Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, September 08, 1898, Image 4

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    Republican News Item.
The News Item Tights Fair.
Publishod Every Friday Morning.
By The Sullivan Publishing Co.
At the County Beat of Sullivan County.
Entered at the Post Olllce at Laporte, as
second-class mail matter.
SUBSCRIPTION —SI.2S per annum. If
paid in advance SI.(H). Sample copies
free. All communications should lie ad
dressed to
l.nporte l'a.,
Political Announcement.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date lor tiie office of Sheriff, subject to
(he will and regulations ol' the ensuing
Republican County Convention.
.1. 11. HOIIN, Dushore. l'a.
A I.rKvnd Destroyrd.
"Another familiar legend," says the
Critic, "has been relegated to the limbo
of the untrue, and it is a question if
there will be anything left for the next
generation to pin its faith to. This
time it is "The Prisoner of Chillon,' be
loved of and Quoted by every school
girl. In the cell where the 'prisoner'
languished so long there was shown a
circle worn In the stones by his feet
in walking round and round a pillar to
which he was chained. M. Vuillet, one
of the members of the grand council
of Vaud, was horrified to find that, in
repavlng the cell, the 'Chemin de Boni
vard,' one of the souvenirs and attrac
tions of the country, had disappeared.
He brought the matter before the coun
cil, and was chagrined to learn that
the famous track had not been made
by the captive whom Byron made
famous, but had been industriously
scraped by successive keepers."
lIUNMiu a lll iml Aallon.
There are more than twice as many
blind persons in Russia as in the whole
of the rest of Europe. They number
19,000, which is equivalent to two hi
every 1,000 of the population. It is
believed that blindness In Russia is so
prevalent because of the length of time
which snow lies on the ground, and
also owing to the uncleanly habits of
the people. Among all this number
only 200 or 300 are able to read, and
only about 2,500 are cared for in in
stitutions for the blind.
Two Natural Foes.
Water will extinguish a fire because
the water forms a coating over tho
fuel, which keeps It from the air, and
the conversion of water into steam
draws oft the heat from the burning
fuel. A little water makes a fire
fiercer, while a larger quantity of water
puts It out. The explanation is that
water is composed of oxygen and hy
drogen. When, therefore, the fire can
decompose the water into its simple
elements it serves as fuel to the flame.
Popular in Dranlnß Koomi.
In drawing rooms, handsome silk
damask curtains, made up with plain
linings to match the predominant color
la the damask, are most popular, al
though one often sees severe contrasts
between curtains and lining, where
bold effects are desired.
The Mm for the Place.
"My fortune Is made," he cried. "I
will be rich beyond the wildest dreams
of avarice. X shall start for the Klon
dike tomorrow. My chemistry will be
my salvation."
"How so; have you discovered a
compound that will aid in the detec
tion of gold deposits?"
"No; I-have*"invented a yeast that
will make six loaves of bread from
the flour ordinarily required for one."
"Can there be any possible harm In
killing owls for women's hats?" ex
claimed a New York milliner to a
member of the Audubon Society the
other day."Of what use are the hor
rid creaLures to anybody?"
The pretty milliner was quite sur
prised when told that owls were very
useful birds. Owls eat the field mice,
and other small rodents that work
great Injury to the farmer, and every
one that is lost not only means a me
nace to the farmers, but a distinct loss
to agriculture.
Dr. C. Hart Merriam, ornithologist of
the United States Department of Ag
riculture, has estimated that in offering
a bounty on owls and hawks, which re
sulted in the killing of more than 100,-
000, the State of Pennsylvania sustain
ed a loss of nearly $5,000,000 In one
year and a half.
A striking example of Charles Qlclf
ens' chivalrous regard'for*ansab|sEit
friend is recalled by Dean Farrar.iijvfr.
Sims Reeves had been announced to
sing at a small public dinner at which
Dickens presided, and, as happened not
infrequently, Mr. Sims Reeves had
something the matter with his throat,
and was unable to attend. Dickens
announced this and the announcement
was received with <laugl» •of
This made Dickens very
angry and he rose manfully tcCthe .de
fense of the delinquent. "My friend,
Mr. Reeves," he said quletly,-"re
grets his Inability to fulfill 'his engage
ment, "owing," li&iedded -witk caustic
severity, "to an unfortunatelnamusing
and highly fac?tiou» y cold;V—Toe
! Naval Offloan Who Formerly Doubted Now
Her Strongest Advocates—Proof of Her
Efficiency Given at Santiago—She May
Throw Guncotton at Havana's Morro.
I Some of those who have not believed
in the value of the dynamite cruiser Ve
suvius as an instrument of naval war
fare are now among her strogest ad
vocates since her wonderfully effective
work against the defenses of Santiago.
