Republican News Item. J THURSDAY, OCT. 6, 1898. j J scepticism. Ignorance does \ W not abound to any great extent J 0 in Sullivan County, 1 1 So that there £ £ is But Little # Scepticism £ i about the Value of ! be lKlewß \ \ ITtcm \ 112 As a Profitable J {Hbvettismg $ j flDebium. J fßead it.Your neighbor does. J j ♦ Subscribe. Don't borrow. J ; County Seat Indices. AND GLANCES AT THE TIMES. Will somebody move to recon sider the straw hat. And yet scientists tell lis that the sun is cooling off. Vote for W. 11. Woodin lor Con gress, E. V. Ingham of Eagles Mere, called on Laporte friends Tuesday. —Eli Bostian of Sonestown was in town shaking hands with voters on Tuesday. —Mr. ('has. Landon and wife vis ited with friend in Wyoming county last week. —Hon. Thos. J. Ingham and wife journeyed to Williamsport on Tues day. - -Miss Anna Ilea of Sonestown, visited with the Misses Upman on Saturday. Win. Lowe and family of La porte twp., visited with friends in town on Sunday. —The pumpkin is striking mighty little frost except when it gets into a white-coated pie. -Vote for 11. W. Osier for Sheriff. Victor Lauer and family of Scran ton, are enjoying a visit at the home of Mrs. M. Lauer. —Thos. E. Kennedy visited with i his brother Jerry in Titusvillo tin early part of this week. li. F. Crossley, Victor Hugo and family of Dushore, spent Sunday at the home of F. M. Crossley. —R. \V. Bennett, of Eagles Mere, the slayer of many hears, shook hands with friends in town Friday. -Vote for Dr. J. 1.. Christian for Member. W. E. German, collector for the Williumsport Nun was a county seat visitor and a pleasant caller at this office on Tuesday. 1 lats off to the .Diamond Dandies. They won their first game on Satur day while contesting for supremacy with a nine from Bern ice. —lt is hard to tell whether this is Indian summer, regular suminer, or a summer imported from Cuba or summer's else. Elder Patton has moved his family into tin 1 brick house and arranged himself in comfortable | quarters for the winter. —Vote for Wm. .1. Lawrence for] Prothonotary. —Messrs. Creesey and Cole em- ] playees of John P. Kennedy's lauii-j dry at Hughesville, were in town on Saturday. Dr. Murrelle, dentist of Athens, j will beat the Mountain House on Monday next, prepared to practice his profession. —Thos. W. Bealien has applied a coat of fresh paint to the Spencer store building, which greatly adds to its appearance. —Hon. Kussel Karns and family bade their friends at this place a farewell on Monday and left for Benton where they will make their future home, —Sheriff Swank accompanied by F. M. Crossley, conveyed two youth ful prisoners,residents of Lope/, when not in jail, to the Reformatory at Huntingdon on Friday. —Mrs. M. ('. Lauer is having a new porch erected to the front of the Mountain House, which will be a great improvement to this popular hostelery when completed. —E. I. Brundage of Xordniont, was transacting business in town on Friday. He reports Mrs. 15., who recently had a cancer operated upon, improving nicely under the care of Dr. Wackenhuth. A good deal is said about the hardships of house cleaning season, l>ut there are men who say they can see no difference between that season of the year and the time when the apple butter fever and the peach marmalade epidemic rages. E. L. Place, the popular nier-j chant of town has secured the entire room on the tirst floor of Meylert's store building to make room for the extensive trade lie is handling. —Mr. S. Mead of Laporte twp., j was iu town on Saturday, surprising Ii is friends with a potato weighing •Jj pounds. Had it not have been for the rottening that effected his abundant crop his land would have yielded over I'oo bushel to the acre. The following from Laporte at tended the funeral of the late Bernard ; Dunne at Dushore, on Sunday last: Prothonotary Lawrence, 11. T. Downs, N.C. Maben.F.W.Callagher, A. A. Haker, F. W. Lewis and \V. li. Hitter. Sullivan county is alright for j W. 11. Woodin, J. L. Christian, Win. Lawrence and 11. W. Osier. There I is no reason to doubt but that these gentlemen will all be elected. They j are all practical business men and well known to be prompt iu business and courteous in manner, who can j lie relied on for the proper admiuis tration of the duties of the office to which they aspire. Dr.'.l. 11. Lanhach of Benton, w ill open a denial room in Dr.U'ach hutli's drug store on Monday, Oct. :M, where hi- will remain one week, fully prepared to sustain his enviable reputation a.