Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, September 22, 1898, Image 4

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    RepuDlican News Item.
The News Item Fights Fair.
Published Every Friday Morning.
By The Sullivan Publishing Co.
At the County Seat of Sullivan County.
Entered jit the Post Ollice at Laporte, ns
second-class mail mutter.
SUBSCRIPTION —$1.25 |>er auniun. 1.1
paid in advance SI.OO. Sample copies
tree. All communications should lie ad
ilressed to
Laporte i'a.,
< iovernor— W ll. 1.1 AM A. S LYiN K. of
I. ieutenant tiovernor .l. I'. S. •■ < >MI N.
ill' Lebanon.
Secretary <M' internal Affairs —l \M ES
W. I.ATTA, ot' Philadelphia.
.1 mlges of the Supreme Court W M \V.
I'dltTEtf, of rhiladelphiji: WILLIAM
1 1 . l'uKTElf, of Alleghany.
i'onvi'essmen-at Large — tiAU'SIIA A.
Ch'OW. of Susquehanna: SAMI'EL A.
I.» \ \'KN I*< »HT. of Erie.
('oiigre.-siiian. I 7th l>istriet- -WM. 11.
\\ i m i| >1 N. nf Uerwiek.
Count y.
lie present at ive I ML.I. 1.. < 'll KISTI A N
!'•! Lopez.
Prothoiiotary —Wl I.LI A M •!. LAW
If KNt.'K, of Laporte.
Slmritl —lf. VY. OSLEIL of LineolKails.
' 'oroner —Pl'. <'. K. VVAt'KENIIUTII. I
of La]>orte.
Philadelphia, Sept. 20.—A coniniunl
ution addressed lo Hon. M. S. Quay by
.Frank Willing Leach has just been
.nil- public. It will be remembered
.ii Mr. Leuch was formerly identified
Senator Qua\ in polities, but for
last two years has strongly opposed
if :. lii IS'jt! he was prominently Iden
tified with the movement in favor of
! 'ii. .John Wanamaker's election to the
'" ML il States senate. Mr. Leach's let
t-i'. which is now the chief topic of dls
■'.issyju among politicians and others In
riiilaileiphia. is as follows:
l'liiladelphia, Sept. 16, 1896.
Hon. >!. s. «juay, Atlantic Cityy, N. J.:
•My I >' .ii sir: lulß92.just afteryou had
I', -II subjected to a series of personal
i.Uai kr.. uo| aiaili-d in their maliclous
-1.1-:-s. from certain Democratic news
papers of New York, as a punishment
for defeating All. Cleveland in 18S8, you
were a candidate for re-election to the
United States senate, and were almost
unanimous).* leturned. The details of ]
your campaign that year were under j
my direction. Jn 1595, in your candi- i
dacy for siati' chairman, you were j
ayain subjected to an avalanche of j
abuse and vituperation, in the endeavor ,
to eliminate you as a factor in Pennsyl- 1
vania politics. In that memorable bat
ik' you were overwhelmingly success
ful and your enemies were demoral- ;
i/.fii and driven to the woods. It af
forded ine no little pleasure in that
year lo resign the office 1 then held
and again assume charge of the work
of organization in your behalf. Another
battle is now i>n, your return to the
senate being at stake, and again the
weapons of offense seem to tie slander, j
falsehood and vilification. If such is
to be the nature of the warfare against
you 1 cannot be found among your '
venom-girdled enemies, but among
your friends, and it there is any proper I
and legitimate service 1 can render
you have but to command me.