Admiral Sampson reported that the
ship had thrown charges of guncotton
i ashore with the most satisfactory re
sults and that her value in operating
against fortifications has been of the
I highest character.
i For years, ever since the completion
of the vessel, in fact, the navy has been
divided as to her usefulness in war
time, and until some practical experi
ments could be made it was argued
■ that it would be foolish to build more
ships of her type. She was one of the
early ships completed for the navy and
- the fastest in the service for many
> years, but she was always regarded as
' a failure except by a few officers who
had tested her and had the amplest
confidence that she would do every
thing she was designed for.
Her one great defect is her inability
to turn rapidly, but this is owing to
her extreme leugth and narrow beam.
It is difficult for her to turn in a radius
of less than 400 yards, although pro
vided with twin screws. Naval officers
have pointed out that another defect
is the fact that her three tubes are
stationary and can be trained only by
the rudder. To train them therefore
is sometimes a difficult matter in heavy
seaway. Down off the Cuban coast,
though, the reports show that she has
had apparently little trouble in hitting
her targets and backing out of range in
short order.
No opportunity has been afforded
until the present, her advocates say,
to prove the real efficiency of the ship,
and the trials that have taken placo
heretofore were of such a nature as to
prove nothing except the accuracy of
her fire. Several years ago an extend
ed series of trials was conducted off
Port Royal and elaborate reports were
made to the navy department, and the
conclusion reached was that the Vesu
vius was not of much value to the
navy. Now all officers are willing to
admit that she is a wonderfuly ef
ficient boat for certain classes of work
and that her tubes have done more de
struction to the outer harbor of San
tiago than n bombardment by the en
tire fleet could have accomplished in a
day. While it is an expensive process
of inflicting destnuction, the experts
agree that it really costs far less than
firing many broadsides of lieavy shells
against fortifications.
The tubes of the Vesuvius are of 15
Inches calibre, but she has never yet
fired the full charge they are capable of
throwing. Sub-calibre charges of 5, 8,
and 10-inch projectiles, containing
from 200 to 500 pounds of guncotton,
were used in the attacks on Santiago's
defenses, and it is not regarded ;fs
probable that higher charges will be
hereafter used by the ship.
Captain Sigsbee is one of the strong
est believers in the Vesuvius in the
navy next to Lieutenant-Commander
Seaton Schroeder, who commanded her
for several years. One of the first
messages sent to the navy department
after the Maine disaster was a request
that the Vesuvius be at once ordered to
Havana. If there, was to be any trou
ble with Spain it was thought the Ve
suvius could do more effective work
by tossing several projectiles of gun
cotton into the city than larger ves
sels could in a bombardment. The Ve
suvius was at once prepared for ser
The G-aruian Emperor.
William, Emperor of the Germans,
has played a not unimportant part iu
1-Ml'KltOlt WILLIAM.
the newspaper representations of the
Spanish-American War. The Presence
of a fleet of German warships in Man
ila Hay was considered by many as an
indication that Germany would not as-
Bent to American occupation of tho
lie Walked.
Fat Citizen —"You're a pretty small
chap to be runnln' an elevator, ain't
you, bub?"
The Small Chap—"Yes, I guess 1 be.
They hired me 'cause the darned rope
broke so many times with the heavier
elevator boys."
And the fat man walked.—Cleveland
Plain Dealer
For the Fourth.
"We told little Dick he could choose
. his own birthday present."
"What did he choose?"
"He said he would take a soda foun-
I tain and a bass drum."—Chicago,-Rec
Political Card.
I hereby announce myself as an inde
pendent ctindidiite tin- representative lor ;
Sullivan county, L'ti.. t<• make my liotany ,
hill, my jury rclurm bill ami my free |
speech hill lawn lor the welfare of the pen-|
pie of the State. I'ellmv citizens, write
my name on your tickets in the right
column or place ami you will thereby
elect* me when yon vote. I solicit your I
votes ami ask lor your sullraircs.
I>n .IOIIN < 'oitii. Herbalist.
Dusl.ore, Pa., .lulv IS. IS'.IS.
COXI»KX«KI>IIKP»»KT«if llioiiintlition of the '
KllfST NATIONAL HANK of Dustiore. I'a., j
At close of business. July 11. IW.
