LATEST PORTRAIT OF QUEEN WILHELMINA OF HOLLAND. 1 CORONATION OF HOLLAND'S GIRL-QUEEN. I £§ A Series of Human Documents Showing Wil- |xl helmina at Various Ages From Baby- vQ 03 hood to Young Womanhood. &£ m & » . 11 A HOUGH the angry v \ Is 4 noise of war now \s§S| dins in the ears of the Old World and the New, there ' comes from Hol- windmills and dykes, a peaceful, j i happy note. The whole of the pros perous little kingdom has been busy for months getting ready for the time when the young Queen Wilhelmina comes of age and is installed with every circumstance of regal pomp and ceremony as sovereign of the Nether lands. Queen Wilhelmina now holds a posi tion in the eyes of the world much like that which Queen Victoria held sixty-one years ago, when she began her uuequalled reign. All the world regards with sympathy and interest a fair young queen. She is likely to prove a better sovereign than a man would, becauso she has a woman's goorlness and a woman's defences against the temptations which assail a king. That is why the young Queen is a centre of attraction. Wilhelmina is now a fair-haired, AS A CHILD, 1884. pretty young woman, with a well de veloped, supple figure. She is essen tially womanly and gentle in manner and looks. The Queen has an unusual claim to the attention of ordinary human be ings. She is the only Queen who in sists on marrying according to the dictates of her own heart. She has fiercely resisted all the attempts of her mother and her Ministers to choose a husband for her. Last year it was announced she would marry her cousin, Prince Bern hard of Saxe-Weimar, whom the au thorities had selected as suitable. She refused to marry him, because he was too ugly and because she did not love him. Other matches have been suggested for her, but she rejected them all on sentimental grounds. The environment of the Queen's girlhood has fitted her for quiet and un ceremonious sovereignty in what is vir tually a Dutch republic, although the ceremonies attendant on her corona tion are of an interest only equalled by the ooronation of the Czar and the celebration of Queen Victoria's reign. It has been easy to reconcile the young Queen and her mother to all the details of a democratic festival conducted mainly for the entertain ment of the masses. The Queen, when she enters Amsterdam in tri umph, will drive through the poorer section of the city as well as through the finest residential quarter, and every day for a fortnight she will be in plain sight of the people both there and at the Hague. There will be a series of popular fetes, with few WILHELMINA AND HER FIRST SHETLAND PONT. special privileges for the aristocratic classes. The attendance at the in stallation ceremonies in the church was limited to two thousand, and the Btate dinner is mainly an official and diplomatic affair, with not more than 250 guests. There will be a single festival performance at the principal theatre in Amsterdam, and there may be a very small court ball at the palace at The Hague. Everything will be done for the pleasure of the masses, and very little for the entertainment of the privileged classes. The Queen Begent and her daughter have assented readily to arrangements which are in accord with their quiet tastes and simple manners. They prefer to please the many rather than to gratify the exclusive spirit of the favored few. According to present arrangements, the Queen and her mother are to leave The Hague, after the celebration of the eighteenth birthday anniversary. Arriving at Amsterdam, they will be met by the leading citizens and repre sentatives of the Government, and, es corted by hussars, will drive through the city to the palace. Between the hours of 7 and 8 on the QCEEN WILHELMINA IN A DI'TCII NA TIONAL COSTUME, 1894. following morning trumpeters will arouse the citizens from sleep with Mored music from the steeples of the various churches. Then will come, at ll o'clock, the installation of the Nieuwe Kerk. In the afternoon the Queen will again drive through the oity, visiting the Jordan, the ghetto of Amsterdam, where some 70,000 Jews reside. At night the city will be brilliantly illuminated, and again the Queen will drive out to see and to be seen. A sacred reveille will usher in the next day, on which the Queen will be serenaded by the Netherlands Choral Society. In the afternoon she will witness an allegorical and historical procession illustrating in picturesque fashion the chief episodes and stirring events in the nation's history from the time of the eighty years' war down to the nineteenth century. Besides all this she is to witness a water carnival, and on the next day go over the House of Orange section of the Kyx Museum, attend a "matinee musicale" and a gala performance in the theatre. The following morning the Queen and the Queen's mother will take their departure. At the present moment the shop windows of Amsterdam are filled with portraits of the sweet-faced Queen. There she is as a baby in tho arms of her mother; as a little girl playing with her dog or fondling her pony; while more regal, and eagerly bought, is the picture of her majesty