-an expert in his pro fession. The Doctor will make reg ular call-every three months al his room in town, or oftener if necessary. Senator Cochran and Rufus K. Polk arrived in town on Tuesday with something interesting on the tapis and prepared to entertain their follow ing of friends at a love feast, ! and in the evening gave a large at tended stag party and supper at (Jallaghers Hotel. The Senator showed himself to be a hustler that never permits any verdure to vege tate under his pedal extremities. Diki». At New Era Bradford Co. on Sept. .'ill, ls«lK, Bernard Dunne, a former resident of this county The funeral was held at the Catholic church, Dushore, on Sunday, Oct. is!is, and was largely attended, the deceased being an aged, well known and respected citizen of this and the adjoining county. He originally settled in Elkland twp. and cleared up a farm there. After a visit to his native land he returned and em barked in business at Overton, and later moved to Dushore, where lie was in business and resided until about is".",, since when he has resid ed with his son-in-law John liren lian. He has for the past several years made periodical visits to t'ii.- town, and it was with sincere regret that his friends and acquaintances here learned of his death. Ile leaves one daughter, Mrs. Mary Breiman, several grandchildren and numerous friends to mourn his loss. Muncy Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Rcsh left on Monday for conference, and will be gone about ten days. Messrs. Itobt. Simmons and Jus. C. l>eidinger passed through town i last Saturday with their camping | outfit, after a week's camping at i Beaver Lake. Jim thought it a very | short week, ami wished it longer. Messrs. Ed. Frnnke and Wm. J. Lawrence were shaking hands with ■ their friends at this place, each one : thinking their chances very bright i for next November. Moses Belle of Muncy, moved his I family to this place one dav last I i ' > week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hopl'er visited j their daughter Mrs. Hreen, of near ; Highland Lake, last Sunday. Mrs. E. E. Webb and Mrs. S. De j wahl visited the hitter's daughter, I Mrs. Smith at Kagles Mere one day | last week. Harlinger Bros, of Benton have | opened a jeweley store and repair shop in Temple's block. Moses Belle will move his barber shop from the present place to Tem ple's block in a few days. The thieves at this place are still {on the move. Last week Judge Uianselhada lot of cabbage taken and Peter Hopl'er a large pumpkin. I Subscribe for the News Item. Htllsgrove. ltev. F. K. Sponser has been hold ling revival meetings in the Church ■of Christ for the past two weeks. F. s. Darby, traveling salesman for J. lb t'oarg & Co., is spending his vacation at the Hillsgrove House ltichard Diddle is on the sick list. Frank Duck of Dushore was in town Friday last. Det you money on Dr. Christian being our next Representative. We arc pleased to note that the popular hostelery the Hillsgrove i House is still maintaining its record ,as one of the best hotels in Sullivan i county. The proprietors, Wm. Netf A- Son arc men of excellent business i ability and by fair dealing are build ling a good reputation. When visit ing Hillsgrove give them si call. The fact that the intelligent voters of this town appreciate an honest, sober candidate will be shown by Mr. Osier's majority next November. GLADSTONE'S READY WIT. A Few Instances In Which lie Downed tlie Opposition. Mr. Gladstone was once tho victim of a reporter's curious error, either in reporting or telegraphing, which was that where in a celebrated speech he declared, "We have burned our boats and destroyed our bridges," he must have been horrified to read, "We have i burned our boots and destroyed our breeches." The noted phrase "Time is ' on our side" was rendered in one re port as "Tim is on onr side." "We are very proud of our trees," said Mr. Gladstone once to a party of excursionists from Lancashire, "and are therefore getting anxious, as the beech has already shown symptoms of decay. We set great store by our trees." "Why, then," roared a Lan cashire lad, "do you cut 'em down us you do?" "We cut down that we may improve. We remove rottenness that we may restore health by letting in air and light. As a good Liberal, you ought to understand that." Lancashire set up a roar of delight, and the dis comforted interrogator came in fur many a fleer from his companions. Mr. Gladstone dearly loved a joke, even at his own expense, and he pos ; sessed considerable mhnetic powers. He was once guilty of an amusing bull in a debate on the question of disestab lishment. Dilating on the hold held | on the affections of the people by the Church of England, he said: "When an Englishman wants to get married, to whom does he go? To the parish priest. When he wants his child bap tized, to whom does he go? To the parish priest. When he wants to get buried, to whom does he go?" The House answered with a roar of laugh j ter, in which Mr. Gladstone himself joined, adding. "As I was contrasting the English Church with tlie Irish, a bull is perhaps excusable. " On one occasion two gentlemen, in vited as guests at a table where