From April, I!>U6, to March, 189S, I
vigorously opposed the domination of i
those of your lieutenants whom you
had unwisely permitted to direct the
party organization in Pennsylvania. I
fought as hard as I knew how. and
have no apologies to offer. Hut two
thing's should be noted. In the first
place my work was entirely within j
party lines. In the second place I par- |
tlcipated In no personal assaults upon I
you. Having been a part of the Quay
organization for ten years, It would
have been the personification of indeli- j
caey, not to say folly, for me to have
joined in a tirade against "Quayism,"
so-called. My reason for having you
in 1K96 was cieurl.v understood at the t
time. While the ordinary professional
reformer assailed you for "bossing" too
much I denounced you for "bossing"
100 little. For some time you had al
lowed a certain more or less distin
guished state senator —fortunately now
more or less extinguished -to usurp the •
functions ot' leadershio and assume
control of the details ot organization
in the state. This you had permitted,
even though you were held responsible
fur his many shortcomings, with result
ant injury to your political fortune.-:
and to the party organization. F de
clined to follow any such vicious lead
ership, and arraigned you for permit
ting this man to attain such a com
manding position in lie comiclis of ih.-
party, to your own an.J the pnrty's
hurt. Several ninmii'i a;.ro. villi ma
ting! r somewhat upon ihe political
pulse of tlie sialc. I dlscov -red thai this
man's Iniluence was v.a.- 'ia. and this'
eoiivti lion v. us i ntM ineo when he fail
ed to appear ait', • 1:lm s ate eonven- i
tlon. Suiisef|u.ii!. ly 1 learned that h
had obtained control ot a gold mine
in New Mexico, and that he had re
moved the seat of his operations to
that interesting territory, the climate
uf which. 1 trust, he will find conducive
lo good health. It is because of my
firm conviction that you have reas
siiined your full functions as the leader
of the party in the state, in fact as well
as in name, that I am willing to give
my best energies in behalf of your re
turn to the senate, with only one con
ditio)) precedent—that you will do a
good deal more "bossing" in the future
than In the past, and not leave tho de
tails of organization to inefficient,
blundering, selfish lieutenants, pretend
ing to be your devoted adherents, but
with a devotion subordinated to their
own personal schemes for public plun-
| Her. Witn tms condition ot things at
tained, your own position, politically,
I will be unassailable, and the Republi
can party will be united and harmo
Your action, or rather non-action, in
permitting the reins of leadership to
be usurped by irresponsible lieutenants,
has subjected you to a torrent of abuse
because of the doings and failures of
the last legislature. As a matter of
fact, you probably knew little of what
that body was doing at the time. Your
own duties, as a member of the fed-
I eral legislature, prevented your close
attention to the details of legislation
as they developed at Ilarrisburg. Yet
you are charged with all the short
tomings of that historic body. I have
no doubt you did not read, before In
troduction, tin- titles of ten bills out of
many thousands presented by members
of the two houses, and doubtless you
could not give the' titles of six of them
now. During all the years 1 was asso
ciated with you I never knew you to
be Interested in a dozen bills before
the legislature, you always evincing a
disinclination to interpose in what, you
! claimed, did not concern you, except
as a private citizen. I never failed to
combat tills theory, maintaining that
while the people might have no right
to demand such service from you
they would, however unjustly, hold you
responsible for the misdoings and fail
ures of those claiming to represent you.
No matter how irksome the task, I
trust you will give your personal scru
tiny, so far as your duties as a United
| States senator will permit, to the doings
:f future legislatures, to the end that
tlieir acts and non-acts may not be a
1 reproach to the Republican party an 1
to the commonwealth,
it canot be denied that the perform
j utiles of the last legislature were not
acceptable to the people of the s'ate.
; Put I speak advisedly when I say that
j il was not one whit worse than any
one of the dozen legislatures which
have convened since the new constitu
i lion went into effect. There was this
difference —the doings of the legislators
; last year were, as never before, made
i known to the people. During the ses
sion of '97 I had personal supervision
| of the work of supplying weekly infor- j
I illation to over one hundred state news
i papers, exhibiting the shortcomings of
I the members and giving wide publicity
: to what they did and what they failed
i to do. This had never previously been
I done, except by the metropolitan jour-
I nals, and, because of it, the people
! were Informed as they had never been
| before regarding the movements of
I their representatives at Ilarrisburg.
I The latter were no worse than their
predecessors for the last generation
j had been, but the public knew more
; about them. This line of work should
' be kept up during the next legislature.
| If it is. the Republican party and the
] taxpayers generally will be the gain
; ers.
While, however, the last legislature
was no worse than its predecessors, it
was bad enough. But it Is a mistake to
assume that all the legislators were
corrupt, or that the wrongdoing was
1 confined to the Republican party or to
a faction thereof. There were many
conspicuous members in both branches
i who valiantly battled for the people,
- but it Is historically incorrect to assume
; that all of them were from the so
j called "76," who supported Mr. Wana
| maker for the United States senate,
j The two leaders in the crusade for
, clean legislation were Hon. Samuel
! Crothers, of Philadelphia, and Hon. E.
A. Coray, of Luzerne, neither of whom
i was a member of the "76," nor did
either of them vote for Mr. Wana
mdlcer for senator. On the other hand,
i not a few of the much lauded "76"
proved derelict before the session
| closed. Of course, many of the "76"
did heroic work for the people, which
should never be forgotten: but so did
other members of both houses, who had
not been Mr. Wanamaker's supporters
for the senatorship. In other words,
i both the wrongdoing and the right
dolng. so to speak, were non-factional,
and it is a perversion of history to
claim the reverse.
-Voi- was the wrongdoing partisan.
Those now engaged in a crusade
against the Republican organization
arc forming alliances in many of the
counties with a view to the election of
Democrats to the legislature. While
in the last legislature some of the Dem
ocratic senators, and a number of the
Democratic members of the lower
house, led by the incorruptible Creasy,
of I'olumbia county, were always found
upon the side of the people, others, and
generally the majority, gave their sup
port to the various vdeious bills which it
wa- sought to enact, and which the re
cent Democratic state convention so
vigorously assailed. M
In a word, it is strikingly unj; " to
charge all that was vicious in th st
legislature to either party, or to
faction of the dominant party. It was
simply a case of some corrupt men get
ting into the legislature—as they have
gotten into every legislature s.uce a
Republican form of governmentwasde
vlscd—who sought to further their own
Interests at the expense of the people"*.
lii w supremely idiotic, therefore, *o
hold any one party, or any faction of a
party, responsible for the perversity cf
i> dividual human nature. How infin
itely more idiotic and unjust to hold
yen responsible for such condition, be
yond the fact that you ought to have
prevented, in my judgment, corrupt
or seitish men from obtaining and ex
ercising control of legislative proceed
ings. even though you should have
found it necessary to resort to a more
vigorous exhibition of "bossism" than
any your opponents have assailed.
When the legislature of 1597 adjourn
ed 1 immediately took steps with a view
to aiding In the nomination, at the Re- j
publican primaries, of fit representa- j
tlve men as candidates for the legisla
ture. For six or eight months I made
every endeavor to cJouse those promi
nent in what was known as the anti
machine movement, to the end that a
comprehensive, systematic, energetic
organization might be effected, to carry
out at the primaries the program I had
in view. An eoctraoirdlnary amount of
work was involved, as was also no
small amount of money, for the legit
imate expenses of education and organ
ization. I kept up this endeavor for
months, but received only meager en
couragement; and filially, on the Ist of
March last, discovering only a purpose
togo outside of party lines, through
the medium of Democratic alliance, I
withdrew, -not being able conscientious
ly to enter Into ajiy such program.
That experiment was tried in 1882,
when Pattlson was elected governor,
together with a Democratic house. The
"haracter of --reform - * wmcn emanated
from that body was malodorous and
malodious, and I then resolved that I
would never aid such a move
ment. Surely no legislative reform will
come In Pennsylvania through Demo
cratic channels. And that is the inher
ent weakness of the present so-called
"reform" movement for honest lega
tors. For every independent Republi
can who will be elected as the result of
the movement six or eight Democrats
will be chosen, and with a Democratic
legislature the advocates of legislative
reform had better take to the woods.
Had a proper effort been made at the
Republican primaries, as I had urged
for months, it would have succeeded.
The result in Bradford county demon
strates that. There a thorough organ
isation was effected, and two honest
legislators were renominated, and the
third member, who had mlsrepresente.-J
his constituents, was very properly left
at home. There is scarcely a county In
the state where this could not have
bten done, with the same expenditure
of energy. Under the circumstances the
piesent movement to elect a non-Re
publican legislature is absolute;;.- unlus-
Justlfled and without excuse. Jt should
not be encouraged by any true Repu
In this connection let me say that I
am satisfied, bv observation an.l in
quiry, that this coalition with the De
mocracy is. oil one side it least, tile
result of a general, thoroughly organ
ized movement throughout the country
to turn both houses of congress over
to Democratic control. Such a move
ment has certainly been Inaugurated
by the national leaders of the Democ
racy, and, counting upon Republican
dissensions in Pennsylvania, they hope
to cain a senator from this state.
Their candidate is Colonel J. M. Guf
fey, the free silver member of the Dem
ocratic national committee, and he is
secretly at work, endeavoring to effect
combinations in every county of the
state, hoping to elect a Democratic
legislature, basing his hopes upon the
result in ISB2, *hen a Democratic house
was chosen as the result of the
/ndependent movement of that year. In
view of the fact that in the present sen
ate the Republicans lack three of a
majority out of a membership of 90,
I fail to see how any one claiming to be
a Republican can identify himself with
a movement, the only result of which,
if in any degreee successful, would be
the election of a free silver Democrat
to the United States senate and the
probability of turning that body over
to the Democratic-Popullstlc combina
tion. At this juncture, with such vast
interests at stake, and such momen
tous questions to be disposed of, it Is
of the highest importance that in the
Fifty-sixth congress President Mc-
Kinley and his administration should
be 'sustained by an emphatic Republi
can majority in both senate and house.
Before closing I want to utter a word
of protest against the methods pursued
by some of your friends in assailing the
characters of those conspicuous in th
opposition. 1 refer more especially to
Secretary of the Commonwealth David
Martin and ex-Postmaster General
Wanamaker. Mr. Martin is one of Up
most manly, straightforward men I
have encountered in the realm of prac
tical polities. Ordinary political criti
cism he naturally expects, but personal
vilification is not only unjust, but it Is
bad politics, and cannot fail to react
upon those resorting to it. So far as
your influence extends i trust you will
prevent a continuance of such guerilla
Nor can anything be gained by per
sonal attacks upon Mr. Wanamaker.
All the miserable slanders affecting his
personal character and business meth
ods were exploited during his flrst sen
atorial campaign in IS9G. and 1 know
how absolutely devoid of truth they
are. They should not be resorted to in
this campaign. Naturally he cannot
complain of attacks of a distinctive po
litical character, for these are the or
dinary Incidents of one's candidature
for office. The primary and ultimate
purpose of this movement for a "re
form" legislature Is Mr. Wanamaker's
election to the United States senate,
through a combination of disaffected
Republicans. Prohibitionists and Dem
ocrats in the legislature. Of course this
purpose is not set forth in very large
type in the fusionisls organs, but is
generally understood In all political cir
cles. of whatever party or faction. Mr.
Wanamaker would make a splendid
senator. I thought so in 1896, and I
gave my best energies toward securing
his election. If, eight or ten months
ago, before any primaries had been
held, he had concluded to come out
into the open as a Republican candi
date against you for the United States
senate. I should have supported him
as vigorously as in 189G. But I could
not follow him into a Democratic al
liance: first, as a matter of conscience,
having had a taste of that sort of thing
in 1882. and, secondly, because I knew
he never could win in such a contest,
for his Democratic allies would surely
cheat him In the end. and vote for a
member of their own party. But if he
feels differently he has a perfect right
to make the kind of a tight which he
Is now engaged In.
While urging that your friends re
frain from personal abuse, as a method
of campaigning. 1 do not lose sight of
the fact that the chief weapons of your
own opponents are slander atjd vilifi
cation of the most vicious kind. This
cannot hurt you, but must react upon
those engaged in this sort of warfare.
Besides. 1 should think you would be
used to It by this time. In 1885 you were
denounced and maligned from the Dela
ware river to the Ohio line, vet you
were elected state treasurer, and subse
quently United States senator. In 1592
the same methods, augmented a hun
dred fold, were resorted to, yet you
were almost unanimouly returned to
the senate. In 1595 the vials of vituper
ation were emptied upon you, yet you
won your great fight for state chair
man. The same old weapons are load
ed again with the same old powder,
whitened with age, and ground to dust.
There can be only one outcome: his
tory will repeat Itself; you will be re
elected in January next. Only be your
own "boss," and give your personal at
tention to the details of party or
ganization, Including the organization
and conduct of the next legislature
Do not be "bossed" by petty "bosses,"
who do not possess one-tenth of your
sagacity and perspicacity—otherwise,
horse sense. If you pursue this course
you can count upon my support until
the end of the chapter. Otherwise I
will cut loose as abruptly as In 1896.
Again assuring you of my personal in
terest in your success, and reiterating
my desire to help you If my services
are needed. I am.
; " Running sores appeared on my
! leg and spread over the entire
lower portion of the limb. 1 got
1 no help from medicine till I tried
yours. 1 was cured by one bottle of
e dyer's
ISAAC ACKEK, Cowans, Va.
A Horrible Railroad Accident
is :i daily chronicle in our papers: also
! the death of some dear friend, who had
! died with Consumption, whereas, if lie or
| site had taken Otto's Cure for Throat and
Lung diseases in time, life would have
| been rendered happier and perhaps saved.
| Heed the warning ! 11' you have a cough
ior nnv atlection of the Throat and Lungs
! Call on T. .1. Keeler,Laporte; \V. L.
j (Tollman, llillsgrove; 15. S
I Forksville; C. I! Jennings, Agt. Estella:
j.l no. W. Muck, Sonestown, and get a
trial'package free. Large size f>oc and 2fic.