in robes of ermine and rich velvet, with the Crowh jewels adorning her. The Dutch Government has ordered home from Java all the jewels in the Treasury, which have been taken from the rajahs and native rulers of that vast island, in order to make for the young Queen a crown, a sceptre and an orb. Amoug them are some of the most splendid jewels in the world. The following is the oath taken by the Queen: "I swear to the Dutch people that I will observe and always WILHELMINAS PALACE AT AMSTERDAM. maintain tho Constitution. I swear that I will defend and guard with all my power the independence and the territory of the empire, that I will protect public and private liberty and the rights of all my subjects, and that I will use every means confided to me by the law to foster aud uphold tho national and individual well-being, as a good Queen should do. And may God help me." Queen Wilhelmina has been trained to possess all tho qualities of a typical Dutch housewife. As a little girl she had a little house of her own, where she did all tho housework herself. Her portrait in the national costume of a Dutch houßewile, with a linen coiff over her head, is one of the most pleasing presentments we have of her. THE LITTLE QUEEN AT THIRTEEN, 1893* Many clever or curious sayings are attributed to the yonng Queen. Once she said: "I will never marry. I will reign alone like Elizabeth of England." Again, when her mother wished her togo to bed early, she said: "I will go out on the balcony and tell the Dutch people how you ill-treat their Queen." From now on the subject of matri mony will be inseparably associated with the Queen. She is going to marry for love. Who will he be? She is good-looking, amiable, accomplished, rich beyond computation. He will be a fortunate man. Queen Wilhelmina is like Queen Victoria in that she .uherits the throne after a monarch notorious for his de pravity. Victoria's accession was separated by only a few years from the death of George IV., the worst de bauchee in Europe. Wilhelmina's father, King William 111., who died in 1889, left an un savory reputation behind him. His intrigues were the talk of the world. He frequented tho concert halls, where jokes were made about his ad ventures. He laughed as heartily and applauded as vigorously as any one. He bad no sense of shame, no con science, no scruples, no domestio affections. He was a standing satire upon monarchy. It was something of a disappoint ment to the King when, on August 31,1880, the heir to his throne proved to be a girl. She was baptized by the name of Wilhelmina Helena Paulina Maria. It is doubtful whether the loyal Netherlander would to-day ex- THE PICTURE THAT IS MOST POPULAR— WIIiHEIiMINA DRESSED FOR A DUTCH KEBMESS. change her for any male royalty in Europe. A HOME-MADE FILTER. It Will Yield an Good Keniilt* as a Hlcli- Prlced Apparatus. A home-made filter for purifying drinking water for domestio uses is described by the New York Herald as consisting simply of an ordinary de- oanter, a lamp glass, such as can be purchased anywhere for a few cents, by way of a funnel, and a piece of sponge or cotton wool. Some people prefer cotton wool because it can be thrown away after a time and renewed at a nominal cost. If the sponge is chosen it ought to be taken out often, cleaned in hot salt water and afterward rinsed in colli. The sponge or cotton wool is placed for the distance of an inch in the lamp shade. This is then covered by a layer of tine white sand, which has been washed very clean,and placed in a line lawn bag. This must be packed through the top of the glass, and spread out to fit across by the aid of a long pencil or a skewer. On top of the sand must be placed a layer of animal charcoal which has been thoronghly washed by putting it in an earthen vessel and pouring boil ing water upon it. The layer should be at least an inch deep and should be pressed down upon the layer of sand. The Alter is now ready for use. Water is poured into the lamp shade aud al lowed to percolate slowly through to the decanter beneath. After a time the charcoal will be clogged and a lit tle must be takou from the top and boiled for a few minutes and then spread out before the lire. It will then be as good as ever, and can thus be cleansed indefinitely. From time to time, also, the whole apparatus will want cleansing, and the whole of the oharcoal, as well as the bag of sand and the cotton wool or sponge, will have to be taken out and thoroughly boiled, or, better still, replaced with new material. Provided the filter be thus kept HOW TO MAKE YOUB OWN FILTER. thoroughly clean, the Herald assures its readers that it will yield as good results aB any of the patent filters on the market costing many times the ! value of this simple apparatus. „ A. AA. A. AAA. A 1 M AMD GARDEN.! Fall or Spring Plowing;. According to Nebraska experiments early fall or summer plowing gave better yields of corn than spring breaking. When the plowing was done very late in autumn there was no appreciable difference. Pruning Fruit Tre»«. Summer pruning tends to form fruit buds while trimming in the spring produces wood