Mr. Gladstone was expected, made a wager that they would start a conversation on a subject about which even Mr. Gladstone would know nothing. To accomplish this end they read up an j ancient magazine article on some unfa ; miliar subject connected with Chinese manufactures. When the favorable opportunity came the topic was started, and the two conspirators watched with amusement the growing interest in the subject which Mr. Gladstone's face be trayed. Finally he joined in the con versation, and their amusement was turned into gnashing of teeth —to speak ' figuratively—when Mr. Gladstone said, I "Ah, gentlemen, 1 perceive you have j been reading an article 1 wrote in the ; Magazine some thirty or forty years ago." Kl*rtric Headlight«» for I.neomot i\ Numerous experiments have been made with electric headlights for loco motives, and the advantages of this i form of lamp seem to be generally con j ceded. In a system that has met with considerable success, a steam turbine i is tlsed to drive a dynamo, both en gine and dynamo being mounted on the smoke-box, behind the lantern. The i entire apparatus is 2G inches long, 18 inches high, and 18 inches wide. The steam is directed against the rim of a wheel which has five concentric buckets, upon which the steam must impinge before it passes into the ex haust chamber. The normal speed is 1,800 revolutions per minute, and about 1 horsepower Is developed. The dyna mo produces a current of 25 amperes at 40 volts pressure, which is supplied to incandescent lamps in the cab, as ; well as to the headlight, which eon i sists of an arc light of about 4,000 can ' die power. This apparatus has been used on more than 200 locomotives, ! and is growing in popularity. Tho First I 'minatory. , Cremation is more extensively prac ticed in Italy than in any other coun try. The first crematorium was estab | lished in Milan in 1876, and there are now fifty in operation in Italian terri ; tory. The specie room on ocean steam • ships is usually sixteen feet long, ten feet wide, and eight feet high. It is formed of steel plates a quarter of an Inch In thickness, with a steel door, which has a burglar-proof combinaiion lock. The lowa State Board at Health has passed a regulation asking city govern ments to prohibit the riding of bicycles with drop handle-bars within their jurisdictions, oa the ground that it la i detrimental to the health of riders to ' assume that position. Public Notice. Not having received valine for a note, dated Sept. 7, IStis, given to David Marks of Muncy Valley, by I Win. Chambcrlin of Eagles Mere, j all parties are not! tied not to buy or j speculate on same as it will not be paid. Wm. Ciia.mukkmn. D«auty IN Itlotid Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, —beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. COXDENSKI) REPORT ot the condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Dushore, Pa., At closoof business, July 14, ls'.is. Resources: Ixhiiis ami lilseounts ? 122,51T s:s I'. s. Ronits to Secure cireulution U.Mmon Premium on t : lilted States Hoiuls 1.000 00 stock Securities I.VJUO (Ki! Furniture I.'JUOOO Due from Hunks Approved reserve Agt II;I Redemption Fund S. Treasurer •<• Specie and Legal Tender Notes 10,152:14 8 2117,156 Liabilities. Capital S no.OOUUO Surplus 10,(1011(10 Cnuivlded l'rolits 2,(172 list Due National lianks .I*# "»1 I'il'eulutiiai 11,250 00 Dividens Unpaid Wi un L)ej*»its 162,y7597 J 237,156 ,'w State of Pennsylvania, County of Sullivan ss: I, M. I). Swarts, Cashier of the aUive named : hank, do solemnly swear that the atwve state ment is true to the best of iny knowledge and be- | lief. M. 1). SWARTS, Cashier, sulnscribed and sworn to before methis 2iith day of Sent ls;is. JOHN 11. CRONIN, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: ALPHONSt'S WALSH, I J NO. 1). REESER, Directors. \Y. J. LANVHKNCK. ' ) Don't Tubacco Spit ami Smoke Your Lite A nay. To quit tobacco easily and forever, bo mag netic. full of lite, nerve and vigor, take No To- Bac, tlic wonder-worlter, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, .10c or if I. Cure guaran- j teed. llooklet and sample free. Address i Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago «r New York, j The committee of Lackawanna Pres bytery appointed to superintend the sale of the Laporte Presbyterian church prop erty has been authorized bv the congre gational meeting held Sept. Iti. lo extend the time for the reception ot written bids ! to del. 1.1. I MIS. These bids m:i \ be left with Miss 1 laitie Crocker. l.a|nite. Several bids have already been presented and time is asked lor presenting others, j The Congregation reserves the right to, accept or reject any or nil bills. Ai'tirj the 1.1 of October the successful bidder will be informed by the Committer which ; bid they decide to accept. I{ev. P. If. Bkooks. (>n behalf of the Committee, i Kdueuto Yotir llowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. lOe, 25c. it C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Fish and ham. prices riglil. at .1. \V. buck's, Nones town. To Cure Constipation forpvir. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10corC5c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Ginghams. calicoes and dress goods, cash prices at J. W. Buck's. No-To-Hac for Flriy Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, 11. All druggists. (iotoJ. W. Duck, Sonestown, for dry goods, boots, shoes, caps, under ware etc. Excellent wheat Hour from #l.lO to $1.2") at A. T. Arnistong, Sones town, Pa. Nu-10-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, 11. All druggists. Williamsport & North Branch R.R TIUVEZE TABLE. In Effect Tuesday Sept. 13, 1808. Northward. Southward. Plu. a. m. a.m. p m 525 10 2:1 Halls !H5 440 f."i:ioiflo2s Peunsdale 'MI 14 :t"> .40 10 40 Uughesville '.1:12 12:: i4s in-is Picture Rocks 9 25 4 1:1 f,"»51 fios2 Lyons Mills f922 II us f.">54 f1055 cfiamouni 920 fIOC- I'llo2 1101 (lien Mawr 9 11 :l 59 111 12 I'll 14 Strawbridge f!i(V> f:i 17 i: 16 fll 17 Beech (ilen fool f:i 12 (120 1121 Muncy Valley a fin :i 40 62s lino Sonestown 552 M :i2 645 11 49 Nordmont S :iK :t 15 7 01 12 OS LaPorte S2l 257 701 12 11 I.a Porte Tannery Sl9 251 f7 20 fl2:i() Ringdale'i f2 :tt 7 35 12 45 satterfleld 7 ,v> 2 20 pni. p. m. am. pm. All trains daily except Sunday: "112" Hag stations. Connections with tho Philadelphia A Reading at Halts, for all points north and south, and the Fall Brook and Beech Creek railroads. At Satterfleld for all points on the Lehigh Valley railroad. At Sonestown with the Eagles Mere railroad, R. E. EAVENSON, (Jen, Manager. llughesvililP a CIDER MILL IN OPERATION John M. Converse will be prepared on and after Wed nesday, Sept. 14, to fill or ders on Wednesday, Thurs day and Fridays of each week until Nov. 11, 1898, at 1 his mill in Sonestown, Pa. Boarders. ! John. V. Finkle lias opened his large and comfortable house for the accomoda tion court boarders, and also for regu lar boarders by the day or week, at rea sonable rates. Corner ol Maple and Muncy Sts.,Laporte. Administratrix Notice, ' Estate of Walter Spencer, late of Laporto Boro. Sullivan county, defeased. letters of adiiiinistrutiim u|«m thealiove named estate having lieen granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against the same will I present them for payment, duly authenticated: : and those indebted thereto, will please make Immediate i«yuient to EMMA SPENCER. Adrnrx. I A. J.Bkaoley, Atty. Laporte,Pa. C. R. Guinbk, Dealer in and Hanufacturer of F ar m CARRIAGES \ND WAGONS. AND Your Patronage Lumber I s solicited on tlie basis ot low prices. Don'l let this (nut etcapa Watr/i e !lre gellin S ril ' ofour lar " e stock of hand marie wapons. WagOnS, We also deal in lactory made platirom Birring wagons. Blacksmithing and Repairing. "West Main Street HuAJFOJB. TE. Look out A. E. Campbell's New Advertisement in This Space Next Week. He will have something important to say. # New York Weekly Tribune. BOTH One Year for $1.25, Send all orders to the News Item, Laporte. TIIK X. V. TRIIU'.VK ALMANAC, .'i4(> A National Hook ol relet once for Governmental and political informalion. Contains tin' Constitution ol l lie United States, t lih I>inglev Tariff Bill, willl a comparison of old and new rates, President McKinlcy's Cabinet and appointees. ainbassacors, consuls, etc. The standard A meri< an almanac. Price. 2"i cents. Address. I lie News Item. Do you Appreciate Values? Ifjso, I can readily do' f business with you. Call, and 1 can till your order to your entire satisfaction. Mv Spring and Summer Line is Complete. • ('asiutere Suits. $4.50 to SB.OO. Worsted Suits. $5.50 to 20.00 Serge Suits, 5.00 to 10.00. ('lay Suits, 4.00 to 18.00. Also au attractive Hue of Gents Furnishing Goods. llats, caps, light wool and gauze underware, umbrellas, trunks, traveling hags and valiees. Call and see the largest line of clothing in flits part of the country. J* ~W~ CABOLL- B) o o t c e k Carron Dushohk. P LAPORTE Clothing Store. We ordered carload quantities of Fall and Winter goods for the opening of our new building, Oct. ist. The goods arrived as everybody knows and the new build ing is stocked and overstocked with goods. Fairly overflowing with new fall and winter styles—tables and counters actually groaning under the heavy loads of Fashion's fancies. > Relief can only come in one way: CLEAR OUT THE GOODS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE by selling at a close margin. While other stores are trying to get rid of old stock of many years, we are now disposing of new goods at positively LOWER PRICKS. JOE COOPER, The Clothier.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers