zen's duty, and is highly competent to properly represent the people of this county effectively in the legis lature. lie is well informed, en ergetic. progressive and full of en terprise. lie is broad minded, kind and charitable, and one of the truest friends and most loyal men a voter ever had a privilege to cast a ballot for. Heingwcll acquainted with all side> of hi- character, we frankly say that he completely deserves the suc cess in life with which he lias been blessed, and which has come to him on account of lii> manly qualities. This accounts for his great popularity with all who know him. Dr. Cliris tian deserves to succeed in this cam paign for Representative, and will poll the large.-t vote ever polled under like conditions. Standing he does, for the interest and wishes of his constitutents he i- the popular candidate of the whole people, im partial toward none and manly to all. 11. \V. Osier is the sort of man the people want in the Sheriff's office if they desire that it he conducted on strict business principles. Taking all features into consideration it is evident that the best thing for the voters of Sullivan county to do is to give him a Mattering majority and insure his induction into the office of Sheriff. * * * * \V. 11. Wood in is a man who has all the vigor of youth; he is experi enced in public affair-; he has care fully studied all the financial inter ests of the nation; he posses»e> the pride of character that nlust make liini appreciate the responsible duties of public office. Although he conies from a well known family of high rank there is nothing dudish or aris tocratic in his makeup. lie is a party man, with no finical nonsence in his notions of politics, I »ut he i~ the kind who can think for them selves. He is a man who will stand by MeKinley. This he will do man fully and that above all is what the people want at this crisis. That i» the kind of a man intelligent voters want, and that is the kind they will jet with Woodin. Mr. Woodin w ill not only mean well, but this mean ing will be emphasized by action, prompt and needful. 1.25 P er - Year. Number i> Bernice Echoes. Revs. .i. A. F.nright and Patrick Lnright attended forty hour devotion at \\ averly tin* fort' part of last week. John Donovan visited friends at Towanda on Monday of last week. Thomas Ridley and .Miss Maggie l Brown left here Tuesday morning I to visit friends and relatives in Fng | land. 11. J. Keller and A. L. Wilinot ; assisted in organizing a Masonic lodge at Wyahising Tnes<lay eve j "ling- John White, jr., who has heen at j the Williamsport hospital for treat | nlent,returned home Tuesday. William Walters visited friends at Wilkesßarre last week. Miss Mary Bardow visited friend in Towanda last week. A. 11. Roberts was doing business at Dushore Wednesday. Mrs. Simon Fromherger i- visiting relatives at New York city, j The I lelenia Mission ( Inb held a meeting Friday evening, October I I. at the home of Miss Katie Line. An interesting program was rendered. Devotional exercises were conducted by the president Mis. J. <ramp bell. An instrumental -<>|u was ' played by Mi— Line, after which refreshment- were served. The Ladies' Aid Society gave a New Kngland supper in the 1.0.0. F. hall Friday evening, but owing to the rain thecrowd was not very large Night school opened al this place : Monday of last week. I'rof. L. 1 Sweeney is teacher. Miss Katie Lille is visiting her -i.-ter Mrs. 11. Winters of To wanda. Mr.and Mrs. Williams of Scranton were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. ( ampliell last week. Miss Maggie ('ollins and Mr.Robt. Ramsey of this place were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's parents, Thursday, October I'll, by liev. .J. W. Klingler of Dti i shore. The bride was attended by the groom's sister Mi-s Teana Ram sey and the groom by the bride's brother Thomas ('ollins. A wedding supper was served at Hotel Collins. In the evening the bund serenaded the couple. Friday morning they j left for a short wedding tour. We ! extend congratulations. Mrs. ('lavton Lewis of (ireenwood | was the guest of her brother Daniel I Schonover last week. . Mrs. Solomau Hums and son Win. were shopping at Dushore Thursday. John Sick was doing business in 1 inshore Thursday. The employees of the Company w< paid Monday afternoon. The Col .any will pay in the afternoon her Iter instead of evening. lj noi'raticdoctrine was expound ed the K. of L. hall Saturday eve nit The speakers were escorted ito . e hall from Dayles Hotel by the < 'itizen's Military Hand. Dushore. Horn, to Mr. and Mr-. Harry Big ger on Sunday, a boy. Mr. F.bcrhart ha- removed to Buffalo, N. V. Win. Bahr lost a valuable horse I at Troy last week, where lie had been ! visiting. Aaron Bennett of Kagles Mere has moved to this place. Rev. F. N. Bh'iler of Shaniokiu is visiting relatives at this place. The Democratic mas- meeting at this place on Saturday wa- not lar gely attended. The Dushore Cornet Band furnished music for the occa sion. It i» rumored that Senator | Cochran will present the boy- a sub stantial check a- a token of his ap ! prcciation of their services. EsteUa. The Ladies' Aid Society will meet next Thursday, Oct. J7, at Mrs. Magnires. C.J. Fuller is Idling up his little grocery store to overflowing, mid •ays business is booming. Our old merchant C. I!: Jennings keeps a complete stock of genera I merchandise and keeps his team on i the road hauling new goods. A grand concert w ill be given at Fstella church next Saturday eve j ning, October conducted bv I'rof. ; K. R. Schonio.