growth. Trim each year, but only enough to cut out cross branches and water sprouts. A tree can sometimes be induced to bear yearly by removing half of the fruit buds and permitting it to bear a half crop only each season. It is, how ever, usually more practicable to allow nature to take its course and let the trees bear each alternate year. Let each tree assume its individnal shape and do not try to have all look alike. Kuwdunt on tlie Farm. In many sections sawdust can be purchased at a price that makes it valuable in farm operations. It should not be used on light or sandy soils, but on clay land or on land inclined to be wet it will loosen up the soil as well as enrich it. In the stock barn, and especially with cows, sawdust is valuable for bedding, readily absorb ing the liquid manure and retaining it, so that the effect is plainly visible when the sawdust is applied to the soil as a fertilizer. As a summer mulch for strawberry plants sawdust is equal to anything used for that purpose. It is too heavy for a winter mulch except between the rows, but it may be used in connection with some coarser material like leaves or straw, and will be valuable. It must be remembered that the value of saw dust as a fertilizer is but nominal and it{i chief value,in its application to the soil, is after it has been used in the stable as an absorbent for the |liquid manures so often lost through care lessness. Clover nml Timothy Together. This system of work fitted our cir cumstances, with clover-timothy hay and with barn room to accommodate it. We never tried to raise clover alone, and do not reciprocate the sentiment of those who belittle the ex cellent qualities of this grass. The two suit each other so* well that it seems like criticising Mother Nature to divorce thein. Sown together these two plants fully occupy the ground as they grow side by side, the timothy filling spots left vacant by the trifolium, or deserted by it later when its biennial mission is ended. And when it comes to harvesting the crop timothy acts as a go-between or nurse in helping to cure the clover which is difficult to handle separately. Except to those who can control plenty of help, haying cannot be prosecuted under ideal conditions, so far as "pre serving all the croo at that stage when the chemist informs us the green crop jontains the most available nutritive qualities. While haying may usually begin when the crop is at or near its best, the later cut hay may have passed to the stage where it is less digestible, and this is one of the un avoidable losses which must be met philosophically.—Farm, Stock and Home. Fentlitif* the Uuiry Cow. When properly fed a dairy cow will neither gain nor lose in live weight, and under such conditions will pro duce the maximum quantity of milk which her physical conformation per mits. and that milk will have its max imum quality, i.e., there will be a maximum epithelial growth. The food which produces such re sults is an ideal milk ration, and the nearest approach to it which man possesses is a good pasture. The moment artificial feeding begins the conditions are altered. If an excess of nutriment is given the tendency to fatten will gradually outstrip the ten dency for milk production. If a de ficiency of nutriment be given the body sufl'ers first, subsequently the quality of the milk, and. lastly, the quantity. These results will be most marked when there is simul taneously an abundant supply of water. If now the food be changed there will be a corresponding change in the quantity and quality of the milk, but it will not be immediate. Experiments have been made for me under the latter conditions. The re sult was that the animals tirstutilized the food to replenish their emaciated bodies. The milk remained practi cally unaffected for from four to six weeks. Then the food told. This fact emphasizes one source of error in feeding experiments —they are not conducted on a sufficiently long period.—Professor F. J. Lloyd before the British D liry Farmers' Associa tion. Mamir.* and Fertilizer*. A ton of manure with ten pouuds of nitrogen, twelve pounds of potash and six pouuds of phosphoric acid in it, is worth more to you in the eud for farm crops, as a rule, although, per haps, not so immediately available, than the same number of pounds of these ingredients in any fertilizer -on earth. This is because the manure furnishes vegetable matter to decay iu the soil aud has a beneficial bac terial effect, neither of which you get from commercial fertilizers. Now, here is the substance of the whole matter, aud every honorable agricultural paper or institute worker or fertilizer man will agree with it. heartily. We want you to save all your manvre, and not let part of it go to waste and then buy back the same Ingredients you lost. We waut you to gro'V clover,, etc., aud get nitrogen practically free, fnateafl of baying it. We want you to btif feed and get fertility for your laud. Lastly, if you haven't enough, as you find by actual experiment, then purchase what you need. When you buy fertilizers again let it be after you have learned how to figure them. If figures