G. A. Rogers
(Suertvj-or to I».\V. Fnwoeti.)
Watches, Jewelery,
Silverware, Etc.
Hi cycle repairing. Ilicycle sundries.
Fishing tackle, at lowest possible
! Ginghams, calicoes and dress goods,
leash prices at .1. W. Knck
Ko-To-lisic for !'i.'. y Cents.
j Cu-arantccti toiisn . n liuMt cur*. inaUft* weak
jncu st r.i'.nou pun . 50c. #l. All druggists.
Kxecllcnt wheat lintir lYuin
to Si.:?.-. tit A. T.. Aniir-toiig', Sones
town, l'a.
Fish and ham, prices right, at J. \V.
Hack's, Sonestown.
To ( un l lon l' or«*v«*r»
i '['ulii 1 r.i.ii'iiit is (,'iiiuiv C'uihut'iic. loe or 250.
i if l'. i:. fail tocui»\ lit Heists refund money
I>o n«»t -;iy you cmii not aftoril to |>ut
|up fruit lor winter use .1. W. Buck sells
I jars, tumblers, jelly cups and tin
| cans so cheap.
New Grocery
Our Friendly
Latch String Always
Hangs Out.
an endless variety of
grade foot-wear is
now on sale and for the
60 Days
there will positively be
No War Tax
put upon my prices.
| -
and Summer
Every corner of the store is
bright, with the newest things
for Women's wear and Men's
wear aiul Children's wear.
We are glad to have you come in
and see the new life of the old
store and look at its excellent
line of goods.
Spring Weight
for Men, Women and
In conjunction with
the inviting varities, all
prices will be found more
than ordinarily small.
Grocery Department
A new and fresh sup
ply of Groceries have
have just arrived.
j •
Vernon Hull,
Hillsgrove, Pa.
Three Big Stores-- MUNCY VALLEY,
An Explosion of Values.
Two or three reasons for this—liberaf supply, bet
ter qualities, less in price than found elsewhere.
Ladies' Dress Wares.
They are the kind women want, and our prices will
cause lively sellii-.
CORSETS Selling at Corset Prices.
No other line in these stores has such decided
growth as that of Corsets. Augmented sales each
month demonstrates the superiority of brands.
General Merchandise.
There is to be found a general line of seasonable
goods constantly on hand.
Remember the Place.
We keep in stock at our mills a
* complete line of dressed lumber
Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber.
Hemlock Novelty or German Siding,
Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick,
Hemlock Flooring any width desired.
Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long,
Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple,
The same woods in 3-8 ceiling.
Buy Good Goods!
And you will he surpris
how cheap they are in the end.
We have just unpacked such a stock of coats nnd capes to which we are pleased
to cull vour Rpecial attention. We do not pretend to handle the cheapest
coats in t!ie market, but we do say we have the BEST and neatest llttin"
garments made. Our coats and capes are made to order, and in the latest
styles with prices to suit every bodv.
Ladies and Misses, Boys and Men, you need not go hall frozen this winter for we
have plenty of underwear lor you all, both in cotton or wool, red or gray ami
the prces are very low, so low that when you see the goods you will ha astou
•shed that we are able to give you such bargains.
One word in regard to foot wear:
Uur shoe department wits never more complete and if you will 'luvor im with
your attention for a few minutes when in town we will convince yon that we
have the most carefully selected line ol line and heavy boots and shoes ever
brought before the public. On crockery we have just received some very
pretty designs in Decorated Dinner Sets to which we invite your attention.
The buying ol country produce has always been a special feature of on
Business, and we still continue in paying the highest each pi ices lor Butter
Egg® and Wool.
E. G. Sylvara PUSHORE, \PA.
Wright & Haight,
M. R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa.
Furniture 4
Ufitdertohiwtjt .
Doors, Sash, Moulding, Flooring, Ceiling etc.
Full and complete season«l stock always on hand.
A fine line of furniture etc. The most complete line of
Coffins and Casket to select from in Sullivan County.
The finest hearse in the county, with equipments to match.
Embalming a specialty. Funerals directed with
safety and dispatch.