Louns and Discounts 4 I'Js.sdl »;«.» ;
t '.S. Bonds to Secure t 'irculiitlon IJ.'iUO uc>
rreiniuia on I'liitetl suites !'.<>inl> 1 ,ut«.>m» |
Stock Securities l.'i.. r )W) I
Furniture 1.200 (Hi
Due from Hanks Approved reserve Atct iUI.JISti 07
Redemption Kinl'l I , S. Tretwurer -"ili'J nil
SjK'eii' and Legal Tender Notes l'J.'.Cßii
S 205,m t'.i I
Capital ? •"•<'.ooo CO
Surplus 10.000 OH ;
t'niilviiled l'rotlls J JO7 On |
DueNiitioual Hunks I.WS tm i
I 'lreulution lO.lil'O 00 ;
llividelis I'npaid 00 \
Dejiosits t I;'I J
J 'Jtri.swi t'.i j
state of I'einisylvania, I oumy of Sullivan ss:
I, M. D. Swarts, Cashier of the above named j
bank, do solemnly swear Hint the almve state
ment is true to the be-t of my know ledjre and be- I
M. D. SWA UTS. I ashler.
Suliserilicd and sworn to before melius "J.ih
dav of J til v IS'.IS.
JOHN 11. CItON'IN, Notary I'ulille.
Correct Attest:
JNO. D. KKKSKK, Directors
I . li. I'OMKKOV I
Administrator's Notice.
Kshi/c <>f .\h(ri/ MrCtirlj/, Idle <>f K!k-
Idiid htiriif/ii/t, (IcccdKi'd.
Letters of Ailministralion having been
granted to ihe undersigned, Administra
tor in the estate of Mary McC'arly late of
Glklaml township, deceased, notice is
hereby given that all persons imlebteil to
saiilcstate are retjuculed to make immed
iate payment, and all persons having
claims against it must present litem duly
autlienlicaled for settlement.
DOWNS. Alt v. JOSEPH I'AItDOK, I 1.i u1 .. a
TIIOH. McCAKTV ( A """ a
$2700.00 worth of
Shoes, Pants, Ladies' Skirts,!
Capes, Corsets, and Shirt-j
waists and everything in
Men's Furnishing Goods.
Will close out the entire stock at near
ly 50c,0n the,dollar. This will be the
greatest sale Laporte ever heard of. Kvery
body should take advantage ot the bar
gains 1 will offer. We will surely give
von prices that you will surely be astonish
ed. It will pay yon to buy not only for
present but for future use. I will be glad
to give the Lowest Price to every body.
It will be a special lavor that even body
should come and examine my stock even
if you don't expect to buy.
Highest price paid tor (iinseng.
LaPorte, Pa.
Below I. O. O. F. Hall.
Ed ileum Your inwels With Cuacureth.
Candy Catliurtic, core constipation forever. I
10c, IfC.C.C. fail, UrusKlsts refund money. I
Farm tor Halo
The undersigned —on account ot tail
ing health will sell his valttacle farm
situated on Muticy Creek about nine
miles north of llughesville, I'a. pari ot
the purchase money can remain in prop
,1 Acoit Ut.'i KS, Strawliridge, J.ycomitigCo.
Notice ot Dissolution.
The imrtnersliip heretofore existing Ulwein
M. K.Keuleraml K. K. Ives, doin« business under
the tirm name of Heetler A 1 ves. has Uvn IIISMIU -
111 this Htli day of Jul v. by mutual consent, Al|
debts of said llrm to be presented to M. K. Hciiler
for payment, and all parties owing said tirni to
make payment to same.
M. K. KKKDKIt. |
K. V. I V KS.
I low.\ UP HAKIMS, I'resident. College,
leading to degrees in Art, Philosophy and
Scictwe, Academy, a preparatory school
for and boys. Institute, a re
fined boarding school lor young ladies.
School of Music, with graduating courses.
For catalogue, address the Register,
W. C. GRKTZINOKK, Lt'ivishurg, I'A.
FOB sale:.
I ofler llie lollowing properties: 7t»
acres, hemlock limber, near Ringdale;
37.! acres, virgin timber. Klk Run, North
Mountain, close to railroad; 32f> acres,
coal lands, at Bernice, adjoining present
workings; S lots (one entire section) at
Kagles Mere, each lot ".'i feet Iront on
Pennsylvania Ave., with "Bradford
privileges and title: 1 lot 7;> It. front on
LaPorte Ave.: several choice lots iu La
Porte Boro.: also several warrants ot
stripfieil lauds iu J.u Porte, Colley and!
Pox townships suitable for farming or j
grazing purposes.
11. T. DOWNS, Ally at-Law. |
LaPorte. Pa.
ijvrry bnily Say* No.
Cascarets Candy Ca.Uiurt.ic, the most won- j
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas
ant ami refreshing to the taste, uct gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, J
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
cure headache, fever, liabitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box |
iofC.C. C. to-day ; 10,23. 50 cents. Hold and
1 guaranteed to cure by ail druggists. I
Sores, i
" Running sores appeared on my j
] leg and spread over the entire |
lower portion of the limb. 1 got
no help from medicine till I tried |
yours. 1 was cured by one bottle ot' j
e Ager's
ISAAC ACKER, Cowans, Va.
A Horrible Railroad Accident
is a daily chronicle in our papers; also j
| the death of some dear Irietnl, who had
i died with Consumption, whereas, if he or
I she had taken t Itto's Cure for Throat and
] Lung diseases in time, life would have
j been rendered happier and perhaps saved,
j Meed the warning ! If you have a cough
or any aflection of the Throat and Lungs
j Call on T. .1. Keeler,Laporte: W. L.
Ilollman. Ilillsgrove; P>. S
| Forksville; C. P. .lennings, Agl. Kstella:
! ,|no. W. Buck, Sonestown, and get a
i trial'package free. Large size 50c and 25c.
G. A. Rogers
(Successor to B.W. Fawcett.)
Watches, Jewelery,
Silverware, Etc.
Bicycle repairing. Bicycle sundries.
Fishing tackle, at lowest possible
liinghams, calicoes and dress goods,
cash prices tit.l. W. Buck's.
No-To-Hac for Ft.vy Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. All druggists.
Excellent wheat Hour front sl.lO
to £1 ,U"i at A. T. Arinstoiiff, Knnes
town, I'a.
Fish and ham, prices right, at .1. W.
Buck's, Sonestown.
To I' live Const i pit I lon l'orever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 23c.
If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund inouey.
ho not say you can not altord to put
up fruit lor winter use— .l. \V. Buck sells
glass jars, tumblers, jelly cups ami tin
cans so cheap.
New Grocery
Our Friendly
Latch String Always
Hangs Out.
an endless variety of
high grade foot-wear is
now on sale and for the
60 Days
there will positively he
No War Tax
put upon my prices.
| Spring
and Summer
Every corner of the store is
Bright, with the newest things
for Women's wear and Men's
weitr and Children's wear.
We are glad to have you couie 111
and see the new life of the old
store and look at its excellent
line of goods.
Spring Weight
for Men, Women and
In conjunction with
the inviting varities, all
prices will be found more
than ordinarily small.
Grocery Department
A new and fresh sup
ply of Groceries have
have just arrived.
Vernon Hull,
Hillsgrove* Pa.
Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY,
An Explosion of Values.
Two or three reasons for this —ral supply, bet -
tei qualities, less in price than found elsewhere.
Ladies' Dress Wares.
They are the kind women want, and our prices will
cause lively selling.
CORSETS Selling at Corset Prices.
No other line in these stores has such decided
growth as that of Corsets. Augmented sales each
month demonstrates the superiority of brands.
General Merchandise.
There is to be found a general line of seasonable
goods constantly on hand.
Remember the Place.
P <sS§l
We keep in stock at our mills a
complete line of dressed lumber
in hemlock and-hardwood.
Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber.
Hemlock Novelty or German Siding,
Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick,
Hemlock Flooring any width desired,
Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long,
Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple,
The same woods in 3-8 ceiling.
Buy Good Goods!
And you will he surpris
how cheap they are in the end.
We have just unpacked such a stock ol coatH ami capes to which we are (ileaneil
to call vf>ur special attention. We do not pretend to handle the cheapest
coats in the market, hut we do Bay we have the HEST and neatest titling
parmentH made. Our coatN and capes are made to order, and in the latest
styles with prices to suit everybody.
hadieH and Misses, Boys and Men, you need not go hall frozen 'this winter tor we
have plenty of underwear for you all, hoth in cotton or wool, red or gray and
the pr.ces are very low, so low that when you see the goods you will l>» aston
•shed that we are able to give you such bargains.
One word in regard to foot wear:
Our shoe department WBB never more complete and if you will flavor us.with
your attention for a few minutes when in town we will convince you that we
have the most carefully selected line of tine and heavy boots and shoes aver
brought before the public. On crockery we have just received some very
pretty designs in liecorated Dinner Sets to which we invite your attention.
The buying of country produce has always been a special feature of ou
business, and we still continue in paying the highest each prices for Butter
Keg®and Wool.
E. G. Sylvara DUSHORE. IPA.
Wright & Haight,
M. R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa.
112 Uwdertafeing.
Doors, Sash, Moulding, Flooring, Ceiling etc.
Full and complete seasoned stock always 011 hand.
A fine line of furniture etc. The most complete line of
Coffins and Casket to select from in Sullivan County.
The finest hearse in the county, with equipments to match.
Embalming a specialty. Funerals directed with
safety and dispatch.