on the bag say 2 to 3 per cent, of nitrogen it means 2 per cent. only. That is all the law requires. The "3" is put onto decieve you, so an agent can call it 2 1-2 per cent, on an average. Two per cent, means, of course, two pounds in 100 or 40 in a ton. Figure this at 14 cents. The* figure the phosphoric acid that is available, soluble and reverted, at 5 1-2 cents. Next the potash at 5 cents', then add 20 per cent, for mix ing and you will have a fair idea of what the fertilizer is worth, or rather, what you should pay for it. I)o not let any interested party fool yon into thinking that a ton of wheat straw will not be worth more to you in the end, properly used on your farm,than $2 worth of any fertilizers you can buy. Where quick action is wanted, of course, you can get a fertilizer that will do better than the straw, but in the long run you will lose by selling straw at $2 and buying fertilizers with the money. I would not sell it at $1 a ton. The vegetable matter that the straw adds to the soil is too valuable. —T. B. Terry in Practical Farmer. Forcing Tomatoes In Winter. Seed for the crop was sown Sep tember fifteen in 2 1-2 inch flats filled with loam and sand in proportion of four to one. [Professors Mason and Hall, Bulletin 70, Kansas experiment station.] In three weeks plants were taken from the flats and set in 2 1-2 inch pots. These were twice repotted and finally on December 10 were set in benches. All the vines were trained on a trellis and after the branches were established pruning consisted in cutting out weak foliage and occa sionally thinning the more vigorous plauts. When the plants were small the watering was done by means of a sprinkler, but after they were set in the bench the ground was watered twice a we9k with a heavy spray from the hose. Later the soil was soaked heavily every eighth day by flooding. After each wettiug, when the soil be came dry it was cultivated lightly and leveled oft'. Toward the end of the •season no cultivation was given. The vines made a vigorous growth from the time they were set in the bench aud a considerable quantity of the foliage had to be removed to pre vent shutting out the light. The fruit season was ended about June 12. This need not be done, for as the tomato is a continuous bloomer, it could be kept bearing so long as the vines can be cared for and the fruit disposed of. The fruit was smaller than that grown out of doors, but still quite fair-sized, many of the tomatoes being three inches in diameter. They were uniformly smooth aud in good condi tion. By February 24 all varieties but one gave from one to three ripe fruit. The yield from the rows placed nearest the glass was the least, giving 103 against 10(> pounds from the front row or that further from ihe glass. The time from the planting of the seed until the ripening of the first fruit is 23 weeks. About half this time the plauts grew in flats and took up little room. The crop was allowed to bear 3 1-2 months. Winter toma toes were a u«velty to most people, and at first they were bought slowly, but as the people became more famil iar with them they sold readily. In tests made at the Geneva (N.Y.) station in forcing tomatoes it was : found that plants trained to single j stems are more profitable than three i stein plants for winter tomatoes, the fruits on the single steins are heavier and greater in number, so that the total yield per square foot of bench is decidedly larger. It was also found that the amount of fruit ripening dur ing the first six weeks of fruiting is much greater for the single plants. Very little difference was found in the yield of plants grown in pots from from those grown in benches in the single-stem tomatoes, but with the three-stem system using "'".e pots seemed to be a decided ad vintage. — American Agriculturist. Farm and Garden Notes. Underfed or overfed hens are poor layers. Do not e\pect eggs from over crowded flocks. It is not desirable to keep begonias entirely in the shade. They should have, if possible, the morning sun. Unless the soil about the heliotrope is kept loose, the plant will not do its best. It should be showered often. To prevent worms from atta king the roots of tea roses, scatter wood ashes over the ground at a short dis tance from the stalks. Subsoiling has the advantage of loosening the hard pan below the sur face. It may be injurious on some soils to turn the subsoil up, but it cau do no harm to pulverize it. The iuterior walls of the silo should be as smooth as possible aud then there must be no cross rods or pro jections of any kind as these prevent complete packing and consequent, rot ting. Gentle heat and moisture cause fresh seeds to germinate, during which process they require darkness. When sprouted introduce to the light by degrees, and ke«p constantly watered but not wet. Oats contain more protein than corn and less starch, but oats coutaiu fully as much oil (or fat) as corn, about 4 per cent., but the propor tion of oil is too s.uall fo render either gain unfit for horses It is the starch ill the corn that. en ant animal.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers